Full text of G.19 Consumer Credit : December 7, 1978
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DECEMBER 7, 1978 G.19 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT OCTOBER 1978 GROWTH IN CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT OUTSTANDING SLOWED IN OCTOBER TO $3.12 BILLION, FROM SEPTEMBER'S REVISED $3.68 BILLION INCREASE. THE PREVIOUS PEAK GAIN WAS $4.21 BILLION IN MAY, ACCORDING TO REVISIONS IN THE SERIES THAT ARE EXPLAINED IN THE ATTACHMENT. THE REDUCED OCTOBER EXPANSION REPRESENTED AN ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH IN OUTSTANDINGS OF 14 PER CENT, COMPARED WITH 17 PER CENT IN SEPTEMBER AND THE THIRD QUARTER AS A WHOLE, AND A HIGH OF 21 PER CENT IN THE SECOND QUARTER. INSTALMENT CREDIT NEWLY EXTENDED IN OCTOBER ADVANCED MODERATELY TO A NEW HIGH OF $25.86 BILLION, BUT HAS EXPERIENCED LITTLE GROWTH ON BALANCE SINCE THE $25.57 BILLION FIGURE IN JUNE. LIQUIDATIONS, MEANWHILE, ROSE SHARPLY TO $22.73 BILLION IN OCTOBER FROM $21.86 BILLION THE MONTH BEFORE, RESULTING IN THE SMALLER INCREASE IN CREDIT OUTSTANDING. THE MODERATE SLACKENING OF GROWTH WAS EVIDENT IN ALL CREDIT TYPE COMPONENTS, BUT WAS MOST NOTICEABLE IN THE REDEFINED REVOLVING CREDIT CATEGORY, WHICH EXPERIENCED ITS SMALLEST ADVANCE OF THE YEAR. (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) INSTALMENT CREDIT, TOTAL AMOUNT EXTENDED: AUTOMOBILE REVOLVING (1) MOBILE HOMES OTHER AMOUNT LIQUIDATED NET CHANGE IN AMOUNT OUTSTANDING: AUTOMOBILE REVOLVING (1) MOBILE HOMES OTHER AMOUNT OUTSTANDING, END OF MONTH OCT 1978 | SEPT 1978 | OCT 1978 I OCT 1977 (SEASONALLY ADJ.) I (NOT SEAS.ADJ.) 25,8551 I 125,5371 I 7,511| 8,8461 604| 8,8941 7,5421 9,0061 494| 8,4951 I I I I 22,7321 I I 21,8571 25,3971 21,311 292,020 6,224 7,491 471 7,125 87,392 101,655 6,007 96,966 19,052 248,296 2,2101 2,259 43,724 900 465 68 826 I 7,4131 8,8151 5981 8,571| I I 23,1871 I I 3,1231 I I I 3,6801 I 1,3851 3461 251 1,367| I 1,107| 159| 14| 9301 I I 1»532| 6221 721 lt454| LATEST 12 MONTHS (NOT SEAS.ADJ.) (4) (4) (4) (4) I I 221,877 (2) I 265,5761 I (2) SHORT| NOTE: THE BOARD'S SERIES COVERS MOST AND INTERMEDIATE-TERM CREDIT EXTENDED (1) (2) (3) (4) | TO INDIVIDUALS THROUGH REGULAR BUSINESS(2) CHANNELS, USUALLY TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES OR TO REFINANCE DEBTS INCURRED FOR SUCH PURPOSES, AND SCHEDULED TO BE REPAID (OR WITH THE OPTION OF REPAYING) IN TWO OR MORE INSTALMENTS. FOR FURTHER EXPLANATION, SEE ATTACHMENT TO RELEASE. DETAILS MAY NOT ADD TO TOTALS DUE TO ROUNDING. CREDIT CARDS AT RETAILERS, GASOLINE COMPANIES AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, AND CHECK CREDIT AT COMMERCIAL BANKS. NOT APPLICABLE OR NOT AVAILABLE. A VALUE FOR THE UNADJUSTED NET CHANGE IN OUTSTANDINGS APPEARS ALSO ON THE NEXT TO LAST COLUMN ON THE NEXT PAGE, BUT MAY VARY SLIGHTLY, DUE TO DIFFERENT AGGREGATION METHODS. FOR VALUES SEE THE NEXT TO LAST COLUMN ON THE NEXT PAGE UNDER THE HEADING "CHANGE FROM END OF OCTOBER 1977 AMOUNT N.S.A." (3) CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT BY HOLDER AND TYPE - OCT 1978 (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) L I Q U I D A T E D OCT 1978 S.A. SEPT 1978 S.A. OCT 1977 S.A. OCT | 1978 I •S.A. 1 NET | | O U T S T A N D I N G CHG | | OCT || END OF CHANGE FROM END OF OCT 1977 1978|| OCT S.A.