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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release G.17 (419) Supplemental Tables For release at 9:15 a.m. (EDT) June 17, 2003 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION AND CAPACITY UTILIZATION The attached tables contain detail on industrial production, capacity, utilization, and electric power use that are not contained in the G.17 release. Historical data for these series are available on the Board’s website ( Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. Industrial Production: Industry Subtotals, Individual Series, and Market Groups Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities Industrial Capacity: Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities Electric Power Use: Manufacturing and Mining Table 1 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: INDUSTRY SUBTOTALS AND INDIVIDUAL SERIES Index, 1997 = 100 Item NAICS 2002 IP Proportion Seasonally adjusted 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 2002 Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 211 3.97 98.1 97.9 97.4 96.9 97.0 97.5 97.8 98.3 97.8 98.0 97.4 98.1 211111 211111pt. 211111pt. 211112 3.70 1.64 2.06 .27 98.0 91.6 104.0 99.4 97.8 91.0 104.0 99.1 97.2 91.9 102.2 100.2 97.2 91.2 97.0 90.4 97.4 90.7 97.9 90.9 98.3 97.8 92.3 103.0 97.8 97.4 90.5 96.3 98.6 91.1 105.6 93.9 98.3 91.9 93.4 98.0 91.9 103.7 94.4 93.3 96.6 100.0 Mining (except oil and gas) 212 Coal mining 2121 Metal ore mining 2122 Iron ore mining 21221 Gold ore and silver ore mining 21222 Copper, nickel, lead, and zinc mining 21223 Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying 2123 1.49 .65 .20 .03 .09 .07 99.5 104.2 75.9 84.5 82.6 70.4 93.8 94.9 70.9 85.8 74.2 64.9 91.5 91.3 71.5 98.3 70.8 65.2 92.0 92.6 71.0 92.9 95.4 69.8 93.5 95.7 70.1 98.0 93.6 70.8 71.6 63.9 81.5 94.4 70.6 88.4 71.0 66.8 92.1 94.4 69.4 70.6 63.8 82.8 93.5 70.2 79.6 74.5 64.8 86.1 95.7 70.0 72.1 64.2 92.7 99.9 77.8 88.3 85.5 69.8 70.4 65.9 70.3 64.6 69.0 65.3 .65 105.8 103.7 101.4 101.8 101.5 102.5 91.7 76.9 72.4 83.1 100.1 115.4 .57 .25 72.4 93.7 72.1 88.6 72.7 92.6 73.5 90.6 74.3 93.4 76.7 96.5 71.2 91.6 71.1 90.9 72.5 91.4 72.9 89.5 74.0 90.8 77.3 96.7 8.06 3.39 .27 112.2 108.1 78.8 116.8 112.6 83.3 118.0 113.4 85.2 113.6 109.4 113.7 109.4 112.6 108.4 110.5 107.7 78.0 123.2 115.8 87.0 113.8 113.6 91.0 107.1 105.2 102.1 101.0 106.1 105.9 1.73 1.39 113.3 108.5 119.5 111.0 121.4 110.0 109.7 111.9 119.7 117.4 115.7 115.6 4.67 115.3 120.0 121.5 112.6 128.9 114.0 108.6 102.9 106.3 1.76 .83 2.09 122.6 95.4 119.3 128.0 96.4 125.1 129.9 96.5 127.0 116.4 93.5 119.1 125.8 93.0 149.2 116.7 91.6 122.9 2212 2212pt. 2212pt. 2212pt. 2212pt. 1.28 .23 .11 .68 .26 101.6 98.7 97.7 103.6 94.8 105.4 103.0 101.7 106.8 99.0 107.5 105.8 99.1 109.5 101.0 101.2 102.1 102.1 151.9 145.4 97.9 176.7 115.8 198.3 188.6 101.2 240.9 137.2 169.3 168.7 92.1 199.5 124.2 146.9 101.2 68.7 Food 311 Animal food 3111 Grain and oilseed milling 3112 Sugar and confectionery product 3113 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food 3114 Dairy product 3115 Dairy product (except frozen) 31151 Fluid milk 311511 Creamery butter 311512 Cheese 311513 Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy product 311514 Ice cream and frozen dessert 31152 Animal slaughtering and processing 3116 Animal (except poultry) slaughtering and meat 311611–3 Beef 311611–3pt. Pork 311611–3pt. Miscellaneous meats 311611–3pt. Poultry processing 311615 Bakeries and tortilla 3118 Other food 3119 Coffee and tea 31192 8.16 .34 .75 .56 104.9 95.0 99.3 92.8 104.7 91.3 97.2 94.2 104.5 95.1 97.9 94.0 104.7 96.7 98.1 98.4 104.5 94.4 97.8 97.1 104.3 92.9 96.2 99.4 104.5 99.0 100.8 106.5 101.5 92.4 96.0 96.6 101.6 94.2 96.6 94.6 101.7 93.9 98.2 94.0 102.2 93.2 96.6 89.5 102.7 91.7 93.7 90.2 1.15 .90 .76 .36 .01 .21 100.5 102.5 101.6 101.4 117.5 99.4 100.9 103.5 102.5 101.2 112.2 97.5 103.1 102.9 102.2 101.2 117.3 96.3 101.8 102.8 102.8 101.1 118.2 96.6 100.7 102.7 103.1 101.0 112.7 97.5 94.9 98.1 101.3 99.2 129.2 99.5 91.7 100.5 102.8 101.2 137.8 96.8 94.2 105.5 105.7 103.3 142.4 97.5 93.6 107.7 107.3 104.4 131.4 99.0 95.8 110.8 109.8 105.3 125.7 100.4 .18 .14 1.58 103.3 106.3 112.6 110.0 108.6 111.9 110.3 105.8 110.7 112.4 102.1 111.1 113.1 100.0 113.4 105.6 78.8 108.5 110.8 86.4 111.3 118.0 102.6 109.8 121.4 108.4 110.5 129.2 114.5 111.6 .94 .55 .37 .01 .64 1.43 1.37 .14 110.3 107.8 116.2 69.8 116.4 104.6 115.4 104.7 108.7 105.4 116.1 68.2 116.8 103.7 115.7 105.0 107.5 103.4 115.8 68.8 115.7 101.8 115.9 102.5 106.9 103.4 114.5 67.3 117.8 101.6 115.5 110.6 107.8 116.8 71.1 117.9 101.1 114.3 107.5 100.2 120.1 75.0 110.1 107.2 115.3 122.9 109.0 104.7 117.6 66.3 114.7 100.1 111.4 114.5 106.4 100.9 116.3 69.7 115.2 98.8 108.6 116.1 105.6 99.7 115.9 74.8 118.0 99.1 106.3 107.4 102.5 116.2 72.9 118.1 98.9 108.1 Beverage and tobacco product Beverage Soft drink and ice Breweries Tobacco 312 3121 31211 31212 3122 3.49 1.34 .61 .47 2.15 82.9 93.8 97.6 85.2 74.9 83.9 97.4 101.9 89.1 74.5 83.2 95.6 100.0 86.3 74.4 83.2 96.6 98.3 91.0 73.8 82.3 95.6 98.0 88.4 73.0 82.7 94.8 71.6 87.4 91.7 71.1 61.3 81.7 90.2 92.1 85.6 75.0 84.0 91.2 88.0 86.1 77.9 83.6 93.1 88.6 92.0 76.2 80.6 95.5 91.0 94.1 70.5 81.3 95.7 313 3131 3132 .76 .15 .39 73.9 91.8 68.8 72.9 86.2 68.5 72.8 85.3 68.5 72.1 84.3 67.4 71.1 70.1 73.4 89.0 68.9 73.9 88.1 68.9 73.1 66.5 71.8 83.9 67.6 73.7 66.9 70.8 74.8 67.1 69.3 69.2 3133 .23 73.3 73.1 73.3 73.6 71.6 69.8 74.5 72.3 72.7 75.0 72.8 70.0 314 3141 31411 3149 .52 .32 .16 .20 93.0 98.1 106.4 85.6 88.1 90.4 90.4 84.3 90.8 93.7 94.8 86.2 93.2 96.0 99.2 88.8 91.4 