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SpEDER AL statistical RESERVE release For immediate release November 5, 1964 .-CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO New York City Chicago NOV 8 1964 Change since Change since Nov. Nov. 4, Oct. 28, Nov. 6, 4, Oct. 28, Nov. 6, 1964* 1964 196k 1964__ 1963 1963 1 m|n r .y .. (In millions of dollars) ASSETS Total loans and investments + 4o4 35,714 + 763 +2,783 10,330 +42 Loans and investments adjusted l/ + 372 34,928 + 672 +2,931 10,198 +114 + 561 Loans adjusted l/ 6,650 +148 24,175 + 815 +2,84l 3,586 +36 Commercial and industrial loans + 219 12,779 + 46 + 879 8 Agricultural loans 20 + 5 + 3 29 + 1 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing + 27 l4l +72 or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 613 + 253 + 379 Other securities 26 329 - 1 2,083 + 256 + 249 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: + 3 21 - 1 U. S. Govt, securities 9 + 1 9 + 51 — 284 Other securities 2 + 67 599 Loans to nonbank financial institutions: + 78 Sales finance, personal finance, etc. 523 + 50 1,377 + 160 + 87 + 308 + 2 Other 813 + 26 + 144 3 + 34 Loans to foreign banks 112 - 6 681 + 4 + 287 Real estate loans + 48 2,216 + 18 + 368 475 + 1 + 113 Other loans 3,556 + 48 + 383 1,070 - 5 + 32 Loans to domestic commercial banks 132 - 72 786 + 91 - l48 U. S. Government securities - total 58 - 389 1,890 - 28 _ 104 5,365 1,600 - 87 + 86 Treasury bills + 74 467 - 33 --- - 160 Treasury certificates of indebtedness 49 Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: + 73 Within 1 year 801 + 15 + 200 233 + 9 - 125 726 + 10 1,780 + 28 - 389 1 to 5 years - 77 464 - 14 1,184 l4 - 126 After 5 years - 85 5,388 Other securities 85 + 479 1,658 - 6 + 265 1,192 +139 Reserves with ?. R. Banks 3,245 725 - 212 + 274 Currency and coin 6 59 - 2 7 5 + + 31 156 + 25 Balances with domestic banks 86 + 12 - 31 + 118 Other assets - net 2,564 + 25 + 294 333 + 25 +1,162 Total assets/liabilities 48,208 +1,353 +3,930 13,289 +442 LIABILITIES Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 511 - 78 3,962 -202 112 15,435 Demand deposits - total 37 26,314 +1,165 +1,436 + 318 6,787 +147 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations16,876 + 39 + 205 4,710 - 12 + 225 States and political subdivisions 658 + 307 + 190 280 - 19 23 U . S . Government 1,100 + 55 + 278 + 82 323 + 32 Domestic interbank: Commercial 3,454 + 338 + 146 1,283 +io4 + 11 -Mutual savings 332 + 25 + 15 1 1 __ -Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 637 + 32 + 150 13 Commercial banks 2 + 77 + ' 10 50 + 1 879 + Time and savings deposits - total 4/ 13,206 - 19 +2,173 4,684 + 29 + 613 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations •• + 237 Savings deposits 2,948 + 3 4,549 . 5 + 158 + 260 Other time deposits 5,176 - 24 +1,300 1,213 + 32 + 48 -States and political subdivisions 444 + 8 + 60 225 + 2 + 139 Domestic interbank 264 15 - 1 3 + 63 Foreign: Govts., official insts., etc. 6 + 516 270 - 5 2,633 + --Commercial banks + 82 8 3 3 Memo: Negotiable Time CD’s included above 1,144 + 21 4,664 + 10 NA NA + 4l Borrowings: From F. R. Banks 78 + 73 + 4l 45 - 14 + 122 474 +278 From others 1,477 + 168 - 157 + 18 2,847 - 68 + 113 Other liabilities 217 - 9 + 50 4,286 + 34 + 324 1,082 + 11 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS l/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. NA Not available 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. %/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately. Federd H.4c3 C - — — - - - - * Preliminary.