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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM H«4.3 (For Immediate Release) March 18, 1954 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES (in millions of dollars) Chicago New York CityIncrease or Increase or Mar. Mar. decrease since decrease since 17, 17, Mar. 10, Mar.lS, Mar. 10, Mar, 18, 1954 1954 1954 1954 1953 1953 • A S S E T S Loans and investments - total Loans - net Loans - gross Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other securities Real estate loans Loans to banks Other loans U. S, Government securities-total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of indebtedness Treasury notes U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Reserves with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net 22,166 12,140 12,332 +381 +307 +308 +953 -165 -159 6,769 2,896 2,955 +117 + 58 + 58 +101 + 95 + 96 8,213 +225 -529 2,191 + 66* + 65 490 937 -103 + 14 +357 - 47 83 94 + 15 - 19 + + 42 255 389 425 1,581 + 1 - 2 + 7 +166 + + + + - 7,-695 720 822 775 +104 + 43 + 66 - 17 991 930 3,457 2,331 5,149 136 43 549 - 5) + 65) - 48) - 30 +184 - 12 + 5 - 14 15,975 3,04? 895 6 5 + 2 + 12 + 7 - 3 + 2 11 20 3 91 65 24 74 117 2 370 +909 +142 +611 -295 3,209 323 435 533 + 46 + 71 - 11 6 +209 -252 + 1 + 1 + 51 273 276 1,369 664 1,431 37 146 53 + 5) - 7) - 6) + 13 + 4l + 5 - 13 + 29 -155 + 2 - 2 + 4 - 98 + 35 +340 +178 +812 -263 4,373 1,582 337 - 86 - 12 +132 - 32 + 83 - 49 3,164 1,001 443 945 +219 - 30 +107 - 29 +177 - 82 - 35 -115 1,280 35 146 80 + 73 + 57 - 15 + 86 + 2 -179 + 8 2,573 „ + 82 603 + + 31 - - +451 - - + - 1 5 mm - 23 -159 +183 -139 + 92 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except Government U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings Other liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS * March 10 figures revised. 1