|| 1978 PER AMOUNT CENT N.S.A. (1) II N.S.A. 25,397 22,732 21,857 19,066 23,187 3123 265,576 43,699 20 10,551 3,620 2,981 3,348 391 1,248 134 11,875 4,509 3,130 3,512 910 1,312 149 10,565 3,742 2,757 3,403 787 1,319 159 10,409 3,525 2,721 3,390 309 1,337 166 8,833 3,073 2,444 3,090 293 1,190 143 10,8121 3,8051 2,8201 3,3501 7881 1,4521 1601 1 3 8 8 H 132,457 8631 I 51,984 6441 | 44,635 115|| 22,464 1051 I 8,177 16| | 3,276 -81 I 2,583 23,683 8,716 8,058 1,594 976 240 432 22 20 22 8 14 8 20 7,542 6,503 7,413 6,126 6,010 5,274 6,3061 13851 I^100,159 4,479 2,519 1,960 1,641 1,422 4,069 2,233 1,836 1,414 1,020 4,354 2,401 1,953 1,532 1,527 3,586 2,030 1,556 1,342 1,198 3,631 2,002 1,629 1,328 1,051 3,239 1,790 1,449 1,178 857 3,651| 2,0531 1,5981 1,3841 1,271| 769| 354| 415| 301| 315| 9,006 7,666 8,815 8,500 8,384 6,999 6,656! 346|| 4,457 3,203 1,346 3,523 2,895 1,248 4,473 3,030 1,312 4,138 3,043 1,319 4,077 2,970 i,337 3,116 2,693 1,190 4,2431 2,9611 1,4521 494 478 598 579 422 402 5841 25| I 15,925 853 297 77 100 20 304 59 98 17 341 82 153 22 377 75 108 19 266 71 73 12 264 56 71 11 3851 -2511 -2| I 461 I 6| I 9,548 3,127 2,775 475 472 22 2 75 84 5 1 11 21 8,495 7,626 8,571 7,527 7,041 6,391 7,641| 13671 I 106,913 15,895 17 2,890 2,873 1,699 515 303 215 2,655 2,541 1,550 453 293 134 2,707 2,900 1,576 482 757 149 2,464 2,469 1,396 360 679 159 2,435 2,403 1,381 420 236 166 2,214 2,160 1,255 397 222 143 2,5331 2,4651 1,417| 389| 677| 160) 6,308 4,343 4,280 -169 701 432 18 17 23 -3 15 20 E X T E N D E O INSTALMENT CREOIT, BY HOLDER AND TYPE OCT 1978 S.A. SEPT 1978 S.A. OCT 1977 S.A. 25,537 22,273 12,123 4,372 3,360 3,718 403 1,346 215 7,5111 I -I- TOTAL 25,855 OCT 1978 N.S.A. 1 I BY MAJOR HOLDER I COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE COMPANIES CREDIT UNIONS RETAILERS (2) SAVINGS AND LOANS GASOLINE COMPANIES MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS BY MAJOR CREDIT TYPE AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL BANKS INDIRECT PAPER DIRECT LOANS CREOIT UNIONS FINANCE COMPANIES 11,953| 4,6051 3,4011 3,518| 8921 1,3351 1511 I I I 4,355j 2,3841 1,971| 1,6431 1,5131 I REVOLVING COMMERCIAL BANKS RETAILERS GASOLINE COMPANIES MOBILE HOMES 8,846| 1 4,475| 3,0361 1,3351 19,412 24 59,778 33,415 26,363 21,344 19,037 11,367 6,680 4,687 3,694 4,351 23 25 22 21 30 42,579 7,539 22 3371 I* 22,165 - 7 | | 17,138 1611 3,276 5,536 1,763 240 33 11 8 | | | I | I COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE COMPANIES SAVINGS AND LOANS CREDIT UNIONS OTHER 6041 I 3521 731 154| 8,894| 25| 69| nil 191 I COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE COMPANIES CREDIT UNIONS RETAILERS SAVINGS AND LOANS MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS 11) (2) (3) 2,771| 3,0191 1,733) 4821 7381 1511 307| I 5501 I 337| | 122|| 591 I -8| | 40,966 29,820 22,816 5,326 5,402 2,583 NET CHANGES FOR ALL MONTHS EQUAL EXTENSIONS MINUS LIQUIDATIONS (REPAYMENTS, CHARGEOFFS, AND OTHER CREDITS). EXCLUDES 30-DAY CHARGE CREDIT HELD BY RETAILERS, GASOLINE COMPANIES, AND TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT COMPANIES. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS, AND AUTO DEALERS. NOTE: S.A. AND N.S.A. DENOTE SEASONALLY ADJUSTED AND NOT SEASONALLY DETAILS MAY NOT ADD TO TOTALS DUE TO ROUNDING. ADJUSTED DATA, RESPECTIVELY. December 7, 1978 NOTICE OF MAJOR REVISIONS IN THE 4 2 1 ^ . 