Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : July 8, 1936
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,^.ORS o r - ^ DTTEKDISTRICT SETTT.'mxmTT TOHD B—812 July 9. 1936 Summary o f ^ t r a n Federal ' 1> . Reserve Bank Boston ITew York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas C i t y Dallas San F r a n c i s c o Total 105,699,220.98 659,265,526.90 87,281,321.21 191,400,463.17 65,130,646.91 54,005,471.91 752,982,376.78 69,606,203.62 45,528,217.15 63,4-71,181.73 68,978,627.66 161.206.524-. 58 P.3?4.555.782.60 Federal Withdrawals Reserve Bank Boston 15,000,000.00 ITew York 17,000,000.00 Philadelphia 7,500,000.00 Cleveland 10,000,000.00 Richmond 2,000,000.00 Atlanta 10,000,000.00 Chicago 4,000,000.00 S t . Louis 4,000,000.00 Minneapolis 4,000,000.00 Kansas C i t y 2,000,000.00 Dallas San F r a n c i s c o 75,500,000.00 Total BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISIOH OF BABK OPERATIONS Credits Debits $ 131,214,881.45 $148,843,822.74 566,324,879.77 557,710,244.49 146,890,881.96 131,101,489.88 144,132,992.05 160,295,571.79 117,979,034.55 120,789,474.12 46,717,482.67 61,394,075.01 273,169,816.84 235,144,822.61 89,315,422.43 95.574.884.35 40,121,480.87 38.695.050.36 83,313,497.40 94,196,540.33 46,578,883.16 54,882,836.46 58.137.443.56 80.525.767.15 1.761.525.638.00 1,761,525,638.00 Deposits 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Balance i n fund a t c l o s e of "business J u l y 8, 1936 $ 123,020,662.27 577,164,862.18 97,353,913.29 170,333,883.43 73,361,607.34 53,403,879.57 774,006,971.01 68,769,741.70 48,751,147.66 63,816,538.80 65,111,974.36 138.960.600.99 2,254,055,782.60 t 1 e m e n t T r a n s f e r s f o r Government Account F . R . ITote C l e a r i n g s Credits Debits Credits Debits 952 ,000.00 1,259 ,500.00 76,000,000.00 ,400.00 3,050 ,700.00 2,765 11,000,000.00 ,000.00 1,517 ,800.00 1,233 3,000,000.00 1,059 ,000.00 1,463 ,000.00 21,000,000.00 983 ,700.00 942 ,300.00 16,000,000.00 ,200.00 972 897 ,200.00 10,000,000.00 17,000,000.00 ,000.00 1 , 8 9 1 1 , 8 9 1 ,400.00 9,000,000.00 ,600.00 1 , 2 3 9 816 ,600.00 6,000,000.00 ,500.00 261 465 ,000.00 10,000,000.00 ,500.00 992 764 ,100.00 7,000,000.00 301 ,300.00 864 ,000.00 900.00 728 586 500.00 13,949 ,100.00 13,949 Transit 16,162,579.74 2,810,439.57 14,676,592.34 6,259,461.92 10,883,042.93 8,303,953.30 22.388.323.59 81,484,393.39 Gain 17,628,941.29 8,614,635.28 15,789,392.08 Gain 17,321,441.29 67,100,664.72 13,566,579.74 38,024,994.23 1,426,430.51 654,642.93 1,866,653.30 22.245.923.59 27,072,592.08 18,230,960.43 1,398,407.66 31,024,594.23 3,163,538.08 7,222,930.51 FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS* FUND B—812a J, — Balance a t c l o s e of business J u l y 8, 1936 Summary of t r a n s a c t l o r is l o r weeK enaea j u . .y s . i y ) o Boston $ 396,000,000.00 Deposits (transfers from bank) Withdrawals (transfers to bank) Balance l a s t statement J u l y 1, 1936 federal Reserve Agent a t e $ - — $ 396,000,000.00 New York 430,706,000.00 — 15,000,000.00 445,706,000.00 Philadelphia 301,000,000.00 — 17,000,000.00 318,000,000.00 Cleveland 402,500,000.00 —• 7,500,000.00 410,000,000.00 Richmond 192,000,000.00 — 10,000,000.00 202,000,000 .00 Atlanta 170,685,000.00 — 2,000,000.00 172,685,000.00 Chicago 156,000,000.00 — 10,000,000.00 166,000,000.00 S t . Louis 169,632,130.00 4,000,000.00 173,632,130.00 Minneapolis 125,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 129,000,000.00 Kansas City 165,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 164,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 98,000,000.00 Dallas San Francisco TO TAX 96,000,000.00 362,000,000.00 2,966,523,130.00 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BA13K OPERATIONS — 5,000,000.00 — ' - 5,000,000,00 — 75,500,000.00 362,000,000.00 3,037,023,130.00