Full text of H.6 Money Stock Measures : December 27, 1982
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release For Release at 4:15 P.M. EST December 27, 1982 H.6(508) Seasonal Factors for Early 1983 Preliminary monthly and weekly seasonal factors for components of the monetary aggregates for January to March 1983 are shown on the last page of today's release. These factors will be used to construct the seasonally adjusted money stock data until completion of the annual review of seasonal factors in the early part of 1983. FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release H6 (508) Table 1 For Release at 4:15 p.m. EST DEC. 2 7 , 1982 MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Billions of dollars M1 sum of currency, travelers checks, demand deposits and other checkable deposits1 Date M2 M3 Seasonal!y adjusted M1 plus overnight RPs M2 plus large and time deposits, Eurodollars, term RPs and MMMF balances (gen. Institution-only MMMF pur. and balances3 broker/dealer), and savings and small time deposits2 L M3 plus other liquid assets4 Ml M2 sum of currency, travelers checks, demand deposits and other checkable deposits1 M3 Not seasonally adjusted M1 plus overnight RPs and M2 plus large time deposits, Eurodollars, term RPs and MMMF balances (gen. Institution-only MMMF pur. and balances3 broker/dealer), and savings and small time deposits2 L M3 plus other liquid assets4 1981—NOV. DEC. 436.4 440.9 1809.9 1822.7 2174.7 2188.1 2629.3 2642.8 439.7 451.2 1809.6 1829.4 2175.6 2199.9 2628.5 2653.8 1982—JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. 448.6 447.3 448.3 452.4 451.5 451.4 451.3 455.2 460.5 468.4 474.9 1841.3 1848.1 1865.3 1880.9 1897.7 1908.2 1923.8 1946.8 1955.1 1968.2 1987.4 2204.3 2215.1 2235.9 2258.3 2279.5 2296.2 2320.6 2356.4 2364.2 2380.7 2397.9 2667.9 2690.5 2717.2 2744.2 2774.4 2799.5 2831.9 2856.2 453.4 437.2 440.0 455.5 445.1 450.5 454.0 454.0 460.5 470.2 478.5 1849.2 1842.9 1862.1 1888.1 1889.1 1906.6 1925.2 1939.4 1951.3 1972.1 1987.2 2217.2 2216.1 2237.5 2266.3 2269.5 2290.3 2314.5 2343.1 2356.8 2382.1 2398.9 2682.3 2698.5 2723.2 2754.7 2767.5 2794.7 2820.5 2843.4 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. M1 For period ended 1982—NOV. DEC. NOTE: 13-week average Seasonally adjusted 4-week average week average 13-week average Not seasonally adjusted 4-week week average average 3 10 17 24 462.2 463.7 465.3 466.7 470.0 471.2 473.2 474.1 473.2 473.4 475.8 474.1 462.4 464*1 466.2 468.0 470.4 471.9 477.5 474.b 48U.3 482.2 472.7 1 8 P 15 P 468.2 469.5 471.1 474.9 476.4 477.6 476.1 479.7 460.3 470.0 471.9 473.8 478.4 480.9 483.3 47b.2 490.4 491.7 SPECIAL CAUTION SHOULD BE TAKEN I N INTERPRETING WEEK-TO-WEEK CHANGES I N MONEY SUPPLY DATA* WHICH ARE HIGHLY VOLATILE AN0 SUBJECT TO REVISION. P—INDICATES PRELIMINARY DATA. FOOTNOTES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE H.6(508) Table 2 MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Percent change at seasonally adjusted annual rates Date M1 M2 M3 7.0 3 MONTHS FROM AUG. 1982 TO NOV. 1982 17.3 6.3 6 MONTHS FROM MAY 1982 TO NOV. 1982 10.4 9.5 10.4 9.8 10.3 12 MONTHS FROM NOV. 1981 TO NOV. 1982 8.8 THIRTEEN WEEKS ENDING DEC. 1 5 , 1982 FROM THIRTEEN WEEKS ENDING: SEPT. 1 5 , 1982 ( 1 3 WEEKS PREVIOUS) 1/ 2/ 3/ */ 15.3 JUNE 1 6 , 1982 ( 2 6 WEEKS PREVIOUS) 8.7 DEC. 1 6 , 1981 ( 5 2 WEEKS PREVIOUS) 8.3 FOOTNOTES TO TABLE 1 AVERAGES OF DAILY FIGURES FOR (1) CURRENCY OUTSIDE THE TREASURY, FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, AND THE VAULTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS; (2) TRAVELERS CHECKS OF NONBANK ISSUERS; (3) DEMAND DEPOSITS AT ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS OTHER THAN THOSE OUE TO DOMESTIC