1 9 ) STATISTICAL RELEASE | This release differs in format from the version published _ .._ „ j earlier, and presents revised estimates adjusted to new bench marks and other changes. Changes in Format Some holders of certain types of credit are identified separately for the first time, partly as a result of new information that has become available. At the same time, several credit types— formerly shown separately—are combined into broader categories, reflecting the simplification of report forms to reduce reporting burden, and the blurring of distinctions among certain types of credit as a result of evolving market practices. The column-by~column presentation format in the "421" release remains unchanged. 1. Estimates for savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks, formerly included in an "all other" holder category, are shown separately for the first time. This change documents the increased participation of these types of institutions in consumer credit markets. 2. Retail store credit estimates formerly included wholly in an "all other" credit category, are disaggregated into the "revolving" credit category and the "other" category, corresponding to newly available Census Bureau information. 3. The "revolving" credit category has been expanded to include estimates of open-end credit held by the large petroleum marketing companies through gasoline credit cards used by individuals. All gasoline,company credit now included in the series was formerly treated as non-instalment credit and not rmortftd in the "421" instalment credit release. 4. Commercial bank credit card and check credit estimates are combined into one item, rather than reported separately, owing in part to reporting difficulties and in part to changing market practices 5. The former "home improvement11 credit category has been discontinued as a separate item, and merged with "other" credit. This change recognizes that funds borrowed to finance home improvements are raised through a variety of credit mechanisms—such as credit cards or personal cash loans—that cannot be segregated readily by loan purpose. Also, part of the amounts extended for home improvement loans may be used, in practice, for personal expenditures or debt repayment. 6. Notes to be published periodically with the "421" release describe the series in greater detail and inform the user about additional Federal Reserve sources of consumer credit statistics. For the final month of each quarter, the "421" release will continue to include quarterly summary totals for credit extensions, credit liquidations, and net change in credit outstanding, with each total also shown as a percentage of disposable personal income. Once annually, the "421" release, as in the recent past, will present a year-end estimate of aggregate consumer noninstalment credit outstanding. -3Revisions in Estimates All estimates in this issue of the "421" release incorporate revisions based on: (a) new bench mark information for all holder groups; (b) elimination of a previous arbitrary adjustment—affecting commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations—that was designed to remove