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VE SYSTEM OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL (For Immediate Release) H.4.3 February 16, 1956 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES (In millions of dollars) New York C ity Increase or Feb. decrease since 15, Feb. 8, Feb. 16, 1956 1955 1956 Feb, 15, 1956 Chicago Increase or decrease since Feb. 8, Feb. 16, 1956 1955 A S S E T S Loans and investments adjusted l/ 21,929 Loans adjusted l/ 13,689 Commercial & industrial loans 2/ 8,992 Agricultural loans 2/ ~ 12 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations 152 Other securities 1*577 Other loans for purchasing cr carrying: U. S. Govt, obligations 19 Other securities 485 Real estate loans 556 Other loans 2,148 U. S. Govt, securities-total Treasury bills Treasury cert, of indebtedness Treasury notes U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities 6,068 257 33 1,093 1 1,430 3*254 2,172 568 Loans to banks Reserves with F. R. Banks Cash in vault Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net 4,267 138 69 769 - 932 +125 + 4l +1 ,921 + 74) 3/+l,584 - 1) + 7 - 43 . 4 8 8 28 171 + 22 - 9 - 25 + 59 4 92 30 411 17 129 + + lA + 170 - - 7 + 33 + 25 + 55 •2 ,523 2,846 172 532 - 455 238 959 «»«. - 17 + 5 + 43 - 2 234 635 330 1,168 63 + 198 149 1 6 + •* 46 1,323 37 133 14 5 12 11 +378 241 86 + 4l + 54 - 1 -- + + - - 72 +509 + a + + - 10 + 40 + 21 + 20) - 8) 6,937 3,355 2,369 - • 60 730 3 713 736 16 61 l — 2 3 + 19 + 21 - 2 + 4 -577 - 88 -129 - 6 + 2 -- +118 -267 -206 - 5 - 4 + 5 + 72 + 1 + 6 - 6 + - 9 4 2 7 2 -118 L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted Time deposits except U. S. Govt, U. S. Government deposits Interbank demand deposits: Domestic banks Foreign banks Borrowings: From Federal Reserve Banks From others Other liabilities C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 790 344 217 4,445 1,640 -120 186 + 69 -118 + + 21 89 1,175 36 + 59 + l - 25 + 4 + + - 233 241 30 +183 40 90 +143 - 36 + 7 jo 664 - + 34 15,315 3,057 539 -488 - 32 +142 - 3,031 1,152 +227 + 7 272 513 1,125 +101 +188 2,756 + 26 - 1 - 160 - 18 5 - 32 - 2 l/ Exclusive of loans to banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Prior to January 4, 1956, agricultural loans were not reported separately. 3/ October 5, 1955 reclassification increased commercial and industrial loans and decreased real estate loans by $80 million.