Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : June 7, 1939
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INTERDISTRICT SETTLEMENT FUND f o r week ance l a s t statement _ v . lay 31, 1939 311,63^,853*99 Hew Y o r k " 3,703,055,663.24 293,756,582.68 Philadelphia Cleveland 355,276,225.33 Richmond 135,442,084.05 Atlanta 91,417,696.99 Chicago 1,238,065,234.13 S t . Louis 120.817.667.53 Minneapolis 100,485,252.89 Kansas C i t y 137,977,979.25 Dallas 119,137,214,33 San Francisco 327.708.665.54 ^deralpV^ 1 R&J& D a i l y S e t t l e m e n t s F. R. Note C l e a r i n g s T r a n s i t Clearings Debits Credits Debits Credits $ 123,050,767.03 $ 132,697,337.92 $ 1,201,000.00 2,692,000.00 2,593,000.00 643,257,476.61 698,407,849.36 1,015,000.00 1,228,000.00 250,656,809.12 215,085,435.78 806,000.00 1,764,000.00 168,087,562.76 143,791,760.42 991,000.00 1,080,000.00 120,500,779.34 126,084,695.16 1,388,000.00 520,000.00 55,572,308.63 63,478,039.48 3,110,000.00 2,134,000.00 297,495,575.99 255,937,732.75 803,000.00 800,000.00 120,012,162.72 140,700,570.04 763,000.00 603,000.00 44,465,517.19 39.937.496.42 903,000.00 866,000.00 96,164,614.73 98.134.806.43 209,000.00 589,000.00 64,955,902.52 67,332,112.30 833.000.00 760,000.00 81.962,588.26 103,887.370.62 Withdrawals $1,000,000.00 $ 5,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 15,000,000,00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 80,000,000.00 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS Deposits T r a n s f e r s f o r Government Account Debits $ 50,000,000.00 Credits $50,000,000.00 c— r . , ~ 7 „ — r -— ,— — Z i ^ Net l o s s or gain Balance i n fund at Combined Clearings and T r a n s f e r s T r a n s i t Clearings c l o s e of b u s i n e s s Loss | Gain Gain Loss June 7 , 1939 $ 9,070,570*89 $ 9,646,570.89 $ 320,705,424.88 $ 55,051,372.75 $55,150,372.75 3,653,004,290.49 35,358,373*34 35,571,373.34 328,114,956.02 23,337,802.34 24,295,802.34 378,614,027.67 5,672,915.82 5,583,915.82 144,769,168,23 7,037,730.85 7,905,730.85 99,379,966.14 7,466,156,76 41,557,843.24 1,230,599,077.37 29,314,592.68 20,688,407.32 160,132,260.21 4,688,020.77 4,528,020.77 110,173,273.66 1,933,191.70 1,970,191.70 144,044,787.55 2,756,209.78 2,376,209.78 126,381,004.55 21,851,782.36 21,924,782.36 315,856,883.18 7,011.775,119.95 115,599.610.58 115,599,610.58 101,769,360.02 101,769,360.02 L Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total B—812 V " e < f FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS1 FUND Rummnrv of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ended June 7 , 1932 Withdrawals Balance Federal (transfers last Reserve to statement Agent a t bank) May 31, 1939 Boston $ -420,000,000.00 Deposits (transfers from bank) \ S B-812a June 8 . 1939 Balance a t c l o s e of bus ines s June 7 , 1939 $ 420,000,000.00 — 710,000,000.00 New York 710,000,000.00 Philadelphia 345,000,000.00 Cleveland 439,500,000.00 Richmond 215,000,000.00 Atlanta 169,000,000.00 — 169,000,000.00 Chicago 235,000,000.00 — 235,000,000.00 S t . Louis 196,000,000.00 — Minneapolis 143,500,000.00 — — 143,500,000.00 Kansas City- 180,000,000.00 — $2,000,000.00 182,000,000.00 85,500,000.00 — — 429,000,000.00 — — Dallas San F r a n c i s c o TOTAL 3,567,500,000.00 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS 345,000,000.00 — 439,500,000.00 — 210,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 196,000,000.00 — — • 2,000,000.00 : 85,500,000.00 429,000,000.00 3,564,500,000.00