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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W . N. DOAK, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner B U LLE TIN O F T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S ! B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T I S T I C S / ................... EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT •No. 553 SERIES FLUCTUATION IN EMPLOYMENT IN OHIO 1914 to 1929 March, 1932 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON s 1932 For sale by the superintendent of Documents , W ashington , d . c . Contents Page Sources and scope of study-------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1.— Summary: Completeness of material__________________________________________ Fluctuation of employment— Males_________________________________________________________ Females______________________________________________________ Comparison of males and females______________________________ Both sexes____________________________________________________ Unemployment of males in Ohio as approximately measured by fluctu ation of employment____________________________________________ Part 2.— General table: General table______________________________________________________ Table A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, indus try, and sex_____________________________________________________ in 1 7 8 21 34 37 47 53 54 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS NO. 553 WASHINGTON March, 1932 FLUCTUATION IN EMPLOYMENT IN OHIO 1914 TO 1929 Long-continued depressions attract general attention to the insta bility m the volume of employment, but there appears to be little understanding of the irregularity in the volume of employment during periods of so-called normal industrial activity. This lack of under standing is in large part due to the scanty information regarding monthly fluctuations in employment for all employees within a given area. The most comprehensive statistics on this subject for the United States are undoubtedly those contained in the employment returns for the State of Ohio, which cover practically all employees in the State over a period of years. Some of these returns have been published in annual reports of the Ohio State government; others have never been made public. The present report brings this material together and shows the fluctuation of employment of wage earners, clerical employees, and salespeople (no traveling) in Ohio during each of the 16 years, 1914 to 1929. All industry groups are covered, with the exception of interstate transportation and governmental activities, although the coverage for agriculture and for the subgroup “ domestic service,” is, for reasons later explained, not so nearly complete as for other indus tries included. Sources and Scope of Study For convenience in presentation this report is divided into two parts. Part 1 offers a brief analysis and text discussion of the detailed material included in part 2 and also presents a discussion of unemploy ment of males in Ohio as approximated by fluctuation of employment. This part o f the report was prepared by Frederick E. Croxton, Colum bia University, and Fred C. Croxton, Columbus, Ohio. Part 2 includes a general table which shows the month to month fluctuation in employment of three general occupation groups— wage earners; bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks; and salespeople (not traveling)—in each of the seven industry groups (agriculture, con struction, fisheries, manufactures, service, wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and public utilities).^ Detailed data for mining and quarrying, showing monthly fluctuations in employment by types of mining (coal mining, sandstone quarrying, etc.) will be found in the M onthly Labor Review of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for August, 1930 (pp. 12-23). The data for part 2 were collected and compiled by the office of the State government of Ohio responsible for labor statistics. That office 1 2 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN OHIO, 1914-1929 was the department of investigation and statistics of the Industrial Commission of Ohio from 1913 to June 30, 1921. Since July 1,1921, the name has been the division of labor statistics, Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio.1 The statistical information was collected each year and was com piled by the Ohio department for all of the years except 1922. The material for 1922 was compiled by the United States W om ens Bureau. While the compilations were made each year, the information was published by the Ohio department for only 1914, 1915, 1923, 1928, and 1929, with a summary report for 1924 and 1927 accompanying the 1928 report.2 The compilations of the Ohio material as presented in this report are for the State as a whole. The compilations on file in the division of labor statistics, Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio, con tain similar material for each of the more populous counties of the State and also include data concerning classified rates of wages and total wage and salary payments. The statistical data were furnished annually, as required by law, by employers in Ohio. The information was requested during 1914 to 1923, inclusive, of all employers of five or more persons and during 1924 to 1929 of all employers of three or more persons in all industry groups except interstate transportation and governmental activities. The list of establishments reporting fluctuation of employment and the list of establishments carrying workmen’s compensation insurance are carefully checked against each other from year to year. Com pensation insurance was compulsory during 1914 to 1923 for all employers employing five or more, and since January 1, 1924, it has been compulsory for all employing three or more. Employers of less than the minimum number are permitted, but not required, to avail themselves of the provisions of the State workmen’s compensation law. Employers may also carry insurance for employees m house hold or domestic service but are not required to do so. Some employers with less than five (less than three from 1924 to 1929) report the statistical data each year, and comparatively few employing five or more (three or more from 1924 to 1929) fail to report. The failures to report are mostly among those employing comparatively small numbers. The lists m the workmen’s compen sation insurance file and in the statistical file have been expanded from year to year and represent a somewhat more nearly complete coverage during the later years than during the earlier years of the 16-year period. 1 T he w ork for the period covered b y this report was carried on under the follow ing chiefe of the depart m ent or division : Fred C . C roxton, D ec. 1,1913, to June 30,1916; George F . M iles, July 1,1916, to D ec. 31, 1921; W . J. Biebesheim er, Jan. 3, 1922, to M ar. 3,1923; 0 . W . Brach, M ar. 5, 1923, to Jan. 31, 1929; George F . M iles, F eb. 1,1929, to M ar. 31,1931. On A pr. 1,1931, John G ilbert succeeded M r. M iles as ch ief of the d ivision . 2 General summaries for the years 1924 to 1929, and for m ining and quarrying for 1914 to 1929, w erepublished in the M on th ly Labor K eview o f the U . S. Bureau o f Labor Statistics for A p ril, A ugust, and D ecem ber, 1930. T able 1 . — Number o f establishments reporting fluctuation of employment , 1914 to 1929 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 A griculture.............................................. . C onstruction........................................... . Fisheries.................................................... M anufactures........................................... M in in g and quarrying: C oal m in in g l ___________________ F ire-clay m in ing.............................. G ypsum m ining............................. . Lim estone quarrying...................... Sandstone quarrying..................... . Service..................................................... . T rade, wholesale and retail................. . T ransportation and p u b lic u tilitie s... Industries n ot otherw ise classified .. . 153 2,004 15 6,740 270 3,219 25 7,890 363 3,963 30 8,299 450 4,372 34 8,600 520 4,273 38 8,858 552 4,747 41 9,011 586 5*382 39 9,652 504 4,890 27 8,632 519 5,005 27 8,403 548 5,883 26 8,701 732 7,364 25 9,125 910 8,407 23 9,502 1,052 9,145 22 9,704 1,199 9,724 21 9,880 1,329 9,942 20 9,937 1,444 10,183 21 10,035 795 89 4 75 32 1,069 3,361 798 827 89 4 92 50 1,469 4*112 996 752 103 4 118 44 1,788 4,437 1,137 1,206 112 4 112 50 2* 111 4,908 1,149 1,333 100 4 103 49 2,556 5,330 1,134 1,162 104 3 99 44 2,563 5,657 1,081 1,343 97 3 103 46 3,847 6,589 1,146 1,053 98 3 113 42 2,823 5,638 1,048 1,423 99 3 113 48 3,032 6,067 1,071 27 1,230 110 3 120 51 3,341 6,276 1,129 889 1,000 108 108 3 3 119 116 49 43 4,233 * 5*971 7,689 «7,277 1,271 1,353 23 25 879 110 3 119 44 6,761 7,867 1,453 22 858 105 3 114 46 7,598 8,526 1,561 21 714 112 3 122 42 8,210 8,916 1,625 20 679 108 3 121 33 9,335 9,524 1,674 21 T ota l............................................... 15,144 19,043 21,038 23,108 24,298 25,064 28,833 24,871 25,837 27,418 37,181 39,656 40,992 43,181 31,740 34,628 * T h e m ines w hich are n ot included herein varied from 186 in 1916 to 38 in 1928, and represent cooperative m ines, m ines in w hich owners d id their ow n w ork, and a few w hich tailed to report the num ber o f em ployees on the 15th of each m onth. * A considerable' part o f the increase in num ber o f establishm ents in service and o f the decrease in trade, as com pared w ith the previous year, is due to change o f classification o f “ offices” from trade to service. T h is change o f course also affects the num ber o f em ployees. SOURCES AND SCOPE OF STUDY 1914 Industry group CO 4 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN OHIO, 1914-1929 The industry groups included are agriculture, construction, fisheries, manufactures, mining and quarrying, service, wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and public utilities. The great majority of Ohio farmers who hire help employ fewer than three persons, and therefore this report does not give a complete picture of conditions, with reference to fluctuation of employment, in agriculture. The figures in the subgroup “ domestic service” also do not afford a com plete report, as workmen’s compensation insurance is not compulsory for such employers, and furthermore comparatively few would employ three or more in domestic service. In all other industry groups included this report gives practically a complete picture except for the very small establishment . The total number of establishments reporting each year and the number within each industry group are shown in Table 1. There was from year to year a fairly steady increase in number of establishments reporting, except that the number reporting for the three years, 1921 to 1923, were fewer than for 1920. Some part of the increase in 1924 was doubtless due to the change from five to three in the minimum number of employees under the compulsory insurance law as noted on a preceding page. W ithin each year each establishment reported for the full 12 months. The maximum, minimum, and average number of employees for whom information was furnished in each of the 16 years are shown in Table 2. The high point in numbers covered was reached in 1929 when during the month of maximum employment 1,356,004 persons were reported. T able 2.— Number o f employees (both sexes) covered by reports of division of labor statistics, Department o f Industrial Relations of Ohio , 1914 to 1929 Year M axim um m onth M inim um m onth Average of 12 m onthly reports 699,731 851,990 1,032,839 1,094,971 1,141,742 1,157,486 1,241,540 874,556 631,217 673,460 865,034 1,025,847 1,036,782 1,016,085 1,009,799 843,949 672,154 773,128 972,563 1,072,245 1,098,632 1,086,617 1,179,358 860,747 1914 ________ 1915__________ 101fi 1017 1918................... 1919................... 1920............... ... 1921................... Year 1922......... ........ 1923____ _____ 1924.................. 1925................... 1926.................. 1 9 2 7 .............. . 1 92 8 -............... 1929__________ M axim um m onth 1,072,712 1,169,640 1,134,424 1,206,246 1,259,325 1,225,049 1,282,584 1,356,004 of M inim um Average 12 m onthly m onth reports 816,354 1,052,896 1,063,262 1,086,463 1,151,739 1,152,874 1,105,408 1,230,724 952,311 1,124,383 1,095,488 1,157,779 1,210,846 1.194,148 i; 218,541 1,306,622 P a rt 1.—SUMMARY B y F rederick E. C roxton, C olumbia U niversity and F red C. C roxton, C olumbus, Ohio Completeness of Material As previously noted the employment data compiled by the division of labor statistics of the Ohio State government covers practically all employees within the State except those in interstate transportation and governmental activities and those employed by employers of less than five persons prior to 1924 and of less than three persons since the beginning of 1924. The approximate completeness of the materia included in this study and in the reports of the division of labor statistics of Ohio can be seen from a comparison of the division’s report on the single industry group “ manufactures” with the United States Census of Manufactures. The census reports do not include establishments reporting “ value of products” of less than $5,000. The reports of the division of labor statistics on the other hand include only a comparatively few establishments regularly employing fewer than three persons. The census figures would therefore include a number of small manufacturing establishments not asked to furnish information to the division of labor statistics. The census and the Ohio reports are compared for 1925, 1927, and 1929 in Table 3. T able 3.— Comparison of coverage o f United States census reports on manufactures in Ohio and o f reports (manufactures section only) o f division o f labor statisticsy Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio, 1925, 1927 , and 1929 Y ear and report E stablish m ents W age earners (average for the year) A m ount paid in wages 1925 U nited States census of m anufactures___ ____ __________ O hio report—________ _________________________________ 11,131 9,502 676,661 651,944 $975,738,405 J 956,106,644 1,629 24,717 19,631,761 10,961 9,880 669,097 649, 111 968,181,165 1950,200,395 1,081 19,986 17,980,770 U nited States census of m anufactures *.... .............. ............ O hio report.................... .......................................... ................ 11,855 10,035 741,143 718,108 1,102,166,499 11,076,213,730 D ifferen ce.............. _ ..................................................... 1,820 23,035 25,952,769 D ifference______________ _______ ________________ 1927 U nited States census of m anufactures..____ ___________ Ohio report__________ ___________- .................................... . D ifferen ce._____________________________________ 1929 i A m ount reported paid to wage earners, and does not include am ounts paid to bookkeepers, stenogra phers, and office clerks, salespeople (not traveling), and superintendents and m anagers. a Press release, U . S. Bureau o f the Census, Jan. 20, 1932. Even with the omission from the reports of the division of labor statistics of practically all manufacturing plants regularly employing fewer than three persons (a considerable number of which would be in the United States census reports), the number of wage earners and the total amount paid in wages are not far below the census figures for manufactures in Ohio. 'Die per cent which the division of labor statis- 7 8 PART 1.— SUMMARY tics* figures form o f the census figures for each o f those two items is as follows: W age earners Year 96.3 97.0 96.9 1927 ........................................................................................................................... ............ 1929 ...................................... ................................................................................................... — W ages 98.0 98.1 97.6 The present study, however, combining the reports of the division of labor statistics, includes not only wage earners but also bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks, and salespeople (not traveling) in agriculture, construction, fisheries, manufactures, service, wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and public utilities. In mining and quarrying all persons employed in or around the mines and quar ries are included. The amount reported paid in wages and salaries in 1929, the last year in the 16-year period, by the 43,181 establishments covered in this study is shown below. Information concerning superintendents and managers is not included in the tables in this report. Wage earners___________________________________$1, 523, 848, 976 282, 709, 980 Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks____ Salespeople (not traveling)______________________ 119,084,364 Superintendents and managers__________________ 134, 705,187 Total_____________________ ______________ 2,060,348,507 Fluctuation o f Employment of Males Table 4 shows the fluctuation of employment of males each year when the eight industry groups are combined. The table also carries an average for each of the 16 years. T able 4.— Number o f males covered by reports to the division o f labor statistics , Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio, 1914 to 1929 Year M axim um M inim um Average of 12 m onthly reports 569,663 700,759 859,150 913,903 921,398 937,211 998,935 680,651 506,234 540,558 713,854 848,245 847,>497 804,116 792,564 653, 731 545,676 632,794 808,554 889,343 885,477 866,536 944,397 665,261 1914_________ 1915_________ 1916_________ 1917_________ 1918_________ 1919_________ 1920_________ 1921_________ ' Year 1922................. 1923________ 1924............. . 1925............. . 1926............... . 1927............... 1928................. 1929...... ........ M axim um 848,069 931,266 891,731 945,843 990,383 953,784 993,705 1,054,154 Average of M inim um 12 m onthly reports 626,884 832,645 833,115 847,398 898,011 869,457 843,462 921,442 748,186 889,887 857,062 907,167 946,740 921,753 939,567 1,004,283 Chart 1 1 shows graphically the fluctuation of employment of males each year. The line is broken at the end of each year as the number of establishments is not the same from year to year. W ithin each year, however, the establishments are identical throughout the 12 months. Table 5 shows the number of males reported employed on the 15th of each month for each of the 16 years, 1914 to 1929. The first of the nine sections shows the information for all industries combined, while the succeeding sections cover the eight industry groups individually. 1 T he authors extend their thanks to M r. Jorge V . D&vila for his assistance in the construction of the several charts. FLUCTUATION OF Chart 1.—FLUCTUATION OP EMPLOYMENT OP MALES IN ALL INDUSTRIES: 1914-1929 tr* O ! GO CD T able 5*— M ales employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929, hy industry groups ALL INDUSTRIES1 M on th 1914 January___ 555,697 F ebru ary. _ 558,030 569,663 M arch........ A p ril........... 549,621 M a y............ 545, 235 June............ 548,996 J u ly ............ 542 , 234 A ugust........ 550,974 Septem ber. 556,596 O ctober___ '547,643 N ovem ber. 517,188 D ecem ber.. 506,234 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 540,558 551,214 574,406 602,552 618,893 642,249 650,234 659,056 681,852 682,683 689,073 700,759 713,854 740,310 759,144 777,118 795,600 822,445 826,384 848,468 854,029 853,485 859,150 852,663 848,245 854,418 877,818 879,144 906,029 913,903 908,991 911,778 906,513 901,143 898,284 865,852 847,497 855,958 881,768 8184,440 900,385 917, 496 921,398 920,504 888,335 885,581 869,771 852,590 820,983 804,116 805,772 817,255 824,699 856,851 893,668 925,356 931,566 894,672 886,287 937,211 961,903 951,197 981,917 982,823 971,265 998,935 995,788 965,574 955,450 919,211 856,131 792,564 680,651 662,338 657,843 665,437 663,133 673,854 653, 731 660,085 665,693 671,853 673,336 655,178 626,884 647,123 673,255 667,360 707,275 750,652 761,413 805,001 824,463 830,497 836,239 848,069 832,645 848,078 881,498 892,444 912,478 931,266 912,117 919,377 904,433 896,394 885,051 862,860 862,220 876,561 888,191 891,731 866,478 835,015 833,115 841,817 855,505 857,965 838,390 837,756 847,398 854,952 873,411 892,788 909,376 918,419 920,908 929,071 940,847 945,843 932,780 920,205 898,011 901,989 911,317 935,611 947,910 964,176 964,411 972,119 990,383 983,512 960,473 930,974 891,916 916,287 937,848 930,440 941,492 953,784 938,788 938,007 938,244 918,203 886,564 869,457 843,462 867,442 892,281 915,801 941,917 954,636 962,310 981,749 993,705 991,935 975,080 954,484 943,520 964,803 990,123 1,016,233 1,037,462 1,049,661 1,054,154 1,046,642 1,038,943 1,026,051 962,364 921,442 m m § AGRICULTURE 1,531 1,552 1,693 2,212 2,259 2,377 2,399 2,366 2,147 2,216 2,009 1,635 1,932 1,966 2,318 2.892 3,038 3,044 3,467 3,137 2.893 2,835 2,525 2,244 2,642 2,740 2,924 3,623 3,847 4,263 4,404 4,200 3,959 3,718 3,298 2,962 3,269 * 3,252 3,654 4,538 4,694 4,978 5,346 5,060 4,788 4,321 4,051 3,464 3,425 3,489 4,053 4,467 4,723 5,227 4,972 4,799 4,607 4,297 3,822 3*440 3,195 3,327 3,627 4,369 4,409 5,146 5,376 4,885 4,443 4,169 3,737 3,385 3,438 3,443 3,681 4,342 4,710 5,197 5,400 4,934 4,893 4,718 4,248 3,824 3,090 3,138 3,636 4,321 4,315 4,686 4,888 4,607 4,274 4,163 3,731 3,365 3,012 2,955 3,368 4,162 4,412 4,984 5,033 4,758 4,344 4,039 3,753 3,361 3,064 3,082 3,072 3,848 4,153 4,873 5,135 4,808 4,572 4,658 4,116 3,661 3,859 3,874 4,138 5,331 5,462 5,982 6,512 6,164 5,898 5,700 4,997 4,369 4,327 4,379 5,016 6,042 6,080 6,496 7,097 6,853 6,427 6,220 5,703 5,068 4,729 4,713 5,015 6,273 6,563 7,277 7,948 7,626 7,238 7,320 6,437 5,318 5,357 5,304 5,857 6,891 7,144 8,137 8,400 8,115 7,897 7,872 6,537 5,714 5,861 6,777 6,356 7,493 7,749 8,658 9,464 8,823 8,770 8,579 7,400 6,519 5,919 5,953 6,633 8,103 8,333 9,468 10,050 9,211 8,861 8,740 7,415 6,549 -SUMMARY January___ F e b ru a ry .. M arch_____ A p ril.......... M a y............ June............ J u ly ............ A ugust____ S eptem ber. O ctober___ N ovem ber. D ecem b er.. ^ 2 nj g § K} CONSTRUCTION 22,526 20,438 23,114 30,663 34,958 38,818 39,598 40,379 40,965 37,904 32,464 23,156 24,875 23,841 29,364 39,039 45,382 47,700 61,708 52,819 55,850 54,719 52,002 43,085 38,441 38,838 39,203 61,784 69,735 66,603 71,601 76,437 76,904 75,745 71,704 60,952 49,822 48,257 54,497 62,600 75,477 78,105 81,066 84,054 82,687 79,400 74,407 56,047 43,603 43,604 50,971 60,089 61,988 70,766 72,474 72,002 65,688 64,853 57,786 51,742 37,042 35,527 37,498 45,705 49,343 57,512 61,797 67,680 70,440 71,757 69,963 63,568 53,860 53.013 60,513 69,737 74,893 78,974 82,070 81,318 84,965 78,046 69,424 58,248 42,057 38,432 41,315 47,120 43,888 54,239 57,369 57,995 60,017 57,795 50,550 44,065 31,694 31,460 31,666 38,394 50,032 59,515 64,605 70,164 69,084 69,272 65,569 56,033 47,672 45,152 50,941 60,060 68,601 77,337 80,650 84,259 80,458 77,904 73,794 64,025 52,324 51,634 55,906 69,433 75,276 81,176 88,089 88,318 86,65385,380 76,471 62,968 51,524 52,986 59, 111 72,232 81,497 87,586 90,616 90,700 87,782 86,243 77,206 69,282 52,399 52,482 54,263 66,877 79,622 90,691 93,835 94,992 96,523 91,526 84,819 72,484 56,921 58,981 65,065 75,457 85,765 94,085 98,081 100,433 99,312 92,351 81,182 66,776 52,080 50,753 57,176 68,597 79,710 85,003 89,484 95,077 92,355 91,753 82,726 67,696 49,542 50,018 58,130 69,931 80,023 88,829 95,223 94,807 91,017 91,330 79,288 64,790 212 215 274 365 386 318 330 321 300 316 339 275 161 171 232 292 356 347 311 295 317 343 325 285 221 244 274 366 410 372 339 312 359 366 342 288 217 213 269 350 397 346 346 328 327 317 311 218 199 186 239 332 448 366 308 295 305 315 312 237 191 172 262 338 368 329 293 292 303 295 313 244 174 199 265 285 342 323 293 277 261 296 285 214 295 261 326 409 397 399 337 311 326 335 318 260 406,620 425,833 449,555 467,846 490,888 518,894 519,922 529*821 529,101 535,441 544,206 565,531 566,002 584,403 609,374 609,583 618,230 622,642 602,198 605,163 591,700 586,397 582,585 573,596 582,801 596,091 603,049 594,256 562,220 522,868 512,881 521,943 535,155 538,065 571,100 576,878 587,812 592,199 596,130 595,775 594,467 598,210 609,860 614,180 611,661 607,741 601,385 607,019 612,204 618,042 615,627 618,187 614,802 621,566 633,794 626,935 607,191 594,753 578,423 600,396 612,926 613,716 612,030 611,694 592,322 588,479 587,992 575,337 559,659 558,384 558,766 583,7/98 597,365 600,641 609,455 611,121 612,458 623,178 632,655 629,528 623,522 619,882 637,888 657,172 668,539 676,130 683,544 681,951 678,699 668,389 662,839 649,203 602,460 580,228 FISHERIES January----F e b ru a ry .. M arch......... A p ril............ M a y............ June............ J u ly ............ A ugust........ S eptem ber. O ctober___ N ovem ber. D ecem b er.. 140 197 259 338 314 330 301 272 282 299 322 271 233 232 395 513 561 445 490 383 428 439 463 367 268 463 384 479 648 597 499 467 487 481 511 356 254 363 286 600 577 504 465 466 499 513 554 338 359 320 378 541 555 428 444 410 406 455 518 368 321 260 357 415 430 421 456 455 419 452 444 491 224 235 260 403 401 406 455 467 388 373 391 309 208 219 240 322 350 310 323 293 300 292 305 249 MANUFACTURES January___ February. _ M arch_____ June,........... Ju ly_______ A ugust........ Septem ber. O ctober___ N ovem ber. D ecem ber.. 401,402 406,193 414,964 420,460 408,634 406*040 393,718 389,204 391,394 385,431 364,469 365,680 382,060 396,916 412,348 424,976 432,669 445,410 447,993 456,120 471,752 474,155 481,885 501,143 518,384 544,689 661,181 667,420* 671,078 585,395 680,926 595,364 599,460 599,344 608,830 615,019 619,909 627,847 642,024 632,123 640,474 642,411 633,432 632,996 629,980 629,136 631,083 619,865 614,041 621,939 637,245 629,617 641,721 648,915 652,387 653,095 632,192 633,177 628,157 617,968 602,363 590,102 O0“±, OAC 602,798 632,027 654,024 657,445 619,219 651,173 678,048 701,867 694,478 714,378 703,081 682,393 700,612 692,454 661,805 648,086 618,677 565,345 514,154 440,225 431,222 424,156 424,900 424,589 419,664 397,575 403,679 406,453 413,609 422,783 418,278 1 Includes a sm all num ber o f persons in som e of the years in “ industries not otherw ise classified.” T h is num ber seldom exceeds 50. FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— MALES January___ F e b ru a ry .. M arch........ A p ril--------M a y............ June............ Ju ly............ A ugust____ S eptem ber. O ctober___ N ovem ber. D ecem b er.. T able 5.— M ales employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929, by industry groups— Continued M INING AND QUARRYING * M onth 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 192(8 48,877 48,624 48,970 12.679 12.679 12,402 16,663 29,178 33,487 34,791 33,378 33,416 32,186 31,304 31,104 32,212 30,513 35,432 36,806 36,581 39,710 40,697 42,452 43,261 42,088 43,000 43,239 36,947 40,461 43,176 45,096 46,484 47,203 47,662 47,918 47,208 48,825 48,906 48,989 48,717 50,801 52,980 53,760 55,010 55,291 55,574 56,238 57,301 55,303 55,903 56,852 56,841 57,471 58,008 58,719 58,738 57,100 56,769 54,569 53,395 50,458 46,768 46,344 47,004 48,706 50,835 51,801 54,397 55,091 55,045 16,296 46,862 53,595 52,652 52,984 52,329 53,516 55,086 55,507 56,702 57,207 57,948 58,273 59,034 52,167 48,107 46>651 43,190 44,926 47,035 46,858 47,794 49,043 50,973 51,046 46,237 45,509 46,303 46,645 10,715 11,745 13,156 13,991 41,290 61,270 62,550 63,095 62,516 58,853 57,813 57,036 54,239 52,910 53,182 50,974 50,169 61,916 52,015 49,229 46,628 45,391 45,886 44,373 37,244 35,353 35,021 35,889 36,453 38,498 40,577 40,057 40,067 39.360 39,120 37,185 31,985 32,743 32.361 31,086 33,454 35,932 37,659 39,161 39,316 37,585 36,239 35,257 33,332 31,017 30,197 28,881 29,149 32,973 38,013 43,283 40,858 40,984 41,505 41,417 15,503 15,124 15,706 15,647 16.237 17.238 17,788 17,656 17,785 15,215 16,006 16,714 16,954 18,138 19,553 20,614 21,961 23,940 25,793 27,340 27,121 1929 26,449 27,254 27,557 26,457 25,779 26.519 25,761 27,900 28.520 29,331 29,637 28,796 13,205 13,182 13,278 13,660 13,669 13,665 13,496 13,472 13,435 13,300 13,151 12,910 16,904 16,925 17,310 18,070 18,365 18,746 19,818 19,753 19,684 18,274 18,121 17,956 19,897 19,973 20,352 20,960 21,637 22,197 22,499 23,133 22,464 22,787 22,734 22,393 24,272 24,385 25,038 25,497 25,818 26,642 26,510 26,754 26,516 25,822 25,514 25,081 28,848 28,692 29,330 29.768 30,299 30,484 29,571 29,301 28,379 26.769 26,833 27,286 28,128 28,528 29,130 30,251 31,305 31,808 31,676 32,107 31,710 31,810 31,703 31,867 35,016 35,154 35,900 37.012 37,912 38,933 39,373 39,433 39.012 38,398 37,896 37,132 35,123 35,183 35,629 37,116 37,035 37,470 37,157 36,690 36,588 36,064 35,754 35,129 m > ^ ^ SERVICE January— F ebru ary. M arch ........ A p ril........... M a y ............ June............ J u ly............ A ugust....... Septem berO ctober— N ovem ber . D ecem ber— PART 1.— SUMMARY January— F ebruary- M arch ........ A p ril........... M a y ............ June............ J u ly............. A ugust____ S eptem ber. O ctober___ N ovem ber . D ecem ber— 1914 35,439 35,842 36,509 37,744 38,575 39,648 40,499 40,727 41,809 40,750 40,055 39,422 40,417 41,013 41,895 42,890 44,057 45,368 44,920 45,805 46,858 46,080 45,536 45,324 47,487 48,182 49,016 50,881 51,638 52,152 51,430 51,387 51,686 50,712 49,668 48,848 61,565 61,687 62,641 65,617 66,587 67,676 67,591 68,067 68,305 67,625 66,391 65,419 67,554 68,140 69,374 72,228 73,821 74,852 73,643 74,014 74,209 73,432 72,270 71,451 70,541 71,000 72,191 76,083 76,531 77,337 76,253 76,390 76,943 75,471 74,244 73,125 74,929 75,067 76,489 79,171 80,757 81,980 81,582 82.155 83,082 82,128 80,862 80.155 82,090 82,694 84,957 87,895 89,814 91,408 91,247 91,207 92,127 90,266 88,235 86 625 Ul H g □ ^ £ 5 *5 TRADE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 39,986 39,909 40,179 40,662 41,068 41,728 41,470 41,390 41,639 41,199 41,041 41,305 45,460 45,148 45,784 46,614 47,230 47,333 47,205 47,355 48,097 49,001 49,294 50,530 51,238 51,237 51,788 52,764 52,906 53,280 53,189 53,441 54,409 55,528 56,442 57,552 57,846 58,145 58,427 58,635 59,106 59,416 59,566 59,176 59,182 59,251 59,688 60,263 57,786 57,841 58,208 58,188 58,061 58,090 57,319 56,862 55,659 55,443 55,139 56,667 56,551 56,547 57,516 58,938 60,196 62,043 63,448 64,404 64,666 65,366 66,153 67,110 69,296 68,346 69,388 69,905 70,174 71,126 71,908 71,596 71,409 71,064 71,235 71,269 64,397 63,724 63,745 64,268 64,223 65,015 64,069 63,743 64,096 64,973 65,274 65,204 64,933 64,528 65,338 66,877 67,937 68,974 69,620 69,507 70,093 70,952 72,201 74,589 71,363 71,779 73,156 74,065 74,700 75,962 75,506 75,401 76,454 76,496 77,906 79,349 80,374 80,776 81,161 82,232 82,631 82,794 82,810 82,792 83,557 84,422 85,035 87,368 72,715 72,391 73,050 73,916 74,352 74,777 74,465 74,899 75,538 77,181 77,582 79,324 77,246 76,801 77,228 78,274 78,669 79,025 79,577 79,760 81,160 82,135 82,751 84,522 81,112 81,228 81,709 82,220 82,969 83,348 83,203 83,307 84,014 84,941 85,049 87,673 79,924 79,815 80,463 81,569 82,352 83,141 83,458 84,014 85,717 86,691 86,800 89,394 84,446 84,631 85,711 87,012 87,757 88,763 89,368 90,137 91,423 92,518 91,940 93,980 49,736 49,848 50,247 51,961 53,461 54,623 55,139 54,422 53,673 52,716 51,911 50,675 46,567 47,275 48,304 50,423 51,565 53,377 55,216 56,535 56,652 56,394 54,841 53,813 56,892 56,387 57,716 60,231 62,121 63,559 65,395 64,695 64,160 63,815 63,389 61,330 58,367 57,681 58,401 60,212 61,541 63,128 64,568 64,735 64,525 64,128 61,904 59,736 56,495 56,009 57,435 61,073 63,396 64,839 64,940 66,247 66,907 67,149 66,126 63,484 56,891 56,820 58,270 60,296 61,815 62,324 63,469 64,680 63,830 64,328 63,071 60,214 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES January— February- _ M arch....... April.......... M ay........... June........... J u ly .-....... August....... September October----November . December— 28,030 27,935 27,206 29,167 31,874 33,636 34,589 34,713 33,247 32,503 30,354 27,962 36,918 34,882 35,783 38,236 41,145 44,139 42,747 42,908 43,438 42,563 42,331 42,173 40,896 39,370 40,073 43,141 45,288 46,934 48,170 48,942 49,143 48,220 47,713 46,221 44,048 43,263 44,903 46,534 49,082 48,867 48,846 48,262 47,570 47,126 46,749 44,493 44,132 44,170 44,731 44,929 45,567 45,578 45,512 45,297 44,304 43,818 42,947 41,724 42,925 43,057 43,492 44,803 45,988 46,288 47,087 47,404 47,352 46,854 46,818 45,880 44,607 43,876 44,813 46,014 47,266 48,601 48,621 49,319 49,490 49,987 49,319 48,594 43,384 42,313 42,471 44,200 43,807 45,435 45,492 45,284 44,922 43,984 43,893 42,651 '39,461 39,983 39,896 41,253 43,296 45,159 47,409 48,409 48,458 47,173 47,017 46,338 45,054 44,606 45,731 47,404 49,407 51,492 52,365 53,415 52,092 52,447 51,505 49,939 2 Includes all male employees working in or around mines and quarries. Figures for 1914 to 1920, inclusive, include a small number of females (less than 300) employed as office help which could not be segregated. Available figures for gypsum mining in 1917 showed only the months of maximum and minimum employment for the year, the remaining 10 months were estimated on the basis of the seasonal movement in adjacent years. FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— ] 66429° — 32- January___ February-_ M arch....... A pril.......... M ay........... June______ J u ly .......... August....... September . October— November . December— CO Chart 2.—FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF MALES IN CONSTRUCTION, 1914-1029 iOOflOO PART 1 0 /9/4 /915 J9/6 /9/7 /9/d /9/9 /920 /92i 1922 /92J /924 J925 /926 1927 J926 /929 Chart 3.—FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF MALES IN MANUFACTURES, 1914-1929 750,m /1 550,000 0 / V/ \ / 19/4 19/5 19/6 A 1 / 45Q000 350,000 J 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 A' /-AA r V 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 A \ 1929 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— MALES 650000 Oi 16 PART 1.— SUMMARY Chart 2 indicates graphically that the movement of employment among males in the construction industry was much the same in many of the years. Chart 3 shows the monthly employment o f males in the manufac tures’ group which includes approximately two-thirds (72.5 per cent in 1914, 64.8 per cent in 1928, and 65.1 per cent in 1929) of the males covered in this report. Table 6 provides a comparison of the industry groups with refer ence to maximum and minimum employment withm each year. The fluctuation of employment of males in the “ all industries” group varied from 4 per cent to 26.1 per cent. The fluctuation was below 10 per cent in 6 years, between 10 and 15 per cent in 5 years, and above 15 per cent in 5 years. Omitting from consideration agriculture and fisheries, which are represented by a comparatively small numbers of employees, the widest fluctuation was found in construction in 12 years and in mining and quarrying in 4 years. The second widest fluctuation occurred in mining and quarrying in 9 years, in construction in 4 years, in manu factures in 2 years, and in service in 1 year. T able 6 .— Maximum and minimum employment o f males in each industry group , 1914 to 1929 [M ining and quarrying in 1914 to 1920, inclusive, include a small number of females (less than 300) employed as office help which could not be segregated] Maximum M inim um Variation from maximum Year and industry group Num ber M on th N um ber M on th N um ber Per cent 1914 A ll industries.............................. Agriculture............................................. Construction...................................... Fisheries................................... ............. Manufactures........... ........................... M ining and quarrying......................... Service—.................................................. Trade, wholesale and retail.... ............ Transportation and public utilities. . M arch.............. 506,234 December........ 63,429 11.1 2,399 July.................. 1,531 40,965 September___ 20,438 338 A pril................ 140 420,460 ........ do............... 364,469 48,970 M arch........... 12,402 13,665 June............... . 12,910 41,728 ........ d o............... 39,909 34,713 August............. 27,206 January........... February......... January........... N ovem ber____ June................. December........ February......... M arch.............. 868 20,527 198 55,991 36,568 755 1,819 7,507 36.2 50.1 58.6 13.3 74.7 5.5 4.4 21.6 December........ 540,558 January______ 160,201 22.9 1,932 ........ do............... 3,467 July.................. 1,535 23,841 February......... 32,009 55,850 September----ooo ____ do________ 561 M a y ................. 329 501,143 December........ 382,050 January........... 119,093 12,748 43,261 ....... do............... 30,513 M a y ................. 19,818 July.................. 16,904 January........... 2,914 50,530 December........ 45,148 February......... 5,382 34,882 44,139 June................. 9,257 44.3 57.3 58.6 569,663 1915 A ll industries.............................. Agriculture............................................ Construction........................................ . Fisheries.................................................. Manufactures............................. .......... M ining and quarrying......................... Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail................ Transportation and public utilities.. 700,759 29.5 14.7 10.7 21.0 1916 A ll industries.............................. 859,150 N ovem ber___ Agriculture............................................. Construction.......................................... Fisheries.............................................. . Manufactures........................................ M ining and quarrying......................... Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail................. Transportation and public utilities.. 4,404 76,904 648 615,019 47,918 23,133 57,552 49,143 July.................. 2,642 ....... do............... September----,441 M a y ........ ......... ....... do............... December........ 518,384 ____ d o________ N ovem ber___ 36,947 April......... ....... August............. 19,897 January........... Decem ber........ 51,237 February......... September___ 39,370 ------ do------------- 713,854 January............ 145,296 1,762 38,463 380 96,635 10,971 3,236 6,315 9,773 16.9 40.0 50.0 58.6 15.7 22.9 14.0 11.0 19-6 17 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— MALES T a b l e 6*— Maximum and minimum employment of males in each industry group , 1914 to 1929— Continued Maximum M inim um Variation from maximum Year and industry group Num ber M onth N um ber M on th N um ber Per cent 1917 A ll industries.. Agriculture................... ...................... C onstruction...................................... Fisheries............................................... Manufactures...................................... M ining and quarrying....................... Service.................................................. Trade, wholesale and retail......... . . . Transportation and public utilities. 913,903 June................. 848,245 January........... 65,658 7.2 5,346 84,054 600 642,411 57,301 26,754 60,263 49,082 July _ 3,252 February_____ August............. 48,257 ____ d o ............... April. 254 January______ June_________ 619,865 December____ DfiCftmhfir 48,717 April................. 24,272 January........... August......... . December........ 57,846 ____ d o........... M a y ................. 43,263 February......... 2,094 35,797 346 22,546 8,584 2,482 2,417 5,819 39.2 42.6 57.7 3.5 15.0 9.3 4.0 11.9 921,398 July.................. 847,497 January........... 73,901 8.0 5,227 June................. 3,425 ........do________ 72,474 July.................. 43,603 ........ do........— 320 February......... 555 M a y ................. 653,095 August_______ 614,041 January---------58,738 . 53,395 December____ 30,484 June_________ 26,769 October______ 55,139 N ovem ber___ 58,208 M arch_______ 41,724 DAAA.mhp.r 45,578 J u n e ________ 1,802 28,871 235 39,054 5,343 3,715 3,069 3,854 34.5 39.8 42.3 6.0 9.1 12.2 5.3 8.5 February......... 133,095 14.2 2,181 36,230 231 93,726 38,795 3,979 10,563 4,479 40.6 50.5 47.0 13.8 70.4 12.4 15.7 9.4 1918 A ll industries. Agriculture................... ...................... Construction....................................... Fisheries............................................... Manufactures.................................... M ining and quarrying....................... Service................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail............... Transportation and public utilities. 1919 A ll industries . Agriculture................... ...................... Construction....................................... Fisheries........................ ...................... Manufactures...................................... M ining and quarrying................. . Service............................... ................... Trade, wholesale and retail............... Transportation and public utilities. 937,211 December........ 804,116 3,195 January........... 5,376 July.................. 35,527 February......... 71,757 October........... 260 ........ do............... 491 December........ 678,048 ........ do............... 584,322 M a y _________ 55,091 September----16,296 N ovem ber___ 32,107 August............. 28,128 January______ 67,110 December........ 56,547 February------47,404 August............. 42,925 January......... 1920 All industries............................ 998,935 June................. December........ 206,371 20.7 Agriculture........................................... Construction........................................ Fisheries............................................... Manufactures..................................... M ining and quarrying....................... Service._______ ___________________ Trade, wholesale and retail________ Transportation and public utilities. 5,400 84,965 467 714,378 59,034 39,433 71,908 49,987 July , _ 1,962 3,438 January______ September___ 53,013 February......... 31,952 224 January......... August............. 243 April......... ....... 514,154 December........ 200,224 Dp.PATnhfir 6,705 52,329 A pril_________ August _ 4,417 35,016 January______ 3,562 J u l y ................ 68,346 February_____ October........... 43,876 ........ d o............... 6,111 792,564 36.3 37.6 52.0 28.0 11.4 11.2 5.0 12.2 1921 A ll industries............................ Agriculture................. .................... Construction........................................ Fisheries................................................ Manufactures................................. . M ining and quarrying................. . Service.............................................. Trade, wholesale and retail......... . Transportation and public utilities. 680,651 4,888 60,017 350 440,225 52,167 37,470 65,274 45,492 J u ly.................. 26,920 4.0 July 3,090 January ___ 38,432 February......... September___ 208 January______ M ay January......... 397,575 July.................. 43,190 A pril................. ........ do........— 35,123 January June_________ Novem ber____ 63,724 February......... July.................. 42,313 ........ do________ 1,798 21,585 142 42,650 8,977 2,347 1,550 3,179 36.8 36.0 40.6 9.7 17.2 6.3 2.4 7.0 January........... 653,731 1922 A ll industries.. .................... A griculture-............. ......................... Construction............. ......................... Fisheries................................. .............. Manufactures....................................... M ining and quarrying— ................... Service-.................................................. Trade, wholesale and retail.............. Transportation and public utilities. 848,069 December........ 626,884 221,185 26.1 5,033 70,164 386 565,531 63,095 41,809 74,589 48,458 2,078 2,955 February------July— ............ August............. 31,460 ........ d o ________ 38,704 174 212 January........... M a y ............. . DftOATnhftr 158,911 406,620 _ _ do N ovem ber____ 10,715 April................. 52,380 6,370 September___ 35,439 January........... December........ 64,528 February......... 10,061 8,997 September___ 39,461 January........... 41.3 55.2 45.1 28.1 83.0 15.2 13.5 1&6 January........... 18 T PART 1.— SUMMARY able 6 .— Maximum and minimum employment of males in each industry group , 1 9 14 t ° 1 9 2 9 — Continued Maxim um Variation from maximum M inim um Year and industry group M on th N um ber 931,266 .Tune _ _ 832,645 5,135 84,259 356 622,642 58,853 46,858 79,349 .53,415 July 3,064 ____ d o________ August 45,152 February M ay. _ 161 January .Tune 566,002 ____ d o________ January 46,628 December September___ 40,417 January „ December _ _ 71,363 ____ d o ________ August... 44,606 February_____ Number M on th N um ber Per cent 1923 A ll industries..... ..................... . A g ricu ltu re ........................................... Construction.......................................... Fisheries.......................................... ....... Manufactures................................. ....... M ining and quarrying______________ Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail Transportation and public utilities. January _ 98,621 10.6 2,071 39,107 195 56,640 12,225 6,441 7,986 8,809 40.3 46.4 54.8 9.1 20.8 13.7 10.1 16.5 1924 All industries. ___ _ Agriculture- ...................... ............ ....... Construction Fisheries . Manufactures M ining and q n a rrv in g___________ Service___ Trade, wholesale and retail Transportation and public utilities.. J u ly _________ 891,731 April . _ 58,616 6.6 6,512 88,318 410 603,049 45,886 52,152 87,368 55,139 July 3,859 January August.. 51,634 February_____ M ay ___ 221 January M arch. 512,881 J u l y . . . ............ February_____ 35,021 June June_________ 47,487 January December _ _ 80,374 ____ do________ July.................. 49,736 ____ d o ............... 2,653 36,684 189 90,168 10,865 4,665 6,994 5,403 40.7 41.5 46.1 15.0 23.7 8.9 8.0 9.8 945,843 October 98,445 10.4 7,097 90,700 397 614,180 39,360 68,305 79,324 56,652 July. ___ 4,327 ____ d o ............... August_______ 51,524 ____ d o ________ M a y _________ 213 February------October. 571,100 January______ January 31,086 July__________ September___ 61,565 January______ 72,391 February_____ December September___ 46,567 January---------- 2,770 39,176 184 43,080 8,274 6,740 6,933 10,085 39.0 43.2 46.3 7.0 21.0 9.9 8.7 17.8 833,115 1925 All industries.__________ _ AgricultureConstruction_______________________ Fisheries.................................................. Manufactures M ining and quarrying_ __ Service. Trade, wholesale and retail_________ Transportation and public utilities. . _ 847,398 January 1926 A ll industries.............................. Agriculture________________ _ __ _ Construction Fisheries Manufactures__________ _ _ _ M ining and quarrying. Service Trade, wholesale and retail— . _ Transportation and public utilities. . 990,383 September___ January______ 92,372 9.3 7,948 96,523 448 633,794 43,283 74,852 84,522 65,395 July. 4,713 February_____ 52,399 January______ September___ M ay. 186 February_____ September___ 594,753 December........ Novem ber____ 28,881 July.................. June _ 67,554 January............ December 76,801 February_____ July.................. 56,387 ........ d o ............... 3,235 44,124 262 39,041 14,402 7,298 7,721 9,008 40.7 45.7 58.5 6.2 33.3 9.7 9.1 13.8 898, Oil 1927 ______ 953,784 J u n e.. _ _ _ _ 869,457 December____ 84,327 8.8 Agriculture. ____ _ _ _ _____ Construction _ __ _ Fisheries Manufactures _____ M ining and quarrying _ _____ Service. _ _______________ __________ Trad®, wholesale a^d retail Transportation and public utilities. _ 8,400 100,433 368 613,716 41,505 77,337 87,673 64,735 July ___ 5,304 February_____ August _ _ _ 56,921 January______ M ay. 172 February_____ April_________ 558,384 December____ February_____ 15,124 M a y _________ 70,541 January______ June_________ 81,112 ........ d o ..... ......... December A n g u s t ___ 57,681 February 3,096 43,512 196 55,332 26,381 6,796 6,561 7,054 36.9 43.3 53.3 9.0 63.6 8.8 7.5 10.9 A ll industries.............................. 993,705 September___ 843,462 January______ 150,243 15.1 Agriculture . . . _____ Construction Fisheries _ _ _____________ Manufactures......................................... M ining and quarrying......................... Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail_________ Transportation and public utilities.. 9,464 95,077 342 632,655 27,340 83,082 89,394 67,149 5,777 February_____ July__________ August 50,753 ........ d o ________ 174 January______ M a y _________ September___ 558,766 Novem ber____ 15,215 ____ d o ............... 74,929 ___ d o ............... September___ 79,815 February_____ December October............ 56,009 -------d o ............... 3,687 44*324 168 73,889 12,125 8,153 9,579 11,140 39.0 46.6 49.1 11.7 44.3 9.8 10.7 16.6 A ll industries _ _ 1928 19 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— MALES T a b l e 6*— Maximum and minimum employment o f males in each industry group , 1914 to 1929— Continued Maxim um M inim um Variation from mayi'miim Year and industry group N um ber M on th N um ber M on th N um ber Per cent 1929 December------- 132,712 12.6 5,919 January........... 4,131 10,050 ____ d o .............. 95,223 ____ d o ________ 49,542 ____ d o ............... 45*681 409 A pril_________ 260 December------149 683,544 M a y ................. 580,228 ........ d o ............... 103,316 29,637 Novem ber____ 25,761 July.................. 3,876 82,090 January............ 10,037 92,127 September___ 9,534 93,980 December........ 84,446 ____ d o ............... 64,680 August............. 56,820 February------7,860 41.1 48.0 36.4 15.1 13.1 10.9 10.1 12.2 A ll industries— ................. ....... 1,054*154 Agriculture............................................. Construction.......................................... Fisheries................................................. Manufactures........................................ M ining and quarrying. ....................... Service...................................... .............. Trade, wholesale and retail................. Transportation and public utilities.. July.................. 921,442 Table 7 affords an opportunity to compare fluctuation of employ ment of males when separated into three general occupation groups— wage earners; bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks; and sales people (not traveling). M ore than 85 per cent (90.8 per cent in 1914, 87 per cent in 1928, and 86.5 per cent in 1929) o f all males reported were classified as wage earners. Percentage fluctuations by occupation groups are shown later in a comparison o f males and females. T able 7.— M ales employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1J929, by general occupation groups , all industries WAGE EARNERS M onth 1914 1915 1916 1918 1917 January........ February__ M arch_____ A pril............. M a y .............. June.............. July.......... . . August_____ S eptem ber,, October........ N ovem ber. _ D ecem b er... 506,382 508,932 520,377 499,731 495,475 498,981 492, 212 500,997 506,751 497,947 467,815 456,275 487,020 497,832 520,561 548,242 564,066 586,627 594,282 602, 860 625,196 625,615 631,445 641,942 652,933 678,846 696,426 713,872 731,814 757,849 760,937 782,368 787,714 786,695 791,732 784,181 778,608 784,206 806,869 807,687 834,262 841,435 836,019 838,796 833,892 828,832 825,720 792,912 January____ February___ M arch.......... A pril............. M a y ............. June.............. J uly............ A ugust......... S eptem ber.. October........ N o vem b er.. D ecem b er... 34,864 34,663 34,750 35,200 35,116 35,340 35,499 35,521 35,293 34,984 34,581 34,790 37,284 37,274 37,644 37,852 38,299 39,009 39,418 39,807 40,024 40,297 40,585 41,127 43,096 43,667 44,714 44,989 45,463 46,298 47,121 47,808 47,786 48,031 48,400 48,856 49,668 50,151 50,589 51,089 51,397 52,062 52,602 52,764 52,290 52,015 52,130 51,949 54,128 54,227 54,850 54.512 55,032 55.512 55,392 54,770 53,269 52,068 52,133 52,056 January........ February___ M arch.......... A p ril............. M a y .............. June.............. July.............. August......... Septem ber. . October........ N o v em b er-. December__ 14,451 14,435 14,536 14,690 14,644 14,675 14,523 14,456 14,552 14,712 14,792 15,169 16,254 16,108 16,201 16,458 16,528 16,613 16,534 16,389 16,632 16,771 17,043 17,690 17,825 17,797 18,004 18,257 18,323 18,298 18,326 18,292 18,529 18,759 19,018 19,626 19,969 20,061 20,360 20,368 20.370 20,406 20.370 20,218 20,331 20,296 20,434 20,991 20.399 20.399 20,588 20,504 20,286 20,263 19,963 19,647 19,729 19,557 19,617 20,495 772,970 781,332 806,330 809,424 825,067 841,721 846,043 846,087 815,337 813,956 798,021 780,039 1919 746,632 728,824 729,349 739,627 745,909 776,592 811,202 840,732 846,850 809,230 799,261 848,478 1920 872,289 860,455 889,981 890,084 878,195 905,398 901,813 872,547 864,024 829,421 767,451 704,389 1921 596,858 579,562 575,569 583,881 581,939 593,329 574,033 580,733 586,728 593,125 594,365 575,490 1922 548,049 568,020 593,433 586,485 625,466 667,264 676,944 720,130 739,039 744,790 749,822 760,159 1923 743,620 758,249 790,175 800,489 819,683 837,221 817,273 824,501 809,167 801,284 789,321 766,101 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 744,327 751,323 768,799 787,303 803,413 811,604 813,300 821,051 832,815 837,381 823,889 810,449 787,792 791,315 799,553 822,718 834,308 850,225 850,052 857,378 875,444 868,512 844,820 814,244 778,089 801,947 822,755 815,022 824,944 836,494 821,371 820,379 820,216 800,513 768,493 749,785 725,946 749,362 772,858 795,457 820,932 '832,285 839,348 858,066 869,270 867,041 849,603 827,290 814,369 834,716 858,136 882,652 902,666 913,540 916,978 908,625 900,360 887,471 823,963 *782,529 67,497 67,775 67,872 68,218 67,867 67,690 68,192 68,206 67,964 67,700 67,626 67,762 68,572 68,799 69,091 69,357 69,584 70,172 70,981 71,269 71,205 71,208 71,374 71,359 71,862 72,181 72,65C 72,993 73,426 73,765 74,235 74,574 74,545 74,227 74,438 74,457 73,876 74,268 74,521 74,941 75,178 75,708 75,981 76,223 76,309 75,869 75,864 76,123 75,288 75,616 76,183 76,517 76,770 77,636 78,242 78,792 78,904 78,988 79,277 79,460 80,662 81,290 81,974 82,524 83,059 83,873 84,761 85,400 85,208 84,807 84,609 84,189 32,628 32,965 33,364 34,056 34,141 34,355 34,308 34,184 34,416 34,431 34,782 36,005 34,499 34,830 35,521 36,128 36,379 36,653 36,627 36, 751 36,827 37,254 37,517 38,397 38,357 38,493 39,114 39,900 40,176 40,186 40,124 40,167 40,394 40,773 41,215 42,273 39,951 40,072 40,572 40,477 41,370 41,582 41,436 41,405 41,719 41,821 42,207 43,549 42,228 42,464 43,240 43,827 44,215 44,715 44,720 44,891 45,531 45,906 46,200 47,734 48,489 48,797 50,013 51,057 51,737 52,248 52,415 52,617 53,375 53,773 53,792 54,724 762,095 775,821 786,955 789,457 764,470 732,970 730,615 739,427 753,125 755,834 735,982 733,989 BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS i 53,778 54,419 55,255 56,001 56,746 57,935 59,689 61,670 61,486 61,933 63,094 64,169 65,586 66,605 67,448 68,081 68,244 68,561 68,957 68,208 66,382 64,676 63,407 62,385 59,934 58,886 58,167 57,278 56,874 56,170 55,511 55,268 54,787 54,423 54,471 54,417 54,759 54,983 55,360 55,816 56,576 57,823 58,728 59,110 59,326 59,353 59,733 59,987 61,813 62,381 63,308 63,700 64,289 65,028 65,750 65,986 65,730 65,661 65,663 65,812 SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) 20,573 20,873 21,168 21,627 22,044 22,324 22,777 22,954 23,230 23,509 23,932 24,564 24,028 24,137 24,488 24,658 24,826 24,976 25,018 24,819 25,044 25,114 25,273 25,790 23,859 23,890 24,107 24,278 24,320 24,355 24,187 24,084 24,178 24,305 24,500 25,271 24,076 24,120 24,462 25,059 25,233 25,565 25,741 25,761 26,098 26,354 26,684 27,923 27,212 27.448 28,015 28,255 28,506 29,017 29,094 28,890 29,536 29.449 30,067 30,947 i The m onthly fluctuations of em ploym ent of office help in mining and quarrying were not reported and therefore the numbers have been added in as constants each year. Figures for mining and quarrying in 1914 to 1920, inclusive, include a small number of females (less than 300) which could not be segregated. 21 PART 1.— SUMMARY Fluctuation o f Employment o f Females Table 8 shows the fluctuation of employment of females each year when the several industry groups are combined. The average for each year is also carried in this table. By comparing the data for females with the information shown in Table 2 for both sexes combined, it will be seen that females formed but 18.8 per cent of the total in 1914 but had increased to 23.1 per cent in 1929. T able 8 .— Number o f females covered by reports to the division o f labor statistics, Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio, 1914 to 1929 Year 1014 1Q1K Iplfi 1017 1018 1010 1090 109.1 Maxim um M inim um 130,068 151,231 177,122 192,973 230,458 239,676 242,669 202,206 122,781 132,902 151,180 177,150 189,285 209,820 217,235 190,218 Average of 12 m onthly reports 126,478 140,334 164,009 182,902 213,155 220,081 234,961 195,486 Year 1022_________ 1023_________ 1024_________ 1925................... 1926 _______ 1027 _______ 1028 _______ 1929................... Maximum M inim um 224,643 245,245 248,713 266,861 279,275 284,664 301,222 313,416 189,470 220,251 230,147 239,065 253,728 260,958 261,946 287,221 Average of 12 m onthly reports 204,125 234,496 238,426 250,612 264,106 272,395 278,974 302,339 Chart 4^ presents the fluctuation of employment of females each year. As in the preceding charts, the line is broken at the end of each year as the number of establishments is not the same from year to year. Within each year, however, the establishments are identical through out the 12 months. Table 9 shows the number of females reported employed on the 15tb of each month for each of the 16 years, 1914 to 1929. The first section shows the information for all industries combined. From a comparison of the section relating to manufactures in this table with the corresponding sections in Table 14, it will be seen that females formed 17 per cent of the total employed in that industry group in 1914, 18.8 per cent in 1928, and 18.9 per cent in 1929. Chart 4.—FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF FEMALES IN ALL INDUSTRIES, 1014-1929 320,000 PART 1.— S U M M A R Y to to T able 9*— Females employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929, by industry groups ALL INDUSTRIES i 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 January........ F e b r u a r y ... M arch.......... A pril............. M a y ............. June.............. July.............. August......... Septem ber.. October........ N ovem ber. _ Decem ber__ 128,385 129,188 130,068 128,764 126,848 125,401 122,781 123,411 126,644 127,041 124,228 124,983 132,902 135,233 138,687 138,493 138,007 139,137 136,524 137,919 143,028 146.213 148,635 151,231 151,180 154,926 158,479 161,947 161,087 162,702 163,246 163,442 168,268 172,022 173,689 177,122 177,602 177,150 180,834 180,055 178,745 181,068 180,231 181,015 185,946 189,418 189,790 192,973 189,285 193,271 199,731 201,913 204,456 216,295 219,199 221,238 226,133 228,798 230,458 227,078 214,387 211,969 211,447 211,031 209,820 213,526 217,779 221,897 225,920 229,482 234,035 239,676 233,119 233,346 238,592 240,267 239,635 242,605 242,669 238,388 237,044 231,985 224,652 217,235 1921 193,905 195,217 197,104 196,732 195,170 195,246 19a 218 191,345 193,900 196,907 197,882 202,206 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 189,470 192,435 195,496 198,562 198,143 202,915 204,199 205,663 210,035 211,433 216,506 224,643 220,251 224,690 231,821 233,302 233,909 238,374 234,923 234,308 237,200 239,239 240,688 245,245 235,915 239,277 241,991 242,693 237,382 234,371 230,147 230,454 237,745 240,808 241,616 248,713 239.065 242,601 245,196 247,275 247,992 248.065 244,560 247,998 255,881 260,403 261,448 266,861 253,728 256,062 260,254 261,523 261,487 261,390 257,570 260,743 268,942 273,964 274,332 279,275 260,958 264,204 268,639 271,202 270,468 271,265 268,332 270,201 277,415 281,532 279,860 284,664 261,946 266,618 271,281 272,092 274,337 278,546 276,755 278,769 286,054 290,349 289,724 301,222 287,221 291,959 295,890 299,479 301,418 303,776 301,850 304,534 311,985 313,416 307,254 309,282 334 383 457 536 573 632 561 471 516 468 414 398 436 464 573 680 675 696 719 600 611 552 498 474 477 517 570 792 780 696 771 627 651 598 548 498 556 604 660 871 928 975 989 774 819 813 700 584 590 649 755 1,021 992 1,060 1,009 791 820 806 679 647 652 730 805 1,027 1,081 1,106 1,222 967 1,003 977 779 747 727 778 921 1,178 1,170 1,228 1,345 962 1,084 1,007 865 775 1929 AGRICULTURE January------February___ M arch.......... April............. M a y .............. June.............. J u l y . ........... August......... S eptem ber.. October........ N o v em b er.. D e cem b er... 166 190 210 246 251 220 229 191 198 196 166 166 271 274 301 353 360 371 506 294 284 283 251 245 283 312 329 377 389 456 631 402 415 381 306 304 316 339 416 478 464 593 551 492 501 439 369 328 347 384 474 576 561 684 511 526 533 541 457 398 386 398 452 494 476 599 669 456 439 451 365 367 366 412 456 540 561 544 734 480 490 480 425 426 391 409 435 557 488 539 447 415 410 382 352 364 i Includes a small num ber o f persons in some o f the years in “ industries n ot otherwise classified/’ 340 368 399 467 506 484 425 408 385 347 334 315 T h is num ber seldom exceeds 50. FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FEMALES M onth to CO T 9.— Females employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929 , by industry groups — Continued able CONSTRUCTION M onth 1915 587 585 599 628 636 670 640 641 661 649 625 616 661 665 665 692 698 702 698 690 704 713 709 706 1916 788 810 824 847 872 884 901 899 908 926 928 928 1917 977 984 999 1,021 1,074 1,094 1,151 1,122 1,143 1,125 1,124 1,122 1918 1,237 1,247 1,300 1,349 1,376 1,487 1,527 1,572 1,566 1,566 1,544 1,526 1919 1,406 1,405 1,442 1,457 1,491 1,532 1,574 1,597 1,622 1,644 1,661 1,660 1920 1,678 1,686 1,747 1,833 1,840 1,856 1,847 1,840 1,828 1,823 1,786 1,782 1921 1,406 1,388 1,409 1,431 1,427 1,445 1,415 1,392 1,411 1,430 1,413 1,412 1922 1924 1923 1,300 1,299 1,335 1,379 1,418 1,427 1,402 1,423 1,415 1,434 1,445 1,448 1,489 1,513 1,541 1,579 1,679 1,680 1,687 1,680 1,647 1,687 1,701 1,689 20 20 22 24 26 24 23 22 23 22 23 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,904 1,915 1,928 1,966 1,995 2,025 2,033 2,012 2,028 2,044 2,013 2,006 1925 2,003 2,011 2,022 2,060 2,110 2,135 2,176 2,180 2,173 2,152 2,142 2,111 1926 2,256 2,256 2,295 2,323 2,356 2,410 2,438 2,463 2,447 2,466 2,468 2,449 1927 2,239 2,249 2,275 2,318 2,336 2,378 2,361 2,379 2,368 2,365 2,384 2,364 1928 2,283 2,281 2,308 2,340 2,360 2,408 2,435 2,473 2,464 2,477 2,490 2,473 1929 2,423 2,443 2,462 2,496 2,531 2,603 2,615 2,625 2,598 2,646 2,616 2,584 FISHERIES January____ February___ M arch_____ April_______ M a y _______ June_______ July August Septem ber. _ October........ N ovem ber __ D ecem b er... 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 11 13 19 19 18 15 14 14 14 14 12 10 10 12 13 13 12 12 11 13 12 12 10 12 12 14 15 18 18 15 15 15 17 17 17 14 13 15 18 23 22 20 22 21 25 24 23 26 26 27 28 30 29 29 30 31 31 31 29 24 23 24 26 26 29 25 26 26 27 27 26 22 22 23 23 24 23 22 22 22 22 22 21 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 PART 1.— SUMMARY January........ February. __ M arch.......... April............. M a y .............. June.............. July............... August_____ Septem ber. _ October........ N o v em b er.. D ecem b er... 1914 MANUFACTURES 83,386 84,847 84,785 82,241 80,793 79,723 78,296 80,030 81,722 81,254 78,089 76,251 81,845 85,617 87,358 86,080 85,314 86,522 85,288 87,515 90,791 92,447 92,402 94,454 98,671 100,509 101,686 101,169 102,538 103,181 104,690 106,958 108,841 109,147 108,930 110,099 110,738 111,398 109,238 107,990 109,568 108,892 110,494 113,556 116,134 116,166 115,683 114.183 117,895 121,850 123,808 126,157 135.183 138,493 140,881 143,604 145,519 146,151 138,784 128,980 126,483 125,205 123,482 122,514 125,547 129,854 134,500 137,027 139,826 142,379 144,551 139,204 139,967 142,988 143,193 142,083 143,919 142,898 139,593 137,260 131,481 123,211 112,408 102,116 105,323 105,915 105,698 104,846 104,966 101,688 104,549 106,460 107,849 108,256 106,993 122,262 127,024 131,462 131,652 131,143 133,601 130,737 130,995 131,205 132,617 131,753 129,188 127,071 130,084 130,637 128,949 124,980 121,986 119,032 120,897 126,300 128,378 127,370 126,242 125,398 128,870 129,929 129,416 129,829 129,106 127,797 131,203 137,109 138,907 138,152 134,229 131,745 134,583 136,991 136,437 135,144 135,096 133,132 136,809 141,803 143,680 142,186 136,970 132,564 136,366 138,518 137,272 136,974 136,638 135,665 138,254 143,617 145,070 142,112 136,596 131,008 135,648 137,606 136,266 137,202 139,800 139,543 143,065 146,837 149,132 146,610 145,125 146,522 151,187 151,378 151,709 152,276 152,454 152,524 156,174 160,879 159,731 153,121 144,285 252 246 200 158 164 164 127 133 25,522 25,629 26,014 26,058 26,480 27,383 27,129 27,099 27,454 27,687 27,662 28,019 29,606 29,863 30,174 30,556 31,256 32,400 32.279 32; 204 32,759 32,684 32,442 32.280 34,487 34,715 34,925 35,723 36,075 36,497 36,008 35,610 35,815 35,919 35,694 35,494 45,459 45,760 46,149 46,830 47,473 50,167 50,380 50,896 51,459 52,368 52,901 52,371 52; 392 52,981 54,216 53,870 54,100 53,940 54,061 54,745 55,462 56,063 56,956 56,387 55,980 56,751 56,915 56,558 56,377 56,524 56,792 57,351 58,043 58,908 59,642 58,757 58,892 59,829 59,927 59,818 62,299 62,272 63,173 64,214 65,053 66,301 65,810 65,530 66,378 66,375 65,740 65,598 100,942 105,010 106,545 107,078 107,438 110,553 112,000 114,585 117,085 116,171 118,018 119,758 MINING AND QUARRYING Calendar year2_____ 265 SERVICE January— February___ M a r c h .... . . April............. May........ June.............. July.............. August......... September _. October........ N ovem ber. _ Decem ber—. 10,245 10,142 10,209 10,298 10,491 10,526 10,404 10,250 10,216 10,061 10,023 9,859 12,147 12,084 12,245 12,442 12,612 12,936 12,863 12,939 12,662 12,625 12,571 12,557 13,747 13,819 13,954 14,158 14,429 14,913 15,142 15,170 15,004 14,894 14,884 14,464 16,632 16,733 17,055 17,264 17,527 18,048 18,152 18,321 17,979 17,826 17,518 17,403 18,846 18,974 19,220 19,696 20,007 20,720 20,843 21,016 21,050 20,465 20,471 20,638 20,842 20,910 21,058 21,331 21,634 22.040 22,089 22,125 21,797 22.040 21,824 21,732 24,294 24,477 24,832 25,155 25,506 26,089 26,401 26,493 26,627 26,619 26,465 25,975 26,081 26,084 26,264 26,482 26,461 26,638 26,317 25,725 25,710 25,616 25,453 25,352 47,449 47,500 48,124 48,381 47,939 47,986 2 A small number of females (less than 300) were employed in 1914 to 1920, inclusive, as office help but could not be segregated from mates. 1921 to 1929, not reported sepatately. N um ber employed each month, FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FEMALES January., F e b r u a r y ... M arch___ AprU____ M a y _____ June........ July......... August__ _ Septem ber-. October____ N ovem b er-. Decem ber— fcO CJ1 T able 9 .—Females employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929, by industry groups — Continued TRADE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M on th 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 26,860 26,342 27,127 28,030 27,380 26,811 25,689 24,765 26,408 27,675 28,198 31,033 28,461 27,441 28,876 29,547 29,588 28,642 27,582 26,925 29,012 30,659 31,193 34,758 32,238 31,531 32,906 34,918 34,057 33,467 32,792 31,495 34,259 36,277 37,427 41,521 37,820 36,448 38,724 39,513 38,856 38,585 38,110 37,181 39,518 40,430 40,983 44,657 40,715 40,476 42,452 42,051 41,907 42^717 42,364 41,827 43,992 44,923 45,978 49,804 46,604 46,589 47,354 48,559 48,129 48,292 48,178 48,053 49,849 50,436 52,613 56,041 51,871 51,161 52.688 53,335 53,202 53,171 53,239 52,693 53.689 54,220 55,354 59,466 48,209 46,512 47,688 47,419 46,684 46,368 45,027 44,051 44,870 46,620 47,508 53,231 46,391 45,216 46,301 48,786 47,365 47,781 47,595 46,622 48,119 50,357 53,461 59,560 50,733 50,126 52,001 52,617 52,740 53,271 52,689 51,884 54,217 55,139 57,695 64,825 55,216 55,083 56,809 58,242 56,525 55,929 55,065 54,202 56,302 57,341 59,524 67,753 49,528 49,050 49,900 51,503 50,977 50,732 49,133 49,148 50,530 53,004 55,121 64,265 50,608 49,850 51,045 52,001 52,161 51,486 49,957 49,642 52,357 54,201 56,418 66,361 53,458 52,655 54,019 56,582 55,392 55,252 53,599 53,601 54,756 57,365 59,068 70,118 53,211 52,783 54.709 55.709 55,670 56,032 55,075 53,773 56,465 58,433 60,524 73,635 55,458 55,350 57,653 59,142 59,376 59,742 57,928 57,685 59,699 62,600 63,514 74,859 16,581 16,796 16,899 16,911 16,910 17,016 17,069 16,914 16,470 16,355 16,298 16,526 16,023 16,216 16,390 16,497 16,646 16,886 17,057 17,163 17,117 17,185 17,371 17,598 18,214 18,207 18,185 18,249 18,344 18,336 18,499 18,479 18,350 18,403 18,506 18,629 17,987 18,044 18,143 18,365 18,528 18,799 19,129 19,014 18,921 18,829 18,877 18,381 18,127 18,243 18,360 18,565 18,974 19,416 19,581 19,457 19,314 19,261 19,361 19,432 19,647 19,784 20,158 20,594 20,865 21,301 21,481 21,411 21,200 20,910 21,252 21,035 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES January.___ February___ M arch.......... April............. M a y .............. June.............. Ju ly_____. . . August......... Septem ber. . October........ N ovem ber. _ Decem ber__ 7,146 7,077 7,132 7,315 7,291 7,445 7,518 7,529 7,434 7,201 7,122 7,053 9,507 9,141 9,229 9,360 9,416 9,946 9,572 9,542 9,561 9,472 9,495 9,915 9,660 9,773 9,945 9,948 10,158 10,432 10,587 10,775 10,711 10,691 10,985 10,965 11,746 11,896 12,228 12,526 12,816 13,162 13,360 13,390 13,234 13,447 13,613 13,763 13,943 14,282 14,420 14,415 14,425 15,482 15,441 15,394 15,367 15,759 15,833 15,905 16,143 16,158 15,909 15,680 15,546 15,487 15,386 15,136 15,155 15,054 15,162 15,296 15,682 15,620 15,857 16,185 16,417 16,997 17,525 17,263 17,124 17,335 17,384 17,152 15,415 15,214 15,105 14,857 14,975 15,002 15,037 14,926 14,752 14,723 14,613 14,568 14,703 14,641 14,628 14,518 14,658 15,011 15,373 15,252 15,302 15,163 15,311 15,268 15,538 15,492 15,893 16,070 16,221 16,494 16,678 16,782 16,566 16,353 16,390 16,572 PART 1.— SUMMARY January........ F e b ru a ry -.. M arch.......... April............. M a y ............. June.............. J u l y . . . ........ August......... Septem ber.. October........ N ovem b er. _ D ecem b er... 1914 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FEMALES Chart 5.—FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF FEMALES IN MANUFACTURES, 1914-1929 $ to 00 PART 1.— SUMMARY Chart 6.— F L U C T U A T I O N O F E M P L O Y M E N T OF F E M A L E S IN R E T A I L A N D W H O L E S A L E T R A D E , 1914-1929 29 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FEMALES Charts 5 and 6 show, respectively, the fluctuation of employment of females in manufactures and in retail and wholesale trade in each of the 16 years. Manufactures included 64 per cent of all females reported in 1914, 60.4 per cent in 1928, and 50.5 per cent in 1929. Table 10 compares the industry groups with reference to fluctuation of employment of females within each of the 16 years. The fluctua tion of employment o f females in the “ all industries” group varied from 5.6 per cent to 17.9 per cent. The fluctuation was below 10 per cent in 7 years, between 10 and 15 per cent in 7 years, and above 15 per cent in 2 years. Considering the four industry groups (manufactures, service, whole sale and retail trade, and transportation and public utilities) in which considerable numbers of females were reported, the widest fluctuation occurred in#wholesale and retail trade in all years except 1918 and 1920 when it occurred in manufactures. The second widest fluctua tion occurred in manufactures in 12 years, in wholesale and retail trade in 2 years, in transportation and public utilities in 1 year, and in service in 1 year. T 10. —Maximum and minimum employment o f females in each industry group , able 1914 to 1929 Maximum N um ber M onth Number Variation from M inim um Year and industry group maYimiim N um ber M onth Per cent 1914 130,068 A ll industries. March. 122,781 Agriculture.............. 251 M ay- 166 Construction. 670 June. [March. A p r il[M ay— 585 Fisheries. Manufactures......................................... Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail................. Transportation and public utilities. . J u l y . ............... 7,287 [January........... {N ovem b er___ [ 85 l Decem ber.___ J February____ 85 January, Feb ) ruary, and June to D e ■ cember. J 8,596 December____ 667 ........ d o . . ........... 6,268 August............. 476 December........ { 5.6 33.9 12.7 (9 84,847 10,526 31,033 7,529 February. June.......... December. August___ 76,251 9,859 24,765 7,053 151,231 December. 132,902 January........... 18,829 12.1 July----October. /A p ril___ l M a y -------December. 12,939 August___ 34,758 December. 9,946 June.......... 245 661 December........ January.___ ... 261 52 9 51.6 7.3 10.1 6.3 20.2 6.3 1915 A ll industries Agriculture. . Construction. Fisheries........ Manufactures......................................... Service...................................... .............. Trade, wholesale and retail................. Transportation and public utilities.. » ........ d o .............. 81,845 ........ do............... 12,084 February......... 26,925 August............. 9,141 February......... 11,193 855 7,833 805 January........... 25,942 14.6 283" ........ do............... July.................. N ovem ber___ 788 ____ do............... December-___ • [ . . . . d o .............. April................ 10 {February......... M a y ................. [December____ September___ 94,454 January........... N ovem ber----August............. 13,747 ........d o . . ........... 31,495 August............. Decem ber.___ N ovem ber___ 9,660 January........... 348 55.2 140 15.1 :} . . . (9 12.0 6.6 22.5 8.1 1916 177,122 All industries. A g ricu ltu re ........... m Construction........... 928 Fisheries................................................. 13 Manufactures......................................... Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail................. Transportation and public utilities.. 109,147 15,170 41,521 10,985 December........ 151,180 1 N ot com puted owing to small number Involved. 6 6 4 2 9 °— 32— 3 } 3 14,693 1,423 10,026 1,325 (9 13.5 9.4 24.1 12.1 30 T PART 1.— SUMMARY able 10 .— M aximum and minimum employment of females in each industry group , 1914 to 1929 — Continued Maximum Variation from maximum M inim um Year and Industry group Number M onth N um ber N um ber M onth Per cent 1917 A ll industries_________ ______ 192,973 Agriculture________________________ C onstruction,, _ 593 1,151 Fisheries.................................................. Manufactures______________________ Service_____ ________ _____________ Trade, wholesale and Transportation and public utilities.. December........ 177,150 February_____ 15,823 8.2 277 174 46.7 15.1 6 8,176 1,689 8,209 2,017 0 7.0 9.2 18.4 14.7 316 January______ June_________ July_________ 977 ____ d o . . ........... / ___ do............... /M a y ................. \June_________ } 12 \February_____ } N ovem ber___ 107,990 M a y _________ August 16,632 January______ December __ 36,448 February_____ ____ do............... 11,746 January............ 189,285 January............ 41,173 17.9 684 June_________ 347 ____ do________ 1,572 August 1,237 ........ do________ 25 October 13 February_____ 146,151 N ovem ber___ 114,183 January ___ „ 21,050 September___ 18,846 ........ do............... 49,804 December 40,476 February_____ 15,905 ____ do............... 13,943 January........... 337 335 12 31,968 2,204 9,328 1,962 49.3 21.3 0) 21.9 10.5 18.7 12.3 18 116,166 18,321 44,657 13,763 1918 A ll industries.............................. Agriculture ____ _ Onnst.mnt.irrn Fisheries________ __________________ Manufactures________ __________ __ Service...................... ............................. Trade, wholesale and retail Transportation and public utilities.. 230,458 N ovem ber----- 1919 All industries_ ..... _ 239,676 Agriculture Construction Fisheries 669 1,661 _ _ __ . ... 31 Manufactures Service........... ......................... ............. Trade, wholesale and retail___ . . . Transportation and public utilities.. 144,551 22,125 56,041 16,158 December M a y _... 29,856 12.5 304 365 N ovem ber___ July__________ 1,405 February _ 256 N ovem ber___ \September___ / January______ f October l 26 \ I 5 February_____ [N ovem ber___ 1 . 22,037 December __ 122,514 M a y August 1,283 20,842 January December 9,452 46,589 February_____ February 1,104 15,054 October 45.4 15.4 209,820 (0 15.2 5.8 16.9 6.8 1920 All industries ____ ,, 242,669 Agriculture Construction Fisheries _ _ ... ____ Manufactures_________________ ____ Service... Trade, wholesale and retail Transportation and public utilities.. J u ly . _______ 217,235 December _ 734 ____ do________ 366 January, 1,678 ____ do________ 1,856 June_________ 29 ____ d o________ 23 February 143,919 ........ do............... 112,408 December _ _ 26,627 September___ 24,294 January 59,466 December 51,161 February 17,525 July.............. 15,620 25,434 10.5 368 178 6 31,511 2,333 8,305 1,905 50.1 9.6 (i) 21.9 8.8 14.0 10.9 1921 A ll in d u stries .. Agriculture Construction_______________________ Fisheries_______________ __________ M anufactures Service. T rade, w holesale and reta 1 _ ___ Transportation and public utilities.. 202,206 D ecem b er 1T__ 190,218 July . _ 11,988 5.9 557 1,445 24 108,256 26,638 53,231 15,415 April June M ay N ovem ber___ June December____ J a n u a r y ,„ 352 1,388 21 101,688 25,352 44,051 14,568 N ovem ber___ February D ecem b er J u ly _ . D e ce m b e r..._ August D ecem ber 205 57 3 6,568 1,286 9,180 847 36.8 3.9 (i) 6.1 4.8 17.2 5.5 224,643 D ecem ber 189,470 January______ 35,173 15.7 D ecem b er 191 149 February_____ /January........... 6 \February_____ )J January „ 18,816 ____ d o________ 2,497 F ebruary, 14,344 855 April-------------- 37.7 10.3 1922 All industries A griculture C on stru ction .. F ish eries. . ___ _ ... ___ Manufactures__________ ____ ______ Service___________ ______ __________ Trade, wholesale and re ta il________ Transportation and public utilities.. 506 1,448 M ay D ecem b er. 26 M a y . . . 20 119,758 D ecem ber _ 100,942 do 28,019 25,522 59,560 ____ do________ 45,216 15,373 July.................. 14,518 1 N ot com puted owing to small number involved. 315 1,299 0 15.7 8.9 24.1 5.6 31 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FEMALES T able 10.— Maximum and minimum employment o f females in each industry group , 1914 to 1929— Continued Maximum M inim um Variation from maximum Year and industry group M onth Num 245,245 December. 220,251 632 1,701 (2) 133,601 32,759 64,825 16,782 June.......... November. 334 ........do_____ 1,489 ____do.......... t (2) June.......... September. DecemberAugust___ (2) T 122,262 January___ 29,606 . 50,126 F eb ru a ry... 15,492 ____ do_____ Number 1923 A ll industries.. Agriculture........................................... Construction........................................ Fisheries................. ............................ Manufactures....................................... Service.................................................. Trade, wholesale and retail________ Transportation and public utilities. 1924 A ll industries............................ Agriculture........................................... Construction....................................... Manufactures...................................... Service............. — ............ .................. Trade, wholesale and retail________ Transportation and public utilities. 1925 A ll industries............................ Agriculture................................. ......... Construction....................................... Manufactures................................... . Service............. ......... .......................... Trade, wholesale and retail________ Transportation and public utilities. 1926 A ll industries_____ _____ ____ Agriculture........................................... Construction........................................ M anufactures..................................... Service.................................................. Trade, wholesale and retail............... Transportation and public utilities. 1928 A ll industries............................ December. 719 2,044 130,637 36,497 67,753 17,069 July........... O ctob er... M arch____ June______ December. July........... 1,904 119,032 34,487 54,202 16,298 266,861 December___ July............ J an u a ry .... ........do_____ July............. January___ August........ N ovem ber.. 24,994 10.2 212 47.2 12.5 11,339 3,153 14,699 1,290 8.5 9.6 22.7 7.7 18,566 7.5 140 11,605 39.4 6.8 8.9 5.5 2,010 13,551 771 20.0 4.5 January___ 27,796 10.4 477 2,003 125,398 45,459 49,050 16,023 ........d o......... ........d o_____ ........ do.......... ------ do_____ F eb ru a ry... January____ 315 177 13,509 2,922 15,215 1,575 39.8 8.1 9.7 6.0 23.7 8.9 279,275 December.. 253,728 January____ 25,547 9.1 J uly............ . N ovem ber.. — .d o ......... . January......... \ February____/ January.......... ____do________ August........... . M arch............ . 433 43.8 212 143,680 October____ 54,216 ___ do____ 66,361 Decem ber.. 18,629 556 2,256 131,745 50,167 49,642 18,185 11,935 4,049 16,719 444 8.6 8.3 7.5 25.2 2.4 284,664 December.. 260,958 January......... . 23,706 8.3 1,060 2,384 145,070 56,956 70,118 19,129 June............ N ovem ber. October___ June............ Decem ber.. July............ 2,239 132,564 53,940 52,655 17,987 ........ do________ ____do............. . ____do............. . ____do.......... February____ January......... . 470 145 12,506 3,016 17,463 1,142 44.3 6.1 8.6 5.3 24.9 6.0 301,222 December.. 261,946 January........... 39,276 13.0 1,222 J u ly............ N ovem ber. October___ ____ d o......... D ecem ber.. July......... — 652 2,281 131,008 56,524 52,783 18,127 ____do............. . February____ January......... . ____do............. . February____ January......... . 570 209 18,124 3,403 20,852 1,454 46.6 . 8.4 287,221 January.......... 26,195 8.4 — d o ............ . ____d o............. . 12 J a n u a r y to March. 144,285 December____ 62,272 February____ 55,350 ------d o............. . 19,647 January.......... 618 223 45.9 8.4 0 2,468 1929 A ll industries..................... ....... 313,416 1,345 2,646 14 160,879 66,378 74,859 21,481 October.. July................. October______ M a y to Octo ber. September___ December....... J u ly................. 1 N ot com puted owing to small number involved. 2 1 reported throughout year. 10,147 Per cent 239,065 2,490 149,132 59,927 73,635 19,581 Manufactures........................................ Service................................................... . Trade, wholesale and retail____ ____ Transportation and public utilities.. January___ N um ber 792 April........... 2,180 August....... 138,907 October____ 48,381 ........do_____ 64,265 Decem ber.. 17,598 ........ do......... Agriculture........................................... Construction........................................ Manufactures...... ............................ . Service............. ................................... Trade, wholesale and retail________ Transportation and public utilities. A gricu ltu re... Construction.. Fisheries......... M onth (2) 248,713 Agriculture...........—............................ Construction........................................ Manufactures....................................... Service____________________________ Trade,"wholesale and retail............... Transportation and public utilities. 1927 A ll industries............................. ber 727 2,423 0 16,594 4,106 19,509 1,834 12.2 5.7 28.3 7.4 10.3 6.2 26.1 8.5 32 PART 1.— SUMMARY In Table 11 female employees are separated into three general occupation groups—wage earners; bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks; and salespeople (not traveling). Females classified as wage earners formed 69.1 per cent of the total females reported in 1914, 60.6 per cent in 1928, and 60.4 per cent in 1929. Percentage fluctuations by occupation groups are shown later in a comparison o f males and females. T able 11 . — Females employed on 15th of each montht 1914 to 1929, by general occupation groups , all industries W AG E EARNERS M on th 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 123,358 126,871 131,594 133,241 135*023 144,886 147,058 148,388 150,682 152,043 152,513 146,338 136,250 133,877 132,655 131,104 130,044 132,924 136,497 140,272 142,899 146,161 147,800 150,078 146,772 146,287 149,873 150,261 149,291 151, 746 151,441 148,318 147,216 142,615 135,148 124,916 113,365 116,782 118,156 118,339 117,412 118,215 114,633 116, 745 119,125 121,140 121,451 120, 575 114,067 117,655 119,669 120,254 120,606 124,512 125,488 127,540 130,369 129,872 132,326 134,750 136,164 140,483 145,680 146,276 146,291 149,655 146,371 146,445 147,432 149,056 148,711 146,389 144,222 147,404 148,403 147,817 144,109 141,578 137,779 138,823 144,650 147,198 146,018 145,723 144,391 147,651 149,379 150,121 151,159 151,307 147,959 151,050 157,923 160,576 159,560 156,490 154,712 157,535 159,933 160,241 159,507 159,888 156,319 159,553 165,488 168,944 167,671 163,842 156,733 160,341 163,332 163,220 163,484 164,243 161,996 163,967 170,053 172,279 169,464 164,176 157,861 162,385 164,965 164,383 166,418 169,836 168,089 170,626 175,391 178,214 175,838 174,809 174,078 178,367 179,648 181,666 182,729 184,145 182,902 185.625 191,212 190,739 183.626 175,921 65,374 65,559 65,930 66,324 66,061 65,884 66,055 65,881 66,079 65,899 66,073 66,627 67,465 67,948 68,171 68,413 68,559 68,720 69,334 69,568 69,634 69,912 70,415 71,104 71,169 71,260 71,913 72,214 72,703 73,039 73,810 73,926 74,023 74,317 74,678 75,017 74,745 74,840 75,283 75,629 75,724 76,140 76,405 76,400 76,583 76,552 76,596 77,173 74,694 75,098 75,508 76,069 76,295 76,890 77,467 77,981 78,309 78,405 78,563 79,591 82,076 82,669 83,223 84,091 84,614 85,190 86,033 86,391 86.494 86,385 86,644 86,224 26,319 26,314 27,658 28,552 27,212 26,909 26,313 25,750 27,016 27,711 29,525 36,363 27,209 27,002 27,646 28,741 28,274 28,038 27,267 27,380 28,324 29,915 31,473 39,267 27,847 27,267 28,408 29,068 29,277 28,463 27,441 27,264 29,431 30,703 31,983 40,416 29,480 29,023 30,024 32,353 31,260 30,882 29,931 29,834 30,779 32,701 33,800 43,315 29,391 29,135 30,808 31,640 31,624 31,820 31,199 30,162 32,354 33,730 35,323 46,822 31,067 30,923 33,019 33,722 34,075 34,441 32,915 32,518 34,279 36,292 36,984 47,137 89,708 90,968 90,492 89,242 87,762 86,639 84,846 86,237 88,558 88,110 84,822 82,689 91,329 94,197 96,515 95,962 95,060 96,592 94,640 96,311 99,939 102,067 101,693 102,400 102,914 106,983 109,201 110,950 110,549 112,170 112, 733 113, 689 116,212 118,340 118,728 117,798 120,967 121,586 123,189 121,545 119,996 122,169 121,348 122,174 124,879 127,121 126,459 126,245 January____ February___ M arch.......... April............. M a y .............. June_______ J u ly.............. August_____ Septem ber.. October........ N ov em b er.. D ecem b er... 23,935 23,938 24,805 24,008 23,895 23,842 23, 774 23,663 23,731 23,711 23,658 23,822 26,642 26,699 26,964 27,065 27,224 27,497 27,418 27,507 27,889 28,064 28,374 28,930 31,018 31,335 31,952 32,278 32,458 32,785 33,116 33,272 33,838 34,192 34,616 35,132 37,453 37,602 37,908 38,351 39,000 39,451 39,737 40,418 40,770 41,435 42,007 42,121 45,299 45,892 46,627 47,285 48,227 49,872 51,295 52,260 53,480 54,192 54,628 54,167 55,204 55,233 55,502 56,012 56,116 56,641 57,834 58,244 58,590 58,923 59,655 60,195 January____ February___ M arch.......... April......... . M a y .............. June.............. July.............. August......... Septem ber.. October____ N o vem b er.. D ecem ber... 14,742 14,282 14, 771 15,514 15,191 14,920 14,161 13, 511 14,355 15,220 15,748 18,472 14,931 14,337 15,208 15,466 15,723 15,048 14,466 14,101 15,200 16,082 16,568 19,901 17,248 16,608 17,326 18,719 18,080 17,747 17,397 16,481 18,218 19,490 20,345 24,192 19,182 17,962 19,737 20,159 19,749 19,448 19,146 18,423 20,297 20,862 21,324 24,607 20,628 20,508 21,510 21,387 21,206 21,537 20,846 20,590 21,971 22,563 23,317 26,573 22,933 22,859 23,290 23,916 23,660 23,961 23,448 23,381 24,431 24,398 26,580 29,403 B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S 1 61,941 63,273 64,215 65,092 65,347 66,163 66,571 65,848 64,751 63,863 62,806 61,873 57,626 56,752 56,372 56,001 55,643 55,072 54,446 53,957 53,579 53,237 53,334 53,803 53,188 53,429 53,825 54,372 54,829 55,484 55,911 56,136 56,512 56,759 57,191 58,143 60,237 60,627 61,363 61,820 62,629 63,413 63,736 63,671 63,641 63,487 63,717 64,278 S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G ) 24,406 23,786 24,504 24,914 24,997 24,696 24,657 24,222 25,077 25,507 26,698 30,446 22,914 21,683 22, 576 22,392 22,115 21,959 21,139 20,643 21,196 22,530 23,097 27,828 22,215 21,351 22,002 23,936 22,708 22,919 22,800 21,987 23,154 24,802 26,989 31,750 23,850 23,580 24,773 25,206 24,989 25,306 24,816 24,192 26,127 26,696 28,260 34,578 1 A small number of females (less than 300) were employed in 1914 to 1920, inclusive, in mining and quarrying as office help but could not be segregated from males. The monthly fluctuations of employment of office help in mining and quarrying in 1921 to 1929 were not reported and therefore the numbers have been added in as constants each year. FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— FE! January........ F e b r u a r y ... M arch.......... April_______ M a y . ........... June.............. J u ly.............. August......... Septem ber.. October____ N o vem b er.. D ecem ber... 1929 CO CO 34 PART 1.— SUMMARY Fluctuation o f Employment— Comparison o f Males and Females Table 12 presents a comparison of employment fluctuation for all industries and for each of four industry groups which employ large numbers both of males and of females. For the “ all industries” group the males show the wider fluctuation in each of the 16 years except in 1917, 1918, 1921, and 1924 and also except in 1925 when the percentages were the same for the two sexes. In manufactures the males show the wider fluctuation except in 1917, 1918,1919,1925,1926, and 1928. In service the males show the wider fluctuation in all years except 1914. In wholesale and retail trade the females show a much wider fluctuation than do males due largely to the large group of temporary saleswomen employed during Decem ber. In transportation and public utilities the males show the wider fluctuation except in 1917 and 1918. T able 12. —Per cent o f variation from maximum employment in specified industry groups , by sex , 1914 to 1929 Year and industry group 1914 All industries _ M anufactures Service. _______________________ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili tie s. _ _ 1915 All industries ....... Manufactures _____ _________ Service Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties .m _ 1916 All industries Manufactures _______________ Service Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties 1917 All industries Manufactures ___________ ____ Service _ ______ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties___________________________ 1918 A ll industries........................ M anufactures Service _ _________ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties------------------------------------------ Per cent of variation from maximum Year and industry group Males Females 11.1 5.6 13.3 5.5 4.4 10.1 6.3 20.2 21.6 6.3 M anufactures Service_____________ _____ _____ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties ______ . _ 22.9 12.1 1920 A ll industries....................... 23.8 14.7 10.7 12.0 6.6 22.5 21.0 8.1 16.9 14.6 1919 All industries. Manufactures___________________ Service______ ____________ ______ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties______ _______________ ____ 1921 A ll industries________ ____ 15.7 14.0 11.0 13.5 9.4 24.1 19.9 12.1 Manufactures .................................. Service........................ ..................... Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties................................................. 7.2 8.2 1922 All in d u stries____ __ ____ 3.5 9.3 4.0 7.0 9.2 18.4 11.9 14.7 Manufactures. ........... ................... Service____ _____________________ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties.................................................. 1923 All industries........................ 8.0 17.9 6.0 12.2 5.3 21.9 10.5 18.7 8.5 12.3 Manufactures__________________ Service.........................................— Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties.................................................. Per cent of varia tion from maxi m um Males Females 14.2 12.5 13.8 12.4 15.7 15.2 5.8 16.9 9.4 6.8 20.7 10.5 28.0 11.2 5.0 21.9 8.8 14.0 12.2 10.9 4.0 5.9 9.7 6.3 2.4 6.1 4.8 17.2 7.0 5.5 26.1 15.7 28.1 15.2 13.5 15.7 8.9 24.1 18.6 5.6 10.6 10.2 9.1 13.7 10.1 8.5 9.6 22.7 16.5 7.7 35 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— COMPABISON T able 1 2 .— Per cent of variation from maximum employment in specified industry groups , by sex} 1914 to 1929 — Continued Year and industry group 1924 All industries M anufactures _ Service Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties ___ 1925 All industries. M anufactures „ _ _ . Service _ Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties 1926 All industries __ M anufactures Service Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties ........... . _ ...... _. _........... Per cent of varia tion from maxi m um Males Females 6 .6 7 .5 15.0 8 .9 8 .0 8 .9 5 .5 2 0.0 9 .8 4 .5 10.4 10.4 7 .0 9 .9 8 .7 9 .7 6 .0 23.7 1 7.8 8 .9 9 .3 9 .1 6 .2 9 .7 9.1 8 .3 7 .5 2 5 .2 13.8 2 .4 Year and industry group Per cent of varia tion from maxi m um Males 1927 All industries _. . M anufactures _ _____ Service_________ _______ _______ Trade, wholesale and retail_____ Transportation and public utili ties 1928 All industries. M anufactures „__ _ Service .. ..... .... Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ___ ties 1929 All industries. _ M anufactures Service Trade, wholesale and retail.......... Transportation and public utili ties _. . . . . . . . . . Females 8 .8 8 .3 9 .0 8 .8 7 .5 8 .6 5 .3 2 4 .9 10.9 6 .0 15.1 13.0 11.7 9 .8 10.7 12.2 5 .7 2 8 .3 1 6.6 7 .4 12.6 8 .4 15.1 10.9 10.1 1 0.3 6 .2 2 6.1 1 2.2 8 .5 Chart 7 compares the fluctuation of employment of males and females in manufactures. Table 13 brings into comparison the percentage of variation from maximum employment for males and females in the three general occupation groups within each year. Male wage earners show a wider variation than do females in all of the years except 1918 and 1921. Male bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks show a wider variation than do females m eight years and the same in one year. Saleswomen show a decidedly wider variation each year than do salesmen; this, however, is due to the large number of extra saleswomen taken on for the Christmas holiday trade. CHART 7.— C O M P A R IS O N O F E M P L O Y M E N T F L U C T U A T IO N S OF M A L E S A N D F E M A L E S IN M A N U F A C T U R E S , 1914rl929 Ma l e s F CO em a le s PART 1.— SUMMARY [Logarithmic vertical scale] 37 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— BOTH SEXES T able 13.— Per cent of variation from maximum employment in general occupation groups , by sex , 1914 to 1929, all industriesj Year and general occupation group Per cent varia tion horn maxi mum Males Females 12.3 9.1 2.6 4.8 4.6 26.9 24.1 10.8 9.4 8.9 7.9 29.1 17.5 13.3 11.8 9.3 11.7 31.9 7.5 4.8 5.9 4.9 11.1 27.0 8.6 19.1 6.2 5.0 17.1 22.8 14.1 13.3 16.2 16.2 8.3 22.3 22.2 17.7 9.5 6.8 7.1 21.9 3.4 6.7 9.2 5.6 7.6 25.8 1914 1915 1916 Females Wage earners . Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks____ __ Salespeople (not traveling^ 27.9 15.3 8.7 13.8 8.5 32.8 Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks............................. Salespeople (not traveling^ 11.2 9.0 6.3 12.1 6.3 31.8 1924 Wage earners___________________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks___________________ Salespeople (not traveling) 1917 Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks........................ ......... Salespeople (not traveling} 7.5 7.2 1.0 9.4 1.9 29.2 11.1 10.1 3.9 10.2 5.1 31.2 10.0 8.4 3.6 9.3 5.1 32.5 10.4 9.0 3.2 8.3 3.1 33.0 16.5 11.4 5.3 11.5 6.2 37.8 14.7 9.0 5.5 11.4 5.3 34.4 1925 Wage earners_____ ______________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks ......... _ Salespeople (not traveling)______ 1918 Wage earners............................... . Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks____ Salespeople (not traveling)........... 1926 1 Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks S Males 1923 Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks. Salespeople (not traveling)______ 1 Per cent varia tion from maxi m um 1922 W age earners................................... Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks ____ .. . __ Salespeople (not traveling)______ §, Year and general occupation group 1927 1919 Wage earners__________________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks Salespeople (not traveling) __ Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks___ ____ __________ Salespeople (not traveling) _ 1929 1921 Wage earners Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks __ _______ Salespeople (not traveling)........... Wage earners___________________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks___________________ Salespeople (not traveling) 1928 1920 Wage earners___________________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks Salespeople (not traveling) Wage earners________________ _ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks____________ ____ Salespeople (not traveling)........... Wage earners___________________ Bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks______ ____ ________ Salespeople (not traveling)........... Fluctuation of Employment—Both Sexes Two tables combining figures for both sexes are shown. Table 14 shows for the sexes combined the number reported employed on the 15th of each month for each of the 16 years, 1914 to 1929. The first o f the nine sections shows the information for all industries com bined. The succeeding sections cover the eight industry groups. T able 1 4 .— Number (both sexes) employed on 15th o f each months 1914 to 1929 , by industry groups 00 00 A L L IN D U S T R IE S i M on th 1915 684.082 687,218 699,731 678.385 672.083 674,397 665,015 674.385 683,240 674,684 641,416 631,217 673,460 686,447 713,093 741,045 756,900 781,386 786,758 796,975 824,880 828,896 835,708 851,990 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 865,034 895,236 917,623 939,065 956,687 985,147 989,630 1,011,910 1,022,297 1,025,507 1,032,839 1,029,785 1,025,847 1,031,568 1,058,652 1,059,199 1,084,774 1,094,971 1,089,222 1,092,793 1,092,459 1,090,561 1,088,074 1,058,825 1,036,782 1.049.229 1,081,499 1,086,353 1,104,841 1,133,791 1,140,697 1,141,742 1,114,468 1,114,379 1.100.229 1,079,668 1,035,370 1,016,085 1,017,219 1,028,286 1,034,519 1,070,377 1,111,447 1,147,253 1,157,486 1,124,154 1,120,322 1,176,887 1,195,022 1,184,543 1,220,509 1,223,090 1,210,900 1,241,540 1,238,457 1,203,962 1,192,494 1,151,196 1,080,783 1,009,799 1921 874,556 857,555 854,947 862,169 858,303 869,100 843,949 851,430 859,593 868,760 871,218 857,384 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 816,354 839,558 868,751 865,922 905,418 953,567 965,612 1,010,664 1,034,498 1,041,930 1,052,745 1,072,712 1,052,896 1,072,768 1,113,319 1,125,746 1,146,387 1,169,640 1,147,040 1,153,685 1.141.633 1.135.633 1,125,739 1,108,105 1,098,135 1,115,838 1,130,182 1,134,424 1,103,860 1,069,386 1,063,262 1,072,271 1,093,250 1,098,773 1,080,006 1,086,469 1,086,463 1,097,553 1,118,607 1,140,063 1,157,368 1,166,484 1,165,468 1,177,069 1,196,728 1,206,246 1,194,228 1,187,066 1,151,739 1,158,051 1,171,571 1,197,134 1,209,397 1,225,566 1,221,981 1,232,862 1,259,325 1,257,476 1,234,805 1,210,249 1,152,874 1,180,491 1,206,487 1,201,642 1,211,960 1,225,049 1.207.120 1,208,208 1,215,659 1,199,735 1,166,424 1.154.121 1,105,408 1,134,060 1,163,562 1,187,893 1,216,254 1,233,182 1,239,065 1,260,518 1,279,759 1,282,284 1,264,804 1,255,706 1,230,741 1,256,762 1,286,013 1,315,712 1,338,880 1,353,437 1,356,004 1,351,176 1,350,928 1,339,467 1,269,618 1,230,724 3,398 3,465 3,629 4,384 4,726 5,505 5,696 5,279 5,088 5,126 4,530 4,059 4,295 4,338 4,711 6,011 6,137 6,678 7,231 6,764 6,509 6,252 5,495 4,843 4,804 4,896 5,586 6,834 6,860 7,192 7,868 7,480 7,078 6,818 6,251 5,566 5,285 5,317 5,675 7,144 7,491 8,252 8,937 8,400 8,057 8,133 7,137 5,902 A G R IC U L T U R E January__ February.. March___ April____ May____ June........ July......... August..... September . October__ November. December.. 1,697 1,742 1,903 2,458 2,510 2,597 2,628 2,557 2,345 2,412 2,175 1,801 2,203 2,240 2,619 3,245 3,398 3,415 3,973 3,431 3,177 3,118 2,776 2,489 2,925 3,052 3,253 4,000 4,236 4,719 5,035 4,602 4,374 4,099 3,604 3,266 3,585 3,591 4,070 5,016 5,158 5,571 5,897 5,652 5,289 4,760 4,420 3,792 3,772 3,873 4,527 5,043 5,284 5,911 5,483 5,325 5,140 4,838 4,279 3,838 3,581 3,725 4,079 4,863 4,885 5,745 6,045 5,341 4,882 4,620 4,102 3,752 3,804 3,855 4,137 4,882 5,271 5,741 6,134 5,414 5,383 5,198 4,673 4,250 3,481 3,547 4,071 4,878 4,803 5,225 5,335 5,022 4,684 4,545 4,083 3,729 3,352 3,323 3,767 4,629 4,918 5,468 5,458 5,166 4,729 4,386 4,087 3,676 5,947 5,953 6,612 7,912 8,136 9,197 9,409 8,906 8,717 8,678 7,216 6,361 6,513 6,507 7,161 8,520 8,830 9,764 10,686 9,790 9,773 9,556 8,179 7,266 6,646 6,731 7,554 9,281 9,503 10,696 11,395 10,173 9,945 9,747 8,280 7,324 PART 1.— SUM M ARY January___ F ebruary. . M arch........ A pril........... M a y ............ June........ — July........... . August-----Septem ber. October___ N ovem b er. D ecem ber.. 1914 C O N S T R U C T IO N 23,113 21,023 23,713 31,291 35,594 39,488 40,238 41,020 41,626 38,553 33,089 23,772 25,536 24,506 30,029 39,731 46,080 48,402 52,406 53,509 56,554 55,432 52,711 43,791 39,229 39,648 40,027 52,631 60,607 67,487 72,502 77,336 77,812 76,671 72,632 61,880 50,799 49,241 55,496 63,521 76,551 79,199 82,217 85,176 83,830 80,525 75,531 56,169 44,840 44,851 52,271 61,438 63,364 72,253 74,001 73,574 67,254 66,419 59,330 53,268 55,538 54,699 62,260 71,570 76,733 80,830 83,917 83,158 86,793 79,869 71,210 60,030 38,448 36,932 38,940 47,162 50,834 59,044 63,371 69,277 72,062 73,401 71,624 65,228 43,463 39,820 42,724 48,551 45,315 55,684 58,784 59,387 61,428 59,225 51,963 45,477 32,994 32,759 33,001 39,773 51,450 60,942 66,007 71,587 70,499 70,706 67,014 57,481 49,161 46,665 52,482 61,639 70,280 79,017 82,337 85,939 82,105 79,591 75,495 65,714 54,228 53,549 57,834 71,399 77,271 83,201 90,122 90,330 88,681 87,424 78,484 64,974 53,527 54,997 61,133 74,292 83,607 89,721 92,792 92,880 89,955 88,395 79,348 71,393 54,655 54,738 56,558 69,200 81,978 93,101 96,273 97,455 98,970 93,992 87,287 74,933 59,160 61,230 67,340 77,775 88,101 96,463 100,442 102,812 101,680 94,716 83,566 69,140 54,363 53,034 59,484 70,937 82,070 87,411 91,919 97,550 94,819 94,230 85,216 70,169 51,965 52,461 60,592 72,427 82,554 91,432 97,838 97,432 93,615 93,976 81,904 67,374 232 235 296 389 412 342 353 343 323 338 362 298 162 172 233 293 357 348 312 296 318 344 326 286 222 245 275 367 411 373 340 313 360 367 343 289 218 214 270 351 398 347 347 329 328 318 312 219 200 187 240 333 449 367 309 296 306 316 313 238 191 172 262 338 368 329 293 292 303 295 313 244 174 199 265 285 342 323 293 277 261 296 285 214 307 273 338 422 411 413 351 325 340 349 331 273 507,562 530,843 556,100 574,924 598,326 629,447 631,922 644,406 646,186 651,612 662,224 685,289 688,264 711,427 740,836 741,235 749,373 756,243 732,935 736,158 722,905 719,014 714,338 702,784 709,872 726,175 733,686 723,205 687,200 644,854 631,913 642,840 661,455 666,443 657,252 669,383 696,498 705,748 717,741 721,615 725,959 724,881 722,264 729,413 746.969 753,087 749,713 741.970 733,130 741,602 749,195 754,479 750,771 753,283 747,934 758,375 775,597 770,615 749,377 731,723 710.987 736,762 751,444 750.988 749,004 748,332 727,987 726,733 731,609 720,407 701,771 694,980 689,774 719,446 734,971 736,907 746,657 750,921 752,001 766,243 779,492 778,660 770,132 765,007 784,410 808,359 819,917 827,839 835,820 834,405 831,223 824,563 823,718 808,934 755,581 724,513 F IS H E R IE S January___ F ebruary. . M a rch ........ A pril........... M a y ............ June............ July............. August........ September . October___ N ovem b er. D ecem ber.. 145 202 265 344 320 336 306 277 287 304 327 276 243 243 408 532 580 463 505 397 442 453 477 379 278 473 396 492 661 609 511 478 500 493 523 366 266 375 300 615 595 522 480 481 514 530 571 355 373 333 393 559 578 450 464 432 427 480 542 391 248 258 284 429 427 435 480 493 414 400 418 335 347 286 384 443 460 450 485 485 450 483 475 520 230 241 263 345 374 333 345 315 322 314 327 270 M ANUFACTURES January___ February __ M a rch ........ April.......... M a y ............ June............ July............. August........ Septem ber. October___ N ovem b er. D ecem ber.. 484,788 491,040 499,749 602,701 489,327 485,763 472,014 469,234 473,116 466,685 442,558 441,831 463,895 482,533 499,706 5 il, 056 517,973 531,932 533,281 543,635 662,543 566,602 574,287 594,181 612,838 643,360 661,690 669.106 672,247 687,933 684.107 700,054 706,418 708,185 717,977 723,949 730,008 738,585 753,422 741,361 748,464 751,979 742,324 743,490 743,536 745,270 747 249 735,548 728,224 739,834 759,095 753,425 767,878 784,098 790,880 793,976 775,796 778,696 774,308 756,752 1 Includes a small number o f persons in some of the years in 731,343 716,585 713,013 709,252 706,836 728,345 761,881 788,524 794,472 759,045 793 552 822,599 841,071 834,445 857,366 846,274 824,476 844,531 835,352 801,398 785,346 750,158 688,556 626, 562 " Industries 542,341 536,545 530,071 530,598 529,435 524,630 499,263 508,228 512,913 521,458 531,039 525,271 not otherwise classified.” This number seldom exceeds 100. FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— BOTH SEXES January___ F e b ru a ry .. M a rch ........ April........... M a y ............ June............ July............. August........ Septem ber. October___ N ovem b er. D ecem ber.. 03 CO T able 1 4 .— Number (both sexes) employed on 15th of each month, 1914 to 1929 , by industry groups — Continued M IN IN G A N D Q U A R R Y IN G a M on th January___ February. _ M a rch ........ A pril........... M a y ............ June............ J uly............. August........ Septem ber. October___ N ovem ber. D ecem ber.. 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 48,877 48,624 48,970 12.679 12.679 12,402 16,663 29,178 33,487 34,791 33,378 33,415 32,186 31,304 31,104 32,212 30,513 35,432 36,806 36,581 49,710 30,697 42,452 43,261 42,088 43,000 43,239 36,947 40,461 43,176 45,096 46,484 47,203 47,662 47,918 47,208 48,825 48,906 48,989 48,717 50,801 52,980 53,760 55,010 55,291 55,574 56,238 57,301 55,303 55,903 56,852 56,841 57,471 58,008 58,719 58,738 57,100 56,769 54,569 53,395 50,458 46,768 46,344 47,004 48,706 50,835 51,801 54,397 55,091 55,045 16,296 46,862 53,595 52,652 52,984 52,329 53,516 55,086 55,507 56,702 57,207 57,948 58,273 59,034 52,432 48,372 46,916 43,455 45,191 47,300 47,123 48,059 49,308 51,238 51,311 46,502 45,761 46,555 46,897 10,967 11,997 13,408 14,243 41,542 61,522 62,802 63,347 62,768 59,099 58,059 57,282 54,485 53,156 53,428 51,220 50,415 52,162 52,261 49,475 46,874 45,591 46,086 44,573 37,444 35, 553 35, 221 36,089 36,653 38,698 40,777 40,257 40,267 39.518 39,278 37,343 32,143 32,901 32.519 31,244 33,612 36,090 37,817 39,319 39,474 37,749 36,403 35,421 33,496 31,181 30,361 29,045 29,313 33,137 38,177 43,447 41,022 41,148 41,669 41,581 15,667 15,288 15,870 15,811 16.401 17.402 17,952 17,820 17,949 15,342 16,133 16,841 17,081 18,265 19,680 20,741 22,088 24,067 25,920 27,467 27,248 26,582 27,387 27,690 26,590 25,912 26.652 25,894 28,033 28.653 29,464 29,770 28,929 60,961 61,471 62,523 63,802 65,055 67,031 67,628 67,826 69,263 68,437 67,717 67,441 70,023 70,876 72,069 73,446 75,313 77,768 77,199 78,009 79,617 78,764 77,978 77,604 81,974 82,897 83,941 86,604 87,713 88,649 87,438 86,997 87,501 86,631 85,362 84,342 107,024 107,447 108,790 112,447 114,060 116,009 115,040 115,567 116,429 116,006 114,330 113,405 117,721 118,520 120,270 123,687 126,189 127,753 126,014 126,406 127,190 127,648 126,140 125,551 124,481 125,061 126,936 131,545 132,594 134,293 132,640 132,370 133,694 132,386 130,802 129,502 131,453 131,859 133,840 137,214 139,665 141,622 140,339 141,047 142,911 142,055 140,680 139,824 144,389 144,966 148,130 152,109 154,867 157,709 157,057 156,737 158,505 156,641 153,975 152,223 1929 S E R V IC E 23,450 23,324 23,487 23,848 24,050 24,191 23,900 23,722 23,651 23,361 23,174 22,769 29,051 29,009 29.555 30,512 30,977 31,682 32,681 32,692 32,346 30,899 30,692 30,513 33,644 33,792 34,306 35,118 36,066 37,110 37,641 38,303 37,468 ‘ 37,681 37,618 36,857 40,904 41,118 42,093 42,761 43,345 44,690 44,662 45,075 44,495 43,648 43,032 42,484 47,694 47,666 48,550 49,464 50.306 51,204 50,414 50,317 49,429 47,234 47,304 47,924 48,970 49,438 50,188 51,582 52,939 53,848 53,765 54,232 53,507 53.850 53,527 53,599 59,310 59,631 60,732 62,167 63,418 65,022 65,774 65.926 ‘ 65,639 65,017 64,361 63,107 61,204 61,267 61,893 63,598 63,496 64,108 63.474 62.415 62,298 61,680 61,207 60,481 SUMMARY January— February. _ M a rch ........ A p ril.......... M a y ---------June............ J u ly ............ August____ September. October___ N ovem ber. D ecem ber.. T R A D E , W H O LE SA LE A N D R E T A IL 66,836 66,251 67,306 68,682 68,438 68,539 67,159 66,155 68,047 68,874 69,239 72,338 73,921 72,589 74,660 76,161 76,818 75,975 74,787 74,280 77,109 79,660 80,487 85,288 83,476 82,768 84,694 87,682 86,963 86,747 85,981 84,936 88,668 91,805 93,869 99,073 95,666 94,593 97,151 98,148 97,962 98,001 97,676 96,357 98,700 99,681 100,671 104,920 98,501 98,317 100,660 100,239 99,968 100.807 99,683 98,689 99,651 100,366 101.H 7 106,471 103,155 103,136 104,870 107,497 108,325 110,335 111,626 112,457 114,515 115,802 118,766 123,151 121,167 119,507 122,076 123,240 123,376 124,297 125,147 124,289 125,098 125,284 126,589 130,735 112,606 110,236 111,433 111,687 110,907 111,383 109,096 107,794 108,966 111,593 112,782 118,435 111,324 109,744 111, 639 115,663 115,302 116,755 117,215 116,129 118,212 121,309 125,662 134,149 122,096 121,905 125,157 126,682 127,440 129,233 128,195 127,285 130,671 131,635 135,601 144,174 135,590 135,859 137,970 140,474 139,156 138,723 137,875 136,994 139,859 141,763 144,559 155,121 122,243 121,441 123,010 125,419 125,329 125,509 123,598 124,047 126,068 130,185 132,703 143,589 127,854 126,651 128,273 130,275 130,830 130,511 129,534 129,402 133,517 136,336 139,169 150,883 134,570 133,883 135,728 138,802 138,361 138,600 136,802 136,908 138,770 142,306 144,117 157,791 133,135 132,598 135,172 137,278 138,022 139,173 138,533 137,787 142,182 145,124 147,324 163,029 139,904 139,981 143,364 146,154 147,133 148,505 147,296 147,822 151,122 155,118 155,454 168,839 66,317 66,644 67,146 68,872 70,371 71,639 72,208 71,336 70,143 69,071 68,209 67,201 62,590 63,491 64,694 66,920 68,211 70,263 72,273 73,698 73,769 73,579 72,212 71,411 75,106 74,594 75,901 78,480 80,465 81,895 83,894 83,174 82,510 82,218 81,895 79,959 76,354 75,725 7 a 644 78,577 80,069 81,927 83,697 83,749 83,446 82,957 80,781 78,117 74,622 74,252 75,795 79,638 82,370 84,255 84,521 85,704 86,221 86,410 85,487 82,916 76,538 76,604 78,428 80,890 82,680 83,625 84,950 86,091 85,030 85,238 84,323 81,249 T R A N S P O R T A T IO N A N D P U B L IC U T IL IT IE S Jan u a ry___ F e b r u a r y -. M a rc h ......... A p r il........ .. M a y _______ J u n e ............. J u ly .............. A u g u st____ S e p te m b e r. O cto b e r____ N o v e m b e r. D e ce m b e r— 35,176 35,012 34,338 36,482 39,165 41,081 42,107 42; 242 40,681 39,70(4 37,476 35,015 46,425 44,023 45,012 47,596 50,561 54,085 52,319 52,450 52,999 52,035 51,826 52,088 50,556 49,143 50,018 53,089 55,446 57,366 58,757 59,717 59,854 58,911 58,698 57,186 55,794 55,159 57,131 59,060 61,898 62,029 62,206 61,652 60,804 60,573 60,362 58,256 58,075 58,452 59,151 59,344 59,992 61,060 6 a 953 6 a 691 59,671 59,577 58,780 57,629 * Indudes all persons working in or around mines and quarries. 59,068 59,215 59,401 60,483 61,534 61,775 62,473 62; 540 62,507 61,908 61,980 61,176 6 a 289 59,496 6 a 670 62,199 63,683 65,598 66,146 66,582 66,614 67,322 66,703 65,746 58,799 57,527 57,576 59,057 58,782 60,437 60,529 60,210 59,674 58,707 58,506 57,219 54,164 54,624 54,524 55,771 57,954 60,170 62,782 63,661 63,760 62,336 62,328 61,606 60,592 60,098 61,624 63,474 65,628 67,986 69,043 70,197 68,658 68,800 67,895 66,511 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— BOTH SEXES Jan u ary___ F e b r u a r y .. M a rc h _____ A p r il............ M a y ............. J u n e ............. J u ly .............. A u g u st____ S e p te m b e r. O cto b e r-----N o v e m b e r. D e c e m b e r.. PART 1.— SUMMARY U> 43 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— BOTH SEXES Charts 8 and 9 present graphically the fluctuation of employment (both sexes) each year for all industries combined and for coal mining. The line is broken at the end of each year for reasons previously stated. The figures upon which the chart for coal mining is based are found in the M onthly Labor Review for August, 1930 (pp. 12-23). Maximum employment was reached in June in 4 years, in Septem ber in 2 years, in October in 2 years, and in December in 2 years. The months of January, March, April, July, August, and November each marked the maximum in one year. Minimum employment was reached in January in 10 years, in December in 3 years, in July in 2 years, and in February in 1 year. Table 15 compares the industry groups with reference to variation of employment for all persons (both sexes) within each year. T able 15 .— Maximum and minimum employment (both sexes) in each industry group , 1914 to 1929 Maximum M inim um Variation from mymTnnm Year and industry group M on th N um ber 631,217 December___ 68,514 9,8 January.......... February-----January-........ December___ June................ December___ August........... M arch............ 931 20,603 199 60,870 36,568 1,422 6,183 7,904 35.4 49.5 57.8 M onth Num ber 699,731 M arch............ Num ber Per cent 1914 All industries................................ Agriculture............................................... Construction........................................... Fisheries................................................... Manufactures........................ ........ ........ M ining and quarrying---------- -----------Service.................... ........ ........................ Trade, wholesale and retail__________ Transportation and public u tilities... OAA J u ly................ S eptem ber... April............... 602,701 48,970 24,191 72,338 42,242 M arch............ June............... December___ A ugu st.......... 21,023 145 441,831 12,402 22,769 66,165 34,338 851,990 December___ 673,460 January__ 178,530 21.0 3,973 July________ 56,554 September . . . 580, M a y ............... 594,181 December___ 43,261 ........ do............. 32,692 August........... 85,288 December___ 54085 June...... ........ 2,203 24,506 January__ F ebruary. 1,770 32,048 !• 337 130,286 12,748 3,683 12,699 10,062 44.6 56.7 58.1 21.9 29.5 11.3 14.9 18.6 41,626 12.1 74.7 5.9 8.5 18.7 1915 A ll industries. Agriculture............ Construction........... Fisheries. Manufactures.......................................... M ining and quarrying........................... Service....................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail.................. Transportation and public utilities... Jan uary... 30,513 M a y .......... 29,009 February. 72,589 ------- do____ 44, 0.23 ------- do____ 1916 All industries................................ A griculture-............................................ Construction........ .................................... Fisheries................................................... Manufactures.......................................... M ining and quarrying.......................... Service...................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail------ --------Transportation and public utilities. . . 5,035 77,812 661 723,949 47,918 99,073 59,854 N o v e m b e r... 865,0134 January. . 167,805 16.2 J uly................ Septem ber-. . M a y ............... December___ N o v e m b e r... August......... . December___ September. _. 2,925 39,229 278 612,838 36,947 33,644 82,768 49,143 January.. -------do___ ____ do___ ........ do— April____ January.. February. ........ do___ 2,110 41.9 49.6 57.9 15.3 22.9 111, 111 10,971 4,659 16,305 10,711 12.2 16.5 17.9 1917 A ll industries................................ 1, 094,971 Agriculture............ ................................. Construction........... ................................ Fisheries.................................................... Manufactures............. ............................. M ining and quarrying........................... Service............. ........................................ Trade, wholesale and retail.................. Transportation and public utilities... 5,897 85,176 615 753,422 57,301 45,075 104,920 62,206 January......... 69,124 6.3 3,585 January......... 49,241 February-----266 January___ _ 730,008 — ..d o ............. 48,717 A p r il............. 4Q ,904 January.......... 94,593 February-----55,159 ....... do............. 2,312 35,935 349 23,414 8,584 4,171 10,327 7, 0,47 39.2 42.2 56.7 3.1 15.0 9.3 9.8 11.3 June................ 1, 025,847 J uly................ August........... April............... M arch............ December___ August........... December___ J u ly................ 44 PART 1.— SUMMARY T able 15.—M aximum and minimum employment (both sexes) in each industry group , 1914 to 1929 — Continued Maximum M inim um Variation from maximum Year and industry group Number M onth N um ber M onth N um ber Per cent 1918 1,141,742 A ll industries.............................. August........... 1,038,782 5,911 June________ 74,001 J u ly................ 578 M a y ............... 793,976 August........... 58,738 ........ do............. 51,204 June________ 106,471 December___ 61,060 June............... Agriculture............................................ Construction......................................... Fisheries................................................. Manufactures........................................ M ining and quarrying........................ Service..................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail................ Transportation and public utilities.. January......... 104; 960 3,772 January.____ 44,840 ........ do----------333 February____ 728,224 January......... 53,395 December___ 47,234 October_____ 98,317 February____ 57,629 December___ 2,139 29,161 245 65,752 5,343 3,970 8,154 3,431 9.2 36.2 39.4 42.4 8.3 9.1 7.8 7.7 5.6 1919 A ll industries.............................. 1,157,486 S eptem b er... 1,016,085 6,045 July 73,401 October.......... 520 December___ 822,599 ........ do............. 55,091 September— 54,232 August ___ 123,151 December___ 62,540 August........... Agriculture............................................ Construction......................................... Fisheries................................................. Manufactures........................................ M ining and quarrying........................ Service.................................................. . Trade, wholesale and retail................ February____ 141,401 12.2 2,464 3,581 January_____ 36,932 February------ 36,469 234 286 -------do— ........ 706,836 M a y ............... 115,763 16,296 N ovem ber___ 38,795 5,262 48,970 January 103,136 February____ 20,015 3,472 59,068 January......... 40.8 49.7 45.0 14.1 70.4 9.7 16.3 5.6 1920 December___ 231,741 18.7 6,134 86,793 493 857,366 59,034 65,926 130,735 67,322 _____ July Septem ber.. . August M arch______ December___ August........... December___ October.......... 3,804 January _ 2,330 54,699 February------ 32,094 248 January ___ 245 626,562 December___ 230,804 52,329 April-----------6,705 59,310 January.......... 6,616 119,507 February------ 11,228 59,496 ........ d o............. 7,826 38.0 37.0 49.7 26.9 11.4 10.0 8.6 11,6 874,556 January_____ 843,949 July................ 30,607 3.5 3,481 39,820 230 499,263 43,455 60,481 107,794 57,219 January.......... February____ January.......... July................ April............... December___ August December___ 1,854 21,608 144 43,078 8,977 3,627 10,641 3,310 34.8 35.2 38.5 7.9 17.1 5.7 9.0 5.5 1,241,540 A ll industries... A gricu ltu re............................ Construction.... ................... Fisheries................................... Manufactures.......................... M ining and quarrying.......... Service...................................... Trade, wholesale and retail- June............... 1,009,799 1921 A ll industries... Agriculture.............................. Construction........................... Fisheries................................... Manufactures.......................... M ining and quarrying.......... Service...................................... Trade, wholesale and retail- . 5,335 J u ly................ 61,428 September. ._ 374 M a y ............... 542,341 January......... 52,432 ........ do............. _ _ 64.108 June _ 118,435 December___ 60,529 July................ 1922 A ll industries.. Agriculture.............................. Construction........................... Fisheries—............................... Manufactures.......................... M ining and quarrying.......... Service...... ................................ Trade, wholesale and retail.. .1,072,712 December___ 816,354 January......... 256,358 23.9 5,468 71,585 412 685,289 63,347 69,263 134,149 63,760 June............... August........... M a y ............... December___ N ovem b er.. . S eptem ber... December___ S eptem ber... 3,323 February____ 2,145 32,759 ........ d o ............. 38,828 232 January......... 180 507,562 ........ do............. 177,727 10,967 April________ 52,380 60,961 January.......... 8,302 109,744 February____ 24,405 54,164 January_____ 9,596 39.2 54.2 43.7 25.9 82.7 12.0 18.2 15.1 . 1923 A ll industries... Agriculture.............................. Construction........................... Fisheries................................... Manufactures.......................... M ining and quarrying.......... Service...................................... Trade, wholesale and retail.. 1,169,640 5,696 85,939 357 756,243 59,099 79,617 144,174 70,197 June................ 1,052,896 July................ August........... M a y ............... June............... January......... S eptem ber... December___ August........... January......... 116,744 3,398 ........ d o............. 46,665 February-----162 January......... 688,264 ........ do............. 46,874 December___ 70,023 January . . 121,905 February____ 60,098 ........ d o ............ 2,298 39,274 195 67,979 12,225 9,594 22,269 10,099 10.0 40.3 45.7 54.6 9.0 20.7 12.1 15.4 14.4 45 FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT— BOTH SEXES T able 15*—Maximum and minimum employment (both sexes) in each industry group, 1914 to 19®9—Continued M axim um M inim um V ariation from m aximum Y ear and industry group N um ber M onth M on th N um ber J u ly ................ 71,162 6.3 4,295 January......... 2,936 53,549 February____ 36,781 222 January 189 631,913 July 101,773 35,221 June................ 10,865 81,974 January_____ 6,675 19,531 135,590 ........ do_______ 66,317 ........ d o_______ 5,891 40.6 40.7 46.0 13.9 23.6 7.5 12.6 8.2 N um ber Per cent 1924 A ll industries............... 1,134,424 A griculture........................ i~ C onstruction........................... Fisheries................................... M anufactures.......................... M ining and qu a rryin g-........ Service............................. ........ Trade, wholesale and reta il- 7,231 90,330 411 733,686 46,086 88,649 155,121 72,208 1925 A ll industries................. A griculture............................— C onstruction................................. Fisheries............... - ....................... M anufactures............................... M ining and quarrying................ Service....................................— Trade, w holesale and retail........ Transportation and p u blic u tilities— 1,206,246 7,868 92,880 398 753,087 39,518 116,429 143,589 73,769 1926 A ll industries............................... 1,259,325 A griculture.............................................. C onstruction..................................... — Fisheries................. M anufactures.......................................... M ining and q u a rryin g-...................... . Service........... - ....................................... . T rade, wholesale and retail.................. Transportation and p u blic u tilitie s... 8,937 98,970 449 775,597 43,447 127,753 150,883 83,894 1927 A ll industries.............................. . 1,225,049 A gricu ltu re................ .......... ............ ...... C onstruction.......................................... . Fisheries.................................................. . M anufactures........ ................................ . M ining and q u a rryin g-........................ Service................................................... . T rade, w holesale and retail.................. Transportation and pu blic u tilitie s... 9,409 102,812 368 751,444 41,669 134,293 157,791 83,749 1928 A ll industries.............................. . 1,282,284 A gricu ltu re............................................. . C onstruction........................................ . Fisheries................................................... M anufactures.......................................... M ining and quarrying.......................... Service............. ...................................... . T rade, w holesale and retail.................. T ransportation and pu blic u tilities... 10,686 97,550 342 779,492 27,467 142,911 163,029 86,410 1929 A ll industries............................... 1,356,004 A gricu ltu re............ ................................ C onstruction........................................... Fisheries................................. ............... . M anufactures.......................................... M ining and quarrying.......................... Service...................................................... Trade, wholesale and retail.................. Transportation and p u b lic utilities__ 6 6429°— 32------ 4 A pril________ 1,063,262 J u ly .________ August______ M ay r M arch _ February____ June............... D ecem ber___ July_________ O ctober.......... 1,086,463 July_________ August______ M ay............... O ctober.......... JanuaryS ep tem b er... Decem ber— S ep tem b er... S ep tem b er... 1,151,739 J u ly................ Septem ber— M ay............... Septem ber. . . N o v e m b e r... June________ D ecem ber___ J u ly................ 3,064 39,353 184 56,589 8,274 9,405 22,148 11,179 January-........ 107,586 5,285 ........ d o ............. 54,655 ........ d o............. 187 February____ 731,723 D ecem ber___ 29,045 July................ 117,721 January 126,651 February____ 74,594 ........ do_______ June............... 1,152,874 J u ly................ A ugust........... M ay............... M arch............ February-----June________ D ecem ber___ A ugust........... January......... 119,783 4,804 ........ d o_______ 53,527 ........ d o ............ 214 February____ 696,498 January-........ 31,244 July 107,024 January......... 121,441 February____ 62,590 January-........ 3,652 44,315 262 43,874 14,402 10,032 24,232 9,300 9.9 38.9 42.4 46.2 7.5 20.9 8.1 15.4 15.2 8.5 40.9 44.8 58.4 5.7 33.1 7.9 16.1 11.1 January......... 72,175 5.9 5,947 ........ d o............. 59,160 ........ d o............. 172 February-----694,980 D ecem ber___ 15,288 M a y............... 124,481 .Tannery , 133,883 February-----75,725 ........ do_______ 3,462 43,652 196 56,464 26,381 9,812 23,908 8,024 36.8 42.5 53.3 7.5 63.3 7.3 15.2 9.6 O ctober-------- 1,105,408 January_____ 176,876 13.8 6,507 53,034 174 689,774 15,342 131,453 132,598 74,252 F ebruary____ ____ do............. January......... ........ d o............. ____ d o............. ........ d o_______ February-----........ do............. 4,179 44,516 168 89,718 12,125 11,458 30,431 12,158 39.1 45.6 49.1 11.5 44.1 8.0 18.7 14.1 July_________ A ugust........... M a y............... Septem ber. N ovem ber. . . Septem ber— D ecem ber___ O ctober.......... July_________ 1,230,724 11,395 ____ d o .______ 97,838 422 A pril________ 835,820 29,770 158,505 168,839 86,091 M ay............... N o v e m b e r... S ep tem b er... D ecem ber___ A ugust........... D ecem ber___ ,125,280 9 .2 6,646 January-........ 4,749 51,965 ........ d o_______ 45,873 /F ebru ary-----273 (D ecem ber___ } 149 724,513 D ecem ber___ 111,307 25,894 J u ly ................ 3,876 144,389 January......... 14,116 139,904 ........ d o............. 28,935 76,538 ........ d o............. 9,553 41.7 46.9 35.3 13.3 13.0 8.9 17.1 11.1 O* PART 1. Chart 9 —FLUCTUATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN COAL M INING, 1914-1929 m UNEMPLOYMENT MEASURED BY FLUCTUATION 47 Unemployment o f Males in Ohio as Approximately Measured by Fluctuation of Employment The material brought together in this report gives perhaps a better picture of unemployment of males than has heretofore been available for any considerable area and for a long series of years. This report covers, for the years 1914 to 1929, practically all estab lishments in Ohio regularly employing three or more persons (five or more for 1914 to 1923) as well as a number employing fewer. All indus try groups in the State are covered except interstate transportation and governmental agencies. ^The industry groups included are manu factures, construction, mining and quarrying, service, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and public utilities, agriculture, and fisheries. In the establishments reporting in each of the eight industry groups included in tins report all persons employed for wages or salaries are covered except traveling salespeople and superin tendents and managers. In undertaking to measure unemployment from the data on fluc tuation of employment the discussion in this section is confined to males. Females are omitted for the reason that a considerable num ber of females who work part time are not available for full-time work. Many women who accept employment as saleswomen during the rush seasons before Christmas or before Easter or who accept temporary office work during busy periods do not want full-time work. An un usual demand for help will practically always attract woman workers, particularly married women who were employed when single. With the large reserve of possible wage earners, clerks, and salespeople among females the difference in number employed at the high point and at the low point within a year gives no satisfactory measure of the number of females seeking or wanting work. W ith male wage earners, clerks, and salespeople quite a different condition exists. Practically all men in those general occupation groups who are physically and mentally fit for work, find work an economic necessity. It is true that in some skilled jobs in particular but little effort is made to secure work during the dull season of the year. However, the great m ajority of men physically and mentally fit who earn their living as wage earners, clerks, or salesmen are em ployed either full or part time or are involuntarily idle. For men, work outside the home is generally a necessity, while for women it may be either a necessity or a choice. Table 16 snows the variation from maximum employment of males within each year in Ohio in 1914 to 1929. It will be seen that there are marked differences between years, due doubtless to a variety of causes. In 1921, for instance, there was very slight fluctuation as it was a year of low employment and many were unemployed even during the month of maximum employment.^ In 1917 and 1918, which was the war period, there was com paratively low fluctuation as employment was at a high point throughout each year. An analysis of the figures for 1929 will suffice for explanation of each of the years in the period covered. 48 T able PART 1.— SUMMARY 16 *— V ariation in number o f males employed on 15th o f each month, 1914 to 1929, all industries Y ear 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 N um ber of m ales E stablishem ployed ____________________ m ents covered M axim um M inim um 15,144 19,043 21,038 23,108 24,298 25,064 28,833 24,871 25,837 27,418 31,740 34,628 37.181 39,656 40,992 43.181 569,663 700,759 859,150 913,903 921,398 937,211 998,935 680,651 848,069 931,266 891,731 945,843 990,383 953,784 993,705 1,054,154 506,234 540,558 713,854 848,245 847,497 804,116 792,564 653,731 626,884 832,645 833,115 847,398 898,011 869,457 843,462 921,442 V ariation from TnaYiminn N um ber 63,429 160,201 145,296 65,658 73,901 133,095 206,371 26,920 221,185 98,621 58,616 98,445 92,372 84,327 150,243 132,712 Per cent 11.1 22.9 16.9 7.2 8.0 14.2 20.7 4.0 26.1 10.6 6.6 10.4 9.3 8.8 15.1 12.6 This report covers for 1929 practically all establishments in Ohio regularly employing three or more persons as well as a number employing fewer than three, in all industry groups in the State except interstate transportation and governmental agencies. The industry groups included are manufactures, construction, mining and quarry ing, service, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and public utilities, agriculture, and fisheries. The total number of establish ments included is 43,181. The general occupation groups covered are wage earners; bookkeepers, stenographers, and office clerks; and salespeople (not traveling). The peak of employment for males in Ohio in 1929 in the eight industry groups covered by this report came in July. A t that time the 43,181 establishments reported 1,054,154 males employed. The same establishments reported 132,712, or 12.6 per cent, fewer males employed in December. January was the month of second lowest employment for males when the number was 110,634 or 10.5 per cent, less than the maximum. The opportunities for work for these 132,712 males in December would seem to come within the following possibilities: (a) To secure work with the same firms as traveling salesmen, superintendents, or managers which are occupations not covered in this report. (b) To secure work in establishments employing fewer than three persons. Comparatively few of these small establishments are included in this report. (c) To secure work in interstate transportation which is not covered by this report. (d) To secure work in a governmental department or agency which is a group not covered by this report. (e) To go into business on their own account. ( /) To secure work outside of Ohio. UNEMPLOYMENT MEASURED BY FLUCTUATION 49 The probabilities of securing work in December in the enumerated lines would be as follows: (a) The tendency was probably to reduce, rather than to increase, the number of traveling salesmen, superintendents, and managers during the period of the year when the employment of wage earners, bookkeepers, stenographers, office clerks, and salesmen (not traveling) was at the lowest point. (b) The course of employment within establishments employing fewer than three persons probably follows rather closely the course in larger establishments; therefore, few, if any, additional males could secure work in these small establishments. (c) According to monthly reports of the Interstate Commerce Commission2 covering Class I steam railroads in the United States, employment was 8.1 per cent lower in December than in July, 1929. Only one month in the year, January, shows lower employment. In terstate transportation by water would be practically closed during December. (d) Governmental departments and agencies generally hire their professional and clerical employees on a more or less permanent basis and there is seldom any rapid increase during periods of minimum employment in industry. The number of wage earners on Govern ment undertakings would probably be at, or near, the minimum in December. (e) Comparatively few of the workers covered in this report could go into business for themselves except in some house to house can vassing venture. (f) It is probable that employment generally reaches its minimum in near-by industrial States at about the same period as it does in Ohio. An analysis of the possibilities and of the probabilities of securing work seems to establish rather conclusively that the great majority of males who worked in the 43,181 establishments in the eight indus try groups during the busy months of 1929, and who were not em ployed by these establishments in December, remained unemployed. Examination of conditions in July (the month of maximum em ployment during 1929) indicates that probably a considerable num ber were unemployed even at that peak. It is impossible, of course, in this brief report to make any detailed analysis of localities or of firms. The industry group figures shown in Table 5 give some indi cation of conditions. In the industry groups the following conditions are shown: (1) In manufactures, 4,845 fewer males were employed in July than in M ay; (2) in mining and quarrying, 3,876 fewer males were employed in July than in November; (3) in service, 880 fewer males were employed in July than in September; (4) in trade, 4,612 fewer males were employed in July than in December; (5) in transporta tion and public utilities, 1,211 fewer males were employed in July than in August; and (6) in fisheries, 72 fewer males were employed in July than in April. 3 IT. S. Bureau o f Labor Statistics. M on th ly Labor R eview for Septem ber, 1930, p . 192. 50 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLES Only two industry groups, construction and agriculture, reached their maximum employment in July even though for all industries it represented the peak of employment for the year. It seems prob able that some of the 15,496 males enumerated above in the other six industry groups were unemployed at the highest point for the year, July. In conclusion we may om it undetermined factors such^ as the number unemployed in December in interstate transportation and on outside governmental activities and the number unemployed by reason of inability to shift from one plant to another, from one industry to another, or from one locality to another, and the number who were unemployed for one reason or another in July in the eight industry groups covered by this report. W e have, however, definite reports for 1929, which, with those for the five preceding years, may be summarized as follows: In 1929, 43,181 establishments reported 132,712, or 12.6 per cent, fewer males employed in December than in July, and an average for the year (see Table 4) which was 49,871, or 4.7 per cent, Jess than the maximum. In 1928, 40,992 establishments reported 150,243, or 15.1 per cent, fewer males employed in January than in September, and an average for the year which was 54,138, or 5.4 per cent, less than the maximum. In 1927, 39,656 establishments reported 84,327, or 8.8 per cent, fewer males employed in December than in June, and an average for the year which was 32,031, or 3.4 per cent, less than the maximum. In 1926, 37,181 establishments reported 92,372, or 9.3 per cent, fewer males employed in January than in September, and an average for the year which was 43,643, or 4.4 per cent, less than the maximum. In 1925, 34,628 establishments reported 98,445, or 10.4 per cent, fewer males employed in January than in October, and an average for the year which was 38,676, or 4.1 per cent, less than the maximum. In 1924, 31,740 establishments reported 58,616, or 6.6 per cent, fewer males employed in July than in April, and an average for the year which was 34,669, or 3.9 per cent, less than the maximum. For the 16-year period, 1914-1929, the month of minimum employ ment for males in the industry groups covered in this report showed an average of 12.8 per cent below the month of maximum employ ment; and the average employment for the year was 5.2 per cent less than the maximum. P art 2.