Full text of G.20 Sales Finance Companies : November 15, 1950
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'~I BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM November 15, 1950 SALES FINANCE COJIPANIES SEPTEMBER 1950 Retail financing.--The volume of retail automotive paper acquired during September by reporting sales finance companies was 6 per cent leas than the August volume. This marks the second successive monthly decrease. However, September's month-to-month decline was less than the 9 per cent reported for August. All components of the automotive segment showeddecreases in the volume of paper purchased. Despite the smaller September volume, outstanding balances of retail automotive paper increased 2 per cent during the month. Compared with the August volume of other consumer goods paper acquired, September volume was lower by 12 per cent. The only category within this segment which reflected increased purchases by sales finance companies was that of furniture, radios, and musical instruments. Outstanding bal~ces of other consumer goods paper were slightly higher at the end of September than at the end of August. Retail Financing by Sales Finance Companies change, August 1950 to September 1950 Volume of paper Outstanding balances, acguired during month end of month Perce~tage Class of retail paper Number of carlj -11 -+ 2 ... ... ... ... Total -12 -- -+ 2 Furniture, radios, musical instruments Refrigerators and other household appliances Residential building repair and modernization Miscellaneous retail +27 -23 Automotive: Total retail Passenger cars: Commercial cars: Other conswner goods: New Used New Used :...l -5 - 9 -15 - 8 -- 6 - 4 - 6 -16 -14 - 7 .... ... ... ... Wholesale financing. --..<;eptember purchases of wholesale automotive paper were substantially less than those of August, according to reports from the sample of sales finance companies, However, outstanding balances again showed a moderate increase. The amount of other wholesale paper acquired during September were much less than the August volume. Outstanding balances remained about the same, Ratio of paper acquired to balances outstanding.--The turnover rate of receivables as measured by the ratio of paper acquired during the month to outstanding balances at the end of the month fell by 4 points to 26 per cent. NOTE.-September data, based on returns from 124 sales finance companies, are compiled in the same rna: mer as those shown in earlier reports. Aggregates represent only the totals for the reporting companies and, since the reporting sample is not identical from month to month, they are not comparable with totals of preceding months. Page 2 SALEs· FINANCE COUPANIES Table 1.--Automoti.ve and Diversified Financing by Sales Finance Companies Indexes of Outstanding Balances: December 31, 1939 • 100 !/ End of' month and year Total all sales f'inancing Retail automotive Wholesale autanotive Wholesale other than automotive Retail other consumers' goods Industrial, commercial, and f'arm equipment 100 140 250 40 8 11 38 224 394 454 332 100 129 148 76 30 26 100 131 147 61 27 26 23 105 226 232 187 89 116 107 1939·················· 1940•••••••••••••••••• 1941 •••••••••••••••••• 1942 .................. 1943 .................. 1944 •••••••••••••••••• 1945 •••••••••••••••••• 1946 •••••••••••••••••• 100 136 152 1947 ••.•.••.•••••...•. 1948 .................. 1949 •••••••••••••••••• 119 174 228 88 151 249 100 169 175 112 40 24 27 90 163 252 216 1949- September •••••• October ........ November ••••••• December ••••••• 22$ 232 233 228 228 237 245 249 279 294 267 216 400 371 361 332 199 195 190 187 111 110 107 1950- January •••••••• 234 234 237 240 250 263 266 274 282 252 258 265 274 284 298 314 322 250 223 204 186 202 228 163 179 192 329 180 176 172 172 174 179 185 189 192 110 109 111 112 117 120 123 124 127 53 20 18 22 59 February ••••••• Jlarch •••••••••• April ........... May •••••• ,'~· •••• June ........... Jlicy" ........... August ••••••••• September •••••• 100 132 149 37 13 15 18 42 330 398 485 531 531 499 436 424 422 39 59 110 Indexes as of' December 31 f'or the years of' 1939, 1940, and 1941 are based on f'igures reported by sales f'inance companies on a supplementary report f'orm which accompanied the regular monthly report form f'or January 1942. Succeeding indexes are derived by calculating the percentage changes of the outstanding balances reported by sales f'inance companies f'or each month f'rom. those reported by the same companies f'or the preceding month, and by linking these percentages to the indexes f'or the preceding month, Table 2.