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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical - //f. 5, 19&2 ' CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT -AT COMMERCIAL; BANKS . JULY 1962 Consumer instalment credit outstanding at commercial banks rose 5205 million in July, and at month-end amounted to ij>17,8l5 million. Automobile credit accounted for two-thirds of the. increase but each of the other major types of credit also rose. Extensions of credit, at .^1,756 million, were somewhat smaller than in the preceding month but remained above, the volume of a year earlier. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Estimates. In millions of dollars) Amounts outstanding Type of credit Change from: Year: Month ago ago HI July 31, 1962 Automobile paper, total Purchased Direct 1 2 , 5 9 +137 + 98 + 39 ° Other consumer goods paper Repair and modernization loans I 2,158 | 4,084 Personal loans 17,815 Total 855 551 ^304 +826 +519 • +308 Change from: Year " Month ago ago . -29 - 9. -20 | +164 +106 + 59 +363 264 143 494 -16 + 18 + 22 + 70 4.749 1,756 -28 . +274 + 23 . 92 280 112 - 3 -19 + 10 + 39 119 150 144 +1 • + 9 - 7 253 -20 • + 5+ 1 + 16 -r423 + 17 + 35 . - 18 +205 July 1962 ;•+ 6 +11 Federal Reserve District: 930 2,928 ' 1,188 Boston New York Philadelphia _ + Atlanta • Kansas City. Dallas San Francisco 1/ Less than SO.5 million. 2,633 816 526 849 959 2,992 6 8 +107 + 21 . + 50 +139 + 1 0 .! + 48 + 15 + 29 1,223. 1,379. 1,392 Cleveland Richmond Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis + + 32. ' + - 2 + 6 + 15 + 35 +105 + 20 - 22 + 58 +177 81 • 50 88 102 285 y + 16 + 18 + 37 14 + 42 + 18 + 3 + 15 -A- + 43