—GENERAL TABLE C ompiled by the D ivision of L abor Statistics D epartment of I ndustrial R elations of Ohio 51 General Table The table presented herewith shows for all industries in the State of Ohio except mining and quarrying the number of employees on the 15th of each month from 1914 to 1929, inclusive, by industry group, and by three major occupation groups— wage earners, office em ployees, and salespeople. Iii the case of mining and quarrying, the original reports do not permit complete separation for some years into these three occupa tion groups. Detailed data for mining and quarrying^ showing monthly fluctuations in employment by types o f mining: i. e., coal mining, sandstone quarrying, etc., are given in the M onthly Labor Review of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for August, 1930 (pp. 12-23), and are not reprinted here. The combined data for these industries, however, are given hi the summary tables in part 1 of this report. As noted in the introduction to the bulletin, the figures here pre sented in total cover practically all industrial employment in the State of Ohio, with the exception of (a) interstate transportation and government activities, which are not required to furnish em ployment reports to the State, and (6) persons employed by employers of less than five persons prior to 1924 and of less than three persons since the beginning of 1924. Employers with less than the mentioned numbers of employees have not been required to report to the State, and, as a result, the data for agricultural employment is incomplete, as most Ohio farmers employ too few laborers to necessitate reporting. This is also the case with domestic service. Also, as noted in the introduction to this bulletin, the statistical information presented in this table was compiled by the Department of Industrial Relations of Ohio for all the years covered by the report except 1922, the material for 1922 having been collected by that department but compiled by the United States W omen's Bureau. The material compiled by these agencies has, however, been published for less than half the years covered by this report. In general, the annual compilations made by the Ohio Depart ment of Industrial Relations followed the same system of classifica tion, and this permits presentation of the material in uniform tables from year to year. Occasional differences exist in the terminology o f the industry groups, but such differences are not important. 53 T able A , — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex 1 9 1 4 : WAGE EARNERS Industry and sex Fem ales _ Agriculture M ales______________________________________ Fem ales Fruits, p ou ltry, and nurseries________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ General farm ing_____________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ A griculture, n. o. c ___________________________ M ales ...... _ . Fem ale* __ _______ _ __ Construction_____________________________ _ M ales - - __________________________________ Fem ales ........ - ......... B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork_______________ M a le s _____________________________________ Fem ales _ E lectrical contracting , M ales ____________________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ General contracting__________________________ M a le s _____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ O il and gas d rillin g__________________________ M ales . . . _________________________________ Fem ales Painting and dfinnrating _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 14,149 547,213 551,276 562,619 576,394 570,558 573,248 560,395 558,056 561,822 551,266 519,259 505,549 457,505 460,308 471,407 487,152 482,796 486,579 475,549 471,819 473,264 463,156 434,437 422,360 89,708 90,968 91,212 89,242 87,762 86,669 84,846 86,237 88,558 88,110 84,822 82,689 1,590 1,491 99 263 258 5 1,177 1,086 91 150 147 3 1,624 1,513 111 238 233 5 1,228 1,125 103 158 155 3 1,776 1,652 124 376 370 6 1,240 1,125 115 160 157 3 2,317 2>171 146 649 643 6 1,499 1,362 137 169 166 3 2,375 2^218 157 574 567 7 1,627 1,480 147 174 171 3 2,486 2^337 149 479 477 2 1,830 1,686 144 177 174 3 163 502 478 24 1,837 1,701 136 182 179 3 21,447 21,405 42 2,431 2,430 19,358 19,319 39 1.763 1.763 22,008 21,964 44 2.203 2.203 38,447 38,375 72 4,061 4,060 730 730 694 694 660 660 33,823 33,766 57 3,750 3,749 1 714 714 37,701 37,606 95 3,944 3,9*5 70 29,538 29,480 58 3,208 3,207 1 715 715 682 8,442 8,436 6 2^437 2,437 7,572 7,566 6 2,262 2,262 8,729 8,722 7 2,281 2,281 12,062 12,054 8 2.456 2.456 13,408 13,400 8 2.501 2.501 969 952 17 943 928 15 1,233 1,217 16 1,645 1,627 18 1,945 1,927 18 833 816 17 14,964 14,948 16 2,873 2,855 18 1,804 1,791 13 153 16 120 17 2,004 266 107 140 2,521 70,845 64,292 8,623 12.3 13.2 9.3 36.9 36.8 39.3 63.3 63.8 2,451 2^325 126 474 471 3 1,786 1,666 120 191 188 3 2,237 2,105 132 411 408 3 1,634 1,508 126 192 189 3 2,303 2,173 130 587 573 14 1,518 1,405 113 ‘ 198 195 3 2,065 1,965 100 500 495 5 1,381 1,289 92 184 181 3 1,691 1,591 100 296 291 5 1,224 1,132 92 171 168 3 931 867 64 411 410 22 660 615 56 48 48 39,855 39,765 90 4,144 4,143 1 992 961 31 16,362 16,353 9 2.530 2.530 36,784 36,705 79 3.768 3.768 31,340 31,284 56 3.412 3.412 22,030 21,982 48 2.250 2.250 20,497 20,446 56 2,478 2,477 897 871 26 15,533 15,525 8 2,820 2,820 39,232 39,157 75 4,241 4,240 1 888 864 24 15,956 15,948 8 2.737 2.737 862 843 19 15,427 15,415 12 2.456 2.456 784 784 715 715 12,880 12,874 6 2.325 2.325 8,667 8,660 7 2.156 2.156 1,420 1,411 9 1,366 1,352 14 1,388 1,369 19 1,360 1,341 19 1,232 1,211 21 971 949 22 332 301 31 8,790 8,787 10 717 699 18 1,002 999 13 %358 Per cent ^ .9 36.2 38.1 24.2 24.6 51.4 51.4 0) 58.4 58.4 0) 33.5 31.3 Z .7 53.7 (0 25.0 24.5 51.8 0) PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE ALL INDUSTRIES_______________ M^Ias _ N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting 34 PlasteringM a le s ... 216 66 151 233 18 32 Fisheries...................................................... 15 M ales..... .................................................... Manufactures............................................ 6,749 M ales.......................................................... Fem ales...................................................... Chem icals and allied p rod u cts.................... M ales.......................................................... Fem ales....................................................... B aking pow der and yeast.......................... M ales................ ......................................... Fem ales.......... .......................................... C hem icals, acids, and w ood d istilla tion . M ales_____________________ ___________ Fem ales______________________________ E xplosives............. .............. ........................ M ales.......................................................... Fertilizers...................................................... M ales....................... ................................ Fem ales........................................... .......... Grease and tallow ........................................ M ales______________________________ 247 4 22 12 19 11 Fem ales...................................................... In k , printing................................................. M ales________________________________ Fem ales...................................................... P aint and varnish........................................ 60 Fem ales.......... ........................................... Patent m edicines and drug com pou n ds. 44 M ales...................... ........ ........................ M ales....................................................... Fem ales...................................................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 6 248 248 48.1 48.2 457 457 19.1 19.1 476 463 13 536 536 1 6,548 6,550 3 123 123 94 94 197 197 60,130 55,284 8,357 1,145 998 240 51 49 27 201 200 2 45 44 3 855 855 56.6 56.0 (0 33.9 34.0 <9 76.9 77.0 (9 31.5 31.5 26.8 26.8 60.6 60.6 114 115 17 4 4 26.5 27.5 0) , 1.4 1.4 263 217 47 173 70 109 15.2 14.0 26.6 21.9 17.2 28.4 13.0 14.0 11.8 10.1 9.9 17.8 18.1 24.3 27.0 9.7 9.7 0) 11.7 12.6 0) 64.1 64.1 1914: WAGE EARNERS P lum bing and steam fittin g...................... M ales............ ............................................ Fem ales............ ................. ....................... Sand and gravel excavating...................... M ales.......... .................. ............................. Fem ales.......... ............................................ Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing.................... M ales_________________________ _____ Fem ales...................................................... Street, road, and sewer con tracting......... M ales................ —...................................... Fem ales....................... .............................. V entilating and heating........... .................. M ales.............. .............. ............................. C onstruction, n . o . c ................................... M ales.................... ..................................... 305 446 269 424 459 268 480 497 516 437 351 515 304 423 445 458 268 267 479 515 436 350 514 496 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,132 2,382 2,304 2,239 2,397 2,047 2,142 2,193 2,326 1,940 2,214 1,995 2,130 2,324 2,380 2,302 2,395 2,045 2,212 1,191 2,237 1,938 1,993 2,140 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 803 447 820 835 841 700 395 365 658 778 517 793 443 789 821 394 764 364 513 644 779 806 827 686 4 14 14 1 4 14 14 14 14 14 14 1 1,303 1,227 1,172 1,044 1,569 1,500 1,144 1,544 1,580 1,520 1,415 1,566 1,224 1,141 1,300 1,412 1,563 1,169 1,041 1,566 1,497 1,540 1,577 1,517 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2,501 4,273 2,311 1,994 1,965 7,585 7,925 8,513 7,008 5,957 8,247 5,027 2,492 1,983 4,262 6,999 1,954 2,300 8,239 8,504 7,575 5,018 5,947 7,917 9 9 11 11 9 10 9 11 11 10 8 8 270 391 284 369 364 378 298 285 316 334 268 367 270 284 369 364 391 378 298 285 316 334 367 268 314 312 332 340 281 263 343 320 351 319 257 316 314 281 263 312 343 320 332 351 340 319 257 316 247 128 258 185 325 318 259 269 286 301 289 309 247 258 128 325 318 259 269 309 185 301 289 286 445,302 451,748 460,528 462,988 449,761 446,060 432,074 429,391 433,541 427,407 403,684 402,858 376,091 381,060 389,744 394,892 383,053 380,435 367,937 363,449 365,889 360,188 339,608 340,527 69,211 70,688 70,514 68,096 66,708 65,625 64,137 65,942 67,652 67,219 64,076 62,331 10,915 10,915 11,253 11,355 10,997 10,737 10,558 10,574 11,240 10,210 10,270 10,324 9,901 10,031 9,180 9,607 9,489 9,033 9,714 9,376 9,406 10,012 9,575 9,158 1,352 1,144 1,283 1,182 1,308 1,324 1,168 1,228 1,177 1,112 1,340 1,248 230 239 281 243 250 243 231 244 236 268 248 265 202 157 158 173 153 167 168 169 165 156 188 156 73 79 81 83 100 79 78 77 76 75 77 88 2,029 1,911 1,862 1,995 2,050 1,900 1,879 1,932 2,063 1,916 1,865 2,016 1,992 2,045 2,024 2,011 1,875 1,858 1,911 1,896 1,907 1,861 1,928 2,058 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 339 366 356 359 384 349 366 363 357 376 344 350 331 322 306 331 323 322 350 340 330 315 315 308 33 35 34 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 501 596 777 831 479 562 666 863 1,334 501 670 664 595 500 862 1,333 561 776 830 669 663 478 500 665 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 425 358 430 431 382 419 380 338 388 317 375 335 352 303 418 410 413 359 329 379 400 367 329 357 20 9 6 7 19 23 13 9 14 18 18 6 282 284 283 281 281 281 280 280 281 281 281 281 279 278 281 280 278 278 278 277 277 278 278 278 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1,493 1,483 1,469 1,556 1,594 1,676 1,732 1,554 1,709 1,700 1,627 1,608 1,502 1,397 1,358 1,425 1,532 1,420 1,353 1,555 1,477 1,458 1,338 1,537 159 174 169 134 130 131 135 163 150 150 177 177 789 767 772 710 669 620 647 678 681 616 648 677 383 394 408 382 345 356 360 371 367 338 357 358 384 381 292 378 302 328 306 275 290 323 278 318 Or Cn T able A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued Or O 1 9 1 4 : W A G E E A R N E B S -C on tin u ed Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re porting V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 953 950 3 865 782 83 2,532 2,002 530 291 266 25 15,981 12,274 3,707 4,391 3,431 960 968 901 67 719 375 344 968 965 3 859 781 78 2,495 1,958 537 306 282 24 15,926 12,254 3,672 4,521 3,534 987 998 925 73 653 349 304 993 990 3 862 787 75 2,507 1,957 550 313 288 25 16,220 12,372 3,848 4,558 3,567 991 1,017 943 74 760 388 372 1,038 1,036 2 834 760 74 2,651 2,076 575 269 245 24 15,997 12,328 3,669 4,445 3,439 1,006 1,103 1,020 83 684 406 278 1,012 1,009 3 841 766 75 2,565 2,005 560 316 299 17 16,069 12,296 3,773 4,462 3,461 1,001 1,171 1,079 92 798 484 314 980 979 1 802 725 77 2,458 1,901 557 293 284 9 17,320 13,185 4,135 4,549 3,504 1,045 1,276 1,189 87 1,649 1,003 646 997 995 2 781 706 75 2,415 1,874 541 277 268 9 17,262 13,146 4,116 4,505 3,456 1,049 1,228 1,149 79 1,716 921 795 972 970 2 777 697 80 2,427 1,906 521 240 230 10 18,958 14,183 4,775 4,484 3,485 999 1,166 1,093 73 3,037 1,867 1,170 925 923 2 845 759 86 2,518 1,964 554 216 207 9 22,008 15,334 6,674 4,630 3,582 1,048 1,136 1,064 72 5,128 2,714 2,414 916 914 2 868 783 85 2,506 1,982 524 227 218 9 21,492 15,010 6,482 4,589 3,528 1,061 1,076 1,011 65 3,831 1,876 1,955 992 990 2 862 780 82 2,357 1,915 442 254 244 10 19,062 14,221 4,841 4,557 3,536 1,021 1,031 962 69 1,806 1,034 772 960 959 1 815 733 82 2,360 1,890 470 260 252 8 17,968 13,775 4,193 4,502 3,521 981 1,000 933 67 916 552 364 122 122 2 91 90 12 294 202 133 100 92 17 6,082 3,080 3,005 239 151 101 308 288 27 4,475 2,365 2,136 700 366 334 2,625 1,053 1,572 124 88 36 724 373 351 2,634 1,088 1,546 118 81 37 732 369 363 2,741 1,116 1,625 129 86 43 747 381 366 2,651 1,115 1,536 137 94 43 715 368 347 2,611 1,123 1,488 152 103 49 715 358 357 2,497 1,117 1,380 311 105 206 704 366 338 2,358 1,108 1,250 251 106 145 724 385 339 2,854 1,202 1,652 135 93 42 753 381 372 3,550 1,334 2,216 133 87 46 700 370 330 3,901 1,349 2,552 143 92 51 657 353 304 3,443 1,251 2,192 135 85 50 645 353 292 3,158 1,166 1,992 127 78 49 108 32 80 1,543 296 1,302 193 28 170 Per cent Manufactures—C ontinued. Chem icals and allied products—C ontinued. Petroleum refining.................................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Salt............................................................................ M ales............ ........................................................ Fem ales.................................................... ........... Soaps and candles................................................. . M ales____________________________________ __ Fem ales...................................................... .......... Chem icals and allied products, n. o. c............... M ales____________________________________ _ Fem ales........ ................................................ . F ood and kindred products.................................. M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales__________________________________ _ B read and other bakery products................... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk ................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ Canning and preserving fruits and vegetables.. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding............................. .............................. M ales________________________ ______________ Fem ales____________________________________ C onfectionery.......................................................... M ales_______________________________ _______ F em ales _ _ _ _ _ C ordials and sirups................................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ 11 8 24 26 866 269 89 80 24 94 7 11.8 11.8 0) 10.5 11.4 0) 11.1 9.7 23.1 31.6 30.8 (0 27.6 20.1 45.0 5.2 4.2 9.5 24.1 24.2 0) 87.3 87.1 88.5 14.3 8.3 21.5 39.6 21.9 51.0 62.1 26.4 82.5 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Janu ary F lour-m ill and grist-m ill products...................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F ood preparations.......... ...................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........ ........................................................ Slaughtering and m eat packing.......................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Sugar......................................................................... M ales.............. .................................................... Fem ales............ ................................................... F ood and kindred products, n. o. c ................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales....................................: ......................... . Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........ ................. M ales............ ....................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . B last-furnace products.......................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, n ot m ade in steel w orks or rollin g m ills.......................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . Cash registers and calculating m achines.......... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . C utlery and tools.................................................. . M ales....................... .................. ......................... . Fem ales............ ................................................... . Forgings.... ............................................................... M ales__ ___________________________________ F e m a le s ...................... ...................................... F oun dry and m achine-shop products.............. M ales.................................................................... F em ales-............................................................. 192 5 17 74 3 16 1,245 Pil 36 15 6 49 35 778 6 Pum ps, not including steam p u m ps. M ales........................................ ........... 17 Safes and va u lts........ M ales....................... Scales and balances.. M ales....................... Fem ales.................. Screw s, m achine____ M a le s.___________ Fem ales................. . 14 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 7 8 1,703 1,752 1,707 1,705 1,683 1,659 1,701 1,796 1,660 1,806 1,706 1,715 1,702 1,654 1,698 1,701 1,791 1,678 1,747 1,696 1,701 1,710 1,801 1,655 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,059 1,110 1,119 1,059 939 1,038 1,205 996 1,014 1,020 976 1,260 789 852 774 762 757 902 714 801 628 781 776 796 353 348 281 321 323 234 225 219 358 285 238 278 3,222 3,270 3,133 3,399 3,230 2,122 3,443 3,127 3,138 3,179 4,022 3,296 3,202 3,163 3,052 3,219 3,078 3,164 3,315 3,065 3,051 3,109 3,366 3,909 62 60 84 68 81 67 58 71 77 70 77 113 112 62 93 91 73 109 170 193 943 77 961 579 72 92 192 111 169 90 61 108 76 956 938 576 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 5 271 256 283 293 254 295 295 297 267 286 285 255 202 191 194 221 226 197 217 225 225 226 224 205 69 65 70 69 60 71 70 66 68 65 61 50 158,945 158,793 161,957 164,746 155,634 157,424 152,719 148,204 147,782 143,906 128,924 134,609 149,793 154,379 155,665 158,719 161,511 152,560 145,346 144,953 141,067 126,190 131,979 155,944 2,926 2,829 3,128 3,235 3,074 3,045 2,858 2,839 3,001 3,238 2,734 2,630 3,801 3,702 3,602 4,194 4,489 4,275 4,175 4,525 3,454 2,963 3,024 4,165 4,521 4,190 4,171 4,271 3,797 3,698 4,485 3,598 3,450 2,959 4,161 3,020 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2,705 2,225 480 6,135 5,675 460 4,468 4,149 319 3,467 3,460 7 64,329 63,553 776 1,867 1,867 1,198 1,198 2,759 2,239 520 6,150 5,675 475 4,457 4,130 327 3,507 3,498 9 64,882 64,099 783 2,382 2,382 1,249 1,249 2,060 2,060 662 646 16 1,835 1,623 212 2,105 2,105 687 671 16 1>822 1,603 219 2,921 2,412 509 5,984 5,513 471 4,554 4,224 330 3,630 3,619 11 65,582 64,760 822 2,535 2,535 1,230 1,229 1 2,050 2,050 690 674 16 1,889 1,666 223 2,859 2,348 511 5,946 5,475 471 4,585 4,244 341 3,544 3,536 8 64,970 64,155 815 2,564 2,564 1,202 1,200 2 2,062 2,062 675 661 14 1,925 1,707 218 2,722 2,231 491 5,862 5,405 457 4,396 4,085 311 3,198 3,192 6 63,584 62,774 810 2,206 2,206 1,133 1,130 3 2,089 2,089 574 560 14 1,815 1,611 204 2,689 2,232 457 5,747 5,283 464 4,209 3,895 314 2,901 2,896 5 63,184 62,384 800 2,257 2,257 1,083 1,080 3 2,069 2,069 547 533 14 1,739 1,529 210 2,661 2,238 423 5,762 5,304 458 3,943 3,638 305 2,821 2,818 3 61,781 61,041 740 2,398 2,398 1,053 1,050 3 2,041 2,041 550 535 15 1,723 1,504 219 2,659 2,205 454 5,500 5,047 453 3,946 3,649 297 2,712 2,710 2 60,905 60,187 718 2,352 2,352 1,010 1,010 2,574 2,141 433 4,757 4,350 407 3,728 3,445 283 2,563 2,559 4 57,781 57,054 727 2,179 2,179 1,011 1,011 2,500 2,085 415 4,547 4,157 390 3,660 3,380 280 2,579 2,575 4 56,673 55,912 761 1,894 1,894 996 996 2,307 1,906 401 4,441 4,057 384 3,553 3,277 276 2,576 2,572 4 54,831 54,115 716 1,893 1,893 976 976 2,276 1,881 395 4,385 4,004 381 3,399 3,141 258 2,652 2,649 3 54,848 54,174 674 2,139 2,139 1,012 1,012 1,906 1,906 546 531 15 1,661 1,453 208 1,923 1,923 496 483 13 1,527 1,340 187 1,815 1,815 498 483 15 1,511 1,321 190 1,805 1,805 499 484 15 1,608 1,419 189 1,825 1,825 516 501 15 1,818 1,630 188 147 147 1 321 274 139 900 858 55 899 895 4 43 35 21 35,822 35,321 608 1,562 1,562 8.1 8.2 (0 25.5 30.4 38.8 22.4 21.9 48.7 93.5 93.6 0) 14.5 15.5 0) 21.7 21.9 18.8 34.5 34.5 645 531 125 1,765 1,671 94 1,186 1,103 83 1,067 1,060 9 10,751 10,645 148 697 697 273 273 3 300 300 194 191 3 414 386 36 22.1 22.0 24.0 28.7 29.4 19.8 25.9 26.0 24.3 29.4 29.3 (0 16.4 16.4 18.0 27.2 27.2 21.9 21.9 (i) 14.3 14.3 28.1 28.3 0) 21.5 22.6 16.1 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued Of 00 1 9 1 4 : W A G E E A R N E R S— C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re porting V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 16th of each m onth N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 2,314 2,215 99 968 968 47,744 47,418 326 7,221 7,186 35 2,468 2,411 57 1,407 1,405 2 1,617 1,493 124 2,326 2,241 84 18,740 12,210 6,530 2,318 2,217 101 977 977 44,303 43,974 329 8,043 8,008 35 3,307 3,201 106 1,438 1,436 2 1,667 1,545 122 2,546 2,466 80 19,309 12,760 6,549 2,321 2,217 104 1.067 1.067 46,141 45,783 358 7,909 7,874 35 3,638 3,513 125 1,436 1,434 2 1,628 1,501 125 2,579 2,477 102 18,351 12,194 6,157 2,215 2,127 88 974 974 49,754 49,381 373 7,968 7,930 38 3,525 3,399 126 1,264 1,262 2 1,518 1,394 124 2,671 2,571 100 15,371 10,297 5,074 2,039 1,966 73 1,009 1,009 44,152 43,818 334 7,440 7,415 25 3,490 3,369 121 1,228 1,226 2 1,495 1,377 118 2,713 2,612 101 16,718 10,965 5,753 1,895 1,826 69 823 823 47,078 46,737 341 7,748 7,719 29 3,563 3,453 110 1,336 1,334 2 1,565 1,445 120 2,716 2,613 103 17,966 11,666 6,300 1,798 1,736 62 752 752 46,225 45,897 328 6,848 6,818 30 3,230 3,115 115 1,325 1,323 2 1,335 1,217 118 2,672 2,571 101 18,524 11,947 6,577 1,463 1,426 37 953 953 43,065 42,727 338 6,982 6,951 31 3,239 3,145 94 1,258 1,256 2 1,431 1,309 122 2,914 2,831 83 18,415 11,848 6,567 1,651 1,602 49 1.057 1.057 46,004 45,630 374 7,442 7,407 35 3,471 3,361 110 1,326 1,324 2 1,612 1,490 122 3,078 2,999 79 17,419 11,313 6,106 1,548 1,502 46 1.093 1.093 43,982 43,603 379 7,536 7,497 39 3,564 3,452 112 1,421 1,419 2 1,621 1,501 120 3,014 2,932 82 16,650 10,928 5,722 1,695 1,642 53 1.156 1.156 33,788 33,418 370 7,240 7,207 33 2,413 2,325 88 1,302 1,300 2 1,489 1,369 120 2,389 2,310 79 17,722 11,580 6,142 1,786 1,732 54 1.097 1.097 39,251 38,884 367 7,274 7,240 34 2,302 2,241 61 1,207 1,205 2 1,562 1,445 117 2,236 2,159 77 17,643 11,555 6,088 858 791 67 404 404 15,966 15,963 53 1,195 1,190 14 1,336 1,272 69 231 231 37.0 35.7 64.4 34.9 34.9 32.1 32.3 14.0 14.9 14.9 0) 36.7 36.2 54.8 16.1 16.1 332 328 8 842 840 26 3,938 2,463 1,503 19.9 21.2 6.4 27.4 28.0 25.2 20.4 19.3 22.9 15,285 9,233 6,052 368 63 305 15,764 9,712 6,052 375 62 313 14,850 9,193 5,657 381 58 323 11,949 7,367 4,582 385 63 322 13,400 8,106 5,294 359 60 299 14,754 8,898 5,856 355 61 294 15,369 9,242 6,127 366 57 309 15,274 9,164 6,110 374 55 319 14,282 8,631 5,651 369 56 313 13,510 8,246 5,264 375 55 320 14,471 8,785 5,686 376 62 314 14,270 8,667 5,603 385 64 321 3,815 2,345 1,545 30 9 29 24.2 24.1 25.2 7.8 Manufactures—C on tin u ed . Iron and steel and their products—C on tin u ed. Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents____ M ales________________________________ Fem ales_____ ____________________________ Springs, steel, car and carriage...... ................ .. M ales__________ _____ ____________________ Steel works and rollin g m ills________________ M ales_________________________________ __ F em a les.______ ____________________ ______ Stoves and furnaces_______________ ___________ M ales_____________________________________ F em ales._______ __________________________ T in plate and tem eplate_____ ________________ M ales_________________ _____________________ Fem ales___________________________________ W ire_________________________________________ M ales_____________ _________________________ Fem ales_______ . . . _____________________ W irew ork, in clu din g w ire rope and ca b le____ M ales____________________________ __________ Fem ales_______ ______ ____ _________________ Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c ......... M ales__________ ____________: _______________ Fem ales______ ___________________________ Leather and its finished produ cts______________ M ales. — .......... ..... ......................... ..................... F em ales..__________________________________ B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and findings______ ____________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ ________________________________ G loves and m ittens, leather__________________ M ales___________________________________ .i, Fem ales........ .......................... ............................ 3 9 63 90 6 3 26 74 162 66 6 0) 9.0 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Janu ary le a th e r, tanned, curried, and finish ed............... M a le s.— ___ —............ ....... ........ ............... ....... F em a les......................... ...................................... Leather and its finished products, n . o . c ..........M ales_________________________ ____ ______ Fem ales________________ ____ _______________ L iquors and beverages_____ ____________________ * M ales_________7_______________________ ____ Fem ales____ _________________________ _____ Liquors, distilled_______________ _____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Liquors, m alt____________________ ___________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________________ _____ M ineral and' soda w aters_____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Liquors and beverages, n . o . c — .......................... M ales___________ ___________________________ Fem ales_______________________- ___________ L um ber and its rem anufactures.......... ..............___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Baskets and rattan and w illow w are_________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B oxes, cigar__________________________________ M ales_________________________________ ____ Fem ales____________________________________ C offins, burial cases, and undertakers* goods._ M ales________________________________ ______ Fem ales____________________ ________________ C ooperage and related w ooden goods_________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Furniture and refrigerators___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________ ____ __________ L a s ts ............................................. .......................... M ales____________ ____ _____________________ Looking-glass and picture fram es____________ M ales ....rnrT„ „ _ Fem ales _ , , _ __ ___ Lum ber and planing-m ill products ... . ........... M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M atches_____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales..................... ........................................... 22 59 178 6 111 45 16 783 21 19 14 69 157 3 12 433 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 3 1,620 1,619 1 1,467 1,295 172 5,572 5,509 63 282 248 34 4,762 4,748 14 303 299 4 225 214 11 27,583 25,781 1,802 405 280 125 427 218 209 1,323 1,096 227 1,624 1,596 28 10,644 10,175 469 286 286 324 298 26 9,181 9,159 22 1,991 1,440 551 1,651 1,650 1 1,619 1,336 183 5,524 5,462 62 269 237 32 4,728 4,714 14 301 297 4 226 214 12 28,013 26,178 1,835 415 278 137 455 217 238 1,314 1,088 226 1,756 1,728 28 10,862 10,386 476 287 287 434 397 37 9,025 9,006 19 2,097 1,580 517 1,638 1,637 1 1,482 1,306 176 5,524 5,468 56 261 283 28 4,722 4,708 14 310 306 4 231 221 10 28,268 26,487 1,781 407 281 126 452 218 234 1,313 1,083 230 1,842 1,816 26 10,673 10,232 441 276 276 456 415 41 9,471 9,444 27 1,943 1,437 506 1,593 1,592 1 1,444 1,276 169 5,801 5,741 60 266 236 31 4,970 4,957 13 324 320 4 241 229 12 28,175 26,373 1,802 435 299 136 456 212 244 1,270 1,039 231 1,824 1,797 27 10,257 9,828 429 240 240 476 436 40 9,908 9,873 35 1,889 1,386 503 1,566 1,565 1 1,393 1,234 159 6,066 6,007 59 264 233 31 5,246 5,233 13 339 339 4 213 202 11 28,007 26,217 1,790 556 394 162 431 200 231 1,257 1,027 230 1,763 1,736 27 10,027 9,599 428 257 257 473 436 37 9,992 9,960 32 1,921 1,347 474 1,537 1,536 1 1,320 1,171 149 6,643 6,590 53 245 222 23 5,771 5,758 13 408 408 4 215 202 13 27,508 25,778 1,730 592 420 172 420 188 232 1,239 1,018 221 1,795 1,772 23 9,470 9,052 418 244 244 464 426 38 10,292 10,262 30 1,750 1,319 431 1,490 1,489 1 1,299 1,159 140 6,744 6,690 54 223 199 24 5,898 5,885 13 415 411 4 208 195 13 26,364 24,673 1,691 614 434 180 441 200 241 1,237 1,017 220 1,671 1,646 25 8,875 8,483 392 245 245 448 412 36 10,133 10,099 34 1,409 1,006 403 1,486 1,485 1 1,281 1,144 137 6,580 6,529 51 218 195 23 5,750 5,736 14 404 400 4 208 198 10 26,546 24,864 1,682 563 406 167 442 202 240 1,219 999 220 1,692 1,666 26 9,273 8,831 442 257 257 441 405 36 9,786 9,761 25 1,620 1,238 382 1,484 1,483 1 1,284 1,143 141 6,302 6,236 66 248 210 38 5,464 5,451 13 364 360 4 226 215 11 26,131 24,416 1,715 499 350 149 434 199 235 1,230 1,004 226 1,653 1,628 25 9,218 8,779 439 239 239 443 405 38 9,452 9,426 26 1,735 1,333 402 1,478 1,477 1 1,287 1,150 137 6,039 5,962 77 258 212 46 5,154 5,141 13 354 349 5 273 260 13 25,909 24,196 1,713 467 324 143 449 203 246 1,213 988 225 1,758 1,730 28 9,195 8,778 417 246 246 453 414 39 9,048 9,020 28 1,785 1,377 408 1,413 1,412 1 1,462 1,321 141 5,797 5,730 67 247 208 39 5,009 4,995 14 297 293 4 244 234 10 25,369 23,749 1,620 371 247 124 427 190 237 1,148 937 211 1,669 1,638 31 9,116 8,720 396 262 262 447 410 37 8,905 8,879 26 1,749 1,359 390 1,368 1,367 1 1,620 1,457 163 5,650 5,597 53 253 226 27 4,862 4,849 13 289 286 3 236 236 10 24,465 22,886 1,579 379 258 121 422 184 238 1,168 959 209 1,571 1,549 22 9,054 8,625 429 259 259 426 389 37 8,401 8,373 2§ 1,557 1,203 354 283 283 17.1 17.1 339 314 46 1,220 1,228 26 64 53 23 1,176 1,177 1 126 125 2 65 65 3 3,803 3,601 256 243 187 59 36 34 37 175 159 22 271 267 9 1,987 1,903 84 48 48 152 138 15 1,891 1,889 16 688 574 197 20.9 21.6 25.1 18.1 18.4 0 22.7 21.4 0 19.9 20.0 0 30.4 30.4 0 23.8 25.0 0 13.5 13.6 14.0 39.6 43.1 32.8 7.9 15.6 15.0 13.2 14.5 9.5 14.7 14.7 0 18.3 18.3 17.6 16.7 16.7 31.9 31.7 0 18.4 18.4 0 32.8 36.3 35.8 T able A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued Cb Q 1 9 1 4 s W A G E E A R N E R S —-C ontinued In du stry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary 8 302 302 304 304 37 955 810 145 121 121 7 294 50 9 146 6 38 18 27 V ariation from mq,YiTniim N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth April M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 313 311 2 980 825 155 127 127 306 301 5 972 808 164 152 152 295 290 5 795 635 160 152 152 278 274 4 858 702 156 155 155 278 273 5 821 672 149 154 154 260 260 261 261 960 803 157 104 104 313 311 2 999 851 148 123 123 818 643 175 150 150 18,082 13,303 4,779 1,421 1,386 35 18,144 13,612 4,532 1,554 1,514 40 18,135 13,851 4,284 1,524 1,489 35 17,733 13,666 4,067 1,622 1,589 33 17,116 13,228 3,888 1,513 1,476 37 17,333 13,522 3,811 1,532 1,501 31 15,574 12,283 3,291 1,368 1,337 31 16,739 12,800 3,939 1,372 1,342 30 1,429 1,011 418 8,256 6,949 1,307 243 237 6 1,398 975 423 8,535 7,187 1,348 254 248 6 1,403 973 430 8,568 7,266 1,302 256 250 6 1,397 970 427 8,567 7,207 1,369 259 253 6 1,356 942 414 8,373 7,065 1,308 243 238 5 1,354 952 402 8,471 7,162 1,309 237 233 4 667 543 124 7,959 6,820 1,139 250 246 4 6,064 3,100 2,964 267 235 32 5,745 3,075 2,670 263 233 30 5,736 3,265 2,471 253 221 32 5,224 3,035 2,189 266 233 33 5,007 2,927 2,080 266 234 32 5,124 3,102 2,022 264 232 32 402 385 17 395 380 15 395 387 8 389 379 10 358 346 12 351 340 11 Per cent 864 685 179 170 170 253 249 4 871 707 164 151 151 240 238 2 855 716 139 133 133 72 73 5 204 216 40 66 66 23.3 23.5 (0 20.4 25.4 22.3 38.8 38.8 16,947 12,879 4,068 1,398 1,369 29 16,885 12,783 4,102 1,344 1,311 33 15,928 12,031 3,897 1,392 1,359 33 15,672 11,973 3,699 1,392 1,365 27 2,570 1,878 1,488 278 278 13 14.2 13.6 31.1 17.1 17.5 0) 1,345 917 428 8,176 6,915 1,261 217 212 5 1,327 903 424 8,261 6,937 1,324 255 250 5 1,325 909 416 8,209 6,916 1,293 227 222 5 1,314 902’ 412 7,350 6,240 1,110 232 227 5 1,281 886 395 7,356 6,258 1,098 235 230 5 762 468 306 1,226 1,026 271 42 41 2 53.3 46.3 71.2 14.3 14.1 19.8 16.2 16.2 0) 4,758 2,801 1,957 250 221 29 5,019 2,848 2,171 257 228 29 5,075 2,845 2,230 253 224 29 5,149 2,848 2,301 261 232 29 5,014 2,728 2,286 274 245 29 4,793 2,663 2,130 286 257 29 1,306 602 1,007 36 36 4 21.5 18.4 34.0 12.6 14.0 (0 322 315 7 353 338 15 378 351 27 370 345 25 352 330 22 329 314 15 80 73 20 19.9 18.9 0 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu r e s —C ontin ued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures— C ontin ued. Sbow ca ses._________________________ _ M ales____________________________________ F em a les._________ ___________________ W ood, turned and carved.................................. __ M ales___ ____________ ____________________ F em ales._________ ___________________ ____ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o . c .............. M ales................... .......... ............ ...................... M etals and other products, other than Iron and steel__________________________ M ales................... ................................ ................ F e m a le s ........................................................... Brass and bronze products_________ ________ M ales _ _ _ _ Fem ales___________________ ________________ C locks and w atches, including cases and m aterials_________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products__________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales________ ___________________________ E lectroplating_____________________________ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and reflec tors______________________________________ M ales___________- __________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ Jew elry______________________________________ M ales_________________ _____________________ Fem ales____________ _______________________ M etal and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o. c_ _ _____ ______________________ M ales__________________________________„ ___ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of establishm ents re porting 66429°—32---- 5 Paper and p rin tin g........ .... M ales.............................. Fem ales.......................... B ags, paper-...................... M ales................ ............. Fem ales.......................... Boxes, fan cy and p a p er.. Males Fem ales............................................................. Paper and w ood p u lp . ______________________ M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................. Photo-engraving____________________ ______ M ales___________________________ ________ Fem ales............................................................. P rinting and publishing................................... M ales................................................................. F em ales............................................................ Stereotyping and electrotyping....................... M ales___________________________________ Fem ales............................................................. Paper and p rinting, n . o . c ........ ....................... M ales........................................................ ........ Fem ales............................................................. Stone, clay, and glass p rod u cts-........................ M ales................ ............ .............. .................... Fem ales................- ........................................... A rtificial stone............. ............ ........................ . M ales.................. ........................................... . B rick and tile..................................................... . M ales................................................................ . Fem ales............................................................ . C em ent______________ ______________________ M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................ . Glass.................................................................... M ales............ .................................................. . Fem ales.......... ................................................ . Glass cu tting, staining, and orn am enting... M ales................................................................ . Fem ales............................................................. K aolin and ground earths............................... M ales................................................................ L im e..................................................................... M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................ M arble and stone w ork.................................... M ales___________________________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay p rod u cts.. M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................. 802 10 47 44 15 636 13 1 37 610 63 212 8 36 25 59 19 22 144 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 26,929 19,559 7,370 689 402 287 2,917 1,421 1,496 4,610 4,039 571 248 239 9 15,683 11,978 3,705 288 287 2,494 1,193 1,301 37,117 33,650 3,467 308 308 6,428 6,254 174 535 533 26,942 19,655 7,287 688 404 284 2,977 1,437 1,540 4,701 4,092 609 261 252 9 15,551 11,980 3,571 302 301 i 2,462 1,189 1,273 37,087 33,550 3,537 307 307 6,171 5,995 176 565 563 27,088 19,790 7,298 694 403 291 2,974 1,447 1,527 4,761 4,164 597 264 255 9 15,627 12,024 3,603 295 294 26,916 19,778 7,138 688 399 289 2,918 1,424 1,494 4,716 4,126 590 262 255 7 15,600 12,070 3,530 294 293 1 1 2,473 1,203 1,270 38,936 45,440 3,496 367 367 6,854 6,693 161 817 815 2,438 1,211 1,227 41,345 37,842 3,503 504 504 8,175 8,011 164 842 840 26,621 19,747 6,874 679 389 290 2,853 1,418 1,435 4,800 4,209 591 265 254 11 15,341 12,002 3,339 293 292 l 2,390 1,183 1,207 41,620 38,152 3,468 569 569 9,033 8,865 168 849 847 26,381 19,524 6,857 664 384 280 2,845 1,420 1,425 4,733 4,134 599 260 253 7 15,225 11,897 3,328 287 286 25,875 19,132 6,743 598 366 232 2,744 1,348 1,396 4,578 4,027 551 264 254 26,084 19,187 6,897 697 393 304 2,720 1,333 1,387 4,703 4,114 589 265 254 10 11 15,088 11,717 3,371 279 278 15,135 11,702 3,433 288 287 l 2,276 1,104 1,172 38,153 34,913 3,240 562 562 8,917 8,801 116 907 905 1 1 2,367 1,150 1,217 40,741 37,345 3,396 572 572 9,206 9,032 174 751 749 2,324 1,142 1,182 37,595 34,623 2,972 549 549 9,063 8,905 158 903 901 25,963 19,169 6,794 713 406 307 2,779 1,326 1,453 4,764 4,175 589 251 247 4 14,884 11,625 3,259 232 231 26,171 19,295 6,876 715 406 309 2,842 1,363 1,479 4,704 4,095 609 251 247 4 14,995 11,703 3,292 297 296 25,899 19,119 6,780 684 399 285 2,750 1,340 1,410 4,578 3,995 583 248 244 4 14,972 11,667 3,305 293 292 25,540 18,883 6,657 660 391 269 2,652 1,307 1,345 4,335 3,797 538 249 245 4 14,979 11,674 3,305 292 291 1 1 1 1 2,340 1,159 1,181 40,170 36,823 3,347 555 555 8,753 8,649 104 910 908 2,367 1,185 1,182 39,228 35,853 3,375 497 497 8,320 8,197 123 902 900 2,374 1,182 1,192 38,058 34,678 3,380 410 410 7,720 7,597 123 899 897 2,373 1,178 1,195 36,048 32,730 3,318 305 305 7,234 7,098 136 733 731 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10,694 9,798 896 1,098 962 136 968 968 1,294 1,293 10,671 9,738 933 991 10,920 10,018 902 1,009 878 131 986 986 1,329 1,328 11,270 10,373 897 1,050 920 130 1,253 1,253 1,431 1,426 5 469 469 15,750 13,449 2,301 10,607 9,727 880 986 857 129 1,328 1,328 1,399 1,394 5 482 482 15,769 13,491 2,278 9,792 8,949 843 920 800 7,157 6,587 570 898 780 118 1,403 1,403 1,481 1,475 6,993 6,267 726 961 845 116 1,547 1,547 1,591 1,585 9,102 8,292 810 1,024 901 123 1,589 1,589 1,663 1,657 9,406 8,577 829 1,087 955 132 1,411 1,411 1,522 1,516 9,921 9,091 830 1,146 1,006 140 1,227 1.227 1,246 1,240 9,847 9,038 809 1,135 996 139 762 762 1,127 6 6 6 6 45 L 446 451 446 15,584 15,486 13,316 13,190 2,268 2,296 416 416 15,035 12,759 2,276 407 407 14,490 868 123 884 884 1,277 1,276 1 1 1 398 398 14,858 12,602 2,256 332 332 15,353 13,053 2,300 413 413 15,690 13,393 2,297 120 1,408 1,408 1,441 1,436 5 452 452 15,600 13,354 2,246 6 473 473 15,064 12,953 2,111 12,220 2,270 1,121 6 313 313 14,070 11,854 2,216 1,548 907 713 117 40 77 325 140 195 465 412 71 17 16 7 799 445 446 70 70 218 107 129 5,572 5,422 565 267 267 3,035 3,037 72 375 375 4,277 4,106 363 248 226 24 827 827 536 536 5 169 169 1,699 1,637 190 5.7 4.6 9.7 16.4 9.9 24.9 10.9 9.7 12.7 9.7 9.8 11.7 6.4 6.3 <l) 5.1 3.7 12.0 23.2 23.3 8.7 8 .8 9.9 13.4 14.2 16.0 46.7 46.7 33.0 33.6 40.9 41.2 41.3 38.0 39.6 38.9 21.6 22.5 17.1 52.0 52.0 32.2 32.3 0) 35.1 35.1 10.8 12.1 8.3 Ot> T able A.- -Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued OS to 1 9 1 4 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed Industry and sex N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting V ariation from ma-rimum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary A pril 326 322 4 275 275 335 331 4 263 261 2 2 33,043 11,149 21,894 616 245 371 457 177 280 10,277 3,278 6,999 6,526 2,440 4,086 928 789 139 197 52 145 248 224 24 31,687 10,852 20,835 685 327 358 477 195 282 9,971 3,160 6,811 5,529 2,135 3,394 978 830 148 205 51 154 255 228 27 827 298 529 31,209 10,883 20,326 661 323 338 490 196 294 9,459 3,072 6,387 6,029 2,374 3,655 995 863 132 193 49 144 244 M ay June July N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Ter cent Manufactures—C ontinued. S tone, cla y , and glass products— C ontin ued. W all plaster........................................................ Fem ales............................................... . Stone, cla y, and glass products, n . o. c.. Fem ales................................................. T extiles.......................................................... M ales.................................... ................. Fem ales.................................................. A w nings, tents, and sails..................... . M ales...................................... ............... Fem ales.................................................. B ags, other than paper......................... . M ales........................... .......................... Fem ales.................................. ............. . C lothing, m en’s, including shirts------M ales..................................................... Fem ales.......... ..................................... . C lothing, w om en’s— ............................ M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. C ordage, tw ine, ju te, and linen goods. M ales...................................................... Fem ales.............................................. .. C otton goods, including cotton sm all M ales................................................... Fem ales................................................ D yeing and finishing textiles.............. M ales.................................... ............... Fem ales................................................ Flags, banners, and regalia.................. M ales......................... ........................... Fem ales................................................ 252 250 257 255 276 274 2 2 2 13 284 284 279 279 275 275 635 32,523 10,751 21,772 516 180 336 467 179 288 9,737 3,072 6,665 6,533 2,481 4,052 730 607 123 33,647 11,091 22,556 500 178 322 464 175 289 10,033 3,145 33,482 11,083 22^399 518 190 328 464 170 294 10,161 3,206 6,955 6,916 2,531 4,385 900 764 136 219 59 160 239 9 22 5 226 79 7 5 211 3 61 150 240 220 20 5 789 319 470 6,888 7,228 2,664 4,564 900 766 134 217 58 159 250 225 25 814 320 494 220 19 843 326 517 866 325 541 344 340 4 255 253 222 22 812 297 515 347 343 4 257 254 3 30,381 10,627 19,754 577 253 324 498 200 298 9,210 2,966 6,244 6,383 2,481 3,902 870 742 128 185 47 138 267 227 40 756 294 462 371 367 4 269 267 352 348 4 290 288 524 356 352 4 276 273 3 30,182 10,213 19,969 419 195 224 575 202 212 322 9,504 3,040 6,464 6,552 2,506 4,046 507 415 92 206 52 154 264 225 39 732 291 441 363 9,604 3,056 6,548 6,134 2,396 3,738 462 376 2 2 30,327 10,376 19,951 491 30,382 10,329 20,053 403 181 202 289 506 198 308 9,385 3,003 6,382 6,693 2,569 4,124 570 471 99 184 48 136 270 228 42 702 284 418 222 86 204 48 156 273 230 43 745 294 451 331 326 5 261 257 4 28,445 9,575 18,870 370 168 202 565 208 357 9,393 2,958 6,435 5,123 2,017 3,106 450 365 85 198 48 150 277 232 45 750 302 448 282 277 5 240 235 5 27,912 9,494 18,418 384 156 228 575 214 361 8,870 2,831 6,039 4,847 1,880 2,967 638 537 101 184 42 142 272 229 43 724 296 428 119 117 3 50 53 5 5,735 1,655 4,138 315 171 169 118 44 83 1,407 447 960 2,381 784 1,597 545 498 63 35 19 22 38 12 26 164 42 123 32.1 31.9 (*) 17.2 18.4 (i) 17.0 14.8 18.3 46.0 52.3 45.6 20.5 20.6 22.9 13.7 13.6 13.7 32.9 29.4 35.0 54.8 57.7 42.6 16.0 (l) 13.8 13.7 5.2 (*) 18.9 12.9 22.7 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Febru M arch ary 13 12 4 39 18 3 14 80 209 302 72 B icycles, m otor cycles and p arts.. M ales. 6 Carriages and sleds, children’s.. M ales------------------------ ----------- 5 Carriages, w agons, and m aterials....................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C ars, steam railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies..................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C ars, street railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies..................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 200 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 8 4 326 49 277 371 104 267 478 410 52 358 366 110 256 481 222 220 256 4,221 762 3,459 1,115 270 845 355 292 63 3,533 l, 131 2,402 2,901 802 2,099 12,941 4,215 8,726 32,998 31,962 1,036 19,473 18,729 744 1,063 1,054 9 1,218 1,145 73 5,535 5,334 261 4,173 766 3,407 1,223 277 946 345 280 65 3,472 1,058 2,414 2,771 797 1,974 13,665 4,397 9,268 33,599 32,379 395 51 344 364 108 256 482 225 257 4,263 812 3,451 1,214 279 935 347 284 63 3,491 1,074 2,417 2,666 368 50 318 362 108 254 492 231 261 4,185 794 3,391 990 281 709 319 268 51 2,513 1,094 2,419 2,699 793 1,906 13,532 4,300 9,232 35,126 33,747 1,379 21,887 20,865 387 49 338 358 110 248 471 219 252 4,211 800 3,411 720 265 455 301 252 49 3,648 1,164 2,484 2,664 769 1,895 13,114 4,064 9,050 34,123 32,801 1,322 20,795 19,829 966 958 938 201 1,306 1,223 83 5,810 5,578 232 784 1,882 13,774 4,344 9,430 34,623 33,297 1,326 21,187 20,229 958 1,188 1,172 16 1,317 1,230 87 6,037 5,781 256 4,014 4,009 5 3,534 3,529 5 3,399 3,394 5 3,104 3,099 5 3,501 3,496 1,035 1,032 3 930 927 3 886 883 3 978 975 3 1,220 20,277 19,393 884 1,108 1,096 12 1,022 1,206 1,188 18 1,297 1,223 74 6,021 5,765 256 369 49 320 357 108 249 468 215 253 4,000 764 3,236 629 234 395 301 251 50 3,517 370 48 322 287 93 194 473 217 256 3,597 747 2,850 728 270 458 251 50 3,518 380 47 333 269 95 174 451 208 243 3,642 721 2,921 1,040 286 754 281 228 53 3,487 1,101 1,100 1,102 2,416 2,685 765 1,920 12,380 4,064 8,489 31,689 30,686 1,003 19,208 18,514 694 883 863 2,418 2,411 741 1,670 12,463 3,954 8,509 31,488 30,497 991 19,208 18,518 690 836 818 18 1,204 1,129 75 5,361 5,161 2,385 1,976 20 20 1,341 1,261 80 5,849 5,601 248 1,194 1,128 66 5,632 5,417 215 201 200 686 1,290 12,305 3,803 8,502 31,646 30,691 995 20,661 19,962 699 764 751 13 1,137 1,073 64 5,102 4,931 171 371 45 326 296 99 197 436 207 229 3,605 722 2,883 956 289 667 284 231 53 3,546 1,107 2,439 2,196 717 1,479 12,148 3,806 8,342 32,459 31,424 1,035 21,730 20,954 776 745 729 16 1,161 1,087 74 4,704 4,543 161 392 46 346 329 106 223 439 228 3,713 743 2,970 742 247 495 267 218 49 3,519 1,116 2,403 2,365 719 1,646 12,481 3,949 8,532 35,386 34,299 1,087 24,734 23,948 836 889 875 14 1,155 1,089 391 46 345 338 109 229 460 216 244 3,461 653 2,808 659 241 418 264 215 49 3,498 1,091 2,407 2,248 706 1,542 12,383 3,911 8,472 33,766 32,703 1,063 23,289 22,477 812 773 760 13 1,080 1,014 66 66 4,560 4,398 162 4,476 4,314 162 211 378 46 332 353 111 242 456 211 245 3,416 648 2,768 703 251 452 298 239 59 3,463 1,080 2,383 2,351 723 1,628 12,424 3,943 8,481 33,468 32,388 1,080 23,611 22,765 846 905 892 13 964 906 58 4,554 4,400 154 84 7 81 102 18 93 56 24 33 847 164 691 594 55 551 104 91 16 185 106 101 925 116 809 1,626 594 1,088 3,898 3,802 424 5,576 5,434 332 461 459 11 377 355 29 1,561 1,467 27.5 16.2 34.8 11.4 10.4 12.6 19.9 20.2 20.0 48.6 19.0 58.2 29.3 31.2 0 5.1 9.1 4.1 31.9 14.5 38.5 11.8 13.5 11.5 11.0 11.1 30.7 22.5 22.7 32.5 38.2 38.6 0 28.1 28.2 0 102 25.9 25.4 39.8 47.7 47.8 3,099 3,094 5 3,142 3,137 5 2,217 2,374 2,369 5 2,345 2,340 2,683 2,688 2,098 2,093 5 1,916 1,916 5 1,033 1,031 1,040 1,038 1,105 1,103 1,184 1,182 1,154 1,152 2 2 2 2 1,072 1,069 3 904 900 4 743 740 3 441 442 2 2,212 20.5 0 22.6 2 1914: WAGE EARNERS Furnishing goods, m en’s...................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................. .................. H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , and w ool M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. H orse clothing.... .................................................... M ales.............. - .................................. - ............... Fem ales................................................................. H osiery and k n it goods......................................... M ales------------------------------------------------- -------Fem ales................................................................. M illin ery and lace goods...................................... M ales................................................................. Fem ales................................................ ............... O ilcloth and linoleum ........................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............- .................................................. W oolen, w orsted, and felt goods......................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales.............................. .................................. T extiles, n. o. c ....................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ T ob a cco m anufactures.............................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales.................................................. - ............ V ehicles for land transportation.........—, -----------M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ A utom obiles, including bodies and parts......... M ales 37.2 37.4 0 O 00 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 4 : W A G E E A R N E R S— C ontinued Variation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex m entsreporting 7 660 659 1 527 41 23 30 3 5 61 6 87 12 33 46,976 41,326 5,650 4,965 4,914 51 313 269 44 453 310 143 477 477 273 156 117 6,976 6,272 704 200 158 42 718 715 3 806 704 Febru M arch ary 634 633 i 50,184 44,482 5,702 5,128 5,081 47 314 270 44 506 332 174 433 433 268 157 111 6,993 6,276 717 187 147 40 779 776 3 814 712 102 102 1,259 894 365 1,256 897 359 A pril M ay June July 609 608 633 632 646 645 633 632 632 631 1 1 1 1 1 52,647 46,798 5,849 5,057 5,013 44 313 266 47 507 333 174 615 615 274 157 117 7,168 6,384 784 178 137 41 763 760 3 834 730 104 1,301 932 369 53,848 48,129 5,719 4,644 4,616 28 315 259 56 476 308 168 540 540 272 154 118 7,229 6,465 764 180 148 32 917 913 4 804 698 106 1,314 933 381 51,989 46,450 5,539 4,018 4,002 16 309 259 50 465 306 159 576 576 275 158 117 7,091 6,303 788 191 154 37 1,204 48,729 43,497 5,232 3,938 3,920 18 298 252 46 453 301 152 496 496 271 152 119 6,963 46,527 41,196 5,331 3,812 3,793 19 274 234 40 447 304 143 401 401 275 152 123 7,083 6,119 964 1,200 4 782 678 104 1,299 929 370 6,202 761 185 148 37 1,526 1,522 4 771 668 103 1,247 886 361 202 164 38 1,616 1,612 4 764 664 100 1,203 851 352 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 581 580 591 590 581 580 556 555 593 592 104 104 15.8 15.8 44,860 39,503 5,357 3,915 3,899 16 271 233 38 466 324 142 350 350 267 150 117 7,189 6,180 1,009 178 139 39 1,587 1,583 4 778 672 106 1,176 822 354 44,590 39,195 5,395 3,710 3,699 42,868 37,600 5,268 3,102 3,091 42,061 36,963 5,098 2,982 2,970 41,135 36,144 4,991 3,160 3,143 17 278 240 38 426 282 143 327 327 260 146 114 6,294 5,612 682 180 145 35 748 745 3 12,713 11,985 858 2,146 23.6 24.9 14.7 41.8 41.5 (l) 14.0 13.7 1,010 246 233 26 199 133 1 1 1 1 11 11 12 276 233 43 472 319 153 357 357 267 147 276 237 39 451 299 152 333 333 275 151 124 6,929 6,104 825 170 140 30 1,147 1,144 3 856 730 126 1,183 844 339 276 236 40 453 300 153 327 327 268 147 120 7,105 6,122 983 172 140 32 1,352' 1,349 3 799 697 102 1,173 828 345 121 6,437 5,770 667 167 136 31 908 905 3 952 828 124 1,154 821 333 1 897 113 1,115 800 315 2,111 40 44 37 18 81 50 32 288 288 15 12 13 935 853 342 35 28 12 898 897 0 16.0 15.0 18.4 46.8 46.8 5.5 7.6 10.5 12.9 13.2 33.9 17.3 17.1 % .* 55.6 1 66 % .4 26.0 20.6 15.1 14.3 17.3 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. V ehicles for land transportation— C ontinued. V ehicles for land transportation, n. o. c ........... M ales_______________________ ________ Fem ales............ _......................... ............ .......... M iscellaneous m anufactures________ ___________ M ales_______________________________ _ Fem ales____________________ ___________ __ A gricultural im plem ents____________ ________ M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ B room s and m ops___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___ ____________________________.... Brushes______________________________________ M ales______ _______________________________ F e m a les..-................................................... ....... C o k e .................................... .................................. M a le s _____________________________________ D en tists’ m aterials___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________ _________________ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, an d su p p lies. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Enam eling and japanning____________________ M ales____ _________- _______________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Ice, m anufactured____________________ _______ M ales_______________________________ _______ Fem ales___________ ______________________ Instrum ents, professional and scien tific______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ M attresses and sprin g beds M ales______________________________________ Fem ales...................................................... „......... Janu ary M odels and patterns, not including paper patterns..................................... .................... 31 Fem ales........................................... ......... O ptical goods............. ................................ M a le s ...................................................... F em ales................................................... Pianos and organs and m aterials______ M ales........................................................ Fem ales.................................................... R oofin g m aterials—.................................... M ales................ ....................................... Fem ales........ .............. ............................. R ubber goods............................................ M ales........................... ............................. Fem ales.................................................... Shipbuilding, including boat b u ild in g . M ales........................................................ Fem ales............................ ...................... Signs and advertising n ovelties.............. M a le s ................................................... Fem ales.................................................... Sporting and ath letic goods..................... M ales........................................................ Fem ales.................................................... Stationery goods......................................... M ales.......... ............................................. Fem ales....................................... ........... T oy s and gam es......................................... M a le s......................................... ............ Fem ales................... ..................... ........... M iscellaneous industries, n . o. c ............ M ales........................................................ Fem ales.................................................... Service......................... 17 5 41 16 19 6 4 6 83 1,069 M ales..................... Fem ales_________ Am usem ent parks. M ales___________ Fem ales............... . G arages. ................. M ales..................... Fem ales................ H ospita ls................ . M ales................. H otels............................................................ . M ales.................................... ............. .......... . Fem ales............................................................ 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 12 166 321 320 336 335 317 316 306 305 305 304 285 284 284 283 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 238 226 214 245 232 13 2,129 2,027 242 229 13 2,119 1 211 234 1 247 235 261 249 245 233 245 233 237 225 216 204 13 2,631 2,392 139 635 609 26 19,196 16,656 2,640 2,975 2,965 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2,554 2,417 137 517 491 26 21,553 18,978 2,575 3,496 3,486 2,519 2,388 131 576 550 26 23,511 20,865 2,646 3,545 3,533 2,494 2,362 132 604 578 26 25,031 22,500 2,531 3,457 3,446 2,302 2,173 129 598 572 26 21,647 19,528 2,119 2,593 2,583 2,266 2,142 124 651 625 26 10 10 12 11 1,046 733 313 466 299 157 302 196 106 184 149 35 2,771 2,032 739 1,004 715 289 471 295 176 305 209 96 186 148 38 2,873 2,128 745 1,026 725 301 458 288 170 312 207 105 203 161 42 2,913 2,193 720 1,035 735 300 444 278 166 324 219 105 205 159 46 2,955 2,223 732 2,383 2,252 131 583 557 26 24,236 21,867 2,369 3,100 3,087 13 1,050 746 304 445 283 162 314 721 299 422 279 143 326 2,264 2,141 123 655 629 26 19,544 17,496 2,048 1,156 1,143 13 1,024 720 304 379 250 129 307 212 102 211 220 201 99 228 168 60 2,836 2,129 707 106 218 162 56 2,701 2,029 672 106 226 169 57 2,595 1,882 713 21,502 21,530 12,181 9,349 271 255 16 1,108 1,107 21,856 12,432 9,424 359 342 17 1,173 1,172 22,058 12,448 9,610 795 681 114 1,186 1,185 22,159 12,515 9,614 1,077 909 168 21,656 12,325 9,331 1,072 887 185 1,239 1,238 1,224 1,223 21,359 12,179 9,180 274 261 13 1,188 1,187 1 1 1 1 1 1,221 1,220 1 21,811 12,332 9,479 1,085 899 186 1,243 1,242 21,652 12,318 9,334 465 399 14 1,063 1,062 21,376 12,087 9,289 232 217 15 1,069 1,068 1 1 1 1 420 127 293 5,493 3,449 2,044 421 143 278 5,431 3,406 2,025 417 138 279 5,474 3,440 2,034 408 133 275 5,450 3,425 2,025 410 142 268 5,339 3,291 2,048 424 148 276 5,521 3,467 2,054 416 143 273 5,405 3,384 406 142 264 5,346 3,317 2,029 418 144 274 5,389 3,388 439 150 289 5,404 3,389 2,015 9,392 216 202 122 312 311 1 1 12,110 26 347 346 309 308 1 221 19 327 326 306 305 213 160 53 2,898 2,177 721 10 1,034 725 309 467 308 159 310 20,866 18,768 2,098 1,407 1,396 11 1,020 2,021 202 12 2,139 2,041 98 663 637 26 19,889 17,719 2,170 1,299 1,286 13 1,023 732 291 355 228 127 295 197 98 226 167 59 2,498 1,790 708 66 2,001 102 633 607 26 19,393 17,238 2,155 1,012 998 14 1,031 717 314 357 231 126 313 212 101 241 170 71 2,487 1,791 696 119 575 549 26 19,501 17,362 2,139 907 896 198 13 2,106 1,981 125 476 450 26 18,684 16,595 2,089 1,044 1,034 11 10 1,037 716 321 352 223 129 310 214 96 244 179 65 2,565 1,871 694 1,056 721 335 362 239 123 312 217 95 191 139 52 2,611 1,949 662 21,185 12,039 9,146 20,789 11,799 8,990 220 210 10 211 200 11 1,160 1,158 1,118 1,116 2,000 2 419 144 275 5,401 3,352 2,049 63 63 50 51 1 448 436 41 187 187 6,347 5,905 598 2,638 2,637 4 52 31 46 119 85 53 31 24 11 60 40 36 468 433 83 1,370 716 654 874 709 176 180 180 2 1 422 145 277 5,267 3,288 1,979 33 23 29 254 179 75 18.2 18.2 19.2 20.5 0) 17.5 18.0 29.5 28.2 29.4 25.4 26.2 22.6 74.4 74.6 (l) 4.9 4.2 13.7 25.3 27.6 30.1 9.5 10.9 10.4 24.6 22.3 (l) 15.8 19.5 11.1 6 .2 5.7 6 .8 80.6 78.0 94.6 14.5 14.5 (0 7.5 15.3 9.9 4.6 5.2 3.7 O Ox T a b l e A ,— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 4 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed In du stry and sex S ervice—C ontin ued. Laundries and d ry nlenners _ _ _ ._ _ M ales................ I ................................................... Fem ales................. ............................................... O ffice buildings....................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales________________ __________________ R estaurants................................... ..... ............ . _ M ales.............. ............ ................................... ... Fem ales.... ............ ....................................... . . Saloons_______________ ______________________ M ales___________________________________ _ Fem ales________________________________ _ T heaters____________________________________ M ales_____ _______________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Service, n. o. c __________________________ _ M ales __________________________ _______ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ T ra d e............................ ..................................... ............ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ O ffices__________________ _____________________ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ R etail delivery, m ilk, ice, and w ater________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ R etail and w holesale stores__________________ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ y ards, coal and lum ber______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting 237 126 167 76 68 70 3,361 235 Janu ary 6,771 2,141 4,630 2,195 1,518 677 2,283 1,128 1,155 1,020 852 168 1,506 1,193 313 535 438 97 25,801 20,844 4,957 303 215 88 52 2,708 366 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 869 851 18 21,063 16,330 4,733 3,566 3,448 118 Febru M arch ary 6,683 2,127 4,556 2,204 1,510 694 2,258 1,116 1,142 1,040 869 171 1,523 6,759 2,155 4,604 2,181 1,493 688 312 615 420 95 2,277 1,123 1,154 1,036 865 171 1,467 1,157 310 540 448 92 25,693 20,804 4,889 305 216 89 889 872 17 20,891 16,231 4,660 3,608 3,485 123 26,175 21,033 5,142 319 224 95 905 887 18 21,188 16,267 4,921 3,763 3,655 108 1,211 A pril M ay 2,213 4,673 2,254 1,561 693 2,316 1,139 1,177 989 832 157 1,453 1,144 309 568 471 97 6,992 2,225 4,767 2,279 1,562 717 2,337 1,158 1,179 985 825 160 1,160 900 260 575 479 96 26,665 21,348 5,317 305 214 91 26,917 21,862 5,055 303 215 1,011 1,288 1,271 17 21,387 16,547 4,840 3,939 3,829 6,886 992 19 21,594 16,492 5,102 3,755 3,650 105 88 110 June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 6,741 2,182 4,559 2,197 1,508 689 2,301 1,146 1,155 984 815 169 842 647 195 528 443 85 6,747 2,195 4,552 2,174 1,496 678 2,321 1,149 1,172 993 823 170 1,374 1,048 326 547 453 94 6,630 2,194 4,436 2,182 1,504 678 2,294 1,699 1,678 26,762 22,407 4,355 347 251 96 1,703 1,682 27,497 22,474 5,023 309 213 96 1,505 1,483 22 21 21 22 21,326 16,723 4,603 4,025 3,908 117 20,984 16,591 4,393 4,038 3,919 119 20,689 16,556 4,133 4,023 3,918 105 21,617 16,818 4,799 4,066 3,960 106 27,296 21,898 5,398 283 196 87 1,272 1,255 17 21,898 16,722 5,176 3,843 3,725 118 6,987 6,869 2,221 2,200 4,766 4,669 2,212 2,201 1,507 705 2,335 1,152 1,183 985 816 169 823 605 218 574 470 104 1,501 700 2,323 1,152 1,171 986 821 165 737 534 203 546 456 90 27,335 22,509 4,826 303 219 84 1,681 1,659 27,060 22,441 4,619 339 253 86 1,121 1,173 1,008 846 162 1,407 1,088 319 533 439 94 6,558 2,176 4,382 2,188 1,510 678 2,287 1,115 1,172 1,016 852 164 1,404 1,086 318 532 436 96 6,457 2,131 4,326 2,214 1,536 678 2,271 1,105 1,166 1,016 851 165 1,329 1,037 292 484 390 94 535 98 441 105 69 40 79 53 41 56 54 14 786 677 131 91 89 19 27,054 21,640 5,414 300 214 26,668 21,405 5,263 302 217 85 876 860 16 22,072 17,010 5,062 3,418 3,318 1,804 1,705 1,059 64 57 86 992 977 15 22,113 16,923 5,190 3,649 3,526 123 100 12 834 831 7 1,424 779 1,057 648 642 23 Per cent 7.7 4.4 9.3 4.6 4.4 5.6 3.4 4.6 3.5 5.4 6 .2 8 .2 51.6 55.9 40.2 15.8 18.6 18.3 6 .6 7.6 19.6 18.4 22.5 % .o 49.4 W6.4 4.6 20.4 15.9 16.2 18.7 221 31,443 25,436 6,007 31,292 25,340 5,952 2,868 2,842 2,822 2,846 22 Telegraph and telep h on e. ............... . ................. M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . T ransportation b y w ater, including stevedor in g..................................................................... . M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o. c___ 297 F em ales. 20 30,625 24,586 6,039 32,705 26,504 37,188 30,859 6,330 38,193 31,817 6,376 38,305 31,897 6,408 36,771 30,444 6,327 35,831 29,727 6,104 33,622 27,592 6,201 35,323 29,148 6,175 3,116 3,094 3,184 3,162 3,152 3,131 21 1,567 1,562 5 14,237 14,177 60 4,241 4,225 16 998 998 296 288 3,153 3,133 3,058 3,038 20 20 1,500 1,495 5 12,995 12,945 50 4,591 4,574 17 845 845 294 286 1,577 1,572 5 12,494 12,454 40 4,837 4,820 17 921 921 277 268 9 9,547 3,564 5,983 2,939 2,920 19 1,708 1,703 5 11,992 11,953 39 3,858 3,841 17 867 867 269 259 10 9,330 3,420 5,910 2,843 2,823 20 1,677 1,672 5 11,645 11,605 40 3,247 3.230 17 779 779 280 270 3,894 6,216 3,083 3,063 20 1,619 1,614 5 14,087 14,029 58 4,617 4,601 16 1.004 1.004 292 285 7 9,945 3,693 6,252 2,061 2,032 29 598 597 1,085 1,081 2,915 21 1,405 1,400 5 11,733 11,694 39 2,510 2,494 16 672 672 274 1,438 1,433 5 12,463 12,422 41 2,850 2,834 16 775 775 288 1,477 1,472 5 13,361 13,313 48 3,221 3,204 17 806 806 284 276 3,195 3,174 21 1,437 1,432 5 14,032 13,971 61 3,769 3,752 17 959 959 295 287 22 22 1,403 1,398 5 12,025 11,985 40 2,841 2,825 16 797 797 305 299 1,317 1,312 5 11,915 11,876 39 2,759 2,743 16 772 772 270 264 9,396 3,481 5,915 9,572 3,709 5,863 9.272 3,323 5,949 9,469* 3,364 6,105 9,431 3,386 6,045 9,806 3,638 6,168 1,247 1,245 1,293 1,291 1,275 1.273 2 2 2 2,952 2,923 29 607 606 3,056 3,007 49 640 639 2,966 2,917 49 626 625 3,020 2,971 49 638 637 1 1 3,055 3,006 49 612 611 1 1 1 6 6 281^ 561 560 552 551 548 547 1,724 1,720 4 582 581 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 10,110 8 9,726 3,549 6,177 2,520 2,491 29 600 1 10 9,091 3.231 5,860 608 607 1 1914: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS ALL INDUSTRIES. M ales.................... F e m a le s ............. 14,149 Agriculture__ 153 M ales___ F em ales. Construction................................. 2,004 M ales________________________ F em ales....................................... B rick , ston e, and cem ent w ork .. M ales..................................... ....... F em ales....................................... 266 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 58,799 34,864 23,935 58,601 34,663 23,938 58,835 34,750 24,085 59,208 35,200 24,008 59,011 35,116 23,895 59,182 35,340 23,842 59,273 35,499 23,774 99 79 78 81 82 20 20 21 21 59 58 60 61 60 1,520 967 553 123 89 34 1,519 969 550 1,507 951 556 1,502 948 554 120 88 120 88 121 32 32 81 91 20 21 110 20 105 21 60 71 78 90 85 82 19 63 1,412 880 532 114 1,412 880 532 116 87 29 1,431 891 540 1,487 933 554 123 91 32 1,502 941 561 1,516 957 559 121 120 88 86 28 122 92 30 20 89 32 32 59,184 35,521 23,663 59,024 35,293 23,731 58,695 34,984 23,711 89 32 58,612 34,790 23,822 1,034 940 427 82 80 22 21 59 32 3 32 1,483 930 553 118 1,477 926 551 119 108 89 29 9 86 86 32 33 6 6 58,239 34,581 23,658 1.7 2 .6 1.8 1914: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, T ra n s p o rta tio n a n d p u b lic u tilitie s ................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ Cartage (drayage) and storage, including livery stables.................