93.5 97.2 87.8 91.3 93.2 86.7 86.4 77.0 86.5 86.6 89.7 89.6 81.9 89.3 92.9 95.3 84.0 93.5 97.0 101.0 88.1 96.9 102.2 115.1 89.0 89.4 89.3 Oil and gas extraction Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction Crude oil Natural gas Natural gas liquid extraction Support activities for mining Drilling oil and gas wells 213 213111 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 2211 Electric power generation 22111 Hydroelectric power generation 221111 Fossil fuel and other electric power generation 221112,9 Nuclear electric power generation 221113 Electric power transmission, control, and distribution 22112 Commercial and other electricity sales 22112pt. Industrial electricity sales 22112pt. Residential electricity sales 22112pt. Natural gas distribution Commercial and other gas sales Industrial gas sales Residential gas sales Gas transmission Textile mills Fiber, yarn, and thread mills Fabric mills Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating Textile product mills Textile furnishings mills Carpet and rug mills Other textile product mills 116.9 116.9 115.8 101.5 102.0 116.2 114.0 100.6 112.9 74.1 88.1 r Revised. p Preliminary. 1. The IP proportion data are estimates of the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year. 2 108.8 108.2 115.0 110.6 100.1 109.0 71.5 89.1 Table 1 (continued) INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: INDUSTRY SUBTOTALS AND INDIVIDUAL SERIES Index, 1997 = 100 Item NAICS 2002 IP Proportion1 Seasonally adjusted 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 2002 Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp Apparel 315 .96 69.8 69.5 68.9 67.8 66.2 65.8 70.3 68.5 67.9 67.7 66.9 67.2 Leather and allied product 316 .16 68.9 70.4 69.3 69.2 67.8 66.6 68.7 68.1 68.5 69.4 68.5 67.4 321 3211 3212,9 1.43 .33 1.10 96.9 97.8 96.9 97.4 96.5 97.8 96.5 95.6 97.0 95.3 96.7 96.7 97.8 96.9 94.5 97.6 93.8 98.4 97.1 92.5 93.2 92.4 95.5 96.0 90.8 85.8 92.4 95.3 97.9 98.0 3212 321211,2 321219 3219 32191 32192 32199 321991 .33 .11 .11 .77 .40 .09 .28 .11 106.2 88.1 106.2 93.1 114.8 102.8 69.9 47.5 107.3 90.4 102.1 93.9 116.6 104.2 69.9 46.5 106.4 91.5 102.2 93.2 114.9 105.2 69.5 45.5 105.8 86.1 104.9 92.0 113.5 103.3 68.7 42.2 108.3 90.6 103.6 92.6 115.3 101.6 68.8 106.9 89.0 104.1 92.8 115.1 95.2 74.9 92.3 91.1 117.1 100.4 64.2 37.1 101.4 86.0 100.1 88.7 111.8 102.8 63.5 39.5 104.2 93.3 105.2 89.6 109.8 106.5 66.3 42.7 105.9 89.1 110.4 91.0 111.5 104.2 68.2 42.7 111.4 93.2 112.4 92.5 113.1 104.3 69.8 108.4 93.1 100.1 93.8 115.8 322 3221 32211 32212 322121 32213 3222 32221 3.14 1.59 .06 1.06 .99 .47 1.56 .75 95.0 94.5 98.0 95.6 99.0 91.4 95.5 90.1 93.0 92.8 95.2 93.3 96.4 91.2 93.3 90.5 93.0 92.1 96.8 92.1 95.2 91.2 94.0 91.8 94.5 94.8 100.5 94.7 98.1 93.9 94.3 91.0 93.0 93.2 98.2 92.9 95.9 93.0 92.9 90.6 92.9 93.0 91.2 91.2 96.0 93.3 96.4 85.7 91.3 83.9 93.0 93.0 95.1 93.6 96.5 90.9 93.1 88.7 94.7 94.4 98.2 95.0 98.3 92.4 95.1 91.5 94.7 94.5 98.8 94.3 97.8 94.1 95.1 92.2 94.5 94.1 98.6 93.5 96.5 94.6 95.0 94.1 90.9 91.7 32222 32223,9 .37 .44 95.7 105.4 87.1 104.3 89.9 101.8 90.8 104.0 86.6 103.3 88.2 102.7 93.5 103.0 89.5 104.4 91.8 104.5 90.6 104.2 88.1 102.9 86.3 101.0 323 2.67 98.9 99.1 97.7 96.4 95.4 96.4 93.4 92.2 89.2 89.0 90.8 93.8 324 32411 32411pt. 32411pt. 32411pt. 32411pt. 32411pt. 1.92 1.56 .16 .32 .80 .04 .23 105.0 106.0 97.1 112.9 107.8 87.9 101.2 102.0 102.9 95.4 104.3 106.2 92.0 98.5 101.8 102.6 95.6 104.9 105.8 98.6 95.0 103.9 105.3 95.2 116.9 104.6 94.7 101.8 101.6 102.7 103.1 104.7 96.9 97.5 91.5 101.8 100.7 96.2 86.9 99.4 100.4 92.5 110.2 99.7 92.2 97.4 105.2 107.3 98.1 98.1 98.0 97.7 100.2 101.6 93.1 85.0 102.5 103.9 98.0 104.7 105.8 101.2 115.4 108.9 90.4 89.9 102.8 105.4 32412,9 .36 101.9 99.0 99.8 98.9 98.0 101.0 99.6 95.3 96.0 97.5 Chemical 325 Basic chemical 3251 Organic chemicals 32511,9 Basic inorganic chemicals 32512–8 Industrial gas 32512 Synthetic dye and pigment 32513 Other basic inorganic chemical 32518 Alkalies and chlorine 325181 All other basic inorganic chemical 325188 Acids, phosphates and sulfates 325188pt. Misc. inorganic chemicals 325188pt. Resin, synthetic rubber, and synthetic fibers 3252 Resin and synthetic rubber 32521 Plastics material and resin 325211 Synthetic rubber 325212 Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments 32522 Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural 3253 Pharmaceutical and medicine 3254 Paints, soaps and toiletries, and other chemical 3255–9 Paints and other chemical products 3255,9 Paint, coating, and adhesive 3255 Paint and coating 32551 Soaps and toiletries 3256 10.24 1.78 1.11 .66 .12 .11 .44 .04 103.4 88.0 84.1 94.2 101.9 98.4 90.2 99.5 104.4 89.1 87.3 91.7 100.6 84.9 90.2 103.2 106.0 91.3 90.0 92.9 99.6 92.3 90.5 95.6 105.9 90.8 90.8 90.3 99.1 88.3 87.6 96.0 105.3 89.5 89.8 88.4 97.4 105.0 89.5 89.0 89.8 97.0 105.9 91.1 88.5 95.1 98.0 92.5 94.1 99.2 105.9 91.5 89.8 93.9 98.5 91.1 92.5 97.0 105.5 89.2 90.3 86.8 98.9 87.3 104.8 89.6 86.6 94.2 98.9 85.9 94.2 103.6 104.4 90.5 90.2 90.5 98.4 85.4 98.0 103.0 89.7 84.8 97.4 100.9 93.7 96.6 98.2 88.4 99.1 82.6 .37 87.5 87.0 88.4 84.9 82.2 84.7 94.9 91.8 92.3 90.5 85.6 79.2 .04 .21 93.6 102.0 93.9 98.9 90.9 97.4 92.8 97.5 90.3 95.4 90.0 93.9 93.8 102.6 93.6 100.5 90.3 99.3 92.2 98.4 89.8 94.7 89.7 92.0 1.00 .81 .71 .11 96.6 106.1 108.0 93.3 99.7 110.6 113.9 90.2 99.1 109.3 111.8 93.2 98.5 108.9 112.1 89.2 99.2 108.7 99.5 109.5 90.2 100.0 101.6 88.9 97.9 108.8 111.4 91.8 103.5 113.8 116.1 98.5 100.7 110.9 113.7 92.6 100.8 110.4 101.2 111.0 .19 68.0 67.0 68.4 67.3 70.4 60.8 65.2 72.6 70.1 71.7 .36 4.32 76.8 128.8 75.9 129.1 74.2 