--Relative Importance of' Loaus Made by Sales Finance Companies During September 1950 and Outstanding Balances at End of' Month Paper acquired during month Class of' paper Out&tanding balances, end of' month Amount Percentage of' total Amount Percentage of total !/•••••••• $909 033.664 100 $3,461,174.519 100 Total loans., ..... , •....... , .......• 2~~4112732 Small (personal) loans •••.•••••••• Business loans •••••••••••••••••••• 10,394.507 43,017,225 6 1 5 16323042663 70,387,255 92,917,408 2 3 !/•••••·····•• 855,621,932 94 3,297,869,856 95 Total, all classes of paper Total sales financing c: Included in this classification are only those firms which, in addition to their sales financing operations, reported loan activities, SALES FINANCE COIIPANIES Table 3.--Automoti~ and Di~rs~fied Financing by Sales Finance Companiea Paper Acquired During September 1950 and Balances OUtstanding at End of Month Volume of paper acquired during September 1950 Clau of pttper Total retail automotive ••••••••••••••••••• Total wholesale automotive, ••.•••.••• , •• ,, Total wholesale -other than automotive ••• Total retail- other consumers' goods ••••• Industrial, commercial, and fare equipment Total ~ sa~es financing ••••••••••• By all companies reporting Ratio paper acquired to outstandi,;J balances b OUtstanding balances September 30, By companies reporting 195o !I outstandi~J balances a $323,020,720 491,972,388 15,233,993 32,697,307 8,311,548 $320,652,749 489,878,263 15,132,599 32,338,627 8,303,723 $2,636,998,059 301,054,088 31,805,148 294,823,830 95,172,500 $811,235,956 $866,305,961 $3,359,853,625 12 163 48 ll - - -9 - 26 Data are based on figures from sales finance companies able to report both their paper ao~uired and their outstanding balances. Ratios obtained by dividing paper acquired {column 2) by outstanding balances {column 3). B( Table 4,--:Number of -Cars Financed and Volume of Paper Acquired by Sales Finance Companies During September 1950 Number of oars Class of paper Paper acquired Number Percentage of total Total retail automotive •••••••••••••••• 276,815 100 $313l592l746!' 100 New passenger cara ••••••••••••••••••• tlew commercial oars •••••••••••••••••• Used passenger cars •••••••••••••••••• Used c~~roial cars ••••••••••••••••• 107,081 13,459 144,427 11,848 39 5 52 4 164,986,062 18,290,672 122,600,202 7,715,810 53 6 39 2 Total wholesale automotive ••••••••••••• 313,783 100 $484l9961882!!' 100 liew cars (passenger and cOilllllercial) •• Used cars {passenger and commercial). 295,329 18,454 94 6 465,475,688 19,521,194 96 4 ~ Dollar volume Percentage of total Data are based on reports from sales finance compNlies providing a breakdown of their retail and wholesale automotive financing. These amounts are less than those reported in table 3 due to the exclusion of some data for which breakdowns were not available. Table 5.--Volume of Diversified Sales Financing During September 1950 Class of paper Retail - other consumers' goods: Furniture, radios, pianos, and other musical instruments •• Refrigerators and other household appliances •••••••••••••• Residential building repairs and moderni~ation •••••••••••• of Dollar volume paper acquired 10 27 $ 5,855,867 Miscellaneous retail,,.,.,, ..... ,.,,,,,,, .. ,, •........... , 14,821,855 3,314,821 7.574.474 Total retail- other consumers' goods ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Total wholesale- other than automotive ••••••••••••••••••••••• Industrial, commercial, and farm equipment •••••••••••••••••••• $31,567,017 15,233,993 8,311,548 Total diversified financing ••••••••••••••••••• $55,112,558 Percentage of total 6 14 y 57 28 15 100 Data are based on reports from sales finance companies providing a breakdown of their retail financing of other consumers' goods. This amount is less than that reported in table 3 due to the exclusion of same data for which breakdowns were not available.