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....I a 7 7 BOARD OF GOVEtiNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESEkVE SISTM ), ,, V'ei"'' ^ ~'«*TOiMEDIATE RELEASE , December 6, 1 » 5 MONTHLY DEPAuIMEtiT STORE TBased on retail dollar amd@E^9 ^ OCTOBER 1955 Q 0 Department store stocks at the end of October continued unchanged for the third consecutive month after allowance for the usual seasonal change. The seasonally adjusted index for the month is estimated at 129 per cent of the 1947-49 average, compared with 122 for October last year m d an average of 126 for the first 10 months of 1955• Federal Reserve District Percentage change Index Numbers (average end-of-month stocks 1947-49=100) October 1955 from Unadjusted Seas onally :adjusted Month Year lUUil Ull 1954 1955 1 19ST" 1955 ago ago Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. | Sept. Oct. 123 117 125 119 12 U 116 126 118 116 rll6 115 114 139 131 144 133 127 123 132 123 131 rl30 132 128 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 9 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 152 pl56 120 129 150 rl56 121 123 rl44 lit2 117 113 168 Pl70 137 145 155 163 127 133 rl59 155 rl34 127 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 9 + 6 +10 + 2 +14 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 125 1U1 lit? P13U 122 135 146 137 118 rI28 134 rl27 136 152 162 Pi53 128 1U0 155 142 128 rl38 148 144 + + + + 6 8 4 8 + 6 +10 +10 + 6 Pl29 129 122 |piU5 i 135 137 + 7 + 6 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland United States + 4 r p—Preliminary. —Revised. Note:—Indexes are based on value of stocks at end of month. For description and monthly indexes for the period January 1919 to October 1951 see Federal Reserve Bulletin for December 1951, pp. 1463-1515. Indexes for the most recent thirteen-month period are shown regularly in the Bulletin. Percentage changes are based on unadjusted indexes.