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w IITTERDI STRICT SETTLEMENT FUED 3-812 L X B E l A t l Y February 4, 1937 inyww of t r a n s a c t o r week ended February 3, 1937 D a i l y S e t t l e m e n t s Balance l a s t Transfers f o r Government Account F. R. ffote Clearings Transit Clearings statement Credits Debits Credits Debits Credits Debits Jan«27 * 1 937 Bank $ 545,000.00 $ 3,000,000.00 $ $ 150,719,50%,7% $ 141,811,330.78 $ 159,927,526.25 $ 1,699, 000.00 Boston 2,745,000.00 3,325, 000.00 687,224,319.94 711,536,855.95 1,097,803,128.13 Hew York 2,000,000.00 1,123,000.00 1,154, 000.00 165,428,868.17 163,409,693.38 15%,297,973.7b Philadelphia 3,000,000.00 965,000.00 1,699, 000.00 174,474,742.85 150,725,162.20 171,924,987.9% Cleveland 5,000,000.00 2,093,000.00 970, 000.00 136,560,975.91 136,112,992.31 77,902,323.60 Richmond 4,000,000.00 2,668,000.00 949, 000.00 79,589,558.33 77,255,797.68 52,570,930.5% Atlanta , 1,884,000.00 1,763, 000.00 281,025,579.47 301,830,925.57 673,7%%.278.38 Chicago 2,000,000.00 000.00 827, 83,474,603.02 85,717,391.95 S t . Louis 87,235,057.23 5,000,000.00 5&9, 000.00 40,913,403.77 40,063,960.65 35,400,443.10 Minneapolis 7,000,000.00 736,000.00 611, 000.00 98,902,007.73 100,629,643.04 Kansas City 71.%67.502.S7 648,000.00 496, 000.00 75,926,462.84 71,340,407.70 77,103,813.10 Dallas 854.000.00 000.00 124.925,357.88 127.939,244.95 San Francisco 197.%17.853.29 14,621,000.00 18,000,000.00 18,000,000.00 2,108. 373,4o6.l6 2,108,373,406.16 14,621*000.00 2,847,587,807.68 To t a l Ilet l o s s or gain through Balance in fund a t Federal Combined Clearings and Transfers Transit Clearings close of business Deposits Withdrawals Reserve | Gain Loss Gain Loss Feb. 3, 1937 Baflk $ 14,262,195.47 $ 18,116,195.47 $ $ 164,981,700.21 $ Boston 24,892,536.01 1,072,616,592.12 24,312,536.01 706,000.00 1,000,000.00 Hew York 11,825.21 2,019,174.79 154,286,153.55 Philadelphia 15,015,580.65 23,749,580.65 186,940,568.59 Cleveland 3,429,016.40 447,983.60 73,973,307.20 Richmond 500,000.00 8,052,760.65 2,333,760.65 60,623,691.19 Atlanta 20,684,346.10 20,805,346.10 653,059,932.28 Chicago 1,069,788.93 2,242,788.93 86,165,268.30 S t . Louis 5,280,443.12 849,443.12 40,680,892.22 Minneapolis 5,457,364.69 1,727,635.31 76,924,867.56 Kansas City4,738,055-14 4,586,055.14 81,841,868.24 Dallas 2.718,887.07 3.013.887.07 194.698.966.22 San Francisco 52,806,399.72 1,500,000.00 706,000.00 2,846,793,807.68 52,102,193.42 52,102,193.42 52,806,399.72 Total BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISI01T OF BAM OPERATIONS FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS1 FUHD SnmnviTv of transactions for wool: ended February 3, 1937 Balance l a s t statement Jan. 27, 1937 Federal Reserve Agent a t Boston $ Withdrawals (transfers to bank) Deposits (transfers from "bank) B-S12a February 4, 1937 Balance a t close of business February 3. 1937 $ 4oS,000,000.00 4o6,ooo,ooo.oo 706,000.00 490,000,000.00 Hew York 490,706,000.00 Philadelphia 332,000,000.00 332,000,000.00 Cleveland 440,000,000.00 440,000,000.00 Richmond 212,000,000.00 212,000,000.00 Atlanta 168,000,000.00 168,000,000.00 Chicago 190,000,000.00 190,000,000.00 S t . Louis 171,632,130.00 171,632,130.00 Minneapolis 128,000,000.00 128,000,000.00 Kansas City- 167,000,000.00 167,000,000.00 97,500,000.00 97,500,000.00 384,000,000.00 384,000,000.00 Dallas San Francisco TOTAL 3,l«S,g38,130.00 BOARD or G0VEE1T0B3 OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BARIC OPERATIONS 706,000.00 3,186,132,130.00