Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : January 14, 1971
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dsgSS&L FEDERAL RESERVE statistical HL6 release ?or immediate release January 14, 1971 The seasonally adjusted money stock increased $400 million in the first week of January to a level* of $215.2 billion Total time and savaiigs deposits continued to increase rapidly MDHJET STOCK AM) TIME DEPOSITS (Averages of daxly figures, in billions of dollars) Seasonally adjusted Money Stock Period 203.6 1970—January February March Aprxl May June July August September October\ November December p 205.2 204.5 206.6 208.3 209.2 209.6 210.6 211.8 212.8 213.0 213.5 214.6 Week ending* 1970—Dec 1971—Jan. ! 157 7 194 6 46 2 46 4 46 7 47.1 47.7 47.8 48.1 48.2 48.2 48.5 48.7 49.0 159 0 158 1 159.8 161.2 161.6 161.9 162.5 163 7 164 6 164.5 164.8 r 165 7 193.3 193 5 195 3 198 5 200 3 202 2 208 2 213 2 218 5 222 2 225 0 230 3 i > i i i 1 2 9 16 23 30 p 214.5 214.2 215.3 213.5 214 S 48 6 48.9 49.0 49.1 49 1 165 9 165 4 166.3 164.4 ! 165 7 J 6 p 215 2 49 2 166.1 214.7 49.1 165 6 Averaee of l a s t » weeki 8 r - Revised p - Preliminary 46 0 Demand d e p o s i t Currency component Total 1969—December component Time d e p o s i t s adjusted ( A l l commercial banks) 227 2 228 8 229.7 231 6 232.1 233 4 i 231 7 DEMAND DEPOSITS, CURRENCY, AND RELATED ITEMS (Averages of daily figures, m billions of dollars 1 1 Related d e p o s i t (All^ commercial bancc^ Demand d e p o s i t 1 Time ^ U S Gcrv r t component 1 adjusted j demand Money Stock* Period Currency component Total 162 0 1969--De ember 200 8 4b 9 1P70--Tanuarv February March \pril 2 i l n20^ 8 204 7 200 3 205 3 207 8 209 0 208 7 21i 4 ^3 0 215 3 221 1 46 1 45 9 46 3 46 6 47 3 ^7 7 48 3 48 3 ^8 2 48 5 49-2 50 0 165 S6 158 162 158 160 160 160 163 164 166 c 171 49 50 49 50 50 3 0 8 2 2 168 1 168.3 172 5 r 171 1 r 171 9 49.8 177 2 May June Tul\ August September October November December p Week ending; 1070—Dic 2 9 16 23 30 p 1971—Jan 6 p i Not seascnallv cu] ^ted ) 217 218 222 r 221 r 222 4 3 3 3 1 227 0 : S 4 8 4 6 b 1 7 4 1 5 1 1 I j ' i [ 193 2 5 6 192 19^ 195 199 2C1 202 208 214 2i8 222 224 c 228 7 0 9 3 1 3 1 0 4 5 6 7 1 225 227 228 229 ?30 9 3 3 5 C 9 0 r 8 3 232 0 7 1 1 4 7 6 5 6 8 1 9 3 4 6,5 ' 6 "8 ? 1 &a 6.1 5 6 7 1 5 7 6 3 5.0 p - Preliminary r - Revised c - corrected NOTE Money ^tock consists of (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks, otne^ than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U S Government, less casn items in process of collection and Federal Reserve float (2) toreign demand balances ?t Federal Reserve Banks and (3) currency outside the Treasur\ the Federal Reserve and the vaults of all commercial bankb Time deposits adjusted aie time deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic ccmr>ercidl banks and the U S Government