131.3 71.6 131.3 68.4 131.2 68.0 130.9 77.8 131.8 77.2 133.2 74.1 133.1 71.1 132.8 69.5 129.5 68.5 132.7 2.78 1.37 .55 .40 1.41 95.3 96.1 94.4 98.6 94.7 96.5 95.4 94.6 98.3 97.8 98.4 96.3 96.3 98.4 100.7 99.1 96.1 97.5 98.7 102.2 98.3 95.8 96.7 97.8 100.9 97.8 94.6 94.6 96.9 91.5 91.0 86.2 86.3 92.1 93.5 92.2 88.4 89.6 94.8 94.8 92.8 93.3 94.5 96.8 96.2 94.2 98.0 100.0 98.2 95.9 96.7 101.4 104.3 95.2 97.0 96.7 102.9 108.2 3.87 3.10 .78 .34 .44 104.6 107.0 95.9 86.1 103.9 104.9 107.6 95.3 88.8 100.6 105.3 107.5 97.3 94.3 99.8 105.7 107.1 100.6 99.1 101.7 104.4 105.9 98.8 95.3 101.6 105.3 107.2 98.7 94.4 102.2 104.7 109.4 87.7 75.3 97.8 103.2 106.5 91.3 90.1 92.3 104.7 106.5 98.6 101.4 96.2 105.5 106.8 100.9 103.7 98.4 104.6 106.2 98.9 96.5 100.7 105.3 107.4 98.0 92.6 102.4 Wood product Sawmills and wood preservation Plywood and misc. wood products Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product Veneer and plywood Reconstituted wood product Other wood product Millwork Wood container and pallet All other wood product Manufactured home Paper Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills Pulp mills Paper mills Paper (except newsprint) mills Paperboard mills Converted paper product Paperboard container Paper bag and coated and treated paper Other converted paper products Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Petroleum refineries Aviation fuel and kerosene Distillate fuel oil Automotive gasoline Residual fuel oil Other refinery output Paving, roofing, and other petroleum and coal Plastics and rubber products Plastics product Rubber product Tire Rubber products ex. tires 326 3261 3262 32621 32622,9 69.9 92.4 92.8 r Revised. p Preliminary. 1. The IP proportion data are estimates of the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year. 3 71.3 90.7 90.3 Table 1 (continued) INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: INDUSTRY SUBTOTALS AND INDIVIDUAL SERIES Index, 1997 = 100 Item NAICS 2002 IP Proportion1 Seasonally adjusted 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 2002 Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp Nonmetallic mineral product 327 Clay, lime, gypsum, and misc. nonmetallic mineral 3271,4,9 Clay and misc. nonmetallic mineral products 3271,9 Clay product and refractory 3271 Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture 32711 Clay building material and refractories 32712 Other nonmetallic mineral product 3279 Lime and gypsum product 3274 Glass and glass product 3272 Glass container 327213 Cement and concrete product 3273 Cement 32731 Concrete and product 32732–9 2.50 108.0 109.7 108.0 108.0 106.8 107.7 104.1 102.1 101.0 102.0 105.5 109.3 .79 97.5 97.9 97.0 94.7 93.2 94.3 93.9 95.2 94.5 93.1 94.1 94.2 .66 .28 99.9 98.0 98.0 99.0 96.5 98.6 95.0 98.2 92.9 96.9 93.9 96.3 96.6 98.5 96.1 98.8 94.1 98.8 93.1 98.9 93.3 98.0 95.1 97.8 .12 92.2 94.8 94.7 94.2 91.6 90.8 94.8 95.1 94.9 94.5 91.4 90.5 .16 .38 .13 .65 .12 1.05 .21 .85 103.2 101.3 87.2 109.7 105.3 116.9 97.3 122.7 102.7 97.2 99.6 108.9 102.3 121.6 112.3 124.5 102.1 94.9 102.2 108.4 96.4 118.2 90.5 126.5 101.9 92.6 95.2 107.9 96.4 120.8 101.6 89.9 97.1 107.4 100.6 119.1 101.1 102.2 90.7 98.8 107.7 101.3 102.8 70.5 112.2 103.8 89.8 100.8 106.9 102.8 115.3 104.4 124.3 102.0 94.1 93.2 106.2 97.8 106.2 74.7 115.4 102.9 88.8 95.3 106.2 100.4 107.7 127.0 101.8 95.1 82.1 104.7 82.3 113.5 75.2 124.6 113.3 118.2 Primary metal 331 Iron and steel products 3311,2 Pig iron 3311,2pt. Raw steel 3311,2pt. Coke and products 3311,2pt. Construction steel 3311,2pt. Consumer durable steel 3311,2pt. Can and closure steel 3311,2pt. Equipment steel 3311,2pt. Miscellaneous steel 3311,2pt. Alumina and aluminum production and processing 3313 Primary aluminum production 331312 Secondary smelting and alloying of aluminum 331314 Misc. aluminum materials 331315,9 Aluminum extruded product 331316 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing 3314 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining 33141 Primary smelting and refining of copper 331411 Primary smelting and refining of nonferrous 331419 Foundries 3315 2.45 1.06 .11 .06 .02 .13 .13 .03 .06 .52 84.1 88.5 79.7 92.3 70.2 102.8 85.2 82.2 60.3 94.5 85.0 92.9 83.3 89.9 69.6 105.8 89.5 79.8 70.8 99.8 85.2 89.7 84.5 89.6 68.6 94.3 82.4 79.1 57.8 99.5 81.7 83.8 79.3 89.4 68.2 85.1 76.0 65.1 54.0 93.4 82.4 87.4 78.6 91.0 68.1 81.5 85.3 80.4 82.4 76.4 85.5 67.8 97.5 74.1 76.4 54.3 88.8 83.3 89.5 79.6 88.5 67.2 100.9 86.4 73.7 70.1 96.2 85.3 88.8 83.5 92.9 66.8 90.8 85.0 75.8 59.6 97.6 84.2 86.5 81.1 91.9 67.7 80.7 81.2 65.6 56.4 97.7 84.6 89.5 81.7 93.6 69.1 82.9 88.8 .43 .06 85.6 77.7 83.3 78.8 89.6 78.4 85.9 76.9 84.5 74.9 85.4 76.4 79.1 78.0 82.8 78.4 90.8 78.7 91.4 77.0 88.5 75.3 84.4 76.2 .03 .21 .11 113.0 86.0 81.8 105.9 79.9 85.5 110.7 88.7 92.2 112.2 85.9 83.8 107.3 80.3 68.1 103.5 79.1 85.5 118.7 89.5 92.7 111.9 90.4 95.7 .32 73.8 67.7 71.2 69.6 68.8 68.2 73.3 70.2 72.0 70.5 70.3 66.7 .08 70.5 71.0 68.3 67.4 67.4 66.0 72.1 71.5 71.5 69.9 69.4 67.9 .04 45.1 48.4 43.9 43.4 43.9 43.0 47.0 47.2 45.0 44.0 44.9 44.6 .04 .65 99.9 82.2 94.7 83.5 96.4 83.3 95.1 82.4 80.6 80.4 100.5 82.1 98.3 81.1 102.8 83.7 100.7 83.5 82.3 81.5 Fabricated metal product Forging and stamping Cutlery and handtool Architectural and structural metals Hardware Spring and wire product Machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied Other fabricated metal product Ball and roller bearing 332 3321 3322 3323 3325 3326 6.07 .63 .30 1.27 .28 .21 98.3 118.1 87.4 101.1 95.4 95.9 97.9 116.3 87.9 99.8 97.2 96.4 97.1 115.5 85.5 98.3 97.6 97.1 96.3 116.1 83.0 96.8 98.4 96.0 95.5 