BANKS, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND FOREIGN BANKS AND OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS LESS CASH ITEMS IN THE PROCESS OF COLLECTION AND FEDERAL RESERVF FLOAT; AND (4) OTHER CHECKABLE DEPOSITS (OCD) CONSISTING OF NEGOTIABLE ORDER OF WITHDRAWAL (NOW) AND AUTOMATIC TRANSFER ACCOUNTS (ATS) ACCOUNTS AT DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS OTHER THAN CREDIT UNIONS, CREDIT UNION SHARE DRAFT ACCOUNTS, AND DEMANO DEPOSITS AT THRIFT INSTITUTIONS. THE CURRENCY ANO DEMAND DEPOSIT COMPONENTS EXCLUDE THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF VAULT CASH AND DEMAND DEPOSITS, RESPECTIVELY, HELO BY THRIFT INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE THEIR OCD LIABILITIES. INCLUDES OVERNIGHT (AND CONTINUING CONTRACT! RPS ISSUED BY ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS ANO EURODOLLARS ISSUED BY CARIBBEAN BRANCHES OF MEMBER BANKS, SAVINGS AND SMALL DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS (TIME DEPOSITS—INCLUDING RETAIL RPS—IN AMOUNTS OF LESS THAN $100,000), AND TIME DEPOSITS BROKER/DEALER MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUND SHARES. EXCLUDES AM0UN1S HELD BY U.S. COMMERCIAL BANKS, MONEY MARKET FUNDS (GENERAL PURPOSE AND BROKER/DEALER), FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS ANO COMMERCIAL BANKS, AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. M2 WILL DIFFER FROM THE SUM OF COMPONENTS PRESENTED IN SUBSEQUENT TABLES BY A CONSOLIDATION ADJUSTMENT THAT REPRESENTS THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF DEMAND DEPOSITS AND VAULT CASH HELD BY THRIFT INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. INCLUDES LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS AND TERM RPS (IN AMOUNTS OF $100,000 OR MORE) ISSUED BY COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THRIFT INSTITUTIONS, EXCLUDING THOSE HELD BY DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, MONEY MARKET FUNOS, ANO FOREIGN BANKS ANO OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS. M3 WILL DIFFER FROM THE SUM OF COMPONENTS PRESENTED IN SUBSEQUENT TABLES BY A CONSOLIDATION ADJUSTMENT THAT REPRESENTS THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF OVERNIGHT RPS HELD BY INSTITUTION-ONLY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNOS. OTHER LIQUID ASSETS INCLUDE THE NONBANK PUBLIC HOLDING OF U.S. SAVINGS BONDS, SHORT-TERM TREASURY SECURITIES, COMMERCIAL PAPER, BANKERS ACCEPTANCES, AND TERM EURODOLLARS HELD BY U.S. RESIDENTS, NET OF MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUND HOLDINGS OF THESE ASSETS. H.6 (508) Table 3 COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Billions of dollars, seasonally adjusted unless otherwise noted Currency1 Date Travelers checks2 Demand deposits3 Other Overnight checkable RPs 5 deposits4 » Overnight Eurodollars6 NSA NSA Savings deposits at commercial banks at thrift Institutions total Small denomination time deposits7 at at thrift commertotal institucial tions banks Money market mutual fund balances* general purpose institution and broker only dealer 1981-NOV. DEC. 121.8 123.1 4.3 4.3 235.7 236.4 74.7 77.0 30.4 31.4 6.5 6.7 156.4 157.0 184.5 186.6 340.9 343.6 357.4 357.3 499.4 497.4 656.6 854.7 144.9 1*1.2 32.0 J3.7 1982-JAN. FEB. MAR. 123.8 124.6 125.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 239.3 234.5 233.0 81.1 83.8 85.8 35.7 35.6 36.7 7.5 7.3 6.3 158.9 159.0 160.8 189.9 189.6 189.9 348.8 346.6 350.7 358.6 363.4 371.0 493.7 4V6.0 499.0 652.3 859.4 869.9 154.9 156.1 159.* 34.5 iHJ.5 31.5 APR. MAY JUNE 126.3 127.4 128.