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SOAKD OF C-QVERNQRS OF tmanow ° ' T August 1 , 1 9 4 5 , R&S -r-ic - 35 Retail' I n s t a ^ e n t C r g d i t I at Furniture, -Household ApjjHSrwe7 and Jewelry Jun6l945 ' . ores .. ' \ Instalment accounts outstanding at furniture, household: appliance-, and jewelry stores at the end of June showed iittlV. change from the R e ceding month. Furniture store accounts/receivable were in a year earlier, while at jewelry stores the.amount outstanding on June 30 was about one-tenth higher t M n on the corresponding date .of 1944. . •The June collection ratio for household appliance stores increased four points f r o m t b s .high May level to 44 per cent, whereas the .ratio for furniture stores was unchanged at 23 .per. cent. At jewelry stores, collections during the month were 32 per. cent-of accounts outstanding on the first'of the. Inonth, as compared with 33 per. cent in the previous month. ' Instalment Accounts Outstanding and Collection Ratios Accounts outstanding at end of month December 31, 1939 = 100 Household J eweiry Furniture appliance, stores stores stores Month' 1945 Collection ratios' l / •Furniture ...stores .Household appliance stores Jewelry stores • • May June' -vuly August September • October . • • November' . December 55 5.3 51 50' 48 48 47 48 26. 23: 19 17 15 13 11 10 49 48 46' 45 -45 46 50 68. 20 22 21 22 22 21 22 23 21 22 23 .22 • 2'2 21 " 21 21". •33; 33 • 34 34 3337 39 55. - 1944 : January - ' Febru ary J£arch; -April May June : July , August September 'October November December . 44 42 : 41 41 42" 42 . 42. "41 .42. - 45 45 „ 48. 56. .52 - 53.. 49 47. 4-5 44 » 4344: 45' 497.1 -44:. 43 -4242' 42 ' 42 r62>55 ' 51 r-19 r5050 39 31 .31 ' 34 28 . 30 30 31 3132 34 34 49. 35 32 36 36 ,40 .44 r29 r28 r32 ,r30 r33" 32, ' 22 20 . ?22 20. 23 23 25 24 23 24 .24 26 24. 23 ' 26 . 26 •26 . 28 - 29 52 .33 36 37; ' " 1945 . January . February : Mirch ' April ' ." May . - J-uns 21. 21- 24 , 22 . 23 V 23..; r - Kevised. 1J' Instalment' collections during month as P'.r cent.of-accounts outstanding' at beginning of month.