Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : June 27, 1934
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GOLD SETTLEMENT FUHD Summary of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ending June 27, 1934 Balance l a s t ; S e t t l e m e n t s D a i l y Federal statement | F . R. ITote Clearings T r a n s i t Clearings Reserve June 20, 1934 Debits I C r e d i t s j Debits ! Credits Bank Boston 12b,350,514.20 $ 98,069,521.99 $ 105,711 ,449.42 $ 488,500.00 $ 659,300.00 ITew York 2,128,100.00 1,026,100.00 782,932,333-72 463,475,398.44 516,573,968.00 Philadelphia, 52,784,133.18 130,845,321.54 117,217 ,656.28 565,100.00 1,145,800.00 Cleveland 1,066,000.00 468,000.00 82,933,680.75 129,305,856.39 127,260,276.16 Richmond 53,448,802.28 102,638,722.01 100,758 589,100.00 402,000.00 Atlanta 31,198,206.90 55,721,472.91 47,783 294,500.00 650,400.00 Chicago 214,147,273.46 222,890,616.46 229,47s ,852.96 1,290,800.00 2,210,500.00 S t . Louis 48,311,139.14 88,113,144.01 82,475 ,372.73 709,100.00 863,100.00 Minneapolis 19.743.597.21 31,143,241.40 27,381,632.95 519,300.00 515,500.00 Kansas City 50.808.028.22 84,758,697.64 77,880 ,774.06 504,200.00 860,000.00 Dallas 49,451,738.52 55,848,546.97 53,047 ,525.52 385,400.00 83,500.00 San Francisco 424,200.00 80,100.00 77,309,181.56 89,917,291.27 67,158,229.54 Total 1,599,453,929.14 1,552,727,831.03 1,552,727,831.03 8,964,300.00 8,964,300.00 Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total Wi thdrawals Deposits Balance i n fund a t c l o s e of business June 27, 1934 ,541.63 1,000,000.00 7,500,000.00 533,600.00 1,000,000.00 10,033,600.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISIOH OF BANK OPERATIONS 6,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,133,600.00 1,115,000.00 11,000,000.00 32,248,600.00 844,928 ,903.2s 48,737 ,167.92 82,795 ,100.52 1(5.381 ,459.25 23,616,248.42 210,655,209.96 43,427 ,367.86 17,093,188.76 48,285 ,904.64 45,348 ,817.07 77,206,019.83 1,611,668,929.14 3-812 June 28, 1934 T r a n s f e r s f o r Government Account Debits $ 10,000,000.00 $ Credits 10,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 11,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Net l o s s or g a i n through T r a n s i t Clearings 1 Combined c l e a r i n g s and t r a n s f e r s Loss | Gain ; Loss 1 Gain $7,641,927.43 $ 2,187,272.57 $ 53,098,569.56 61,996,569.56 13,627,665.26 2,045,580.23 9,046,965.26 2,643,580.23 9,067,343.03 1,880,243.03 7,937,858.4s 5,637,771.2s 6,588,236.50 3,761,608.45 6,877,923.5s 2,801,021.45 22,759,061.73 67,328,733.49 67,328,733.49 7,581,958.4s 3,492,063.50 7,483,771.28 3,765,408.45 2,522,123.58 3,102,921.45 11,103,161.73 61,996,569.56 61,996,569.56 FEDE ESERVE AGENTS' FUND Summary of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ending June 27, 1934 Federal Reserve Agent Boston Balance l a s t statement June 20, I93U $ 271,117,080.00 Withdrawals (Transfers to bank) 0 —* Deposits (Transfers from bank) 0 — $ 3-812a June 2<S, 1934 Balance a t c l o s e of business June 27, 1934 271,117,080.00 New York 551,491,093.74 Philadelphia 169,350,000.00 6,000,000.00 Cleveland 185,715,805.78 10,000,000.00 175,715,805.78 Richmond 132,340,000.00 1,000,000.00 131,340,000.00 —— — 1,000,000.00 551,491,093.74 164,350,000.00 Atlanta 82,685,000.00 Chicago 495,395,000.00 S t . Louis 112,632,130.00 3,000,000.00 —— Minneapolis 81,115,000.00 1,115,000.00 —— 80,000,000.00 Kansas City- 79,750,000.00 — —— 79,750,000.00 Dallas 45,675,000.00 — San Francisco TOTAL — 82,685,000.00 495*395,000.00 183,262,550.00 10,000,000.00 2,390,528,659.52 31,115,000.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISION OF BAH OPERATIONS —— 1,000,000.00 — 2,000,000.00 109,632,130.00 46,675,000.00 173,262,550.00 2,361,413,659.52