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F.E D E R A L statistica F*E %E R V E se For immediate release February 7, 1963 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Chicago New York City ■ y p ' Change since Change since Feb. Feb. Jan. 30, Feb. 7, Jan., 30, Feb. 7, 6, 6, noto 1 Q ^ to to IQto _ 1 Q6^_ IQto a a fi in t a (1° millions of dol]Lars J +1,186 9,271 + 89 Total loans and investments 31,087 +147 +1,991 + 92 9,238 +1,309 30,14-27 Loans and investments adjusted ij . +1,936 +235 + 716 + 1+8 + 97 5,381 +1 ,856 Loans adjusted 1/ 19,165 + 280 + 10 2,951 Commercial and industrial loans + 732 H,37l + 57 - 1 29 + 7 12 — + 1 Agricultural loans H.1+.3 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 538 Other securities 1,331 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: 18 U. S. Govt, securities kok Other securities Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finanoe, personal finance, eto. 1,117 536 Other Loans to foreign banks 299 Real estate loans 1 ,238 3,121 Other loans 660 Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securities - total 6,905 2,188 Treasury bills 50I+ Treasury certificates of Indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: 705 Within 1 year 2,313 1 to 5 years 1,195 After 5 years 1,057 Other securities 3,572 Reserves with F. R. Banks 214-5 Currency and coin 92 Balances with domestic banks 2,169 Other assets - net hi, 231 Total assets/liabilities L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ Demand deposits - total 3/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U . 8. Government Domestio Interbank: Commercial Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., official insts., ate. Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - total k] Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Savings deposits Other time deposits States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign;- Govts., official insts., a te . Commercial banks Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others Other liabilities CAPITAL A C C O U N T S 15,725 23,909 16,3I+9 292 995 3,123 3h7 508 720 9,310 1,081 2,916 22h133 1,833 69 75 1,233 2,859 3,815 +150 + 27 + + + 3 - h - 50 - 10 - 13 + 8 - 69 - 88 +153 + + 315 77 199 6 1+0 ll+ 260 * 263 91+ + 13 5 + 1+03 - 95 + 55 - 999 + 97 + 35 - 3 + 7 - 20 - 15 - 79 - 3 - 2 + 50 -330 - 50I+ -1,117 + 520 +1,079 + 17 + 2k + 32 50 +2,162 -539 -70I+ -69k - ih + + + + + + +156 +238 + + + 1+0 29 59 8 66 + 31+ + 2I4—— 659 1+5 1+62 16 285 271 199 128 257 ^7 400 975 36 2 ,l+l+l 529 135 1+21 939 1+17 1,1+13 899 1+1+ n 6 237 1 1 ,1+09 h,l81+ 6,1+67 1,533 332 262 1,182 1+ 2 11 37 1+1 l 1 +2,015 I 3,*+61+ I + + + + + 973 761 2I4- + 1 17 + 21 232 - 11 3 + 71 '+ 23 +155 , + 228 + 52 - 293 + ll+l+ + 30 2,157 806 22 6 15l+ 12 + 33 - 13 + + + + 1 2 + + + + + + + 20 5 12 2 12 3 56 20 8 + 58 - 5 - 25 - 12 -137 - 3 + 23 + 5 -- -201 - 51 -151 - 36 + 1+0 + 87 1+2 1 8 87 28 5 103 Ikl 123 197 26 21+ + 17*+ - 30l+ + 277 + 396 7k + 1+ \+ ll + 53 +1,278 + •+ + + + 1+6 161 17 19 89 20 .... - 2 + 1 - 9 + 899 + 9 - 17 + + + 332 + 1 182 295 + + - 55 991 + 5 503 8 _„ mm mm - 7 + + + + + + + + 1+5 + + 2 52 2 10 + 2 - + + 5 93 60 75 reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes all demand deposits except those of U. 8. Government and domestic commercial bonks, less cash itemB in process of collection. 3/ Includes certified and officers checks not shown separately. T+/ Includes time deposits of U* B « Government and postal savings not shown separately.