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 233.0 232.7 231.0 88.6 87.0 87.5 34.6 35.8 36.0 5.8 7.0 7.0 160.7 160.5 159.9 .189.9 190.4 189.9 350.5 350.9 349.9 379.9 366.5 391.6 501.7 507.5 509.4 661.6 694.1 900.9 162.1 164.6 166.9 31.5 32.8 33.7 JULY AUG. SEPT. 128.8 129.5 130.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 230.6 231.1 232.6 87.4 90.2 93.0 36.4 37.6 36.6 7.0 6.9 6.5 157.0 155.9 156.6 187.1 186.1 185.9 344.0 342.0 342.4 401.1 407.9 410.9 516.7 522.7 521.7 919.7 930.6 932.6 171.7 160.6 162.5 36.7 43.1 43.* OCT. NOV. 131.2 131.6 4.4 4.4 236.2 238.3 96.5 100.7 39.8 40.6 6.2 6.6 159.3 164.0 193.3 198.3 352.6 362.3 407.6 407.4 516.2 515.6 923.6 923.0 164.1 166.6 44.6 45.3 WEEK ENDINGS 1982-NOV. DEC. 1/ 3 10 17 24 131.3 131.5 131.5 131.8 237.4 237.1 239.8 237.6 100.1 100.4 100.1 100.3 41.5 43.2 42.3 41.3 6.4 5.8 7.0 7.2 161.5 163.5 164.4 164.4 407.6 407.5 »07.3 407.9 166.1 166.5 166.V 166.5 45.% 45.3 44.5 45.4 1 6 P 15 P 131.9 132.0 132.4 237.6 240.0 240.1 102.3 103.3 103.4 35.4 42.6 42.1 6.3 6.3 6.7 164.4 164.9 169.2 407.4 406.9 405.7 186.5 165.4 162.0 45.1 43.to 45.6 6/ CURRENCY OUTSIDE THE U . S . TREASURY, F . R . BANKS AND VAULTS OF COHMERCIAL BANKS. EXCLUDES THE ESTIHATED AMOUNT OF VAULT CASH HELO BY THRIFT INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE THEIR OCD L I A B I L I T I E S . OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF U . S . DOLLAR-DENOMINATED TRAVELERS CHECKS OF NONBANK ISSUERS. OFMANO DEPOSITS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS AND FOREIGN RELATED INSTITUTIONS OTHER THAN THOSE DUE TO DOMESTIC BANKS, IHE U . S . GOVERNMENT ANO FOREIGN BANKS AND OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS LESS CASH ITEMS I N THE PROCESS OF COLLECTION ANO F . R . FLOAT. EXCLUitS THk ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF OEMAND DEPOSITS HELD AT COMMERCIAL BANKS BY THRIFT INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE THEIR OCD L I A B I L I T I E S . INCLUDES ATS ANO NOW BALANCES AT ALL DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS EXCEPT CREDIT UNIONS. CREDIT UNION SHARE OKAFT BALANCES ANU DEMAND OEPOSITS AT THRIFT INSTITUTIONS. OTHER CHECKABLE DEPOSITS SEASONALLY ADJUSTEO EOUALS DEMAND DfePOSlIS PLUS OCU SEASONALLY ADJUSTEO LESS OEMANO DEPOSITS SEASONALLY ADJUSTED. INCLUDES OVERNIGHT AND CONTINUING CONTRACT RPS ISSUED BY COMMfcRCIAL BANKS TO OTHfcR THAN DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS kHC MONbY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS iGENERAL PURPOSE AND BROKER/DEALER)* ISSUED BY CARIBBEAN BRANCHES OF U . S . MEMBER BANKS TO U . S . RESIDENTS OTHER THAN DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS AND MONtY MARKET MUTUAL 7/ 8/ SMALL#DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS — INCLUDING RETAIL RPS — ARE THOSE ISSUED I N AMOUNTS OF LESS THAN $ 1 0 0 » 0 0 0 . NOT SEASONALLY AOJUSTED. 7/ 3/ 4/ 5/ H.6 (508) Table 3-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Billions of dollars, seasonally adiusted unless otherwise noted Large denomination time deposits1 at commercial Date at thrift banks2 total institutions at commercial banks NSA Term RP*3 at thrift institutions NSA Term 4 Eurodollars total NSA NSA Savings bonds Short-term Treasury securities^ Bankers Commercial paper? acceptances6 1981-NOV. DEC. 246.8 245.9 53.7 54.4 300.6 300.3 27.8 27.1 7.8 8.3 35.6 35.4 65.5 66.7 67.7 67.7 179.9 176.5 38.1 39.7 103.7 10*.2 1982-JAN. FEB. MAR. 247.2 251.4 2 54.5 55.5 56.6 58.0 302.6 308 . 0 312.6 23.7 23.8 22.8 8.8 8.8 6.7 32.5 32.5 31.5 69.9 73.8 74.4 67.8 67.8 67.7 180.3 186.4 191.0 40.2 3V.1 37.9 105.5 106.4 110.3 APR. MAY JUNE 258.5 263.1 268.8 58.7 58.5 59.5 317.2 321.6 328.3 25.2 23.3 21.8 9.0 9.3 9.5 34.2 32.6 31.2 78.5 83.3 84.8 67.7 67.7 67.tt 191.7 191.9 194.8 38.J 39.V 40.3 109.7 112.1 il!