115.8 82.0 95.9 96.1 95.7 96.2 97.1 113.4 89.8 103.2 92.5 97.7 94.1 107.4 87.4 98.0 92.4 96.2 94.6 113.7 84.6 95.2 94.9 95.9 94.5 112.6 83.0 94.2 96.1 95.8 94.5 113.5 82.2 93.7 94.7 95.9 96.2 3327 1.28 100.4 100.0 100.5 99.5 98.5 94.4 93.1 96.0 96.2 96.9 3328 3329 332991 .51 1.18 .14 106.4 88.9 85.5 106.9 89.3 83.9 106.2 88.2 84.4 104.9 88.1 85.2 103.6 88.0 85.1 88.5 86.7 103.2 91.4 87.0 100.1 89.5 86.5 103.7 88.1 87.2 103.4 88.7 86.8 102.4 88.0 84.6 88.1 84.4 Machinery 333 Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery 3331 Agricultural implement 33311 Farm machinery and equipment 333111 Construction machinery 33312 Mining and oil and gas field machinery 33313 Industrial machinery 3332 Commercial and service industry machinery and other 3333,9 HVAC, metalworking, and power transmission machinery 3334–6 Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration equipment 3334 Metalworking machinery 3335 Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment 3336 5.28 85.8 86.7 87.4 87.3 86.9 86.6 83.6 86.0 89.8 92.1 89.2 88.0 .77 .29 .21 .31 72.0 71.6 67.5 70.2 77.5 81.4 82.0 73.0 76.5 73.6 69.8 76.3 74.4 70.2 65.9 75.4 77.4 73.7 69.5 78.3 77.2 72.7 69.1 79.3 64.3 64.1 56.0 56.9 77.6 80.0 77.4 74.2 81.6 82.7 78.1 80.6 83.6 84.5 81.8 85.5 81.0 81.7 74.7 80.2 80.0 77.2 71.8 82.1 .17 .73 78.5 89.1 81.3 88.8 84.5 90.9 82.6 89.9 84.7 86.7 83.6 86.1 80.9 91.4 81.2 89.2 83.5 91.4 80.2 90.6 83.2 86.8 82.7 86.6 1.73 85.6 86.2 86.4 85.8 85.0 84.1 88.0 86.0 86.3 85.9 85.0 84.0 2.05 91.4 90.9 92.5 94.1 93.6 93.7 85.8 89.0 96.7 102.5 98.0 96.4 .76 .66 111.2 79.3 106.6 80.4 111.5 80.6 117.7 80.0 117.4 78.9 117.2 79.1 86.3 81.9 97.3 81.4 123.7 81.2 142.4 81.1 132.1 78.5 127.7 78.3 .62 87.4 89.3 89.1 88.9 88.9 89.1 91.1 90.8 89.2 89.3 88.4 87.9 98.7 107.5 120.6 67.7 82.4 96.9 96.8 r Revised. p Preliminary. 1. The IP proportion data are estimates of the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year. 4 91.9 106.6 125.2 70.0 82.0 96.3 96.7 Table 1 (continued) INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: INDUSTRY SUBTOTALS AND INDIVIDUAL SERIES Index, 1997 = 100 Item NAICS 2002 IP Proportion1 Seasonally adjusted 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 2002 Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 334 3341 3342 3343 8.09 1.20 1.68 .10 224.5 248.7 127.0 74.5 226.6 252.7 128.9 84.8 227.5 258.2 130.7 67.4 229.1 264.5 132.1 74.7 229.8 269.5 131.9 79.1 232.5 274.5 130.2 80.3 235.9 263.7 131.7 72.4 219.7 251.2 127.1 69.1 222.6 243.2 129.2 70.2 235.9 245.0 131.9 65.6 222.5 252.2 131.3 73.6 226.2 260.7 128.2 72.7 3344 2.46 514.2 512.1 515.7 517.3 525.6 534.0 559.6 471.2 495.5 586.0 486.9 506.7 3345 2.49 100.4 101.7 101.5 101.1 99.5 101.4 102.1 101.6 101.7 101.9 100.0 101.4 335 3352 33521 33522 2.39 .46 .11 .35 96.9 123.2 101.0 131.8 95.7 115.8 94.6 124.1 96.1 116.4 90.6 126.6 95.0 115.3 93.7 123.7 94.6 118.1 93.7 127.8 95.4 122.5 93.0 134.2 92.8 107.9 100.9 110.4 91.8 111.8 84.7 122.6 94.8 125.8 81.6 143.8 93.9 122.6 86.9 137.0 92.7 116.6 76.8 132.7 94.3 120.1 73.4 139.1 3351,3–9 3351 3353 1.93 .29 .73 91.9 91.8 82.6 91.8 92.9 82.3 92.2 92.4 83.9 91.1 90.1 82.5 90.1 88.5 82.5 90.2 89.9 89.6 79.6 87.9 87.0 79.5 88.9 90.9 80.8 88.4 88.0 78.8 88.1 87.3 79.8 89.4 3359 33591 .92 .18 100.6 105.1 100.4 106.2 99.9 108.2 99.6 108.4 97.8 108.8 98.3 108.4 99.6 104.8 96.0 95.9 95.7 94.7 97.5 107.4 96.1 103.5 97.6 103.9 33592 33593,9 .24 .50 93.8 102.8 90.4 103.9 90.1 102.3 92.0 100.8 88.0 99.3 88.7 96.2 99.8 91.4 98.6 90.1 99.0 92.2 97.1 88.5 97.7 88.5 336 3361 10.41 3.02 105.5 117.9 109.0 125.4 107.1 121.1 106.1 118.7 104.9 117.2 104.5 114.1 94.5 92.3 105.8 117.7 110.7 130.7 112.5 133.6 107.4 122.4 109.3 126.2 33611 336111 336112 33612 3362 336212 336213 336214 3363 3364 336411–3 2.86 1.18 1.68 .16 .40 .05 .06 .13 3.70 2.50 2.10 118.5 87.7 147.9 102.4 107.2 71.3 110.1 160.2 118.8 80.4 80.5 127.0 99.7 152.6 94.4 106.6 68.4 103.8 163.8 122.7 81.6 81.0 122.3 89.1 154.2 96.1 105.3 71.2 109.9 151.0 120.8 81.5 80.6 119.6 86.6 151.4 99.5 104.7 69.9 109.6 153.1 119.6 81.8 80.8 118.0 86.8 147.9 99.0 100.7 70.5 96.3 150.2 118.1 81.6 80.3 114.7 86.1 142.0 98.5 102.5 70.4 119.7 93.6 144.2 81.8 99.7 61.6 97.8 145.4 119.1 82.5 81.7 132.2 95.0 167.9 101.7 104.8 67.3 109.7 153.1 124.4 81.6 80.5 134.6 95.3 172.6 111.8 114.2 69.5 134.0 178.3 126.3 82.1 81.1 123.2 90.3 154.7 105.3 113.5 70.4 111.6 194.9 121.3 80.5 79.2 127.0 94.5 158.0 107.6 104.7 68.1 154.0 118.1 82.0 80.8 92.9 68.4 116.4 77.4 93.6 60.1 100.2 113.4 104.2 82.8 83.0 3365–9 3365 3366 3369 .79 .16 .43 .20 104.2 96.5 109.4 101.3 103.7 91.9 109.2 104.0 102.4 95.6 107.2 99.3 101.2 99.2 103.9 98.2 101.1 98.9 104.0 97.6 103.5 101.5 105.4 102.0 106.3 99.3 112.7 99.5 103.4 91.9 110.1 100.3 102.7 96.3 107.2 99.3 101.7 98.6 105.0 97.8 100.8 98.5 103.9 96.2 103.1 99.2 105.5 101.5 337 1.69 98.9 98.8 98.6 97.3 96.4 96.4 96.7 93.9 97.2 95.2 95.3 95.3 3371 3372,9 .97 .71 104.8 91.7 103.9 92.5 103.9 92.2 102.4 91.2 101.4 90.2 89.6 102.3 89.9 98.6 88.2 102.8 90.3 101.6 87.3 101.3 87.8 87.5 Miscellaneous Medical equipment and supplies 339 3391 3.10 1.73 110.0 117.5 109.5 117.5 109.4 119.4 108.7 119.1 107.2 117.4 107.5 107.9 111.9 105.4 111.2 104.2 110.4 105.0 111.4 105.3 113.1 106.0 Logging 1133 .20 90.4 84.3 85.4 87.6 82.9 82.7 88.1 81.1 82.1 79.3 71.4 76.6 5111 51111 5.11 1.75 106.8 96.7 106.5 96.7 108.8 98.1 109.2 97.5 108.0 96.8 108.1 95.8 108.9 97.3 104.3 93.5 107.3 98.1 107.5 93.5 110.0 102.6 106.4 92.6 51112–9 3.37 112.7 112.2 115.0 116.1 114.5 115.3 115.7 110.7 112.8 115.9 114.3 114.5 Computer and electronic product Computer and peripheral equipment Communications equipment Audio