Full text of G.19 Consumer Credit : December 7, 1982
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release tOE G. 19 (421) IMMEDIATE BELEASE December 7, 1S82 CONSUME* INSTALLMENT CBEDIT - QCTCBEB 1982 Consumer installment credit outstanding declined $324 million in October on a seasonally adjusted basis, following a $1.09 billion increase in September. The drop in outstanding debt was the first since a $33 million decline in December 198 1. Credit outstanding declined at a 1.2 percent annual rate in October compared with a 4 percent increase in September and 2 percent increase for the third quarter. The "other" category of consumer credit, which includes personal cash loans and sales finance contracts on nonauto consumer goods fell $350 million and auto and mobile home loans also posted declines. All of the categories had registered gains during September. Extensions in October totaled $28.06 billion, seasonally adjusted, compared with $28.27 billion in September. Liguidations rose to $28.39 billion in Octoner from $27.18 billion a month earlier. (Millions of dollars). Installment credit Amount extended: Automobile devolving (1) Mobile Home Other Amount liquidated: Oct. 1982 | Sep. 1982 1 Oct. 1982 J Oct. 1981 JLatest 12 months (Mot seas.adj.) j (Not seas adj.) (Seasonally adj.) j , ... 'I27,680! 28,0.62! 27,158| 332,385 28,268! I I I I 7,650! 7,970! 7,46S| 91,233 7#546| 12,210! 12,340| 11,7504 145,559 12,464| 516J 476! 548J 5,504 4521 7,304! 7#276| 7,391J 90,089 7,806| I I I I I I 1 I 28,650! 26,693| 326,061 27,176| ! Net change in amount J I 6,324 ! outstanding: 1 I -9701 465| 1,092| (<0 Automobile ! I I (4) .Revolving (1) -465J 641| (<0 505J Mobile Home 133| -13| (4) 210| Other 176J 36| 10| -485| -528J 367| Amount outstanding, J I (2) 1 (2) end of month I I I 328,652J 334,871! credit extended NOTE: Tne Board 1 s series covers most short- and intermediate-term I to individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance the purchase of consumer goods and services or to refinance debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments. Details may not add to totals due to rounding* Credit cards at retailers, gasoline companies and commercial banks, and (1) check credit at commercial banks. Not applicable or not available. (2) A value for the unadjusted net change in outstandings appears also on the next (3) to last column on the next page, but may vary slightly, due to different aggregation methods. For values see the next to last column on the next page under the heading <«) "change from end of October 1981 amount n.s.a." 28,386! ! ! -324! J -78! 108! -4| -350! ! 12) i! (3) CONSUMER INSTALLMENT CBEDIT BY HOIDEfl AND TYPE - Oct. 1982 (Millions of dollars) E x t e n d e d installment credit h o l d e r and t y p e 1 Oct. 1982 s . a. I | j 28,0621 Total By major 1I Sep. 1982 s.a. 1 1 1 1 28,2681 1 Oct. 1981 s.a. Oct. 1982 j xi. s . a . 