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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM H.l*.3 (For Immediate Release) October 6, 19l*9 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES (In millions of dollars) New York City Oct. 5, 191*9 Chicago Increase or decrease since Oct. Increase or decrease since Sept. 28, Oct, 6, 191*9 19U8 19&9 Sept. 28, Oct. 6, 19U8 19U9 A S S E T S Loans and investments - total Loans - net Loans - gross Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or car lying$ U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Real estate loans Loans to banks Other loans - 101 + 966 5,755 1 + 1*29 7,377 7,1*75 - 161* - 161* - 101 89 1,621 3 3 - 271 it, 783 + 18 - 802 1,236 + 1* - 269 7Hi 261 - 218 + 18 + 1*82 27U 15 33 + 10 3 + + 6 + 56 182 213 139 821* + 3 1 + - 29 10 + 12 - 76 8 216 5 + + + 81* + 912 3,61*6 + 35 30 +1,226 - 272 53 1*28 721* 179 +1,1*1*3 -1,538 1,121 19,22$ + U. S. Government securities-total 10,$2$ Treasury bills 581 Treasury cert, of indebt. 2,093 Treasury notes 238 U. S. bonds callable or maturing: Within 1 year 1,763 1 to 5 years U,257 After 5 years 1,593 + + 8 + - + + 2 27 10 22 + 106 1,61*3 - 16 266 3 7 1*6 76 + + 12 1* 5 1* 6ol* 10 + 276 1 + - 37li 99 16 1*1*1* 2 + - + 336 295 750 1 2 1* + 96 10 Other securities 1,323 - 21 + 155 1*88 Reserve with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net 1*,588 121 31 1^12 + + + 1*2 6 1 Hi - 1,258 12 - h9h 3 11 22 33 185 51 3 1*3 1 + + 125 1* 29 3 - 206 1*5 + + 9 1 2 + + + 31 93 + 109 + 1 + + 92 ll* + + + 1 25 - L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except Govt. U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings Other liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ll*,778 1,603 1,01*9 - 131 2,851 1,150 l±2 613 2,291 Debits to demand deposit accounts, except interbank and U. S. Govt, accounts, during week 9,887 - 18 - 9 + 506 3,913 1,361 271* + 21*3 + 58 + 102 80 23 26 66 1,159 37 3 U5 1*90 - 183 - + 20 10 + + + 1,933 - 56 1 3 78 2