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G.18 February 4, 4965 - . CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT AT CCI-2-IERCIAL BANKS ' : DECEMBER 1964 - Consumer instalment credit held by commercial banks at the end D£ December is estimated at £23,943 million, $263. million higher than„on . November 30. All types '.of credit showed substantial increases except repair and modernization loans which usually decline moderately in December. Loans of every type were up from December 1963, the rise for all types combined totaling f2,333 million. The volume of instalment credit extended during December was up about $300' million from the preceding month and showed a similar gain over the December 1963 volume. Increases were registered in all -Federal Reserve Districts. Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks (Estimates, in millions of dollars) Type of credit Automobile paper, total Purchased Direct Other consumer goods paper Repair and modernization loans Personal loans Amounts outstanding 1 Change from:. Month Year ago ago Dec.31, 1964 12,751 8,300 4,4-51 ' +116 +1 ,502 1,061 +128 +171 + 58 + 58 +1,054 + 448 653 408 + 57 + 71 +105 + 66 + 382 109 624 + 93 8 + 90 + 63 + 3 + 50 2,176 +303 +287 3,;60 2,427 5,385 + 99 . - 11 + 59 23,943 +263 +2 ,333 1,145 3,706 1,535 + 3 + 56 + 14 + .. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta 1,662 1,682 1,799 Chicago St. Louis • Minneapolis 3,587 1,135 724 Total Volume extended Change from: Year Month 1964 ago ago + 257 66 5C8; Federal Reserve District: Boston New York Philadelphia Kansas City Dallas San Francisco FRASER Digitized for 1,197 1,417 4,154 100 344 129 + + 79 313 144 15" 59 + 19 + 9 + 38 + 15 + 17. + + 8 + + 26 t 169 194 118 140 164 195 + 17 22 + .22 + 22 + 19 + 17 . + 39 + + 16 + 9 + 367 107 88 324 103 68 + 48 18 8 + 60 + 21 + 15 120 152 462 110 140 359 + + 14 37 + 24 + 7 + 28 + 36 + 14 + 26 + 55 + + +4-