>.7 JULY AUG. SEPT. 276.1 279.0 277.7 59.7 60.6 61.6 335.8 339.6 339.3 19.7 22.5 20.9 9.6 9.6 9.6 29.3 32.1 30.5 84.2 81.5 67.7 67.6 199.9 200.5 *O.b 40.2 lib.7 112.0 OCT. NOV. 2 77.8 271.1 63.4 65.9 341.2 337.0 22.1 24.0 9.2 9.4 31.3 33.4 WEEK END ING l 1982-NOV. DEC. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 3 10 17 24 268.2 266.0 274.2 272.2 25.4 20.6 22.4 23.6 1 8 P 15 P 272.7 272.2 270.4 29.5 21.4 22.3 LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS ARE THOSE ISSUED I N AMOUNTS OF $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 OR NCKEt EXCLU01NG THOSE BOOKfcO A i INTERNATIONAL BANKING F A C I L I T I E S U B F S ) . LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DFPOSITS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS LESS LARGE TIME HELD BY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS AND THRIFT INSTITUTIONS. TERM RPS ARE THOSE WITH ORIGINAL MATURITY GREATER THAN ONE DAY, EXCLUDING CONTINUING CONTRACTS AND RETAIL KPS. TERM EURODOLLARS ARE THOSE WITH ORIGINAL MATURITY GREATER THAN ONE DAY EXCLUOING THOSE HELD BY DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNOS. INCLUDES U . S . TREASURY BILLS AND COUPONS WITH REMAINING MATURITY OF LESS THAN 16 MONTHS HELD BY OTHER THAN DEPOSITORY I N S T I TUTIONS* F * R . BANKS* AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. NET OF BANKERS ACCEPTANCES HELD BY ACCEPTING RANKS* F . R . BANKS* FOREIGN OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS* THfc FEDERAL HUMt LLAN bANA SYSTEM* AND HONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER LESS COMMERCIAL PAPER HELD BY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. H.6 (506) Table 3A COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS BHHons of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Other checkable deposit* Demand deposits Date 1 Currency Travelers checks2 at member banks3 at domestic nonmember banks4 at foreignrelated banking offices In the U.S.* total 6 at commercial banks 7 at thrift institutions Overnight b total RPs9 Overnight Eurodollars ^ 1981-NOV. DEC. 122.9 125.4 4.1 4.1 152.4 156.8 81.4 82.7 4.0 4.1 237.5 243.3 60.6 63.4 14.6 15.1 75.2 78.4 30.<t 1982-JAN. FEB. 123.3 123.0 123.8 4.1 4.1 4.2 157.7 147.3 147.5 82.4 77.6 77.2 3.9 3.9 3.8 243.6 228.5 228.2 66.9 65.8 67.4 15.6 15.6 16.4 B2.S 81.b 63.8 35.7 3t>.6 36.7 6.3 4.2 4.3 4.7 152.7 147.7 149.2 79.9 77.2 77.9 3.9 3.8 JUNE 125.6 127.2 128.3 3.7 236.1 22* .3 230.4 71.4 67.9 69.2 18.1 17.5 18.0 89.5 85.4 87.2 34.6 35.8 36.0 7.0 7.0 JULY AUG. SEPT. 129.8 130.0 130.2 4.9 151.0 150.1 152.4 77.2 76.0 76.8 3.7 3.6 3.7 231.5 229.3 232.5 69.3 70.7 73.4 18.5 19.1 19.9 87.9 89.8 93.2 36.4 37.6 36.8 7.0 6.9 6.5 OCT. NOV. 131.2 132.7 4.5 155.7 158.0 78.1 79.0 3.7 3.7 237.1 240.1 76.1 79.2 21.2 22*3 97.3 101.5 39.8 40.b 6.2 6.6 MAR. A»R. MAY 4.9 4.7 4.2 31.4 6.i> t./ 7.5 i>.a WEEK END ING t 1982-NOV. DEC. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 3 10 17 24 131.0 133.5 132.7 132.7 157.9 157.4 159.6 154.9 78.7 79.7 80.5 77.4 4.1 3.7 3.8 3.4 240.2 240.2 243.4 235.3 77.4 79.8 79.6 78.7 21.9 22.6 22.3 21.9 99.3 102.3 101.9 100.7 41*5 43.2 42.3 41.3 6.4 5.8 7.0 1 8 P 15 P 132.5 134.0 134.8 159.3 161.5 163.2 77.8 80.7 80.8 3.6 240.2 245.3 247.1 79.1 82.6 82.4 22.3 23.7 23.3 1C1.4 1O6.2 105.7 35.4 42.6 42.1 6.3 6.3 6.7 3.7 3.6 7.2 CURRENCY OUTSIDE THE U . S . TREASURY* F . R . BANKS ANO THE VAULTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS. CXCLUOES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT Of- VAUL1 CASH HELO BY THRIFT INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE THEIR OCD L I A B I L I T I E S . OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF U . . " . DOLLAR -DENOMINATED TRAVELERS CHECKS OF N ON BANK ISSUERS. DEMANO DEPOSITS OTHER THAN THOSE DUE TO DOMESTIC BANKS* THE U . S . GOVERNMENT AND FOREIGN B#rt'S AND OFFICIAL I N S I 1 T U I i U N i LfciS CASH ITEMS I N THE PROCESS OF COLLECTION AND F . R . FLOAT AT MEMBER BANKS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. DEMAND DEPOSITS OTHER 1MAN THOSE DUE TO DOMESTIC BANKS* THE U . S . GOVERNMENT AND FORcIGN BANKS AND O F t i C I f t L INSTITUTIONS Lf^S CASH ITEMS I N THE PROCESS OF COLLECTION AT NONMEMBER BANKS. 