and video equipment Semiconductor and other electronic component Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control Electrical equipment, appliance, and component Household appliance Small electrical appliance Major appliance Electrical equipment except appliances Electric lighting equipment Electrical equipment Other electrical equipment and component Battery Communication and energy wire and cable Other electrical equipment Transportation equipment Motor vehicle Automobile and light duty motor vehicle Automobile Light truck and utility vehicle Heavy duty truck Motor vehicle body and trailer Truck trailer Motor home Travel trailer and camper Motor vehicle parts Aerospace product and parts Aircraft and parts Railroad eq., ships and boats, and other Railroad rolling stock Ship and boat building Other transportation equipment Furniture and related product Household and institutional furniture and kitchen Office and other furniture Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers Newspaper publishers Periodical, book, and other publishers r Revised. p Preliminary. 1. The IP proportion data are estimates of the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year. 5 166.8 123.9 81.2 80.1 Table 1 (continued) INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MARKET GROUP SUMMARY Index, 1997 = 100 2002 IP Proportion1 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 2002 Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 100.00 109.9 110.7 110.7 110.1 109.4 109.6 108.1 110.0 110.3 110.5 108.3 108.8 Products and nonindustrial supplies Final products 59.81 42.67 108.2 106.0 109.1 107.1 109.3 107.2 108.8 106.8 108.1 106.2 108.2 106.2 106.8 104.6 109.3 108.5 108.9 108.2 108.8 107.8 106.5 104.7 106.8 104.7 Consumer goods Durable Automotive products Autos and trucks, consumer Auto parts and allied goods Other goods Home electronics Appliances, furniture, and carpeting Household appliances Carpeting and furniture Miscellaneous goods Nondurable Non-energy Foods and tobacco Clothing Chemical products Paper products Miscellaneous goods Energy Fuels Residential utilities 30.46 7.52 4.29 2.48 1.81 3.23 .34 1.29 .37 .93 1.60 22.93 18.96 10.27 1.04 4.79 2.29 .57 3.98 1.20 2.77 106.6 117.8 125.9 128.7 121.6 108.7 145.3 107.7 121.8 102.8 98.7 102.8 100.8 97.4 69.9 116.9 109.0 106.6 113.3 108.3 115.4 107.7 120.5 131.3 137.5 122.6 108.4 152.7 105.4 116.3 101.5 98.7 103.4 101.1 97.6 69.7 117.9 108.3 106.5 115.7 104.8 120.6 107.8 118.5 128.8 133.0 122.6 106.9 145.9 105.5 116.7 101.5 96.9 104.1 101.6 97.2 69.1 120.2 110.2 108.2 117.2 104.9 122.7 107.3 117.9 127.4 130.1 123.4 107.1 152.0 105.7 119.1 101.0 96.2 103.7 101.8 97.4 68.0 120.6 111.1 108.3 113.8 107.2 116.6 106.6 117.0 126.1 128.3 122.5 106.6 155.0 105.7 124.0 99.3 95.0 103.0 101.1 96.8 66.4 120.1 109.9 106.7 113.3 104.9 117.1 106.5 116.3 124.4 124.6 123.4 107.2 156.6 107.1 127.5 99.9 94.8 103.1 101.1 96.9 66.0 119.9 110.4 107.7 113.3 106.9 116.1 104.9 107.9 108.5 101.0 117.6 107.3 155.1 100.6 103.5 99.5 99.9 103.5 98.6 92.6 70.4 118.4 111.0 102.5 128.8 109.7 136.9 110.4 116.1 125.7 129.7 120.2 105.3 150.2 101.7 113.3 97.6 96.1 108.1 99.5 94.5 68.5 120.1 107.5 101.4 153.3 100.6 177.1 109.4 121.7 134.4 143.8 122.0 107.3 147.9 107.9 130.5 100.0 95.4 105.3 100.1 95.3 68.0 120.5 109.0 101.2 132.2 100.5 146.2 108.6 123.7 137.6 146.6 125.7 107.8 142.5 109.0 134.2 100.2 96.4 103.7 100.4 95.3 67.9 120.7 111.0 102.7 121.0 102.0 129.0 104.7 119.2 130.1 133.9 124.8 106.8 142.1 107.8 128.3 100.6 95.5 100.0 99.2 94.6 67.1 117.6 109.8 104.1 104.3 105.8 102.5 104.5 119.5 131.8 138.1 123.5 105.5 138.8 106.3 128.0 98.7 94.6 99.6 100.3 95.4 67.3 120.4 109.8 106.0 96.4 108.9 89.3 Equipment, total Business equipment Transit Business vehicles Business light vehicles Autos Trucks Information processing Industrial and other Industrial equipment Other equipment Oil and gas well drilling and manufactured homes Defense and space equipment 12.22 9.65 1.74 .53 .38 .23 .15 3.05 4.86 2.51 2.35 103.3 104.6 75.4 83.3 75.8 79.0 74.7 152.7 89.7 84.4 96.5 104.3 105.6 75.7 86.7 82.6 89.8 76.9 155.1 90.4 85.4 96.6 104.7 105.9 74.5 83.3 77.7 80.2 77.6 156.3 90.8 86.3 96.5 104.4 105.5 73.9 82.6 75.8 77.9 76.1 158.0 89.9 85.5 95.6 103.9 104.9 73.1 82.0 75.1 78.2 74.2 157.9 89.2 84.6 95.1 104.3 104.9 72.7 80.5 73.3 77.5 71.0 159.3 88.9 84.2 94.9 102.7 103.5 70.5 64.5 59.3 61.6 58.7 157.4 88.0 85.1 91.9 102.9 103.8 73.3 79.9 77.7 84.3 72.6 153.5 88.8 85.6 92.9 104.1 105.2 75.8 89.2 83.6 85.6 84.4 152.8 90.4 86.7 95.2 104.7 105.9 76.7 92.5 84.7 85.8 86.6 155.2 90.3 86.6 95.0 103.5 104.6 73.6 85.9 78.2 81.2 77.5 155.9 89.2 84.6 94.9 104.2 104.9 74.3 88.6 80.9 85.0 79.0 157.6 88.8 84.3 94.5 .37 2.20 73.4 102.3 70.0 104.1 71.9 104.8 69.4 105.1 71.7 104.7 73.7 106.4 67.3 105.2 67.9 104.8 69.5 105.0 68.4 105.5 70.5 104.1 74.3 105.7 Nonindustrial supplies Construction supplies Other business supplies General business supplies Commercial energy products 17.14 6.84 10.30 8.08 2.22 113.9 102.4 121.9 122.8 116.5 114.4 102.3 122.8 122.8 120.9 114.7 101.8 123.7 123.4 122.6 113.8 101.4 122.5 123.2 117.8 112.8 100.5 121.5 121.9 118.0 113.1 100.8 121.7 122.3 117.3 112.6 99.9 121.5 122.0 117.7 111.2 96.7 121.5 118.5 129.7 110.4 96.6 120.2 119.6 120.0 111.2 98.1 120.5 121.2 115.8 111.1 99.9 118.8 120.8 110.1 112.2 102.4 118.8 120.2 112.0 Materials Non-energy Durable Consumer parts Equipment parts Computer and other board assemblies and parts Semiconductors, printed circuit boards, and other Other equipment parts Other Basic metals Miscellaneous materials Nondurable Textile Paper Chemical Other materials Containers Miscellaneous