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• BOARD OF GOV3RIT0R3 OF THE F3D-SRAL Ri'^RVE SYSTEM Tune G.18 5, i960 COifSUT-3R DiSTAia-TP CREDIT A T COr::.3ClAL BANKS APRIL I960 Consumer instalment credit held by commercial banks continued to 'increase in April, and at the end of the month amounted to $13,402 million. This estimate was :;263 million larger than a month earlier, representing increases in all types of credit. Lost of the increase occurred in'- automobile credit and personal loans. • Credit extended during April amounted to f, 1,600 million, £89 million• above a month earlier and ;.4l million above a year earlier. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Jstimates. In millions of dollars) Type of credit A m o u n t s outstanding ! Change from: Apr. ?0, ! ' Month j Year ! ago I960 ! ' Automobile paper 4,977 2,564 Other consumer goods crrer Repair and modernization loans Personal loans. Total 2,567 1,948 + 21 + + 257 228 +25 +11 -r' 8 247 1 2 2 | +13 + + 467 4 4 8 I" + 3 2 +21 +16 -13 - 4 +21 +89 +41 j +101 + 736 | + 67 + 340 1 3,246 15,402 + 5 69 i Boston 774 2,524 Philadelphia 1,011 Cleveland Richmond • Atlanta | + 1 +. 300 89 258 + 123 104 + 2 3 . j+ 136 + 24 160 111 119 j + 144 136 1,047 +16. ' + 94 I + -39 1i + 317 665 580 1 ! + 11 + 11 ' t + 65 97 ?:anscs City .Dallas 789 849 2,621 ! j | + f 2,187 | . + 21 + 35 + 19 • Chicago St. Louis ""Minneapolis f . 1,600 ' | 1,098 1,257 490 I 293 | +2,028 .±265 Federal Reserve District: ^ Volume extended Change from: Month Year ago • I960 + 11 + 97 18 + 93 + 35 + 402 - 225 63 62 84 96 248 + 9 +17 + 6 + 9 + 1 + |+ l . 9 5 + 9 +12 + 8 + 7 + 5 +23 + 8 + 3 +. 1 + 6 + 5 - 2 + 2 - 1 - X- 7 - 4