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/ # # , FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release H 12 For immediate release August 5, 1970 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS OUTSTANDING BY INDUSTRY Commercial and industrial loans decreased a net of $515 million at weekly reporting large commercial banks during the week ended July 29. The principal net decreases were $104 million in loans to manufacturers of machinery, $81 million to manufacturers of food, liquor, and tobacco products, $79 million to "other" public utilities, and $80 million to unclassified borrower. Business of Borrower Durable goods manufacturing - total Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing - total Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Change From Week Ended Outstanding June 24, July 22, July 30, July 29, 1970 1969 1970 1970 ?/* (In millions of dollars) 42 +2,106 200 16,168 38 + 258 14 2,204 95 + 702 104 6,102 5 + 640 26 2,754 20 + 61 47 2,232 124 + 445 37 2,876 + + + + 11,830 2,560 2,848 1,555 2,668 2,199 Mining (including crude petroleum & natural gas) 4,233 Trade - total Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail 8,639 853 3,613 4,173 Transportation, communication, and other public utilities - total Transportation Communication Other public utilities 9,641 5,786 1,319 2,536 Construction 3,225 Services 7,032 + + + - - 178 81 25 72 36 14 + 44 53 105 327 58 271 - 4 - 511 108 37 30 41 + + + 59 29 69 19 + + - 10 384 80 474 + - - „ + - 55 41 17 79 38 16 + - + + - - - + + - + 104 194 135 84 49 88 27 235 45 10 180 22 146 30 198 17 2 + 370 + 159 529 + 30 + 88 • + 24 Foreign commercial & industrial loans 2,151 + 10 - 243 - 3 All other loans 4,949 + 56 + 430 + Bankers1 acceptances Total classified loans Total unclassified loans 68,397 10,995 Total commercial & industrial loans 79,392 - - 435 80 +2,295 - 532 515 +1,763 P/ Preliminary. Digitized for * FRASER San Francisco District classified loans are as of July 22. 119 - 30 129 - 159 - \ f * H.12(a) COMMERCIAL AMD INDUSTRIAL IOANS OUTSTANDING AT A SAMPLE OP WEEKLY REPORTING LARGE COMMERCIAL BANKS BY INDUSTRY AND FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, WEEK July 29, 1970 (in millions of dollars) All Dis- Boston New Riila- Cleve-| Rich- Atlanta Chicago I St. Business of Borrower Minne- Kansas jDallas San . tricts York delphla land mond Louis apolisI City Franciscc£/* Durable goods manufacturing - total 16,168 718 6,546 651 1,639 287 326 3,107 188 158 153 306 2,089 Primary metals 2,204 59 1,010 70 366 20 30 418 41 6 7 34 143 Machinery 6,102 345 2,611 214 556 96 79 1,189 47 57 42 101 765 Transportation equipment 2,754 103 1,251 72 264 30 47 413 10 12 15 36 501 Other fabricated metal products 2,232 99 618 154 259 44 90 600 33 38 46 55 196 Other durable goods 2,876 112 1,056 141 194 97 80 487 57 45 43 80 484 Nondurable goods manufacturing - total 11,830 754 5,471 536 472 425 397 1,661 274 164 140 234 1,302 Food, liquor, and tobacco 2,560 113 831 85 91 81 110 506 63 73 58 55 494 Textiles, apparel, and leather 2,848 365 1,403 166 63 210 131 235 92 21 21 27 114 Petroleum refining 1,555 27 760 40 52 16 21 242 23 10 20 63 281 Chemicals and rubber 2,668 104 1,595 114 173 50 58 327 34 19 17 43 134 Other nondurable goods 2,199 145 882 131 93 68 77 351 62 41 24 46 279 Mining (including crude petroleum and natural gas) 4,233 68 2,560 76 269 6 61 437 28 11 116 411 190 Trade - total 8,639 580 2,809 475 505 481 523 1,127 254 149 268 313 1,155 Commodity dealers 853 35 397 48 12 28 26 76 40 30 27 28 106 Other wholesale 3,613 249 169 1,221 212 193 242 523 90 44 86 133 451 Retail 4,173 296 1,191 258 281 260 255 528 124 75 155 152 598 Transportation, communication, & other public utilities 9,641 355 4,622 304 600 364 307 1,285 220 91 130 256 1,107 Transportation 5,786 161 2,742 144 311 182 220 784 155 61 70 135 821 Communication 1,319 43 588 48 80 90 15 180 28 3 28 50 166 Other public utilities 2,536 151 1,292 112 209 92 72 321 37 27 32 71 120 Construction 3,225 103 844 239 210 211 206 243 111 69 93 394 502 Services 7,032 406 2,345 557 374 218 346 676 202 140 147 260 1,361 Bankers' acceptances 529 7 244 25 13 — — 2 6 109 1 16 106 2,151 Foreign commercial and industrial loans 35 1,659 49 25 10 22 228 - 8 - 25 90 All other loans 4,949 109 1,903 7 463 295 121 353 108 11 30 159 1,390 Total classified loans 68,397 3 ,135 29,003 2,919 4,570 2,299 2,315 9,226 1,385 801 1,078 2,374 9,292 Total unclassified loans 10,995 461 1,056 258 778 626 629 1,417 277 74 306 521 4,592 Total commercial and industrial loans 79,392 3,177 5,348 2,925 2,944 10.643 1.662 2,895 13,884 875 1.384 3 ,596 30.059 2/ Preliminary. Final totals will appear in the F. R. Bulletin. San Francisco District final figures appear in a release of that Reserve Bank. * Classified loans are as of July 22. mm —