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H-4 -3 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES New York City Chicago Aug. Change since Change since Aug. 23, Aug. 16, Aug. 24, 23, Aug. 16, Aug. 24, 1961 1961 Total loans and investments 28,210 193 - Loans and investments adjusted 1/ 27,6.18 - 266 Loans adjusted l / 17,048 - 286 Commercial and industrial loans 10,303 55 Agricultural loans 4 -H 1 Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 196 85 Other securities 1,147 32 Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, securities 20 Other securities 426 + 2 Loans to nonbank financial institutions: Sales finance, personal finance, e t c . l , 084 63 Other Loans to foreign banks Real e s t a t e loans Other loans Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securities - t o t a l .Treasury b i l l s Treasury c e r t i f i c a t e s of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing: Within 1 year 1 t o 5 years After 5 years Other s e c u r i t i e s Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other a s s e t s - net Total a s s e t s / l i a b i l i t i e s 306 285 3,336 173 61 1,916 37, 286 5 22 8 35 73 5 12 - + 775 2,942 592 7,972 1,981 510 1,425 3,264 792 2 , 598 I960 1961 +2,802 +2,706 + 121 + 71 1 7,892 7,846 4,553 17 + 9 53 139 + 1961 i960 (In millions of dol].are) ASSETS - + + — — + 27* -- * 10 15 100 4 3 3 - + - - + + 295 9 14 + 85 192 + - 312 l 137 37 6 132 39 274 63 + 236 + 96 +2,120 +1,024 + 28 +1,409 - Ill - 230 + 465 - 359 + - + - - 390 + 1,168 - . 190 - 26 9 + - + 269 162 +3,257 9,966 - + 50 4i6 179 21 126 21 26 15 49 23 + 4,168 + 6,470 - +2,118 3 10 NA NA •f 5 36 17 1 10 1 286 - 610 3 4 16 1 - - + _ 1 2 4 10 67 .77 - + 584 106 22 9 10 8 - + 2,438 + 3 1 - 46 + 8 - 811 855 1,002 38 115 95 + 2,658 + + 457 + 456 _ 87 145 85 - - + + 12 2 4 31 130 49 3 29 + + + + + + - + 83 1 424 415 33 360 203 181 + 119 12 3 19 4l 533 + 44 70 - + + LIABILITIES Demand d e p o s i t s adjusted 2 / 15,845 Demand d e p o s i t s - t o t a l 3/ 23,319 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16,229 States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions U. S. Government Domestic interbank: Foreign: Commercial Mutual savings Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c . Commercial banks 239 962 2,922 267 506 723 6,813 Time and savings deposits - t o t a l 4/ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits 2,697 Other time d e p o s i t s States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign:- Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c . Borrowings: Commercial banks From F. R. Banks From others Other l i a b i l i t i e s 2,121 262 99 1,522 70 r- - - + - + + + + 2 *• - + w + 15 7 — — 671 2,845 - + 235 19 67 681 NA 34 77 NA NA NA NA 82 NA NA NA 4,4i6 366 318 1,227 219 490 - + - l 15 36 2,335 "f + 1 5 1 l, + + 2 806 428 13 7 74 5 + 50 205 + NA 20 - + NA NA NA NA mm mm NA NA NA mm mm 2 36 74 3 - + + 9 436 NA NA 1 - — — + 92 180 112 19 4o 58 1 93 44 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS + 1 + 187 3,638 906 76 1/ Exclusive of loans t o domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2/ Includes a l l demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, l e s s cash items in process of collection. Year-ago comparison excludes change in deposits due to mutual savings banks. 3/ Includes c e r t i f i e d and o f f i c e r s checks not shown separately. 4/ Includes time deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings not shown separately. NA - not available. - * August 16 f i g u r e s r e v i s e d . "