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. E lectric ligh t and pow er.......................... ............ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. E lectric railroads...................................... ............. M ales........................................................ ............ F e m a le s ..-....................... .................................. N atural gas— ........................................................ M ales............................................. ............... ...... Fem ales............ - ............ ............................ ........ P ipe lines (petroleu m )................................ .......... M ales................................................... ........... Steam railroads....................................................... M ales................................................... ................ 29.1 0) 0) 7.1 9 .2 5.2 7.3 0) 0) 8 T able A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and'quarrying in Ohioy 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1914s B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S -C on tin u ed Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting Janu ary 70 152 Construction—C ontinued. E lectrical con tractin g.................................... ....... M a le s ............................................................. ....... Fem ales___________ __________ _______ General con tracting............................................... M ales................ ........................................ .......... Fem ales________________ ______________ ____ O il and gas d rillin g........ ............ ........... ............. M ales_______________________ ___ ____ Fem ales............................................................... P lum bin g and steam fittin g__________________ M ales........................................................ ............ Fem ales____________________________________ Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing...... ............ .......... M ales_____________________________ _____ Fem ales..................................................... .......... Street, road, and sewer con tracting___________ M ales................ .......... ................................. ....... F em ales............................ .................................. C onstru ction, n. o. c ._ ........ .................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Fisheries............................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Chem icals and allied p r o d u c ts ........................ . M ales______________________________________ ____________________ ______ Fem ales B aking pow der and yeast____________________ M a les. _ __________________________________ Fem ales........ ....................................................... A pril 155 M ay Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 149 369 242 127 96 76 21 20 20 291 159 132 139 83 56 71 50 293 161 132 134 81 53 71 50 294 161 133 131 79 52 72 50 21 21 22 183 195 106 89 210 120 83 182 98 84 90 289 158 131 135 79 56 94 67 27 218 125 93 16 16 17 18 18 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 11 11 12 6 12 6 11 6 12 12 12 12 12 5 11 6 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6,749 35,661 22,213 13,448 35,453 22,024 13,429 2,222 4 1,117 1,104 125 75 50 1,132 1,090 124 75 49 35,658 22,321 13,337 2,253 1,139 1,114 131 82 49 35,795 22,439 13,356 2,230 1,138 1,092 133 82 51 35,944 22,590 13,354 2,214 1,148 1,066 132 80 52 35,654 22,337 13,317 2,203 1,142 1,061 132 79 53 35,344 22,067 13,277 2,223 1,144 1,079 130 80 50 34,937 21,691 13,246 2,221 35,809 22,417 13,392 2,268 1,141 1,127 127 76 51 36,031 22,616 13,415 247 35,633 22,088 13,545 2,235 1,132 1,103 125 76 49 34,993 21,881 13,112 2,217 1,147 1,070 131 79 52 107 216 151 233 279 100 15 66 88 67 382 249 133 98 79 19 293 160 133 137 83 54 89 63 26 80 394 264 130 104 83 149 85 64 401 270 131 104 83 63 400 270 130 98 77 149 85 64 394 264 130 97 77 21 21 21 21 288 157 131 141 85 56 96 284 156 128 139 85 54 289 160 129 142 100 68 28 71 29 71 29 221 220 221 126 95 128 92 129 92 72 30 218 124 94 68 392 259 133 101 152 July 367 242 125 95 74 682 151 85 152 84 June 150 85 65 371 242 129 96 76 86 66 M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........ .............. ................ ........................ Manufactures__ _______ ___________________ Febru M arch ary 86 66 2,221 1,138 1,083 132 80 52 392 267 125 97 77 154 85 69 379 255 124 97 77 158 89 69 370 250 20 20 20 20 54 289 158 131 138 83 55 100 102 291 161 130 139 83 56 91 63 28 125 95 290 160 130 138 81 57 89 62 27 218 124 94 292 160 132 138 80 58 87 61 26 216 123 93 86 88 151 83 68 220 2,211 1,444 1,067 128 79 49 120 97 77 9 6 6 34 28 13 9 9 2 10 5 5 11 9 6 31 22 9 39 31 12 2 1 1 1,094 925 433 65 31 66 9 7 4 Per cent 5.7 0) (i) 8.5 10.4 9.8 8.7 0) 0) 3.4 3.1 3.8 7.7 (0 0) 30.4 0) (») 17.6 24.0 0) (*) 0) 0) 3.0 4.1 3.2 2.9 2.7 5.9 6 .8 0) h) C hem icals, acids, and w ood d istillation ............ M ales................................................................. — Fem ales................................................................ Paint and varnish.......... .................................... . M ales................................................................... . F em ales........... .............. ............... ...................Patent m edicines and drug com pounds______ M ales....................................... ............................. Fem ales.................................... ........................ . P etroleum refining........................ ........................ M ales........................... .......................... ........... Fem ales....................................................... ........ Soap and candles________ ____________________ M ales.................. ............... .......................... ....... Fem ales__________________________________ Chem icals and allied products, n. o. c............... M ales_________ ___________________________ Fem ales. .......................... ..................... ............. F ood and kindred p rod u cts. ............. ................. . M ales.......................................... ................. ....... Fem ales____________________________________ Bread and other bakery products...................... M a les...................... .........................................— Fem ales____________________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk................... M ales............................... ........... ................. ....... Fem ales............ ............ ............. ..................... . C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grin d in g. ................... ........................ .............. M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales..................... ................. ............. .......... C onfectionery................................................. ......... M ales.......................................................... .......... Fem ales------------------- ---------- ---------------------F lour-m ill and grist-m ill products...................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.................................. .............................. Slaughtering and m eat p a ck in g ......................... M ales................................................. ................. Fem ales....................... .............. ............ .............. F ood and kindred products, n. o. c .................... M ales..... ............................. ................................ Fem ales---------------- --------------------------------------Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........................... M ales................................................................. Fem ales.......... .............................................. ....... B last-furnace products______ _________________ M ales______________ ________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 22 60 44 11 24 82 236 182 54 553 224 329 328 78 250 116 91 25 559 283 276 304 184 120 865 1,643 793 850 355 110 245 157 62 95 24 94 192 74 123 1,245 36 143 74 227 99 128 221 120 101 294 215 79 246 113 133 11,954 8,857 3,097 201 185 16 234 181 234 332 305 77 228 117 92 25 572 290 282 304 183 121 ,662 799 863 359 114 245 159 63 96 179 54 574 231 343 306 78 228 118 93 25 577 292 285 302 183 119 1,671 798 873 362 116 246 163 63 100 142 73 69 228 142 73 69 230 101 101 127 223 129 223 101 101 293 213 122 296 216 80 255 122 258 110 110 145 11,707 8,652 3,055 204 188 16 148 11,736 8,682 3,054 205 189 16 239 183 56 613 243 370 294 75 219 117 92 25 577 290 287 119 1,689 812 877 357 111 246 156 64 92 145 76 69 236 105 131 234 130 104 296 215 81 265 111 154 12,049 8,956 3,093 207 191 16 241 184 57 573 240 333 291 73 218 119 93 26 572 285 287 301 181 120 120 1,710 827 883 362 115 247 160 64 96 1,737 837 900 369 117 252 162 64 98 241 184 57 578 244 334 281 73 208 119 93 26 571 284 287 299 180 119 1,757 849 908 368 116 252 171 65 106 148 75 73 242 147 76 71 246 147 75 72 248 110 111 112 132 236 132 104 296 216 80 266 115 151 11,910 8,828 3,082 206 190 16 135 237 135 136 239 135 104 304 240 183 57 599 244 355 294 74 220 116 91 25 573 285 288 300 180 102 297 215 82 279 119 160 12,039 8,899 3,149 208 192 16 240 185 55 559 248 311 282 74 208 119 92 27 579 286 293 303 183 120 1,786 875 911 366 117 249 171 64 107 82 280 124 156 12,019 8,858 3,161 148 75 73 250 114 136 254 147 107 309 226 83 288 132 156 11,949 8,807 3,142 201 200 186 15 185 15 222 238 182 56 565 247 318 278 78 200 117 90 27 574 285 289 299 181 118 1,785 879 906 371 116 255 167 65 102 148 77 71 252 113 139 253 146 107 305 222 83 289 140 149 11,739 8,664 3,075 199 184 15 244 185 59 578 251 327 286 78 208 116 88 28 576 288 288 293 174 119 1,766 869 897 371 117 254 161 63 98 148 75 73 246 113 133 241 134 107 308 225 83 291 142 149 11,473 8,485 2,988 190 174 16 243 184 59 567 250 317 284 77 207 116 89 27 580 291 289 293 174 119 1,778 882 896 367 115 252 162 63 99 239 181 58 562 248 314 284 77 207 117 89 28 585 292 293 299 181 118 1,765 879 149 75 74 243 150 75 75 241 109 132 253 146 107 318 235 83 272 132 140 11,293 8,350 2,943 185 170 15 112 131 255 146 109 312 229 83 290 142 148 11,047 8,128 2,919 186 171 15 886 369 119 250 162 63 99 11 6 6 60 27 59 50 5 50 3 5 3 26 9 17 11 10 3 143 89 61 16 9 4.5 3.2 0) 9.8 10.8 15.9 15.2 0) 20.0 2.5 0) (l) 4.4 3.1 5.8 3.6 5.4 2.5 8 .0 10 io .i 6.7 4-3 7.6 3 .9 15 3 15 (i) 14.0 8 4 6 25 15 8 .8 5.3 0) (*) 9.9 13.2 12 8 .6 34 27 13.3 18.4 7.3 7.9 9.4 (i) 15.5 22.5 16.9 8.3 9.2 7.7 8 25 22 4 45 32 27 1,002 828 242 23 22 1 ^ CO ^ td o o m G G 2 S g 2 g oj t=J 3 O g gj > m fcti g g g W O 11.1 11.5 0) 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. O* CO T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O 1914: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS-Continued Industry and sex 15 6 49 35 778 6 Janu ary 164 106 58 594 352 242 456 262 194 306 255 51 5,687 4,138 1,549 109 100 17 14 7 9 118 82 36 203 124 79 162 76 3 Febru M arch ary 162 104 58 591 400 191 449 253 196 317 264 53 5,712 4,138 1,574 164 104 60 579 386 193 441 249 192 314 261 53 5,731 4,150 1,581 110 101 9 119 82 37 199 119 80 164 77 87 118 A pril 162 M ay June 442 249 193 305 254 51 5,714 4,131 1,583 159 98 61 598 395 203 432 243 189 292 241 51 5,699 4,122 1,577 111 102 111 102 111 102 111 102 9 9 123 85 38 203 9 126 9 125 87 38 209 123 120 101 61 599 398 201 July 162 96 162 96 66 66 627 392 235 434 245 189 288 236 52 5,792 4,180 1,612 Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 646 393 253 430 241 189 283 233 50 5,775 4,164 1,611 160 96 64 626 393 233 428 244 184 283 231 52 5,719 4,116 1,603 161 97 64 588 364 224 420 240 180 267 216 51 5,563 3,994 1,569 159 96 63 523 341 182 406 234 172 264 215 49 5,413 3,881 1,532 156 95 61 516 336 180 398 228 170 265 216 49 5,379 3,866 1,513 156 95 61 507 333 174 399 227 172 264 213 51 5,363 3,850 1,513 111 102 112 102 10 121 111 101 10 121 111 101 10 82 39 208 86 212 84 37 209 39 208 126 122 86 87 140 122 86 122 86 142 69 73 114 143 69 74 66 65 47 116 77 39 112 112 103 9 124 103 9 123 86 86 69 52 68 49 145 71 74 118 69 49 38 205 124 81 147 73 74 118 67 51 37 207 124 83 143 71 72 9 122 85 37 50 83 37 199 119 80 165 80 85 119 69 50 121 120 120 120 121 122 121 120 120 79 42 79 41 79 41 79 41 80 41 81 41 80 41 79 41 79 41 86 8 V ariation from m aximnm N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth 119 69 50 68 121 82 157 78 79 119 69 50 88 38 208 124 84 147 70 77 117 68 86 121 138 68 68 70 118 72 115 67 48 118 78 40 50 48 116 77 39 125 112 8 11 8 139 67 79 58 35 26 53 51 4 429 330 99 3 3 1 8 6 3 13 7 8 27 12 17 9 4 5 6 4 3 Per cent 4.9 10.4 0) 21.5 16.8 31.2 12.7 13.4 13.3 16.7 19.3 (0 7.4 7.9 6.1 2.7 2.9 (0 6.3 0) 0) 6.1 5.6 (0 16.4 (9 (9 7.4 <9 <9 4.9 (9 (9 PAET 2. M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. Iron and steel and th eir produ cts—C ontin ued. B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not m ade in steel w orks or rolling m ills............................ M ales........................................... ........................ Fem ales............................................. .................... Cash registers and calculating m achines........... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................ ....................... ....... C utlery and tools......................................... .......... M ales__________ _________ __________________ Fem ales__________________________________ Forgings_________________ ____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ F oundry and m achine-shop produ cts________ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales ______ ______________ P ipe, w r o u g h t............................................ - ......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Pum ps, n ot including steam pum ps--------------M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Safes and vau lts........ ...................................... — M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Scales and balances...... ...................................... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Screws, m achine............................- ...................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _______ __________________________ Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents____ M ales______________________________________ F em ales!................... ........................................... N um ber ofesta b lish m ents re porting o w § t4 g Fem aies_____ _______________________ ______ Leather and its finished products, n . o . c ......... M ales---------------------------------- ----------------------Fem ales______ ____________________________ Liquors and beverages............... ........... — .......... M ales............................... ............. ................. . Fem ales........ ................ ...................................... L iquors, m alt------ ------------------------------------------M ales.................................... ................................ Fem ales___________ ________________________ L iquors and beverages, n . o . c _______________ M ales........................................................ .......... F em a les..................... ............... ........................ Lum ber and its rem anufactures________________ M ales.................................................. ................. F em a les................... — .................................... Furniture and refrigerators............ ..................... M ales............................................... ..................... Fem ales____ _______________________________ Lum ber and planing-m ill products----------------M ales.......... .................................................. . Fem ales___________________ ________________ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o . c ............ M ales..................................................................... F em a les.............. ............................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.......... .................................................... . Brass and bronze products................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales—............................................................ 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 63 90 26 92 2,722 2,378 344 490 295 195 166 106 60 336 250 86 152 952 349 603 65 736 229 507 216 87 120 178 111 67 783 157 96 587 506 81 473 421 52 114 85 29 1,739 1,007 732 691 381 310 433 688 193 429 259 360 197 163 294 50 1,905 960 945 116 70 46 2,437 2,120 317 486 290 196 170 107 63 349 262 87 959 357 602 2,465 2,151 314 482 290 192 173 108 65 348 262 86 960 357 603 2,782 2,435 347 483 292 191 176 2,693 2,346 347 478 289 189 175 2, 701 2,357 344 478 286 192 173 110 66 110 110 65 348 262 346 261 85 952 353 599 86 940 348 592 732 231 501 720 227 493 122 220 122 220 121 96 577 495 82 467 415 52 98 589 505 84 477 423 54 110 112 80 30 1,740 82 30 1,731 1,010 1,011 730 689 378 311 433 255 363 199 164 720 690 378 312 679 436 243 362 197 165 99 587 502 85 473 418 55 114 84 30 1,722 1,006 716 684 376 308 674 431 243 364 199 165 1,893 955 938 115 1,898 963 935 1,898 965 933 1,902 970 932 120 120 120 68 71 49 71 49 71 49 738 232 506 221 125 96 582 499 83 467 415 52 115 84 31 1,758 1,005 753 693 375 318 699 430 269 366 200 166 47 742 235 507 218 688 63 346 263 83 936 348 588 2,700 2,349 351 477 291 186 171 109 62 347 263 84 951 350 601 2,693 2,339 354 488 291 197 169 109 60 357 271 717 228 489 219 733 230 503 218 724 229 495 217 119 98 606 518 86 941 348 593 2,714 2,368 346 479 290 189 170 108 62 357 275 82 943 351 592 2,349 337 489 292 197 173 2,331 2,029 302 483 289 194 174 2,607 2,281 326 482 288 194 173 110 111 111 5 63 355 272 83 937 350 587 63 347 270 77 927 348 579 62 342 262 80 918 342 576 6 21 721 230 491 216 711 227 484 216 37 121 120 121 97 599 511 96 598 511 87 483 428 55 115 83 32 1,697 95 592 503 89 478 423 55 114 80 34 705 223 482 213 119 94 593 505 725 230 495 218 120 120 99 595 509 98 611 522 89 495 439 56 116 83 33 1,720 88 88 490 435 55 116 83 33 1,714 1,011 1,012 709 679 372 307 674 437 237 367 702 669 371 298 681 440 241 364 200 202 201 165 165 163 484 429 55 115 82 33 1,719 1,007 712 677 372 305 677 436 241 365 199 166 1,910 979 931 119 71 48 1,915 995 920 123 74 49 1,915 985 930 119 71 48 1,900 970 930 119 70 49 86 478 424 54 117 85 32 1,723 1,005 718 679 371 308 679 434 245 365 2,686 1,001 696 1,688 1,000 688 11 10 25 10 42 15 27 12 25 5 6 5 34 27 88 8 478 423 55 115 82 33 1,680 994 28 24 4 7 5 5 78 18 67 35 15 24 39 686 370 298 665 435 230 364 196 168 660 366 294 664 437 227 364 197 167 658 369 289 660 430 230 362 195 167 1,891 972 919 119 71 48 1,900 976 924 116 69 47 1,894 978 916 117 71 46 668 451 406 52 13 9 11 42 7 7 5 24 40 29 8 6 3 16.2 16.7 14.7 2.7 3.1 5.6 5.7 4.5 0) 5.9 9.1 0) 4.4 4.2 4.5 5.0 5.1 4.9 2.3 4.8 0) 5.6 5.2 0) 5.7 5.5 0) 1914: Steel w orks and rolling m ills............. ................. M ales.................................. ................ ................. Fem ales................................................................. Stoves and furnaces.............. ................................ M ales.................................... ............... ............... Fem ales-------- --------------------------------------------W irew ork, including w ire rope and ca b le_____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_________ ______— -----------------------Iron and steel and their p roducts, n . o . c _____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales-------------------------------------------- ---------Leather and its finished products.......................... M ales........................... ................................ ........ Fem ales__________ ________________________ B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and find- W O o w fei GQ 6 .0 <*) 0) 4.4 2 O 1.8 8.9 5.1 3.9 7.5 5.6 2.5 15.6 1.9 3.5 3.0 1.3 4.0 3.1 6.5 0) 0) § £ GQ O •<1 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued ^ 1 9 1 4 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S — C ontinued Industry and sex m ents re porting V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabJanu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent M etals and m etal products— C ontinued. C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products M ales__ 1 .............. ............ *________ __________ Fem ales____________________________________ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and reflectors_________________________________ M ales. _1____ ______________________________ Fem ales________ _________________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o . c _________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Paper and printing____________________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Boxes, fancy and paper______________________ M ales___ __________________________________ Fem ales____________________ 1______________ Paper and w ood p u lp ________________________ M ales____________________________________ Fem ales_________ __________________________ P rinting and publishing_______ ______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ Paper and printing, n . o. c ____________ _____ M ales............ ...................................................... Fem ales__________________________________ Stone, clay, and glass p rod u cts.............................. M a le s ... ........................................... ............... F em ales.. .......................... .......................... . B rick and tile ________________________________ M ales.......... .........................................._________ F em ales.__________________________________ Glass________________________________________ M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s .............................................................. 608 330 278 608 330 278 623 333 290 624 331 293 628 334 294 625 335 290 626 339 287 630 338 292 632 339 293 621 336 285 629 338 291 632 341 291 24 1,009 476 533 994 472 522 979 473 506 982 479 503 988 484 504 1,000 1,002 495 505 996 496 500 983 483 500 983 486 497 987 492 495 981 489 492 30 31 41 3.0 503 499 60 172 84 176 166 78 3,445 1,751 1,694 140 72 168 79 89 3,552 1,766 1,786 140 72 168 77 91 3,569 1,769 1,800 141 73 164 77 87 3,477 1,767 1,710 143 75 68 68 68 182 68 268 57 229 3 3 3 180 180 180 10 100 100 101 101 101 102 111 119 1,054 620 434 79 3,011 1,477 1,534 237 118 119 1,054 618 436 78 2,914 1,471 1,443 240 119 119 1,030 601 429 185 109 76 237 144 93 202 122 201 120 81 230 144 88 80 228 144 84 1,044 610 434 198 118 80 228 142 4 13 270 49 233 15 13 5 35 33 86 81 2,880 1,454 1,426 243 124 119 1,064 625 439 205 124 81 233 144 89 79 2,993 1,473 1,520 239 112 80 2,746 1,442 1,304 237 119 118 1,060 630 430 203 123 80 232 146 79 2,787 1,447 1,340 240 116 1,029 598 431 186 109 77 234 142 92 3,385 1,739 1,646 143 72 71 184 99 85 2,824 1,453 1,371 234 115 119 1,044 615 429 190 113 77 238 147 91 170 80 90 3,348 1,740 1,608 142 72 70 179 6 .8 90 3,513 1,712 1,801 143 72 71 189 98 91 2,950 1,428 1,522 231 114 117 1,035 608 427 184 108 76 236 145 91 164 79 85 3,306 1,733 1,573 143 72 71 180 166 78 3,487 1,717 1,770 143 72 71 181 99 82 2,935 1,434 1,501 228 166 81 85 2,227 1,725 1,612 143 72 71 184 99 85 2,775 1,439 1,336 235 115 12 86 172 84 802 176 85 91 3,521 1,722 1,799 143 72 71 180 98 82 2,968 1,441 1,527 230 86 86 146 38 88 47 44 636 75 610 212 36 88 120 1,048 619 429 190 113 77 237 147 90 88 2,201 1,729 1,572 143 72 71 180 99 81 2,741 1,440 1,301 237 118 119 1,053 624 429 195 117 78 236 147 89 121 119 1,064 631 433 205 124 81 234 146 88 120 121 3.8 3.2 5.4 11 16 9 6 12 21 16 5 10 5 9 6 .2 7.7 0) 0) 7.5 3.2 12.7 2.1 (i) (i) 5.3 3.9 0) 9.0 3.3 15.2 6 .2 10.5 4.1 3.3 5.2 2.7 10.2 12.9 (0 4.2 3.4 0) PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Manufactures—C ontinued. 144 218 535 226 79 5 39 186 209 302 72 200 8 22 527 41 367 207 160 242 140 367 208 159 241 140 371 210 161 244 145 99 1,874 949 925 708 385 323 528 255 273 102 101 1,850 943 907 698 383 315 504 249 255 46 145 57 1,881 954 927 712 386 326 521 258 263 115 65 50 145 57 88 88 88 391 188 203 207 388 188 121 86 121 386 188 198 204 118 112 66 200 205 84 2,835 110 67 43 142 54 370 209 161 246 146 100 1,888 369 209 160 252 150 102 367 208 159 255 152 103 1,860 944 916 691 374 317 529 265 264 108 370 370 210 211 160 255 151 104 1,870 959 911 691 374 317 549 278 271 105 66 66 42 146 54 92 386 185 39 145 56 89 380 185 195 190 159 255 150 105 1,864 960 904 697 375 322 552 282 270 96 61 35 146 55 91 373 187 186 185 109 76 2,930 2,099 831 2,055 1,480 575 423 242 181 950 938 709 383 326 534 259 275 113 67 46 144 54 90 388 187 1,882 950 932 702 381 321 535 263 272 115 67 48 145 54 91 385 185 201 200 201 188 177 112 110 67 2,827 1,980 847 1,910 1,341 569 428 240 188 182 109 73 2,799 1,968 831 1,908 1,347 561 422 238 184 110 834 1,904 1,347 557 429 238 191 2,876 2,005 871 1,912 1,353 559 465 238 227 76 2,820 1,973 847 1,911 1,342 569 431 238 193 167 159 166 158 165 157 162 154 157 149 153 145 8 8 8 8 8 8 328 252 76 5,226 3,261 2,005 390 282 108 336 258 78 5,198 3,226 1,972 380 271 109 334 257 77 5,314 3,259 2,055 380 270 316 239 77 5,308 3,285 2,023 379 268 332 250 82 5,363 3,317 2,046 369 259 316 238 78 5,430 3,359 2,071 366 256 152 145 7 309 236 73 5,472 3,369 2,103 365 255 110 111 110 110 110 2,821 1,984 837 1,893 1,337 556 433 236 197 2,001 86 80 2,939 2,092 847 2,058 1,471 587 420 240 180 154 147 7 298 230 68 5,428 3,358 2,070 376 257 119 371 209 162 256 148 107 1,876 959 917 699 373 326 500 287 273 95 59 36 142 52 90 380 188 192 186 368 205 163 256 149 107 1,859 949 910 695 367 328 542 281 261 94 58 36 148 54 94 380 189 191 190 110 111 76 2,877 2,066 811 2,013 1,451 562 412 237 175 79 2,851 2,043 808 1,996 1,436 560 414 240 174 151 144 7 301 234 67 5,318 3,302 2,016 364 257 107 147 140 7 294 227 67 5,253 3,246 2,007 362 255 107 369 205 164 254 149 105 1,796 930 866 678 361 317 517 273 244 92 58 34 144 54 90 365 184 181 183 109 74 2,812 2,009 803 1,967 1,409 558 411 238 173 148 141 7 286 221 65 5,380 3,275 2,105 349 244 105 368 204 164 250 146 104 1,784 919 865 661 359 302 514 265 249 95 59 36 144 53 91 370 183 187 191 117 74 2,810 2,006 804 1,993 1,432 561 410 238 172 147 140 7 260 196 64 5,327 3,267 2,060 347 243 104 3 7 5 15 12 8 104 41 73 51 27 26 56 38 31 23 9 16 6 5 6 26 6 22 30 12 19 140 131 .8 3.3 3.0 5.9 7.9 7.5 5.5 4.3 7.8 7.2 7.0 7.9 10.0 13.2 11.3 20.0 0) 0) 4.1 0) 0) 6.6 3.2 10.8 14.5 9.9 0) 4.8 6 .2 68 7.8 165 143 31 55 9.7 5.3 6 55 20 8 .0 11.8 2.5 24.2 12.0 19 11.9 1 0) 22.6 76 62 18 274 143 133 43 39 15 1914: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS; P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay p rod u cts___ M ales______________________; ______________ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ Stone, cla y, and glass products, n . o . c ............. M ales......................... .......................................... Fem ales___________________________________ T extiles _ _ _________ ___________________ ________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C lothin g, m en’s, including sh irts.......... ............ M a les"............ ................ ............ ......................... Fem ales_____________________ _____________ C lothing, w om en’s ___________________________ M a le s!____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Flags, banners, and regalia___________________ M ales______1_______1......................................... Fem ales _ __ ___________________________ H osiery and k n it goods........ ................ ................ M ales ____________________________ ____ Fem ales. _________________________________ T extiles, n . o . c ________________________ _____ M a les. _ __________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ T obacco m anufactures_________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _ _________________________ ____ V ehicles for land transportation_______________ M ales_________________________________ ____ Fem ales ___________________________________ A utom obiles, in clu din g bodies and parts......... M ales___________________________ _________ _ Fem ales ___________________________________ Carriages, w agons, and m aterials____________ M ales__________________ ____________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Cars, steam railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies____________________ M ales______________________________________ F em a le s_____ _____________________________ V ehicles for land transportation, n . o . c _____ M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s ___ ____________________________ M iscellaneous m anufactures___________________ M ales______ _________________________ ____ _ Fem ales __________________________________ A gricu ltu ral im plem ents_____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............... ................................................ 24.0 0) 5.0 4.2 6.3 11.0 13.8 12.6 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. CO T able A *— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohioy 1914 1° 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 4 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS—Continued Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re porting Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary A pril M ay 812 511 301 105 51 54 3,005 June July N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent Manufactures—C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures—C ontinued. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales_______ ____________________________ Ice, m anufactured.................................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales..................... ................................ .......... R u b ber goods.......................................................... M a le s.____ ________________________________ Fem ales..................... ............ ............ ............... . Signs and advertising n ovelties.......................... M ales............................. ............ ........................ . Fem ales............... .............. .................................. M iscellaneous industries, n . o. c ................. ......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Service.................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ Garages..................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H otels........................................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners.................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________ _______________ O ffice buildin gs....................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ S ervice, n . o . c ......................................................... M ales ___________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 815 517 298 90 44 46 2,901 1,940 961 134 40 94 936 438 498 801 507 294 89 45 44 2,856 1,922 934 134 41 93 938 440 498 799 508 291 90 44 46 2,975 1,955 134 40 94 936 442 494 806 509 297 90 44 46 2,955 1,979 976 135 40 95 943 445 498 1,069 1,494 1,496 686 686 122 808 191 80 810 195 83 111 112 498 334 164 475 104 371 495 331 164 472 1,504 689 815 192 78 114 498 334 164 478 104 374 1,527 699 828 196 81 115 498 332 166 490 108 382 101 102 111 60 41 235 113 124 122 61 41 241 117 124 61 87 41 19 278 166 237 126 418 102 60 42 228 108 120 102 370 99 59 40 235 1,020 2,011 994 132 38 94 940 447 493 1,531 697 834 197 80 117 495 327 168 491 107 384 103 61 42 245 811 513 298 121 56 65 3,063 2,044 1,019 128 39 89 941 451 490 813 513 300 125 61 64 3,096 2,054 1,042 126 39 87 947 447 500 1,537 702 835 203 82 1,554 710 844 213 121 127 499 331 168 482 122 496 325 171 483 104 379 103 61 42 252 130 123 122 86 810 512 298 808 512 296 795 498 297 121 111 101 60 61 3,064 2,047 1,017 127 39 54 57 2,996 48 53 2,949 1,962 987 791 499 292 92 43 49 3,099 2,008 1,091 121 122 37 84 925 446 479 1,529 696 833 207 83 124 494 329 165 477 104 373 1,528 695 833 209 111 110 112 64 47 247 128 119 63 47 241 117 124 63 49 235 88 930 443 487 1,538 702 836 208 83 125 491 325 166 481 102 102 380 108 63 45 252 128 124 379 2,000 996 123 36 87 916 443 473 86 123 498 332 166 474 103 371 783 492 291 32 25 10 88 37 20 21 37 85 927 444 483 41 47 3,053 2,009 1,044 128 37 91 928 445 483 1,518 690 828 206 84 1,510 690 820 205 83 22 8 122 122 16 499 333 166 470 103 367 108 59 49 235 497 332 165 462 103 359 109 59 50 237 113 124 8 111 111 124 124 243 132 157 14 5 11 3.9 4.8 3.3 29.6 (i) 0) 7.8 6.4 14.4 10.4 0) 31 13 27 3.3 2.9 5.4 60 24 36 3.9 3.4 4.3 10.3 0) 9 7 29 6 25 13 5 12.6 1.6 2.7 4.1 5.9 5.6 6.5 11.6 0) 10 24 22 5 9.5 16.9 4.0 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Febru M arch ary Trade............. 3,361 M ales___ F em ales. O ffices........ M ales. 3,568 2,445 1,123 311 226 85 185 106 79 804 505 299 620 512 108 114 103 16,323 8,564 7,759 3,790 2,393 1,397 286 124 162 11,431 5,497 5,934 816 550 266 16,312 8,570 7,742 3,809 2,396 1,413 287 124 163 11,392 5,496 5,896 824 554 270 16,485 8,629 7,856 3,790 2,391 1,399 265 117 148 11,614 5,570 6,044 816 551 265 16,516 8,630 7,886 3,790 2,401 1,389 233 107 126 11,678 5,566 3,555 2,465 1,090 3,617 2,506 1, 111 3,679 2,566 1,113 3,722 2,610 3,750 2,611 1,139 3,776 2,658 1,118 307 225 82 190 109 81 802 505 297 618 510 108 113 313 228 85 189 108 81 815 516 299 617 509 108 113 314 228 819 229 90 196 315 226 89 195 88 200 110 114 85 828 530 298 601 551 86 819 523 296 644 534 317 227 90 196 109 87 832 528 304 650 540 826 529 297 654 542 110 110 110 112 11 102 11 102 11 319 230 89 191 109 82 825 526 299 631 522 109 115 104 297 1,317 795 522 1,305 794 511 1,275 802 473 32 164 149 15 71 53 18 162 147 15 71 53 18 162 147 15 71 53 18 2,708 Fem ales............................................................... . Telegraph and teleph one.................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Transportation b y w ater, including steve doring................................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o . c ___ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ 3,586 2,449 1,137 105 11,799 5,570 6,229 803 536 267 16,513 8,602 7,911 3,819 2,407 1,412 259 109 150 11,624 5,540 6,084 811 546 265 52 M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Cartage (drayage) and storage, including livery stables................ ................................. . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . E lectric ligh t and pow er..................................... . M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................... . E lectric railroads............................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . N atural gas............................................................. . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . P ip elin es (p etroleu m )......................................... . 3,880 2,434 1,446 181 82 99 11,730 5,532 6,918 805 537 268 16,518 8,559 7,959 3,845 2,411 1,434 218 90 128 11,646 5,517 6,129 809 541 268 235 Transportation and public utilities......... 16,565 8,597 7,968 3,854 2,415 1,439 175 80 95 11,741 5,569 6,172 795 533 262 366 798 221 92 58 50 5 43 16,596 8,585 8,011 16,640 8,613 8,027 3,845 2,419 1,426 193 88 1,112 16,504 8,628 7,876 3,790 2,405 1,385 218 815 556 259 118 11,689 5,573 6,116 807 550 257 16,927 8,746 8,181 3,763 2,384 1,379 195 81 114 12,160 5,729 6,431 809 552 257 3,751 2,647 1,104 3,706 2,611 1,095 3,698 2,608 1,090 3,608 2,514 1,094 316 228 306 224 82 199 307 224 83 6,112 100 119 108 119 108 11 11 118 107 117 106 11 11 307 226 81 199 114 85 820 525 295 653 544 109 114 103 11 102 11 102 11 1,329 831 498 1,298 807 491 1,316 829 487 1,326 821 505 1,350 857 493 1,337 858 479 1,318 835 483 1,320 842 478 175 160 15 233 217 16 67 51 16 242 226 16 67 51 16 242 226 16 240 225 15 69 52 17 232 218 14 69 52 17 227 213 14 220 86 190 109 81 809 516 293 618 508 110 114 103 11 68 51 17 110 86 68 52 16 11 112 202 112 87 818 524 294 654 547 107 113 90 814 520 294 655 546 109 113 615 187 439 117 50 67 112 44 68 768 233 535 29 23 13 5.4 3.0 2.1 4.6 39.0 35.5 41.7 6.3 4.1 8.3 3.5 4.1 4.8 221 5.9 213 49 4.3 8 .0 13 4.1 6 2 .6 9 17 8 11 0) 8.4 7.0 0) 6 6 3.6 4.7 3.6 6.7 7.8 4.5 5.0 5.6 1,294 817 477 75 64 49 5.6 7.5 9.4 155 142 13 36.0 37.2 (l) 30 25 11 44 43 5 68 68 68 87 84 3 4 51 17 51 17 51 17 2 2 206 14 3.6 2.1 1914: BOOKKEEPERS, R etail d eliv ery , m ilk, ice , and w ater.. M ales..................................................... . Fem ales........ ......................................... R etail and w holesale stores................... M ales..................................................... . Fem ales.................................................. Y ards, coal and lu m b er......................... M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. 16,549 8,604 7,945 3,819 2,405 1,414 179 80 99 11,754 5,586 6,168 797 533 264 h) 0) 1Not computed owing to small number represented. Oi T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O* 1914: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) N um ber of establishm ents re porting . Industry and sex Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 14,149 29,193 14,451 14,742 28,717 14,435 14; 282 29,307 14,536 14,771 30,204 14,690 15,514 29,835 14,644 15,191 29,595 14,675 14,920 28,684 14,523 14,161 27,967 14,456 13,511 28,907 14,552 14,355 29,932 14,712 15,220 30,540 14,792 15,748 33,641 15,169 18,472 153 26 19 7 27 19 28 31 30 29 28 28 27 27 28 20 8 21 10 21 9 21 8 21 7 21 7 21 6 22 5 22 30 23 8 254 241 13 253 239 14 274 259 15 266 250 16 269 251 18 271 255 16 271 256 15 269 253 16 264 249 15 267 251 16 266 250 16 265 248 17 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6,749 3,825 3,098 727 147 142 5 1,338 3,839 3,109 730 147 142 5 1,365 1,018 347 950 697 253 136 52 84 187 182 5 92 87 5 3,858 3,132 726 146 141 5 1,370 1,025 345 958 704 254 133 52 81 186 181 5 93 3,904 3,151 753 144 139 5 1,377 1,028 349 966 709 257 134 52 82 183 178 5 94 89 5 3,908 3,160 748 141 136 5 1,375 1,028 347 964 709 255 134 52 82 182 177 5 95 90 5 3,908 3,166 742 141 136 5 1,380 1,035 345 966 714 252 134 52 82 183 178 5 97 91 3,909 3,165 744 143 138 5 1,388 1,041 347 975 720 255 132 52 80 184 179 5 97 90 7 3,899 3,165 734 141 136 5 1,393 1,041 352 979 718 261 133 53 80 184 179 5 97 91 3,921 3,168 753 142 137 5 1,399 1,042 357 981 718 263 136 53 83 185 180 5 97 91 3,934 3,176 758 140 135 5 1,413 1,049 364 988 723 265 142 54 3,980 3,172 808 139 134 5 1,436 1,049 387 999 724 275 155 54 155 78 82 10.1 8 8 5.4 5.6 98 49 49 4.7 12.7 101 187 182 5 96 90 3,937 3,170 767 140 135 5 1,412 1,042 370 986 717 269 144 54 90 186 181 5 96 90 31 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 M a le s.................................................................... F em ales.. ........................................................ ... Agriculture...... ............................................ M a les.......... ...................................... Fem ales...................................................... Construction......................................... ............. M ales....................... ................................... Fem ales........ ............................................... 2,004 . Fisheries............................................................... M a les.............. .................. .......................... ......... Manufactures- ................................................... M ales_________________________________ ._ Fem ales____________________________________ Chem icals and allied produ cts................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ F ood and kindred products.............................. . M ales....................................... ....................... . Fem ales____ _______________________________ B read and other bak ery products.................... M a les______________________________________ F e m a le s ...__________ ______________________ C onfectionery...... .................................................. . M a les.............. ...................................................... Fem ales ......................................................... ....... Slaughtering and m eat packing ...................... M a les.................................................................F em ales.. F ood and kindred products, n. o. c .. ................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 247 865 4 269 94 74 428 1,000 338 931 685 246 134 52 82 182 177 5 91 86 5 l 88 5 6 Sep N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent Janu ary 88 6 7 186 181 5 96 90 5,674 734 4,961 5 4 5 21 20 5 16.9 4.8 26.9 0) (!) (1) 7.7 7.7 0) 3.9 2.5 6.8 68 6.8 39 29 23 5.4 10.5 14.8 (*) 30.7 2.7 2.7 2 6 5 2 0) 0) (') PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE ALL IN D U S T R IE S ........................................... . Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 9----- SS— o6S*99 1,245 152 178 111 "67 783 157 433 i93 294 166 610 535 302 164 161 3 36 35 164 161 3 36 35 162 159 3 36 35 164 161 3 36 35 157 154 3 35 34 154 151 3 36 35 160 157 3 36 35 159 156 3 38 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 172 171 175 174 178 177 180 179 180 179 184 183 183 182 183 182 180 179 177 176 176 175 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 117 117 58 57 117 117 61 60 118 118 62 61 117 117 63 62 1 121 121 1 114 114 58 57 1 122 122 62 61 62 61 123 123 60 59 123 123 57 56 123 123 54 53 1 122 122 162 159 3 37 36 162 1 1 171 170 1 114 114 57 56 54 53 10 10 3 3 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 233 217 16 103 235 219 16 103 239 223 16 103 242 227 15 105 91 14 107 107 30 29 241 225 16 106 91 15 105 105 30 29 241 225 16 107 92 15 104 104 30 29 241 225 16 108 93 15 103 103 30 29 111 88 243 227 16 105 90 15 108 108 30 29 12 12 2 88 241 224 17 106 90 16 106 106 29 28 242 226 16 88 241 225 16 105 90 15 107 107 29 28 9 9 102 87 15 99 99 30 29 15 15 100 100 102 102 30 29 30 29 15 106 106 30 29 96 15 9 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 643 585 58 581 537 44 62 48 14 46 41 5 78 75 3 638 582 56 575 533 42 63 49 14 49 44 5 77 74 3 635 578 57 575 532 43 60 46 14 50 45 5 200 165 35 25 25 225 157 165 37 25 25 235 166 77 74 3 642 590 52 580 542 38 62 48 14 50 45 5 237 183 54 24 24 216 150 79 76 3 640 586 54 579 539 40 61 47 14 50 45 5 217 173 44 24 24 207 146 61 79 76 3 646 577 69 584 529 55 62 48 14 50 44 163 38 25 25 214 147 67 78 75 3 639 581 58 577 533 44 62 48 14 50 45 5 218 179 39 23 23 219 147 72 79 76 3 654 606 48 596 559 37 58 47 202 77 74 3 645 587 58 583 539 44 62 48 14 49 44 5 201 77 74 3 638 578 60 574 529 45 64 49 15 47 42 5 219 171 48 23 23 239 168 71 68 220 210 176 34 24 24 223 153 70 66 4.9 5.3 0 8.1 0 0 0 0 73 70 3 635 578 57 572 529 43 63 49 14 46 41 5 176 44 23 23 232 158 74 0 1 1 1 172 48 23 23 237 164 73 7.3 7.3 0) 29 29 70 67 3 638 579 59 571 526 45 67 53 14 44 39 5 220 2 7.1 7.1 9 9 1 11 ft M 102 102 71 50 45 5 229 179 50 24 24 213 148 65 6 .1 6 .2 13 13 231 215 16 68 802 35 164 161 3 36 35 164 161 3 36 35 6 211 169 42 25 25 217 152 65 i§ 29 21 25 33 18 9 7 4 6 6 1 37 20 19 2 2 32 22 13 8.3 8.3 0 0 2.9 4.8 4.2 5.9 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0) 1914: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) Iron and steel and their p rod u cts.......................... M ales.................................................................... F em ales................................................................ Leather and its finished p rod u cts....................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ Liquors and beverages........................................... . M a les................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Liquors, m alt.......................................................... M a le s................................................................... Liquors and beverages, n. o. c ............................. M a les- ................................................................. Fem ales........................ ...................................... Lum ber and its rem anufactures........ ................ . M ales................ .................................................. Fem ales................................................................. Furniture and refrigerators................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and planing-m ill p ro d u cts.................. M ales.................. ................. ................................ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o. c ........ ... M ales......................... .......................................... Fem ales................. .......................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel.................................................................. . * M ales.................................................................... Fem ales...... ...................... ............................... . Paper and prin tin g.................................................. . M ales........... ........................................................ . Fem ales................................................................. P rinting and p u b lish in g ..................................... M ales........................... ........................................ Fem ales............................................................... . Paper and printing, n. o. c .................................. M ales........ ........................................................... Fem ales...... ......................................................... Stone, clay, and glass p rod u cts. ........................... M a les-.................................................................. Fem ales................................................................. T extiles........................................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales...... .......................................................... T obacco m anufactures.............................................. M ales................................................ .................. V ehicles for land transportation_______________ M ales______ ______________________________ Fem ales________________ __________________ 15.6 10.9 0 0 (0 13.4 13.1 0) 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 3 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1989, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued M 00 1914s S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )—C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re Janu porting ary V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth F ebru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent V ehicles for land transportation— C ontinued. A utom obiles, in clu din g bodies and p arts_____ M ales Fem ales____________________________________ V ehicles for land transportation, n. o. c ______ M ales______________________________________ F em ales........................................ ....................... M iscellaneous industries........................................... M ales______________________________________ F em a les.......... .................. ............................. . E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales______________________ ________________ Fem ales___ ________________________________ R ubber goods........................................................ M ales___________________ ___________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c ................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. _ _____________________________ Service..................... .............................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ G arages-- ................................................................. M ales______________________________________ Laundries and d ry clean ers............................. . M ales. ____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Service, n. o. c__............................................... M ales Fem ales____________________________________ Trade..................................................................... M ales _ Fem ales................................................................. 72 141 98 43 159 135 24 135 93 42 158 136 191 133 58 48 35 13 523 332 191 233 106 127 133 91 42 157 135 22 22 22 22 22 453 408 45 118 118 198 186 465 419 46 125 125 535 454 81 126 126 200 201 188 461 414 47 126 126 196 184 525 448 77 124 124 189 452 409 43 119 119 196 185 189 12 11 12 12 12 187 13 528 445 83 124 124 199 187 12 12 138 105 33 137 105 32 137 104 33 140 106 34 139 104 35 201 137 64 208 139 69 205 134 71 24,486 IQ 538 13,948 23,993 10,508 13,485 24,535 10,561 13,974 25,377 10,691 14,686 25,003 10,637 14,366 24,691 10,617 14,074 23,776 10,465 13,311 23,081 10,413 166 112 61 54 48 35 13 538 346 192 218 41 118 157 425 46 163 135 28 230 527 100 111 1,069 122 237 710 3,361 454 409 45 115 115 201 178 123 55 47 34 13 521 334 187 221 101 120 187 132 55 48 34 14 518 334 184 225 105 120 200 189 129 60 48 35 13 520 332 188 232 104 123 129 91 38 159 137 184 173 122 112 62 48 36 61 46 35 176 117 59 47 36 170 114 56 46 36 12 11 11 10 526 338 188 230 521 333 188 227 99 128 136 99 37 158 135 23 518 328 190 223 38 158 136 526 332 194 232 99 133 137 98 39 157 135 102 128 138 100 12,668 128 130 93 37 160 135 25 169 113 56 44 35 9 521 324 197 228 98 130 130 92 38 163 134 29 52 43 34 9 554 350 204 228 98 130 162 118 44 164 134 30 470 421 49 126 126 203 190 13 141 105 36 474 426 48 127 127 207 194 13 140 105 35 471 422 49 123 123 209 196 13 139 103 36 470 421 49 123 123 208 195 13 139 103 36 71 36 39 24,065 10,536 13,529 25,062 10,671 14,391 25,681 10,773 14,908 28,743 11,154 17,589 5,662 741 4,921 100 164 112 171 116 55 46 36 10 562 352 210 229 99 130 166 116 50 167 137 30 27 21 10 5 2 5 44 28 26 15 8 15 37 27 13 10 3 8 83 46 40 12 12 13 12 2 14.1 15.8 (l) 0) (i) 0) 7.8 8 .0 12.4 6.4 7.5 11.3 22.3 22.9 G) 6 .0 2 .2 0) 15.5 10.1 C1) 9.4 9.4 6 .2 6 .1 0) 34.1 25.9 0) 19.7 6 .6 28.0 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Manufactures—C ontinued. Transportation and public utilities. M ales.............. ................................... Fem ales.......................................... . * N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 235 2,708 366 52 708 108 111 107 110 1 1 24,158 23,663 10,216 10,184 13,942 13,479 161 160 157 156 4 4 59 59 58 58 1 1 147 145 2 152 150 2 111 no l 24,209 10,241 13,968 157 153 4 58 57 1 no 109 l 25,047 10,367 14,680 160 156 4 60 59 1 158 155 3 160 157 3 1 1 111 no l 23,441 10,135 13,366 163 160 3 61 60 1 163 160 3 170 167 3 164 161 3 110 109 113 112 1 1 24,672 10,312 14,360 162 158 4 59 58 24,356 10,288 14,068 162 158 4 60 59 109 109 no 109 i 22,751 10,087 12,664 161 158 3 60 59 1 23,733 10,210 13,523 162 158 4 60 59 1 161 158 3 159 156 3 107 107 107 106 106 106 1 1 1 24,735 25,351 28,414 10,349 10,448 10,830 14,386 14,903 17,584 159 162 162 159 159 156 3 3 3 61 60 61 60 60 59 1 1 1 167 165 2 156 154 2 152 150 2 6 6 1 5,663 743 4,920 6 7 1 3 3 23 22 1 5.3 5.4 0 19.9 6.9 28.0 3.7 4.4 0) 0 0 13.5 13.2 0 1914: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) O ffices......................................... ........... M ales................................................. . Fem ales............................................. . R etail and w holesale stores............... M a les................................................. Fem ales............................................... Y ards, coal and lum ber...................... M a les......................................... ........ Fem ales.............................................. Trade, n. o. c......................................... M ales................................................... Fem ales............................................... •<1 CD T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1915: WAGE EARNERS Industry and sex ALL INDUSTRIES........................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... Agriculture........-................................................. M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... D airy farm ing......................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................ F lorists, fru it growers, nurserym en, and seedsm en.......................................................... M ales.................... Fem ales................ G eneral farm ing. . . M ales.................... Fem ales............... A griculture, n. o. c. M ales.................... Construction............................... M ales......................................... Fem ales...................................... B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork. M ales.......................................... E lectrical contracting................. M ales. General contracting............... M ales............ ...................... O il and gas d rillin g................ M ales..*................................ Painting and decorating___ M ales.......... ........................ Plastering................................ M ales.............. ............ ......... P lum bing and steam fitting. M ales.............. ..................... N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting Variation from mpmrrmm N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem Decem N um August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 17,981 546,163 560,725 585,972 611,992 628,613 647, 787 652,116 662,590 685,425 686,976 690,686 701,081 154,918 454,834 466,528 489,457 516,030 533,553 551,195 557,476 566,279 585,486 584,909 588,993 598,681 143,847 91,329 94,197 96,515 95,962 95,060 96, 592 94,640 96,311 99,939 102,067 101,693 102,400 11,071 270 30 95 125 2,396 2,235 161 235 226 9 2,985 2,798 187 251 241 10 10 10 10 10 10 972 858 114 781 745 36 995 887 108 781 745 36 26 26 1,279 1,165 114 858 820 38 24 24 1,634 1,500 134 1,075 1,032 43 25 25 1,554 1,422 132 1,335 1,266 69 17 17 1,350 1,227 123 1,590 1,465 125 24 24 1,732 1,447 285 1,734 1,625 109 60 60 1,354 1,260 94 1,559 1,464 95 82 82 1,207 22,668 28,172 28,144 28 2,043 2,043 715 715 13,082 13,082 2,645 2,645 1,255 1,255 419 419 2,419 2,419 37,814 37,783 31 2,725 2,725 747 747 17, 717 17, 717 44,135 44,101 34 3,014 3,014 775 775 21,140 21,140 2,695 2,695 2,171 2,171 496 496 2,680 2,680 46,441 46,409 32 3,241 3,241 736 736 22,741 22, 741 2,971 2,971 1,907 1,907 477 477 2,798 2,798 50,395 50,364 31 3,272 3,272 761 761 24,806 24,806 3,446 3,446 1,605 1,605 587 587 2,712 2,712 51,453 51,428 25 3,555 3,555 822 822 24,242 24,242 3,662 3,662 1,493 1,493 846 846 2,883 2,883 22 22 3,219 23,695 23,669 26 1,545 1,545 746 746 10,227 10,227 337 86 1,231 "1 9 9 2,866 2,866 "2 1 8 832 832 422 422 2,412 2,412 '" '5 6 "2 8 2 3,261 3,062 199 266 256 2,042 1,889 153 240 231 9 20 22,641 27 1,420 1,420 718 718 9,857 9,857 2,683 2,683 887 887 306 306 2,222 2,222 2,668 2,668 1,852 1,852 515 515 2,584 2,584 3,159 2,948 3,222 2,964 258 258 248 2,019 1,860 159 244 235 9 211 253 243 3,797 3,393 404 271 261 3,003 2,819 184 278 268 Per cent 22.1 24.0 10.8 2,940 2,762 178 278 269 9 2,598 2,449 149 259 249 10 10 1 1,194 97 1,440 1,363 77 78 78 1,341 1,236 105 1,269 1,205 64 52 52 94 1,092 1,047 45 53 53 1,055 956 99 970 934 36 53 53 760 642 191 953 880 89 65 65 43.9 42.8 67.0 55.0 54.2 71.2 0) (9 54,470 54,436 34 4,209 4,209 833 833 25,706 25,706 3,816 3,816 1,558 1,558 554 554 2,999 2,999 53,323 53,284 39 3,673 3,673 875 875 25,159 25,159 3,893 3,893 1,569 1,569 502 502 3,132 3,132 50,586 50,545 41 3,357 3,357 889 889 25,224 25,224 3,574 3,574 1,286 1,286 537 537 3,010 3,010 41,656 41,620 36 2,493 2,493 876 876 21,815 21,815 3,422 3,422 1,046 1,046 476 476 2,927 2,927 31,802 31,795 16 2,789 2,789 174 174 15,849 15,849 1,248 1,248 1,339 1,339 540 540 910 910 58.4 58.4 (*) 66.3 66.3 19.6 19.6 61.7 61.7 32.1 32.1 61.7 61.7 63.8 63.8 29.1 29.1 1,110 1,100 2,313 2,168 145 235 225 1,778 1,533 259 43 44 46.8 45.2 64.1 15.5 16.4 (0 80 226 391 22 91 25 212 1 576 576 1.543 1.543 1,797 1,797 261 261 398 371 27 211 210 1 673 673 1.592 1.592 2.716 2.716 247 247 366 . 338 28 375 374 1 7,890 420,903 439,125 455,815 [354,429 369,050 384,220 66,474 70,075 71,595 301 11,410 11,599 11,832 10,183 10,322 10,525 1,227 1,277 1,307 4 287 270 249 199 194 179 88 70 76 45 2,146 2,190 2,166 2,135 2,151 2,178 11 12 15 9 245 267 265 244 265 263 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 541 541 1,647 1,647 1,782 1,782 296 296 379 353 26 213 967 767 1,002 1,037 496 1,016 949 983 976 879 767 1,037 967 496 1,002 1,016 949 983 976 879 2,158 2,260 2,225 2,101 2,184 717 1,753 1,890 2,042 1,687 2,158 2,260 2,225 2,101 1,753 2,184 717 1,890 2,042 1,687 4,185 7,781 8,330 8,913 8,016 9,384 10,054 10,695 10,040 6,777 4,185 7,781 8,330 9,384 10,054 10,695 10,040 8,913 6,777 8,016 332 407 253 318 395 253 248 285 160 320 332 253 318 395 407 253 248 285 160 320 1,084 475 410 428 433 851 792 718 519 580 812 1,048 394 401 450 379 751 710 488 546 32 25 36 31 34 31 39 41 16 34 491 538 423 361 416 441 346 327 467 406 415 487 534 419 359 345 324 440 465 404 2 1 1 1 4 4 3 4 2 2 467,025 473,452 486,857 487,670 497,623 516,161 519,886 527,183 546,627 125,724 396,713 404,046 416,335 418,463 426,353 441,814 444,009 451,537 470,470 116,041 70,312 69,406 70,522 69,207 71,270 74,347 75,877 75,646 76,157 9,683 12,069 11,924 11,864 11,889 12,089 13,089 12,552 12,844 13,452 2,042 10,759 10,652 10,594 10,611 10,876 11,760 11,200 11,474 12,038 1,855 1,272 1,310 1,270 1,213 1,352 1,370 1,278 1,414 201 1,329 239 248 236 192 240 241 251 240 230 95 167 162 152 154 167 118 167 165 167 81 72 74 81 73 87 74 73 78 86 18 2,195 2,242 2,249 2,308 2,437 2,420 2,506 2,573 2,701 555 2,234 2,424 2,180 2,229 2,295 2,493 2,560 2,407 2,689 554 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 4 261 264 272 292 247 278 268 300 269 55 259 246 263 291 277 267 267 271 299 55 2 1 2 2 21 745 745 764 764 969 969 1,092 1,091 18 340 334 332 326 356 350 348 342 6 6 6 6 10 280 277 72 1,981 1,799 182 623 299 324 1,261 1,259 281 278 3 2,083 1,882 280 277 3 2,115 1,911 204 635 295 340 1,252 1,245 280 277 3 2,144 1,932 805 726 79 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 859 859 780 780 777 777 975 975 1,570 1,569 746 746 718 716 2 1 888 886 2 416 410 344 338 35i 345 315 309 355 349 353 347 338 333 5 295 292 3 2,075 1,901 174 645 297 348 1,726 1,725 335 330 5 300 297 3 2,127 1,944 183 718 305 413 1,803 1,802 1 1 a 49 11 8 201 645 304 341 1,225 1,224 2 1 777 7 750 669 81 781 701 80 697 80 212 632 294 338 1,287 1,279 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 279 276 3 2,203 1,983 279 276 3 2,253 2,052 220 201 627 293 334 1,266 1,263 3 804 726 78 584 289 295 1,302 1,299 3 789 709 80 279 276 3 2,194 1,999 195 564 279 285 1,332 1,329 3 834 755 79 282 279 3 2,123 1,947 176 508 263 245 1,334 1,331 3 878 802 76 283 280 3 2,070 1,859 175 617 284 333 1,447 1,444 3 949 855 94 286 283 3 2,065 1,894 171 617 286 331 1,566 1,563 3 940 832 108 1 1 922 808 114 1,026 932 94 1 852 863 2 101 101 1 21 21 272 253 49 210 42 168 578 578 7 276 263 38 47.8 47.8 31.7 31.7 83.3 83.3 39.3 39.3 66.2 67.7 (0 60.8 60.7 (0 23.0 24.7 12.7 15.2 15.4 14.2 33.1 40.7 0) 20.5 20.6 <*) 18.3 18.4 0) 54.3 54.4 0) 24.3 24.6 0) 7.0 7.1 12.1 12.3 22.3 29.2 13.8 40.7 32.1 32.1 (0 26.9 28.2 33.3 1 9 1 5 : WAGE EARNERS Sand and gravel excavating__________________ M a les. _________________: .............................. . Sheet-m etal w ork and roofin g___________ ____ M ales____________________I _______________ Street, road, and sewer con tractin g................... M a les. __1_.......................................................... V entilating and heating______________________ M a le s ................................................................... C onstru ction, n . o. c _____________ ________ ___ M ales____ ________________________________ Fem ales_______________________ _________ fisheries.............. ..................................................... . M ales________________ ____________________ Fem ales____________________________ ______ Manufactures____________________ _________ M ales................................................ ............... . Fem ales__________________ ________________ C hem icals and allied products........ ................... M ales_____________r_______________________ Fem ales____________________ ______________ B aking pow der and yea st....... ............................ M ales_____ _____________________________ Fem ales_________________________ _________ C hem icals, acids, and w ood d istillation ______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________ ____________________ E xp losives___________________________________ M ales_____________________________ _______ Fem ales_______________ ; __________________ F ertilizers___________________________________ M ales____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Grease and tallow ___________________________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales________________________ __________ In k , p rin tin g__ ______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ ______________________________ P aint and varn ish_____________________ _____ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_____________________________ _____ Patent m edicines and drug com pounds______ M ales........................................... ........................ F em ales P etroleum refining.................. .............................. M ales _ . _ __ Fem ales______ _____________________________ S alt............................................................................. M ales............................................................. ....... Fem ales............... ................................................ T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 ^ 1915: W A G E E A R N E R S—C ontinued Industry and sex 2,356 1,861 31 1,198 366 109 334 35 19,403 15,389 4,014 5,215 3,913 1,302 1,261 1,193 603 416 187 35 1,081 645 436 2,639 1,180 104 6 101 363 17 135 2, 535 2,527 8 967 737 230 A pril M ay June July A ugust Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um ber ber ber tem ber 2,418 1,901 517 374 337 37 19,224 15,081 4,143 5,217 3,895 1,322 1,281 1,206 75 590 391 199 2,391 1,856 535 373 328 45 19,015 14,827 4,188 5,216 3,904 1,312 1,302 1,230 72 717 458 259 2,383 1,857 526 403 355 48 18, 552 14,491 4,061 5,116 3,810 1,306 1.368 1,292 76 744 527 217 2,332 1,843 489 406 357 49 18,898 14, 739 4,159 5,253 2,379 2,379 1,802 577 410 2,369 1,793 576 364 323 41 21,776 16,795 4,981 5,217 3,853 1,364 1,541 1,445 96 2,932 2,054 878 2,488 1,897 591 382 346 36 25,262 18,619 6,643 5,287 3,895 1,392 1,503 1,408 95 5,596 3,531 2,065 2,559 2,584 601 412 375 37 23,638 17,385 6,253 5,322 3,910 1,412 1,441 1,330 111 2,625 1,568 1,057 585 435 398 37 23,237 17,522 5,715 5,478 4,057 1,421 1,427 1,309 118 1,436 917 519 2,534 1,956 578 469 433 36 22,631 17,300 5,331 5,429 4,034 1,395 1,377 1,258 119 983 680 303 1,073 639 434 2,677 1,160 1,517 223 1,066 634 432 2,701 1,090 655 435 2,695 1,160 1,535 246 1,082 645 437 2,763 1,242 1,521 247 104 143 2,405 2,3! 1,135 670 465 2,933 1,322 1,611 229 87 142 2,620 1,170 683 487 3,490 1,486 2,004 248 87 161 2,649 2,641 1,172 692 480 4,071 1,551 2,520 270 91 179 2,655 2,649 1,161 691 470 3,950 1,465 2,485 286 95 191 2,736 2,730 1,156 692 464 3,774 1,393 2,381 285 94 191 2,721 2,715 8 6 940 671 269 1,052 765 287 1,047 723 324 800 310 2,527 2,519 1, 532 238 105 133 2,477 2,469 8 8 1,084 819 265 1,008 737 271 864 673 191 102 121 8 101 145 2,337 2,329 1,385 1,484 1,388 96 857 598 259 6 789 621 168 1,836 543 386 342 44 20,379 15,646 4,733 5,302 3,892 1,410 1,556 1,450 106 1,832 1,148 684 1,086 649 437 2,797 1,289 1,508 280 98 182 2,398 2,393 5 928 675 253 41 20,176 15,704 4,472 5,287 3,907 1,380 1,570 1 ,4 " 101 1,588 1,012 576 1,087 656 431 2,711 1,403 209 90 119 2,447 2,442 5 979 676 303 6 6 1,110 6 1,055 786 269 2§2 206 112 105 110 14 6,710 4,128 2,629 362 247 119 309 276 51 5,006 3,140 1,878 106 58 56 1,432 391 1,117 77 18 72 399 401 3 321 198 156 Per cent 9.8 10.3 18.6 22.4 25.4 0 26.6 22.2 39.6 6.6 6.1 8.4 19.7 18.8 42.9 89.5 8.4 11.5 35.2 25.2 44.3 26.9 17.1 37.7 14.6 14.7 0 28.9 24.2 48.1 TABLE 68 90 Febru M*.rch ary 2 .— G E N E R A L 23 V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth PART M a n u fa ctu re s —C ontinued. C hem icals and adied products— C ontinued. Soap and candles____________________ _______ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. C hem icals and allied products, n . o. c ............... M a le s...................... ..................... ....................... Fem ales................................................................. F ood and kindred products............................. M ales_____________________________ ________ Fem ales............................................................... . Bread and other bakery p ro d u c ts ................ M ales............ ........................................................ F em a les............................................................... B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk _____ _____ M ales................................ ................................... Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Canning and preserving fruits and vegetables. M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales________ ___________________________ C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding...... ..................................................... M ales..................... .............. ......................... ....... Fem ales........ ............................................ ........... C onfectionery________________ ________________ M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales__________ _________________________ C ordials and sirups....... ........... ............... ....... M ales.................................................... .............. . Fem ales...................................... ............. ........... F lour-m ill and grist-m ill products..................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F ood preparations.................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of establishm ents re Janu porting ary Slaughtering and m eat packing 4,424 4,112 81 3,623 3,847 3,535 3,965 3,716 3,779 4,270 3,643 3,608 889 3,640 M ales........ .................. I .......... I .......................... 4,313 3,985 3,752 3,548 3,463 3,638 3,694 3,530 3,860 3,560 3,553 4,148 850 Fem ales ____ __________________________ 111 127 75 95 72 78 122 85 78 105 83 87 55 Sugar....... ................. ............................ ... .......... 5 102 103 182 108 138 154 331 1,319 1,227 206 263 1,054 1,217 M ales..................... ............................................... 102 101 107 137 181 205 153 262 330 1,051 1,316 1,224 1,215 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 Fem ales................................................ ........... 2 3 F ood and kindred products, n. o. c .......... ......... 22 339 338 335 331 329 302 313 369 317 328 341 354 67 M ales_________ ................ 1.............................. 262 264 262 259 258 233 282 245 251 263 267 276 49 Fem ales............... ......................................... _ 72 74 77 73 71 69 68 65 74 87 22 66 78 Iron and steel and their products.......................... 1,394 141,309 149,012 155,543 161,342 163,792 171,416 173,935 178,299 184,823 186,112 191,441 201,972 60,663 M ales____ _________1.......... ......................... . 138,456 146,109 152,497 158,280 160,652 168,203 170,753 175,141 181,664 182,829 188,027 198,428 59,972 Fem ales................................................................. 3,062 2,853 2,903 3,140 3,213 3,182 3,414 3,046 3,158 3,159 3,283 3,544 691 B last-furnace p rod u cts......................... .............. . 3,623 3,062 3,902 4,031 3,217 3,290 3,769 30 4,401 4,940 5,203 5,288 5,551 2.489 M ales................................................................. . 3,214 3,620 3,899 3,059 3,287 3,766 5,285 4,028 5,200 5,548 4,398 4,937 2.489 3 Fem ales............................................................... . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not m ade in steel works or rolling m ills , 3,995 4,082 4,266 3,369 3,487 3,574 4,786 18 3,873 3,905 4,055 4,504 4,170 1,417 M ales..................................................................... 4,230 3,435 2; 824 2,937 2,984 3,497 3,266 3,304 3,456 3,571 3,656 3,851 1,406 Fem ales................. ............................................ 550 545 590 560 556 585 599 610 653 607 601 599 108 Cash registers and calculating m achines......... 5,122 14 5,161 5,331 5,268 5,248 5,093 4,837 4,739 5,116 4,698 633 5,180 4,776 M ales.................................... ............................... 4,756 4,749 4,606 4,613 4,667 4,813 4,689 4,606 4,393 4,269 4,292 4,342 544 Fem ales................................................................. 512 499 509 510 494 518 447 491 444 429 434 487 89 C utlery and tools. .............................................. 2,587 2,639 44 2,558 2,466 2,496 2,718 3,004 3,403 1,092 2,690 2,814 3,263 3,558 M ales................................ ................................. 2,261 2,395 2,347 2,287 2,346 2,461 2,449 2,999 3,110 3,284 2,570 2,750 1,023 Fem ales................................................................ 241 211 205 209 244 257 241 293 264 244 254 274 88 D oors and shutters........ ..................... ................ 