0EPOS1TS AS DESCRIBED I N FOOTNOTE 4 AT AGENCIES AND BRANCHES OF FOREIGN BANKS* EOGE ACT CORPORATIONS * N J FORfclGN I N V t M H E N l COMPANIES. EQUALS SUM OF THREE PREVIOUS COMPONENTS LESS Thf ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF DEMAND DEPOSITS HELD AT COMMERCIAL bA,^J> BY THfclFl INSTITUTIONS TO SERVICE THEIR OCO L I A B I L I T I E S . NOW AND ATS BALANCES AT COMMERCIAL BANKS* BRANCHES AND AGENCIES OF FOREIGN BANKS* ANO EDGE ACf CGRPORAllUNS. NOW AND ATS BALANCES AT SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATIONS AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS* CREDIT UNIUN SHA'£ UK4FT BALANCES, * * C OEMANO DEPOSITS AT THRIFTS. 1NCLU0ES OVERNIGHT ANO CONTINUING CONTRACT RPS ISSUED BY COMMERCIAL BANKS TO OTHER THAN DEPOSITOR* I N S T I T U T I O N AM) MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS (GENERAL PURPOSE AND B R 3 K f * ' D E A L E R ) . ISSUED BY CARIBBEAN BRANCHES OF MEMAER BANKS TC U . S . RESIDENTS OTHER THAN DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION*; AND MONEY HAKKFT MolUAL FUNDS (GENERAL PURPOSE AND BROKER/DEALER). H.6 (508) Table 3A-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Billions of dollars, not seasonallyi adjusted at commercial banks Date at savings and loans Savings deposits at mutual at savings banks credit unions total at commercial banks Small denomination time depositsi at at mutual at savings credit unions savings banks and loans total 1981-NOV. DEC. 156.9 157.2 95.3 95.4 47.2 47.5 42.7 42.8 342.2 343.0 354.9 355.8 380.7 379.5 99.0 99.0 17.4 17.3 851.7 1982-JAN. FEB. MAR. 158.6 157.5 158.4 96.7 95.9 95.9 47.9 47.3 47.2 43.5 43.8 44.7 346.8 344.5 346.1 359.7 3 67.3 375.2 381.0 383.5 386.1 99.4 99.8 99.9 17.4 17.8 16.4 66O.5 679.6 APR. MAY JUNE 159.5 159.0 158.8 96.1 95.8 95.8 47.1 46.8 46.9 45.3 45.8 46.4 348.1 347.4 347.9 381.4 387.7 392.7 387.8 366.0 389.2 100.2 100.6 101.0 18.8 19.1 19.4 902.3 JULY AUG. SEPT. 158.5 157.9 158.1 95.9 95.2 95.6 46.9 46.6 46.8 46.9 46.4 46.9 348.3 346.1 347.4 399.4 404.4 407.2 393.2 394.2 395.2 101.7 101.7 101.5 19.6 20.0 20.1 914.1 920.2 924.O OCT. NOV. 161.3 164.5 98.5 99.8 47.7 48.3 49.4 51.1 357.0 363.7 406.4 404.7 395.3 395.0 100.4 99.1 19.4 19.0 921.6 917.8 MEEK ENDINGS 1982-NOV. DEC. 1/ 3 10 17 24 162.4 164.2 164.9 164.8 405.8 404.9 404.2 404.9 1 8 P 15 P 164.9 166.0 170.0 404.5 404.7 403.7 SMALL DENOM1NATIC N TIME DEP( SITS — INI LUDING RETAIL RPS — ARE THOSE 1<•SUED I N AMOUNTS OF LESS THAN * 1 0 C ,000. 668.1 H.6 (508) Table 3A-continued COMPONENTS OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND LIQUID ASSETS Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Large denomination time deposits1 at mutual at savings savings total3 and loans banks at commercial bank$2 Date Term RPs* at commercial banks at thrift institutions Term Eurodollars 5 Savings bonds Short-term Treasury securities 6 Commercial Bankers acceptances 7 papers 35.6 35.4 65.5 66.7 66.0 68.1 176.4 175^2 38.6 39.4 104.5 iU4.b 8.7 32.5 32.5 31.5 69.9 73.8 74.4 68.1 67.5 67.6 161.1 191.2 195.0 39.9 39.7 38.4 106.2 lO*.b 110.2 25.2 23.3 21.8 9.0 9.3 9.5 34.2 32.6 31.2 78.5 83.3 84.a 67.4 67.4 67.4 194.1 194.9 196.0 36.5 39.6 40.1 116.1 328.3 333.7 335.7 19.7 22.5 20.9 9.6 9.6 9.6 29.3 32.1 30.5 84.2 81.5 67.4 67.5 196.3 197.2 40.0 39.to