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FEDERAL S2yf» statistical RESERVE release For immediate release April 10, 1968 H. 12 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS OUTSTANDING BY INDUSTRY Commercial and industrial loans increased $502 million in weekly reporting large commercial banks during the week ended April 3. The principal net increases were $80 million in loans to "other11 wholesale, $55 million to retail trade, $47 million to manufacturers of primary metals, and $102 million to unclassified borrowers. The largest offsetting net decrease was $53 million in loans to manufacturers of food, liquor, and tobacco products. Business of Borrower Change From i Week Ended Outstanding Dec • 27, March 27, April 5, April 3, 1967 1967 1968 1968 * p/ (In millions of dollars) Durable goods manufacturing - total Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods 11,843 1,684 4,524 1,817 1,774 2,044 Nondurable goods manufacturing - total Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods 10,214 2,415 2,096 1,529 2,430 1,744 • 393 748 39 362 47 1 + + + + + + 673 308 234 5 78 48 + + 484 179 41 71 20 213 + + 84 343 347 25 89 16 + 554 +128 + 47 + 20 + 3 + 22 + 36 + + 78 53 29 32 24 2 + + + + - + - + - + • - - + - Mining (including crude petroleum & natural gas) 4,738 +156 + 765 Trade - total Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail 7,988 1,315 3,143 3,530 +127 8 + 80 + 55 + + + + 477 73 223 181 Transportation, communication, and other public utilities - total Transportation Communication Other public utilities 7,545 4,587 970 1,988 + 62 + 33 + 42 13 + + + + 936 801 117 18 Construction 2,551 + 4 + 35 + 40 Services 5,194 + 13 + 510 + 198 14 + 343 - 115 - 258 - 38 9 + 684 + - 1,088 - Foreign commercial & industrial loans 2,702 + 11 All other loans 6,803 - Bankers 1 acceptances - + + - + - - 200 290 86 4 277 180 29 428 120 Total classified loans Total unclassified loans 60,666 6,349 +400 +102 + +4,,369 749 +i ,039 + 158 Total commercial & industrial loans 67,015 +502 +5,,118 +i ,197 P/ Preliminary. * San Francisco classified loans are as of March 27. x \ > \ > 4. - *• S. x S -v \ A v \ \ \ v v \ k > \ " X X > > > v V \ > n COMMERCIAL AMD INDUSTRIAL LOANS OUTSTANDING!- AT A SAMPLE OF WEEKLY REPORTING LARGE COMMERCIAL BANKS BY INDUSTRY AND FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, WEEK ENDED APRIL 3, 1968 (in millions of dollars ^ St. r Minne- Kansas 1 Phila- Cleve- Rich- Atlanta Chicago All Dis- Boston New City Louis 1 apolls Business of Borrower mond York 1delphia land 132 117 139 2,327 217 164 468 1,171 4,924 487 11,843 Durable goods manufacturing - total 5 3 31 256 11 14 262 50 882 47 1,684 Primary metals 34 40 30 1,007 56 29 389 145 2,015 212 4,524 Machinery17 7 10 265 26 22 173 47 783 72 1,817 Transportation equipment 39 23 27 496 48 40 202 141 476 76 1,774 Other fabricated metal products 37 44 41 303 76 59 145 85 768 80 2,044 Other durable goods 127 144 206 1,593 327 386 549 408 4,721 477 10,214 Nondurable goods manufacturing - total 54 65 76 524 87 69 79 59 877 100 2,415 Food, liquor, and tobacco 11 12 44 162 129 202 42 124 1,090 167 2,096 Textiles, apparel, and leather 28 16 9 287 23 15 133 55 613 15 1,529 Petroleum refining 24 14 35 336 46 55 177 81 1,395 98 2,430 Chemicals and rubber 10 37 42 284 42 45 118 89 746 97 1,744 Other nondurable goods H.12(a) Dallas 1 San |Francisc< 1,416 281 86 37 488 79 363 32 138 68 341 65 229 42 25 79 40 43 1,047 383 88 256 129 191 Mining (including crude petroleum and natural gas ) 4,738 52 3,001 78 160 7 50 563 34 5 139 504 145 Trade - total Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail 7,988 1,315 3,143 3,530 650 82 258 310 2,583 533 1,040 1,010 413 37 134 242 358 10 179 169 417 66 150 201 465 39 202 224 1,044 135 491 418 215 57 64 94 192 77 45 70 323 32 105 186 279 55 102 122 1,049 192 373 484 Transportation, communication, & other public utilities Transportation Communication Other public utilities 7,545 4,587 970 1,988 268 118 15 135 3,898 2,333 582 983 246 138 29 79 357 220 41 96 268 154 54 60 258 177 19 62 922 550 84 288 103 56 9 38 126 63 22 41 220 115 22 83 709 546 77 86 2,551 84 590 157 179 199 208 159 44 106 307 454 Construction 170 117 16 37 64 5,194 435 1,635 362 334 167 254 544 152 130 109 264 808 Services 1,088 27 555 45 68 9 3 102 4 1 35 239 Bankers' acceptances Foreign commercial and industrial loans 2,702 32 1,894 100 61 4 13 238 2 9 1 25 323 6,803 86 1,123 12 258 166 79 406 84 2 30 93 4,464 All other loans 60,666 2,598 24,924 2,289 3,495 1,787 1,874 7,898 1,070 746 1,094 2,237 10,654 930 174 575 508 496 1,122 231 67 252 469 1,182 25,854 2 463 4.070 2,295 2.370 9.020 1,301 813 1 146 2.706 11,836 Total classified loans Total unclassified loans 6,349 Total commercial and industrial loans E/ Preliminary. Final totals will appear in the F * classified loans are as of March 27. 