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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM H.U.3 (For Immediate Release) June 12, 1958 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES (in millions of d o l l a r s ) New York City Increase or June decrease since 11, June 4, June 12, 1958 1958 1957 June 11, 1958 Chicago Increase or decrease since June 4, June 12, 1958 1957 ASSETS Loans and investments adjusted if Loans adjusted if Commercial and i n d u s t r i a l loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers f o r purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other s e c u r i t i e s Other loans f o r purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations Other s e c u r i t i e s Real e s t a t e loans Other loans U. S. Government s e c u r i t i e s - t o t a l Treasury b i l l s Treasury c e r t , of indebtedness Treasury notes U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other s e c u r i t i e s Loans to banks Reserves with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other a s s e t s - net 25,414 , +366 +366 15,673 + 21 10,785 — *» 1 +2,586 + Ilk 769 mm #, 1,049 1,099 +387 - 39 + 47 354 539 2,155 + - 1 2 9 9 + 7,474 762 255 1,795 + + 817 2,160 1,685 2,267 + + + 921 4,142 151 55 - 5 +211 + 13 7,329 3,731 2,658 + 93 + 46 + 21 +417 -373 -360 - 1 7 952 35 105 + 35 + 89 - 28 37 35 - 20 23 126 197 590 + 7 + 6 + 9 40 86 24 17 +1,886 + 117 + 46 4-1,024 2,853 186 119 710 22 39 22 40 + 771 + 435 507 + 586 677 + 6 - + 22 + 395 - + + 368 l 9 142 4o6 755 745 118 1,165 37 + 17 5 2 —— - 20 - 81 + 57 - 5 +688 +125 + 28 —— + 31 +380 + 30 4- 6 - 5 +378 -187 - 10 - 11 + 3 + 12 + 6 - 36 +102 +107 - 62 - 2 + 27 + 59 1,281 - 10 + 285 150 128 16,387 2/5,225 839 + 92 +735 -297 + 424 +lj,479 + 344 4,553 1,796 204 +122 + 6 - 68 +108 3,007 1,244 + 96 + 172 15 1,319 37 - 3 +156 327 317 12 109 l4l + 11 + 33 + 2 - 76 + 36 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except U. S. Govt. U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings: From Federal Reserve Banks From others Other l i a b i l i t i e s CAPITAL ACCOUNTS * - 84 «• — + - 529 1,542 + 39 - 1 + 169 3,191 + 1 + 315 + +137 +104 + 30 -756 + 51 if Exclusive of loans to banks and a f t e r deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross, 2/ Includes savings deposits of $1,877 million, an increase of $5 million from previous Wednesday and $426 million from a year e a r l i e r .