m.7 338.5 338.2 22.1 24.0 9.2 9.4 31.3 33.4 1981-MOV. OEC. 248.1 251.2 47.1 47.8 6.2 6.0 301.8 305.4 27.8 27.1 198 2 - J A N . FEB. MAR. 252.0 257.0 259.6 49.2 50.5 51.2 6.0 6.3 23.7 23.8 22.8 8.8 8.8 6.1 307.6 314.2 317.4 APR. JUNE 260.1 261.8 264.7 51.3 52.1 52.7 6.1 6.0 6.0 317.9 320.3 323.9 JULY AUG. SEPT. 268.7 273.0 273.7 53.1 54.1 54.9 6.0 6.2 6.5 OCT. NOV. 274.7 272.2 56.7 58.8 6.6 6.6 MAY total 7.8 8.3 110.0 llb.o WEEK ENDING: 1982-NOV. 3 10 17 24 DEC. 1 ft P 15 P 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 265.9 265.2 274.9 275.5 25.4 20.6 22.4 23.6 277.0 275.4 274.4 29.5 21.4 22.3 LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS ARE THOSE ISSUED I N AMOUNTS OF $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 OR MORE. EXCLUDING THOSE BOOKED AT INTERNATIONAL BANKING F A C I L I T I E S ( I B F S ) . LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS LESS LARGE TIME HELD BY MONfcY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS AND THRIFT INSTITUTIONS. TOTAL LARGE DENOMINATION TIME DEPOSITS EXCEEDS SUM OF THREE PREVIOUS COLUMNS BY SUCH DEPOSITS AT CkfcbIT UNIONS. TERM RPS ARE THOSE WITH ORIGINAL MATURITY GREATER THAN ONE DAY* EXCLUDING CONTINUING CONTRACTS AND RfcTAlL RPS. TERM EURODOLLARS ARE THOSE WITH ORIGINAL MATURITY GREATER THAN ONE DAY EXCLUDING THOSE HELD BY DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. INCLUDES U . S . TREASURY BILLS AND COUPONS WITH REMAINING MATURITY OF LESS THAN 18 MONTHS HtLD BY OIHtR CHAN LtPOSlTORY I N S T I TUTIONS, F . R . BANKS, AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. NET OF BANKERS ACCEPTANCfS HELD BY ACCEPTING BANKS, F . R . 6ANKS, FOREIGN OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS, THt FEDfcRAL HOMt LOAN bANK SYSTEM, AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS. TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER LESS COMMERCIAL PAPER HFLD BY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNOS. H.6 (508) Table 4 MEMORANDA ITEMS Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted Demand deposits at banks due to Date foreign commercial banks foreign official institutions Time and savings deposits due to foreign commercial banks and foreign official institutions U.S. government deposits demand deposits at commercial banks Federal Reserve Banks note balances at commercial banks and t h r i f t total demand deposits and note balances time and savings deposits at commercial banks institutions 1961-NOV. DEC. 12.6 12.9 2.4 2.6 9.0 9.1 2. 8 3. 1 3.1 2.9 6.9 8.1 l*.b 14.1 u.7 0.7 1982-JAN. FEB. MAR. 11.8 11.5 11.2 2.5 2.3 2.4 8.8 8.6 8*6 3. 0 2. 9 2. 8 4.7 5.5 3.3 11.5 17.2 12.7 19. i 25.6 18.9 0.7 U.b APR. HAY JUNE 10.7 11.2 11.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 8.5 8.6 8.6 3. 7 2. 7 3 . .3 4.5 4.5 3.3 10.1 12.7 7.5 18.3 19.9 14.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 JULY AUG. SEPT. 11.4 10.6 10.5 2.5 2.3 2.1 8.8 9.1 9.0 2. 6 2 ,. 4 3.»4 3.3 3.3 3.8 5.7 5.8 9.0 11.7 11.5 16.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 OCT. NOV. 10.6 10.6 2.3 2.1 9.0 9.0 2 »6 2,»7 3.2 3.1 13.8 5.3 19.6 11.0 1.1 i.l 3 10 17 24 10.3 10.2 10.3 11.0 2.5 2.1 2.0 2.0 1*«I 9.1 9.1 2 .9 2•4 2 .7 2•5 2.7 3.3 3.1 2.9 11.1 4.9 4.2 5.3 16.7 10.5 10.0 10.7 1.1 1.1 1.1 1*1 1 8 P 15 P 11.0 10.8 10.7 2.3 2.2 2.1 8.9 8.9 2.7 3• 2 3 .3 3.3 3.0 3.3 4.0 7.6 2.5 9.9 13.6 9.2 l.u 1.0 o.a WEEK ENDING: 1982-NOV. DEC. 9.0 8.9 1.0 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE Variable-Ceiling Time Deposits, All Savers Certificates, and Retail Repurchase Agreements At All Insured Commercial Banks and All Mutual Savings Banks September 30, 1982, October 31, 1982 and November 30, 1982 (not seasonally adjusted) 1 Insured Commercial Banks I MutualL