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H.4.3 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (For Immediate Release) October b, 3 ;o0 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BASKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES A S S E T S Total loans and Investments Loans and investments adjusted 1/ Loans adjusted l/ Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U* S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign banks Loans to domestic commercial banks Real estate loans Other loans U. S. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of Indebtedness Treasury notes and U. 8. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities Chicago Nev York City Change since Change since Oct. Oct. Sept.28, Oct. 7, Sept.28, Oct. 7, 5, 5, I960 i960 1959 I960 I960 1959 (In millions of dollars) - 76 -286 -257 -17'4' + 2 + + + + + 953 880 67 219 6 7,607 7,569 4,815 2,947 17 281 947 - 51 + 24 + ill 302 28 347 + - 26,282 25,709 17,213 10,411 7 " 5 - 29 26 48 51 1 +190 +190 +503 +336 + 2 24 166 - 35 + 24 - 3 + 44 11 42 19 164 - l l + 2 + 18 514 90 38 38 274 703 + + 8 1 + 4o + 5 + 21 + + - 3 3 2 + 22 + 32 + + + + + 1,331 314 439 573 821 2,692 - 98 + 16 + 17 +210 - 5 + 18 + + + + 15 6 21 73 49 145 6,189 1,216 500 — 42 - 66 + 16 + + + 903 687 372 2,061 120 72 - 29 - 38 + 8 -247 - 6 - 63 60 3,338 1,075 2,307 + 9 + 2 - 3 + 13 - 120 + 22k - 260 90 96 1,401 372 693 + + + 1 2 2 7 - 38 + 19 -159 - 66 3,779 153 54 1,739 35,734 -424 - 13 - 6 + 51 -433 + 3 + 470 +2,331 1,117 36 146 139 9,849 - 26 - 2 + 25 + 5 + 25 + 4o + l + 25 + 39 +368 14,369 1,611 -469 -395 + 809 820 4,096 454 - 32 -121 -142 +229 3,276 1,011 1,124 2/3,760 —— 963 2,4l6 +268 - 30 + 20 - 16 - 80 +178 + 35 + 352 98 80 + 246 65 + 160 +1,007 1,296 39 60 1,911 +138 + 1 169 175 + 2 - 65 +105 - 3 +116 - 1 + 32 + 91 - 98 - 22 + 45 3,477 + 21 + 845 + + 45 - 272 - - L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted U. S. Government demand deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Time deposits: Interbank Other Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL A C C O U N T S - 159 - - 6 1/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes savings deposits of $2,323 million, an increase of $15 million from the previous Wednesday and $l8l million from a year earlier.