Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : March 28, 1968
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FEDERAL I H RESERVE release -6 For it-mediate release March 28, 1968. The se u 4 s o n * n y « * j « s t « d tmlney supply declined $500 m i l l i o n in the week ending Hareb 20 1 and i n Xhp fiirgt t h r e e wedks of March money supply has averaged about $600 tolllion above the February l e v e l . Total time and savings d e p o s i t s increased $400 p i l l i o n further i n t h e l a t e s t week, and thus far in March these d e p o s i t s have averaged "ibottt § 1 . 4 b i l l i o n higher than In t h e month of February. f MONEY SUPPLY AND TIME DEPOSITS (Averages of daily figures, in billions of dollars) Seasonally adjusted Money Supply Period Currency Total ca aant ^ 1967—•Fftfwmairy March April May JTtme July August September October November December 1968—January February p Week ending: 1968—Feb. 7 14 21 28 Mar. 6 13 20 • i ! ! ; ! i p p p p p ! 171.5 173.1 172.7 174.5 176.2 177.9 179.1 179.2 180.3 181.2 181.5 38.7 38.9 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.5 39.6 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.4 1 Time deposits adjusted Demand deposit r | (All cotamercial component | banks) 132.8 134.2 13^.6 135.3 136-8 138.4 139.6 139.5 182.4 182.6 ! 40.5 40.7 141.9 141.9 163.5 166.1 168:i 170.0 172.4 174.6 177.2 178.9 180.8 182.5 183.8 183.7 185 t 0 182.7 181.9 183.5 182.2 ; j 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.7 142.0 141.1' 142.8 141.6 184.1 184.6 185.2 185.7 40.9 41.1 41-1 142.7 142.2 141.7 183.6 183.3 182.8 | ! i 1 ! 1 i 1 140.3 ' 141.2 141.1 | 1 i 185.9 186.4 186.8 1£&J 142.1 I 41.0 1 183.0 Average of l a s t 4 weeki J NOTE: Compcmeiits may not add due to rounding. See reverse side for data without seasonal adjustments and! for description of series, p - Preliminiary. DEMAND DEPOSITS, CURRENCY, AND RELATED ITEMS (Averages of d a i l y f i g u r e s , i n b i l l i o n s of d o l l a r s . Not s e a s o n a l l y a d j u s t e d * ) Related deposits (Al 1 comerc la 1 banks ) Money Supply Period Total Currency I Demand deposit c exponentf component Time adlusted CUS, Gov't demand 1967--February March April May June July August September October November December 170 171 173 171 174 175.8 175.9 178.4 180.6 182.5 187.2 38.. 3 38. .5 38..7 3 8 . .9 3 9 .. 3 39..6 39.6 39.8 40.0 40.4 41.2 135.1 136 «2 136,2 138.6 140.6 142.1 146,0 1968- - January February p 187.8 181.6 40.5 40.3 14? . 3 14I»3 183,5 185.5 5.0 4.9 4.8 6,5 3.9 5»6 4.3 "5J3L 6.2 5\Z 5,0 43 .7.1 Week ending: 1968—Feb. 7 14 21 p 28 p 184.6 182.2 181.0 179.0 40.4 40.5 403 40.1 144.1 141.7 140.7 138.9 184, .6 185, .3 185, .7" 186, .2 7.1 6.1 5.4 9.5 6 p 13 p 20 p 181. 182, 182.7 40.5 40.8 40.8 141.2 141.4 142.0 186, .6 187. .3 187. 4 8.5 5.9 6.4 Mar, 132.3 134.9 164,0 166,7 168,8 170,8 173.0 175.1 177,7 | 17&*9L -im-a 181.1 IfPUQ !| p - Preliminary NOTE: Money supply consists of (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks, other than those due ]to domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Government, less cash items in process of cjjollection and Federal Reserve float; (2) foreign demand balances at Federal Reserve! Banks; and (3) currency outside the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the vaults of all commercial banks. Time deposits adjusted are time deposits at all commercial bank|s other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Government.