materials Energy Primary energy Converted fuel 40.19 30.49 18.56 4.21 5.94 112.4 115.6 128.1 111.1 184.4 113.0 116.0 129.1 113.8 186.0 112.8 115.9 128.6 111.9 186.2 112.0 115.4 127.6 110.8 185.9 111.5 114.7 126.9 109.7 186.1 111.7 114.9 127.4 109.7 187.5 109.9 112.3 124.1 95.1 192.6 111.0 112.6 124.4 109.0 181.3 112.5 115.2 127.9 117.0 183.5 113.0 116.8 131.0 118.9 194.0 111.0 115.1 127.3 114.2 181.0 111.8 115.4 128.8 116.1 183.8 .49 131.4 130.5 131.9 132.9 134.5 132.9 137.2 129.7 128.4 128.9 130.8 131.0 1.63 3.82 8.41 2.24 6.17 11.93 .80 3.00 4.18 3.96 1.19 2.76 9.71 6.30 3.41 632.9 85.0 96.4 83.7 102.1 96.5 75.3 95.8 97.3 102.3 99.8 103.3 99.7 97.7 102.4 635.9 86.0 96.3 83.3 102.1 96.2 74.1 94.4 98.3 101.7 99.4 102.6 100.9 97.5 106.0 640.4 85.8 96.3 85.0 101.3 96.4 74.2 93.6 99.2 102.0 98.6 103.4 100.8 96.6 107.5 641.9 85.5 95.1 82.1 100.8 96.7 73.8 94.7 99.4 101.8 97.5 103.6 99.2 95.4 105.1 650.9 84.9 94.5 82.2 99.9 95.8 72.9 93.1 98.8 101.3 97.4 102.9 99.2 95.4 105.2 667.0 85.1 94.8 81.5 100.7 95.7 72.0 93.5 98.4 101.2 97.2 103.0 99.4 96.1 104.4 697.8 86.3 93.6 81.0 99.3 94.1 72.3 91.9 95.7 100.4 91.8 104.0 99.9 97.7 102.5 578.7 86.0 92.2 81.9 96.9 94.5 72.7 92.0 97.8 99.0 95.3 100.5 102.8 99.1 108.4 611.7 85.8 93.8 85.0 97.7 95.8 74.5 91.9 99.5 101.0 96.9 102.6 101.5 98.7 105.4 739.8 85.7 94.1 84.5 98.5 95.7 75.3 91.8 99.3 100.8 97.8 102.0 99.0 96.7 101.9 596.5 84.5 94.7 84.2 99.4 96.3 75.2 92.0 98.8 103.1 100.3 104.2 96.5 94.7 98.6 627.2 84.7 95.5 82.4 101.3 95.3 74.8 91.6 99.2 99.8 97.0 100.9 98.2 96.6 99.8 Item NAICS Total index Seasonally adjusted r Revised. p Preliminary. 1. The IP proportion data are estimates of the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year. 6 Table 2 CAPACITY UTILIZATION: MANUFACTURING, MINING, AND UTILITIES Percent of capacity, seasonally adjusted Item 2002 Proportion 19722002 Ave. 19781980 High 1982 Low 19881989 High 19901991 Low 19941995 High 2002 May 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb.r Mar.r Apr.r Mayp 100.00 81.3 86.6 70.8 85.1 78.6 84.8 75.7 74.9 75.3 75.3 74.8 74.3 74.3 8.45 49.25 42.30 86.4 82.2 78.5 91.5 87.8 83.8 77.2 67.9 71.3 88.6 86.2 83.1 84.7 77.6 77.2 89.3 87.7 80.3 83.5 77.8 71.5 83.7 77.3 70.2 82.6 77.8 70.8 82.5 77.9 70.7 82.7 77.0 70.5 82.3 76.4 70.0 82.6 76.5 70.0 86.69 81.79 47.13 1.47 2.34 2.42 .97 6.47 5.94 10.28 1.36 2.52 80.2 80.0 78.5 80.3 79.5 81.0 81.0 77.1 79.9 79.6 78.6 78.4 86.3 86.3 87.0 87.2 88.2 91.3 96.5 83.1 92.8 89.8 89.6 94.0 68.6 67.9 63.1 59.4 62.5 47.2 37.7 61.7 58.3 77.3 68.8 82.5 85.6 85.5 84.5 88.7 85.6 95.3 99.0 80.1 84.7 81.5 79.7 82.0 77.2 77.0 73.4 73.1 72.1 75.2 71.0 71.0 72.9 76.4 67.0 73.3 84.3 84.4 83.7 87.7 83.7 94.8 100.6 83.6 88.7 85.4 86.4 87.4 73.9 73.5 70.3 74.7 80.8 76.7 82.8 71.6 68.2 62.8 74.1 55.3 73.0 72.5 69.1 71.7 80.5 76.1 82.6 70.4 66.0 62.0 77.9 48.8 73.3 72.8 69.8 72.0 81.8 76.9 86.5 70.1 66.8 62.3 78.4 49.6 73.3 72.7 69.3 71.4 80.5 77.0 83.3 69.5 67.4 62.2 79.3 50.3 73.1 72.4 68.7 70.5 80.4 73.8 77.7 68.9 67.3 62.3 80.4 50.8 72.5 71.8 68.3 71.5 79.5 74.4 80.8 68.3 67.0 62.1 81.2 50.8 72.6 71.9 68.3 71.4 80.2 73.5 78.5 68.8 66.8 62.5 81.8 50.2 3.20 81.2 95.1 77.3 81.4 78.7 92.0 63.9 66.6 65.8 65.6 64.9 65.1 65.3 2.40 10.92 6.79 2.64 83.3 75.5 77.3 77.1 91.9 86.4 96.2 100.1 64.4 56.3 45.2 39.6 87.5 87.6 90.0 99.1 75.0 68.7 56.6 55.1 92.5 77.6 87.0 85.9 76.7 72.1 79.3 82.5 75.6 71.4 79.1 79.1 74.7 73.7 82.3 84.3 75.1 72.2 80.1 80.7 74.3 71.4 78.7 78.5 74.0 70.5 77.4 77.1 74.6 70.0 76.3 74.6 4.13 1.80 3.10 73.1 79.2 77.1 84.6 86.1 80.1 69.8 66.5 68.8 88.9 84.1 81.7 81.9 68.1 77.5 67.9 83.7 81.2 60.2 71.0 76.0 58.7 69.3 75.1 59.3 69.2 74.6 59.0 69.2 74.4 59.1 68.2 73.8 58.9 67.5 72.7 59.5 67.5 72.7 311 312 313 314 315 316 322 323 324 325 325211 325212 34.66 7.69 3.29 .80 .52 1.13 .20 2.87 2.57 1.52 10.37 .59 .11 82.2 83.0 80.6 83.6 83.4 80.6 77.2 88.5 84.8 86.4 78.7 86.2 79.6 85.7 85.3 84.7 90.3 92.8 85.0 86.6 95.6 88.3 92.3 83.0 84.7 90.3 75.6 80.7 77.2 72.4 71.0 77.7 75.3 81.3 80.1 71.1 67.9 65.3 55.6 86.9 85.8 87.0 91.8 90.1 85.1 79.7 94.0 91.7 88.9 85.6 97.6 92.5 81.8 83.7 75.0 78.2 73.2 77.9 71.8 85.4 82.7 82.5 80.8 78.0 73.8 85.4 83.9 87.5 92.3 88.1 90.9 81.6 92.6 86.0 90.4 81.3 101.4 89.1 78.1 80.7 78.8 73.1 76.8 66.2 62.2 83.2 77.4 90.0 74.4 93.3 74.6 77.2 80.2 74.2 71.3 75.4 63.5 61.0 83.5 81.0 90.7 73.2 84.7 78.4 77.2 80.0 75.2 70.5 71.4 63.3 62.6 81.9 81.3 88.0 73.8 89.3 75.9 77.4 79.9 74.6 70.6 73.5 62.8 62.0 81.9 80.2 87.7 74.9 87.6 78.4 77.6 80.1 74.7 70.2 75.5 61.9 62.4 83.3 79.1 89.4 74.8 87.9 75.0 76.9 80.0 73.9 69.5 74.0 60.6 61.6 82.1 78.4 87.3 74.3 77.1 79.9 74.4 68.7 73.9 60.4 60.9 82.1 79.2 88.5 74.1 32522 326 .20 3.69 81.2 83.7 94.4 90.5 62.2 70.5 96.4 91.2 75.7 77.1 89.4 92.3 72.1 79.5 71.4 78.8 70.6 79.1 72.4 79.5 71.4 80.0 75.0 79.1 80.0 4.89 83.6 88.1 85.7 90.2 79.1 82.7 80.0 82.4 82.0 83.9 84.4 83.4 83.6 5.20 3.05 1.36 .60 .20 .57 .78 8.12 6.93 1.19 86.9 92.0 84.1 86.0 79.8 83.1 72.0 86.7 88.1 80.2 94.2 95.6 92.4 97.8 86.1 92.9 99.8 87.9 87.8 92.6 78.6 89.5 67.6 76.3 32.1 64.5 49.8 77.2 78.6 71.1 85.6 91.1 90.4 92.7 90.5 89.6 61.6 92.6 94.1 86.4 83.3 88.8 80.0 79.4 82.0 75.4 52.3 84.2 87.1 67.4 88.5 94.6 88.3 88.2 92.1 90.5 74.2 93.8 96.5 87.8 84.8 92.1 81.4 80.4 72.5 85.8 53.3 87.7 88.5 84.6 86.4 91.8 85.6 89.6 76.6 84.8 55.8 84.8 85.5 82.1 84.9 91.6 80.8 81.6 71.8 83.2 55.5 87.8 88.5 85.1 84.1 91.2 78.8 78.5 72.7 81.4 55.9 88.4 89.0 86.8 84.1 90.8 79.4 79.6 72.5 81.6 56.6 84.6 85.3 81.7 84.3 90.9 80.2 82.0 71.6 81.4 57.1 84.3 85.0 82.4 85.0 91.4 80.7 82.3 72.2 82.1 59.0 83.4 83.8 82.3 7.08 79.3 89.9 75.6 80.4 74.6 88.5 62.3 61.7 61.8 62.1 62.3 62.5 62.5 79.61 80.2 86.3 68.1 86.1 