431 423 410 497 112 445 438 406 433 475 489 518 8 485 M ales................................................................... . 429 421 431 443 408 404 495 112 436 483 473 487 516 Fem ales................................................................. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Forgings 41 4,787 6,144 4,465 4,597 4,968 5,276 5,604 6,965 7,363 7,881 6,484 3,416 5,750 M ales................................................................ . 4,779 *5,077 4,277 4,406 4,596 5,385 7,128 7,633 5,524 5,919 6,260 6,726 3,356 Fem ales............................................................... . 191 189 199 235 188 191 219 224 248 226 225 239 60 F oun dry and m achine-shop products 900 63,196 66,159 69,519 71,455 73,642 77,516 79,859 82,578 85,453 85,773 87,221 93,090 29,894 M ales. . ... _ .... 62,301 65,219 68,552 70,473 72,606 76,498 78,847 81,587 84,427 84,674 86,086 91,895 29,594 Fem ales___________________________________ 982 895 940 967 1,018 1,012 1,135 1,195 1,036 991 1,026 1,099 300 Pum ps, n ot including steam pum ps_________ 1.084 1.138 1.104 968 17 1.167 1,046 1,047 1,052 964 965 1.051 203 1,006 M ales..................................................................... 1.084 1.104 1,045 962 968 1.051 205 1.138 1.167 1,046 1,049 1,005 965 Fem ales............................................................. . 1 2 3 3 Safes and v a u lts .____ ______________________ 11 1,772 1,791 1,772 1,813 1,833 1,778 1,776 1,806 1,786 1,820 257 1,576 1,800 M ales.......... ........................................................ 1,773 1,803 1,783 1,787 1,572 1,815 1,828 1,775 1,769 1,767 1,808 1,795 256 3 Fem ales______________ ___________________ 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 2 Scales and balances___ ______________________ ......... 3 203 72 229 226 206 193 178 160 163 157 216 186 201 M ales................................................................... 190 214 194 70 217 204 180 175 153 147 187 168 150 Fem ales.............................. .......... .................... 4 12 13 12 12 12 13 14 11 10 10 10 10 Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents____ 1,882 2,042 2,391 762 3 1,928 1,942 1,849 1,917 1,888 1,629 1,874 2,181 1,817 M ales......................... ........... ............................. 2,241 1,827 1,862 1,879 1,891 2,067 660 1,796 1,834 1,759 1,819 1,969 1,581 Fem ales................................................................ 102 55 49 114 150 53 55 51 54 55 73 58 48 Springs, steel, car and carriage. _ . . . 2.595 6 1.215 1.325 1.315 1.652 1.170 2.650 1.480 1.966 2.185 2.369 2.530 1.720 M ales______________________________________ 1.215 1.325 2.595 1.170 1.315 1.652 2.650 1.966 2.185 2.369 1.480 1.720 2.530 Steel w orks and rolling m ills 56 38,922 40,764 42,343 45,099 44,574 47,611 48,997 49,104 50,925 49,810 52,508 54,980 16,058 M ales_____________________________________ 38,863 40,710 42,281 45,040 44,507 47,541 48,927 49,032 50,850 49,735 52,431 54,903 16,040 54 62 59 Fem ales................................................................. 72 59 67 70 75 77 70 75 77 23 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 20.1 19.7 43.3 92.3 92.3 (0 18.2 17.4 0) 30.0 30.2 19.5 44.8 44.9 29.6 33.2 16.5 11.9 11.3 17.2 30.7 31.2 30.0 21.6 21.7 43.3 44.0 24.2 32.1 32.2 25.1 17.4 17.6 0) 14.0 14.0 (0 31.4 32.3 C1) 31.9 29.5 68.0 55.8 55.8 29.2 29.2 (0 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 5 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed Industry and sex M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. Iron and steel and th eir produ cts—C ontin ued. Stoves and furnaces............................................... M ales________________________________ _____ Fem ales___________________________________ T in plate and terneplate....................................... M ales________________________ _____________ Fem ales__________________ _________________ W ire........................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ W ire w ork, including w ire rope and cable........ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c ......... M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Leather and its finished products.......................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and findings......... ............... .................................. M ai as _ __ F ait)alas G loves and m ittens, leather................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Leather, tanned, curried, and finished_______ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trunks and valises........ ....................................... M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Leather and its finished products, n. o. c......... M ales ____________________________________ Fem ales....................................... ........................ N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting 88 5 5 35 110 174 80 6 24 16 48 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary 7,048 6,991 57 2,139 2,065 74 1,759 1,749 Febru M arch ary 7,962 7,904 58 2,990 2,897 93 1,763 1,755 8,346 8,282 64 3,257 3,141 116 1,809 1,801 A pril M ay June July 8,341 8,277 64 3,460 3,337 123 1,892 8,247 8,178 69 3,389 3,267 # 122 1,609 1,602 7 692 613 79 2,979 2,785 194 16,389 10,527 5,862 8,106 8,042 64 3,351 3,228 123 2,028 2,020 8 7,076 7,017 59 3,064 2,948 116 1,969 1,960 9 692 614 78 3,437 3,239 198 17,024 10,839 6,185 589 79 3,756 3,564 192 17,444 11,098 6,346 12,858 7,660 5,198 555 83 472 1,483 1,479 4 272 238 34 13,605 8,073 5,532 556 84 472 1,479 1,474 5 263 233 30 1,221 1,121 1,067 154 975 146 10 8 8 1,886 6 560 483 77 2,408 2,256 152 18,317 11,780 6,537 568 494 74 3,123 2,967 156 18,134 6,448 616 539 77 3,555 3,378 177 17,784 11,420 6,364 673 597 76 3,345 3,161 184 16,577 10,786 5,791 14,638 8,773 5,865 557 77 480 1,498 1,495 3 229 204 25 1,395 1,231 164 14,396 8,623 5,773 555 78 477 1,539 1,534 5 245 218 27 1,399 1,233 166 14,000 8,308 5,692 542 76 466 1,521 1,517 4 258 232 26 1,463 1,287 176 12,929 7,812 5,117 551 74 477 1,478 1,474 4 263 233 30 1,356 1,193 163 11,686 668 13,824 8,135 5,689 570 82 488 1,518 1,513 5 260 232 28 1,272 1,136 136 Sep N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 7,452 7,395 57 3,297 3,184 113 1,920 1,907 13 685 599 86 3,669 3,469 200 17,815 11,323 6,492 14,153 8,324 5,829 576 86 490 1,504 1,499 5 247 219 28 1,335 1,195 140 8,596 8,532 64 2,837 2,734 103 2,179 2,167 8,530 8,467 63 3,436 3,316 2,220 1,548 1,541 14 1,321 1,272 49 624 618 12 13 737 646 91 4,105 3,902 203 18,546 11,710 6,836 177 163 17 1,697 1,646 60 2,157 1,253 1,045 7,963 7,908 55 3,191 3,078 113 1,990 1,976 14 663 578 85 3,660 3,467 193 17,581 11,208 6,373 8,367 8,303 64 3,239 3,124 115 2,126 2,113 13 667 583 84 3,848 3,639 209 17,317 10,916 6,401 18,041 11,407 6,634 13,905 8,207 5,698 576 78 498 1,493 1,490 3 234 205 29 1,373 1,228 145 13,941 8,224 5,717 577 78 499 1,512 1,507 5 249 14,609 8,677 5,932 598 75 523 1,548 1,544 4 248 220 220 29 1,038 887 151 28 1,038 891 147 718 630 88 4.006 3,794 212 120 2,233 8 15,083 8,953 6,130 611 84 527 1,603 1,599 4 227 204 23 2,225 1,293 1,013 69 1,022 441 417 40 870 152 12 61 125 125 2 45 34 11 Per cent 18.0 18.1 0) 38.2 38.1 39.8 27.9 27.8 (0 24.0 25.2 0) 41.3 42.2 28.3 11.6 10.6 15.3 14.8 14.4 16.5 11.3 (l) 11.6 7.8 7.8 0) 16.5 14.3 (0 30.1 32.4 22.7 L iquors and beverages________________ ________ M ales.......... ..... J___________________________ Fem ales_____________________ __ ________ Liquors, d istilled ____________________________ M ales____________________________ ________ Fem ales...................... ........................................ Liquors, m alt.................. .......... ............................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________________ ____ M ineral and soda waters_ _ _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ L iquors and beverages, n . o. c ............................. M ales_________________________________ ____ Fem ales___________________________________ Lum ber and its remannfaetnres__ M ales Fem ales___________________________________ Baskets and rattan and w illow ware M ales. . . . _... _ Fem ales __ ........ ______ B oxes, cigar__________________________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. CoflBns, burial cases, and undertakers’ g ood s.. M ales................................................................... Fem ales...... ......................................................... Cooperage and related w ooden goods_________ M ales _ _ __ __ Fem ales Furniture and refrigerators M ales _ _ _ _ _ Fem ales................................................................. Looking-glass and picture fram es _ M ales........................... ............................. ......... Fem ales. ................... .......................................... Lum ber and planing-m ill products___________ M ales.......... ............. ___...................................... Fem ales_________________________ __________ M atches M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... Show cases____________________________ _______ M ales..................................................................... F em a les............................................................... W ood preserving _ .. ... . M ales................. ........................................... ....... W ood, turned and carved___________ ____ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales. 198 11 110 60 17 802 26 16 20 82 166 6 428 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 3 9 3 37 5,641 5,694 5,690 6,117 5,878 6,089 6,112 5,825 5,697 6,320 5,876 6,291 5,564 5,621 5,618 5,801 6,019 6,027 5,783 5,721 6,038 6,254 5,590 6,195 72 77 73 77 70 74 90 93 104 107 66 96 325 313 285 290 244 278 249 290 343 239 330 288 295 289 261 261 219 233 242 220 278 290 218 238 24 24 30 29 25 45 52 29 21 48 53 50 4,704 4,760 4,789 4,948 5,184 4,922 5,206 5,395 5,329 5,176 4,857 4,733 4,933 4,745 4,774 4,842 4,690 5,169 5,191 5,161 5,381 5,314 4,907 4,718 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 381 394 407 496 466 426 463 473 504 426 379 386 364 389 376 477 449 408 445 456 485 410 371 364 17 18 18 19 18 18 17 19 17 16 15 15 231 209 227 214 182 198 184 178 197 238 252 242 215 211 194 199 184 186 171 170 166 224 218 230 16 15 12 16 15 12 13 12 13 14 22 24 23,289 24,263 25,031 25,456 25,163 25,394 24,677 25,025 25,187 25,874 24,704 26,061 21,919 22,886 23,635 24,008 23,740 23,969 23,301 23,596 23,768 24,446 23,227 24,602 1,377 1,370 1,396 1,448 1,419 1,423 1,425 1,429 1,376 1,428 1,459 1,477 470 454 417 568 604 605 671 624 658 526 407 367 325 286 317 384 420 459 430 454 463 380 261 286 131 145 184 137 212 174 185 170 121 195 146 106 382 378 376 378 365 362 370 359 366 375 392 399 147 147 148 147 143 137 138 132 134 142 148 148 234 231 229 231 227 229 227 228 233 251 227 244 1,282 1,291 1,288 1,277 1,235 1,247 1,278 1,273 1,223 1,301 1,319 1,345 1,084 1,084 1,076 1,073 1,045 1,074 1,035 1,060 1,026 1,085 1,101 1,127 206 207 204 204 202 204 213 200 197 216 218 218 1,622 1,584 1,689 1,612 1,542 1,623 1,677 1,599 1,651 1,599 1,664 1,688 1,607 1,571 1,677 1,598 1,609 1,582 1,673 1,666 1,526 1,631 1,643 1,588 15 13 12 14 11 14 16 21 15 11 17 20 8,532 9,068 9,248 9,215 8,882 8,852 8,642 8,888 8,286 9,346 7,979 9,347 8,232 8,773 8,949 8,931 8,573 8,393 8,627 8,598 9,068 8,046 7,638 8,996 295 300 299 284 284 279 240 249 261 278 341 351 304 332 208 307 316 301 291 321 293 339 314 329 204 295 282 298 307 292 319 284 309 325 302 317 4 9 12 9 9 9 9 13 14 12 12 9 7,870 8,058 8,463 8,800 9,004 9,167 9,111 9,041 9,112 9,036 9,093 9,185 8,034 7,845 8,972 8,983 8,439 8,771 9,129 8,993 9,074 9,070 9,037 9,133 24 29 25 24 32 41 58 52 38 38 43 56 1,782 1,962 1,842 1,738 1,879 1,899 1,885 1,919 2,136 1,934 1,956 2,088 1,363 1,314 1,430 1,506 1,404 1,512 1,463 1,708 1,450 1,530 1,658 1,490 419 422 424 449 456 409 428 426 438 422 469 430 232 231 226 246 212 212 237 228 226 208 233 236 229 223 234 243 224 231 229 234 225 209 210 206 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 109 102 95 114 172 165 204 174 146 176 185 130 109 114 102 146 95 172 165 176 204 174 130 185 714 788 748 802 783 716 666 649 648 707 765 660 686 757 714 753 631 629 764 685 617 613 669 729 28 31 34 32 30 36 36 31 35 35 31 38 679 690 41 104 77 32 691 691 1 125 121 4 74 64 12 2,772 2,683 107 304 202 106 40 16 24 122 101 21 147 151 10 1,368 1,430 111 131 121 10 1,315 1,288 34 398 394 60 38 37 1 109 109 154 151 10 10.7 11.0 38.3 30.3 26.1 C1) 12.8 12.8 0) 24.8 24.9 0) 29.4 27.8 0) 10.6 10.9 7.2 45.3 43.6 50.0 10.0 10.8 9.6 9.1 9.0 9.6 8.7 9.0 0) 14.6 15.8 31.6 38.6 37.2 (0 14.3 14.1 0) 18.6 23.1 12.8 15.4 15.2 <9 53.4 53.4 19.2 19.8 0) T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 05 1 9 1 5 : W A G E E A R N E B ^ -C on tin u ed Industry and sex Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent 7 189 189 213 213 184 184 178 178 185 185 171 171 168 168 184 184 196 196 202 202 210 210 218 218 50 50 22.9 22.9 296 16,015 13,009 3,005 1,308 1,296 18,040 14,528 3,512 1,463 1,449 14 18,767 15,187 3,580 1,441 1,430 18,675 15,094 3,581 1,484 1,469 15 19,065 15,435 3,630 1,597 1,583 14 18,705 15,319 3,386 1,651 17 19,413 15,702 3,711 1,672 1,655 17 20,213 16,294 3,919 1,758 1,737 21,566 17,309 4,257 1,880 1,861 19 22,249 17,813 4,436 1,909 1,891 18 28.0 27.0 32.2 31.5 31.5 21 20,861 16,705 4,156 1,881 1,863 18 6,234 4,804 1,430 601 595 12 16,809 13,494 3,315 1,418 1,405 13 647 521 126 9,853 8,754 1,099 1,213 814 399 9,876 8,702 1,174 1,237 828 409 10,758 9,449 1,309 1,155 788 367 11,225 9,902 1,323 1,102 746 356 11,251 9,910 1,341 1,092 743 349 11,426 10,099 1,327 563 457 106 11,657 10,394 1,263 1,086 740 346 11,667 10,394 1,273 1,069 733 336 12,206 10,884 1,322 1,095 754 341 12,316 10,984 1,332 1,098 755 343 12,729 11,375 1,354 1,089 751 338 13,072 11,655 1,417 674 371 303 3,219 2,953 318 54.5 44.8 74.1 24.6 25.3 22.4 3,512 1,783 1,729 342 305 37 3*603 1,917 3,853 2,124 1,729 334 298 36 4,198 2,369 1,829 330 294 36 4,085 2,263 1,822 331 293 38 4,196 2,301 1,895 337 299 38 4,130 2,168 1,962 308 277 31 4,289 2,256 2,033 318 284 34 4,472 2,276 2,196 328 292 36 4,803 2,395 2,408 342 306 36 5,077 2,587 2,490 356 320 36 5,386 2,776 2,610 373 332 41 1,874 993 924 65 55 34.8 35.8 35.4 17.4 16.6 353 350 3 25,163 19,380 5,783 358 181 177 362 356 395 380 15 25,386 19,412 5,974 363 171 192 418 404 14 25,155 19,327 5,828 379 167 422 413 9 25,113 19,236 5,877 370 166 204 417 410 7 25,072 19,241 5,831 372 165 207 379 372 7 24,821 18,980 5,841 376 169 207 381 373 380 372 424 403 420 408 8 8 21 24,926 19,165 5,761 385 172 213 25,723 19,676 6,047 426 183 243 26,218 19,930 6,288 422 187 235 426 411 15 26,520 20,083 6,437 429 187 242 73 63 18 1,810 1,185 705 71 49 7 144 40 20 36 894 6 1,686 337 300 37 6 25,303 19,333 5,970 373 169 204 11 212 1,668 12 26,631 20,165 6,466 419 185 234 10 10 22 66 (0 (0 17.1 15.3 0) 6 .8 5.9 10.9 16.6 11.8 27.2 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu r e s —C ontin ued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures— C ontinued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o . c .... ......... M ales _ _ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel..................................................................... M ales __ _ . F em ales Brass and bronze products...... ............................. M ales Fem ales C locks and w atches, including cases and m aterials.—...................................................... M ales Fem ales____________________________________ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _ _. Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and reflec tors...................................................................... M ales______________________________________ F em ales Jew elry.................................................................... M ales F em ales M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n. o. c ............................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Paper and prin tin g.................................................... M ales______________________________ _______ Fem ales____________________________________ Bags, paper............................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting i Not computed owing to small number represented. 52 2,349 1,021 51 21 1,328 5,013 4,392 621 311 303 8 712 20 32 59 721 81 233 7 5 41 26 15,359 12,405 2,954 402 394 6 15,526 12,418 3,108 403 395 8 8 8 1,361 662 699 18,990 2,231 35,382 31,221 4,161 435 435 4,934 4,931 3 621 620 1,315 672 643 23,304 20,959 2,345 38,445 34,144 4,301 545 545 5,972 5,969 3 715 714 1 1 1 126 125 130 129 134 133 1 1 1 9,897 9,065 832 445 369 76 10,245 9,341 904 451 377 74 285 285 231 231 619 619 17,079 13,906 3,173 10,524 9,597 927 431 364 67 297 297 264 264 675 675 18,502 15,205 3,297 212 212 5 246 246 582 582 16,319 13,231 3,088 187 2,395 1,034 1,361 5,044 4,388 656 40 334 1,371 684 687 19,796 17,741 2,055 34,351 30,345 4,006 423 423 5,166 5,163 3 594 593 39 78 2,373 1,032 1,341 4,949 4,321 628 330 323 7 15,511 12,428 3,083 406 398 21,221 2,390 1,046 1,344 4,981 4,360 621 337 328 9 15,377 12,376 3,001 399 392 7 1,292 658 634 26,454 23,939 2,515 39,890 35,681 4,209 677 677 6,718 6,711 7 861 859 2 138 137 1 10,348 9,419 929 431 353 78 447 447 250 250 734 734 18,915 15,728 3,187 2,382 1,019 1,363 5,019 4,356 663 343 333 10 15,364 12,343 3,021 396 389 7 1,239 630 609 28,754 26,208 2,546 41,142 36,775 4,367 777 777 7,322 7,316 6 863 861 2 146 145 1 10,375 9,428 947 437 360 77 584 584 271 271 771 771 19,214 15,885 3,329 2,315 2,323 987 1,026 1,328 1,297 5,102 5,120 4,480 4,447 622 673 338 320 312 330 8 8 15,348 15,223 12,280 12,089 3,134 3,088 382 375 368 373 9 7 1,084 1,215 626 569 589 515 30,332 31,027 27,775 28,514 2,557 2,513 40,398 37,815 36,082 33,827 4,316 3,988 792 828 792 828 7,435 7,243 7,429 7,236 6 7 876 866 874 864 2 2 172 155 154 171 1 1 9,946 7,775 7,112 9,046 900 663 437 443 361 370 76 73 561 580 580 561 252 261 252 261 730 723 723 730 18,808 18,553 15,481 15,315 3,238 3,327 2,285 988 1,297 5,139 4,498 641 338 330 8 15,159 12,178 2,981 385 380 5 1,235 619 616 30,162 27,872 2,290 38 546 34,154 4,392 752 752 7,007 7,000 7 714 713 1 171 170 1 8,432 7,571 861 454 382 72 539 539 272 272 733 733 19,153 15,707 3,446 2,437 1,022 1,415 5,333 4,648 685 343 332 11 15,483 12,438 3,045 360 383 7 1,311 670 641 30,267 27,990 2,277 40,164 35,581 4,583 749 749 6,984 6,977 7 852 851 1 189 188 1 9,549 8,583 966 457 385 72 615 615 253 253 766 766 19,343 15,812 3,531 2,539 1,061 1,478 5,308 4,615 693 350 340 10 15,849 12,644 3,205 400 394 6 1,350 689 661 30,826 28,541 2,285 40,504 35,762 4,742 709 709 6,605 6,602 3 844 843 1 196 195 1 10,318 9,287 1,031 473 397 76 603 603 247 247 786 786 19,347 15,722 3,625 2,671 1,095 1,576 5,388 4,682 706 340 328 12 15,868 12,701 3,167 393 385 8 1,431 705 726 31,055 28,809 2,246 40,996 36,215 4,781 651 651 6,195 6,192 3 795 794 1 226 225 1 11,542 10,423 1,119 484 405 79 559 559 234 234 759 759 19,150 15,577 3,573 2,659 1,080 1,579 5,393 4,695 698 335 326 9 15,991 12,771 3,220 399 390 9 1,435 718 717 32,924 30,406 2,518 40,861 36,051 4,810 556 556 5,731 5,728 3 568 567 1 242 237 5 11,989 10,838 1,151 485 408 77 466 466 232 232 731 731 19,443 15,876 3,567 386 108 282 444 374 85 39 37 6 832 682 266 31 30 4 351 149 211 13,128 12,665 502 6,791 6,430 822 405 405 2,501 2,498 4 308 307 1 116 112 4 4,214 3,726 488 54 55 12 403 403 41 41 204 204 3,124 2,654 537 14.5 9.9 17.9 8.2 8.0 12.0 11.1 10.9 0) 5.2 5.3 8.3 7.6 7.5 (9 24.5 20.8 29.1 39.9 41.7 19.6 16.5 17.5 17.1 48.9 48.9 33.6 33.6 0) 35.2 35.1 0) 47.9 47.3 0) 35.1 34.4 42.4 11.1 13.5 0) 65.5 65.5 15.1 15.1 26.0 26.0 16.1 16.7 14.8 1915: WAGE EARNERS Boxes, fancy and paper___________ __________ M ales__ I ____ . . . . _________________________ F em a les....................... ........................................ Paper and wnnrj pulp .. _ _ M ales__ _____ *__ 1________________________ Fem ales - __ ____ Photo-engraving M ales. ______I ______________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Printing and publishing_____________________ M ales_____1________ ~ _____________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Stereotyping and electrotyp in g______________ M ales ___________ . . . . _______________ Fem ales____________________________________ Paper and printing, n. o. c ____________________ M a le s.. T_____ n ___________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ R ubber products_______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________ _____________________ Stone, clay, and glass produ cts_________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ A rtificial stone_______________________________ M ales___________________________________ ■__ B rick and tile ________ _______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ C em ent______________________________________ M ales________________________________ _____ Fem ales____________________________________ E m ery and other abrasion w heels____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales, _ _ _ .... . _ ____ Glass _ ..... ... _ _ ... M ales_________________________________ ____ Fem ales____________________________________ Glass, cu tting, staining, and ornam enting......... M ales______________________________________ Females,, __ _ K aolin and ground earths ____ ... M ales. . .... . . . ... _____ . L im e_________________________________________ M ales______________________________________ M arble and stone w ork______________________ M ales______________________________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay produ cts........ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 00 1 9 1 5 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 19 341 336 5 33,280 11,463 21,817 508 198 310 757 285 472 8,513 2,575 5,938 7,914 2,702 352 347 5 35,805 12,257 23,548 589 386 381 5 36,665 12,622 24,043 382 377 5 34,330 12,119 222 253 415 867 301 566 9,448 2,891 6,557 9,442 3,153 6,289 860 758 371 366 5 35,920 12,531 23,389 707 294 413 387 383 4 34,827 12,333 22,494 761 332 429 878 320 558 9,241 2,793 6,448 8,638 2,855 5,783 885 777 108 247 64 183 1,651 730 921 303 282 26 736 291 445 390 386 4 34,864 12,355 22,509 602 264 338 882 324 558 9,063 2,769 6,294 8,992 3,038 5,954 798 706 92 258 657 29 8 151 104 - 5,212 615 6 549 66 6 174 6 8 231 58 173 1,585 696 889 277 251 26 740 300 440 367 815 295 520 8,946 2,763 6,183 9,150 3,070 6,080 791 699 92 242 62 180 1,558 691 867 285 259 26 740 299 441 668 868 305 563 9,407 2,910 6,497 8,949 2,918 6,031 884 772 102 112 245 62 183 1,633 733 900 275 249 26 734 287 447 232 63 169 1,724 758 966 311 285 26 756 287 469 22,211 805 363 442 872 306 566 9,304 2,833 6,471 8,022 2,520 5,502 930 822 108 239 64 175 1,704 748 956 306 280 26 740 289 451 66 192 1,539 680 859 300 274 26 715 285 430 N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 319 315 4 35,851 12,650 23,201 478 222 256 874 325 549 9,298 2,834 6,464 9,367 3,240 6,127 701 620 81 249 63 186 1,280 678 602 289 263 26 689 279 410 407 402 5 36,310 12,608 23,702 393 186 207 884 329 555 9,478 2,886 6,592 9,455 3,220 6,235 587 512 75 267 63 204 1,562 714 848 289 263 26 711 278 433 376 371 5 36,855 12,716 24,139 417 202 215 922 340 582 9,749 3,024 6,725 9,350 3,173 6,177 502 426 76 291 87 204 1,740 756 984 291 265 26 748 284 464 401 396 5 35,773 12,510 23,263 435 195 240 944 348 596 9,570 2,937 6,633 8,707 2,964 5,743 592 509 83 294 88 206 1,739 750 989 296 270 26 750 289 461 418 412 99 97 6 2 35,481 12,559 22,922 435 184 251 935 349 586 9,618 2,942 6,676 7,787 2,639 5,148 974 847 127 303 90 213 1,692 738 954 316 290 26 745 289 456 3,575 1,253 2,322 412 179 235 187 . 64 124 1,236 449 787 1,668 720 1,141 472 421 61 72 32 44 460 80 387 41 41 Per cent 23.7 23.5 0) 9.7 9.9 9.6 51.2 49.3 53.2 19.8 18.3 20.8 12.7 14.8 11.7 17.6 22.2 18.1 48.5 49.7 48.0 23.8 0) 20.7 26.4 10.6 39.1 13.0 14.1 22 8.9 7.3 59 12.6 67 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Stone, clay, and glass products— C ontinued. Stone, clay, and glass products, n. o. c ................ M ales............................................... ..................... Fem ales................................................................. T extiles-..................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. . A w nings, tents, and sails....................................... M ales................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................. . B ags, other than paper.......................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales—............................ „ .................. ........... C lothin g, m en’s, including shirts....................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................. .............................................. C lothin g, w om en’s................................................. M ales................................................................. . Fem ales— ........................................................... C ordage, tw ine, ju te, and linen g ood s.............. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C otton goods, including cotton sm all w ares___ M ales...................................................... .............. Fem ales................................................................. C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s_______ M ales..................................................... — ......... Fem ales................................................................ D yeing and finishing textiles. ........................... M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales................................................................ Flags, banners, and regalia. ................................ M ales............................................. ....................... Fem ales................................................................. m ents re porting ■Furnishing goods, men’s ___ 17 M a le s .--.-- ___ _____________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , and w ool M ales______________________________________ Females TTorse elothing Males. _ ~ Females. ...... . 3 . . . . ... H osiery and k n it goods______________________ Males 14 ~ __ _ 31 Fem ales Millinery and laee goods M ales’ Fem ales 23 . ... . Oilcloth and linoleum Males. __ _ Shoddy _____ Males _ _ 4 _ 3 Fem ales _ _ ___ W oolen, w orsted, and felt goods________ __ M ales __ Fem ales____________________________________ Textiles, n. o. ft . ... _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................. ............................................... ___ Tobacco manufactures. _ Males _ . _ .. .. Fem ales____________________________________ Vehicles for land transportation _ _ .... _ M ales _ __ ... Fem ales____________________________________ A utom obiles, including bodies and parts......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Bicycles, motor cycles, a.nd parts M ales _ ____ ^^ Females ___ fla.rria.ges and sleds, children’s _ _ „ 17 53 240 325 100 7 4 M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Carriages, wagons, and materials M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ Cars, steam railroad, n ot including operations of railroad companies . _ . ........... M ales _ __ „ , . ^ Fem ales........................................... ..................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 199 9 442 53 389 345 105 240 445 203 242 3,135 658 2,477 1,502 394 1,108 223 223 539 365 174 3,356 1,098 2,258 2,153 750 1,403 12,531 4,285 8,246 30,562 29,380 1,182 22,582 21,648 934 863 837 26 1,060 1,004 56 4,406 4,243 163 1,183 1,182 1 483 56 427 368 486 56 430 364 464 53 411 356 120 122 122 248 428 195 233 3,101 652 2,449 1,997 413 1,584 237 237 539 367 172 3,306 1,086 242 421 190 231 3,188 680 2,508 1,760 415 1,345 235 235 536 360 176 3,297 1,103 2,194 2,206 774 1,432 13,813 4,646 9,167 32,753 31,492 1,261 23,906 22,939 967 846 816 30 1,096 1,035 61 5,292 5,092 234 426 197 229 3,196 675 2,521 1,479 395 1,084 229 229 533 360 173 3,188 1,080 2,108 2,220 2,230 771 1,459 13,311 4,474 8,837 32,035 30,747 1,288 23,446 22,432 1,014 897 868 29 1,069 1,008 61 4,824 4,643 181 1,223 1,222 1 473 54 419 367 127 240 429 208 481 54 427 375 125 250 430 221 229 3,444 758 200 200 3,373 717 2,656 884 366 518 229 229 516 346 170 2,938 1,025 1,913 2,199 822 1,377 12,689 4,089 8,600 36,214 34,669 1,545 27,244 26,055 1,189 800 773 27 1,171 1,107 64 5,242 4,980 262 1,096 1,095 1,082 1,081 1,125 1,124 1 2,211 828 1,383 13,299 4,331 8,968 34,137 32,787 1,350 25,268 24,214 1,054 895 865 30 1,122 1,059 63 5,189 4,989 1 1 201 2,686 780 333 447 229 229 506 336 170 3.037 1.037 480 59 421 319 114 205 406 203 203 3,531 779 2,752 997 374 623 235 235 509 336 173 2,969 1,012 816 1,384 12,446 3,952 8,494 37,581 36,110 1,471 29,015 27,829 1,186 773 748 25 1,184 1,119 65 4,772 4,580 192 1,957 2,269 837 1,432 11,881 3,844 8,037 39,007 37,472 1,535 30,274 28,993 1,281 718 691 27 1,188 1,126 62 4,140 3,978 162 1,171 1,170 1,929 1,928 1 1 2,000 2,200 490 59 431 312 109 203 409 1,164 58 3,868 3,721 147 503 59 444 361 123 238 403 204 199 3,737 820 2,917 1,483 424 1,059 234 234 582 406 176 2,978 1,023 1,955 2,403 864 1,539 12,271 3,960 8,311 42,686 41,144 1,542 33,063 31,757 1,306 898 870 28 1,262 1,207 55 3,898 3,749 149 2,132 2, m 2,706 2,705 211 198 3,653 843 2,810 1,629 405 1,224 234 234 579 403 176 3,019 1,023 1,996 2,301 839 1,462 11,944 3,850 8,094 40,471 38,830 1,641 31,682 30,277 1,405 786 758 28 1,222 548 64 484 353 125 228 418 544 63 481 365 126 239 432 106 201 200 21 232 3,816 827 2,989 934 346 588 254 254 569 395 174 3,144 1,092 2,052 2,618 44 749 191 580 1,217 91 1,137 31 31 76 70 2,495 876 1,619 12,415 3,982 8,433 43,683 41,979 1,704 33,592 32,129 1,463 874 849 25 1,306 1,250 56 3,964 3,808 156 217 3,801 821 2,980 847 360 487 250 250 568 392 176 3,137 1,070 2,067 2,524 877 1,647 12,506 4,043 8,463 43,593 42,006 1,587 33,009 31,683 1,326 1,076 1,050 26 1,354 1,289 65 4,311 4,145 166 2,959 2,958 538 63 475 344 118 226 397 198 199 3,850 821 3,029 1,332 393 939 240 240 577 399 178 3,072 1,051 2,021 1 11 95 63 22 47 48 8 26 1,396 1,317 79 4,539 4,356 183 418 91 345 465 138 353 1,932 802 1,130 15,058 14,559 522 11,766 11,311 529 520 521 5 336 313 24 1,424 1,371 115 2,774 2,773 3,054 3,053 1.972 1.972 1 1 888 1,730 12,576 4,114 8,462 45,620 43,939 1,681 34,348 32,959 1,389 1,238 1,212 19.3 0) 19.6 16.8 17.3 18.8 10.8 10.0 18.2 19.5 22.7 19.1 60.9 21.5 71.8 12.2 12.2 13.1 17.2 4.5 12.5 8.3 15.3 17.8 15.5 20.4 14.0 17.3 12.3 33.0 33.1 30.6 34.3 34.3 36.2 42.0 43.0 <9 24.1 23.8 0) 26.9 26.9 43.9 64.6 64.6 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 5 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting M a n u fa ctu re s —C ontinued. V ehicles for land transportation— C ontinued. Cars, street railroad, not including operations of railroad com panies...................................... Mains _ ...... . _ __ Fem ales____________________________________ V ehicles for land transportation, n . o. c -----------M ales______________________________________ M iscellaneous industries................................- ......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ _______________________________ _ A gricultural im plem ents................................ . M a le s _________ ___________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B room s and m ops............................................... . M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Brushes...................................................... - ............ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C oke........................................................................... M ales ___________________________________ D entists’ m aterials............................................... . M ales ____________________________________ Fem ales __ ________________________________ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and su p p lies. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E nam eling and japanning.................................... M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F ancy articles.......................................................... M ales _______ ____________ Fem ales _ _ _____________________________ Ice, m anufactured................................................... M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 4 2 631 60 23 14 3 9 98 5 Janu ary 98 A pril M ay June July Sep October N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 403 401 500 498 439 437 502 500 555 553 600 598 693 691 714 712 2 66 66 2 2 2 2 2 2 76 76 31,333 26,829 4,504 4,731 4,705 26 285 245 40 445 335 79 79 33,529 28,805 4,724 4,654 4,626 28 275 237 38 475 353 460 460 371 256 115 10,563 9,231 1,332 443 318 125 382 288 94 1,260 1,259 77 77 34,280 29,527 4,753 4,412 4,388 24 278 239 39 492 361 131 503 503 365 245 976 975 78 78 32,514 27,895 4,619 4,884 4,861 23 279 241 38 466 343 123 316 316 365 258 107 10,003 8,780 1,223 416 300 116 399 296 103 1,039 1,038 2 66 66 10,826 9,511 1,315 430 306 124 389 309 80 1,673 1,672 34,947 30,118 4,829 4,354 4,322 32 272 232 40 475 352 123 475 475 368 245 123 10,850 9,507 1,343 411 292 119 401 316 85 1,930 1,929 65 65 35,109 30,431 4,678 4,136 4,103 33 264 227 37 498 375 123 457 457 374 250 124 10,471 9,176 1,295 372 268 104 387 307 80 2,197 2,196 67 67 35,015 30,204 4,811 3,930 3,905 25 259 224 35 525 387 138 435 435 385 258 127 10,698 9,339 1,359 341 249 92 425 334 91 2,104 2,103 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29,836 25,535 4,301 4,485 4,459 26 276 238 38 407 314 93 330 330 360 255 105 9,119 8,046 1,073 369 267 102 9 Febru M arch ary 374 283 91 946 945 1 110 313 313 357 255 102 9,771 8,602 1,169 389 286 103 422 301 121 122 120 792 789 3 67 67 36,468 31,515 4,953 3,956 3,924 32 268 232 36 533 401 132 536 536 380 257 123 9,827 1,385 316 225 91 431 347 84 1,924 1,923 923 920 3 65 65 37,155 31,835 5,320 3,781 3,765 16 284 242 42 531 396 135 558 558 386 258 128 11,794 10,367 1,427 319 215 104 480 390 90 1,413 1,412 995 992 3 74 74 39,082 33,184 5,898 4,101 4,073 28 288 250 38 541 410 131 560 560 382 256 126 12,315 10,832 1,483 333 219 114 485 401 84 1,176 1,175 969 966 3 76 76 41,926 35,755 6,171 4,668 4,640 28 291 250 41 607 464 143 571 571 393 260 133 12,990 11,399 1,591 353 226 127 512 421 91 1,018 1,017 1 1 1 1 11,212 592 591 1 14 14 12,090 10,220 1,870 1,103 1,096 17 32 26 7 200 150 50 258 258 36 15 31 3,871 3,353 518 127 103 36 138 138 41 1,251 1,251 Per cent 59.5 59.6 0) 0) (i) 28.8 28.6 30.3 22.6 22.5 («) 11.0 10.4 0) 32.9 32.3 35.0 45.2 45.2 9.2 5.8 23.3 29.8 29.4 32.6 28.7 32.4 28.3 27.0 32.8 33.9 56.9 57.0 Instrum ents, professional and scien tific........... . M ales............ ....................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . M attresses and spring beds................................ . M ales.................................................................. Fem ales............................................................... . M odels and patterns, n ot including paper pat terns................................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . M u nitions................................................................ M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . O ptical goods......................................................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . Pianos, organs, and m aterials........................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . R oofin g m aterials................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... S hipbu ilding, in clu din g boat bu ild in g............. M ales..................................................................... Signs and advertising novelties.......................... M ales................................................... ................ Fem ales.............................................................. Soda-w ater apparatus................................. ......... Tvlales Sporting and ath letic goods................................. M ales.................... ............................ .................. Fem ales............................................. .................. Stationery goods..................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................... — ............ T oys and gam es................................ .................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales........................................... ................. . U m brellas and ca n e s........................................._. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales........................................................ ........ M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c......................... M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................ M ales.................... Fem ales............... . A m usem ent parks.. M ales..................... Fem ales................. t Not computed owing to small number represented. 1,036 984 52 1,126 837 289 376 375 367 371 370 1 1 1 1 761 566 195 150 133 17 2,378 2,234 144 422 401 848 638 968 739 229 161 133 28 2,365 1,017 801 216 197 149 48 2,179 2,046 133 595 574 34 210 160 134 26 2,308 2,163 145 498 477 1,056 56 1,183 887 296 2,212 153 565 544 1,186 1,128 58 1,224 922 302 1,216 1,156 60 1,309 982 327 1,260 1,203 57 1,305 976 329 1,288 1,224 64 1,263 947 316 1,421 1,359 62 1,380 1,063 317 1,421 1,357 64 1,408 1,087 321 1,167 1,072 95 1,390 1,083 307 1,226 1,143 83 1,390 1,091 299 540 529 44 293 261 44 0) 20.8 407 406 420 419 454 453 473 472 499 498 466 465 495 494 147 147 28.5 28.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 515 514 1 1,048 838 1,654 1,417 237 1,936 1,680 256 203 155 48 2,207 2,055 152 694 673 2,223 1,904 319 206 153 53 2,456 2,295 161 729 708 3,476 2,575 901 209 152 57 2,481 2,324 157 741 720 3,326 2,533 793 81.4 81.7 80.3 30.6 15.3 0) 29.7 30.2 21 21 21 21 1,894 1,894 1,423 919 504 286 286 590 412 178 757 513 244 1,408 729 679 265 87 178 1,539 1,186 353 1,947 1,947 1,371 899 472 300 300 575 403 172 785 536 249 1,385 719 313 1,741 1,741 1,403 925 478 294 294 510 357 153 775 531 244 1,381 709 672 263 93 170 1,482 1,114 368 1,838 1,838 1,414 944 470 231 231 488 341 147 819 553 266 1,411 714 697 271 96 175 1,526 1,146 380 3,008 2,550 458 216 155 61 2,583 2,412 171 711 690 21 1,403 1,403 1,437 940 497 194 194 560 410 150 835 565 270 1,513 747 766 301 13 208 1,553 1,164 389 4,087 3,099 988 1,870 132 633 612 1,268 1,033 235 197 151 46 2,181 2,044 137 658 637 28,930 17,260 11,670 1,930 1,365 565 29,878 18,308 11,570 1,890 1,337 553 29,906 18,261 11,645 1,816 1,253 563 29,606 18,212 11,394 573 486 87 28,163 16,799 11,364 395 362 33 210 191 150 41 2,002 21 21 21 1.270 1.270 1,325 887 438 231 231 626 428 198 751 501 250 1,337 638 699 249 90 159 1,511 1,167 344 1.466 1.466 1,349 897 452 293 293 603 413 190 742 501 241 1,392 680 712 254 92 162 1,523 1,179 344 1.685 1.685 1,366 900 466 412 187 748 506 242 1,395 717 678 257 89 168 1,540 1,191 349 1.936 1.936 1,389 909 480 303 303 599 410 189 745 503 242 1,422 726 696 254 86 168 1,546 1,188 358 26,491 15,536 10,955 319 293 26 26,458 15,558 10,900 339 312 27 26,954 15,912 11,042 421 393 28 27,859 16,635 11,224 595 554 41 28,299 16,928 11,371 980 853 127 21 38.0 38.9 1,144 1,085 59 1,293 971 322 1.154 1.154 1,315 862 453 225 225 626 441 185 744 502 242 1,306 619 687 240 89 151 1,477 1,137 340 21 Service........................ 1,112 881 830 51 1,115 830 285 200 153 47 2,361 2,219 142 667 646 666 266 91 175 1,423 1,110 1 211 66 157 54 2,846 2,680 166 737 716 24 44 844 810 39 319 319 23.9 13.4 22.8 43.0 44.3 21 21 2,409 2,409 1,476 944 532 1,831 1,831 268 71 13 61 155 54 99 22.8 0) 1,578 1,166 412 2,985 2,985 1,583 950 633 230 230 601 440 161 862 588 274 1,390 657 733 293 90 203 1,567 1,167 400 27,964 16,653 11,311 381 344 37 27,779 16,479 11,300 358 319 39 3,448 2,772 770 1,611 1,072 539 11.5 15.1 221 221 564 408 156 851 576 275 1,532 765 767 311 99 212 88 195 109 109 138 100 51 120 87 34 226 146 101 61.3 61.3 16.9 9.3 30.8 36.0 36.0 22.0 22.7 25.8 13.9 14.8 12.4 14.8 19.1 13.2 28.8 9.8 4.5 24.0 6 .6 83.5 78.5 95.4 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CD to 1 9 1 5 s W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued Industry and sex S ervice—C ontinued. Garages................ ................ .................................. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales____ ______________________________ H ospitals.......................... ............ ................ ......... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales____________________ _______________ H otels________________ ____________ _ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales__________ _______________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners__________________ M ales................. ................................ _ ............ Fem ales................................. .............................. O ffice buildings..................................................... . M ales.................................................................... Fem ales____________________________________ R estaurants______ ___________________________ M ales................................ ................................... Fem ales___________ _______________________ Saloons_______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ _________________________________ T heaters_______________ ______________________ M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales. __________________________________ Service, n . o . e_ _ _ M ales........................... ................................. ....... Fem ales________ ___________________________ T ra d e ..................................... .......................................... M ales................................ ............... ................... Fem ales____________________________________ O ffices_______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting 193 12 246 270 166 220 100 96 132 4,112 289 V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 16th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary M ay June July 1,836 1,824 1,863 1,853 1,842 1,832 1,884 1,874 1,858 1,848 1,846 1,836 12 10 10 10 10 10 302 83 219 7,594 4,796 2,798 7,952 2,872 5,080 2,555 1,711 844 3,212 1,700 1,512 1,270 1,049 306 85 303 81 303 82 221 222 221 1,048 781 267 1,231 1,079 152 8,877 6,154 2,723 7,677 2,559 5,118 2,544 1,704 840 3,218 1,720 1,498 1,261 1,038 223 979 749 230 1,263 1,109 154 9,014 6,225 2,789 7,718 2,594 5,124 2,540 1,712 828 3,221 1,724 1,497 1,257 1,032 225 959 719 240 1,236 1,089 147 9,240 6,402 2,838 7,815 2,629 5,186 2,514 1,702 812 3,265 1,756 1,509 1,290 1,059 231 1,459 1,118 341 1,263 1,104 159 301 84 217 7,895 5,020 2,875 7,799 2,620 5,179 2,585 1, 754 831 3,263 1,756 1,507 1,305 1,076 229 1,533 1,190 343 1,229 1,089 140 302 83 219 7,839 4,970 2,869 7,741 2,583 5,158 2,581 1,764 817 3,231 1,745 1,486 1,316 1,083 233 1,545 343 1,182 1,043 139 1,825 1,816 9 295 82 213 7,724 4,902 2,822 7,769 2,563 5,206 2,558 1,741 817 3,201 1,732 1,469 1,321 1,091 230 1,602 1,262 340 1,126 971 155 32,988 27,038 5,950 411 368 43 32,539 27,018 5,521 409 366 43 32,498 27,204 5,294 408 367 41 33,743 27,653 6,090 408 366 42 35,159 28,354 6,805 406 364 42 35,066 28,343 6,723 408 365 43 35,536 28,861 6,675 407 363 44 1,492 1,481 1,522 1,511 1,632 1,621 1,744 1,732 11 11 11 12 304 84 305 84 310 7,470 4,698 2,772 7,985 2,846 5,139 2,623 1,766 857 3,157 1,665 1,492 1,296 1,071 225 1,504 1,184 320 1,175 1,031 144 1,810 1,797 13 307 84 223 7,632 4,850 2,782 8,131 2,914 5,217 2,589 1,733 856 3,191 1,693 1,498 1,282 1,057 225 1,136 853 283 1,241 1,094 147 32,992 26,525 6,467 409 366 43 33,313 27,073 6,240 412 369 43 220 221 1,467 1,148 319 1,124 978 146 1,476 1,161 315 1,135 975 160 309 84 225 7,401 4,650 2,751 7,481 2,469 5,012 2,593 1,755 838 3,105 1,643 1,462 1,291 1,065 226 1,541 1,217 324 1,180 1,015 165 31,433 25,483 5,950 405 363 42 30,891 25,366 5,525 407 364 43 31,974 25,887 6,087 410 367 43 220 221 7,392 4,651 2,741 7,419 2,422 4,997 2,566 1,746 820 3,105 1,650 1,455 1,303 1,083 7,386 4,634 2,752 7,302 2,394 4,908 2,586 1,763 823 3,108 1,646 1,462 1,299 1,078 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber A pril 88 222 221 1,202 Per cent 392 393 4 15 7 20.8 21.0 (0 12 5.3 1,854 1,768 152 829 520 309 109 64 45 160 113 57 64 59 13 643 543 113 139 138 26 4,645 3,495 1,511 7 4.8 0) 20.1 27.6 5.3 10.2 17.8 5.9 4.2 3.6 5.3 4 9 6.4 3.8 4.8 5.4 5.6 40.1 43.0 32.9 11.0 12.4 15.8 13.1 12.1 22.2 1.7 6 3 Hi to 1 .6 0) O tel tel r< Hi 66429°—32---- 7 R etail delivery, m ilk, ice, and water... M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. R etail and w holesale stores................... M ales..................................................... Fem ales.................................................. Y ards, coal and lum ber......................... M ales...................................................... Fem ales........ ........................................ . T ra n s p o rta tio n a n d p u b lic u tilitie s __________ M a le s................................................................... Fem ales............................ ..................... .............. Cartage (drayage) and storage, including livery stables....................................... ........... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ E lectric ligh t and pow er.............................. ........ M ales............................................................ ........ Fem ales................................................................ E lectric railroads.............................. .................... M ales................................................. .................. Fem ales................................................................. N atural gas............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales....................... ....................................... P ip elin es (petroleum )................................ ......... M ales.................................... ............................... Steam railroads....................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T elegraph and te le p h o n e ,........................... ...... M ales..................................................................... 60 3,157 ’ ‘ '606 996 310 ~I02 "6 5 "8 7 1 N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 341 20 17 737 726 46,824 38,738 8,086 9,596 8,956 640 3,273 3,271 3,978 3,973 5 3,262 3,260 4,117 4,112 5 3,191 3,189 3,982 3,975 7 3,308 3,306 19,574 19,517 57 3,196 3,179. 17 922 922 315 309 19,457 19,399 58 3,316 3,298 18 1.083 1.083 331 325 18,859 18,804 55 3,232 3,216 16 1.043 1.043 346 340 4,049 4,042 7 3,318 3,316 2 18,217 18,164 53 3,480 3,462 18 1.090 1.090 343 336 7 13,405 5,681 7,724 590 591 3 654 655 1 3,431 3,423 47,488 39,612 7,876 3,784 3,826 3,778 3,820 6 6 2,949 2.993 2,947 2,991 2 2 19,922 19,950 19,866 19,893 56 • 57 3,098 2.994 3,083 2,978 15 16 1.087 878 1.087 878 293 298 287 292 . 6 6 14,836 13,390 6,798 5,607 7,783 3,806 3,800 42,826 35,089 7,737 3,527 3,521 6 3,011 3,008 3 16,683 16,636 47 2,400 2,383 17 845 845 275 3,569 3,564 5 2,697 3 16,519 16,470 49 2,311 2,296 15 738 738 266 260 6 11,787 4,351 7,436 3,671 3.664 7 2.664 2,661 3 17,032 16,983 49 2,497 2,481 16 777 777 265 259 6 11,818 4,301 7,517 3,883 3,875 8 2,784 2,781 3 18,163 18,116 47 2,712 14 808 808 296 290 6 12,204 4,556 7,648 3,887 7 2,787 2,784 3 19,348 19,297 51 3,151 3,135 16 991 991 301 295 6 12,587 4, 7, 941 939 2 165 165 337 337 1,072 1,069 3 177 177 313 313 1,507 1,496 2,111 185 185 284 284 46,848 39,026 7,822 47,370 39,465 7,905 40,286 32,685 7,601 11 47,089 39,286 7,803 48,926 40,770 8,156 39,330 31,814 7,516 910 908 2 169 169 327 3271 48,036 40,148 7,888 45,717 37,923 7,794 41,409 33,645 7,764 13,262 5,579 7,683 350 349 2 3,619 2,415 1,529 1,158 1,194 330 821 809 12 27,652 21,335 6,317 6,656 6,354 302 352 24,869 19,190 5,679 5,960 5,607 353 1,035 862 850 12 27,034 20,682 6.352 6,762 6,446 316 1,085 1,072 13 25,700 19,995 5,705 6,550 24,033 18,920 5,113 5,714 5,356 358 12 932 919 13 27,067 20,632 6,435 6,754 6,439 315 1,071 1,058 13 24,570 19,664 4,906 6,449 6,115 24,617 19,072 5,545 5,604 5,252 352 11 735 723 1,075 1,062 13 24,726 19,606 5,120 6,329 5,984 345 824 812 12 25,628 19,562 6,066 6,131 5,785 346 11 T ransportation b y w ater, in clu d in g stevedor in g....................................................................... M ales.................................................................... F em ales. .......................... .................................... W aterw orks............................................................. M ales..................................................................... T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o. c ... M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ 807 796 965 953 12 25,617 19,800 5,817 6,319 5,951 368 13 25,154 19,612 5,542 6,388 2,125 14 234 234 299 299 1,022 2,432 2,400 32 204 204 321 320 1 2,483 2,449 34 237 237 321 320 1 6 2 6,220 2 2 6 6 6 13,210 5,456 7,754 13,351 5,586 7,765 13,173 5,468 7,705 2,628 2,595 2,718 2,685 33 2,564 2,551 13 218 218 346 345 1 240 324 323 1 212 212 328 327 1 2.353 2,343 10 370 369 1 2 17,573 17,519 54 3,470 3,450 20 954 954 330 322 8 15,232 7,243 7,989 1,467 1,462 5 178 178 330 329 1 11 1,169 1,166 6 252 252 81 81 2 3,445 2,942 1,808 1,777 32 75 75 86 85 1 32.3 32.6 0) 13.1 11.3 23.8 17.1 18.5 17.9 19.6 22.0 7.8 14.3 14.4 0) 19.7 19.8 0) 17.2 17.2 (0 33.6 33.7 0) 32.3 32.3 23.4 23.8 0) 22 6 40.6 7.5 66.5 66.2 0) 31.3 31.3 23.2 23.0 0) T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued JO ^ 1 9 1 5 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting Industry and sex M ales................. Fem ales............. Agriculture................. ................ ............ M ales........................................................ Fem ales................. ................................. F lorists, fru it grow ers, nurserym en, seedsm en............................................. M ales........................................................ Fem ales.................................................... A griculture, n . o . c .................................... M ales................... ................................... Fem ales................................................... Construction..................................... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................ E lectrical contracting— ................... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. G eneral contracting............................ M ales................................................. Fem ales—......................................... O il and gas d rillin g............................ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Plum bing and steam fittin g ............ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing_____ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Street, road, and sewer contracting. M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 17,981 63,926 37,284 26,642 63,973 37,274 26,699 64,608 37,644 26,964 64,917 37,852 27,065 65,523 38,299 27,224 66,506 39,009 27,497 66,836 39,418 27,418 67,314 39,807 27,507 67,913 40.024 27,889 68,361 40,297 28,064 68,959 40,585 28,374 70,057 41,127 28,930 6,131 3,853 2,228 8.8 9.4 7.9 270 132 34 98 141 35 106 163 39 124 182 40 142 165 37 128 132 37 95 125 38 87 118 37 81 125 39 86 130 40 90 129 41 88 124 39 85 64 7 61 35.2 0 43.0 95 107 26 81 25 8 17 116 27 89 25 8 17 138 31 107 25 8 17 157 32 125 25 8 17 141 29 112 24 8 16 107 28 79 25 9 16 100 28 72 25 10 15 93 27 66 25 10 15 100 29 71 25 10 15 10,5 30 75 25 10 15 104 31 73 25 10 15 100 31 69 24 8 16 64 6 59 1 2 2 40.8 (0 47.2 0 0) 0 1,601 971 630 119 58 61 457 279 178 189 155 34 351 198 153 157 82 75 82 55 27 1,607 975 632 118 57 61 462 282 180 185 152 33 350 196 154 162 86 76 85 58 27 1,626 994 632 123 64 59 472 291 181 178 146 32 352 200 152 167 90 77 86 59 27 1,680 1,025 655 123 65 58 506 314 192 179 146 33 354 200 154 164 88 76 98 65 33 1,706 1,048 658 130 72 58 517 322 195 176 144 32 355 201 154 164 88 76 103 69 34 1,721 1,057 664 125 67 58 528 329 199 169 137 32 357 203 154 166 89 77 109 75 34 1,773 1,110 663 118 59 59 548 354 194 189 157 32 360 207 153 170 92 78 111 76 35 1,819 1,158 661 120 61 59 544 350 194 191 159 32 365 216 149 171 95 76 151 111 40 1,842 1,178 664 121 63 58 547 350 197 189 157 32 369 219 150 174 95 79 166 125 41 1,868 1,200 668 119 61 58 564 368 196 193 159 34 368 218 150 174 96 78 164 123 41 1,882 1,220 662 120 62 58 575 384 191 192 158 34 371 219 152 174 95 79 159 121 38 1,891 1,227 664 124 66 58 590 397 193 189 155 34 371 217 154 170 93 77 155 117 38 290 256 38 12 15 3 133 118 21 24 22 2 21 23 5 17 14 4 84 70 14 15.3 20.9 5.7 9.2 0 0 22.5 29.7 10.6 12.4 13.8 0 5.7 10.5 3.2 9.8 0 0 50.6 56.0 0 and 175 3,219 86 1,231 199 282 226 391 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE ALL INDUSTRIES. Variation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 804 C onstruction, n . o . c. M ales....................... Fem ales................... fisheries. 25 M a le s ... Fem ales. Manufactures..................................................... M ales............ ....................................................... Fem ales................................................................. C hem icals and allied products................................ M ales...................................................... ............. Fem ales................................................................. B aking pow der and yeast..................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales....................... ......................................... C hem icals, acids, and w ood d istillation ............ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F ertilizers................................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales ................................................................. P aint and varnish.................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Patent m edicines and drug com pounds............ M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Petroleum refining.................................................. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................. Soap and candles.................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Chem icals and allied products, n . o . c............... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales ................................................................. F ood and kindred products..................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. B read and other bakery products...................... M ales......................... ........................................... Fem ales................................................................. B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk.................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.......................... ..................................... Canning and preserving fruits and vegetables. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 7,884 301 4 45 21 72 49 11 23 76 1,198 1 Not computed owing to small number represented, 366 109 90 246 144 245 144 102 101 248 144 104 256 147 109 261 152 109 267 157 110 277 165 29 20 9 31 21 10 32 20 12 40 25 15 41 26 15 39 25 14 39,309 24,703 14,606 2,680 1,466 1,214 39,730 24,949 14,781 2,712 1,464 1,248 40,199 25,186 15,013 2,729 201 200 141 204 140 64 314 40,288 25,253 15,035 2,726 1,475 1,251 208 139 69 318 204 114 99 40,732 25,557 15,175 2,750 1,482 1,268 207 141 66 311 204 107 99 41,307 26,036 15,271 2,734 1,490 1,244 206 141 65 311 30 847 480 367 289 65 224 125 112 13 567 260 307 273 146 127 2,033 1,015 1,018 326 109 217 234 86 148 66 31 35 30 893 487 406 275 65 210 126 114 12 566 257 309 273 145 128 2,041 1,020 1,021 327 108 219 241 88 153 70 33 37 30 889 486 403 266 65 310 138 62 314 200 202 110 112 97 66 21 871 482 389 259 65 194 97 67 30 885 479 406 268 63 205 123 122 110 111 12 12 550 257 293 270 145 125 2,017 1,004 1,013 326 553 258 295 272 146 126 2,014 1,006 1,008 111 112 215 227 82 145 65 30 35 214 225 82 143 64 29 35 202 112 99 30 874 477 397 280 64 216 124 112 12 563 259 304 271 146 125 2,011 1,005 1,006 327 116 211 229 84 145 61 27 34 210 101 99 201 129 117 12 564 259 305 270 143 127 2,067 1,034 1,033 329 108 221 249 160 76 37 39 291 181 292 182 110 110 47 38 11 36 23 13 35 22 13 32 21 11 12 6 6 42,936 27,114 15,822 2,715 1,496 1,219 204 139 65 306 215 91 92 66 26 882 482 400 252 63 189 131 120 11 569 263 306 279 148 131 2,167 1,096 1,071 335 115 220 243 88 155 93 45 48 43,297 27,302 15,995 2,745 1,501 1,244 205 140 65 302 214 88 91 65 26 880 483 397 277 66 211 128 118 10 584 266 318 278 149 129 2,173 1,100 1,073 334 112 222 237 87 150 85 41 44 43,717 27,630 16,087 2,776 1,511 1,265 209 142 67 307 217 90 94 65 29 873 485 388 282 66 216 129 4,408 2,927 1,481 96 47 54 120 10 9 4. 55 276 169 107 286 175 111 37 24 13 35 23 12 35 23 12 41,824 26,467 15,357 2,720 1,498 42,215 26,717 15,498 2,730 1,504 1,226 212 143 69 313 215 98 95 68 27 887 486 401 253 65 188 129 118 11 567 261 306 274 148 126 2,153 1,080 1,073 335 114 221 252 94 158 92 47 45 42,595 26,892 15,703 2,720 1,500 1,220 205 139 66 310 214 96 95 68 27 887 490 397 251 63 188 128 117 11 567 262 305 277 147 130 2,136 1,078 1,058 331 111 220 242 89 153 105 53 52 112 1,222 207 i41 66 315 216 100 70 30 877 482 395 255 65 190 128 116 12 567 261 306 271 147 124 2,097 1,054 1,043 333 110 223 254 91 163 79 38 41 277 166 111 269 336 277 147 130 2,176 1,106 1,070 336 112 224 235 87 148 78 12 5 9 16 17 26 9 5 5 46 13 39 38 3 36 9 12 43 9 6 7 165 102 67 10 8 13 29 12 20 44 26 18 16.1 20.9 9.8 10.1 10.6 9.2 3.5 3.1 4.3 5.7 3.5 0) 5.0 nQ 0) 5.2 2.7 9.6 13.1 0) 16.1 6.9 8.3 0) 9.1 4.5 12.8 3.2 4.0 5.3 7.6 9.2 6.2 3.0 6.9 5.8 11.4 0) 12.3 41.9 CO t—l Oi W o O W El 00 CO a 2 O O £ w » 00 fei o CD C* T able A *— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CO o 1 9 1 5 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S — C ontinued V ariation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estabIn du stry and sex m ents re porting 35 104 363 81 50 1,394 30 18 14 44 41 _ Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 231 124 107 230 95 135 439 243 196 317 221 96 182 98 84 12,533 9,226 3,307 172 159 13 232 123 109 230 95 135 440 244 196 310 221 89 187 100 87 12,714 9,344 3,370 175 162 13 236 124 112 232 97 135 438 244 194 307 216 91 181 97 84 12,800 9.406 3,394 174 161 13 239 124 115 232 99 133 439 246 193 313 223 90 184 97 87 12,693 9,301 3,392 178 164 14 239 124 115 237 103 134 440 248 192 308 221 87 179 95 84 12,905 9,464 3,441 180 166 14 244 126 118 241 106 135 439 248 191 311 224 87 178 96 82 13,092 9,627 3,465 180 166 14 248 127 121 245 110 135 445 251 194 312 227 85 181 100 81 13,290 9,785 3,505 182 167 15 280 130 150 247 111 136 449 253 196 314 229 85 184 102 82 13,411 9,871 3,540 191 175 16 257 130 127 249 110 139 448 251 197 318 232 86 186 102 84 13,540 9,983 3,557 194 178 16 264 133 131 252 111 141 452 255 197 323 235 88 205 114 91 13,689 10,092 3,597 199 181 18 266 133 133 254 111 143 452 256 196 329 237 92 216 123 93 13,885 10,224 3,661 204 185 19 267 134 133 257 112 145 457 259 198 338 246 92 208 117 91 14,077 10,372 3,705 219 199 20 49 11 43 27 17 12 19 16 7 31 30 11 38 28 12 1,544 1,146 398 47 40 7 213 144 69 635 362 273 252 133 119 360 222 138 213 144 69 656 353 303 257 135 122 365 223 142 216 147 69 653 358 295 263 139 124 364 221 143 216 148 68 635 349 286 255 135 120 312 167 145 217 149 68 639 346 293 263 136 127 374 230 144 212 143 69 639 349 290 268 142 126 379 232 147 218 147 71 633 340 293 272 147 125 394 240 154 216 145 71 628 332 296 276 153 123 408 248 160 222 151 71 629 332 297 276 153 123 410 254 156 224 153 71 653 343 310 284 158 126 426 262 164 227 155 72 661 339 322 292 165 127 434 270 164 227 155 72 652 331 321 303 172 131 443 276 167 15 12 4 33 31 49 51 39 12 131 109 29 Per cent 17.5 8.2 28.7 10.5 15.2 8.3 4.2 6.2 3.5 9.2 12.2 0) 17.6 22.8 0) 11.0 11.0 10.7 21.5 20.1 0) 6.6 7.7 (9 5.0 8.6 15.2 16.8 22.7 9.2 29.6 39.5 17.4 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontin ued. F ood and kindred products—C ontin ued. C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding............................................................. M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C onfection ery and ice cream M ales___________ __________________________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill products___________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........ ........................................................ Slaughtering and m eat packing______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ F ood and kindred products, n . o. c . ................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales ____ _____________________________ Iron and steel and their p rod u cts________ ______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Blaot-furnace products_______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not m ade in steel works or rolling m ills........ .............. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________ _________________ Cash registers and calculating m achines.......... M ales . ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C utlery and t o o ls ___________________________ M ales __________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Forgings_____________________________________ M ales _ _______________________________ _ Fem ales................................................................. Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Janu ary 900 17 11 3 3 6 56 88 35 121 174 80 94 198 110 88 6,507 4,698 1,809 120 79 41 191 109 82 118 70 48 121 82 39 83 62 21 2,764 2,458 306 528 322 206 85 41 44 384 285 99 959 392 567 6,545 4,717 1,828 122 80 42 188 107 81 118 71 47 121 82 39 90 67 23 2,860 2,547 313 530 324 206 88 42 46 386 290 96 967 396 571 6,618 4,769 1,849 121 78 43 192 111 81 121 72 49 121 82 39 91 68 23 2,853 2,540 313 526 320 206 97 46 51 390 294 96 963 390 573 6,624 4,769 1,855 122 79 43 189 111 78 117 69 48 123 84 39 91 68 23 2,806 2,488 318 534 327 207 97 46 51 394 297 97 948 389 559 6,714 4,832 1,882 121 78 43 189 111 78 116 70 46 123 84 39 93 68 25 2,857 2,529 328 531 324 207 93 43 50 395 298 97 945 389 556 6,832 4,931 1,901 119 78 41 192 111 81 118 71 47 122 83 39 98 71 27 2,907 2,580 327 530 325 205 96 45 51 400 300 100 943 386 557 6,952 5,042 1,910 121 78 43 189 109 80 120 71 49 122 82 40 100 71 29 2,954 2,620 334 533 325 208 93 44 49 407 302 105 946 389 557 6,992 5,059 1,933 118 77 41 184 109 75 121 70 51 121 82 39 102 72 30 3,006 2,664 342 535 326 209 93 45 48 420 314 106 939 387 552 7,095 5,154 1,941 119 76 43 185 110 75 121 68 53 121 82 39 106 74 32 3,012 2,665 347 538 328 210 91 45 46 421 313 108 952 390 562 7,158 5,209 1,949 115 74 41 186 109 77 121 69 52 122 82 40 106 74 32 3,024 2,677 347 550 336 214 95 46 49 426 319 107 968 393 575 761 283 478 198 109 89 642 541 101 504 454 50 138 87 51 766 286 480 201 110 91 639 539 100 504 454 50 135 85 50 762 281 481 201 109 92 637 539 98 505 455 50 132 84 48 750 282 468 198 107 91 639 539 100 506 454 52 133 85 48 751 283 468 194 106 88 646 542 104 507 454 53 139 88 51 748 280 468 195 106 89 649 543 106 508 454 54 141 89 52 751 281 470 195 108 87 649 542 107 509 454 55 140 88 52 742 279 463 197 108 89 649 543 106 508 455 53 141 88 53 754 280 474 198 110 88 653 542 111 509 454 55 144 88 56 767 281 486 201 112 89 647 537 110 505 450 55 142 87 55 7,347 7,236 5,263 5,355 1,992 1,973 114 115 74 74 41 40 194 199 113 116 83 81 120 * 119 67 67 53 52 122 123 82 83 40 40 109 112 76 78 33 34 3,108 3,086 2,729 2,748 357 360 570 560 339 347 221 223 98 103 48 48 55 50 428 437 319 323 109 114 980 986 399 400 580 587 840 657 183 8 6 3 15 9 8 5 5 7 2 2 1 29 16 13 344 290 54 44 27 18 18 7 11 53 38 18 47 14 35 11.4 12.3 9.2 6.6 0 0 7.5 7.8 0 4.1 0 0 1.6 0 0 25.9 0 0 11.1 10.6 15.0 7.7 7.8 8.1 17.5 0) 0 12.1 11.8 15.8 4.8 3.5 6.0 784 287 497 202 112 90 644 532 112 500 444 56 144 88 56 42 8 34 10 8 5 16 11 14 9 11 6 12 5 8 5.4 2.8 6.8 4.9 7.0 776 286 490 204 114 90 642 535 107 503 448 55 139 87 52 1915: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS F oun dry and m achine-shop products............... M ales.......... .......................................................... F em a les.........................................._.................... Pum ps, not including steam pum ps................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................. ............... —........................... Safes and vau lts—.................................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................. ............................................... Scales and balances. .............................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents___ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Springs, steel, car and carriage............................ M ales......................... ........................................... Fem ales—............................................................. Steel w orks and rolling m ills............................... M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales................... ............................................ Stoves and furnaces...................... ........................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................ ................................ W ire w ork, including w ire rope and cable....... M ales........................................................ ........... Fem ales................................................................. Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c ......... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales—................................. .......................... Leather and its finished p rod u cts.......................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales—............................................................. B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and findings.............................................................. M ales..................................................................... F em a les.............................................................. Leather and its finished products, n . o. c........ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. L iquors and beverages.............................................. M ales............ ........................................................ Fem ales................................................................. L iquors, m alt........................................................... M ales..................................................................... F e m a le s .............................................................. Liquors and beverages, n . o. c ............................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................. ................... 0 2.5 2.0 12.5 1.8 2.4 0) 8.3 0 0 O 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. CO •<1 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued JO 00 1 9 1 5 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S — C ontinued N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting Industry and sex 802 C offins, burial cases, and undertakers’ g ood s.. 20 Males Females .. . . Males Females _._ ._ _ Males _____ _ _ Fem ales___________________________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel.............................. ..................................... M ales i ... Fem ales___________________________________ Brass and bronze products................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and re flectors................................................................ M ales .... F em a les___________________________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o. c .......... .................................... _________________________________ M ales Fem ales ________________________________ Paper and prin tin g................................................... M ales . ___________________________ - _ Fem ales.............................. .................................. M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 1,648 1,009 639 108 58 50 641 399 242 672 425 247 227 127 100 1,642 1,016 626 109 59 50 647 406 241 657 423 234 229 128 101 1,653 1,029 624 111 61 50 663 420 243 646 418 228 233 130 103 1,688 1,054 634 110 61 49 683 436 247 658 426 232 237 131 106 1,718 1,088 630 114 63 51 705 459 246 664 435 229 235 131 104 1,724 1,093 631 113 63 50 711 461 250 664 437 227 236 132 104 1,719 1,084 635 113 64 49 711 457 254 662 435 227 233 128 105 1,738 1,092 646 113 64 49 721 460 261 665 436 229 239 132 107 1,736 1,091 645 116 66 50 716 461 255 668 434 234 236 130 106 1,734 1,081 653 118 66 52 711 449 262 670 437 233 235 129 106 141 107 42 12 8 4 117 94 28 27 19 20 12 7 13 1,983 1,059 924 108 74 34 874 502 372 1,976 1,060 916 110 76 34 879 506 373 1,995 1,061 934 110 75 35 901 506 395 1,983 1,049 934 109 74 35 909 512 397 1,987 1,059 928 111 76 35 916 519 397 1,988 1,054 934 113 77 36 935 532 403 2,013 1,074 939 117 79 38 935 528 407 1,994 1,059 935 115 78 37 939 531 408 2,004 1,073 931 122 81 41 941 538 403 2,037 1,091 946 123 83 40 952 550 402 2,073 1,099 974 128 86 42 966 557 409 2,087 1,118 969 129 88 41 964 558 406 111 69 58 21 14 8 92 56 37 40 843 405 438 832 401 431 830 404 426 810 387 423 805 388 417 784 370 414 802 391 411 780 375 405 780 378 402 795 379 416 822 390 432 63 35 36 63 158 78 80 3,975 2,041 1,934 155 77 78 3,966 2,041 1,925 154 76 78 3,990 2,053 1,937 155 76 79 3,945 2,053 1,892 155 76 79 3,941 2,051 1,890 159 156 76 75 83 81 . 