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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FOR 1 MEDIATE RELEASE August 3j 1955 Q.7.U.2 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE STOC (.Based on retail dollar amouri 5 ^ SP JUNE 1955 ,#^0^ Department store stocks at the^itft (55f June were at their highest level since OctoG^r 1953 after allowance for the usual seasonal change. The adjusted index is estimated at 128 per cent of the 19 U7-U9 average, compared with 12U for May and 122 for June last year. The seasonally adjusted stocks index has been above year ago levels throughout the first half of 1955; averaging 12l+. Federal Reserve District Percentage change Index numbers (average end-of-month stocks 19U7~k9=100)_ June 1955 from "Seasonally adjusted| Unadjusted Year Month "OTT •mr "OTT "1755" ago ago "June June May June June I May 12 U 112 123 117 122 110 119 115 117 rll2 117 115 116 105 115 110 123 113 123 117 110 rl05 109 109 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis pil+5 1U8 125 130 138 1U7 123 121 rlUO 135 rl21 119 Pl38 1U0 118 130 1U6 1U9 125 127 133 128 rll5 119 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco pl21 116 130 112 rl3lt rl32 122 P115 1U5 133 131 118 1U8 139 135 107 129 rl22 122 - 2 - 2 1U5 1U0 137 12U pl28 12b 122 pl22 128 rll6 - 5 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland United States 150 - 6 - 8 - 7 - 6 - ^ - 6 - 5 + 2 h - 3 - + 5 0 + 5 + 2 + h +10 + 3 + 9 + 8 +12 + 9 + 7 p—Preliminary. r—Revised. Note:—Indexes and percentage changes are based on value of stocks at end of month. For description and monthly indexes for the period January 1919 to October 1951 see Federal Reserve Bulletin for December 1951, pp. 1U63— I5l5. Indexes for the most recent thirteen-month period are shown regularly in the Bulletin. Percentage changes are based on unadjusted indexes. #