Savings Banks Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Sept. 30 | Oct. 31 Nov. 30 | Sept. 30 Amount outstanding Amount outstanding ($ millions) ($ millions) 831 152 427 8,360 3,437 | 14,711 (37) (68) (12) (465) (251) I (726) | Liability Categories 7- to 31-day money market certificates 2 (standard error of the estimate) 91-day money market certificates 3 (standard error of the estimate) 5,893 (173) I 6,248 (181) 7,322 (194) 231,018 (1,939) 231,046 (1,988) 2-1/2 year and over variable celling certificates 5 (standard error of the estimate) 82,828 (1,806) All Savers certificates 6 (standard error of the estimate) 789 (30) 835 (28) 916 (32) 226,682 (2,030) 47,639 (857) 47,723 (860) 47,519 (843) 87,445 (1,862) 86,968 (1,812) 25,705 (504) 26,813 (523) 26,506 (535) 24,020 (396) 13,605 (231) 10,086 (188) 6,053 (98) 3,171 (74) 2,409 (55) 3-1/2 year ceiling-free time deposits in: 7 1,378 2,147 2,760 248 367 Fixed-rate accounts (standard error of the estimate) Variable-rate accounts (standard error of the estimate) 1,282 (118) 96 (35) 2,026 (180) 121 (48) 2,614 (221) 146 (61) 229 (18) 19 (2) 343 (25) 24 (3) 6-month money market certificates* (standard error of the estimate) | 1 ! 1 426 397 (26) 29 (6) All IRA/Keogh Plan Deposits 8 16,232 16,791 17,272 6,052 1 6,174 1 6,199 Ceiling free IRA/Keogh Time Deposits in: 9,245 9,916 10,420 1,370 1 1,496 1 1,592 7,863 (330) 2,053 I (133) 8,276 (340) 2,144 (137) 1,130 (71) 240 (25) I 1 7,345 (318) 1,900 (122) I 1 1,233 .1 (70) 1 1 263 (28) 1,313 (75) 279 (29) 1 1 6,987 (362) 6,875 (359) ! 6,852 (356) 4,682 (194) I 1 4,678 (190) 4,607 (190) Fixed-rate accounts (standard error of the estimate) Variable-rate accounts (standard error of the estimate) All Other IRA/Keogh time and savings deposits (standard error of the estimate) 1 1 2,411 1 2,576 2,134 7,677 7,225 1 1 7,268 Retail repurchase agreements9 (460) (432) 1 (361) 1 (772) 1 (726) 1 1 (668) 1 (standard error of the estimate) 1. Estimates are based on data collected bv the Federal Reserve from a stratified random sample of about 550 banks and 90 mutual savings banks. 2. 7- to 31-day money market certificates are nonnegotiable time deposits that require a minimum daily balance of $20,000, but less than $100,000, and have an original maturity or required notice period of at least 7 days but no more than 31 days. The maximum permissible rate of Interest is tied to the discount yield (auction average) on the most recently Issued 91-day Treasury bill. 3. 91-day money market certificates are negotiable or nonnegotiable time deposits Issued in denominations of at least $7,500, but less than $100,000, with original maturities of exactly 91 days for which the maximum permissible rate of interest on new deposits Is tied to the discount yield on the most recently Issued 91-day (13-week) Treasury bill (auction average). 4. 6-month money market certificates (MMCs) are nonnegotiable time deposits in denominations of $10,000, but less than $100,000, with original maturities of exactly 26 weeks for which the maximum permissible rate of interest on new deposits related to the discount yield on the most recently issued 6-month Treasury bill (auction average). 5. This category includes all 4-year and over variable ceiling accounts having no legal minimum denomination issued between July 1 and December 31, 1979 and all 2-1/2 year and over variable ceiling accounts Issued since January 1, 1980. 6. All Savers Certificates are one-year nonnegotiable time deposits that have an annual investment yield equal to 70 percent of the average yield for 52-week U.S. Treasury bills. 