Full text of G.20 Finance Companies : September 1990
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W: : 4 I FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release September 1990 Finance Companies - July 1990 G.20 (422) RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Seasonally adjusted, in millions of dollars Outstanding July 31, 1990 ====Change from J u n e : — — Net Percent, at an amount annual rate Total finance company receivables outstanding 493,967 4,554 11.2 Consumer credit 160,414 -80 -0.6 76,560 16,861 5,315 26,071 30,114 -1,300 424 8 503 380 -20.0 31.0 1.8 23.6 15.3 5,493 -94 -20.2 56,137 1,004 21.9 277,416 3,630 15.9 Retail Commercial vehicles 6/ Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 38,931 30,623 600 -785 132 -42 -23.7 5.2 -78.5 wholesale Automotive Equipment Other Pools of securitized assets 2/ 33,158 9,929 9,722 0 1,343 434 -321 0 50.7 54.8 -38.3 0.0 Leasing Automotive Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 30,210 76,316 1,760 636 1,400 213 25.8 22.4 165.2 Other short-term 7/ Other intermediate-term 20,077 26,089 208 412 12.6 19.3 Retail passenger cars Pools of securitized auto assets 2/ Mobile homes 3/ Other consumer goods 4/ Personal cash loans to individuals Pools of all other securitized consumer assets (incl. mobile homes) 2/ Loans secured by real estate 5/ Business credit 1. Includes finance company subsidiaries of bank holding companies but not of retailers and banks. Data are shown before deductions for unearned income and losses. Components may not add to totals due to rounding. 2. Outstanding balances of pools upon which securities have been issued; these balances are no longer carried on the balance sheets of the loan originator. All data on pools of securitized assets are not seasonally adjusted. 3. Complete dwelling units built on a chassis and capable of being towed over the highway by truck but not by car. 4. General merchandise, apparel, furniture, household appliances, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, auto repair, and home modernization. 5. Mainly junior mortgages on residential properties. 6. Passenger car fleets and commercial land vehicles for which licenses are required. 7. Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Millions of dollars July 1990 N.S.A. July 1989 N.S.A. July 1990 S.A. June 1990 S.A. May 1990 S.A. July 1989 S.A. Total finance company receivables outstanding 493,854 455,543 493,967 489,412 482,103 455,711 Consumer credit 161,150 157,721 160,414 160,494 160,362 156,894 Retail passenger cars 77,716 Pools of securitized auto assets 2/ 16,861 Mobile homes 3/ 5,328 Other consumer goods 4/ 25,870 Personal cash loans to individuals 29,882 Pools of all other securitized consumer assets (incl. mobile homes) 2/ 5,493 89,363 76,560 77,860 79,853 88,190 9,169 5,649 22,322 16,861 5,315 26,071 16,437 5,307 25,568 15,162 5,354 25,008 9,169 5,632 22,486 27,091 30,114 29,734 29,312 27,290 4,127 5,493 5,587 5,673 4,127 56,367 47,567 56,137 55,132 54,882 47,377 276,337 250,255 277,416 273,786 266,859 251,440 Retail Commercial vehicles 6/ Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 39,122 30,644 39,179 28,347 38,931 30,623 39,716 30,491 39,245 30,635 39,003 28,307 600 769 600 642 622 769 Wholesale Automotive Equipment Other Pools of securitized assets 2/ 31,779 9,950 9,354 32,811 6,336 9,600 33,158 9,929 9,722 31,815 9,495 10,043 29,896 9,429 9,892 34,075 6,311 9,986 Leasing Automotive Equipment Pools of securitized assets 2/ 30,582 76,026 26,768 63,930 30,210 76,316 29,575 74,916 28,878 72,715 26,487 64,264 1,760 887 1,760 1,547 1,597 887 Other short-term 7/ Other intermediate-term 20,593 25,927 19,782 21,846 20,077 26,089 19,869 25,677 18,700 25,250 19,364 21,985 15,333 12,570 15,474 15,790 11,638 12,685 Loans secured by real estate 5/ Business credit MEMO: Liability item Bank loans (shortand long-term) See footnotes on page 1.