1 1 Commercial banks F i n a n c e companies C r e d i t unions B e t a i l e r s (2) Savings and l o a n s G a s o l i n e companies M u t u a l s a v i n g s tanks | 1 13,3221 4,4271 2,8971 4,4311 961| 1,835| 1891 12,7501 4,894| 3,0921 4,6841 7861 1,8761 186j 13,0771 | 4,2641 2,6851 | 4,6591 I 1,0581 1,7491 1881 1 1 1 7,6501 13,371 4,820 2,929 1 4,519 633 | 1,950 164 12,2691 4,7791 2,7461 4,6241 605| 1,9911 162| 11,6861 4,1231 2,8301 4,455J 521| 2,0631 1561 8,048 7,0411 6,4661 4,2131 2,686|{ 1,527U 1,3781 2,059|j 11 12,2101 4,244 2,713| 1,531 1,5261 2,278 3,2671 1,7451 1,5221 1,4201 2,3541 3,4891 1,9501 1,5391 1,4061 1,5711 13,3231 i - 4 9 1 I 147,926 I 1,037 5,0801 1 -3931 | 9 2 , 5 4 1I 2,958 | 2,8851 1 - 3 2 | 1 46,645 | 229 1 4,4421 1 -8811 27,046 | 124 1 6541 328| 1 13,457 I 2,109 I 2,0961 -115J I 4,322 I -391 1701 251 » 2,934 153 1 1 1 -781 1 128,619 8,1151 2,275 1 4,179U 521 1 58,796 -446 2,6451 721 1 35,490 8391 1,5341 -201 I 23,3061 - 1 , 2 8 5 1,474J -121 1 22,305 109 -1181 1 2,4621 47,518 2,612 12,2541 11,4291 3,2631 1,9661 1,2971 1,3081 2,9191 12,340| 11,7531 i 6,455| 4,0501 1,835| 6,3361 4,2521 1,876| 5,5781 4,1541 2,0211 6,2331 4,2281j 1,7491 6,209 4,0731 1,950 6,0931 4,1701 1,9911 | 4761 4751 480, i 1741 811 207J 141 5161 1 183| 1071 2I41J 121 27 1 j 88] 107| 14 Commercial banks F i n a n c e companies C r e d i t unions Retailers Savings and l o a n s M u t u a l s a v i n g s hanks (1) (2) 1 4521 1 19 1J 1051 1401 161 2541 1231 891 9| 7,2761 7,8061 7,1181 2,3971 2 , 1861 1,3691 381| 7541 1891 2,521j 2,524| 1,4971 4321 6461 1861 2,515| 2,2851 1,304J 4051 4641 I45| 1 1 7,3041 II 2,4481 2,0981 1,2951 4311 8441 1881J -3241 1 334,871 6,219 12,232 1 12,2231 5,3961 3,9701 2,063| 6,1441 3,9831 2,09611 4421 3531 258| 851 861 131 226| 491 66| 121 480H 11 275J1 89H 10211 141 7,626 7,4391 7,586| 2,647 2,4541 1,3891 4461 526| 1641 2,6511 2,3401 1,3131 454| 5191 1621 2,5751 2,5031 1,4121 4851 4551 1561 1 .7 3.3 *5 -5 18.6 -8.3 5.5 1.8 -.8 2.4 -5.2 .5 5.8 60,811 2,360 4.0 246| | -231 ) -1151 1 33,085 23,404] 4,322 2,322 429 -391 7.5 1.9 -8.3 -41 1 18,814| 514] 2.8 -971 1 -7J 1 1001 1 01 1 9,631 4,971 3,716 496 -657, 587 582| 2 -6.4 13.4 18.6 .5 108| 1 -3501 1 126,627 7,8321 11 -250| | 46,414 2,7251 -2681 t 40,052] 2,529( 1,3971 -20J ( 23,844] 459J -651 1 3,642| 228] 1 9,741] 5521 17011 251 1 2,9341 1,070 -182 -241] 118] -305] 1,5271 153| Net changes for all months egual extensions minus liquidations (repayments, chargeoffs, and other credits). Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held fcy retailers and by travel and entertainment companies. NOTE: 1.9 • 3,7021 2,077| 1,6251 1,5791 2,265| 1 12,4641 1 n g I Change from end | of O c t . 1981 I amount pern.s.a. cent 11,610] 5,3271 2,6211 4,5591 5531 2,021| 1451 4,296| 2,7851 1,5111 1,5141 2,160| Revolving 1 Cct. | 1982 l n.s.a. 28,6501 1 1 J 7,4901 1 Oct. 198 1 s.a. 25,8341 7,546J Commercial hanks I n d i r e c t paper Direct loans C r e d i t unions Finance coapanies Other 1 1 1 27,1761 i Commercial banks F i n a n c e companies Savings and l o a n s C r e d i t unions Sep. 1982 s.a. 7,9701 Automobile M o b i l e home I t a n d i 28,386 i Commercial hanks Betailers •Gasoline companies Oct. 1982 s.a. Net | ( O u t s chg 1 C c t . | 1 End o f 19821 I Oct. 1982 s.a. | 1 (1) 1 1 n . s . a . 27,6801 1 J 1 1 J type 1 I 1 ! j I 1 11 i | 1 | i 11 26,8361 1 i1 holder By major c r e d i t l i q u i d a t e d by s»a» and n.s.a. denote seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted data, respectively. Details may not add to totals due to rounding. .9 -.4 -.6 .5 -7.7 18.6 5.5