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/ -ff • • AIWOUNCEMENTBY BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM For the week ended. November 24, 1962 K. 2 No. 42 APPLICATIONS TO MERGE BANKS OR TO FORM OR EXPAND A BANK HOLDING COMPANYJ(ECEIVED BY OR ACTED ON BY THE BOARD ' District Date To Merge Pursuant to Section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act Received 2 Sussex County Trust Company, Franklin, New Jersey for prior consent to merge with Farmers National Bank, Sussex, New Jersey, under the charter of Sussex County Trust Company and with the title of The Bank of Sussex County. 11-21-62 Approved 7 Genesee Merchants Bank & Trust Co., Flint, Michigan, for prior consent to merge with Davison State Bank, Davison, Michigan, under the charter and title of Genesee Merchants Bank & Trust Co, 11-20-62 12 Walker Bank and Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, for prior consent to merge with The First National Bank of Price, Price, Utah, under the charter and title of Walker Bank and Trust Company. "Wl— . 11-21-62 Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y., Rochester, New York, for prior consent to merge with Prattsburgh State Bank, Prattsburg, New York, under the charter and title of Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y, 11-23-62 ; 2 . To Form a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 Received 10 Denver U. S. Bancorporation, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 11-20-62 for prior approval to become a bank holding company by acquiring more than 50 per cent of the voting shares of the Denver United States National Bank, Denver, Colorado; Bank of Aurora, Aurora, Colorado; and Arapahoe.County Bank, Littleton, Colorado. -2- District Date To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3(a)(2) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1936 Approved 7 Brenton Companies, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, for prior approval to acquire 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Brenton State Bank, Dallas Center, Iowa. 11-19-62 7 Brenton Companies, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, for prior approval to acquire 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Jefferson State Bank, Jefferson, Iowa. 11-19-62 7 Brenton Companies, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, for prior approval to acquire 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of The First National Bank of Perry, Perry, Iowa. 11-19-62 7 Brenton Companies, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, for prior approval to acquire 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of The Poweshiek County National Bank or Grinnell, .Grinnell, Iowa. 11-19-62 Denied 2 Marine Midland Corporation, Buffalo, New York, for prior approval to acquire 100 per cent of the votingshares of Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington, New York. 11-21-62