7. Ceiling-free time deposits are all negotiable or nonnegotiable time deposits in denominations of lesc than $100,000 with original maturities of 3-1/2 years or more that were authorized beginning May 1, 1982. Fixed-rate accounts pay one rate of return over the life of the instrument, whereas variable rate accounts pay a rate of return that may vary over the life of the instrument. Excludes IRA/Keogh accounts. 8. Ceiling-free IRA/Keogh time deposits of less than $100,000 with original maturities of 1-1/2 years of more, were authorized beginning December 1, 1981. Fixed-rate accounts pay one rate of return over the life of the Instrument, whereas variable rate accounts pay a rate of return that may change periodically over the life of the instrument. All other IRA and Keogh Plan time and savings deposits include all IRA/Keogh time deposits regardless of maturity or ceiling rate. 9. Retail repurchase agreements are in denominations of less than $100,000 with maturities of less than 90 days that arise from the transfer of direct obligations of, or obligations fully-guaranteed as to principal and Interest by, the U.S. Government or an agency thereof. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE (CONTINUED): Insured Commercia]L Banks Oct. 30 1 Nov. 30 Sept. 30 Number oi: Offering I n s t i t u t i o n s 7,576 7,684 6,754 Liability Categories 7- to 31-day money market certificates Mutual Savings Banks S e p t . 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Number of Offering I n s t i t u t i o n s 238 239 229 91-day money market certificates 13,311 13,275 13,243 387 386 386 6-month money market certificates 14,037 14,015 13,981 423 422 422 2-1/2 year and over variable ceiling certificates 13,662 13,637 13,588 423 422 422 All Savers certificates 13,993 14,010 13,855 423 422 422 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11,437 8,622 11,389 8,645 11,256 8,663 386 329 388 329 388 329 9,208 9,172 8,946 379 379 379 5,592 5,641 5,550 227 230 223 3-1/2 year ceiling-free IRA/Keogh time deposits in: Fixed-rate accounts Variable-rate accounts All IRA and Keogh Plan deposits Ceiling-free IRA/Keogh time deposits in: ! Fixed-rate accounts Variable-rate accounts All Other IRA/Keogh time and savings deposits Retail repurchase agreements 1 N.A. - Data not available. NOTE: See table 1.16 in the Federal Reserve Bulletin for regulatory ceiling rates on specific account categories. PRELIMINARY SEASONAL FACTORS FOR MONEY STOCK COMPONENTS January to March 1983 January February March January Currency Nonbank Traverlers Checks Demand Deposits Demand Deposits plus Other Checkable Deposits .9952 .9873 .9898 .9477 .9529 .9537 1.0180 .9744 .9794 1.0177 .9738 .9787 .9982 .9902 .9851 1.0031 1.0108 1.0115 1.0194 1.079 1.039 1.021 .977 1.079 1.043 1.024 .974 1.0021 1.0024 .9987 .9936 .9999 1.0015 1.0033 1.0049 1.0186 1.0180 1.0163 1.0206 1.010 1.006 .995 .983 5 12 19 26 Commercial Bank Deposit Components | Savings 1 ' ! Small Timel Large Time I i 1.0223 1.0200 i i I I 1 February March .981 2 9 I 16 I 23 I .996 .990 .985 I .979 .999 .994 .988 2 9 I 16 I 23 I 30 1 NOTE: .981 .982 .982 .981 .960 .978 .981 .981 .960 .9905 .9910 .9916 .9894 1.0073 1.0100 1.0102 1.0104 1.0225 1.0214 1 | | 1.0183 I .972 .985 .988 .974 .966 .972 .985 .986 .971 .968 .9857 .9846 .9841 .9856 .9908 1.0105 1.0121 1.0126 1.0109 1.0227 i 1.0197 1.0192 1.0189 | | | ! 1.0214 1.0084 1.0168 1 Monthly seasonal factors for all series and weekly factors for savings, small time, and large time deposits are identical to those published for corresponding months in 1982. Weekly seasonal factors for currency, demand deposits, and demand deposits plus OCD are projections based on the same data used to derive published 1982 factors, but they allow for weeks ending one day earlier in 1982. All of these factors are subject to change in the forthcoming annual revision. I 1