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GOLD SETTLEMENT j^TD Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San F r a n c i s c o Total Balance l a s t D a i l y S e t t l e m e n t s statement Transit Clearings F . R. Note C l e a r i n g s Debits Credits Debits | Credits O c t . 3, 1934 $ 1,087,600.00 108,880,980 .84 $ 895, 300.00 $ 66,206 ,383.84 $ 92,290 ,014.90 1,981,000.00 409,808 ,635.1% 2,892, 300.00 425,782,062 921,882 ,249.96 1,313,100.00 98,260,027 :lu 107,708 ,930.88 1,275, 300.00 47,147 ,871.75 723,500.00 1,607, 000.00 104,819,341 .01 89,084 ,724.88 101,558 ,650.07 801, 100.00 959,000.00 47,142 ,799.75 107,763,918 107,253 ,678.91 641,800.00 442, 600.00 61,922 ,907.06 55,897,622 : f ? 32,236 ,797,20 3,062,000.00 1,606, 400.00 182,672 ,235.07 174,364,916 .48 215,140 ,888.18 1,064,900.00 620, 000.00 87,408 ,3^2.32 91,983,050 .18 50,613 ,845.98 200.00 697,000.00 ,240.86 .81 605, ,584.41 34,622 29,207,246 27,935 300.00 170,000.00 .64 80,036 693, 75,5^1,155 ,758.35 57,750 ,433.90 100.00 236,000.00 .24 311, 54,955,211 51,703 ,754.33 43,729 ,481.93 100.00 308,800.00 86,529 ,567.56 63,633 ,360.39 495, 53,163,973 .73 1 , 6 8 5 , 4 0 0 , 6 2 9 . 3 4 1,380,619,508.28 1 , 3 8 0 , 6 1 9 , 5 0 8 . 2 8 12,244,700.00 12,244,700.00 Federal Withdrawals Reserve Bank Boston $ 17,000,000.00 New York 4,000,000.00 Philadelphia Cleveland 1,000,000.00 Richmond 6,000,000.00 Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis 8,000,000.00 Minneapolis 3,600,000.00 Kansas City 2,000,000.00 Dallas 1,000,000.00 San F r a n c i s c o 5,000.000.00 47,000,000.00 Total FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS Deposits $ 3,000,000.00 27,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 32,000,000.00 Balance i n fund a t c l o s e of b u s i n e s s O c t . 10, 1934 $ 71,989 ,649.78 882,944 ,377.72 52,736 ,768.71 92,461 ,915.82 46,810 ,939.83 33,410 ,712.76 206,289 ,169.59 53,633 ,453.84 31,612 ,390.36 62,731 ,531.19 53,905 ,838.84 81,873 ,880.90 1,670,400,629.34 B-812 T r a n s f e r s f o r Government account Debits $ 54,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 29,000,000.00 Credits 6,000,000.00 19,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 87,000,000.00 Net l o s s o r g a i n through Combined c l e a r i n g s Transit Clearings Loss | Loss | Gain $ 16,590,965.94 $ $ 15,973,427.76 3 8 , 9 3 7 , 8 7 2 . 2 4 9,448,903.04 3,260,690.94 510,240.08 6,,025,284.44 35,851,718.59 8,307,318.59 4,574,707.86 5,414,994.05 4,495,602.71 3,251,456.91 1,655,686.66 10,469,386.66 44,161,489.49 44,161,489.49 76,445,277.49 9,000,000.00 87,000,000.00 and t r a n s f e r s Gain 9,588,896.96 1.377.190.94 5,668,140.08 1,173,915.56 11,019,607.86 6.676.805.95 6,981,097.29 11,176,356.91 76,445,277.49 FEDERAL RESERVE AGKE3TTS' FUKD I .U Summary of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ending October 10. 1934 Federal Reserve Agent a t Boston Withdrawals (Transfers to bank) Balance l a s t statement O c t . 3, 1934 $ 275,117,050.00 Mew York 571,491,000.00 Philadelphia 145,350,000.00 Cleveland lS4,215,g05.7S Richmond 146,340,000.00 v Jp —— Deposits (Transfers frora bank) $ % ^ 17,000,000.00 ^5l2a / October 11,;'1934 business October 10, 1934 $ 295,117,050.00 571,491,000.00 3,000,000.00 — 4,000,000.00 149,350,000.00 1,000,000.00 152,215,505.72 6,000,000.00 152,340,000»00 67,655,000.00 Atlanta 67,655,000.00 Chicago 505,395,000.00 S t . Louis 116,632,130.00 — 5,000,000.00 124,632,130.00 Minneapolis 106,000,000.00 — 3,000,000.00 109,000.009.00 Kansas City 93,750,000.00 — 2,000,000.00 95,750,000.00 Dallas 59,675,000.00 1,000,000.00 60,675,000.00 5,000,000.00 197,262,550.00 47,000,000.00 2,453,913,565.78 San Francisco TOTAL 192,262,550.00 2,466,913,565.78 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISIOH OF BAM OPERATIONS ~ 27,000,000.00 ~ — 30,000,000.00 — 478,395,000.00