2.941 R. Bulletin. - - sin Francisco District final figures appear in a release of that Reserve Bank. For immediate release April 10, 1968 H. 12b COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TERM LOANS OUTSTANDING BY INDUSTRY Total business term loans were $27,351 million, as of March 27. This was an increase of $2,724 million over the comparable date of a year ago and an increase of $543 million over the last Wednesday in February. The principal changes increasing term loans were $90 million in loans to manufacturers of machinery, $86 million in the mining industry, which includes producers of petroleum and natural gas, $85 million in manufacturers of primary metals, $71 million in transportation, and $69 million in manufacturers of chemicals and rubber products. The total of all business term loans on March 27, represented approximately 45 percent of the total business loans outstanding at the large commercial banks reporting in the series. Business of Borrower Percent of Term Loans Change From Month Ended Total Busi- Mar. 27, Feb. 28 , Mar. 29, Dec. 27, 1968 1968 1967 1967 ness Loans (%) (In millions of dollars) Durable goods manufacturing - total Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods 50 68 48 49 39 49 5,841 1,112 2,154 889 692 994 +247 + 85 + 90 + 40 + 22 + 10 Nondurable goods manufacturing - total Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods 52 36 27 82 66 61 5,369 876 555 1,264 1,613 1,061 + + + + + Mining (including crude petroleum & natural gas) 86 3,947 + 34 Trade - total Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail 23 9 19 31 1,798 115 585 1,098 + 14 + 12 3 + 5 Transportation, communication, and other public utilities - total Transportation Communication Other public utilities 62 77 44 36 4,617 3,495 412 710 + 43 + 71 + 3 - 31 Construction 28 706 + 26 - 3 + 24 Services 43 2,237 + 42 + 172 + 116 Foreign commercial & industrial loans 73 1,957 + 11 - 276 - 70 All other loans 13 879 + 35 + 55 + 6 45 27,351 +543 +2 ,724 Total term loans outstanding 91 11 31 32 69 12 + + + + + - + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + 751 594 99 35 94 71 753 225 167 39 151 171 523 136 15 86 35 613 583 2 28 + + + + + - + + + + + - + + + + + + + - 386 238 153 1 17 23 288 118 90 8 81 9 376 32 8 9 15 116 152 31 5 +1 ,274 H.12(c COMMERCIAL A N D INDUSTRIAL TERM LOANS OUTSTANDING AT A SAMPLE OF WEEKLY REPORTING LARGE COMMERCIAL BANKS BY INDUSTRY A N D F E D E R A L RESERVE DISTRICT, W E E K ENDED M A R C H 27, 1968 Business of Borrower All Districts Boston New York Phila- Clevedelphia land Rich- Atlanta Chicago mond St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San . FrancisccE/ Durable goods manufacturing - total Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods 5,841 1,112 2,154 889 692 994 213 16 108 51 21 17 2,836 637 1,095 431 229 444 170 13 52 12 64 29 627 171 185 97 88 86 71 8 13 10 14 26 52 4 17 7 8 16 1,195 188 509 134 201 163 65 23 16 6 8 12 37 1 9 4 10 13 47 1 7 7 10 22 79 14 15 7 16 27 449 36 128 123 23 139 Nondurable goods manufacturing - total Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods 5,369 876 555 1,264 1,613 1,061 204 37 47 16 51 53 2,849 386 316 558 1,087 502 166 16 22 40 40 48 356 30 8 114 127 77 104 13 61 4 12 14 73 30 13 8 12 10 95A 237 57 252 189 219 73 15 14 5 25 14 47 20 4 9 14 27 7 1 11 5 3 99 10 2 46 18 23 417 75 10 201 47 84 Mining (including crude petroleum and natural gas) 3,947 28 2,633 38 137 3 36 518 20 4 91 354 85 Trade - total Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail 1,798 115 585 1,096 152 44 108 687 57 164 466 96 7 24 65 103 2 45 56 47 5 20 22 84 3 33 48 295 12 137 146 33 1 11 21 30 8 9 13 56 4 17 35 34 3 14 17 181 13 67 101 Transportation, communication, & other public utilities Transportation Communication Other public utilities 4,617 3,495 412 710 118 70 16 32 2,693 2,017 251 425 98 68 10 20 210 152 27 31 126 92 13 21 110 102 1 7 585 456 28 101 122 109 6 7 62 41 6 15 45 38 6 1 131 85 9 37 317 265 39 13 706 13 226 32 64 24 53 44 11 4 23 82 130 Services 2,237 175 828 184 163 50 85 285 47 29 44 62 285 Foreign commercial and industrial loans 1,957 22 1,472 25 52 1 — 177 1 5 - - 13 189 879 19 582 2 28 17 14 42 24 1 11 33 106 27.351 944 14,806 811 1,740 443 507 4,095 396 219 344 887 2,159 Construction All other loans Total term loans outstanding — - —