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H.4.3 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (For Immediate Release) November 3, i960 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES m 1 Chicago Nev York City Change Change since Nov. Nov. 2, Oct. 26, Nov. 4, 2, Oct. 26, Nov,. h, I960 I960 1959 1959 I960 I960 (in millions Of dol]Lars) A S S E T S Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted l/ Loans adjusted l/ Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. 8. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to ncnbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Loans to foreign banks Loans to domestic commercial banks Real estate loans Other loans U. 8. Government securities - total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. 8. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total assets/liabilities 26,615 26,281 17,564 10,581 8 +602 +387 +469 +152 -- +1;,122 +1,147 + 48 + 291 + 6 333 1,022 +123 + 82 - 28 346 - •» — + - 1 - 7,740 7,702 4,804 2,897 19 + 43 + 27 + 57 - 7 34 175 87 149 + 46 + 6 8 4o 18 169 - —— l — — +185 +26l +510 +350 -+ 26 + 31 • «* + 16 1,298 310 455 334 810 2,776 + 80 + 8 -+215 + 2 + 21 + 61 15 17 25 69 179 478 84 37 38 277 729 -+ l - 2 + 16 + 2 + 13 +19 - 11 +19 - 76 + 21 + 52 6,583 1,380 539 + 19 - 56 + 8 +1,197 + 809 + 310 2,168 226 78 - 42 - 62 + 11 -205 + 58 - 96 291 3,300 1,073 2,134 +110 - 47 + 4 -101 + llB 112 + 220 • 1,374 - 260 378 98 730 + 16 - 11 + 4 + 12 - 35 + 45 -177 - 44 3,972 157 64 1,772 37,059 -421 - 6 + 2 + 37 +823 '+ 324 1,151 6 36 29 137 + 600 150 +2,003 10,035 + 31 - 4 + 8 + 5 + 98 +109 + 1 + 4 + 4l +415 15,058 1,319 - 5 +101 + 262 4,283 366 - 32 + 39 -109' +114 3,193 1,021 1,182 2/3,754 1,151 2,398 +202 -120 + 20 + 10 -360 +310 + 37 + 34 10 + 27 + 331 - 107 + 224 +1 ,086 1,286 44 61 1,922 128 132 188 + 90 + 4 + l + 7 - 17 + 55 - 5 + 62 + 3 + 35 . + 97 +110 - 21 + 49 3,504 + 19 + 8o4 - 59 - L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted U. S. Government demand deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Time deposits: Interbank Other Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL A C C O U N T S -- — mm 164 -- 1/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes savings deposits of $2; 334 million, a decrease of $4 million from the previous Wednesday and an increase of $205 million from a year earlier.