3,905 3,934 2,066 2,062 1,839 1,872 160 75 85 3,896 2,058 1,838 161 76 85 4,093 2.079 2,014 167 79 88 4,082 2.075 2,007 172 82 90 4,181 2,137 2,044 18 7 12 285 96 230 166 428 . . . . ______ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o. c ........... A pril 1,635 1,008 627 106 58 48 626 392 234 673 426 247 230 132 98 ______ Furniture and refrigerators.................................. M ales______________________________ ________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ Lum ber and planing-inill produ cts.................... Febru M arch ary 1,697 986 611 107 58 49 604 367 237 658 427 231 228 134 94 ___ Females Janu ary maximum 188 296 49 144 894 810 377 ♦ 433 169 79 90 4,174 2,106 2,068 Per cent 8.1 9.8 6.4 10.2 (!) 0) 16.2 20.4 10.7 4.0 4.3 8.1 5.0 5.2 12.1 5.3 6.2 6.0 16.3 0 0 9.5 10.0 9.0 7.5 8.6 8.2 10.5 0 0 6.8 4.5 11.1 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE m a n u fa ctu re s —C ontinued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures.......................... M ales______________________________________ Variation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f ea ch m onth B rick and tile .................. ...................................... M ales......................... - ....................... ................. Fem ales................................................................ G lass.................................. ....................................... M ales............ ....................................................... Fem ales................................................................ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay prod u cts___ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Stone, cla y, and glass products, n. o. c ............. M a les. .......................... ........................................ Fem ales------------- ------- —.................................... T extiles.................................- ...................... ............. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales....................... ......................................... C lothing, m en's, including shirts..................... . M ales............................................................ ........ Fem ales............................................................ . C lothing, w om en’s ................................................. M ales........................................................ ........... Fem ales................. .......................... .................... Flags, banners, and regalia................................. M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales................................................................. H osiery and kn it goods......................................... M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales................................... ............................. T extiles, n . o. c ....................................................... M ales.......................................................... .......... Fem ales........................... ................... ............... T obacco m anufactures.............................................. M ales.................................. .................. ............ Fem ales................................................................. 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 52 51 712 79 59 721 233 41 187 260 657 151 104 8 31 363 240 130 74 56 194 107 87 3,453 1,766 1,687 198 94 104 3,542 2,437 1,105 1,164 673 491 153 96 57 295 180 115 506 276 230 210 121 89 2,011 980 1,031 686 347 339 602 275 327 109 74 35 111 35 76 503 249 254 203 122 81 130 74 56 193 106 87 3,444 1,764 1,680 199 97 102 3,607 2,470 1,137 1,175 681 494 153 96 57 298 183 115 511 279 232 213 123 90 2,031 995 1,036 692 355 337 613 279 334 109 75 34 108 34 74 509 252 257 205 123 82 131 74 57 194 107 87 3,463 1,771 1,692 202 101 101 3,725 2,547 1,178 1,188 688 500 156 98 58 302 186 116 514 280 234 216 124 92 2,056 1,004 1,052 706 355 351 620 285 335 110 75 35 108 34 74 512 255 257 206 123 83 130 73 57 194 104 90 3,419 1,777 1,642 202 99 103 3,859 2,639 1,220 1,197 692 505 157 99 58 299 183 116 519 281 238 222 129 93 2,084 1,009 1,075 715 350 365 627 291 336 117 78 39 110 34 76 515 256 259 200 119 81 130 73 57 194 106 88 3,411 1,772 1,639 206 100 106 3,936 2,682 1,254 1,207 697 510 161 101 60 303 186 117 522 281 241 221 129 92 2,063 1,002 1,061 704 351 353 616 278 338 111 77 34 110 34 76 522 262 260 200 120 80 130 73 57 197 107 90 3,403 1,783 1,620 204 99 -105 4,126 2,827 1,299 1,217 702 515 163 104 59 309 188 121 521 281 240 224 129 95 2,060 1,010 1,050 702 350 352 618 288 330 113 78 35 110 35 75 517 259 258 195 118 77 132 75 57 201 111 90 3,371 1,782 1,589 201 98 103 4,247 2,896 1,351 1,217 704 513 164 106 58 307 187 120 519 278 241 227 133 94 2,088 1,016 1,072 701 347 354 642 296 346 114 78 36 112 35 77 519 260 259 192 116 76 129 74 55 199 110 89 3,365 1,775 1,590 203 99 104 4,284 2,930 1,354 1,217 702 515 165 107 58 302 185 117 519 275 244 231 135 96 2,122 1,039 1,083 719 358 361 660 307 353 112 78 34 113 36 77 518 260 258 192 118 74 131 74 57 198 108 90 3,556 1,796 1,760 208 101 107 4,276 2,886 1,390 1,214 703 511 160 104 56 300 184 116 524 283 241 230 132 98 2,143 1,036 1,107 730 352 378 669 310 359 112 78 34 120 37 83 512 259 253 193 119 74 133 74 59 199 106 93 3,548 1,795 1,753 202 100 102 4,310 2,898 1,412 1,206 694 512 160 104 56 300 184 116 519 278 241 227 128 99 2,177 1,044 1,133 746 363 383 675 306 369 115 80 35 123 37 86 518 258 260 195 119 76 133 74 59 205 110 95 3, £32 1,821 1,811 204 101 103 4,263 2,880 1,383 1,207 693 514 159 103 56 303 186 117 521 279 242 224 125 99 2,154 1,041 1,113 738 367 371 660 304 356 111 76 35 126 38 88 519 256 263 192 118 74 134 75 59 207 110 97 3,637 1,852 1,785 203 100 103 4,354 2,945 1,409 1,203 687 516 158 101 57 300 183 117 522 279 243 223 124 99 2,115 1,015 1,100 732 368 364 629 277 352 112 78 34 124 38 86 518 254 264 199 121 78 5 2 4 14 7 10 272 88 222 10 7 6 812 508 307 53 31 25 12 11 4 14 8 6 18 8 14 21 14 10 166 64 102 60 21 46 73 35 42 8 6 5 18 4 14 19 13 11 14 7 9 3.7 G) 0) 6.8 6.3 C1) 7.5 4.8 12.3 4.8 6.9 5.6 18.6 17.2 21.7 4.4 4.4 4.8 7.3 10.3 0) 4.5 4.3 5.0 3.4 2.8 5.7 9.1 10.4 0) 7.6 6.1 9.0 8.0 5.7 12.0 10.8 11.3 11.4 6.8 0 0) 14.3 0 0 3.6 5.0 4.2 6.8 5.7 0 1915: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. B oxes, fancy and paper.......... M ales........ - ........................... Fem ales.................................. Paper and w ood p u lp ............. M ales...................................... F e m a le s ............................. Printing and publishing........ M ales__________ __________ Fem ales.................................. Paper and printing, n . o. c _ „ M ales...................................... Fem ales.................................. R ubber p rod u cts. ....................... M ales____________________ F em a les................................ Stone, cla y, and glass products. CO CO T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O o 1 9 1 5 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S -C on tin u ed In du stry and sex 325 100 199 9 17 631 50 14 98 98 7 V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 2,649 1,840 809 1,939 1,363 576 365 209 156 2,729 1,885 844 1,995 1,401 594 388 216 172 2,827 1,934 893 2,072 1,445 627 407 219 188 2,896 1,983 913 2,145 1,498 647 402 217 185 2,944 2,019 925 2,195 1,530 665 397 218 179 3,020 2,074 946 2,276 1,584 692 385 214 171 3,105 2,148 957 2,358 1,648 710 376 211 165 3,189 2,204 985 2,434 1,699 735 379 212 167 3,229 2,267 962 2,474 1,757 717 373 210 163 3,262 2,320 942 2,486 1,785 701 382 222 160 3,288 2,312 976 2,508 1,795 713 392 212 180 3,369 2,373 996 2,577 1,849 728 401 215 186 720 533 187 638 486 159 42 13 32 21.4 22.5 18.8 24.8 26.3 21.6 10.3 5.9 17.0 148 141 7 197 127 70 3,354 1,936 1,418 353 239 114 101 48 53 146 139 7 200 129 71 3,360 1,937 1,423 354 237 117 99 45 54 148 141 7 200 150 142 8 199 71 3,424 1,958 1,466 363 243 120 99 45 54 73 3,443 1,974 1,469 355 240 115 101 48 53 151 143 8 201 128 73 3,514 2,001 1,513 352 239 113 105 49 56 158 148 10 201 128 73 3,594 2,055 1,539 349 239 110 110 51 59 170 161 9 201 128 73 3,637 2,091 1,546 347 238 109 107 49 58 174 165 9 202 128 74 3,715 2,129 1,586 351 240 111 109 49 60 178 169 9 204 131 73 3,723 2,152 1,571 350 239 111 107 50 57 183 173 10 211 140 71 3,743 2,167 1,576 347 240 107 105 51 54 183 171 12 205 134 71 3,785 2,202 1,583 349 242 107 104 49 55 183 171 12 208 138 70 3,816 2,233 1,583 351 244 107 102 48 54 37 34 5 14 14 4 462 297 168 16 7 13 11 6 7 20.2 19.7 (0 6.6 10.0 0) 12.1 13.3 10.6 4.4 . 2.9 10.8 10.0 (0 0) 1,286 1,292 857 435 183 103 80 104 62 42 1,304 863 441 186 103 83 106 64 42 1,325 874 451 192 104 88 106 64 42 1,349 888 461 235 111 124 109 66 43 1,372 900 472 271 130 141 112 69 43 1,379 911 468 303 146 157 117 73 44 1,421 933 488 308 145 163 119 75 44 1,444 949 495 276 135 141 119 75 44 1,464 957 507 253 123 130 125 81 44 1,499 984 .515 234 115 119 124 80 44 1,533 1,010 523 221 113 108 125 79 46 247 157 90 125 43 83 21 19 4 16.1 15.5 17.2 40.6 29.5 50.9 16.8 853 433 193 106 87 104 62 42 120 126 8 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. V ehicles for land transportation.............................. M ales _ F em ales . A utom obiles, including bodies and parts......... M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Carriages, w agons, and m aterials....................... M ales______________________________________ F em ales _ C ars, steam railroad, not including operations of railroad com panies.............................. ....... M ales _ .... ,. . Fem ales____________________________________ V ehicles for land transportation, n . o. c ............ M ales_______________________________ _______ Fem ales__________________________ _______ M iscellaneous industries........................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ A gricultural im plem ents....................................... M ales_______________________________ ______ Fem ales___________________________________ B rushes..................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________ _______ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and sup plies..................................................................... M ales___________________________________ __ Fem ales___________________________________ Ice, m anufactured.................................................. M ales_____________________________________ F em ales _ Instrum ents, professional and scien tific............ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber ofesta b lishm ents re Janu porting . ary Service.................................................................. . M ales , . _ ______ Fem ales.............. ............................................. Garages _ _ ... . M ales , Fem ales. . . H otels „ ______ M ales F em ales ___ _ Laundries and d ry cleaners_________________ M ales______________________________ _______ Fem ales________________________ __________ Office b u ild in gs M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ R estaurants________________________________ M ales______________________________ _______ Fem ales___________________________________ Service, n . o. c —_____________________________ M ales _ __ Fem ales _ _ T ra d e __ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Offices M ales______________________________________ Fem ales________________ ___________________ R etail d elivery, m ilk , ice, and w ater...... .......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___ ________________________________ R etail and w holesale stores__________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Y ards, coal and lu m b er, _ _ _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 5 5 31 323 1,469 193 246 270 166 220 374 4,1 12 289 60 3,1 57 * Not computed owing to small number represented. 606 31 24 7 142 82 60 152 48 104 992 474 518 31 24 7 142 83 59 153 48 105 1,002 478 524 31 24 7 141 82 59 191 58 133 1,003 476 527 31 24 7 141 82 59 185 57 128 1,007 481 526 36 26 10 141 82 59 176 57 119 1,011 483 528 57 46 11 144 85 59 174 57 117 1,005 478 527 68 56 12 140 82 58 177 57 120 999 479 520 76 65 11 146 88 58 180 58 122 1,005 476 529 84 68 16 147 89 58 186 58 128 1,010 489 521 90 74 16 149 90 59 195 59 136 1,015 492 523 96 80 16 148 89 59 197 62 135 1,034 501 533 100 85 15 149 90 59 191 61 130 1,044 503 541 69 61 9 9 8 2 45 14 32 52 29 23 6 9.0 71.8 0) 6 .0 0) 0) 22.8 0) 23.5 5 .0 5 .8 4 .3 2,014 899 1,115 274 97 177 670 447 223 550 100 450 133 68 65 125 56 69 262 131 131 2,006 900 1,106 276 101 175 670 447 223 546 99 447 133 67 66 124 56 68 257 130 127 2,0 39 915 1,124 285 106 179 675 452 223 554 99 455 129 64 65 126 58 68 270 136 134 2,072 931 1,141 296 185 682 456 226 567 103 464 127 64 63 125 57 68 275 140 135 2,0 92 932 1,160 305 113 192 689 458 231 572 103 469 129 66 63 123 56 67 274 136 138 2,141 957 1,184 312 117 195 696 461 235 574 102 472 129 66 63 123 56 67 307 155 152 2,1 68 973 1,195 319 121 198 712 473 239 576 101 475 130 66 64 125 57 68 306 155 151 2,1 68 978 1,190 318 122 196 713 473 240 576 101 475 130 67 63 126 58 68 305 157 148 2,151 968 1,183 323 124 199 707 468 239 575 101 474 130 67 63 129 60 69 287 148 139 2,1 42 967 1,175 326 125 201 701 465 236 579 102 477 129 67 62 130 62 68 277 146 131 2,1 36 962 1,174 325 126 199 698 466 232 584 103 481 129 67 62 130 62 68 270 138 132 2,137 965 1,172 336 131 205 700 467 233 575 103 472 129 67 62 130 60 70 267 137 130 162 79 89 62 34 30 43 26 17 38 4 34 6 4 4 7 6 3 50 27 25 7 .5 8 .1 7 .4 18.5 2 6.0 14.6 6 .0 5 .5 7.1 6 .5 3 .9 7 .1 4 .5 0) 16,008 7,567 8,441 4,071 2,430 1,641 88 43 45 10,742 4,370 6,372 1,107 724 383 15,950 7,511 8,439 4,100 2,409 1,691 88 43 45 10,655 4,336 6,319 1,107 723 384 16,009 7,578 8.431 4,1 38 2.431 1,707 90 44 46 10,657 4,3 72 6,2 85 1,124 731 393 16,068 7,614 8,4 54 4,139 2,4 43 1,696 91 44 47 10,703 4,3 87 6,316 1,135 740 395 16,122 7,656 8,4 66 4,1 24 2,4 39 1,685 97 47 50 10,752 4,4 2 0 6,3 32 1,149 750 399 16,190 7,711 8,479 4,145 2,464 1,681 99 44 55 10,780 4,4 38 6,3 42 1,166 765 401 16,141 7,705 8,4 36 4,1 2 2 2,4 27 1,695 104 46 58 10,753 4,461 6,2 92 1,162 771 391 16,179 7,780 8,3 99 4,1 57 2,4 42 1,715 104 48 56 10,738 4,5 07 6,231 1,180 783 397 16,393 7,825 8,5 68 4,1 89 2,4 63 1,726 104 45 59 10,907 4,531 6,3 76 1,193 786 407 16,502 7,875 8,6 27 4,1 9 0 2,4 87 1,703 104 45 59 11,006 4,5 5 0 6,4 56 1,2 02 793 409 16,701 7,9 32 8,769 4,2 13 2,501 1,712 102 45 57 11,183 4,5 95 6,5 88 1,203 791 412 17,085 8,003 9,082 4,219 2,492 1,727 99 43 56 11,573 4,678 6,895 1,194 790 404 1,135 492 683 148 92 86 16 5 14 918 342 664 90 70 29 6 .6 6 .1 7 .5 3 .5 3 .7 5 .0 15.4 0) 0) 7.9 7 .3 9 .6 8 .0 8 .8 7 .0 111 5 .4 C9 (0 16.3 1 7.2 16.4 1915: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. M u n ition s _____ ___ M ales Fem ales _ _ R oofin g m aterials____________________________ M ales Fem ales Signs and advertising n ovelties_______ _____ _ M ales. ...................T_________________________ Fem ales___________________________ _______ M iscellaneous industries, n , o, f> __. M ales____ ___________ 1_____________________ Fem ales T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O to 1 9 1 5 s B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S — C ontinued Industry and sex Fem ales................................................................ E lectric railroads__________ _________________ M ales......................... ........................................... Fem ales................................................................ N atural gas....................................................... ...... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales...................................................... ......... P ipe lines (petroleum )........ ..................... ............ M ales.............................- .................................. . F em ales................................................................ Telegraph and telep h on e. ................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T ransportation b y w ater, including stevedor in g ....................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n. o. c — M ales V ariation from m ayim iim N um ber em ployed on the 16th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 996 4,833 3,090 1,743 4,508 2,883 1,625 4,540 2,912 1,628 4,587 2,964 1,623 4,665 3,043 1,622 4,976 3,186 1,790 4,768 3,101 1,667 4,780 3,114 1,666 4,772 3,099 1,673 4,747 3,078 1,669 4,779 3,106 1,673 5,071 3,242 1,829 563 359 207 11.1 11.1 11.3 310 ‘ 346 234 112 673 501 172 1,235 836 399 515 435 80 113 106 7 1,739 803 936 345 234 111 671 495 176 1,241 848 393 524 449 75 113 106 7 1,402 577 825 345 234 111 676 503 173 1,244 847 397 537 460 77 111 104 7 1,416 591 825 344 231 113 708 537 171 1,245 850 395 537 457 80 112 105 7 1,403 587 816 340 227 113 731 560 171 1,256 860 396 542 459 83 112 105 7 1,424 613 811 337 223 114 705 535 170 1,278 876 402 546 463 83 114 107 7 1,720 749 971 343 227 116 701 527 174 1,300 900 400 563 479 84 114 107 7 1,466 842 341 229 112 706 527 179 1,310 910 400 551 469 82 115 108 7 1,473 631 842 340 225 115 704 527 177 1,298 902 396 554 475 79 114 107 7 1,477 622 855 338 231 107 701 524 177 1,290 896 394 551 466 85 113 105 8 1,481 625 856 335 225 110 735 551 184 1,297 903 394 556 473 83 114 106 8 1,472 619 853 334 223 111 720 544 176 1,298 900 398 554 472 82 114 106 8 1,806 792 1,014 12 11 9 64 65 14 75 74 9 48 44 10 4 4 1 404 226 203 3.5 4.7 7.8 8.7 11.6 7.6 5.7 8 .1 2.2 8.5 9.2 0) 3.5 3.7 0) 22.4 28.1 20.0 126 115 11 86 60 26 125 114 11 87 60 27 125 114 11 86 59 27 149 137 12 89 60 29 172 159 13 88 60 28 187 173 14 89 60 29 191 177 14 90 60 30 194 180 14 90 60 30 196 182 14 89 59 30 184 172 12 89 59 30 182 170 12 88 59 29 157 146 11 88 59 29 71 68 3 4 1 4 36.2 37.4 (l) (l) v) ’ 162 "~65 ” 87 ..... 341 624 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE T r a n s p o rta tio n a n d p u b lic u t ilit ie s ... ........... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . Cartage (drayage) and storage, including liv ery stables................. .................................. M ales_________________________ ____________ Fem ales................................................................ E lectric ligh t and pow er....................................... N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting 1 9 1 5 : SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) A L L IN D U S T R IE S ................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 17,981 31,185 16,254 14,931 30,445 16,108 14,337 31,409 16,201 15,208 31,924 16,458 15,466 32,251 16,528 15,723 31,661 16,613 15,048 31,000 16,534 14,466 30,490 16,389 14,101 31,832 16,632 15,200 32,853 16, 771 16,082 33,611 17,043 16,568 37,591 17,690 19,901 7,146 1,582 5,800 A g ricu ltu re .................................................................... M ales................ ..................................................... F em ales-............................................................... 270 52 38 14 57 42 15 60 44 16 78 54 24 74 53 21 61 43 18 51 36 15 52 38 14 49 35 14 48 33 15 49 35 14 52 37 15 30 21 10 0 0 0 C o n s tr u c t io n -............................................................. M ales.................................. — ............................. Fem ales................................................................. 3,219 240 235 5 231 225 6 231 226 5 237 231 6 239 233 6 240 234 6 238 234 4 237 233 4 242 236 6 241 235 6 243 237 6 244 238 6 13 13 2 0 F ish eries................................................ ........................ M ales______________________________________ 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M a n u fa c tu re s .............................................................. M ales......................... ............................................ Fem ales................................................................. C hem icals and allied produ cts—............................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........................................................ ......... F ood and kindred produ cts..................................... M ales.............. ............... ..................................... Fem ales................................................................ Bread and other bakery prod u cts....................... M ales............................. ........................................ Fem ales. ______ ______________ __________ C onfectionery and ice cream ................................ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Slaughtering and m eat packing.......................... M ales------------------------------------------- --------------F ood and kindred products, n . o . c .................... M ales________________________ ______________ Fem ales................................................................. Iron and steel and th eir p rod u cts........................... M ales.................. .................................................. Fem ales------------------------------------------------------F oundry and m achine-shop p rod u cts............... M ales----------------------------------------------------------Fem ales.............................. ................................. Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c.......... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Leather and its finished products........................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 7,884 3,683 2,918 765 56 55 1 1,627 1,178 449 1,060 748 312 165 40 125 223 223 179 167 12 195 191 4 128 124 4 67 67 3,678 2,917 761 56 55 1 1,617 1,171 446 1,067 753 314 161 41 120 207 207 182 170 12 194 190 4 126 122 4 68 68 3,692 2,942 750 56 55 1 1,622 1,178 444 1,070 760 310 162 40 122 206 206 184 172 12 200 196 4 131 127 4 69 69 3,743 3,010 733 56 55 1 1,619 1,181 438 1,068 763 305 162 41 121 203 203 186 174 12 205 201 4 135 131 4 70 70 3,789 3,056 733 59 58 1 1,644 1,203 441 1,068 762 306 164 41 123 220 220 192 180 12 208 204 4 138 134 4 70 70 3,768 3,039 729 59 58 1 1,643 1,205 438 1,068 762 306 162 42 120 220 220 193 181 12 201 197 4 133 129 4 68 68 3,787 3,063 724 58 57 1 1,648 1,213 435 1,072 767 305 161 43 118 221 221 194 182 12 199 195 4 130 126 4 69 69 41 32 9 41 33 8 41 33 8 41 33 8 41 34 7 41 34 7 41 34 7 3,797 3,050 747 56 55 1 1,645 1,213 432 1,075 770 305 158 43 115 219 219 193 181 12 203 198 5 129 125 4 74 73 1 40 33 7 3,787 3,046 741 56 55 1 1,649 1,211 438 1,075 767 308 161 43 118 218 218 195 183 12 206 201 5 129 125 4 77 76 1 40 34 6 3,780 3,032 748 57 56 1 1,649 1,208 441 1,079 767 312 160 43 117 218 218 192 180 12 202 197 5 129 125 4 73 72 1 41 34 7 3,807 3,046 761 54 53 1 1,665 1,217 448 1,090 776 314 166 44 122 218 218 191 179 12 202 197 5 129 125 4 73 72 1 41 34 7 3,837 3,043 794 56 55 1 1,683 1,223 460 1,09/ 779 318 174 44 130 220 220 192 180 12 202 197 5 127 123 4 75 74 1 46 36 10 1,198 366 104 81 647 1,394 J Not computed owing to small number represented. 900 494 174 66 52 28 37 31 13 16 4 15 20 20 16 16 14 14 1 12 12 10 9 1 6 4 4 5.3 5.5 4.1 4.8 8.8 0 0 &9 4.3 6.1 3.4 4.0 4.1 9.2 0 11.5 9.0 9.0 8.2 8.7 6.7 6.9 0) 8.7 9.0 1915: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) 301 159 146 70 5 5 19.0 8.9 29.1 0 m 0 0 0 O CO T a ble A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 t° 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 5 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )—C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Janu ary 141 141 141 140 1 130 130 141 140 1 130 130 140 139 1 132 132 141 140 1 132 132 144 143 1 131 131 144 143 1 129 129 146 145 1 129 129 142 141 1 132 132 140 139 1 131 131 140 139 1 131 131 6 6 1 3 3 49 41 8 604 528 76 567 491 76 37 37 13 12 1 49 39 10 342 310 32 13 13 36 34 2 396 233 163 51 43 8 626 555 71 589 518 71 37 37 14 13 1 49 39 10 338 311 27 13 13 36 34 2 424 262 162 51 43 8 633 560 73 596 523 73 37 37 14 13 1 49 39 10 330 310 20 13 13 37 35 2 438 273 165 52 44 8 610 538 72 573 501 72 37 37 14 13 1 49 54 46 8 615 546 69 578 509 69 37 37 15 14 52 44 8 612 546 66 574 508 66 38 38 15 14 1 46 36 10 340 298 42 13 13 46 44 2 456 284 172 52 44 8 615 549 66 577 511 66 38 38 14 13 1 47 37 10 328 300 28 13 13 44 42 2 448 273 175 51 43 8 619 549 70 582 512 70 37 37 16 15 1 47 37 10 332 305 27 13 13 44 42 2 435 260 175 51 42 9 636 559 77 599 522 77 37 37 17 16 1 48 38 10 326 306 20 13 13 46 44 2 437 257 180 51 42 9 655 560 95 618 523 95 37 37 17 16 1 48 38 10 316 298 18 13 13 48 46 2 431 249 182 5 5 1 51 32 29 51 32 29 1 1 4 802 129 129 296 50 42 8 612 532 80 575 495 80 37 37 13 12 1 47 38 9 333 301 32 13 13 32 30 2 394 224 170 50 42 8 607 528 79 570 491 79 37 37 13 12 1 47 38 9 340 304 36 13 13 35 33 2 394 228 166 894 712 182 69 721 667 240 326 631 M ay June 39 10 319 302 17 14 14 39 37 2 454 - 286 168 July 1 49 39 10 318 299 19 13 13 43 41 2 459 292 167 4 3 3 1 26 13 25 1 1 16 16 65 68 20 Per cent m 4.1 4.1 C2.3 2.3 (0 (l) (1) m 7.8 5.7 W8.3 6.1 M B (i) (!) (ft 0) 7.6 4.2 ii) M s(1) 14.2 23.3 11.0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TAB LE A pril 142 141 1 129 129 198 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Febru M arch ary Manufactures—C ontinued L iquors and beverages_____ ____________________ M ales. _ . _. . . Fem ales _ Lum ber and its rem anufactures............................. M ales.................................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel..................................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... Paper and printing.................................................... M ales........................................................... ......... Fem ales__________________________________ P rinting and publishing........................................ M ales _ . ... Fem ales___ ___ Paper and printing, n . o . c .................................. M ales____________________________________ R u bber produ cts........................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Stone, cla y, and glass p rod u cts............................... M ales _ ___ . _ Fem ales____________________________________ T extiles......................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. ............... _ ... ._ ... T obacco m anufactures.............................................. M ales _ _ ... _ V ehicles for land transportation.............................. M ales _ . ..........._ F em ales ... ..... ...... ____ M iscellaneous industries............... .......................... M ales. _,r - ___ Fem ales................................................................. V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and sup* plies................................ ................................... 98 M ales.................................. ................................................... Fem ales................................................................................... M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c ......................... 533 M ales...................................................................................... Fem ales................................................................................... Service...................................... Trade— .................................. M ales___________________ Fem ales__________ ______ O ffices_____________________ M ales___________________ Fem ales.............................. R etail and w holesale stores. M ales___________________ Fem ales_________________ Y ards, coal and lum ber___ M ales___________________ Fem ales_________________ T rade, n. o . c ______ ________ M ales.................................. . Fem ales__________________ 224 94 130 170 134 36 220 546 469 77 158 158 259 215 44 129 96 33 545 467 78 155 155 261 215 46 129 97 32 562 483 79 174 174 259 4,112 26,480 12,410 14,070 606 604 25,748 12,271 13,477 605 3,157 25,642 11, 576 14,066 205 204 1 27 24,912 11,439 13,473 205 204 1 1,469 193 270 1,006 2 606 60 Transportation and public utilities................ M ales......................... ............................................ E lectric ligh t and pow er...................................... M ales..................................................... ............... T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o . c___ M ales.................................... ................................ 996 102 *894* 183 183 123 123 60 60 2 22.2 10.8 30.4 6.1 6.1 193 193 123 123 70 20 20 10 10 12 12 592 506 86 186 186 275 220 221 2 2 25,944 11, 735 14,209 183 183 179 179 117 117 62 62 62 62 7,070 1,380 5,770 13 13 594 508 86 190 190 274 26,539 11,661 14,878 207 206 1 27 26 1 121 121 21.6 10.2 30.4 1.8 1.8 589 504 85 184 184 274 26,262 11,640 14,622 205 204 1 27 26 1 186 186 124 124 62 62 7,064 1,395 5,769 11 11 618 514 104 180 180 270 25,843 11,489 14, 354 185 185 125 125 60 60 32,667 13,666 19,001 613 611 2 31,816 12,819 18,997 206 205 1 32 31 1 635 537 98 26,797 12,584 14, 213 616 614 25 1 22 (0 24.4 16.7 (0 611 529 27,383 12,501 14,882 610 608 1 26 25 1 14.2 13.0 26.0 22.9 22.9 8.5 234 99 135 197 150 47 27,101 12,475 14,626 607 605 201 200 90 70 27 46 46 24 18 9 41 19 232 98 134 205 159 46 28,677 12,319 14,358 607 605 2 597 512 85 184 184 283 230 53 130 98 32 230 97 133 205 163 42 47 129 97 32 2 7.3 26.4 31.3 0) 232 95 137 216 178 38 586 505 81 190 190 266 218 48 130 97 33 212 10 233 98 135 223 186 37 581 504 77 192 192 262 217 45 127 95 32 177 35 6.4 228 97 131 231 195 36 226 96 130 212 15 9 230 97 133 224 189 35 223 96 127 201 166 35 93 127 176 140 36 201 201 267 219 48 143 109 34 201 201 272 222 222 53 131 98 33 26,107 12,482 13, 625 614 612 25,603 12,371 13,232 611 609 26,973 12,619 14,354 615 613 27,999 12,772 15,227 614 612 28,720 13,019 15, 701 612 610 24,746 11,519 13,227 214 213 1 32 30 26,114 11, 765 14,349 27,144 11,921 15,223 210 209 1 31 30 1 27,868 12,171 15,697 190 190 119 119 71 71 199 199 127 127 72 72 2 210 211 212 1 26 25 1 1 29 28 1 183 181 181 119 119 62 62 62 62 52 130 96 34 50 168 114 54 25,251 11,630 13,621 213 121 222 50 162 114 48 2 2 182 182 53 131 99 32 2 210 209 1 34 32 2 120 120 191 191 123 123 62 62 68 68 2 2 210 209 1 1 70 61 61 12 8 7 1 0) li 1 10.1 10.1 7.9 7.9 (0 0) 1915: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) M ales____________________ Fem ales_________ ______ Garages.................................... M ales___________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners. M ales___________________ Fem ales.............................. . Service, n . o . c ........................ M ales____________________ Fem ales. 219 90 129 175 134 41 i N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 0 01 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued § 1916: WAGE EARNERS In d u stry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 20,017 713,759 742,829 762,388 787,875 801,902 826,843 828,574 849,473 856,723 857,373 862,542 854,771 148,783 610,845 635,846 653,187 676,925 691,353 714,673 715,841 735,884 740,511 739,033 743,814 736,973 132,969 102,914 106,983 109,201 110,950 110,549 112,170 112,733 113,589 116,212 118,340 118,728 117,798 15,814 A g r ic u lt u r e ............................................................... M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . D airy fa rm in g ...................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . F lorists, fru it grow ers, nurserym en, and seedsm en......................................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . General farm ing............................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................ A gricu ltu re, n . o. c . - ............................................ M ales..................................................................... 363 C o n s tr u c tio n ................................ _............................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. B rick, ston e, and cem ent w ork.......................... M ales..................................................................... E lectrical con tracting............................................ M ales.......... ......................................................... General con tractin g............................................... M ales................................................. ................... O il and gas d rillin g...........- ............................... M ales......................... .......................................... P ainting and decorating....................................... M ales........................... ......................................... Plastering................................................................. M a le s...—............................................................. 3,963 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 16th o f each m onth 34 117 183 29 404 126 1,602 244 257 64 Per cent 17.2 17.9 13.3 2,688 2, o43 145 288 279 9 2,797 2,641 156 283 274 9 2,980 2,818 162 305 296 9 3,717 3,517 200 307 298 9 3,962 3,739 223 306 297 9 4,481 4,162 319 315 306 9 4,805 4,306 499 332 323 9 4,375 4,099 276 346 337 9 4,143 3,861 282 357 349 8 3,863 3,621 242 329 321 8. 3,373 3,201 172 332 324 8 3,031 2,866 165 317 310 7 2,117 1,763 354 74 75 2 44.1 40.9 70.9 20. Z 21.5 0) 1,144 1,058 86 1,239 1,189 50 17 17 1,209 1,112 97 1,288 1,238 50 17 17 1,323 1,222 101 1,330 1,278 52 22 22 1,836 1,708 128 1,556 1,493 63 18 18 1,788 1,652 136 1,851 1,773 78 17 17 1,809 1,679 130 2,334 2,154 180 23 23 2,016 1,681 335 2,423 2,268 165 34 34 1,641 1,518 123 2,332 2,188 144 56 56 1,676 1,502 174 2,050 1,950 100 60 60 1,663 1,514 149 1,820 1,735 85 51 51 1,447 1,338 109 1,637 1,482 55 57 57 1,315 1,207 108 1,365 1,315 50 34 34 872 650 249 1,184 1,079 130 43 43 43.3 38.1 74.3 48.9 47.6 72.2 0) (1) 36,954 36,927 27 2,153 2,153 928 928 19,786 19,786 2,787 2,787 902 902 624 624 37,347 37,315 32 2,286 2,286 941 941 20,267 20,267 2,743 2,743 1,097 1,097 658 658 37,657 37,625 32 2,338 2,338 974 974 19,824 19,824 2,763 2,763 1,418 1,418 534 534 50,205 50,162 43 3,583 3,583 1,122 1,122 26,582 25, 582 2,858 2,858 1,986 1,986 662 662 58,106 58,058 48 4,252 4,252 1,270 1,270 30,625 30,625 3,073 3,073 2,329 2,329 719 719 64,922 64,871 51 4,847 4,847 1,362 1,362 33,327 33,327 3,925 3,925 2,263 2,263 789 789 69,871 69,820 51 5,444 5,444 1,478 1,478 36,591 36,591 3,221 3,221 2,008 2,008 765 765 74,678 74,626 52 5,214 5,214 1,568 1,558 39,142 39,142 3,293 3,293 1,839 1,839 770 770 75,120 75,069 51 5,689 5,689 1,542 1,542 38,680 38,680 3,269 3,269 1,820 1,820 744 744 73,940 73,886 54 5,448 5,448 1,437 1,437 39,279 39,279 3,256 3,256 1,832 1,832 782 782 69,904 69,845 59 5,320 6,320 1,474 1,474 37,483 37,483 3,296 3,296 1,720 1,720 762 762 59,132 59,073 59 4,433 4,433 1,514 1,514 32,676 32,676 3,207 3,207 1,344 1,344 702 702 38,166 38,142 32 3,536 3,536 630 630 19,493 19.493 1,182 1,182 1,427 1,427 255 255 50.8 50.8 0) 62.2 62.2 40.4 40.4 49.6 49.6 30.1 30.1 61.3 61.3 32.3 32.3 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE A L L IN D U S T R IE S ................................................. M ales........................ _........................................ Fem ales............................................................... N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting P lu m b in g apd strain fittin g, _ _ _ M a le s—_______________ r __________________ Sand and gravel excavatin g M ales______________________________________ Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing M a les______________________________________ S treet road, and sower contracting M ales______________________________________ V en tilatin g and b oating .... M a les____ ______________________________ C onstruction, n . o. c__........ ..... ............................ . M ales. Fem ales. fisheries...... M a le s... Fem ales. M a n u fa c tu re s ................................................ . M ales......................................................... Fem ales.................................................... . C hem icals and allied p rod u cts.................. . M ales......................................................... Fem ales................................................... . B aking pow der and yeast........................ . M ales........................................... ........... . Fem ales...................................... ........... Chem icals, acids, and w ood distillation. M ales........................................................ Fem ales...................................... ............. E x p lo siv e s................................. ............... M ales..................................... .................. F ertilizers.................................... ................. M ales......................................................... Fem ales______ ______________________ Grease and tallow ......................... ........... M a le s ....................................................... Fem ales................................................... In k , printing................................................ M ales___ r................................................. Paint and varnish...................................... M ales........................................ ................. Fem ales....................... ....................... Patent m edicines and drug com pounds. M ales......................................................... Fem ales..................................................... Petroleum refining..................................... M ales........................................................ Fem ales..................................................... * Not computed owing to small number represented. 351 3.054 3.054 558 558 1.942 1.942 3.087 3.087 383 3.227 3.227 1.027 1.027 2,021 2,021 6.043 6.043 362 362 732 689 43 3,266 3,266 1,151 1,151 2,137 2,137 8.212 8,212 361 361 711 663 48 3,334 3,334 1,119 1,119 2,162 2,162 10,631 10,631 396 396 767 716 51 3,507 3,507 1,133 1,133 2,222 2,222 12,340 12,340 485 485 677 626 51 3,581 3,581 1,180 1,180 2,274 2,274 14,625 14,625 466 466 736 684 52 446 445 1 616 615 1 567 566 1 470 470 438 438 3,742 3,742 1,124 1,124 2,444 2,444 11,172 11,172 554 554 813 754 59 3,548 3,548 963 963 2,269 2,269 7,077 7,077 511 511 888 829 59 721 721 642 642 667 667 12,084 12,084 193 193 275 243 32 34.8 34.8 31.0 29.9 (0 480 479 1 326 326 375 374 1 60.9 60.8 (0 8,299 562,646 592,371 »,412 618,969 633,802 629,192 644,312 650,785 652,238 661,477 666,825 104,179 485,998 511,744 527,437 533,485 536,607 550,332 545,252 o59,105 563,468 563,240 572,412 578,205 92,207 76,648 80,627 81,975 82,984 82,362 83,470 83,940 85,207 87,317 88,998 89,065 88,620 12,417 317 13,825 14,144 14,581 14,766 14,509 14,807 14,607 14,876 15,364 14,886 14,913 15,273 1,539 1,632 12,331 12,647 13,103 13,323 13,067 13,343 13,179 13,467 13,963 13,392 13,339 13,687 1,494 1,574 1,442 1,464 1,443 1,428 1,409 1,494 185 1,497 1,478 1,401 1,586 252 33 4 225 249 243 236 242 247 230 251 238 246 258 24 141 152 154 152 165 149 146 157 152 155 164 146 79 92 91 97 84 92 97 94 18 89 90 87 92 2,797 3,321 45 2,929 3,096 2,997 3,108 3,220 3,202 3,358 3,498 701 3,035 3,030 3,306 3.484 2,783 2.914 3,019 3,081 2,981 3,094 3,188 701 3,206 3,345 3,015 14 14 14 14 14 3 16 13 15 15 16 1u 15 354 9 360 427 403 378 73 362 372 385 386 400 360 401 354 360 427 403 378 73 362 372 385 386 400 401 360 832 891 1,134 1,156 844 1,667 838 767 878 900 20' 960 973 827 959 972 1,155 890 842 1,132 837 766 877 900 831 826 1,666 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 69 374 21 336 352 329 345 383 366 398 381 386 360 380 339 64 359 391 330 343 372 368 327 375 375 380 353 9 7 7 6 8 8 7 6 6 6 7 2 6 433 442 146 10 427 430 451 426 443 311 330 387 438 457 433 442 146 3 427 430 451 426 443 311 387 438 457 2,252 2,389 2,441 2,342 2,420 240 2,289 2,3 2,363 2,316 2,201 2,227 76 2,405 2,054 2,214 2,090 2,089 2,158 2,008 2,031 207 2,138 2,117 2,140 2,193 2,215 198 38 214 212 202 199 199 193 196 206 231 225 226 674 143 678 783 691 748 817 805 674 682 700 47 753 723 349 48 344 343 354 348 383 372 335 351 342 345 360 434 329 122 448 331 433 409 337 326 388 355 372 340 469 1,877 1.914 1,941 1,776 1,688 15 2,103 2,065 1,999 2,105 2,157 2,096 2,060 1,873 1,772 1,684 469 1,909 2,091 2,100 2,099 2,061 1,995 1,937 2,153 2,056 4 4 1 5 4 4 1 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 15.6 15.9 13.9 91 134 750 723 27 542 542 1.807 1.807 2.940 2.940 414 414 613 581 32 30 241 241 436 436 256 506 28 3.021 3.021 712 712 1.777 1.777 3.237 3.237 428 428 631 32 355 355 3,620 3,659 3,620 3,659 1,184 1,173 1,184 1,173 2,227 2,215 2,227 2 215 15,024 13,533 15,024 13,533 473 500 473 500 848 826 772 797* 54 51 458 457 1 451 450 1 19.3 19.3 54.2 54.2 27.3 27.3 10.0 11.7 11.7 12.8 14.5 0) 20.0 20.1 (0 17.1 17.1 54.0 54.0 0) 17.3 16.4 C1) 31.9 31.9 9.8 9.3 16.5 17.5 12.5 27.2 21.7 21.8 0) T a b l e A ,— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 19H to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O 00 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed V ariation from TnaYimnm N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting M ft]A S Females . _ _ . _ . 8 25 37 _ F ood and kindred products..................................... 1,289 Fem ales____________________________________ Bread and other bakery products....................... 371 Males ...... Males ___ __ Fem ales____________________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ Canning and preserving, fruits and vegetables. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding............................................................. M ales ... Fern 142 92 32 as C onfectionery and ice cream ................................ Males Fem ales. _________________________________ C ordials and sirups................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill prod u cts..................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 126 7 380 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 962 864 98 2,568 1,967 601 453 409 44 21,769 17,365 4,404 5,714 4,442 1,272 1,620 1,518 102 611 401 210 931 830 101 2,591 1,978 613 462 418 44 21,786 17,166 4,620 5,834 4,484 1,350 1,634 1,531 103 595 402 193 963 871 92 2,588 1,968 620 456 407 49 21,890 17,182 4,708 5,883 4,531 1,352 1,719 1,604 115 687 448 239 1,020 912 108 2,637 2,028 609 430 378 52 22,024 17,185 4,839 6,095 4,550 1,545 1,810 1,703 107 688 492 196 1,023 913 110 2,587 1,979 608 446 406 40 22,174 17,400 4,774 6,024 4,418 1,606 1,964 1,834 130 701 538 163 1,027 123 2,665 2,054 611 435 398 37 23,005 17,794 5,211 6,129 4,453 1,676 2,121 1,996 126 1,356 917 439 1,007 890 117 2,659 2,028 631 465 433 32 23,199 18,153 5,046 6,100 4,564 1,536 2,194 2,054 140 1,326 966 360 1,035 923 112 2,594 1,971 623 446 417 29 25,068 19,597 5,471 6,121 4,602 1,519 2,159 2,017 142 2,655 1,880 775 997 896 101 2,686 2,060 626 479 438 41 28,184 21,022 7,162 6,089 4,558 1,531 2,052 1,912 140 4,863 3,094 1,769 1,020 916 104 2,811 2,161 650 491 453 38 27,418 20,332 7,086 6,186 4,611 1,575 1,916 1,776 140 2,686 1,678 1,008 1.023 921 102 2,918 2,243 675 492 .455 37 27,155 20,427 6,728 6,171 4,640 1,531 1,890 1,722 168 1,186 775 411 976 883 93 3,036 2,339 697 487 450 37 25,220 19,330 5,890 6,118 4,630 1,488 1,846 1,679 167 751 509 242 104 93 31 468 372 96 62 77 23 6,415 3,856 2,758 472 222 404 574 536 66 4,268 2,693 1,606 10.0 10.1 25.2 15.4 15.9 13.8 12.6 16.9 0) 22.8 18.3 38.5 7.6 4.8 24.1 26.2 26.1 39.3 87.8 87.0 90.8 1,305 753 552 3,641 2,015 1,626 298 109 189 2,690 2,686 4 1,328 752 576 3,771 2,011 1,760 321 117 204 2,720 2,715 5 1,334 753 581 3,856 2,094 1,762 353 121 232 2,723 2,718 5 1,346 742 604 3,888 2,202 1,686 372 116 256 2,530 2,525 5 1,340 752 588 3,875 2,294 1,581 368 119 249 2,561 2,557 4 1,363 762 601 4,022 2,395 1,627 398 118 280 2,551 2,547 4 1,361 763 598 4,186 2,552 1,634 416 112 304 2,675 2,671 4 1,376 773 603 4,137 2,504 1,633 409 125 284 2,746 2,742 1,410 787 62<f 4,805 2,555 2,250 434 125 309 2,762 2,758 4 1,450 828 622 5,378 2,544 2,834 472 135 337 2745 2,741 4 1,446 818 628 5,489 2,538 2, 951 575 154 421 2,779 2,775 4 1,462 830 632 4,754 2,391 2,363 510 137 373 2,774 2,770 4 157 88 80 1,848 544 1,370 277 45 232 249 250 1 10.7 10.6 12.7 33.7 21.3 46.4 48.2 29.2 55.1 9.0 9.0 904 Sep N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent (') PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. C hem icals and allied produ cts—C ontin ued. Salt............................................................................. M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s..____ _____________________________ Soap and candles..................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Chem icals and allied products, n. o. c............... Janu ary 66429°* 00 1 F ood preparations.................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Slaughtering and m eat packing.......................... M a les.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Sugar......................................................... ............... M ales..................................................................... F em ales. ............................................................... F ood and kindred, products, n. o. c.................. M ales.......... ........................................................ Fem ales................................................................. Iron and steel and their products.......................... M ales.............. ..................................................... Fem ales................... , ........................................... B last-furnace products.......................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not m ade in steel w orks or rolling m ills............................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Cash registers and calculating m achines_____ M a les........................................ ........................... F em ales................................................................ C utlery and tools................................................... M a les.................................................................... .Fem ales................................................................. D oors and shutters................................................ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ F ile s --...................................................................... M ales— ............................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Forgings................................................................... M ales........................................................ ........... Fem ales........ ....................................................... F oun dry and m achine-shop p rod u cts............... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales.............................................................. . N ails and spikes, cu t and w rought, including w ire nails, n ot m ade in steelw orks or roll ing m ills........................................................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................ Pum ps, n ot including steam pum ps................ . M ales................................................................... . F em a les............................................................... Safes and vau lts.................................................... . M ales.............................................................. ...... Fem ales........ .............. ........................... ............. 18 94 110 138 137 1 352 280 72 1,490 210,268 206,507 3,761 5,935 5,928 7 1, Oil 1,222 1, 1,185 1,184 990 981 1,220 1,086 1.013 753 767 852 859 886 788 741 750 767 334 242 237 333 337 244 333 325 298 246 240 4,114 5,018 3,574 3,238 3,798 4,093 3,859 3,510 4,626 3,866 3,760 3,982 3,979 3,479 3,152 3,375 4,850 3,753 3,740 3,645 3,671 4,461 132 127 135 168 114 86 115 165 106 95 126 229 353 849 273 194 201 1,348 137 145 175 347 193 144 272 174 200 1,341 226 846 136 346 350 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 7 1 364 347 357 342 350 344 423 452 359 402 366 269 274 275 279 259 272 314 339 277 284 305 83 75 85 78 109 113 85 70 82 97 222,857 230,041 229,770 232,392 240,106 235,434 243,849 246,122 246,564 253,718 257,017 218,825 225,912 225,443 227,788 235,438 230,681 239,010 241,171 241,526 248,535 251,993 4,604 4,129 4,668 4,753 4,327 4,032 5,038 5,024 4,839 4,951 5,183 7,782 6,825 6,125 6,776 7,721 8,473 8,502 7.620 8,844 8,574 8,330 7,613 6,769 7,713 8,465 7,774 6,818 6,118 8,494 8,566 8,322 8.836 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 8 4,931 5,141 4,842 4,993 5,732 4,879 5,472 5,156 5,224 5,367 5,661 4,604 4,355 4,159 4,922 4,327 4,439 4,100 4,190 4,846 3,992 4,116 4,700 4,601 803 772 772 814 742 763 785 766 801 815 810 612 5,528 5,082 5,326 4,877 4,708 5,705 5,632 5,770 5,501 5,531 5.837 4,647 5,044 4,843 5,283 4,443 5,198 4,999 4,621 4,263 5,005 5,122 5,352 4,209 484 483 434 507 502 461 487 445 485 438 526 510 3,849 4.014 4,341 3,897 3,785 4,175 3,945 3,993 3,971 60 3,587 4,028 4,303 3,525 3,964 3,573 3,777 3,609 3,651 3,499 3,595 3,665 3.620 3,910 3,285 324 324 363 351 286 336 377 302 398 363 393 419 397 409 380 372 377 416 408 396 403 380 417 378 375 414 394 395 407 378 401 401 370 406 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 221 204 208 209 242 194 222 224 233 201 216 230 204 209 204 193 214 222 190 185 199 208 193 179 17 16 14 18 21 19 15 16 15 20 17 16 5,599 5,194 35 4,962 4,619 5,748 6,078 5,401 5,417 6,164 6,237 5,847 5,954 5,182 5,586 5,388 5,406 6,229 4,607 4,950 5,730 5,943 6,065 6,153 5,830 13 12 18 11 12 12 13 13 8 17 11 11 "1 ,048 104,978 110,364 114,598 113,483 112.490 116.806 115,565 118,716 118,658 119,187 121,914 124,489 103,435 108,769 112,979 111, 741 110,592 114,873 113,661 116,781 116,629 117,088 119,682 122,330 1,933 1,619 1,904 1,742 1,898 1,543 1,595 2,029 2,099 1,935 2,232 2,159 1 Not computed owing to small number represented^ 1,067 791 266 4,343 4,233 23 294 170 124 1.194 1.194 1,811 1,807 4 1,212 1,212 279 163 116 1,188 1,188 299 164 135 1.109 1.109 1,815 1,812 3 1,842 1,839 3 1,798 1,795 3 285 155 130 294 169 125 1,081 1,077 4 1,787 1,782 5 290 173 117 1,054 1,042 12 1,842 1,837 5 309 179 130 1,047 1,038 9 1,838 300 169 131 305 185 1,021 1,081 1,077 1,017 4 1,831 1,826 5 120 1,831 1,826 5 301 175 126 1,089 1,088 1 1,830 1,824 306 196 110 1.132 1.132 1,848 1,840 8 298 198 100 1,238 1,234 4 1,869 1,861 8 325 228 24.9 100 1,780 1,61 82 1,211 1,205 6 no 80 43 46,749 45,486 1,422 2,909 2,908 1 1,128 930 203 1,190 1, 92 754 679 112 47 47 48" 43 7 1,618 1,622 10 19,511 18,895 30 43 35 217 217 12 82 79 5 35.5 35.0 48.8 89.8 89.9 0) 38.1 18.2 18.1 27.4 0) 19.7 18.9 24.9 20.4 21.4 17.5 17.4 17.1 28.1 CO 11.3 (0 19.8 19.4 0) 25.9 26.0 0) 15.7 15.4 30.9 > 11.2 * > o fei a 9.7 21.7 25.9 17.5 17.6 0)4.4 4.2 0 s T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed Industry and sex N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting V ariation from m ayim iim N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 543 422 121 2,527 2,356 171 2.546 2.546 50,213 50,128 85 8,545 8,481 64 4,042 3,933 109 5,908 5,860 48 723 638 85 2,986 2,967 19 18,075 11,779 6,296 560 404 156 2,768 2,577 191 2.745 2.745 54,542 54,455 87 9,440 9,377 63 4,029 3,916 113 6,374 6,318 56 715 630 85 2,971 2,949 22 18,709 12,162 6,547 579 432 147 2,865 2,652 213 2.815 2.815 55,947 55,846 101 9,469 9,400 69 4,180 4,054 126 6,155 6,102 53 760 667 93 3,105 3,081 24 18,600 12,178 6,422 611 458 153 2,883 2,648 235 2.785 2.785 56,590 56,466 124 9,453 9,386 67 4,044 3,930 114 6,024 5,987 37 762 671 91 3,161 3,138 23 18,123 11,871 6,252 588 438 150 3,000 2,737 263 2,698 2,698 58,615 58,490 125 9,594 9,527 67 4,272 4,145 127 6,158 6,105 53 740 650 90 3,142 3,118 24 18,160 11,790 6,370 558 417 141 3,173 2,879 294 2.902 2.902 60,869 60,720 149 9,783 9,718 65 4,177 4,049 128 6,247 6,192 55 749 654 95 3,163 3,138 25 18,529 11,975 6,554 616 455 161 3,241 2,900 341 2.699 2.699 58,130 57,967 163 9,385 9,323 62 3,836 3,719 117 6,111 6,063 48 727 636 91 3,175 3,151 24 18,736 12,096 6,640 663 488 175 3,172 2,829 343 2.692 2.692 62.007 61,837 170 9,369 9,303 66 4,493 4,366 127 6,211 6,162 49 706 617 89 3,076 3,048 28 18,669 12,055 6,614 674 505 169 3,330 2,964 366 2.692 2.692 62,980 62,807 173 9,458 9,396 62 4,625 4,483 142 6,477 6,430 47 731 638 93 3,265 3,'236 29 17,962 11,593 6,369 651 475 176 3,417 3,067 350 2.646 2.646 61,681 61,507 174 9,740 9,678 62 4,649 4,500 149 6,550 6,498 52 731 638 93 3,527 3,498 29 17,735 11,504 6,731 653 450 203 3,357 3,035 322 2.368 2.368 64,768 64,589 179 10,170 10,103 67 4,583 4,438 145 6,780 6,721 59 716 618 98 3,678 3,651 27 18,256 11,805 6,451 627 463 164 3,067 2,763 304 2.481 2.481 65,432 65,250 182 10,295 10,226 69 4,550 4,408 142 6,887 6,830 57 734 637 97 3,745 3,719 26 18,599 11,976 6,623 131 101 82 890 711 195 356 356 15,219 15,122 97 1,750 1,745 7 813 781 40 979 970 22 56 54 13 774 770 10 1,001 674 409 15,101 9,072 6,029 15,441 9,177 6,264 15,243 9,112 6,131 14,857 8,917 5,940 14,965 8,902 6,063 15,325 9,082 6,243 15,430 9,101 6,329 15,372 9,084 6,288 14,707 8,662 6,045 14,503 8,600 5,903 14,912 8,807 6,105 15,442 9,169 6,273 939 577 426 Per cent Manufactures—C ontinued. Iron and steel and their products— C ontinued. ___ . Screws, m ach in e _ M ales________________________________ ______ Fem ales____________________________________ Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents____ M ales........................... ......................................... Fem ales____________________________________ Springs, steel, car and carriage _ ___ _ M ales_______________ _______________________ Steel w ork s and rolling m ills M ales _ _ ___ _ . Fem ales................................................................ Stoves and furnaces__________________________ M ales____________________________ 2_________ Fem ales____________________________________ T in p late and tam aplatn _ ___ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ W ire_________________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________ _________________________ W irew ork, including w ire rope and cable_____ M ales _____________________________________ F em ales. __________________________________ Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c .......... M ales _ _ __ F em ales .... __ T/eat.her and its finished p rod ucts _ .... M ales _____________________________________ F em ales _ . . . B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and find ings______________________________________ M ales____________________________ __________ Fem ales................................................................. 3 3 7 51 85 6 10 36 42 161 67 19.4 20.0 40.4 26.0 23.2 53.3 12.3 12.3 23.3 23.2 53.3 17.0 17.1 0 0 0 0 17.5 17.4 26.8 14.2 14.2 7.3 8.0 20.7 20.7 5.3 5.5 6.2 6.1 6.3 6.7 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Janu ary Leather, tanned, curried, and fin is h e d -......... M ales________'_______ ....................... ............... Fem ales................................................................. Saddlery and harness__________________ _____ M a le s"-................................................................. Fem ales___________________________________ Trunks and valises__________________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Leather and its finished products, n . o. c _____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. Liquors and beverages______________________ _ * M ales_________r____________________________ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ Liquors, d istilled __________ _________________ M a le s...................... ........................................... # Fem ales.......... ............ ...................... ................. L iquors, m alt___________ _____________________ M ales___________________ __________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M ineral and soda w aters..... ............................... M ales____________________ _________________ Fem ales__________ ;................... ......................... L iquors and beverages, n . o. c ________________ M ales________________________________ _____ Fem ales____________________________________ Lum ber and its rem anufactures________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B askets and rattan and w illow w are................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________________ _____ B oxes, cigar__________________________________ M ales________________________________ _____ Fern ales____________________________________ C offins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________ _______ _ C ooperage and related w ooden goods...... ......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________________________ _______ Furniture and refrigerators___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Looking-glass and picture fram es____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Lum ber and planing-m ill prod u cts___________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ 26 31 16 21 192 9 103 63 17 860 20 17 21 85 166 7 481 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 1,528 1,524 4 591 564 27 212 191 21 643 428 215 5,788 5,696 92 350 306 44 4,809 4,796 13 394 374 20 235 220 15 26,343 24,959 1,384 408 280 128 376 138 238 1,314 1,098 216 1.673 1.673 1,650 1,646 4 726 695 31 219 195 24 673 449 224 5,828 5,736 92 357 310 47 4,840 4,827 13 398 379 19 233 220 13 27,190 25,755 1,435 428 302 126 371 134 237 1,438 1,220 218 1.694 1.694 9,478 9,161 317 248 247 1 9,355 9,325 30 9,899 9,563 336 354 344 10 9,494 9,465 29 1,662 1,658 4 764 733 31 234 211 23 697 464 233 5,978 5,878 100 413 361 52 4,908 4,895 13 426 407 19 231 215 16 27,942 26,441 1,501 437 299 138 382 136 246 1,500 1,258 242 1,872 1,870 2 10,158 9,810 348 383 368 15 9,708 9,671 37 1,672 1,667 5 663 619 34 229 206 23 712 462 250 6,160 6,068 102 405 363 52 5,061 5,048 13 463 443 20 231 214 17 28,173 26,688 1,485 459 312 147 373 134 239 1,457 1,220 237 1,940 1,938 2 10,245 9,890 355 383 368 15 10,079 10,039 40 1,703 1,697 6 559 530 29 233 206 27 700 455 245 6,346 6,247 99 404 350 54 5,232 5,219 13 494 475 19 216 203 13 27,743 26,351 1,392 530 368 162 365 136 229 1,309 1,113 196 1,928 1,926 2 9,675 9,330 345 371 357 14 10,530 10,480 50 1,696 1,690 6 544 515 29 247 218 29 717 470 247 6,736 6,634 102 435 379 56 5,574 5,559 15 518 500 18 209 196 13 28,784 27,362 1,422 575 411 164 367 132 235 1,339 1,140 199 1,937 1,935 2 10,139 9,801 338 359 345 14 10,900 10,851 49 1,733 1,727 6 607 574 33 263 233 30 703 461 242 7,083 6,977 106 429 372 57 5,882 5,867 15 577 557 20 195 181 14 28,661 27,238 1,423 571 404 167 370 138 232 1,291 1,106 185 1,900 1,900 1,759 1,755 4 563 533 30 270 237 33 705 446 259 7,368 7,242 126 434 370 64 6,106 6,091 15 625 593 32 203 188 15 28,690 27,293 1,397 546 388 158 391 147 244 1,290 1,104 186 1,962 1,962 10,050 9,699 351 389 368 21 10,867 10,813 54 10,309 9,975 334 385 363 22 10,675 10,631 44 1,731 1,727 4 578 531 47 262 230 32 684 443 241 6,993 6,876 117 381 316 65 5,844 5,828 16 536 516 20 232 216 16 29,094 27,668 1,426 518 370 148 392 148 244 1,307 1.117 190 1,951 1,949 2 10,315 9,970 345 405 383 22 10,766 10,721 45 1,730 1,727 3 563 503 60 263 231 32 676 443 233 6,475 6,347 128 400 323 77 5,322 5,306 16 484 468 16 269 250 19 29,095 27,673 1,422 392 278 114 375 139 236 1,360 1,161 199 1.940 1,938 2 10,458 10,108 350 406 379 27 10,681 10,635 46 1,787 1,782 5 579 520 59 281 252 29 697 444 253 6,448 6,289 159 464 359 105 5,296 5,280 16 423 404 19 265 246 19 29,911 28,417 1,494 402 272 130 388 145 243 1,391 1,189 202 2,006 2,006 10,602 10,227 375 402 373 29 11,050 10,990 60 1,728 1,723 5 588 523 65 270 245 25 571 316 255 6,325 6,188 137 454 375 79 5,165 5,149 16 432 411 21 274 253 21 29,793 28,378 1,415 341 233 108 401 150 251 1,426 1,222 204 1,921 1,917 4 10,544 10,198 346 386 363 23 11,027 10,972 55 259 258 3 220 230 38 69 61 12 146 154 44 1,580 1,546 67 114 73 61 1,297 1,295 3 231 219 16 79 72 8 3,568 3,458 117 234 178 59 36 18 22 210 160 57 333 333 4 1,124 1,066 58 158 136 28 1,695 1,665 31 14.5 14.5 0) 28.8 31.4 0 24.6 24.2 0) 20.4 32.8 17.0 21.4 21.3 42.1 24.6 19.3 0 21.2 21.3 0 37.0 36.9 (0 28.8 28.5 0 11.9 12.2 7.8 40.7 43.3 35.3 9.0 12.0 8.8 14.0 12.7 23.6 16.6 16.6 0 10.6 10.4 15.5 38.9 35.5 0) 15.3 15.2 0 T able A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to 191 6 : WAGE EARNERS—C ontinued N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Industry and sex • . _ ..... M a les_____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products_________ M a les_____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectroplatin g____ ___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and refleetnrs _ _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ J ew elry______________________________________ Males _ Fem ales.................................. .............................. 4 41 18 331 56 7 162 16 41 23 Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 2,181 1,767 414 830 797 33 480 473 7 2,145 1,712 433 861 822 39 506 499 7 2,096 1,671 425 880 839 41 526 519 7 1,866 1,463 403 805 765 40 566 559 7 1,673 1,327 346 808 767 41 554 547 7 1,845 1,472 373 739 697 42 584 578 6 1,857 1,489 368 763 724 39 603 597 6 1,794 1,430 364 764 725 39 574 568 6 2,100 1,715 385 785 747 38 555 548 7 2,116 1,716 400 802 761 41 565 558 7 2,300 1,892 408 824 784 40 546 539 7 2,303 1,925 378 908 869 39 536 529 7 630 598 87 169 172 9 123 124 1 27.4 31.1 20.1 18.6 19.8 0) 20.4 20.8 23,046 18,493 4,553 2,343 2,327 16 24,177 19,444 4,733 2,462 2,445 17 24,732 19,971 4,762 2,545 2,510 35 24,389 19,556 4,833 2,528 2,476 52 24,780 19,981 4,799 2,509 2,454 55 25,491 20,687 4,804 2,626 2,586 40 25,074 20,411 4,663 2,729 2,682 47 25,509 20,606 4,903 2,799 2,744 55 25,092 20,063 5,029 2,602 2,584 18 25,573 20,377 5,196 2,672 2,653 19 25,970 20,488 5,482 2,438 2,418 20 26,088 20,597 5,491 2,396 2,378 18 3,042 2,194 938 456 417 39 11.7 10.6 17.1 16.3 15.2 1,026 703 323 13,680 12, 111 1,569 273 269 4 1,050 716 334 14,528 12,845 1,683 311 307 4 1,065 724 341 14,798 13, 111 1,687 330 326 4 1,079 737 342 14,438 12,695 1,743 325 322 3 1,102 767 335 14,881 13,169 1,712 331 328 3 1,110 762 348 15,371 13,634 1,737 334 329 6 1,098 762 336 15,233 13,319 1,914 357 353 4 1,120 766 354 15,064 13,284 1,780 349 345 4 1,088 744 344 14,648 12,891 1,757 354 350 4 1,061 730 331 14,892 13,045 1,847 361 357 4 1,064 741 323 15,354 13,411 1,943 359 354 5 1,046 734 312 15,333 13,400 1,933 345 340 5 94 64 42 1,691 1,523 374 88 88 2 4,942 2,375 2,567 430 366 64 5,039 2,413 2,626 432 372 60 5,185 2,555 2,630 407 351 56 5,201 2,589 2,612 412 343 69 5,130 2,503 2,627 395 340 55 5,216 2,618 2,598 422 358 64 4,828 2,543 2,285 427 362 65 5,340 2,701 2,639 425 363 62 5,530 2,704 2,826 440 369 71 5,682 2,774 2,908 461 384 77 5,801 2,703 3,098 464 383 81 6,005 2,873 3,132 472 392 80 1,177 498 847 77 52 26 0) 0) 8.4 8.3 11.9 11.0 11.2 19.2 24.4 24.6 0) 19.6 17.3 27.0 16.3 13.3 0) PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures—C ontinued. Ma.t,ehes_ _ _ _ _ _ M a le s .._______ _______________________ _____ Fem ales................. ........................................ ....... W ood, turned and carved__________________ M ales_____ _______________________ _________ Fem ales____________________________________ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o. c ______ M ales______________________________________ F em a les______________________________ _____ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ F em ales. ________________________________ Brass and bronze p rod u cts___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C locks and w atches, including cases and Variation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o. c ............................................... M ales...................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ . Paper and prin tin g.................................................... M ales......................... ........................................... Fem ales................................................................. Bags, paper........................................................... . M ales............ - ................................................... . Fem ales............................................................ B oxes, fancy and paper.................................. ....... M ales..................................................................... F em a les................................. ........................ . Paper and w ood p u lp .................... ....................... M ales........ ........................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Photo-engraving.................................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. P rinting and pu blish in g........................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.................................................................. Stereotyping and electrotyp in g........................... M a le s ..................... ............................................ Fem ales............................................................... Paper and printing, n . o. c ................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales.......... ....................................................... R ubber produ cts........................................................ M ales................................................. ................... Fem ales................................................... ........... . Stone, clay, and glass p rod u cts........ ................... M a les. ........................................... ...................... Fem ales................................................................. A rtificial s t o n e ....................................................... M ales................ ..................................................... Brick: and tile — .................................................... M ales............................................................ : ___ Fem ales......................... .................. —.................. C em ent..................................................................... M ales................................................. ................. . Fem ales........................... ..................................... E m ery and other abrasion w heels...............— M a le s......................................................... .......... Fem ales................................................................. G lass.......................................................................... M ales........ ............................................................ Fem ales................... .................................... ....... Glass, cu tting, staining, and ornam enting-----M ales.................................................................... F em ales................................... ................ ............ 