Full text of G.20 Finance Companies : April 1975
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ES E R V E April 1975 G.20 FINANCE COMPANIES - FEBRUARY 1975' Outstanding Consumer Credit Held by Finance Companies (In millions of dollars) I Type of credit February 28, 1Q7S %146 38.194 ' Consumer instalment credit Retail automotive (passenger cars) 12,406 Mobile homes Other retail consumer goods Home improvement loans 'Personal loans 3,539 4,580 923 16,746 Increase or idecrease (-) during: Year ended February Feb. 28. 1975 1974 February 1975 • 91 -20 -62 • -44 -111 1.046 ! ! -44 r ! 14 26 28 -16 696 133 . v) -45 168 Consumer Credit Extended and Repaid at Finance Companies (In millions of dollars) s Type of credit Consumer instalment credit Retail automotive (passenger cars) Mobile homes Other retail consumer goods Home improvement loans Personal loans Extended bv finance cos Feb. Jan. FebJ. 1974 1975 1975 2,663 733 62 660 14 1,194 . 1 Repaid to finance cos. Feb. Jan. I Feb. 1974 1975 1975 .2,581 3,056 2,809 '3,166 3,048 589 555 642 709 599 | 82 | 722 ! 58 1,305 85 824 38 1,510 106 906 50 1,387 74 715 12 »• 1,191 120 932 78 1,371 ^G.20 - ' . -2Outstanding Business Credit Held by Finance Companies (In millions of dollars) -. Type-of credit Business, credit Retail automotive (commercial vehicles ' Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial and farm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable Factored commercial accounts receivable All other business credit February 28, 1975 Increase or decrease (-) during: February February Year ended: 1975 1974 Feb. 28, 1975 32,513 618 403 2,961 4,413 7,775 -69 -277 -85 230 351 736 8,960 -29 42 774 2,078 -10 56 -24 1,400 7,887 -19 1,022 150 10 J 1 -169 1,293 Business Credit Extended and Repaid at Finanec Companies (In millions of dollars) Type of credit • Business creditRetail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive - Retail paper on business, industrial and farm "equipment Loans on commercial accounts • receivable Factored commercial accounts receivable • _&11 other business credit Extended by finance cos. Feb. Jan. Feb. 1975 1975 1974 Repaid to finance cos. Feb. . Jan.. Feb. 1975 1975 1974 6,894 7,515 7,672 6,276 8,107 " 7,269 324 2,299 363 2,311 295 2,322 393 2,576 391 2,416 380 2,092 892 986 850 921 960 808 1,012 1,218 1,880 1,022 1,277 1,824 1,187 1,180 1,270 1,367 1,253 1,072 1,206 158 1,276 1,787 1,243 922 Change in Extensions and Repayments (In millions of dollars) Change in extensions from: Change in repayments.from: - Month ago Year ago ! Month ago Year- ago Type of credit 82 -393 Consumer instalment credit Retail automotive (passenger car) 144 178 Mobile homes Other retail consumer goods Home improvement loans Personal loans -12 -55 2 3 -58 -272 -64 -177 -621 -39 -12 Business credit Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale .automotive Retail paper on business, industrial and farm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable Factored commercial accounts. receivable All other business credit - -239 -357 ! 43 -67 -102 20 -205 -24 -184 8 -82 -778 -1,831 -993 29 -23 2 . 160 13 484 -94 42 -39 113 -206 -868 | -83 -187 -66 108 1 V • | ' ~ 3 -802 -37 -764 -70 -1,629 Number of Motor Vehicles Financed at Retail by Finance Companies (In thousands) February 28, 1975 Type of vehicle •Total financed at retail Month ago Change from: Year ago 265. New passenger Used passenger New and used commercial 21 -5 5 29 109 86. 70 it Selected Liabilities of Finance Companies (In millions of dollars) ; . Type of liability Bank loans (excl. commercial paper) Commercial paper Directly placed Dealer placed February 28, 1975 6,840 22,135 20,875 1,260 ! February 1975 -186 * -165 -211 46 Increase or decrease (-) during: February 1 January 1974 1 * 1975 I 1 i I -974 323 577 -254 -729 320 492 -172