77.3 84.0 75.3 74.5 74.9 74.8 74.6 73.9 74.0 72.82 80.5 85.7 69.5 85.8 79.2 83.8 74.9 74.1 74.2 74.3 74.2 73.6 73.8 NAICS Total industry STAGE-OF-PROCESS GROUPS Crude Primary and semifinished Finished Manufacturing Manufacturing (NAICS) Durable manufacturing Wood products 321 Nonmetallic mineral products 327 Primary metal 331 Iron and steel products 3311,2 Fabricated metal products 332 Machinery 333 Computer and electronic products 334 Computer and office equipment 3341 Communications equipment 3342 Semiconductor and related electronic components 334412–9 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components 335 Transportation equipment 336 Motor vehicles and parts 3361–3 Autos and light trucks 3361 Aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment 3364–9 Furniture and related products 337 Miscellaneous 339 Nondurable manufacturing Food Beverage and tobacco products Textile mills Textile product mills Apparel Leather and allied products Paper Printing and support Petroleum and coal products Chemical Plastics material and resin Synthetic rubber Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments Plastics and rubber products Other manufacturing (non-NAICS) Mining Oil and gas extraction Mining (except oil and gas) Coal mining Metal mining Stone and earth minerals Support activities for mining Utilities Electric Natural gas 21 211 212 2121 2122 2123 213 2211,2 2211 2212 SPECIAL AGGREGATES Selected high-technology industries Manufacturing ex. selected high-tech industries Manufacturing ex selected high-tech and motor vehicles and pts. r Revised. p Preliminary. 7 Table 3 INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY: MANUFACTURING, MINING, AND UTILITIES Item NAICS Percent change Annual rate Fourth quarter to fourth quarter 1972- 1972- 19752003 1975 2003 Ave. Ave. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003p Ave. Capacity indexes Percent of 1997 output 2002 May 2002 Dec. 2003 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Total industry 2.8 1.2 2.8 4.1 4.3 2.4 1.1 1.1 145.9 146.7 146.9 147.0 147.1 147.3 147.4 STAGE-OF-PROCESS GROUPS Crude Primary and semifinished Finished .4 3.0 3.2 .5 1.5 1.3 .3 2.9 3.2 -2.2 5.0 4.5 -.4 5.6 4.0 .8 3.0 2.0 -.6 1.7 .9 -.1 1.5 .8 111.2 150.5 149.2 110.9 151.7 149.9 110.9 151.9 150.0 110.9 152.1 150.1 110.9 152.3 150.2 110.9 152.5 150.3 110.9 152.7 150.4 3.1 3.2 4.2 1.6 1.1 -.5 -.8 1.8 1.2 15.6 27.1 8.5 1.3 1.3 1.4 .7 .5 .3 -.1 1.4 1.3 4.4 13.5 1.5 3.1 3.2 4.3 1.6 1.1 -.7 -.9 1.6 1.0 16.3 26.3 9.3 4.8 5.1 7.4 2.9 3.5 2.0 2.4 4.2 3.4 22.2 26.7 23.8 5.0 5.3 8.3 2.4 3.2 .1 -.4 1.3 2.9 30.2 24.1 22.3 2.4 2.6 4.6 1.0 2.0 -4.4 -5.7 .9 .9 17.0 4.3 13.8 .9 1.1 2.3 .1 1.1 -2.6 -3.0 .6 .0 7.1 6.8 1.5 .8 .9 2.1 .2 .5 .8 3.7 .3 -.6 6.9 12.8 -.2 150.9 152.2 172.5 135.2 133.3 112.0 108.6 139.3 129.9 350.2 304.7 260.5 151.4 152.9 174.4 135.2 134.1 110.6 107.2 139.7 129.9 361.9 319.4 260.1 151.6 153.1 174.7 135.3 134.2 110.6 107.4 139.8 129.8 364.0 322.5 260.0 151.7 153.2 175.0 135.3 134.2 110.7 107.7 139.8 129.8 365.9 325.6 259.8 151.8 153.3 175.3 135.3 134.3 110.7 107.9 139.8 129.7 367.9 328.8 259.7 151.9 153.4 175.6 135.3 134.4 110.7 108.2 139.8 129.7 369.9 332.0 259.7 152.0 153.6 176.0 135.4 134.4 110.8 108.6 139.9 129.6 372.1 335.5 259.6 24.7 7.8 25.5 31.0 59.3 37.8 12.9 16.3 750.5 795.2 805.3 814.3 823.9 834.0 844.8 1.8 2.1 3.0 3.2 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.6 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.4 1.9 2.5 .6 3.1 1.0 .9 1.9 -.3 1.9 3.0 5.2 -1.4 1.9 3.2 7.7 -.7 2.7 4.2 6.0 129.1 145.9 145.9 142.7 128.1 147.6 148.9 149.8 128.1 148.0 149.4 150.7 128.0 148.3 149.9 151.5 127.9 148.6 150.4 152.3 127.8 148.9 150.9 153.1 127.8 149.3 151.4 153.8 .8 2.6 2.9 .5 1.8 1.5 .8 2.4 2.8 1.0 3.4 1.8 .7 1.7 3.9 -.1 1.7 2.7 -.6 -.1 1.7 .1 .3 2.3 145.5 143.0 145.1 145.1 142.6 146.5 145.1 142.6 146.7 145.0 142.6 147.0 145.0 142.7 147.3 145.1 142.7 147.5 145.1 142.7 147.8 311 312 313 314 315 316 322 323 324 325 325211 325212 1.8 1.9 .4 .4 1.8 -.4 -2.5 1.6 2.8 1.2 2.5 3.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 .6 1.0 .9 .5 -.8 1.4 1.5 2.6 1.6 2.6 1.0 1.7 1.7 .3 .1 1.8 -.6 -2.5 1.4 2.7 .6 2.3 3.1 1.3 2.0 2.0 -.2 -.3 .9 -3.1 .6 .0 2.2 .6 3.5 2.4 3.0 1.3 .9 -.4 -2.7 1.0 -1.7 .3 .0 .7 .5 2.6 1.5 .5 .0 .1 -1.4 -3.7 .7 -3.1 -3.3 -1.5 -1.7 1.2 1.5 .9 2.3 -.6 -.1 -.9 -3.6 .4 -.7 -3.7 -1.0 -2.9 1.1 .4 .9 -1.1 -.5 -.7 -1.0 -3.7 .5 -2.6 -8.2 -1.3 -.4 1.5 .6 .1 -.1 127.7 130.9 112.2 105.9 123.1 110.1 115.4 114.2 124.3 114.9 141.2 126.9 120.3 127.3 130.9 111.6 103.7 123.4 110.0 113.0 113.7 122.0 115.8 141.3 127.5 119.0 127.3 130.9 111.5 103.4 123.4 109.9 112.4 113.7 121.9 115.9 141.4 127.6 119.0 127.2 130.8 111.5 103.1 123.4 109.7 111.7 113.5 121.8 116.1 141.5 127.6 118.9 127.2 130.7 111.4 102.7 123.5 109.5 110.9 113.4 121.8 116.3 141.5 127.6 118.9 127.1 130.6 111.3 102.4 123.5 109.3 110.2 113.3 121.7 116.4 141.6 127.6 118.9 127.1 130.6 111.2 102.1 123.6 109.0 109.4 113.2 121.7 116.5 141.7 127.6 118.9 32522 326 1.0 3.6 6.3 2.1 -.8 3.4 -5.7 6.4 -3.6 3.6 -9.0 .3 -4.8 -1.7 -4.3 -2.2 97.2 134.2 95.2 132.7 94.8 132.6 94.5 132.4 94.2 132.1 93.8 131.9 93.5 131.6 1.6 1.3 1.3 -.1 -.9 -1.4 -2.3 -1.3 130.3 128.5 128.4 128.2 128.0 127.9 127.8 .0 -.8 1.5 1.7 1.3 .9 1.4 2.4 3.1 .1 -.2 -1.2 .7 1.1 .7 .0 2.5 2.2 3.1 -.7 .1 -.6 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.0 .8 2.1 2.5 .4 -2.6 -1.5 .6 .3 -.5 1.5 -1.7 1.3 1.2 .3 -.4 .9 -.4 .0 -2.9 .4 .6 2.9 3.4 -.2 2.2 1.7 -.7 -.1 -4.1 .1 6.1 4.1 5.2 -.1 -.2 .7 -.3 -.1 -1.0 -.2 1.8 6.5 7.4 .2 .4 -.5 -.7 -.2 -5.1 .1 .7 5.0 5.6 .8 110.2 106.5 116.4 116.4 99.4 124.9 129.1 125.5 125.6 123.5 110.2 106.9 116.2 116.3 