Full text of G.16 Retail Furniture Report : December 8, 1955
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BOARD C? GCTERIICRS CF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SISTEL! G.16 December 8, 1955 RETAIL FTHMirURE REPORT FOR GCTCBER 1955 Instalment accounts outstanding at furniture stores continued to increase slightly during October, Balances at the end of the month were 1 per cent above September and 7 per cent^above a year ago. The instalment collection ratio, estimated at 12 per cent, Iras unchanged from both a month-ago and a year ago. Sales of all types increased from September to October, and continued above a year earlier. Compared •Kith October of last year, instalment sales were up 11 per cent, charge-account sales 15 per cent, and cash sales 12 per cent. The retail value of furniture store inventories, rose 5 per cent during October, and at the end of the month was U per cent above a year earlier. At the October rate of sales, stocks on hand amounted to an estimated U months-1 supply. Furniture Store Statistics for October 1955 Item Percentage <change from: Jen.-Oct. 19>k Year to ago Jan.-Oct. 1955 Month ago Net sales during month Total Cash Instalment Charge account +13 +16 +1U + 8 +11 +12 +11 +15 +10 + 7 +11 +12 Accounts receivable, at end of month Total Instalment Charge account + 2 + 1 + 3 +10 + 7 +16, XXX XXX XXX Inventories, end of month, at retail value + 5 + h XXX Oct. 1955 Sept. 1955 Collection ratios on instalment accounts 1/ 12 12 Oct. 195U 12 1/ Collections during month as percentage of accounts outstanding at beginning of month. G.16 RETAIL F M I T T E 3 STORES - OCTOBER IS 55 dries by Type of Transaction (Percentage changes) Federal Reserve District Total net sales Month Foston irarr fork Ihiladelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 1 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco + Month c.?o Year ago Instalment sales Year Month ago + 8 - 5 +12 -11 0 +3U +16 +26 + R + 3 + +13 +20 - + e +16 +12 +15 +26 + 6 .I 1 6 - Charge-account sales Month Year ago aeo - 8 0 + 8 8 + 5 +11; 7 +20 6 - . +10 + 3 +12 +15 +20 - +23 +16 + 7 +15 +25 +55 +Zi0 +15 + 9 +25 +25 +1U + 5 +31 +20 +20 +2li +27 +16 +1U 4i0 + + + U. S. Total Faderal Reserve District ii Year ago Cash sales 3 1 u + 0 8 + - - h 3 2 +12 +12 +21 + 3 +10 +10 +13 +37 +11 - u +15 -18 +12 + + + G + 9 +13 -17 + 7 +1U + 7 + + 5 +15 0 •IS •11 +2U - 5 - 1 +13 +11 +16 +12 1! +iu +11 + 8 +15 3 , 6 7 6 Cumulative Sales by Type of Transaction, Instalment Accounts Receivable, and Inventories (Fercentage changes) Inventories Instalment Cumulative sales, Jan.-Oct., receivables, end of month, change from 195U to 1955 end of month at retail value Year instal- Charge- Month Month Year Total Cash ago lment aro ago account Boston Hew York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago -St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco + k + 1 + 7 +10 +13 +12 +13 + 1 + 7 + 3 +17 +15 + 5 + 2 0 + 1 +22 +13 +12 + 3 - 3 - 6 + 7 +15 + 2 0 + 9 +11 +12 +12 +12, + 7 + 7 + 5 +21 +20 +11 +13 + 6 +17 +13 +18 +21 +13 +20 + 3 +11 + 7 U. S. Total +10 + 7 + 11 +12 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 - 1 -10 + 6 + 5 + 1 +14 + 0 +12 +12 - 1 +29 . +17 + 1 + 7 + + • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 8 2 2 5 5 5 2 u 3 2 9 + 5 + + + + + + + + + + + 2 1 1 2 7 3 2 5 5 8 6 9 + h