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H.4.3 WEEKLY CONDITION REPORT OF LARGE COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO » July • 27, 1966 A S S E T S Total loans and investments Loans (net of valuation reserves) (l) * Commercial and industrial loans ^ Agricultural loans# Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing ^ or carrying—U. S. Govt, securities Other securities jpther loans for purchasing or carrying— U. 8. Govt, securities Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institution— • Sales finance, personal finance, etc. Other Real estate loans Loans to domestic commercial banks Loans to foreign banks Consumer instalment loans "Loans to for. govts., official insts., etc. Other loans# ft. S. Government securities - total ^ Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness ^Treasury notes and U. S* bonds maturing— Within 1 year 1 year to 5 years v After 5 years (Obligations of States and political subdivisions — Tax warrants and short-term notes and bills > All other Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities— participation certificates in Fed. agency loans# All other (including corporate stocks) Cash items in process of collection Reserves with F. R. Banks ^Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks 6ther assets Total assets/liabilities New York City Chicago Change since Change since July July July July July 20, 28, 27, 20, 28, 1966 1965 1966 1966 >' 1 * 5 (In millions of dollars) + + + 43,189 33,531 19,466 14 138 1,977 - 190 90 7 +3 ,905 +5,100 +4,076 1 12,129 9 123 + 157 183 15 330 335 - 30 628 + - 1 1 + + 13 99 2,092 1,202 3,144 834 837 1,276 766 1,895 3,947 + 59 14 4 194 5 % 5 6 ) 24 ) 137 91 + + + + 548 188 499 86 32 - 136 - 743 184 193 791 - + + + - + + 193 - - -- + - 417 1,238 1,308 + + - 27 26 7 5 ) 52 i - - 234 248 270 8*834 5,140 32 21 719 427 691 217 322 486 6,746 3,987 312 116 + 7 ) + 3 ) - 887 207 + 11 24 73 990 + 1 ,878 337 + 12 + 4 + 280 +5,942 -1,805 321 16 447 344 38 95 34 167 +1,596 + 622 3 403 + 440 1 26 + 72 +1,707 5,744 22 14 10 2 125 110 628 242 2 393 +1,935 + 140 + 34 9 + 48 +1,094 +1,433 + 64 3,074 1,980 385 31 264 20 633 644 1,190 2,865 57,215 452 + - + 2 3 + - + 53 + 6 + 1 - 11 + 1 - 3 ) - 5 ) - 5 ) - 18 - 11 - 3 - . - 2 - 43 192 597 424 + - 1 - 59 + 4 698 5 - 140 477 70 496 1,495 253 29 4,205 + 908 +1,200 + 945 + 11 - 76 - 9 - 87 171 56 78 96 10 - 121 - 295 125 29 . + - -- ) + 13*) 101 148 1,308 999 94 320 546 15,196 - 1») + 8 ) -181 - 10 - 1 + 74 + 25 -169 ) 11 12 + + + + - 259 1,292 23 4 24 15 160 + 3 + 74 17 21 • + + 173 + 136 +1,295 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits - total ( 2 ) >Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions • U. S. Government Domestic interbank — Commercial ,> Mutual savings Foreign—Govts., official institutions, etc. > Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - total ( 3 ) * Individuals, partnerships, and corporations— Savings deposits Other time deposits ^ States and political subdivisions ' Domestic interbank foreign governments, official institutions, etc. Borrowings—From F . R . banks y From others Other liabilities •Total capital accounts ^ 26,781 17,381 256 998 3,499 290 514 987 18,299 4,736 9,254 756 434 2,905 110 2,426 4,582 5,017 - " - + - + + + + 6,965 5,050 307 330 1,092 1 15 67 -228 + 50 - 34 -101 -115 + + - + - + + 2 4 4 + + 6 7 1 + 1 + 20 - 90 +127 - 2 - + + - + + + - + + + 255 315 5 82 7 1 7 15 453 203 491 168 23 19 42 276 297 56 M E M O R A N D A Total loans net adjusted (4) 104 +5,186 + 2 32,697 +1 ,104 8,617 Totbal loans net adjusted and investments (4) 4 + 812 42,355 11,912 +3j,991 - 65 + 319 Demand deposits adjusted ( 5 ) - 127 + 256 15,538 +169 4,435 Negotiable time CD's issued in denominations of $100,000 or more included in time and savings 1 deposits - total 38 7,327 1,529 - 3 To individuals, partnerships, and corps. + 714 22 ) 5,407 - 8 ) + 173 1,308 ** To others 1.920 16 ) + 5 ) 221 Individual loans items are shown gross. (2) Includes certified and officers' checks not shown separately. S) Includes time deposits of U* S. Government and foreign commercial banks not shown separately. ( 5 ) All demand deposits except U. S. Government and ! 4) Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks. domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. # Certificates of participation in Federal agency loans include Commodity Credit Corporation certificates of interest previously included in Agricultural loans and Export-Import Bank participations previously included in other loans. * Revised.