Full text of G.20 Finance Companies : April 1989
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s£sig&C>. FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release April 1989 Finance Companies - February 1989 G. 20 (422) RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Seasonally adjusted, in millions of dollars Outstanding February 28, 1989 ==Change from January :=== Net Percent, at an amount annual rate Total finance company receivables outstanding 430,203 3, 814 10. 7 Consumer credit Retail passenger cars Mobile homes 2/ Other consumer goods 3/ Personal cash loans to individuals 147,356 98,562 7,063 17,592 24,139 2, 170 1, 672 -78 260 317 17. 9 20. 7 -13. 1 18. 0 16. 0 46,493 1, 028 27. 1 236,354 37,820 28,051 34,298 6,122 9,493 24,975 57,860 17,791 19,945 616 210 227 490 -75 -54 314 584 724 237 3. 1 — 6.6 -9. 6 17. 4 -14. 4 -6. 8 15. 3 -12. 0 50. 9 14. 4 Loans secured by real estate 4/ Business credit Retail commercial vehicles 5/ Retail equipment Wholesale automotive Wholesale equipment All other wholesale Automotive leasing Equipment leasing Other short-term business credit 6/ Other intermediate-term business credit 1. Includes finance company subsidiaries of bank holding companies but not of retailers and banks. Includes outstanding balances on securitized auto loans originated by finance companies. Data are shown before deductions for unearned income and losses. Components may not add to totals due to rounding. 2. Complete dwelling units built on a chassis and capable of being towed over the highway by truck but not by car. 3. General merchandise, apparel, furniture, household appliances, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, auto repair, and home modernization. 4. Mainly junior mortgages on residential properties. 5. Passenger car fleets and commercial land vehicles for which licenses are required. 6. Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. —2 — RECEIVABLES OUTSTANDING AT FINANCE COMPANIES 1/ Millions of dollars See footnotes on page 1. 422, 940 396, 857 144, 766 96, 019 7, 045 17, 580 140, 321 97, 536 7, 660 13, 935 147, 356 98, 562 7, 063 17, 592 145, 186 96, 890 7, 141 17, 333 143, 523 96, 368 7, 210 16, 919 142, 948 100, 119 7 /679 13, 945 24, 122 21, 190 24, 139 822 23, 026 21, 205 46, 442 40, 527 46, 493 45, 465 44, 609 40, 572 239, 788 216, 236 236, 354 235, 738 234, 808 213, 337 37, 491 28, 135 36, 620 6, 044 9, 568 25, 307 58, 664 36, 002 27, 057 30, 594 5, 255 8, 397 23, 407 48, 845 37, 820 28, 051 34, 298 6, 122 9, 493 24, 975 57, 860 38, 030 28, 278 33, 808 6, 196 9, 547 24, 660 58, 444 37, 067 27, 919 33, 879 6, 083 9, 278 24, 639 58, 147 36, 318 26, 976 28, 654 5, 323 8, 331 23, 100 48, 175 17, 942 18, 014 17, 791 17, 066 133 17, 862 20, 017 665 19, 945 19, 708 19, 664 18, 598 155 14, 334 13, 203 13, 419 12, 326 135 to w 426, 389 430, 996 H CO Business credit Retail commercial vehicles 5/ Retail equipment Wholesale automotive Wholesale equipment All other wholesale Automotive leasing Equipment leasing Other short-term business credit 6/ Other intermediate-term business credit MEMO: Liability item Bank loans (shortand long-term) 430, 203 H 00 Loans secured by real estate 4/ 397, 084 Feb. 1988 N.S.A. 1 1 H 1 ft Consumer credit Retail passenger cars Mobile homes 2/ Other consumer goods 3/ Personal cash loans to individuals Feb. 1988 S.A. Jan. 1989 S. A. CM 1 rH 1 Total finance company receivables outstanding Dec. 1988 S.A. Feb. 1989 S. A. Feb. 1989 N.S.A.