99.0 124.7 129.7 130.3 131.2 123.7 110.3 106.8 116.1 116.3 98.7 124.7 129.8 130.9 131.9 123.7 110.3 106.8 116.1 116.3 98.3 124.7 129.9 131.5 132.5 123.8 110.3 106.8 116.0 116.3 97.9 124.7 129.9 132.1 133.2 123.9 110.4 106.7 115.9 116.3 97.5 124.7 130.0 132.6 133.8 124.0 110.4 106.7 115.8 116.2 97.1 124.7 130.1 133.1 134.4 124.1 21.0 6.8 21.7 28.5 40.3 23.2 8.7 9.8 466.8 485.9 489.7 493.2 496.9 500.8 504.8 1.8 1.1 1.7 2.3 1.5 .4 -.1 .2 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.6 132.7 132.7 1.7 1.1 1.5 2.3 1.5 .1 -.4 -.2 131.4 131.1 131.1 131.1 131.1 131.0 131.0 Manufacturing Manufacturing (NAICS) Durable manufacturing Wood products 321 Nonmetallic mineral products 327 Primary metal 331 Iron and steel products 3311,2 Fabricated metal products 332 Machinery 333 Computer and electronic products 334 Computer and office equipment 3341 Communications equipment 3342 Semiconductor and related electronic components 334412–9 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components 335 Transportation equipment 336 Motor vehicles and parts 3361–3 Autos and light trucks 3361 Aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment 3364–9 Furniture and related products 337 Miscellaneous 339 Nondurable manufacturing Food Beverage and tobacco products Textile mills Textile product mills Apparel Leather and allied products Paper Printing and support Petroleum and coal products Chemical Plastics material and resin Synthetic rubber Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments Plastics and rubber products Other manufacturing (non-NAICS) Mining Oil and gas extraction Mining (except oil and gas) Coal mining Metal mining Stone and earth minerals Support activities for mining Utilities Electric Natural gas 21 211 212 2121 2122 2123 213 2211,2 2211 2212 SPECIAL AGGREGATES Selected high-technology industries Manufacturing ex. selected high-tech industries Manufacturing ex. selected high-tech and motor vehicles and pts. 8 Table 4 ELECTRIC POWER USE: MANUFACTURING AND MINING Index, 1997 = 100 Item 2002 NAICS 1997 Billion KWH 983.9 2002 Nov. 88.7 Seasonally adjusted 2003 Dec. Jan. Feb.r 88.7 87.8 87.8 88.9 88.9 89.9 88.1 93.3 86.3 88.8 88.8 90.1 87.8 91.5 86.6 87.9 87.9 88.5 87.4 94.8 86.2 Not seasonally adjusted 2003 Dec. Jan. Feb.r Mar.r 87.2 86.1 85.5 85.1 Mar.r 86.5 Apr.p 85.7 2002 Nov. 88.5 87.8 87.8 88.5 87.2 96.2 87.1 86.5 86.4 87.5 85.5 97.4 86.9 85.6 85.6 87.1 84.4 94.9 85.8 88.5 88.5 88.2 88.7 91.1 87.6 87.2 87.2 87.0 87.3 89.3 88.1 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9 90.8 88.7 85.4 85.3 86.0 84.8 88.7 87.4 85.1 85.0 86.0 84.3 89.0 85.9 85.2 85.1 86.1 84.4 90.0 84.6 Apr.p 85.1 Total industry MAJOR INDUSTRY GROUPS Manufacturing Manufacturing (NAICS) Durable manufacturing Nondurable manufacturing Other manufacturing (non-NAICS) Mining 21 890.9 884.9 386.5 498.4 5.9 93.0 INDUSTRY GROUPS AND SERIES Oil and gas extraction Mining (except oil and gas) Support activities for mining 211 212 213 32.8 45.6 1.8 75.7 91.5 95.7 73.7 93.0 95.1 75.7 91.5 92.9 78.1 91.5 95.3 77.5 91.5 95.2 76.4 90.3 94.4 75.4 93.9 93.1 74.0 95.3 92.5 78.3 93.9 97.2 76.5 92.9 93.6 75.3 91.2 91.6 73.2 90.4 90.4 Food Beverage and tobacco products Textile mills Textile product mills Apparel Leather and allied products 311 312 313 314 315 316 60.6 7.6 28.5 4.8 7.1 .9 95.7 104.8 65.7 72.8 71.4 76.8 95.5 101.5 63.7 72.0 69.5 75.3 96.7 106.6 59.4 71.4 69.2 75.5 97.3 104.3 61.1 71.0 69.9 75.4 96.3 102.0 59.7 67.3 69.2 74.1 95.5 101.9 58.8 65.1 67.2 73.4 95.9 103.4 64.8 68.0 68.2 75.1 93.1 95.6 61.3 65.9 63.8 73.0 93.0 95.9 55.3 63.0 61.1 73.2 91.0 93.1 59.7 67.2 65.2 74.2 90.5 92.8 58.1 63.7 64.4 72.1 92.3 94.9 58.5 64.7 64.0 72.1 Wood products Paper Printing and support Petroleum and coal products Chemical Plastics and rubber products Nonmetallic mineral products 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 21.9 109.5 14.3 49.1 166.1 49.9 37.6 89.0 84.8 99.2 100.8 83.8 102.7 100.3 88.7 85.4 98.8 99.7 84.1 100.6 99.1 89.0 86.4 99.6 96.9 83.7 101.0 99.4 90.7 84.3 98.2 97.6 83.5 101.5 99.5 89.5 82.7 96.9 96.7 81.2 100.8 98.8 88.3 82.6 95.1 95.7 79.3 100.7 97.1 87.2 84.6 96.9 99.6 86.6 101.5 101.0 86.6 85.0 92.5 98.9 86.4 96.4 97.8 87.4 85.3 92.0 97.5 85.0 93.5 94.9 91.4 81.6 88.9 93.1 83.6 98.7 93.6 90.0 82.3 88.7 93.8 82.5 98.3 92.8 90.5 82.1 90.0 95.2 81.0 100.7 94.8 Primary metal Fabricated metal products Machinery Computer and electronic products Electrical equipment, appliances, and components Transportation equipment Furniture and related products Miscellaneous 331 332 333 334 132.6 41.5 26.9 37.8 83.7 98.6 90.3 87.0 86.3 98.1 88.7 85.0 82.1 98.3 89.6 85.9 83.3 98.4 90.5 84.4 81.7 98.1 88.8 85.2 81.3 97.0 87.8 86.2 82.0 97.3 87.9 84.5 83.8 94.4 84.4 81.9 82.7 93.1 85.4 82.5 81.7 96.4 87.0 80.2 82.6 95.8 85.4 82.1 81.9 95.4 84.8 83.6 335 336 337 339 16.4 53.2 8.4 10.1 85.7 92.5 89.9 102.0 84.0 91.5 86.8 103.8 85.0 88.9 88.0 102.3 84.2 86.4 87.9 102.9 82.9 85.9 86.6 101.1 81.9 86.3 85.9 99.0 84.4 89.9 87.7 98.5 80.8 86.6 84.5 98.2 80.9 84.3 83.5 96.9 81.5 84.7 86.7 97.2 80.2 84.0 85.1 96.0 80.5 84.5 85.2 96.6 1133 .3 52.7 49.5 52.1 51.3 47.2 50.2 49.4 48.8 49.9 51.1 51.8 52.6 5111 5.7 94.8 93.1 96.4 97.9 99.3 96.6 92.6 90.8 92.3 90.0 90.4 91.3 962.6 913.5 70.4 89.6 87.9 117.1 89.4 87.6 121.6 88.4 86.8 120.1 88.2 86.4 120.1 87.3 85.7 114.6 86.4 84.0 115.6 88.6 86.8 115.7 87.1 85.0 123.7 86.1 83.8 123.6 85.3 83.6 114.9 85.1 83.1 116.6 85.4 83.5 111.7 Logging Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers SUPPLEMENTARY GROUPS Total ex. nuclear nondefense Utility sales to industry Industrial generation r Revised. p Preliminary. 9