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FEDERAL * RESERVE statistical release si X....... - i •>••!-Vi f: i- ;> J. " •c September 5, 1961 /%, : CONSUMER IN5TALMT CREDIT AT COfS-IERCIAL BANKS JULY 1961 Coisumer instalment credit held, by commercial banks at the end"or Jurv- is estimated at 316,757 million, $47 million below th6 level of the preceding month. All types of credit showed, small increases except ot;ner consumer goods paper. The decrease in the latter amounted to 381 million, and was due. to repayments on the large purchase of paper made in January. Extensions of .credit during July were down 3112 million from a month earlier, as a result of decline's in all categories. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Estimates. In millions of dollars) Type of credit Automobile paper Purchased Direct Other consumer goods paper Repair and .modernization loans Personal loans Total Amounts outstanding Change from: Year I'onth ago ago July 31,' 1961 5,198 ' +20 1/ 2,79& -81 3,004 2,116 > 5 + 9 5,643 16,757 =!tl - 44 ' + 19 +314 - 3 +232 +518 Volume extended Change from: iionth 1 Year July ago 1961 „ ago 1 - 19 1 437 240 , - 23 - 10 245 118 - 9 415 - 51 1,455 +2 + -10 - 8 +12 -112 Federal Raserve District: 1 - 1 + 4• - 2 • -.2 •+ 3 - 9 + 52 +173 + 47 82* 237 93 - 10 - 34 - 10 1,123 1,2401,319 - 1 + 5 + •7 - 12 + 94 - 4 97 112 129 - 7 - 10 - 3 - 6 + 9 - 1 Chicago 3t. Louis Minneapolis 2,477 750 565 -16 - 3 -5 +139 + 32 - 10 207 60 48 - 18 ' . - 2 - 7 -12 1/ - 2 Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 805 889 2,773 - 7 . + 3 . - 10 - 7 -12 • + 14 71 82 237 9 - 3 •+ 1 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland vkichmond Atlanta l/ Less than 30.5 million. 908 . 2,777 1,131 . 1 - 6 . + i +13