Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : May 6, 1926
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* GOLD Summary of transactions f o r week ending May 5, "1926 Federal Balance l a s t Reserve statement Transit Bank of April 26, 1926 Debit# Boston $ 57,065,431.22 $ 216,274,737-. 5 0 ^ New York 255,758,635.00 705,610,302.97^ jiladelphia 46,509,893.00 176,579,707.38^ • eveland 64,183,800.78 156,361,719.64/ Richmond 23,781,155.62 140,978,915.62 Atlanta 24,481,787.44 81,353,442.32^ Chicago 134,817,200.32 291,070,109.18-^ St. Louis 14,793,651.27 122,862,419.80^ Minneapolis 11,012,447.39 36,968,423.31^ Kansas City 23,723,692.19 91,577,729.50 Dallas 8,490,873.41 57,759,196.76 San Francisco 26,768,857,48 73,322,015.59 Total $ 691,417,425.12 $2,152,718,719.-77 Federal Reserve Withdrawals Bank of — ^ton $ 15,000,000.00 * w York 15,774,200*00 Philadelphia 1,00^,000.00 Cleveland 2,000,000.00 Richmond Atlanta 6,000,000.00 Chicago 20,000,000.00 S t . Louis 1,500,000.00 Minneapolis 3,000,000.00 Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total $ 64,274,200.00 $ Deposits 1,000,000.00 44,000,000.00 11,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,206,000.00 2,206,000.00 2,000,000.00 500,000.00 2,000,000.00 5*052.000.00 72,964,000.00 4 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD S E T T L E M E N T FUND X-460C Washington, D. C. May 6, 1926 Transfers f o r Government Account Daily Settlements Clearing F. Tt.Note Clearing Credits Debits Credits Debits $ 229,650 ,676.29"" $ 2,379,800.00f$ 716,500.00^"]$ 2,000,000.00' 634,837 ,598.97-" 1,876,800.00-^ 7,871,000.00— 185,653 ,389.35k2,425,300.00^ 1,311,000.00^ 158,526 , 1 4 9 . 9 3 ^ 2,067,700.00^ 822,000*00' 137,775 , 4 1 6 . 5 0 — 1,129,600.00 — 788,000*00^ 88,049 ,329.67-" 1,810,700.00-^ 900,800*00^ 323,04s , 4 2 7 . 7 7 970,500,00^ 779,000i0CK 124,358 ,778.76219,600.00^ 698,200.00/ 44,163 , 0 6 2 . 2 8 / 277,500.00/ 157,900.00/ 95,867 ,926.19 417,800.00'" 262,000.00^" 58,150 ,914.18 240,000.00^ 393,500.00 72,637 ,049.88 951,800.00 61,200.00 $ 2,152,718,719.77 $ 14,767,100.00 $ 14,767;100.00 • $ 2,000,000.00 $ Balance in fund at close of business May 5, 1926 f 52,778 ,070.01 2 2 1 , 2 3 5 ,931.00 6 2 , 4 6 9 ,274.97 64,102 ,531.07 24,442 , 0 5 6 . 3 0 26,473 ,774.79 146,604 ,018491 17,268 ,610.23 15,087 ,486,36 28,358 ,088<88 11,042 ,090.83 30,245 ,291*77 $ 700,107,225.12 i $ Credits 2,000,000.00' 2,000,000.00 Net loss or gain in gold through Transit Clearings Combined clearings & t r a n s f e r s Loss Loss Gain $ 13,375,938.79 I : I 9,712,638.79 70,772,704;00 62,778,504.00 7,073,681.97 5,959,381.97 2,164,430.29 918,730.29 3,203,499.32 3,545,099.32 6,695,887.35 5,785,987.35 31,978,318.59 31,786,818.59 1.496.358.96 1.974.958.96 7.194.638.97 4,290,196.69 4,134,396.69 391,717.42 551,217.42 684,965.71 1,575,565.71 74,661,169.03 $ 74,661,169.03 $ 67,899,169.03 $ 67,899,169.03