certain credit used by households for business or other nonconsumer purposes; (c) the addition—beginning in 1971—of open-end credit held by the large petroleum marketing companies through gasoline credit cards used by individuals, as noted earlier; and (d) the addition—beginning in 1977—of some retailer-held credit, formerly classified by the Census Bureau as noninstalment, that has been reclassified as instalment. Revised monthly estimates, in the same format as in the "421" release, are available for the period January 1943 through September 1978. Contact Ms. Lois Lawrence, Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551, phone (202) 452-2458. The net results of these revisions and additions on aggregate estimates for the calendar years 1976 and 1977 are indicated below: Extensions 1977 Liquida- Net change in tions outstandings Extensions 1976 Liquida- Net change in tions outstandings Revised 254.1 218.8 35.3 211.0 189.4 21.6 Former 225.7 194.6 31.1 193.3 172.8 20.5 28.4 24.2 4.2 17.7 6.6 1.1 Difference Note: All figures are in billions of dollars. CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED LIQUINET DATIONS CHANGE -68. | 13786. | 13787. | 363. | 14133. 1 -305. | 14084. | -26. | 14139. | -69. | 14376. | 305. I 14175. | 1256. | 14584. | 936. | 14748. | 1033. | 14801. | 1131. | 1304. | 15073. | 14924. | 1725. | 1975-JAN...| -FEB...I -MAR...I -APR...| -MAY...| -JUN...I -JUL...| -AUG...I -SEP...1 -OCT...I -NOV...| -DEC...1 EXTENSIONS 13718. 1 14150. | 13828. | 14058. | 14070. | 14681. | 15431. | 15520. | 15781. 1 15932. | 16377. | 16649. | 1976-JAN...I -FEB...I -MAR...I -APR...I -MAY... -JUN...I -JUL...I -AUG... -SEP... -OCT... -NOV... -DEC...! 16620. | 17075. | 16977. | 16775. I 16944. I 17353. | 17277. 1 17594. | 17904. 1 18117. 1 18316. 19027. 1 15281. | 15379. | 15489. | 14879. | 15267. i 15762. 1 15703. 1 15935. i 15927. 1 16128. I 16503. 16661. 1977-JAN... -FEB... -MAR... I -APR... I -MAY... I -JUN... I -JUL... I -AUG... I -SEP... I -OCT... I -NOV... I -DEC... I 19379. 19927. 20802. 20953. 20991. 20764. 20796. 21408. 21528. 22273. 22487. 23469. I 1 I 1 I I I I 17272. 17566. 17434. 17864. 18091. 18200. 18389. 18473. 18683. 19066. 18891. 19252. 1978-JAN... I -FEB... I -MAR... I -APR... I -MAY... I -JUN... I -JUL... I -AUG... I -SEP... I -OCT.. .I 21983. 22758. 23925. 24682. 25104. 25565. 25022. 25669. 25537. 25855. I I I I I I I I I I 19546. 19896. 19849. 20576. 20824. 21358. 21556. 22037. 21857. 22732. ^ ' OUTSTANDINGS 162628. | 161527. | 160053. | 160243. 1 160798. | 161995. 1 164110. 1 166043. 1 167336. | 168172. | 169106. | 172353. 1 1339. 1 1696. 1 1488. 1 1896. | 1677. 1591. 1574. 1659. 1977. I 1989. 1813. | 2366. I 171352. 1 171019. | 171615. 1 173926. | 175944. 1 179104. | 181571. | 184384. | 186791. | 188016. | 189700. | 193977. | I I 1 I I I I I I 1 2107. 2361. 3368. 3 089. 2900. 2564. 2407. 2935. 2845. 3207. 3596. 4217. 194751. I 194984. | 197585. | 200994. | 204528. I 208909. I 211956. | 216469. | 219619. | 221877. | 225207. | 230829. | I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 2437. 2862. 4076. 4106. 4280. 4207. 3466. 3632. 3680. 3123. 1 | I I I | I I | I I I 1 I I I I 1 | I I I I y I 230126. | 230547. | 233842. | 237855. 1 243371. | 249865. | 253897. | 259614. | 263387. | 265576. |