26 928 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 7 58 55 22 732 22 32 78 712 82 221 7 4 47 25 491 430 490 352 402 412 444 355 432 412 403 406 342 421 478 480 434 400 390 403 346 394 394 420 12 9 11 10 9 12 12 12 9 10 9 12 27,881 27,968 28,359 28, 746 28,964 29,174 29,328 29,696 30,102 30,539 30,658 30,654 21,214 21,372 21,610 21,940 22,170 22,306 22,213 22,460 22,692 22,891 22,883 23,036 7,410 7,775 6,667 6,868 7,115 7,648 7,618 6,749 6,806 6,794 7,236 6,596 593 591 573 589 575 585 596 585 606 608 575 556 260 269 267 270 259 265 260 271 280 266 269 257 322 333 319 331 309 299 326 325 335 306 306 328 2,980 2,748 2,905 3,237 2,608 2,620 2,736 2,769 2,836 2,986 3,097 3,237 1,235 1,186 1,209 1,218 1,268 1,259 1,270 1,096 1,126 1,196 1,291 1,186 1,562 1,512 1,687 1,745 1,494 1,540 1,627 1,718 1,838 1,967 1,583 1,946 6,130 6,272 5,753 6,549 5,578 5,596 6,364 6,459 6,571 6,568 6,337 6,598 5,542 5,769 5,017 5,366 5,592 5,744 4,844 4,865 5,656 5,798 5,763 5,569 731 764 730 780 824 734 772 803 773 736 768 835 352 319 350 362 354 385 369 354 357 353 356 375 372 300 342 343 349 344 339 338 347 340 345 361 19 11 13 11 14 20 10 15 15 14 13 11 17,057 17,034 17,185 17,180 17,155 17,259 17,468 17,639 17,871 18,046 17,992 17,974 13,604 13,648 13,701 13,709 13,699 13,777 13,753 13,865 13,967 14,022 14,033 14,158 3,904 3,959 3,453 3,484 3,471 3,482 3,715 3,774 4,024 3,386 3,816 3,456 460 441 424 442 471 415 425 445 519 505 497 449 454 464 418 420 439 435 437 498 492 409 513 444 5 6 6 7 7 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 1,320 1,334 1,286 1,403 1,296 1,316 1,331 1,296 1,228 1,344 1,365 1,345 722 632 691 651 677 658 655 661 659 686 683 675 681 635 674 665 645 596 627 661 645 657 658 670 35,332 38,866 40,376 43,126 41,775 42,576 41,981 42,661 42,670 43,733 46,272 49,445 32,444 35,741 37,232 40,043 38,681 39,540 38,925 39,645 39,682 40,742 43,063 46,197 3,125 3,144 3,083 2,988 3,209 3,248 2,888 3,036 3,056 3,016 2,991 3,094 40,883 41,662 42,784 44,565 45,061 44,746 43,410 43,877 44,835 45,162 46,621 45,547 36,024 36,734 37,772 39,519 40,033 39,667 38,462 38,952 39,812 40,112 41,335 40,255 5,012 4,948 5,023 5,286 5,292 4,859 4,928 5,046 5,079 4,925 5,050 5,028 592 593 399 449 679 683 680 641 503 383 707 664 593 592 503 399 383 449 707 679 683 680 641 664 7,482 5,589 6,534 7,640 7,617 6,886 6,358 5,445 5,325 7,382 7,724 7,200 5,582 7,629 7,601 6,876 6,348 5,439 5,319 6,527 7,710 7,190 7,473 7,373 10 10 14 9 6 7 7 11 16 10 6 9 932 604 602 929 767 905 959 910 711 925 936 934 904 931 710 601 928 958 909 603 766 935 933 924 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 242 234 235 233 249 243 253 247 229 220 236 246 241 240 233 228 245 238 248 228 229 226 219 239 1 1 7 1 5 4 5 5 7 7 3 7 12,364 12,846 13,188 13,549 12,681 12,635 10,780 10,765 12,086 12,737 14,319 14,191 11,284 11,763 12,010 12,349 11,534 11,458 9,690 9,679 10,921 11,586 13,056 12,906 1,263 1,285 1,080 1,083 1,178 1,200 1,090 1,165 1,151 1,177 1,086 1,147 480 447 443 453 442 486 459 468 465 454 469 461 382 370 375 382 380 389 363 388 388 375 364 373 98 80 78 83 79 81 97 77 80 81 78 86 139 138 3 2,777 1,822 1,179 52 23 36 629 195 473 1,020 954 105 66 72 10 1,012 554 638 104 104 2 175 90 85 14,113 13,753 360 5,738 5,311 433 324 324 2,399 2,391 10 357 357 33 29 6 3,554 3,377 205 44 26 21 28.3 28.8 0) 7.9 15.2 8.6 8.2 10.7 19.4 15.1 24.0 15.5 16.5 12.6 17.1 19.4 0) 5.6 3.9 15.9 CO 20.3 0) 12.5 12.5 12.5 28.5 29.8 i 11.1 12.3 12.8 8.2 45.8 45.8 31.1 31.0 0) 37.2 37.3 0) 13.0 11.7 0) 24.8 25.9 16.0 9.1 6.7 0) a & W GO 00 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed In dustry and sex Janu ary 6 242 242 564 563 1 19,840 16,156 3,684 265 263 2 480 477 3 37,202 12,850 24,352 462 198 264 692 227 465 9,836 2,742 7,094 8,601 3,050 5,551 1,107 171 118 1,574 3 88 193 8 34 678 30 7 153 105 V ariation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Febru M arch ary 254 254 1 20,115 16,367 3,748 332 330 2 504 501 3 39,390 13,344 26,046 521 219 302 674 219 455 10,074 2,833 7,241 9,490 3,269 6,221 1,170 1,035 135 1,585 895 284 284 643 642 1 20,323 16,586 3,737 337 335 2 508 505 3 39,847 13,775 26,072 576 679 229 450 10,375 2,944 7,431 9,551 3,333 6,218 1,285 1,152 133 1,665 735 930 A pril M ay June July 287 267 698 697 1 20,400 16,651 3,749 340 339 1 528 528 2 39,342 13,543 25,799 889 317 372 697 236 461 10,447 2,972 7,475 9,098 3,083 6,015 1,213 1,060 153 1,735 761 974 292 292 729 728 1 20,711 16,934 3,777 418 416 2 535 532 3 38,052 13,037 25,015 797 381 416 708 285 473 10,396 2,989 7,407 8,171 2,712 5,459 1,057 885 172 1,726 759 967 314 314 757 756 1 20,001 16,207 3,794 483 481 2 592 589 3 38,226 13,208 25,018 796 399 397 707 240 467 10,301 2,933 7,368 8,647 2,985 5,662 1,013 856 157 1,687 731 956 298 298 739 738 1 20,611 16,861 3,750 505 504 1 563 560 3 38,767 13,293 25,474 719 346 373 743 248 495 10,144 2,869 7,275 9,141 3,261 5,880 1,002 825 177 1,543 675 868 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 292 292 731 730 1 20,938 17,207 3,731 512 511 1 576 573 3 39,535 13,583 25,952 654 300 354 748 253 495 10,234 2,932 7,302 9,989 3,641 6,348 822 682 140 1,282 681 601 282 282 741 740 1 20,884 17,121 3,763 521 521 578 575 3 39,486 13,565 25,921 619 288 331 740 245 495 10,386 2,975 7,411 9,578 3,490 6,088 886 735 151 1,558 738 820 301 301 698 698 301 301 670 670 289 289 653 653 20,868 17,073 3,795 527 526 1 586 581 5 40,084 13,651 26,433 591 296 295 771 262 509 10,517 3,057 7,460 9,752 3,447 6,305 918 738 180 1,720 760 960 21,109 17,203 3,906 519 517 2 578 573 5 38,581 13,302 25,279 580 278 302 764 256 508 10,358 2,972 7,386 8,629 3,061 5,568 1,037 840 197 1,741 753 988 21,053 17,162 3,891 508 506 2 553 548 5 38,590 13,200 25,390 572 260 312 767 263 504 10,355 2,880 7,475 8,207 2,910 5,297 1,150 950 200 1,707 733 974 72 72 193 193 1 1,269 1,051 222 262 263 2 112 112 3 2,882 925 2,081 335 201 152 97 44 59 681 315 381 1,818 929 1,051 463 470 82 459 86 387 Per cent 22.9 22.9 25.5 25.5 0) 6.0 6.1 5.7 49.7 50.0 0) 18.9 19.0 0) 7.2 6.7 7.9 42.0 50.4 36.5 12.6 16.7 11.6 6.5 10.3 5.1 18.2 25.5 16.6 36.0 40.8 41.0 26.4 11.3 39.2 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Stone, cla y, and glass products—C ontinued. L im e.......................................................................... M ales................................................................... . M arble and stone w ork ........................................ M ales............................................... ............. ....... Fem ales................................................................. P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products___ M ales................................................................. . Fem ales................. ..................... ........................ W all plaster............................................................. M ales........................................... ......................... Fem ales_____________ ______________________ Stone, cla y, and glass products, n. o. c ________ M ales............................................... ...................... F em a les......................................... ..................... T e x tile s ............................................. - ------- -----------M ales.......................................................... ........... Fem ales.........................- ........................... ........... A w nings, tents, and sa ils. -----------------------------M ales.................................... ................. ........... Fem ales—..................... ...................................... Bags, other than p a p e r........................................ M ales.................................................... — Fem ales................................................................. C lothing, m en’s, including sh irts.................... — M ales................................................... ................. F em a les................................................. ............. C lothing, w om en’s ...........................................— M ales.............................................................. — Fem ales................................................................. C ordage, tw ine, ju te, and linen goods............... M ales......................... ................................... ....... Fem ales—............................ ................................ C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s .......... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales. N um ber o f estab lish m ents re* porting D yein g and finishing textiles. 3 M ales_______ ______ _____ Fem ales.................................. Flags, banners, and re g a lia .. 11 17 Furnishing goods, m en’s....................................... M ales................................................................................ Fem ales............................................................................ 31 G loves, cloth and cotton ....................................... M ales................................................................................ Fem ales................................................................. - ......... H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , and 15 w ool............................................................... . M ales..................................................................... ........... Fem ales............................................................................ H orse cloth in g........................................................ 3 M ales......................... *........................................- - ........ Fem ales............................................................... ............ H osiery and k n it goods......................................... 28 M ales............................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................................ M illin ery and lace goods................................... . 35 M ales................................................................................ Fem ales............................................................................ O ilcloth and lin oleu m ........................................... 5 M ales..................................................................... ........... Fem ales........................................................................... . 3 S hoddy.................................................................... . M ales.............................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................................ W oolen, w orsted, and felt goods......................... 16 M ales............................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................................ 39 T extiles, n . o. c ........................................................ M ales................................................................................ Fem ales.............................................................._............ 242 T ob a cco m anufactures.............................................. M ales........................................................................... Fem ales................... ....................................................... V ehicles for land transportation............................ 358 M ales............................................................................... . Fem ales........................................................................ . A utom obiles, including bodies and parts......... 132 M ales.......................................................................... . Fem ales........................................................................... . B icycles, m otor cycles, and parts...................... 8 M ales................................................. .............................. Fem ales........................................................ ................... i N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented 268 238 30 960 380 580 574 152 422 2,162 276 1,886 270 242 28 1,002 390 612 620 170 450 2,119 266 1,853 271 242 29 1,035 405 630 638 169 469 2,119 265 1,854 269 242 27 1,036 409 627 634 169 465 2,091 255 1,836 273 244 29 1,031 400 631 638 172 466 2,209 272 1,937 280 250 30 1,030 405 625 638 173 465 2,302 283 2,019 274 247 27 1,012 396 616 635 167 468 2,330 285 2,045 275 247 28 986 404 582 658 172 486 2,240 283 1,957 280 251 29 1,009 406 603 666 174 492 2,261 287 1,974 285 255 30 1.004 404 600 668 167 501 2,326 294 2,032 278 250 28 990 401 589 683 172 511 2,354 309 2,045 284 256 28 1,002 406 596 670 167 503 2,626 312 2,314 17 18 3 76 29 51 109 22 89 535 57 478 6.0 7.0 (*) 7.3 7.1 8.1 16.0 12.6 17.4 20.4 18.3 20.7 415 150 265 421 191 230 3,687 834 2,853 1,553 425 1,128 285 285 420 154 266 439 201 238 3,821 859 2,962 2,215 454 1,761 300 300 422 153 269 440 200 240 3,980 890 3,090 1,807 455 1,352 304 304 416 157 259 433 190 243 4,038 925 3,113 1,602 445 1,157 303 303 442 312 130 2,997 984 2,013 1,166 734 432 12,205 4,095 8,110 47,263 45,495 1,768 36,497 35,071 1,426 898 855 43 442 315 127 3,018 990 2,0128 1,210 738 472 12,798 4,408 8,390 51,231 49,261 1,970 39,742 38,125 1,617 957 908 49 440 312 128 3,050 997 2,053 1,210 745 465 12,787 4,370 8,417 52,932 50,873 2,059 41,499 39,816 1,683 961 909 52 415 289 126 3,010 984 2,026 1,216 746 470 12,296 4,136 8,160 53,176 50,997 2,179 41,441 39,637 1,804 985 941 44 414 156 258 452 203 249 4,135 920 3,215 1,118 403 715 305 303 2 392 264 128 3,027 986 2,041 1,203 753 450 11,825 3,899 7,926 53,405 51,276 2,129 42,134 40,387 1,747 1,035 991 44 425 159 266 448 205 243 4,146 927 3,219 841 334 507 316 310 6 395 270 125 3,042 989 2,053 1,212 759 453 11,835 3,851 7,984 53,684 51,467 2,217 42,008 40,164 1,844 1,013 962 51 368 154 214 455 207 248 4,263 913 3,350 1,186 368 818 316 309 7 389 269 120 3,038 1,004 2,034 1,209 750 459 11,627 3,741 7,886 54,762 52,660 2,102 42,869 41,130 1,739 965 913 52 358 135 223 439 199 240 4,228 919 3,309 1,699 424 1,275 326 319 7 387 260 127 3,025 995 2,030 1,185 737 448 11,466 3,800 7,666 55,938 53,752 2,186 43,938 42,077 1,861 825 778 47 412 153 259 442 195 247 4,257 932 3,325 1,513 404 1,109 301 290 11 390 264 126 2,966 973 1,993 1,222 765 457 11,528 3,755 7,773 57,086 54,867 2,219 45,055 43,158 1,897 899 851 48 415 150 265 438 188 250 4,294 936 3,358 1,479 396 1,083 300 289 11 393 267 126 3,023 1,013 2,010 1,190 732 458 11,832 3,796 8,036 56,525 54,284 2,241 44,301 42,399 1,902 923 868 55 423 157 266 473 199 274 4,313 930 3,383 927 358 569 307 297 10 395 268 127 3,112 1,049 2,063 1,217 752 465 12,136 3,874 8,262 53,478 51,461 2,017 40,724 39,070 1,654 952 899 53 434 162 272 494 209 285 4,278 947 3,331 955 345 610 317 307 10 417 286 131 3,140 1,043 2,097 1,215 764 451 12,448 3,933 8,515 54,397 52,100 2,297 41,531 39,627 1,904 1,009 944 65 76 27 58 73 21 55 626 113 530 1,374 121 1,254 41 34 11 55 55 11 174 76 104 56 33 40 1,332 667 849 9,823 9,372 529 8,558 8,087 478 210 213 22 17.5 16.7 21.3 14.8 10.0 19.3 14.5 11.9 15.7 62.0 26.6 71.2 12.6 10.7 (l) 12.4 17.5 8.4 5.5 7.2 5.0 4.6 4.3 8.5 10.4 15.1 10.0 17.2 17.1 23.0 19.0 18.7 25.1 20.3 21.5 (*) T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sea;— Continued 1 ^ 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S—C ontinued Industry and sex 6 V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent 1,286 1,205 81 4,630 4,415 215 1,407 1,324 83 4,953 4,735 218 1,420 1,337 83 5,130 4,892 238 1,419 1,342 77 5,335 5,083 252 1,408 1,329 79 5,336 5,079 257 1,436 1,365 71 5,507 5,259 248 1,382 1,315 67 5,407 5,166 241 1,456 1,396 60 5,436 5,221 215 1,433 1,373 60 5,233 5,022 211 1,457 1,394 63 5,122 4,903 219 1,567 1,500 67 5,286 5,045 241 1,522 1,454 68 5,375 5,116 259 281 295 23 877 844 48 17.9 19.7 (i) 15.9 16.0 18.5 9 2,980 2,979 1 3,135 3,134 1 2,984 2,983 1 3,043 3,042 1 2,576 2,575 1 2,713 2,712 1 3.062 3,061 1 3,143 3,142 1 3,327 3,326 1 3,592 3,591 1 3,836 3,835 1 3,866 3,865 1 1.290 1.290 33.4 33.4 0 4 893 891 2 79 79 42,766 36,746 6,020 5,120 5,093 27 259 226 33 345 245 100 321 321 448 287 161 957 955 2 80 80 45,765 39,149 6,616 5,407 5,380 27 272 239 33 372 263 109 338 338 456 293 163 866 864 2 72 72 48,562 41,140 7,422 5,538 5,512 26 272 238 34 395 283 112 327 327 456 291 165 885 884 1 68 68 51,813 43,183 8,630 5,472 5,446 26 271 237 34 387 273 114 330 330 454 290 164 852 851 1 64 64 53,783 44,887 8,896 5,197 5,169 28 260 228 32 407 290 117 341 341 459 295 164 930 928 2 77 77 56,103 47,060 9,043 5,140 5,113 27 252 222 30 377 273 104 341 341 473 300 173 1,007 1,005 2 70 70 56,523 47,223 9,300 4,753 4,725 28 249 219 30 370 269 101 331 331 494 315 179 1,067 1,065 2 73 73 57,110 47,643 9,467 4,600 4,570 30 249 219 30 373 267 106 364 364 500 318 182 1,070 1,068 2 69 69 56,267 46,739 9,528 4,723 4,686 37 266 232 34 387 274 113 361 361 508 318 190 1,061 1,060 1 69 69 56,617 46,613 10,004 4,702 4,665 37 270 239 31 365 256 109 414 414 510 318 192 1,040 1,039 1 73 73 57,360 47,194 10,166 4,905 4,868 37 263 231 32 367 249 118 418 418 512 328 184 1,021 1,Q21 218 217 2 16 16 14,663 10,897 4,146 938 942 12 23 20 4 62 45 21 131 131 65 41 31 20.4 20.3 0) (ij 197 2 663 50 23 10 3 10 73 73 57,429 47,335 10,094 5,307 5,269 38 260 228 32 402 281 121 452 452 513 324 189 V25.5 22.9 40.8 16.9 17.1 0 8.5 8.4 0 15.2 15.5 17.4 29.0 29.0 12.7 12.5 16.1 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu r e s — C ontinued. V ehicles for land transportation— C ontinued. Carriages and sleds, ch ildren’s........................... M ales................... 1............ ................... .............. Fem ales................................................................. Carriages, w agons, and m aterials....................... M ales..................... ........................ ...................... Fem ales.......... ............................ ............. ........... C ars, steam railroad, not including operations of railroad com panies................... ................. M ales................................... ................................ F e m a le s .................... ........................................ Cars, street railroad, not including operations of railroad com panies.................................. . M ales....................... .............................. ............. Fem ales........ ............ .......................................... V ehicles for land transportation, n . o. c ______ M ales______________________________________ M iscp.llancons industries _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ _________________________________ A gricultural im plem ents M ales______________________________________ Fem ales . . _ ........ B room s and m ops ________ M ales ... _ , , _ F em ales _ , .. , , _ „ . B ru sh es. ... ....... ____ M ales .... , _ _ Fem ales____________________________________ C oke____ ____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ D en tists’ m aterials__________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M a le s ....................... ....................................... Fem ales.............................................................. E nam eling and japanning................................ M ales............ ................ ............ ....................... Fem ales..................................................... F ancy a rticles.......................... .............. ... M ales______________________________ . F em ales. ............... ......................... ................. Ice, m anufactured................................................. M ales................ .................. ............................... Fem ales__________ _____________________ . Instrum ents, professional and scien tific______ M ales______________________________ _______ Fem ales___________________________________ M attresses and spring beds................................ M ales.............* ___ ~1________ ______________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ M odels and patterns, n ot including paper patterns__________________________________ M ales__________________________________ _ Fem ales_____ ______________ ______________ M u nitions__________________________________ M ales___________________ __________________ Fem ales______________________________ O ptical goods____________________________ . M ales__________________________________ _ Fem ales........ ............................................... ....... Pianos, organs, and m aterials............................. M ales_______________________________ _______ Fem ales_______________ ___________________ H oofing m aterials______________ ____. . . . M ales_________________________ ____________ Fem ales........ ................................ ....................... S hipbuilding, including boat bu ild in g_______ M ales______________________________________ Signs and advertising novelties_______ _______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Sporting and ath letic goods.................................. M ales.............................. ......................... ............ F em ales............................................................ . Stationery goods_____________________ _______ M ales................................................................... . Fem ales__________ ___________________ ______ T oy s and gam es______________________________ M ales................................................................... . Fem ales_______ ___________________________ U m brellas and canes..... ...................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.................................... ......................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 110 6 7 99 8 41 52 11 21 23 3 18 34 7 17 16 7 13,654 12,055 1,599 140 104 36 231 171 60 1,206 1,193 13 294 221 73 1,310 1,015 295 14,132 12,402 1,730 164 127 37 242 175 67 1,241 1,227 14 297 223 74 1,374 1,075 299 14,526 12,691 1,835 177 141 36 251 184 67 1,365 1,351 14 309 235 74 1,392 1,085 307 15,164 13,219 1,945 182 147 35 251 180 71 529 524 5 5,765 4,526 1,239 219 179 40 2,646 2,409 137 586 546 40 3.491 3.491 1,449 976 473 671 492 179 811 572 239 1,307 626 681 220 75 145 539 536 3 6,916 5,311 1,605 223 183 40 2,588 2,454 134 589 550 39 4.085 4.085 1,466 993 473 704 517 187 825 576 249 1,421 686 735 223 76 147 599 565 34 8,305 6,111 2,194 219 182 37 2,538 2,404 134 626 588 38 4.528 4.528 1,495 1,004 491 705 514 191 830 576 254 1,515 744 771 227 78 149 634 608 26 10,326 7.142 3,184 223 186 37 2,533 2,403 130 623 584 39 4,555 4,555 1,587 1,045 542 707 510 197 846 604 242 1,571 783 788 1,688 1,671 17 318 243 75 1,455 1,131 324 220 80 140 15,273 13,259 2,014 197 161 36 227 164 63 2,188 2,167 21 342 267 75 1,460 1,122 338 15,717 13,707 2,010 196 161 35 239 173 66 2,755 2,732 23 347 276 71 1,449 1,100 349 15,535 13,456 2,079 191 157 34 248 173 75 3,222 3,197 25 383 307 76 1,484 1,145 339 16,062 13,878 2,184 190 155 35 321 225 96 3,527 3,503 24 411 329 82 1,442 1,096 346 15,764 13,564 2,200 160 125 35 355 265 90 3,001 2,977 24 408 313 95 1,509 1,145 364 16,322 14,096 2,226 167 137 30 376 272 104 2,165 2,144 21 430 325 105 1,368 1,020 348 17,512 15,161 2,351 181 150 31 371 268 103 1,662 1,646 16 471 353 118 1,358 1,011 347 17,907 15,544 2,363 202 169 33 391 270 121 1,462 1,445 17 459 346 113 1,325 998 327 4,253 3,489 764 62 65 7 164 108 61 2,321 2,310 12 177 132 47 199 147 69 23.8 22.4 32.3 30.7 38.5 0) 41.9 39.7 50.4 65.8 65.9 0 37.6 37.4 39.8 13.2 12.8 19.0 638 618 20 11,851 8,466 3,385 226 188 38 2,527 2,396 131 700 660 40 4,581 4,581 1,583 1,051 532 714 509 205 819 573 246 1,574 795 779 224 82 142 628 611 17 12,861 9,369 3,492 229 192 37 2,539 2,411 128 714 677 37 4,728 4,728 1,604 1,076 528 735 528 207 836 578 258 1,630 838 792 235 84 151 658 642 16 13,338 9,646 3,692 227 191 36 2,436 2,316 120 713 677 36 4,743 4,743 1,656 1,119 537 716 515 201 840 587 253 1,632 837 795 239 85 154 668 649 19 13,034 9,419 3,615 228 193 35 2,499 2,373 126 732 692 40 4,765 4,765 1,740 1,114 626 602 437 165 842 594 248 1,586 816 770 253 91 162 669 646 23 12,857 9,271 3,586 242 196 46 2,561 2,424 137 709 669 40 4,624 4,624 1,704 1,100 604 631 462 169 819 571 248 1,593 823 770 269 94 175 630 611 19 13,329 9,446 3,883 248 192 56 2,707 2,558 149 754 714 40 4,570 4,570 1,695 1,088 607 670 467 203 838 582 256 1,658 823 835 259 88 171 653 631 22 13,099 9,213 3,886 251 194 57 2,689 2,530 159 733 693 40 4,532 4,532 1, 707 1,109 598 691 486 205 841 583 258 1,664 832 832 260 91 169 667 655 12 12,334 8,456 3,878 253 195 58 2,844 2,686 158 744 704 40 4,644 4,644 1, 722 1,106 616 718 526 192 838 584 254 1,500 724 776 253 82 171 140 131 31 7,573 5,120 2,647 34 17 23 408 370 39 168 168 4 1,274 1,274 291 143 153 133 91 42 35 33 19 357 212 154 49 19 35 20.9 20.0 0 56.8 53.1 68.1 13.4 8.7 0 14.3 13.8 24.5 22.3 23.5 0 26.7 26.7 16.7 12.8 24.4 18.1 17.2 20.3 4.1 5.5 7.4 21.5 25.3 18.4 18.2 0 20.0 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued ^ 0^ 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S—C ontinued Industry and sex S ervice.............................................................................. M ales______________________________ ________ Fem ales............................................................... . Am usem ent parks___________________________ M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales................. ........................................... B arbers______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales________________________ ___________ Garages____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ H ospitals___________ _________________________ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. H otels........................................................................ M ales.......... ......................... ............................... Fem ales................................................................. Laundries and d ry cleaners____ ______________ M ales__________ ___________________________ Fem ales............................... ............................... O ffice buildings_________ ____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ R estaurants_________________________________ M ales______________- _____ _________________ Fem ales.............................................................. . 10 77 1,788 45 24 295 18 300 281 186 272 V ariation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem Decem N um August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 170 167 3 1,674 1,232 442 196 193 3 1,695 1,247 448 201 198 3 1,766 1,310 456 211 208 3 1,805 1,308 497 216 213 3 1,779 1,292 487 227 224 3 1,851 1,346 505 215 212 3 1,850 1,359 491 225 222 3 1,897 1,354 543 224 221 3 1,923 1,378 545 219 216 3 1,951 1,372 579 218 215 3 2,002 1,402 600 222 219 3 2,010 1,428 582 336 196 158 25.1 25.4 0) 16.7 13.7 26.3 29,909 17,908 12,001 407 364 43 224 199 25 2,169 2,136 33 378 72 306 8,273 5,357 2,916 8,076 2,620 5,456 2,893 1,973 920 3,679 2,026 1,653 30,048 17,965 12,083 421 378 43 224 199 25 2,242 2,210 32 383 71 312 8,299 5,350 2,949 8,097 2,635 5,462 2,926 1,968 958 3,674 2,008 1,666 30,510 18,316 12,194 442 399 43 223 198 25 2,431 2,398 33 385 71 314 8,321 5,332 2.989 8,194 2,686 5,508 2,943 1.990 953 3,734 2,042 1,692 31,212 18,878 12,334 602 556 46 225 199 26 2,613 2,578 35 393 77 316 8,456 5,493 2,963 8,404 2,783 5,621 2,923 1,949 974 3,824 2,097 1,727 32,104 19,505 12,599 1,041 893 148 223 199 24 2,732 2,698 34 391 77 314 8,695 5,644 3,051 8,537 2,818 5,719 2,918 1,952 966 3,816 2,098 1,718 32,984 19,948 13,036 1,971 1,444 527 233 207 26 2,866 2,824 42 399 79 320 8,646 5,570 3,076 8,510 2,782 5,728 2,893 1,934 959 3,931 2,176 1,755 33,452 20.244 13,208 2,040 1,482 558 232 207 25 3,063 3,024 39 402 79 323 8,784 5,624 3,160 8,692 2,853 5,839 2,914 1,944 970 3,867 2,141 1,726 34,056 20,853 13,203 1,711 1,461 250 233 208 25 3,252 3,208 44 397 80 317 9,085 5,829 3,256 8,817 2,858 5,959 2,905 1,946 959 4,074 2,264 1,810 33,140 20,134 13,006 646 553 93 232 208 24 3,336 3,291 45 396 78 318 8,915 5,718 3.197 8,665 2,787 5,878 2,926 1,967 959 4,143 2,289 1,854 33,321 20,450 12,871 472 436 36 234 208 26 3,205 3,159 46 429 95 334 9,007 5,857 3,150 8,589 2,786 5,803 2,955 1,979 976 4,419 2,562 1,857 33,271 20,383 12,888 479 436 43 233 207 26 3,232 3,187 45 398 97 301 8,907 5,748 3,159 8,588 2,839 5,749 3,033 1,998 1,035 4,454 2,566 1,888 32,499 20,054 12,445 473 423 *50 237 211 26 3,142 3,100 42 392 96 296 8.769 5,672 3,097 8,101 2,747 5,354 3,028 2,009 1,019 4,418 2,531 1,887 4,147 2,945 1,207 1,633 1,118 522 14 13 2 1,167 1,155 14 51 26 38 812 525 340 741 238 605 140 75 115 780 558 235 12.2 14.1 9.1 80.0 75.4 93.5 5.9 6.2 (0 35.0 35.1 0) 11.9 (l) 11.4 8.9 9.0 10.4 8.4 8.3 10.2 4.6 3.7 11.1 17.5 21.7 12.4 57 57 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. M iscellaneous industries—C ontinued. W ashing m achines and clothes w ringers.......... M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales....................... M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c ......................... M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting 115 T ra d e.............................................................................. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................. ............................................ O ffices...................................................................... M ales..................... ................... ......................... . Fem ales.......................................................... ...... R etail d elivery, m ilk , ice, and w ater............. . M a le s ................................................................. . Fem ales..................... .......................................... R etail and w holesale sto re s............................... . M ales................................................................... . F em ales.............................................................. . Y ards, coal and lu m ber....................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales...... .......................................................... 4,437 T ra n s p o rta tio n a n d p u b lic u tilitie s ................. . M ales........ ........................................................... Fem ales.......................................................... ...... Cartage (drayage) and storage, including liv ery stables.................................................. ...... M ales.......... ....................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . E lectric ligh t and pow er..................................... . M ales.............. ..................................................... F e m a le s ............................................................. . E lectric railroads............ ..................................... . M ales.......... ......................................................... F em a les................................ .............................. Gas, illum inating and heating............................ M ales............................................... .................... N atural gas................. ....................... ................. . M ales............................................................... Fem ales....................................... ..................... P ip elin e (petroleum ).......................................... . M ales................ .......................... ...................... . Steam railroads....................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . Stock yards............................................................ . M ales................................................................. 1,323 1,123 200 1,661 1,293 368 826 745 81 1,293 1,098 195 1,666 1,306 360 823 742 81 1,295 1,101 194 1,693 1,329 364 849 770 79 1,287 1,094 193 1,569 1,213 356 916 839 77 1,288 1,096 192 1,440 1,091 349 1,023 939 84 36,120 29,897 6,223 1,230 1,155 75 339 332 7 27,935 21,970 5,965 6,616 6,440 176 36,017 29,886 6,131 1,252 1,177 75 430 423 7 27,755 21,882 5,873 6,580 6,404 176 36,817 30,098 6,719 1,215 1,137 78 368 361 7 28,583 22,122 6,461 6,651 6,478 173 38,204 30,904 7,300 1,224 1,151 73 361 354 7 29,666 22,623 7,043 6,953 6,776 177 38,199 31,173 7,026 1,227 1,155 72 422 415 7 29,432 22,661 6,771 7,118 6,942 176 38,365 31,595 6,770 1,221 1,145 76 474 467 7 29,442 22,941 6,501 7,228 7,042 186 1,137 45,201 37,331 7,870 43,813 35,859 7,954 44,657 36,538 8,119 47,622 39,534 8,088 49,946 41,656 8,290 348 3,818 3,804 14 3,376 3,375 1 17,503 17,436 67 169 169 3,252 3,225 27 947 947 190 189 1 190 190 3,887 3,870 17 3,100 3,099 1 17,624 17,557 67 158 158 2,609 2,579 30 848 848 229 228 1 165 165 3,997 3,981 16 2,952 2,951 1 17,916 17,849 67 188 188 2,522 2,492 30 852 852 227 226 1 168 168 4,169 4,152 17 3,646 3,645 1 18,920 18,853 67 196 196 2,960 2,935 25 913 913 239 238 1 163 163 4,334 4,317 17 3,687 3,686 1 19,519 19,448 71 209 209 3,393 3,370 23 956 956 264 263 1 166 166 122 130 35 3,366 667 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 109 73 9 13 10 1,283 1,086 197 1,229 933 296 1,070 980 90 1,299 1,100 199 1,541 1,188 353 1,041 955 86 1,316 1,120 196 1,680 1,318 362 1,015 930 85 1,312 1,120 192 1,637 1,276 361 998 909 89 1,319 1,121 198 1,642 1,270 372 978 874 104 40 37 12 566 484 90 247 238 27 3.0 3.3 5.9 33.4 36.4 24.2 23.1 24.3 26.0 37,759 31,369 6,390 1,212 1,143 69 528 521 7 28,813 22,678 6,135 7,206 7,027 179 37,636 31,623 6,013 1,223 1,142 81 549 542 7 28,550 22,791 5,759 7,314 7,148 166 39,051 32,227 6,824 1,219 1,140 79 538 531 7 29,838 23,271 6,567 7,456 7,285 171 40,507 33,043 7,464 1,221 1,151 70 455 448 7 31,139 23,923 7,226 7,692 7,521 171 41,210 33,675 7,535 1,226 1,152 74 410 403 7 31,788 24,515 7,273 7,786 7,605 181 41,651 34,100 7,551 1,217 1,144 73 436 429 7 32,392 25,100 7,292 7,606 7.427 179 5,634 4,214 1,538 40 40 12 210 210 4,637 3,218 1,533 1,206 1,201 20 13.5 12.4 20.4 3 .2 3.4 0 38.3 38.7 0 14.3 12.8 21.0 15.5 15.8 10.8 51,722 43,199 8,523 53,025 44,380 8,645 53,978 45,140 8,838 54,026 45,295 8,731 53,053 44,343 8,710 52,827 43,819 9,008 51,307 42,349 8,958 10,213 9,436 1,138 18.9 20.8 12.6 4,280 4,263 17 3,510 3,509 1 20,043 19,970 73 199 199 4,015 3,993 22 997 997 291 290 1 162 162 4,326 4,310 16 3,493 3,492 1 20,302 20,226 76 80 80 4,525 4,501 24 1,034 1,034 312 311 1 158 158 4,349 4,334 15 3,491 3,490 1 20,491 20,412 79 93 93 4,962 4,932 30 1,137 1,137 299 298 1 160 160 4,433 4,413 20 3,531 3,530 1 20,402 20,327 75 113 113 5,139 5,111 28 1,148 1,148 340 339 1 167 167 4,472 4,450 22 3,553 3,552 1 20,092 20,019 73 86 86 4,941 4,917 24 1,057 1,057 338 337 1 181 181 4,409 4,387 22 3,632 3,631 1 19,474 19,401 73 71 71 5,201 5,172 29 969 969 302 301 1 200 200 4,295 4,274 21 3,666 3,665 1 19,483 19,411 72 80 80 4,741 4,715 26 996 996 308 307 1 221 221 654 646 8 735 735 14.6 14.5 0 19.9 19.9 0 14.6 14.6 0 66.0 66.0 51.5 51.8 0 26.1 26.1 44.1 44.2 0 28.5 28.5 1,295 1.288 1,091 . 1,090 204 198 1,205 1,127 888 845 282 317 1,035 1,043 953 955 82 88 2,988 2,976 12 138 138 2,679 2,680 8 300 300 150 150 63 63 1 916 : WAGE EARNERS Saloons...................................................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . T heaters............................... ................................. . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales.............................................................. . Service, n. o. c ....................................................... . M ales.......................................................... ........ . Fem ales............................................. - ................. ► —1 O T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued Jr* 1 9 1 6 : W A G E E A R N E R S— C ontinued N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Industry and sex V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 403 14,242 6,487 7,755 13,495 5,662 7,833 13,993 5,994 7,999 13,994 6,030 7,964 14,088 5,931 8,157 14,609 6,232 8,377 15,030 6,542 8,488 15,283 6,610 8,673 15,157 6,586 8,571 14,879 6,306 8,573 15,406 6,536 8,870 15,162 6,331 8,831 1,911 948 1,115 32.4 14.3 12.6 45 1,196 1,191 5 161 161 157 157 1,376 1,371 5 163 163 159 159 1,524 1,519 5 153 153 165 165 2,046 2,033 13 214 214 162 162 2,935 2,915 20 236 236 159 159 3,231 3,199 32 230 230 155 155 3,344 3,305 39 265 265 156 156 3,286 3,247 39 278 278 149 149 3,189 3,154 35 248 248 159 159 3,004 2,988 16 284 284 166 166 2,685 2,673 12 306 306 172 172 1,920 1,914 6 266 266 169 169 2,148 2,114 34 153 153 23 23 64.2 64.0 C1) 50.0 50.0 33.4 33.4 Transportation and public utilities—C ontd. Telegraph and telephone.............. ....................... M a le s.. . ........................................................ ....... F e m a le s ............................................................. Transportation b y w ater, including stevedor in g................................. ......................... .......... M a le s ...................... ............. ............ ................ Fem ales...................................................... ........... W aterw orks................................ ............................ M ales_____ ________________________________ Transportation and p u b lic u tilities, n. o. c____ M a les.......... .............................................. .......... 21 14 1 9 1 6 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S A L L IN D U S T R IE S ................................................... M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 20,017 74,114 43,096 31,018 75,002 43,667 31,335 76,666 44,714 31,952 77,267 44,989 32,278 77,921 45,463 32,458 79,083 46,298 32,785 80,237 47,121 33,116 81,180 47,808 33,372 81,624 47,786 33,838 82,223 48,031 34,192 83,016 48,400 34,616 83,988 48,856 35,132 9,874 5,760 4,114 11.8 11.8 11.7 A g ricu ltu re _____________________ ________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Florists, fru it grow ers, nurserym en, and seeds m en______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ A griculture, n. o. c ___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 363 178 54 124 196 55 141 211 59 152 218 58 160 203 58 145 175 55 120 174 57 117 169 57 112 175 56 119 175 52 123 170 52 118 170 52 118 49 7 48 % .0 142 37 105 36 17 19 159 38 121 37 17 20 174 42 132 37 17 20 182 41 141 36 17 19 168 40 128 35 18 17 140 38 102 35 17 18 137 38 99 37 19 18 132 38 94 37 19 18 138 37 101 37 19 18 141 37 104 34 15 19 135 37 98 35 15 20 135 37 98 35 15 20 50 5 47 3 4 3 1,985 1,235 750 2,011 1,245 766 2,069 1,289 780 2,112 1,322 790 2,181 1,371 810 2,234 1,415 819 2,304 1,468 836 2,330 1,495 835 2,364 1,518 846 2,397 1,537 860 2,401 1,544 857 2,420 1,562 858 435 327 90 C o n s tr u c tio n ___________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........................ ................ ............ ........... 117 246 3,963 22.5 27.5 % .» (!) (1) (1) 18.0 20.9 10.5 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE Janu ary 404 126 1,602 351 256 506 818 30 F ish eries____ M a le s... Fem ales. Manu factures.......................................... . 8,299 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 70 30 169 72 97 679 461 218 349 176 173 162 83 79 217 168 49 335 215 37 27 37 27 10 M ales................ ......................................... Fem ales............ ......................................... Chem icals and allied produ cts................... . M ales.............. ........................................... Fem ales..................................................... B aking pow der and yeast......................... M al€6.......................................................... Fem ales—................................................. C hem icals, acids, and w ood distillation. M ales......................................................... F em ales................................................... Paint and varnish....................................... M ales.......................................................... Fem ales...................................................... Patent m edicines and drug com pounds. M ales.......................................................... Fem ales...................................................... Petroleum refining - ................................... M ales.......................................................... Fem ales..................................................... Soap and candles.............................. ......... M ales.............. .......................................... Fem ales........ ............................................. 317 4 45 76 47 15 25 100 92 62 30 170 72 98 682 467 215 348 174 174 162 84 78 193 161 32 338 215 123 45,322 28,492 16,830 2,953 1,555 149 84 65 380 254 126 967 513 454 293 77 216 158 145 13 604 342 120 10 46,074 29,007 17,067 2,968 1,550 1,418 146 83 63 390 265 125 505 461 304 72 232 158 145 13 606 264 342 107 77 30 172 77 95 739 505 234 349 178 171 169 85 84 227 183 44 349 217 132 109 78 31 177 82 95 770 529 241 356 179 177 174 88 86 242 194 48 353 221 132 114 81 33 174 79 95 791 550 241 362 185 177 175 88 87 260 208 52 358 224 134 119 85 34 181 84 97 833 582 251 366 186 180 176 88 88 270 217 53 359 226 133 121 88 33 181 85 96 854 604 250 362 184 178 176 87 89 271 218 53 365 229 136 121 90 31 181 81 100 884 631 253 363 185 178 183 91 92 269 215 54 363 225 138 132 100 32 187 82 105 902 641 261 368 188 180 181 89 92 269 212 57 358 225 133 133 100 33 183 79. 104 905 649 256 377 192 185 178 89 89 261 207 54 364 228 136 141 104 37 191 83 108 899 647 252 381 192 189 181 92 89 266 215 51 361 229 132 49 42 7 25 13 14 226 188 46 33 18 18 21 9 14 78 57 25 30 14 18 41 29 12 46 34 45 33 12 42 31 41 29 12 40 29 12 11 42 30 12 42 31 11 43 32 11 40 30 10 9 7 2 47,292 29,756 17,536 3,219 1,762 1,457 148 47,649 29,948 17,701 3,034 1,584 1,450 147 83 64 395 272 123 999 518 481 309 74 235 160 147 13 611 48,266 30,448 17,818 3,045 1,602 1,443 147 84 63 400 278 49,076 31,017 18,059 3,046 1,615 1,431 148 84 64 405 283 50,589 32,131 18,458 3,302 1,842 1,460 153 85 1,014 528 486 301 72 229 162 149 13 610 267 343 528 482 301 72 229 172 159 13 605 265 340 49,817 31,595 18,222 3,079 1,629 1,450 151 87 64 418 294 124 1,031 531 500 296 72 224 172 158 14 50,573 31,945 18,628 3,075 1,624 1,451 152 85 67 416 291 125 1,010 522 488 298 73 225 168 153 15 612 262 350 50,881 32,054 18,827 3,094 1,640 1,454 147 83 64 427 303 124 1,028 534 494 301 73 228 170 156 14 611 264 347 51,402 32,360 19,042 3,106 1,618 1,488 147 83 64 427 301 126 1,022 527 495 342 80 262 157 143 14 614 266 348 52,002 32,752 19,250 3,138 1,631 1,507 148 86 62 436 310 126 1,034 526 508 338 79 259 158 144 14 627 268 359 6,680 4,260 2,420 349 292 109 7 4 6 259 256 7 68 29 54 49 8 46 16 18 2 24 6 103 73 30 166 72 94 708 482 226 349 177 172 166 86 80 238 184 54 215 124 62 584 456 128 993 515 478 313 72 241 163 150 13 607 263 344 345 122 11 122 1,010 264 510 129 1,024 523 501 294 72 222 174 161 13 609 264 345 20 348 40.4 0 13.1 0 13.0 25.0 29.0 17.6 8.7 9.4 9.5 11.5 0) 0 28.8 26.1 0 8.2 6.1 13.0 0 0 0 12.8 13.0 12.6 10.6 15.9 7.2 4.6 0 0 40.5 50.2 5.4 6.6 5.4 10.6 14.3 0 17.6 9.2 11.2 0 3.8 2.2 5.6 1916: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS; B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork ____ M ales................................................. F em ales............................................ E lectrical con tracting........................ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. General con tractin g....... .................... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Plum bing and steam fittin g -.......... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing.......... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. Street, road, and sewer contracting. M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. C onstruction, n. o. c .......................... M ales............ .................................... Fem ales............................................. Si o to T able A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio} 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 6 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —Continued Industry and sex M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. C hem icals and allied products—C ontinued. Chem icals and allied products, n. o. c ________ M ales*_____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F ood and kindred products..................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______ ____________________________ Bread and other bakery products............... ....... M ales_______ _____________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk................... M ales______________________________________ FftmalAS C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grin d in g............................................................ M ales_______________________ _______________ Fem ales____ _____________________________ C onfectionery and ice cream ................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill p ro d u cts ............. ....... M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Slaughtering and m eat packing................... ....... M ales_______ ______________________________ Fem ales____ _____________________________ F ood and kindred products, n. o. c .................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B last-furnace products.......................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting 105 1,289 371 142 32 126 380 94 144 1,490 32 Variation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July maximum N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 402 220 182 2,202 1,035 1,167 361 110 251 272 89 183 398 216 182 2,216 1,042 1,174 372 120 252 272 87 185 411 220 191 2,223 1,038 1,185 377 122 255 274 86 188 413 224 189 2,254 1,054 1,200 380 123 257 277 88 189 411 224 187 2,277 1,049 1,228 371 110 261 291 90 201 405 224 181 2,318 1,068 1,250 369 107 262 309 94 215 408 223 185 2,336 1,074 1,262 376 113 263 318 96 222 409 227 182 2,381 1,102 1,279 377 113 264 325 94 231 419 238 181 2,356 1,085 1,271 372 114 258 314 93 221 144 69 75 418 177 241 440 239 201 325 232 93 242 119 123 14,669 10,834 3,835 285 247 38 143 69 74 419 178 241 441 240 201 327 233 94 242 115 127 14,979 11,052 3,927 304 265 39 143 69 74 426 179 247 439 239 200 323 230 93 241 113 128 15,302 11,286 4,016 308 271 37 143 69 74 434 183 251 442 240 202 330 235 95 248 116 132 15,497 11,403 4,094 324 286 38 144 69 75 456 196 260 440 238 202 327 232 95 248 114 134 15,659 11,542 4,117 348 311 37 145 69 76 467 200 267 443 241 202 334 238 96 251 119 132 15,914 11,766 4,148 384 347 37 147 71 76 479 204 275 444 239 205 323 232 91 249 119 130 16,045 11,869 4,176 401 362 39 149 71 78 474 207 267 460 251 209 333 240 93 263 126 137 16,172 11,936 4,236 419 379 40 150 71 79 463 200 263 450 238 212 331 236 95 276 133 143 16,237 11,955 4,282 431 390 41 397 218 179 2,378 1,095 1,283 375 121 254 314 98 216 397 218 179 2,366 1,092 1,274 379 121 258 315 97 218 22 22 12 179 67 120 19 16 13 53 12 48 151 150 71 71 79 80 451 456 192 191 264 260 449 453 233 238 215 216 343 330 231 241 102 99 291 290 134 135 156 156 16,182 16,403 11,904 12,067 4,278. 4,336 451 428 411 388 40 40 151 71 80 455 192 263 452 239 213 341 242 99 273 130 143 16,590 12,229 4,361 452 411 41 8 2 6 61 30 34 21 18 16 20 12 11 50 22 33 1,921 1,395 526 167 164 4 410 227 183 2,364 1,077 1,287 373 118 255 316 98 218 Per cent 5.3 9.2 6.3 7.5 6.1 9.3 5.0 13.0 4.9 16.3 0) 20.8 5.3 (!) 0) 12.7 14.5 12.4 4.6 7.2 7.4 5.8 5.0 10.8 17.2 16.3 21.2 11.6 11.4 12.1 36.9 39.9 0) 23 14 60 36 M ales____ _____- .................................. ....... Fem ales............................................. ........... F oun dry and m achine-shop produ cts........ M ales..... ......................... ............................... Fem ales.......................................................... Safes and vau lts................................ .............. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... Scales and balan ces........................................ M ales............................. ............................... Fem ales.......................................................... Sew ing m achines, cases, and attachm ents. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales...................................................... . Springs, steel, car and carriage................. . M ales.................. ........................................... Fem ales.................................. Steel w orks and rollin g m ills. M ales...................................... Fem ales.................................. S toves and furnaces................ M ales...................................... F em ales.................................. T in p late and tem eplate____ M ales...................................... 1,048 6,094 2,236 11 2 3 7 61 86 6 W ire........................................................................10 M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........................................................ ........ W ire w ork, including w ire rope and cable___ 36 M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 77 Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c_____ M ales.............. ................................................ ...................... Fem ales.................................................................................. Leather and its finished p rod u cts............... .......... 161 M ales.................................. ........... ............. ....................... Fem ales................. ................................ .............................. i Not computed owing to small number represented. 283 177 106 749 429 320 308 171 137 161 113 48 211 126 86 126 72 64 132 69 63 84 66 28 2,713 2,419 294 641 315 226 106 93 12 216 208 8 106 49 57 320 196 124 1,022 389 633 285 177 108 774 433 341 324 182 142 164 115 49 8,498 6,224 2,274 207 124 83 128 73 55 133 70 63 86 56 30 2,762 2,460 302 551 318 233 102 89 13 226 218 8 112 51 61 323 197 126 1,046 399 647 292 184 108 803 452 351 339 191 148 166 117 39 8,683 6,348 2,335 206 121 85 133 78 55 136 71 65 90 58 32 2,822 2,513 309 551 320 231 103 90 13 222 215 7 122 58 64 326 199 127 1,065 397 668 296 188 108 840 463 377 352 198 154 167 117 50 8,778 6,408 2,370 206 120 86 135 80 55 135 70 65 95 63 32 2,841 2,528 313 551 320 231 103 90 13 222 215 7 125 56 69 327 201 126 1,058 400 658 298 188 110 844 478 366 352 197 155 167 117 50 8,825 6,437 2,388 210 123 87 135 80 55 135 69 66 95 65 30 2,914 2,588 326 558 325 233 104 91 13 228 220 8 119 53 66 327 200 127 1,069 397 672 305 195 110 843 489 354 344 203 141 170 119 51 8,983 6,542 210 122 88 134 80 54 135 70 65 99 .66 33 2,971 2,640 331 559 327 232 102 90 12 229 221 8 113 52 61 333 203 130 1,065 394 671 315 204 111 850 497 353 357 202 155 177 125 52 9,032 6,580 2,452 215 127 88 131 78 53 136 71 65 101 67 34 2,995 2,662 333 555 326. 229 103 90 13 224 216 8 112 52 60 341 210 131 1,061 393 668 314 204 110 860 504 356 368 210 158 178 125 53 9,061 6,576 2,435 217 127 90 132 80 52 136 71 65 103 67 36 3,034 2,693 341 566 327 239 102 89 13 229 221 8 111 53 58 342 210 132 1,054 396 658 312 200 112 885 514 371 363 204 159 181 128 63 9,075 6,684 2,491 217 128 89 137 81 66 138 71 67 106 68 38 3,022 2,680 342 682 330 262 101 88 13 229 221 8 112 55 57 346 213 133 1,043 391 652 313 201 112 887 524 363 364 205 159 182 129 53 9,008 6,531 2,477 217 127 90 * 143 86 57 136 71 65 108 69 39 3,009 2,660 349 595 333 262 101 88 13 234 226 8 109 52 57 348 214 134 1,060 395 665 315 203 112 880 536 344 365 205 160 184 129 55 9,125 6,604 2,521 221 127 94 154 89 65 136 71 65 109 69 40 3,076 2,713 363 593 333 260 99 86 13 237 226 11 111 53 58 347 212 135 1,087 398 689 321 207 114 882 538 344 367 204 163 186 128 58 9,223 6,692 2,531 214 123 91 168 98 70 138 71 67 112 69 43 3,127 2,765 362 599 341 258 101 88 13 239 227 12 113 53 60 348 214 134 1,092 404 688 38 30 8 138 109 57 60 39 28 25 16 10 894 598 296 15 8 11 42 26 18 6 2 4 28 13 15 414 346 69 58 26 36 6 7 1 23 19 5 19 9 12 28 18 11 70 15 56 11.8 14.5 7.0 15.6 20.3 15.1 16.3 18.6 16.0 13.4 12.4 0 9.7 8.9 11.7 6.8 6.3 0 25.0 0 0 4.3 0 0 25.0 0 0 13.2 12.5 19.0 9.7 7.6 13.7 5.7 0 0 9.6 8.4 0 15.2 0 0 8.0 8.4 8.1 6.4 3.7 8.1 1 916 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not m ade in steel w orks or rolling m ills............................ M ales............ ........................................................ Fem ales................................................................ Cash registers and calculating m achines.......... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C utlery and tools............- ..................................... M ales_________________________________ ____ Fem ales— ................— ..................- ................... T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 19H to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to 1916: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS—C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Leather and its finished products—C ontinued. B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and findings............................................................ . M ales................................................................... Leather and its finished products, n . o. c . ....... M ales.......... - ......................................................... Fem ales...... ...................................... ............. . L iquors and beverages............................ .................. M ales................................. ................................... Fem ales................................................................. L iquors, m alt__.................. ........................ .......... M ales...................................................................... F e m a le s ............................................................... L iquors and beverages, n . o . c ...................... M a le s........................................................... ......... F em ales.................... - ........................... ........... . Lum ber and its rem anufactures.............. .............. M ales................................................... ............... . Fem ales..................... ........................ .................. C offins, burial cases, and undertakers’ good s.. M ales................................................................ . Fem ales................................................................. Furniture and refrigerators.................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and planing-m ill produ cts.................... M ales........................................................... ......... Fem ales.................................................... ............ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o. c _ ........ . M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales........ ........................... ............................ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel............................................................ M ales............ ........................ ............................. Fem ales_________________ _________________ 67 94 819 277 542 203 112 192 103 21 166 481 192 331 91 627 503 124 492 422 70 135 81 54 1,882 1,178 704 117 839 207 114 93 646 521 125 511 441 70 135 80 55 1,927 1,192 735 115 66 51 746 452 294 771 514 257 248 146 102 49 760 459 301 803 522 281 249 145 104 2,180 1,177 1,0( 2,198 1,196 1,002 855 283 572 210 114 96 622 499 123 491 422 69 131 77 54 1,953 1,207 746 117 66 51 755 459 296 824 535 289 257 147 110 .'50 288 562 208 112 96 627 502 125 495 424 71 132 78 54 1,935 1,203 732 117 66 51 752 455 297 807 538 269 259 144 115 2,185 1,183 2,176 1,174 1,002 1,002 863 288 575 97 635 506 129 497 424 73 138 82 56 1,931 1,233 748 113 64 49 706 463 303 837 558 279 265 148 117 2,192 1,182 1,010 862 289 573 203 105 98 134 505 426 79 137 82 55 1,995 1,242 753 114 65 49 764 464 300 846 562 284 271 151 120 2,213 1,192 1,021 857 285 572 204 108 96 648 512 136 511 430 81 137 82 55 1,998 1,251 747 118 68 50 758 463 295 851 567 284 271 153 118 845 285 560 209 111 98 652 511 141 514 430 84 138 81 57 2,001 1,256 745 119 70 49 766 467 299 849 569 280 267 150 117 837 285 552 206 106 100 647 508 139 508 427 81 139 81 58 1,982 1,239 743 120 70 50 751 453 298 844 565 279 267 151 116 853 286 567 207 109 98 645 502 143 505 422 83 140 80 60 2,005 1,249 756 122 71 51 758 455 303 860 573 287 265 150 115 876 291 585 211 107 104 644 503 141 505 422 83 139 81 58 2,004 1,250 754 123 70 53 760 462 298 852 568 284 269 150 119 874 290 584 218 114 104 633 503 130 494 422 72 139 81 58 2,038 1,275 763 123 70 53 775 473 302 866 579 287 274 153 121 57 14 43 15 9 13 30 22 20 23 19 15 9 5 6 156 97 59 10 7 4 29 21 9 95 65 32 26 9 19 6.5 4.8 7.4 6.9 7.9 12.5 4.6 4.2 14.0 4.5 4.3 0 6.4 0 0 7.7 7.6 7.7 8.1 0 0 3.7 4.4 3.0 11.0 11.2 11.1 9.5 5.9 15.7 2,220 1,201 1,019 2,241 1,207 1,034 2,251 1,203 1,048 2,266 1,204 1,062 2,293 1,223 1,070 2,336 1,247 1,089 160 73 87 6.8 5.9 8.0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE Manufactures—C ontinued. •S8— o6Sf99 CO 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 56 236 168 68 993 562 431 228 162 66 1,010 577 433 232 166 66 1,010 577 433 231 165 66 1,007 577 430 230 164 66 1,018 582 436 230 163 67 1,024 587 537 233 164 69 1,037 590 447 237 166 71 1,036 589 447 240 169 71 1,048 591 457 243 167 76 1,050 590 460 246 168 78 1,053 597 456 248 169 79 1,045 593 452 20 7 13 60 35 30 8.1 4.1 (*) 5.7 5.9 6.5 41 771 361 410 784 371 413 770 362 408 762 354 408 768 356 412 777 363 414 771 367 404 780 368 412 773 360 413 782 363 419 799 370 429 844 397 447 82 43 43 9.7 10.8 9.6 72 180 86 94 4,301 2,106 2,195 115 47 68 266 150 116 3,695 1,804 1,891 225 105 120 4,724 3,267 1,457 1,282 705 577 165 103 62 323 188 135 596 305 291 198 109 89 2,152 1,004 1,148 176 86 90 4,261 2,115 2,146 115 47 68 270 149 121 3,647 1,811 1,836 229 108 121 4,929 3,385 1,544 1,292 709 583 165 102 63 327 190 137 599 308 291 201 109 92 2,181 1,036 1,145 173 78 95 4,323 2,130 2,193 115 47 68 275 152 123 3,706 1,824 1,882 227 107 120 5,173 3,541 1,632 1,302 713 589 164 101 63 335 192 143 599 308 291 204 112 92 2,204 1,052 1,152 176 78 98 4,263 2,118 2,145 114 46 68 276 153 123 3,645 1,812 1,833 228 107 121 5,355 3,642 1,713 1,315 715 600 166 103 • 63 341 194 147 605 309 295 203 109 94 2,245 1,061 1,184 176 80 96 4,196 2,120 2,076 118 46 72 286 157 129 3,557 1,804 1,753 235 113 122 5,530 3,783 1,747 1,322 719 603 167 103 64 345 196 149 601 308 293 209 112 97 2,219 1,054 1,165 182 79 103 4,203 2,104 2,099 118 46 72 291 162 129 3,562 1,787 1,775 232 109 123 5,744 3,948 1,796 1,333 726 607 167 103 64 349 198 151 602 309 293 215 116 99 2,234 1,062 1,172 179 80 99 4,266 2,116 2,150 119 47 72 295 164 131 3,620 1,795 1,825 232 110 122 5,947 4,117 1,830 1,339 732 607 171 106 65 351 201 150 603 310 293 214 115 99 2,259 1,085 1,174 188 84 104 4,280 2,118 2,162 118 47 71 298 166 132 3,634 1,797 1,837 230 108 122 6,078 4,211 1,867 1,343 729 614 170 105 65 353 201 152 603 308 295 217 115 102 2,248 1,074 1,174 190 83 107 4,401 2,123 2,278 120 46 74 303 170 133 3,745 1,800 1,945 233 107 126 6,111 4,241 1,870 1,343 728 615 169 106 63 353 200 153 601 309 292 220 113 107 2,233 1,065 1,168 191 84 107 4,565 2,167 2,398 121 46 75 302 170 132 3,903 1,837 2,066 239 114 125 6,155 4,316 1,839 1,354 733 621 176 111 65 364 206 158 599 307 292 215 109 106 2,273 1,070 1,203 195 88 107 4,623 2,148 2,475 122 47 75 304 171 133 3,957 1,816 2,141 240 114 126 6,262 4,411 1,851 1,365 742 623 181 115 66 367 206 161 599 308 291 218 113 105 2,263 1,060 1,203 199 88 111 4,725 2,148 2,577 120 48 72 304 170 134 4,064 1,819 2,245 237 111 126 6,414 4,520 1,894 1,360 736 624 177 111 66 368 205 163 599 307 293 216 113 103 2,237 1,047 1,190 26 10 21 529 63 501 8 2 7 38 22 18 507 50 492 15 9 6 1,690 1,253 437 83 37 47 17 14 4 45 18 28 9 5 5 22 7 18 121 81 58 13.1 (*) 18.9 11.2 2.9 19.4 6.6 0) 0) 12.5 12.9 13.4 12.5 2.7 21.9 6.3 7.9 4.8 26.3 27.7 23.1 6.1 5.0 7.5 9.4 12.2 162 928 58 55 732 83 78 712 221 47 193 251 678 0) O 12.2 8.7 17.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 10.0 6.0 16.8 5.3 7.5 4.8 CO O W o o H s M 3 M g s tel 2 o o tei |> m W tel W XJ1 tel o 1 25 Brass and bronze products________ __________ M ales.............................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................. . . .......... C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products......... — M ales................................................... ............. .............. F e m a le s ..-.......................................................... .......... Gas and electric fixtures, and lam ps and reflectors.................................................... — M ales.................... .......................................................... Fem ales............................................................. .......... . M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n .o .c ......... —...........................— M ales............................. .................................... ............ . Fem ales............................................................. ............ Paper and p rin tin g____ _______________________ M ales.............................................................................. Fem ales...................................................... ......... .......... Boxes, fancy and paper............... ...................... . M ales................................................................................ Fem ales........ ................................................................. . Paper and w ood p u lp _________ ______________ M sdes________________ ___________________________ Fem ales................... ..................................................... P rinting and pu blish in g....................................... M ales................................................... ............................ Fem ales............................................. ................... .......... Paper and p rin tin g, n . o . c......... ............. .......... M ales_________________ __________________________ F e m a le s ............................................................ ........... R ubber p rod u cts...................................... .................. M ales........................... ............................ ........... .......... Fem ales____________ ____________________________ Stone, cla y, and glass produ cts.................. ............ M ales................ ............ ................................................ Fem ales_________________________________________ B rick and tile ........................................... .............. M ales.............................................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... ................ G lass................................................................ ........ M ales................................................................................ Fem ales................................ ................ ........................ . P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products.___ M ales___________________________________________ Fem ales_________________________________ _______ Stone, clay, and glass products, n . o. c ............. M a les. ............................................................................ . Fem ales............................................................... .......... . T e x tile s.................................................................... . M a le s......................................................... ..................... Fem ales............................................................................ T able A *— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to o> 1 9 1 6 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S — C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Textiles—C ontinued. C lothing, m en’s, including shirts___________ M ales” ______ _____________________________ Fem ales____ _____________________________ _ C lothing, w om en’s ...................................... .......... M ales................................................................. Fem ales................. ............ .......................... . F lags, banners, and regalia....... ............ ............. M ales................ .............. ................................... Fem ales....................... ...................................... . H osiery and knit goods______________________ M ales___________________________ __________ Fem ales................. .......... ................................... M illin ery and lace goods_____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ T extiles, n. o. c _______________________________ M ales____________________________ __________ Fem ales____________________________________ T ob a cco m anufactures_________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 'V ehicles for land transportation________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ A utom obiles, in clu d in g bodies and parts......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C arriages, w agons, and m aterials__ = _________ M ales_____________________________ _________ Fem ales_______ ___________________________ C ars, steam railroad, not including operations o f railroad com panies____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 153 105 11 28 35 346 242 358 132 197 9 707 303 404 615 292 323 135 82 53 116 35 81 98 57 41 481 235 246 198 118 80 3,080 2,191 889 2,312 1,686 626 397 218 179 709 308 401 645 316 329 133 83 50 111 35 76 100 59 41 483 235 248 197 119 78 3,089 2,203 886 2,314 1,705 609 406 213 193 719 313 406 652 323 329 133 83 50 114 37 77 102 59 43 484 237 247 194 117 77 3,245 2,263 982 2,448 1,753 695 413 215 198 735 311 424 665 333 332 139 83 56 114 36 78 103 59 44 489 239 250 180 107 73 3,276 2,312 964 2,471 1,788 683 397 212 185 730 311 419 632 320 312 140 84 56 114 37 77 102 58 44 501 244 257 179 107 72 3,383 2,378 1,005 2,571 1,843 728 393 213 180 726 310 416 647 327 320 144 86 58 115 36 79 97 56 41 505 247 258 181 106 75 3,492 2,447 1,045 2,663 1,899 764 397 216 181 714 310 404 676 342 334 150 92 58 116 35 81 98 56 42 505 250 255 182 106 76 3,608 2,573 1,035 2,752 2,005 747 409 226 183 734 319 415 646 321 325 146 90 56 116 35 81 100 58 42 506 251 255 180 105 75 3,715 2,655 1,060 2,839 2,064 775 423 241 182 728 321 407 644 316 328 144 90 54 119 35 84 98 58 40 500 245 255 178 105 73 3,797 2,702 1,095 2,915 2,104 811 429 246 183 754 324 430 654 318 336 140 88 52 124 35 89 97 58 39 504 247 257 180 107 73 3,859 2,734 1,125 2,972 2,128 844 428 251 177 753 324 429 638 308 330 138 87 51 129 34 95 95 56 39 510 251 259 180 105 75 3,878 2,761 1,117 2,982 2,147 835 429 250 179 738 318 420 619 301 318 141 85 56 130 36 94 95 56 39 514 251 263 185 110 75 3,940 2,807 1,133 3,016 2,178 838 454 263 191 47 21 29 61 50 24 17 10 8 19 3 19 8 3 5 33 16 17 20 14 8 860 616 247 704 492 235 61 51 21 174 165 9 174 165 9 184 171 13 199 181 18 205 186 19 218 198 20 223 203 20 232 213 19 237 218 19 239 219 20 245 226 19 247 229 18 73 64 11 6.2 6.5 6.7 9.0 14.6 7.1 11.3 (») 0) 14.6 (>) (i) 7.8 0) 0) 6.4 6.4 6.5 10.1 11.8 0) 21.8 21.9 21.8 23.3 22.6 27.8 13.4 19.4 10.6 29.6 27.9 0) PART 2 : Manufactures—C ontinued. § I W > tr* ►3 ► W tel 195 120 75 4,145 2,488 1,657 456 330 126 1,5 1,007 579 219 107 112 104 55 49 442 367 75 119 72 47 111 93 18 208 69 139 900 388 512 200 124 76 4 ,2 2,568 1,714 458 329 129 1,656 1,044 612 227 107 120 99 52 47 478 398 80 119 70 49 120 102 18 209 70 139 916 396 520 209 131 78 4,434 2,673 1,761 459 328 131 1,715 1,077 638 241 112 129 100 53 47 541 456 85 119 70 49 135 113 22 208 70 138 916 394 522 214 136 78 4,579 % 776 1,803 460 333 127 1,775 1,120 655 266 113 153 101 54 47 592 501 91 120 70 50 137 114 23 209 70 139 919 401 518 214 134 80 4,696 2,839 1,857 462 335 127 1,828 1,148 680 313 129 184 103 57 46 598 507 91 121 71 50 139 115 24 205 68 137 927 409 518 224 139 85 4,829 2,937 1,892 461 339 122 1,908 1,214 694 349 143 206 104 57 47 599 510 89 121 71 50 140 117 23 210 69 141 937 417 520 221 137 84 4,942 2,989 1,953 460 337 123 2,000 1,264 736 370 145 225 104 55 49 596 507 89 122 72 50 139 117 22 203 66 137 948 426 522 216 134 82 4,919 2,976 1,943 457 333 124 1,997 1,258 739 332 138 194 102 56 46 598 507 91 122 72 50 142 119 23 205 65 140 964 428 536 220 136 84 4,879 2,956 1,923 457 334 123 1,988 1,245 743 292 130 162 98 52 46 597 505 92 122 72 50 140 117 23 214 69 145 971 432 539 222 138 84 4,916 2,979 1,937 459 335 124 2,025 1,266 759 274 128 146 98 53 45 594 502 92 122 73 49 137 114 23 214 70 144 993 438 555 223 137 86 4,948 3,003 1,945 464 339 125 2,049 1,286 763 260 122 138 99 52 47 598 506 92 123 75 48 149 125 24 218 70 148 988 428 560 29 19 11 898 573 333 9 11 9 523 322 201 151 38 113 6 5 4 175 154 24 4 5 3 43 37 6 15 5 13 103 54 54 12.9 13.7 0) 18.1 19.1 17.1 1.9 3.2 6.9 25.5 25.0 26.3 40.8 26.2 50.2 5.8 0) 0) 29.2 30.2 0 3.3 C1) 0 28.9 29.6 0 6.9 0 8.8 10.4 12.3 9.6 1,788 2,707 1,244 1,463 416 170 300 758 478 280 661 98 563 143 77 2,729 1,253 1,476 427 171 256 757 486 271 2,772 1,275 1,497 445 178 267 757 490 267 678 102 576 153 2,829 1,303 1,526 467 195 272 767 496 271 695 104 591 155 80 75 2,859 1,312 1,547 477 200 277 772 499 273 698 104 594 161 80 81 2,982 1,396 1,586 610 320 290 773 491 282 702 106 596 166 84 82 2,954 1,327 1,627 556 245 311 788 499 289 711 108 603 167 84 83 3,036 1,365 1,671 584 256 328 802 506 296 723 108 615 171 87 84 3,107 1,406 1,701 606 264 342 804 505 299 742 112 630 171 86 85 3,129 1,428 1,701 634 286 348 819 516 303 744 108 636 172 84 88 3,121 1,434 1,687 639 290 349 817 519 298 735 105 630 171 85 86 3,110 1,432 1,678 650 299 351 822 520 302 680 93 587 173 85 88 422 190 238 234 150 105 65 42 36 83 19 73 30 10 22 13.5 13.2 14.0 36.0 46.9 29.9 7.9 8.1 11.9 11.2 17.0 11.5 17.3 0) 0 Fem ales................................................................. A gricultural im plem ents....................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales......................................... ....................... Ice, m anufactured.................................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. M attresses and spring beds. M ales.................................... Fem ales............................... M u nitions............................... M ates........................... ........ 50 110 99 41 11 R oofin g m ateria ls.................................... M ales....................................................... Fem ales.............................. ................... S hipbuilding, including boat buildin g. M a le s .................................................... Fem ales................................................... Signs and advertising n ovelties............ M a le s ............... .................................... Fem ales.................................... ............. M iscellaneous industries, n . o. c ......... M ales....................................................... Fem ales................................................... Service........... M ales___ Fem ales. Garages— M ales.................................... Fem ales................................ H otels....................................... M ales.................................... Fem ales.............................. . Laundries and d ry cleaners. M ales.................................. . Fem ales................................ O ffice bu ild in gs.................... . M a les. ................................. Fem ales.............................. . 3 18 34 297 » N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 281 186 568 145 77 73 1 9 1 6 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. 197 122 75 4,050 2,430 i,e r 455 332 123 1,526 964 562 223 109 114 101 54 47 424 356 68 120 73 47 106 88 18 205 70 135 890 384 506 V ehicles for land transportation, n. o. c ............ 20 M ales....................................................................................... Fem ales................................................................................... M iscellaneous industries........................................... 663 to •<r T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to 00 1 9 1 6 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS—Continued Industry and sex N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Janu ary Febru M arch ary Trade................................ _.................... .......... . M ales________________________________ ______ Fem ales____________________________________ O ffice s_______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________ _____________________ R etail and w holesale stores__________________ M ales _ __________________________________ Fem ales. __________________________________ Y ards, coal and lum ber______________________ M a le s _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trade, n. o. c_________________________________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ Transportation and public utilities............... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Cartage (drayage) and storage, including livery stables____ _______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectric light and pow er...... ................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. A pril M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 111 48 63 148 90 58 470 283 187 111 48 63 149 91 58 474 282 192 111 49 62 149 91 58 479 285 194 111 49 62 148 90 58 486 289 197 111 49 62 146 88 58 494 292 202 110 49 61 78 29 49 543 317 226 109 50 59 73 24 49 550 317 233 110 50 60 89 37 52 557 321 236 111 50 61 148 89 59 525 300 225 113 50 63 156 92 64 491 292 199 115 50 65 157 94 63 487 291 196 118 53 65 156 93 63 511 289 222 9 5 6 84 70 15 87 39 49 7.6 0) 0) 53.5 0) 18,718 8,664 10,054 5,103 2,951 2,152 12,312 4,863 7,449 1,266 834 432 37 16 21 18,813 8,754 10,059 5,194 3,026 2,168 12,315 4,877 7,438 1,267 835 432 37 16 21 19,108 8,956 10,152 5,310 3,103 2,207 12,468 4,993 7,475 1,292 844 448 38 16 22 19,133 8,901 10,232 5,290 3,055 2,235 12,506 4,980 7,526 1,299 851 448 38 15 23 19,064 8,803 10,261 5,242 3,042 2,200 12,472 4,897 7,575 1,310 849 461 40 15 25 19,126 8,842 10,284 5,266 3,062 2,204 12,490 4,903 7,587 1,328 860 468 42 17 25 19,407 9,044 10,363 5,428 3,157 2,271 12,585 4,997 7,588 1,348 869 479 46 21 25 19,470 9,119 10,351 5,497 3,189 2,308 12, 579 5,038 7,541 1,347 871 476 47 21 26 19,732 9,177 10,555 5,581 3,223 2,358 12,751 5,052 7,699 1,353 881 472 47 21 26 19,935 9,243 10,692 5,561 3,219 2,342 12,965 5,123 7,842 1,365 880 485 44 21 23 20,201 9,273 10,928 5, 577 3,223 2,354 a3, 214 5,155 8,059 1, 366 874 492 44 21 23 20, 551 9,335 11,216 5,619 3,224 2,395 13,514 5,211 8,303 1,374 878 496 44 22 22 1,833 671 1,162 516 273 243 1,202 348 865 108 47 64 10 7 5 8.9 7.2 10.4 9.2 8.5 10.1 8.9 6.7 10.4 7.9 5.3 12.9 0) (*) 0) 1,137 5,167 3,380 1,787 5,142 3,326 1,816 5,173 3,350 1,823 5,280 3,423 1,857 5,303 3,438 1,865 5,448 3,542 1,906 5,540 3,601 1,939 5,546 3,612 1,934 5,631 3,654 1,977 5,664 3,686 1, 978 5,678 3,705 1,973 5,695 3,693 2,002 553 379 215 9.7 10.2 10.7 348 360 241 119 744 565 179 351 235 116 704 525 179 359 237 122 727 549 178 361 238 123 741 562 179 361 239 122 741 567 174 363 234 129 767 589 178 376 244 132 781 599 182 384 253 131 792 606 186 389 258 131 803 613 190 388 257 131 808 609 199 392 259 133 804 609 195 393 259 134 808 609 199 42 25 18 104 88 25 10.7 9.7 13.4 12.9 14.4 12.6 272 122 332 4,437 369 3,366 667 35 109 (i) 15.6 12.1 20.8 P A R T 2 .- Service—C ontinued. R estaurants___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ T heaters______________ _______________________ M ales___ ‘_______________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ _ Service, n. o. c _______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth § I W > > W F 73 83 13 403 45 63 94 69 28 68 51 24 7 7 1,304 922 382 672 568 104 120 112 8 1,722 774 948 1,297 921 376 663 561 102 120 112 8 1,759 771 988 1,304 921 383 656 549 107 121 113 8 1,756 778 978 1,329 938 391 658 552 106 122 114 8 1,787 784 1,003 1,333 941 392 638 529 109 122 114 8 1,788 777 1,011 1,350 954 396 662 551 111 124 116 8 1,840 806 1,034 1,362 962 400 672 558 114 125 117 8 1,882 827 1,055 1,382 978 404 658 545 113 125 117 8 1,862 818 1,044 1,369 965 404 661 547 114 127 119 8 1,935 854 1,081 1,382 985 397 677 563 114 125 117 8 1,943 863 1,080 1,383 984 399 684 564 120 127 119 8 1,972 899 1,073 1,391 990 401 706 580 126 125 117 8 1,977 889 1,088 255 128 140 139 125 14 106 73 33 142 128 14 106 73 33 142 129 13 108 74 34 172 158 14 110 77 33 206 192 14 114 79 35 221 206 15 121 86 35 226 210 16 116 84 32 224 208 16 119 87 32 224 206 18 123 92 31 224 206 18 117 86 31 200 185 15 116 86 30 175 160 15 120 89 31 87 85 5 17 19 5 6.8 7.0 6.9 9.6 8.8 19.0 5.5 5.9 (9 12.9 142 12.9 38.5 40.5 (9 13.8 (9 0) 1 9 1 6 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G ) A L L IN D U S T R IE S . M ales.................. Fem ales.............. 20,037 35,073 17,825 17,248 34,405 17,797 16,608 35,330 18,004 17,326 36,976 18,257 18,719 36,403 18,323 18,080 36,045 18,298 17,747 35,723 18,326 17,397 34,773 18,292 16,481 36,747 18,529 18,218 38,249 18,759 19,490 39,363 19,018 20,345 43,818 19,626 24,192 9,413 1,829 7,711 363 59 45 14 59 44 15 62 47 15 65 48 17 71 50 21 63 46 17 56 41 15 58 44 14 56 42 14 61 45 16 61 45 16 65 44 21 15 9 7 (9 (9 <9 3,963 290 279 11 290 278 12 301 289 12 314 300 14 320 306 14 331 317 14 327 313 14 328 316 12 328 317 11 334 322 12 327 315 12 328 317 11 44 44 3 (9 4,870 3,894 976 175 169 6 1,960 1,323 637 1,294 853 441 4,915 3,938 977 176 170 6 1,955 1,324 631 1,289 853 4,986 3,988 998 175 169 4,988 3,987 1,001 178 172 5,012 4,023 989 5,055 4,046 1,009 181 175 5,098 4,079 1,019 188 182 2,026 1,364 662 1,335 880 455 1,998 1,329 669 1,292 838 454 5,122 4,062 1,060 183 177 6 2,026 1,341 685 1,316 855 461 5.5 5.7 7.9 6.9 7.1 1,993 1,352 641 1,318 875 443 5,066 4,050 1,016 186 180 6 1,993 1,341 652 1,304 855 449 283 234 84 13 13 1,989 1,340 649 1,317 870 447 5,060 4,047 1,013 184 178 6 1,999 1,349 650 1,306 861 445 5,098 4,058 1,972 1,330 642 1,303 862 441 5,153 4,128 1,025 186 180 6 2,029 1,358 671 1,321 870 451 74 41 54 46 42 28 3.6 3.0 7.9 3.4 4.8 6.0 Agriculture.. M a le s... Fem ales. Construction. M ales___ Fem ales. fisheries. Manufactures.................................. M ales............................................... Fem ales.......................................... Chem icals and allied products.......... M ales............................................... Fem ales........................................... F ood and kindred products............... M ales...................................... ....... Fem ales_____________ _________ B read and other bakery products. M ales............................................... Fem ales........................................... 13.2 13.7 30 8,299 317 1,289 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 21.5 9.3 31.9 371 6 i,olb 186 180 6 2,008 1,337 671 1,317 853 464 1 9 1 6 : S A L E S P E O P L E (NOT TRA V ELIN G ) E lectric railroads.................................................... M ales................................................................. Fem ales............................................................. N atural gas............................................................. M a les............................................................. ....... Fem ales......................... ....................................... P ipe lines (petroleum )....................................... . M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales................................................. ................ Telegraph and telephone..................... ............... M ales............................................................ ........ Fem ales _ T ransportation b y w ater, including steve doring........ ........................... ............................. M ales_____________________________ _______ . Fem ales___________________________________ T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n. o. c ___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............................................................. . to CO T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 o 1 9 1 6 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )—C ontinued Industry and sex m ents re porting 142 126 94 556 1,490 1,048 442 161 192 103 89 860 Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril 119 111 8 268 82 186 172 171 1 107 106 1 349 341 8 210 205 5 139 136 3 37 33 4 143 143 121 113 8 267 82 185 172 171 1 106 105 1 350 342 8 210 205 5 140 137 3 36 33 3 146 146 119 111 8 274 83 191 171 170 1 105 104 1 352 345 7 212 208 4 140 137 3 36 33 3 147 147 119 111 8 274 83 191 173 171 2 106 105 1 354 346 8 213 208 5 141 138 3 34 31 3 150 150 105 105 38 38 106 106 40 40 106 106 41 41 108 108 42 42 19l 190 1 193 190 3 194 191 3 194 191 3 M ay 117 109 8 273 97 186 181 178 3 104 103 1 351 343 8 212 207 5 139 136 3 35 32 3 155 154 1 110 110 45 44 1 199 196 3 June 119 111 8 273 87 186 185 180 5 114 106 8 354 346 8 212 207 5 142 139 3 35 32 3 155 154 1 108 108 47 46 1 201 198 3 July 118 109 9 284 92 192 189 183 6 115 107 8 356 348 8 213 208 5 143 140 3 36 33 3 158 157 1 107 107 51 50 1 199 196 3 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 118 109 9 290 90 200 186 181 5 114 108 6 356 348 8 214 209 5 142 139 3 37 33 4 152 152 118 109 9 276 91 185 186 181 5 113 107 6 356 348 8 213 208 5 143 140 3 37 33 4 149 149 116 108 8 277 89 188 187 182 5 109 107 2 359 350 9 215 210 5 144 140 4 37 33 4 150 150 117 109 8 278 86 192 188 182 6 108 107 1 361 353 8 218 213 5 143 140 3 41 33 8 145 145 119 111 8 296 87 209 187 182 5 108 106 2 364 355 9 220 215 5 144 140 4 44 34 10 146 146 107 107 45 45 107 107 42 42 108 108 42 42 106 106 39 39 106 106 40 40 197 194 3 196 193 3 199 196 3 198 196 2 199 197 2 5 5 1 29 10 24 18 13 5 10 5 7 15 14 2 10 10 1 5 4 1 10 3 7 15 14 1 5 5 13 12 1 10 8 2 Per cent 4.1 4.4 0 9.8 0) 11.5 9.5 7.1 0 8.8 4.6 0 4.1 3.9 0 4.5 4.7 0 3.5 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.5 8.9 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. P ood and kindred products— C ontinued. B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........ ......................................................... C onfectionery and ice crea m .............................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Slaughtering and m eat p a ck in g .......................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........ ........................................................ F ood and kindred products, n . o . c .................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . F oundry and m achine-shop produ cts............... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c _____ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Leather and its finished products........................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Liquors and beverages........................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Liquors, m alt..... ..................................................... M ales................................................................... . L iquors and beverages, n . o. c ............................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and its rem anufactures............................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales ................................................................. Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estab- M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel.................................................................. M ales................................ - ................................ . Fem ales............................................................... . Paper and prin tin g.................................................... 331 928 Service........... 732 196 "78 712 678 163 36 368 110 653 1,788 M ales___ F em ales. Garages— Fem ales............................................................................ 1 N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 104 89 15 814 738 76 761 685 76 53 53 97 83 14 85 77 8 376 348 28 118 113 5 91 82 9 167 153 14 24 24 85 78 7 474 296 178 257 122 135 217 174 43 1,028 745 283 1,015 755 241 2 250 2 295 103 88 15 820 738 82 765 683 82 55 55 101 87 14 84 76 8 390 35{6 34 121 116 5 97 82 15 172 158 14 111 104 7 477 300 177 123 137 217 177 40 761 263 261 3 106 91 15 788 712 76 735 659 76 53 53 104 89 15 85 77 8 393 356 37 121 116 5 103 83 20 169 157 12 23 23 114 106 8 476 303 173 258 123 135 218 180 38 107 92 15 791 714 77 737 660 77 54 54 104 89 15 86 78 8 389 357 32 121 116 5 99 84 15 169 157 12 23 23 118 111 7 478 305 173 263 128 135 215 177 38 108 93 15 793 719 74 738 664 74 55 55 108 92 16 86 77 9 377 350 27 119 114 5 91 81 10 167 155 12 23 23 120 113 7 488 310 178 265 128 137 223 182 41 107 92 15 833 758 75 779 704 75 54 54 114 99 15 87 78 9 381 353 28 120 115 5 92 83 9 169 155 14 23 23 126 118 8 492 313 179 267 129 138 225 184 41 108 93 15 845 771 74 790 716 74 55 55 121 107 14 86 77 9 392 359 33 120 115 5 95 85 10 177 159 18 23 23 131 123 8 490 310 180 263 125 138 227 185 42 113 98 15 826 747 79 771 692 79 55 55 129 112 17 85 77 8 401 365 36 122 117 5 104 86 18 175 162 13 24 24 78 70 8 483 304 179 253 120 133 230 184 46 117 102 15 836 758 78 783 705 78 53 53 127 111 16 79 71 8 395 358 37 124 119 5 104 85 19 167 154 13 24 24 77 69 8 487 307 180 250 119 131 237 188 49 116 101 15 846 764 82 793 711 82 53 53 129 113 16 78 69 9 388 358 30 124 119 5 94 82 12 170 157 13 24 24 83 73 10 495 312 183 254 123 131 241 189 52 118 101 17 862 770 92 811 719 92 51 51 130 114 16 79 70 9 377 352 25 122 117 5 93 83 10 162 152 10 25 25 82 73 9 487 307 180 252 123 129 235 184 51 15 14 2 76 60 18 78 61 18 4 4 36 34 2 9 9 1 35 21 15 6 6 12.7 13.7 0) 8.8 7.8 0) 9.6 8.5 0) 0) 0) 27.7 29.8 0) (l) (l) 0) 8.7 5.8 0) 4.8 5.0 19 6 15 14 11 8 2 2 54 54 3 21 18 10 17 10 9 26 15 14 18.3 0) 0) 7.9 6.8 0) 0) 0) 41.2 43.9 0) 4.2 5.8 5.5 6.4 7.8 6.5 10.8 7.9 0) 1,077 779 298 275 272 3 1,103 820 283 299 293 6 1,144 853 291 318 312 6 1,235 928 307 343 336 7 1,211 915 296 333 328 5 ,221 924 297 347 342 5 1,231 909 322 350 344 6 1,226 917 309 358 352 6 1,248 907 341 365 360 5 233 183 81 122 119 5 18.7 19.7 23.8 33.4 33.1 0) 1 916 : SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) P rinting and p u blishin g_____________________ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. Paper and printing, n . o. c................................... M ales................................................................. R u bber products............ ........................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.......................................................... ....... S tone, cla y, and glass p rod u cts. .......................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................— T e x tile s....................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales...... ........................................................ C lothing, m en’s, including shirts....................... M ales................................................................. . F em a les............................................................... M illin ery and lace goods...................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................ T extiles, n . o. c_ ..................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T ob a cco m anufactures.............................................. M ales.............................................................. ....... V ehicles for land transportation....... ..................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales........ ....................................................... M iscellaneous industries........................................... M ales......................... .......................................... Fem ales................................................................. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus and supplies. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. M iscellaneou s industries, n. o. c ........................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 104 89 15 786 711 75 733 668 75 53 63 94 80 14 84 76 8 366 344 22 118 113 5 86 80 5 163 151 12 24 24 83 76 7 474 295 179 253 120 133 221 175 46 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 6 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )—C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril 285 285 240 20 220 201 159 42 59 40 19 28,638 12,677 15,961 134 133 1 28,268 12,308 15,960 223 223 13 13 284 284 211 20 191 209 161 48 59 40 19 27,938 12,597 15,341 139 138 1 27,562 12,222 15,340 224 224 13 13 280 280 214 20 194 210 162 48 59 41 18 28,769 12,734 16,035 143 142 1 28,386 12,353 16,033 225 225 15 14 1 284 284 248 20 228 211 162 49 59 41 18 30,345 12,959 17,386 141 140 1 29,962 12,578 17,384 227 227 15 14 1 188 185 3 128 127 1 60 58 2 188 185 3 129 128 1 59 57 2 188 185 3 129 128 1 59 57 2 187 184 3 129 128 1 58 56 2 M ay June July 283 283 218 20 198 218 165 53 107 73 34 29,256 12,843 16,413 148 147 1 28,858 12,448 16,410 233 233 17 15 2 292 292 240 21 219 210 163 47 150 116 34 28,815 12,776 16,039 148 147 1 28,425 12,389 16,036 225 225 17 15 2 192 189 3 123 122 1 69 67 2 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Service—C ontin ued. Laundries and d ry cleaners.................................. M ales______________________________________ R estaurants.............................................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Saloons..................................................................... . M ales_________________________________ _ Fem ales_______________________________ Service, n. o. c............. - ...................................... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trade................................................................... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _ ______________________________ O ffices........................................................................ M ales __________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ R etail and w holesale stores— ........................... M ales _ ___________________________________ F em a les___________________________________ Y ards, coai and lum ber......................................... M ales______________________________________ T rade, n . o. c ............................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Transportation and public utilities................ M ales. ____________________________________ F em a les___________________________________ E lectric light and pow er....................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ T ransportation and p u b lic utilities, n. o. c ___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ 281 272 115 825 4,437 369 3,366 667 35 1,137 109 1,028 i Not computed owing to small number represented. V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 283 283 221 20 201 217 165 52 83 59 24 29,700 12,930 16,770 145 144 1 29,310 12,541 16,769 231 231 14 14 197 194 3 126 125 1 71 69 2 196 193 3 122 121 1 74 72 2 293 293 231 21 210 209 163 46 145 110 35 27,830 12,699 15,131 151 150 1 27,437 12,309 15,128 226 226 16 14 2 291 291 232 21 211 218 168 50 133 102 31 29,885 13,005 16,880 154 153 1 29,489 12,612 16,877 226 226 16 14 2 193 190 3 122 121 1 71 69 2 197 194 3 128 127 1 69 67 2 291 291 246 21 225 215 168 47 129 85 44 31,363 13,242 18,121 149 148 1 30,972 12,853 18,119 226 226 16 15 1 290 290 229 21 208 217 168 49 132 86 46 32,458 13,494 18,964 146 145 1 32,065 13,103 18,962 226 226 21 20 1 271 271 261 21 240 220 171 49 131 84 47 36,871 14,117 22,754 145 144 1 36,481 13,729 22,752 225 225 20 19 1 22 22 50 1 49 19 12 11 91 76 29 9,041 1,520 7,623 20 20 194 191 3 127 126 1 67 65 2 193 189 4 130 129 1 63 60 3 184 179 5 124 123 1 60 56 4 13 15 2 8 8 9,044 1,507 7,624 10 10 8 7 2 16 16 2 Per cent 7.5 7.5 19.2 (») 20.4 8.6 7.0 (i) 60.7 65.5 (i) 24.5 10.8 33.5 13.0 13.1 (i) 24.8 11.0 33.5 4.3 4.3 0 0 (!) 6.6 7.7 0) 6.2 6.2 (0 0 0) 0 T able A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 7 : WAGE EARNERS Industry and sex ALL INDUSTRIES.. Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July • N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 21,624 850,750 856,886 881,069 880,515 903,457 910,624 903,607 905,960 903,480 900,379 895,941 861,856 729,783 735,300 757,880 758,970 783,461 788,455 782,259 783,786 778,601 773,258 769,482 735,611 120,967 121,586 123,189 121,545 119,996 122,169 121,348 122,174 124,879 127,121 126,459 126,245 Agriculture.......................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. D airy fa rm in g .................................... .................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F lorists, fru it grow ers, nurserym en and seeds m en..................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. General farm ing...................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales....................... .......................................... A griculture, n . o. c ................................................. M ales..................................................................... Construction...................................... M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork........ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. E lectrical con tracting........................ M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. E recting and installing m achinery.. M ales___________________________ General con tracting............................. M ales................................................. . Fem ales............................................. . 1Not computed owing to small number represented. Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 450 ‘ "29 138 ‘ 246 "3 7 4,372 468 156 73 Per cent 59,874 58,672 7,125 6.6 7.4 5.6 3,323 3,148 175 228 225 3 3,314 3,127 187 235 232 3 3,764 3,528 236 238 235 3 4,695 4,406 289 250 247 3 4,861 4,569 292 247 244 3 5,306 4,855 451 257 254 3 5,648 5,228 420 265 262 3 5,313 4,943 370 279 276 3 5,041 4,669 372 286 283 3 4,514 4,206 308 281 278 3 4,178 3,936 242 260 257 3 3,551 3,349 202 267 264 3 2,334 2,101 276 58 58 41.3 40.2 61.2 20.3 20.5 1,369 1,255 114 1,660 1,602 58 66 66 1,352 1,230 122 1,653 1,591 62 74 74 1,629 1,463 166 1,841 1,774 67 56 56 2,098 1,903 195 2,286 2,195 91 61 61 2,085 1,896 189 2,466 2,366 100 63 63 1,957 1,779 178 3,020 2,750 270 72 72 2,102 1,942 160 3,209 2,952 257 72 72 1,918 1,742 176 2,993 2,802 191 123 123 1,827 1,641 186 2,787 2,604 183 141 141 1,760 1,567 193 2,338 2,226 112 135 135 1,670 1,510 160 2,117 2,038 79 131 131 1,437 1,304 133 1,749 1,683 66 98 98 750 712 81 1,556 1,361 199 85 85 35.7 36.7 41.5 48.5 46.1 77.4 60.3 60.3 47,926 47,890 36 3,523 3,522 1 1,759 1,757 2 236 236 26,371 26,363 8 46,349 46,311 38 3,354 3,353 1 1,830 1,828 2 267 267 25,160 25,152 8 52,528 52,481 47 3,746 3,743 3 1,879 1,878 1 332 332 28,452 28,444 8 60,490 60,434 56 4,651 4,648 3 1,627 1,626 1 411 411 31,734 31,724 10 73,433 73,355 78 5,893 5,877 16 1,897 1,895 2 551 551 37,862 37,852 10 76,020 75,945 75 5,978 5,969 9 1,981 1,979 2 617 617 38,378 38,364 14 78,996 78,886 110 6,438 6,420 18 2,061 2,060 1 660 660 40,246 40,234 12 81,948 81,867 81 6,956 6,944 12 2,168 2,167 1 792 792 40,584 40,574 10 80,580 80,482 98 7,022 7,011 11 2,032 2,031 1 734 734 39,198 39,184 14 77,323 77,242 81 6,374 6,361 13 1,945 1,940 5 853 853 38,482 38,467 15 72,296 72,223 73 5,750 5,745 5 2,023 2,019 4 807 807 36,456 36,440 16 52,973 52,908 65 3,547 3,543 4 1,943 1,941 2 640 640 26,160 26,143 17 35,599 35,556 74 3,668 3,658 17 541 541 4 617 617 15,424 15,422 9 43.4 43.4 67.3 52.2 52.2 0) 25.0 25.*0 0) 72.3 72.3 38.0 38.0 0) 1 917 : W A G E EARNERS M ales.................... Fem ales........ N um ber of establishm entsreporting 00 CO T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio , 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group , industry , and sex — Continued CO 1 9 1 7 : WAGE EARNERS—Continued Industry and sex N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Janu ary A pril M ay June July 3,177 3,175 2 1,642 1,626 16 662 562 3,040 3,039 1 868 865 3 2,204 2,202 2 5,894 5,883 11 487 487 245 245 256 256 3,215 3,213 2 1,948 1,930 18 515 515 3,045 3,044 1 1,056 1,048 8 2,074 2,072 2 9,436 9,425 11 532 532 246 246 570 569 1 3,437 3,436 1 2,346 2,323 23 802 802 3,406 3,405 1 1,195 1,187 8 2,372 2,370 2 12,800 12,785 15 635 635 237 237 547 546 1 3,599 3,598 1 2,276 2,254 22 834 834 3,429 3,428 1 1,225 1,217 8 2,647 2,644 3 14,181 14,166 15 596 596 279 279 472 471 1 3,710 3,679 31 2,055 2,033 22 939 939 3,351 3,350 1 1,266 1,260 6 2,541 2,538 3 14,822 14,806 16 534 534 373 373 434 434 Sep Decem N um August tem ber O ctober N ovem ber ber ber 3,477 3,476 1 1,152 1,119 33 450 450 3,186 3,185 1 754 751 3 2,191 2,188 3 8,782 8,781 1 499 499 192 192 314 314 770 761 30 1,249 1,244 17 665 666 430 430 0 662 664 8 682 681 1 12,369 12,342 22 166 166 181 181 346 *345 19.6 19.4 0) 63.2 63.6 (0 65.2 56.2 12.5 12.5 0) 60.8 60.5 0) 21.9 21.9 0) 74.4 74.4 0) 26.1 26.1 48.5 48.5 8,600 672,039 679,985 694,158 681,553 687,859 690,745 680,480 680,904 681,068 682,657 684,235 672,867 682,961 590,437 604,179 593,970 602,064 603,487 594,116 593,505 590,818 590,177 592,082 580,898 89,078 89,548 89,978 87,583 85,795 87,258 86,364 87,399 90,250 92,480 92,153 91,969 345 15, 777 16,186 16,864 16,719 16,703 16,911 16,888 17,145 17,311 17,080 17,142 17,178 14,174 14,663 15,209 15,059 15,108 15,332 15,229- 15,614 15,700 15,437 15,439 15,434 1,603 1,623 1,660 1,595 1,659 1,531 1,655 1,579 1,643 1,611 1,703 1,744 4 257 242 162 247 237 152 152 216 161 162 155 145 160 159 159 72 149 132 74 71 82 71 86 66 88 97 83 88 91 89 84 78 1 81 73 79 76 22,119 23,281 3.2 3.9 7.2 8.9 9.7 12.2 43.6 68.8 320 279 86 364 Sand and gravel excavating.. Males................................. 100 Sheet-metal work and roofing.......... Males............................................ Females........................................ Street, road, and sewer contracting. Males............................................ 300 V entilatin g and b eatin g. M ales............................... C onstruction, n . o. c ........ M ales............................... Fisheries__ M ales. Manufactures........................... M a les....................................... Fem ales................................... C hem icals and allied p rod u cts. M ales........................................ Fem ales................................... B aking pow der and yeast....... M a le s .................................... Fem ales................................... 3,925 3,914 11 1,965 1,939 26 1,005 1,005 3,420 3,419 1 1,258 1,250 8 2,613 2,610 3 16,619 16,596 23 499 499 290 290 471 471 Per cent 570 30 28 34 3.195 3,193 2 1,097 1,079 18 577 577 3,166 3,166 1 682 682 3,155 3,153 2 1,234 1,218 16 599 599 2,999 2,998 1 642 642 2,167 2,166 2 4,393 4,391 2 482 482 278 278 224 224 2,142 2,140 2 4,260 4,254 6 469 469 238 238 333 333 3,860 3,859 1 1,954 1,929 25 999 999 3,370 3,369 1 1,304 1,296 8 2,619 2,616 3 16,489 16,469 20 504 504 349 349 436 436 3,791 3,782 9 1,871 1,845 26 805 805 3,415 3,414 1 1,153 1,146 7 2,589 2,586 3 15,251 15,249 2 542 542 252 252 485 484 1 3,788 3,787 1 1,636 1,603 33 619 619 3,359 3,358 1 1,047 1,039 8 2,656 2,653 3 13,329 13,327 2 575 575 251 251 527 526 1 1,634 1,526 213 112 94 24 0 PART 2 Febru M arch ary Construction— C ontinued. 0 0 and gas, drillin g and producin g.. M ales................................................... Fem ales.............. ................................ Painting and decorating..................... M ales................................................... Fem ales............................................... Plastering............................................... M ales....... ........................................... Plum bing and steam fittin g .............. V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth O M 3 ►3 Chemicals, acids, and wood distillation.. Males.................................................... Females............................................... . Dyestuffs and extracts........................... . Males.................................................... Explosives..... ......................................... . Males................................................... . Fertilizers.............................. ................ . Males. 55 Grease and tallow .-............................... Males...... ............................................. Females............................................... Ink, printing......................................... . Males................................................... Females................................................ Paint and varnish.................................. Males...... ............................................ Females................................................ Patent medicines and drug compounds. Males................................................... F em ales.............................................. Petroleum refining................................. Males...... ............................................. Females ................................................ Salt. Males................ Females............ Soap and candles. 25 F e m a le s ........................ ...................... ....................... . C h em ica ls a n d a llie d p ro d u c ts , n . o . c .............. . M a le s ........................................................................... . F em ales _ _______ ____________ _____ ___________ _ F o o d a n d k in d re d p r o d u c ts ...................................... . M a le s ......................................... ................................... F em a les................ .............. ......................................... B rea d a n d o th e r b a k e ry p ro d u c ts ........................ M a le s............................................................................. F e m a le s ...................................................................... . B u tte r, ch e e se , a n d co n d e n se d m ilk .................... M a le s ................................................... ....................... . F e m a le s............................ ...................... ................... . C a n n in g a n d p reservin g fru its a n d vegetables. M a le s ................ ........................................................... F e m a le s....................................................................... C o ffe e , sp ice s, a n d p ea n u ts, ro a stin g an d 19 50 18 24 36 ~1, 364 142 92 34 Females____ I__I __ IIZIZZIIIIZIIZIIIIIZZIII ” 1.1 1Not computed, owing to small number represented. 4,101 4,092 9 168 168 222 222 781 780 1 5 331 327 4 2,620 2,374 246 835 375 460 1,820 1,815 5 872 829 43 3,043 2,346 697 346 301 45 24,124 18,897 5,227 5,774 4,462 1,312 1,922 1,808 114 607 406 4,169 4,160 9 179 179 227 227 946 945 1 415 410 5 354 350 4 2,684 2,409 275 857 412 445 1,871 1,865 6 866 825 41 2,997 2,306 691 364 315 49 24,010 18,724 5,286 5,915 4,562 1,353 1,960 1,848 112 4,346 10 182 182 4,179 4,166 13 195 195 210 210 1,148 1,147 431 427 4 376 372 4 2,744 2,475 269 896 412 484 1,969 1,962 7 863 820 43 3,042 2,355 687 1,207 1,206 1 419 413 6 376 372 4 2,717 2,451 266 886 407 479 2,017 2,009 112 712 492 201 584 412 172 1,377 829 548 1,392 836 556 1,429 861 220 4,260 4,249 11 11 244 244 228 228 956 955 1 442 437 5 374 370 4 2,721 2,448 273 801 394 407 2,184 2,176 8 8 872 827 45 3,016 2,326 881 842 39 3,070 2,362 708 374 319 55 24,250 19,157 5.093 5,842 4,511 1,331 2,232 2.094 138 907 696 328 63 24,233 18,736 5,497 5,979 4,595 1,384 2,014 1,902 4,212 4,201 18,807 5,157 5,823 1,360 2,118 1,987 131 831 634 197 1,402 834 568 211 1,468 840 283 283 241 241 973 972 1 469 464 5 380 376 4 2,684 2,422 262 766 375 391 2,158 2,150 8 874 837 37 3,214 2,495 719 457 394 63 25,652 20,120 4,218 4,209 9 235 235 997 996 1 481 477 4 405 401 4 2,688 2,441 247 814 372 442 2,110 2,103 7 874 839 35 3,151 2,380 771 427 379 48 25,760 20,021 5,532 5,758 4,452 1,306 2,382 2,231 151 1,571 1,076 495 5,739 5,773 4,460 1,313 2,444 2,301 143 1,989 1,403 586 1,462 841 621 1,415 818 597 4,287 4,277 10 4,528 4,510 .18 4,547 4,532 15 188 188 882 879 3 462 455 7 430 425 5 2,470 2,246 224 810 368 442 2,194 2,186 243 243 788 785 3 449 440 9 410 405 5 2,393 2,177 216 836 375 461 2,164 2,153 939 902 37 3,299 2,516 783 377 324 53 30,755 22,774 7,981 6,056 4,524 1,532 2,346 2,188 158 5,442 3,575 1,867 957 913 44 3,322 2,541 781 336 301 35 29,921 21,806 8,115 6,163 969 925 44 3,440 2,612 1,437 826 611 1,543 896 647 4,375 4,365 10 330 330 240 240 1,409 1,408 1 443 439 4 431 426 5 2,649 2,406 243 687 331 356 2,108 2,525 2,293 232 762 368 394 2,118 2,101 2,112 7 902 3,093 2,366 727 405 352 53 26,393 20,494 5,899 5,907 4,476 1,431 2,450 2,299 151 1,972 1,394 578 1,391 306 306 209 209 1,358 1,357 1 444 436 8 447 441 6 6 8 1, 2,268 2,115 153 3,338 1,984 1,354 11 4,507 4,488 19 384 384 256 256 843 840 3 430 422 8 404 399 5 2,439 2,214 225 859 375 484 2,095 2,083 12 330 38 29,234 21,953 7,281 6,113 4,575 1,538 2,128 1,986 142 1,615 1,025 590 972 923 49 3,399 2,608 791 445 376 69 28,193 21,433 6,760 6,172 4,647 1,525 2,080 1,942 138 965 622 343 1,508 1,496 446 440 10 216 216 628 628 2 90 91 5 116 114 2 351 298 59 209 81 128 374 371 7 109 105 14 443 306 141 121 93 34 6,791 4,050 3,022 414 195 262 528 493 46 4,858 9.8 9.7 0) 56.3 56.3 26.6 26.6 44.6 44.6 O 18.7 19.1 0) 26.0 25.9 0) 12.8 12.0 21.5 23.3 19.7 26.4 17.0 17.0 % .» 11.4 0) 12.9 11.7 17.0 26.5 23.6 *L l 17.8 37.2 6.7 4.2 16.7 21.6 21.4 29.1 89.3 88.6 1,6 166 87 99 90.8 10.8 9.7 15.3 CO Cn T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CO 1 9 1 7 : WAGE EARNERS—Continued Industry and sex x31 7 422 20 103 7 21 1,583 33 23 12 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 5,364 5,864 4,859 5,070 5,618 6,055 4,522 4,330 4,623 4,357 4,328 4,336 2,684 2,716 2,684 2,651 2,370 2,254 2,363 2,558 2,767 2,204 2,193 2,239 2,902 3,213 2,994 2,065 2,175 2,303 3,371 .2,132 2,164 2,076 1,965 2,283 473 422 365 416 452 421 472 498 442 432 386 448 141 141 144 151 155 133 135 149 146 140 139 147 332 219 283 311 246 323 303 297 301 267 347 277 2,774 3,065 3,197 3,302 2,988 2,923 3,023 2,812 3,029 2,958 2,571 2,751 3,014 2,564 3,182 2,764 2,741 2,916 3,055 3,289 2,802 2,979 3,019 2,951 15 13 9 9 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 1,692 1,424 1,552 1,264 1,528 1,331 1,400 1,707 1,29,4 1,332 1,219 1,435 1,185 1,251 1,159 928 1,018 1,046 1,277 1,063 986 976 1,131 965 441 354 369 430 304 291 361 313 367 346 288 329 4,694 4,105 4,972 4,150 4,032 3,961 4,093 5,019 4,572 4,313 4,170 4,430 3,915 3,922 4,453 4,765 3,987 4,109 3,981 3,811 4,798 4,415 3,880 4,260 241 254 174 204 178 152 189 183 163 150 157 170 231 388 1,481 1,136 292 315 925 158 296 440 139 176 289 432 1,462 1,117 228 309 383 906 136 155 173 290 19 19 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 5 8 19 422 500 442 450 470 421 463 469 449 440 433 446 341 334 358 358 397 340 349 336 355 361 348 337 111 92 102 121 103 87 86 91 101 101 100 96 256,851 257,355 264,432 257,134 262,900 263. 787 261, 709 264,653 265.398 270,901 271,583 265,351 249,624 250,819 257, 771 250,798 258,029 258*652 256,656 259,295 259,425 264*390 265,813 259,889 6,973 6,511 5,462 6,536 6,336 5,135 5,053 5,358 5,770 7,227 6,661 4,871 10,497 10,413 10,657 10,219 10,913 10,832 10,688 10,709 10,882 11,050 10,939 10,132 10,488 10,404 10,648 10,210 10,904 10,823 10,679 10,700 10,873 11,041 10,929 10,122 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 5,449 4,686 763 10,923 7,797 3,126 5,574 4,842 732 9,695 7,252 2,443 5,644 4,902 742 9,656 7,159 2,497 I 5,539 4,819 720 8,353 6,250 2,103 5,534 4,800 734 4,881 4,449 432 5,590 4,835 755 4,598 4,101 497 I 5,476 4,747 729 4,433 4,029 404 5,512 4,773 739 4,572 4,030 542 5,358 4,597 761 5,883 4,737 1,146 5,323 4,596 727 7,261 5,687 1,574 5,504 4,733 771 6,538 5,779 759 5,366 4,580 786 6,887 6,388 499 Per cent i, 727 574 1,406 133 22 128 731 725 6 488 349 153 1,058 987 104 1,342 1,326 16 79 63 35 14,732 16,189 2,356 918 919 1 28.5 20.7 41.7 26.7 14.2 36.9 22.1 22.0 0) 28.6 27.3 34.7 21.1 20.6 40.9 90.6 90.7 (i) 15.8 15.9 28.9 5.4 6.1 32.6 8.3 8.3 (0 321 322 66 6,490 3,768 2, 722 5.7 6.6 8.4 59.4 48.3 87.1 PAKT 2 M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. F ood and kindred products— C ontinued. C onfectionery and ice cream _________________ M ales____J______________________ ___________ Fem ales____________________________________ Cordials and siru ps_________ _________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill p rod u cts____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F ood preparations____________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Slaughtering and m eat packing______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________ __________ Sugar_________________________________________ M ales____________________________________ _ Fem ales____________________________________ F ood and k in d red produ cts, n . o . c ___________ M ales __ - - .. Fem ales____________________________________ Iron and steel and their p rod u cts_______________ M ales________________ ______________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 'Rlaat-fnrnanA prnrinnts _ __ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ B olts, nuts, w ashers, and rivets, n ot m ade in w ork s nr rollin g m ills M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Cash registers and calculating m achines______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ent sreporting S ►3 g F em ales . _ . _ 5,114 4979 5,086 4374 4602 4,452 4610 4 794 4365 4 737 4442 4458 4514 4626 4 314 4620 4085 4004 4197 4218 3,996 4096 4356 4096 384 465 466 488 362 378 413 367 423 438 346 361 814 804 736 905 873 818 10 628 797 848 727 706 830 774 764 818 795 691 853 704 802 797 786 626 725 44 2 44 52 55 2 2 45 50 51 2 2 5,7 82 6,114 5,339 6,135 6,113 6,048 5,603 5,603 37 5,789 5,598 6,010 6,01/ 5,334 6,111 6,037 5,596 5,7 77 6,133 5,781 5,598 6,002 6,106 5,593 401 0 2 2 11 5 5 8 8 7 5 5 8 7 1,151 120,247 121,270 122,282 120,863 122,588 123,816 123,304 123,332 123, 582 125,135 125, 266 125,140 118,378 119,326 120, 313 118,832 120,442 121,568 121,059 121,005 121, 335 122,818 122,948 122,864 2 ,2 4 5 2,3 18 2,2 76 1,944 2 ,2 4 8 1,969 2,031 2 ,2 47 2,3 17 1,869 2,1 4 6 2,3 2 7 749 630 142 277 227 53 796 799 9 5,019 4570 458 37 26 22 316 316 282 276 8 86 87 35 167 105 119 481 349 144 343 343 10,479 10,431 68 1,020 990 33 1,054 992 66 2,145 2,146 14 319 318 35 208 215 11 5 6 16 12 7 3 5 48 89 7 7 42 ___ Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c....... Males___________________________________ Females............................................................ i Not computed owing to small number represented. 52 18 305 200 105 1,082 1,082 1,113 1,108 5 1,907 1,905 2 661 487 174 2,589 2,413 176 1.047 1.047 64,811 64601 210 10,124 10,058 66 4956 4800 156 4191 4143 48 3,077 2,958 119 2,782 2,760 22 309 206 103 1.193 1.193 1,153 1,147 6 1,948 1,947 1 738 543 195 2,515 2,387 128 1.058 1.058 66,175 65,957 218 10,485 10,420 65 4692 4535 157 3,391 4346 45 2,853 2,741 112 2,728 2,705 23 300 201 99 1.263 1.263 1,114 1,109 5 1,895 1,893 2 799 575 224 2,552 2,447 105 1,221 1,221 70,161 69,923 238 10, 511 10,448 63 4928 4 765 163 4297 4252 45 3,083 2,979 104 2,770 2,746 24 276 180 96 1,118 1,118 1,053 1,045 8 1,886 1,884 2 804 545 259 2,604 2,489 115 1,214 1,214 66,639 66,414 225 10,369 10,305 64 4867 4708 159 4232 4189 43 3,0 67 2,9 60 107 2,814 2,793 21 295 186 109 1,1 22 1,122 1,040 1,034 6 1,865 1,8 63 2 828 547 281 2,4 45 2,3 31 114 1,2 66 1,266 73,135 72,909 226 10, 352 10,285 67 5,283 5,106 177 4446 4 394 52 3,139 3,030 109 2,808 2,789 19 296 196 100 1,104 1,104 1,001 999 2 1,8 87 1,885 2 791 505 286 2,303 2,1 86 117 1,234 1,234 72,964 72,719 245 10,599 10, 534 65 5,049 4877 172 4 728 4688 40 3,172 3,059 113 2,874 2,855 19 313 196 117 982 982 981 977 4 1,915 1,911 4 812 519 293 2,338 2,2 08 130 1,294 1,294 72,526 72,274 252 10,382 10,320 62 5,018 4,836 182 4566 4520 46 3,061 2,945 116 2,865 2,844 21 307 193 114 1,111 1, 111 924 922 2 1,931 1,919 12 739 470 269 2,4 06 2,2 6 4 142 1,188 1,188 74189 73,926 263 10,494 10,428 66 5,463 5,274 189 4627 4582 45 3,0 62 2,925 137 2,9 04 2,881 23 290 189 101 1, 111 1,111 884 884 313 195 118 1,025 1,025 880 880 307 191 116 1,118 1,118 871 871 305 190 115 947 947 973 973 1,879 1,860 19 738 472 266 2,552 2,341 211 1,156 1,156 73,508 73,252 256 10,640 10,570 70 5,441 5,256 185 4464 4,4 17 47 2,989 2,850 139 2,814 2,785 29 1,922 1,887 35 741 501 240 2,645 2,4 25 220 1,110 1,110 74645 74367 278 11,033 10,960 73 5,7 04 5,493 211 4,7 09 4,6 62 47 3,036 2,9 23 113 2,703 2,676 27 1,918 1,886 32 742 513 229 2,7 32 2,483 249 1,023 1,023 75,290 75,032 258 11,144 11,048 96 5,746 5,5 27 219 4,559 4,521 38 3,023 2,900 123 2,769 2,740 29 1,951 1,915 36 706 484 222 2,784 2,535 249 951 951 72,947 72,691 256 10,492 10,423 69 5,553 5,331 222 2,583 2,542 41 2,893 2,776 117 2,696 2,666 30 146 13.6 29.1 30.6 2 6.6 0 13.0 13.0 0 40 3 .7 19.7 11.8 12.6 18.6 2 5.0 25.0 24 5 241 45 18.3 40.6 17.3 13.8 57.8 2 6 .5 26.5 13.9 13.9 245 9 .2 9 .0 0 18.3 17.9 2 9.7 45.4 45.8 1917: WAGE EABNERS Cutlery and tools _ . _. _ Males Females. _ _ _ ... Doors and shutters, iron and steel___________ Mai as * Females Forgings Males___________________________________ Females _____ _ ... . Foundry and machine-shop products________ MftlAS FAtnalfts _ Nails and spikes, cut and wrought, including wire nails, not made in steel works or roll ing mills _ _ MftlAS ...... Females . _ PipA, wrought __ _ ___ Males _ w ........ Pumps, not including steam pumps_________ Males_______________________ ____________ Females________________________ ____ ____ Safes and vaults___________________ ______ Males___________________________________ F Ama.les __ Sorows, maohiriA . ... . Males______________________________ ____ FATnalos . . . ...... . _ . ... Sewing machines, cases, and attachments___ Males_______________________________ ___ Females____________________________ ____ Springs, steel, car and carriage. _....... .............. Males___________________________________ Steel works and rolling mills________________ Males___________________________________ Females__________________________ ______ Stoves and furnaces________________________ Males__________________________________ _ Females.__________________________ _____ Tin plate and terneplate.................................. Males_________________________ _____ ____ Females_______________________________ W ire............................................................ ........ Males___________________________________ Females __ Wirework, including wire rope and cable........ Males___________________________________ 0 10.1 10.4 25.2 7 .2 7.5 0 CO T able A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohioy 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 00 191 7 : WAGE EARNERS—Continued Industry and sex 160 68 Fem ales.......................................................... Leather, tanned, curried, and finished___ M ales___________________ ______________ Fem ales.......................................................... Saddlery and harness..................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... T runks and valises.......................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... Leather and its finished produ cts, n . o . c_. M ales................ — ........................................ Fem ales.......................................................... L iquors and beverages....................................... M ales............ ........................ ....................... Fem ales..................... .................................. Liquors, d istilled ........ .................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... Liquors, m alt.................................................... M ales................ ............................................. M ineral and soda w aters........... M ales.......................................... Fem ales______ ______________ Liquors and beverages, n . o. c . M ales_______________________ Fem ales...................................... 26 17 20 179 Janu Febru M arch ary ary A pril May June July 62 19,173 12,350 6,823 18,494 11,930 6,564 17,436 11,400 6,036 18,051 11,506 6,545 18,008 11,691 6,317 17,999 11,674 6,325 17,041 11,199 5,842 15,360 15,691 10,227 5,464 16,495 5,149 15,430 8,982 6,448 1,933 1,917 16 432 370 62 255 230 25 704 425 279 6> 119 6,015 104 410 344 15,737 9,285 6,452 1,949 1,933 16 499 459 40 274 246 28 714 427 287 6,044 5,948 96 378 320 58 4,994 4,977 17 431 423 15,119 8,902 6,217 1,911 14,134 8,452 5,682 1,851 1,836 15 499 450 49 270 242 28 682 420 262 6,209 6,107 14,608 8,445 6,163 1,873 1,853 14,471 8,541 5,930 1,839 1,821 18 747 678 69 265 237 28 14,420 8,521 13,471 8,051 5,420 1,798 1,785 13 808 721 87 237 214 23 727 428 299 7,097 6,975 11,852 7,144 4,708 1,713 1,702 12,216 7,226 4,990 1,634 1,628 12,937 7,608 5,329 1,716 1,711 5 838 713 125 5,049 5,032 17 421 413 8 16 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 18,754 11,924 6,830 66 95 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 239 226 13 8 241 228 13 13 489 452 37 271 247 24 704 431 273 6,176 6,081 95 352 294 58 5,080 5,063 17 479 470 9 265 254 11 102 355 294 61 5,129 5,113 16 10 256 241 15 20 618 557 61 261 236 25 691 415 276 6,297 6,184 113 320 252 68 5,230 5,214 16 503 491 12 244 227 17 686 414 272 6,706 6.588 118 315 249 66 5,604 5.588 16 559 543 16 228 208 20 1,803 1,786 17 802 719 83 265 238 27 709 410 299 6,973 6,873 100 122 305 254 51 5,840 5,821 19 585 569 16 243 229 14 349 289 60 5,902 5,871 31 614 598 16 232 217 15 10,211 11 846 748 98 223 201 22 726 416 310 6,625 6,520 105 298 255 43 5,548 5,514 34 518 506 12 261 245 16 6 855 729 126 216 196 10,688 5,807 212 17,074 10,993 6,081 3,813 2,139 1,681 19.9 17.3 24.6 13,405 7,853 5,552 1,671 1,665 3,885 2,141 1,744 315 305 15 525 472 24.7 23.1 27.0 16.2 15.8 6 957 842 115 214 193 54 9 145 53 125 1,260 1,242 28 186 152 36 949 955 229 192 37 5,169 5.133 36 468 456 193 19 792 463 329 5,891 5,797 94 224 192 32 4,990 4,953 37 421 411 10 10 8 266 250 16 256 241 15 245 232 13 38 46 9 20 770 448 322 6.132 6,031 101 12 Per cent 21 827 440 387 5,837 5,733 104 245 201 44 4,953 4,916 37 394 384 0) 54.9 56.1 70.6 22.6 21.9 0) 17.5 11.4 32.3 17.8 17.8 23.0 45.4 44.2 16.3 21 193 214 35.8 %.4.3 18.1 0) P A R T 2 .— G E N E R A L T A B L E M a n u fa c tu r e s — C ontin ued. Leather and its finished p rod u cts. ....................... M ales................ .................................................. Fem ales................................................................ B oots and shoes, including cu t stock and find- N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting Lum ber and its rem anufactures_______ M ales..................................................... Fem ales................................................. B askets, rattan, and w illow w are___ M ales..................................................... Fem ales............ ................................... B oxes, cigar.............................................. M ales.................. .................................. Fem ales................................................. C offins and undertakers’ goods.......... M ales.............- ...................................... Fem ales__________________ _________ C ooperage and related w ooden goods. Fem ales................................ Furniture and refrigerators. M ales..................................... Fem ales................................. Lasts.......................................... M ales.................................... Looking-glass and p ictu re fram es. M ales.............................................. Lum ber and planing-m ill p rod u cts. ................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. M atches................................................................... M ales........................................ ........................... Fem ales................................................................. Show cases.............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. W ood p reservin g.................................................... M ales..................................................................... W ood, turned and carved.................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o. c ........... M ales..................................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel............................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Brass, bronze, and alum inum p rod u cts___ . . . C locks and w atches, including cases and m aterials........................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 899 22 18 19 86 151 4 7 524 4 11 4 44 5 339 65 8 349 325 24 10,721 10,677 44 1,853 1,502 351 221 217 4 220 220 958 917 41 68 68 29,555 28,013 1,542 448 291 157 427 161 266 1,417 1,178 239 2,013 1,982 31 9,898 9,520 378 224 229 5 357 329 28 11,373 11,327 46 1,860 1,514 346 203 199 4 280 280 976 934 42 69 69 29,659 28,053 1,606 534 337 197 423 162 261 1,409 1,183 226 1,990 1,961 29 9,918 9,509 409 244 237 7 315 288 27 11,536 11,483 53 1,913 1,561 352 220 216 4 248 248 842 801 41 67 67 29,793 28,164 1,629 476 303 173 417 148 269 1,366 1,157 209 1,986 1,960 26 10,088 9,598 490 209 203 6 326 288 38 11,531 11,478 53 1,903 1,581 322 195 190 5 281 281 949 911 38 66 66 28,995 27,376 1,619 452 281 171 418 151 267 1,364 1,148 216 1,887 1,864 23 9,931 9,448 483 195 190 5 344 305 39 11,001 10,957 44 1,881 1,554 327 199 194 5 357 357 900 861 39 66 66 28,383 26,781 1,602 413 264 149 402 151 251 1,367 1,153 214 1,854 1,819 35 9,677 9,201 476 193 189 4 350 310 40 10,728 10,668 60 1,901 1,572 329 197 192 5 317 317 918 879 39 66 66 27,837 26,229 1,608 395 253 142 394 143 251 1,335 1,127 208 1,861 1,827 34 9,641 9,164 477 191 186 5 334 296 38 10,170 10,110 60 2,022 1,672 350 204 199 5 269 269 954 916 38 67 67 27,962 26,431 1,531 355 224 131 397 142 255 1,325 1,105 220 1,884 1,840 44 9,762 9,384 378 212 200 12 323 288 35 10,034 9,989 45 2,206 1,835 371 197 192 5 277 277 925 890 35 65 65 27,234 25,574 1,660 318 203 115 405 148 257 1,318 1,089 229 1,874 1,833 41 9,672 9,165 507 212 201 11 290 270 20 9,268 9,221 47 2,428 2,036 392 195 190 5 241 241 947 911 36 66 66 2,559 2,590 251 216 134 82 54 30 34 121 108 34 159 165 38 530 677 190 53 51 12 78 67 26 2,268 2,262 20 575 534 70 52 51 2 190 190 185 181 10 5 5 8.6 9.2 15.1 40.4 39.8 41.6 12.1 17.4 11.9 8.4 9.0 14 0 7.9 8.3 0) 5.2 6.9 37.5 21.7 21.5 0) 21.5 19.9 0 „ 19.7 19.7 0) 23.7 26.2 17.9 21.1 21.2 0) 53.2 53.2 18.0 18.4 25,378 19,503 5,875 2,845 2,812 33 24,571 18,833 5,738 2,872 2,841 31 24,745 18,948 5,797 2,878 2,842 36 25,566 19,762 5,804 2,998 2,961 37 24,867 19,483 5,384 3,030 2,993 37 25,613 19,665 5,948 3,114 3,078 36 25,476 19,474 6,002 3,092 3,046 46 25,615 19,663 5,952 3,194 3,144 50 26,254 20,191 6,063 3,445 3,364 81 26,022 20,075 5,947 3,557 3,456 101 1,683 1,358 679 914 842 72 6.4 6.7 11.2 25.7 244 71.3 1,090 743 347 1,046 708 338 1,058 695 363 1,049 717 332 1,031 703 328 998 682 316 1,010 698 312 991 693 298 1,025 690 335 1,046 707 339 109 61 82 9.9 8.2 21.6 28,793 27,384 1,409 384 254 130 429 172 257 1,348 1,138 210 1,901 1,894 7 9,907 9,583 324 210 210 29,119 27,679 1,440 408 267 141 440 167 273 1,406 1,190 216 1,944 1,938 6 10,054 9,732 322 215 215 29,617 28,105 1,512 399 259 140 448 163 285 1,439 1,197 242 2,005 1,984 21 10,171 9,841 330 236 236 28,859 27,392 1,467 403 257 146 432 160 272 1,409 1,173 236 1,986 1,954 32 10,014 9,697 317 225 225 285 271 14 10,566 10,524 42 2,297 1,921 376 247 241 6 182 182 973 930 43 64 64 336 313 23 10,539 10,495 44 2,296 1,930 366 238 234 4 167 167 1,010 965 45 66 66 363 337 26 10,751 10,711 40 2,283 1,904 379 232 228 4 198 198 1,027 982 45 65 65 25,597 19,850 5,747 2,643 2,614 29 25,487 19,607 5,880 2,776 2,741 35 1,100 720 380 1,088 734 354 8 0) CO- CO T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohioj 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O 1 9 1 7 : WAGE EARNERS—Continued Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 151 13,895 12,077 1,818 337 333 4 165 152 13 13,562 11,715 l, 847 '349 346 3 185 170 15 13,444 11,562 1,882 357 353 4 177 163 14 12,942 11,086 1,856 346 342 4 199 184 15 13,194 11,289 1,905 337 333 4 202 186 16 13,758 11,840 1,918 365 361 4 232 217 15 13,524 11,567 1,957 350 345 5 242 231 11 13,456 11,675 1,781 351 346 5 231 220 11 13,169 11,425 1,744 349 345 4 236 227 9 13,147 11,472 1,675 363 359 4 252 239 13 13,490 11,763 1,727 366 361 5 271 256 15 13,250 11,627 1,623 338 334 4 260 248 12 953 991 334 29 28 2 106 104 7 6.9 8.2 17.1 7.9 7.8 0 39.1 40.6 0 6,302 3,015 3,287 460 380 80 323 252 71 6,372 2,962 3,410 447 371 76 343 266 77 6,375 2,981 3,394 429 359 70 324 260 64 6,174 2,839 3,335 421 352 69 278 229 49 6,150 2,815 3,335 447 364 83 287 240 47 6,254 2,884 3,370 437 360 77 283 239 44 5,789 2,873 2,916 427 353 74 276 227 49 6,539 2,881 3,658 430 352 78 275 221 54 6,662 2,924 3,738 420 336 84 312 255 57 6,705 2,942 3,763 408 329 79 318 256 62 6,671 2,923 3,748 447 365 82 300 237 63 6,599 2,877 3,722 439 366 73 305 240 65 916 200 847 52 51 15 68 45 33 13.7 6.6 22.5 11.3 13.4 0 19.8 16.9 0 372 307 65 29,952 22,851 7,101 329 147 182 3,050 1,235 1,815 275 119 156 365 302 63 29,916 22,770 7,146 335 148 187 3,101 1,218 1,883 264 114 150 337 270 67 30,069 22,953 7,116 311 154 157 3,017 1,175 1,842 261 113 148 293 252 41 29,917 22, 792 7,125 316 151 165 2,964 1,175 1,789 268 114 154 192 184 8 29,878 22,644 7,234 326 152 174 2,955 1,167 1,788 278 113 165 190 183 7 30,154 22,858 7,296 303 140 163 2,951 1,238 1,713 275 117 158 198 191 7 29,424 22,356 7,068 300 126 174 2,964 1,233 1,731 278 117 161 219 210 9 29,296 22,338 6,958 335 130 205 2,816 1,184 1,632 275 117 158 226 218 8 29,368 22,363 7,005 358 134 224 2,808 1,179 1,629 269 114 155 237 229 8 29,246 22,098 7,148 339 146 193 2,847 1,175 1,672 273 115 158 239 232 7 29, 352 22,171 7,181 345 149 196 2,883 1,205 1,678 281 113 168 228 220 8 28,952 21,960 6,992 314 150 164 2,781 1,185 1,596 113 50 63 182 124 58 1,202 993 338 58 28 67 320 71 287 168 69 105 48.9 40.4 0 4.0 4.3 4.6 16.2 18.2 29.9 10.3 5.7 15.2 59.8 58.0 62.5 17 9 40 21 12 16 930 5 61 4 N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent PA BT 2. M a n u fa c tu r e s — C ontinued. M etal and m etal produ cts—C ontinued. C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products_________ M ales__ 1........................... r................................ Fem ales................... ........................................... E lectroplating......................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ G alvanizing_____ ____________________________ M ales.............................................................. . Fem ales..................................................... ........... Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and reflec tors....................................... ............................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........................................................ ......... Jew elry...................... .............. ........................... ..... M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ Sm elting and refining, not from the ore______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______________ ____________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n. o . c __________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................. ............................................ . Paper and p rin tin g________ _______________ ____ M ales.............. ............ ___........................... ......... Fem ales____________________________________ B ags, paper___________________________ _____ M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales____ ____ _ _______________________ Boxes, fancy and paper______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ E nvelopes____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. m ents re porting Om 3 & So p> F* 5 s 66429°— 32----- 10 Paper and w ood p u lp ........................ M ales................................................. F em ales............................................. P hoto-engraving................................. M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. P rinting and p u blish in g................... M ales................................................. Fem ales.......... .................................. Stereotyping and electrotyp in g___ M ales................ ................. .............. Fem ales_____ ___________________ Paper and printing, n . o. c -----------M ales..........................._____............. Fem ales..................... _...................... R u bber produ cts............ - ...................... M ales................................................. Fem ales..................... ........................ Stone, cla y, and glass p rod u cts______ M ales......................... ....................... Fem ales..................... _...................... A rtificial stone.............. - .................... M ales................................................. B rick and tile _ _ .................................. M ales................................................. C em ent........................ ....................... M ales........ ......................... ............. Fem ales______________ __________ C rucibles........................................ ___ M ales.................................... ........... Fem ales..................... _.................... E m ery and other abrasive w heels., M ales......................... ..................... Fem ales................................ ........... Glass........ ............................................. M ales......................... ....................... Fem ales. 55 26 730 20 29 82 702 83 209 Glass, cu ttin g , stain in g, a n d o rn am e n tin g .. M ale: F em a les ...................................................................... L im e ................................................................................ M a le s .................................................... ...................... M a rb le a n d ston e w o r k ........................................... M a le s .......................................................................... F e m a le s..................................................................... P o tte r y , terra-cotta a n d fire-clay p r o d u c ts ... M a le s .......................................................................... F e m a le s ..................................................................... S ton e a n d cla y , cru sh in g a n d g r in d in g ............. M a le s .......................................................................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 6 5 4 51 28 4 86 186 17 7,278 6,372 906 430 423 7 17,757 13,882 3,875 321 319 2 512 354 158 52,763 49,287 3,476 42,858 37,768 5,090 498 498 5,563 5,563 521 520 1 414 384 30 254 252 2 13,493 12,282 1,211 464 372 92 252 252 596 596 7,303 6,419 884 434 427 7 17,755 13,878 3,877 321 319 2 403 247 156 55,753 52,284 3,469 42,307 37,443 4,864 498 498 5,546 5,546 552 551 1 449 417 32 246 244 2 13,398 12,166 1,232 453 354 99 250 250 552 552 7,385 6,464 921 437 430 7 17,798 13,925 3,873 328 326 2 532 366 166 58,190 54,627 3,563 44,271 39,288 4,983 576 576 6,048 6,048 688 687 1 410 379 31 229 227 2 13,999 12,704 1,295 444 352 92 260 260 682 682 7,331 6,439 892 443 436 7 17,735 13,781 3,954 328 327 1 532 369 163 58,245 54,739 3,506 46,147 41,069 5,078 734 734 6,717 6,717 714 713 1 420 392 28 217 215 2 14,658 13,370 1,288 458 347 111 250 250 691 691 19,955 16,203 3,752 211 211 19,547 16,051 3,496 215 215 20,079 16,519 3,560 222 222 20,308 16,662 3,646 222 222 7,332 6,449 883 451 440 11 17,688 13,639 4,049 315 313 2 533 371 162 58,050 54,516 3,534 47,151 42,009 5,142 743 743 7,479 7,479 734 733 1 416 382 34 226 224 2 14,622 13,289 1,333 449 335 114 256 256 725 725 7,511 6,597 914 447 435 12 17,826 13,658 4,168 313 311 2 528 362 166 58,642 54,989 3,653 46,890 41,720 5,170 785 785 7,629 7,629 757 756 1 449 418 31 222 220 2 13,793 12,424 1,369 447 331 116 232 232 730 729 1 20,477 20,794 16,821 17,146 3,648 3,656 234 230 234 230 7,236 6,336 900 429 422 7 17,410 13,473 3,937 297 295 2 510 354 156 59,139 55,443 3,696 42,415 37,573 4,842 769 769 6,549 6,549 755 754 1 453 422 31 209 207 2 10,882 9,850 1,032 443 326 117 271 271 730 729 1 20,296 16,640 3,656 245 245 7,294 6,376 918 417 411 6 17,358 13,477 3,881 300 298 2 501 345 156 54,939 50,973 3,966 43,268 38,401 4,867 743 743 6,799 6,799 752 751 1 420 393 27 222 220 2 11,432 10,241 1,191 438 331 107 294 294 720 719 1 20,411 16,875 3,536 248 248 7,465 6,524 941 422 412 10 17,170 13,294 3,876 316 313 3 560 393 167 52,895 48,989 3,906 43,246 38,237 5,009 722 722 6,408 6,408 593 592 1 426 399 27 218 216 2 12,522 11,221 1,301 437 315 122 275 275 701 701 7,265 6,289 976 433 420 13 17,200 13,251 3,949 314 310 4 575 392 183 52,335 48,267 4,068 42,609 37,619 4,990 654 654 5,910 5,910 552 551 1 439 409 30 213 211 2 12,913 11,555 1,358 445 322 123 254 254 688 688 7,202 6,255 947 434 417 17 17,299 13,323 3,976 317 313 4 591 396 195 52,651 48,394 4,257 41,885 36,613 5,272 586 586 5,178 5,178 496 495 1 447 415 32 217 215 2 13,383 11,800 1,583 424 310 114 221 221 616 616 7,081 6,143 938 425 411 14 17,340 13,325 4,015 299 295 4 599 401 198 51,419 46,723 4,696 40,048 34,816 5,232 362 362 4,388 4,388 356 355 1 453 426 27 212 210 2 13,267 11,677 1,590 397 280 117 213 213 540 540 430 454 93 34 29 11 656 674 295 31 32 3 196 154 42 6,804 8,720 1,227 7,103 7,193 430 423 423 3,241 3,241 401 401 5.7 6.9 9.5 7.5 6.6 (i) 3.7 4.8 7.1 9.5 9.8 0) 32.7 38.4 21.2 11.5 15.7 26.1 15.1 17.1 8.2 53.9 53.9 42.5 42.5 53.0 53.0 43 47 7 45 45 9.5 11.0 0) 17.7 17.9 3,776 3,520 558 67 92 31 81 81 190 189 25.8 26.3 35.1 14.4 24.7 25.2 27.6 27.6 26.0 25.9 19,995 16,441 3,554 240 240 19,607 16,133 3,474 234 234 19,388 15,850 3,538 241 241 18,998 15,505 3,493 238 238 1,796 1,641 278 37 37 8.6 9.6 7.4 14.9 14.9 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to 1 9 1 7 : WAGE EARNERS-Continuea Industry and sex N um ber o f estabnts re ting Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Febru M arch ary 514 512 2 123 123 39,363 13,523 25,840 622 259 363 722 229 493 5,489 2,537 2,952 8,767 3,068 5,699 1,271 1,072 199 5,377 1,015 4,362 1,459 383 1,076 596 88 508 2,691 347 2,344 482 480 2 119 119 40,335 13,468 26,867 637 272 365 723 231 492 5,560 2,572 2,988 9,004 3,098 5,906 1,241 1,051 190 5,512 1,089 4,423 1,493 378 1,115 629 90 539 2,737 348 2,389 A pril M ay June July 642 640 2 116 116 40,581 13,832 26,749 780 358 422 661 215 446 5,675 2,614 3,061 8,849 2,966 5,883 1,251 1,053 198 5,786 1,117 4,569 1,565 409 1,156 648 90 558 2,791 378 2,413 666 664 2 124 124 39,141 13,429 25,712 670 392 278 646 219 427 5,821 2,664 3,157 8,073 2,649 5,424 1,211 1,016 195 5,765 1,212 4,553 1,595 409 1,186 644 90 554 2,761 356 2,405 696 694 2 126 126 39,781 13,664 26,117 855 395 460 751 240 511 5,814 2,661 3,153 8,235 2,810 5,425 1,219 1,013 206 5,667 1,213 4,454 1,554 420 1,134 624 88 536 2,836 365 2,471 686 684 2 127 127 39,730 13,520 26,210 851 366 485 740 235 505 5,556 2,569 2,987 8,749 3,049 5,700 1,192 1,010 182 5,497 1,067 4,430 1,515 413 1,102 612 90 522 2,830 369 2,461 Sep N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent Manufactures—C ontinued. Stone, cla y, and glass products—C ontinued. W all plaster.................................................. ...... Fem ales.................................................... Stone, d a y , and glass products, n . o. c.. M ala Textiles . M ales................................. Fem ales............................ Aw nings, tents, and sa ils. M ales........................... Fem ales............ ................ Bags, other than p a p e r ... M ales------------ --------------Fem ales............................. C lothing, m en’s .................. M ales............................. . Fem ales............................. C lothing, w om en’s -........... M ales. C ordage, tw ine, ju te, and linen g ood s.. M ales............ .............................. ............ Fem ales_______ _____________________ C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s . M ales......................... ............................... Fem ales..................................................... Flags, banners, and reg a lia .................... M ales.......... ............................................ Fem ales.................................................... Furnishing goods, m en’s.......................... M ales......................................................... Fem ales.................................................... G loves, cloth and c o t t o n ....................... . M ales........................................................ . F em ales........... ....................................... 14 9 708 28 7 161 112 6 185 12 20 34 517 515 2 117 117 40,972 13,984 26,988 676 286 390 715 229 486 5,699 2,657 3,042 9,208 3,153 6,055 1,228 1,035 193 5,706 1,170 4,536 1,501 385 1,116 649 91 558 2,798 370 2,428 662 660 2 127 127 40,107 13,533 26,574 805 315 490 739 240 499 5,695 2,653 3,042 8,957 3,168 5,789 1,002 862 140 5,342 1,080 4,262 1,457 414 1,043 647 89 558 2,822 372 2,450 584 582 2 125 125 39,892 13,356 26,536 803 307 496 787 256 531 5,708 2,593 3,115 8,818 3,119 5,699 890 741 149 5,522 1,196 4,326 1,480 409 1,071 665 89 576 2,818 367 2,451 575 573 2 125 125 40,340 13,445 26,895 982 331 651 804 258 546 5,765 2,630 3,135 8,582 3,037 5,545 967 787 180 5,643 1,219 4,424 1,587 397 1,190 636 86 550 2,840 390 2,450 555 553 2 133 133 39,507 13,238 26,269 1,052 330 722 801 246 555 5,936 2,692 3,244 7,876 2,782 5,094 1,022 846 176 5,694 1,230 4,464 1,546 396 1,150 629 87 542 2,836 379 2,457 494 492 2 130 130 39,110 12,987 26,123 1,078 323 755 817 263 554 5,786 2,667 3,119 7,854 2,747 5,107 1,042 863 179 5,534 1,136 4,398 1,486 385 1,101 623 86 537 2,808 387 2,421 214 214 30.7 30.8 17 17 1,862 997 1,276 456 136 392 171 44 128 447 155 292 1,354 519 948 381 331 66 444 215 307 138 42 147 69 5 68 149 43 127 12.8 12.8 4.5 7.1 4.7 42.3 34.4 51.9 20.9 16.7 23.1 7.5 5.8 9.0 14.7 16.4 15.7 30.0 30.9 32.0 7.7 17.5 6.7 8.7 10.0 12,4 10.4 0 11.8 5.2 11.0 5.1 PART 2 .— GENERAL TA B LE Janu ary H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , and w ool. M ales................................................................. . . Fem ales......................................... ......................... H orse cloth in g.................. ................. ............. . M ales............................. ..................... —.......... . Fem ales.............................................................. ... H osiery and k n it goods......................................... M ales............ ...................................................... Fem ales.................................................................... M illin ery and lace g ood s. ................................... M ales........................................................................ Fem ales............ ...................................................... O ilcloth and lin oleu m ........................................... M a le s ...____________________________________ Fem ales.................... . S h od d y.................................................................. . M ales........................................................................ Fem ales.................................................................... W oolen, w orsted, and felt goods......................... M ales................................................... ........... ........ Fem ales.................................................................... Textiles, n . o . c . .........................................- .......... M ales.................................................................... . Fem ales.................................................................... T obacco m anufactures.............................................. M ales....................................................................... Fem ales........ .... ................... . V ehicles for land transportation............................ M ales.................................... .............. .................... Fem ales.............................. ................................. .. A utom obiles, including bodies and parts-----M ales...................................... ................................ Fem ales................ ......... .................................. ........ B icycles, m otor cycles, and p a rts....................... M ales.....................................—............................... Fem ales........................................................ .......... Carriages and sleds, ch ildren’s ........................ M ales................................................................. — Fem ales........ .................................................. ........ Carriages, w agons, and m aterials— ........ ........ M ales................................................................. - . Fem ales............ .... ...................................... ............ Cars, steam railroad, n ot including operations of railroad com panies..................................... M ales.......................................................... - ......... C ars, street railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies..................................... M ales........................................................................ Fem ales....................... ...................................... . . V ehicles, for land transportation, n . o. c .......... M ales................................................................... - . 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 448 163 285 520 211 309 4,373 931 3,442 1,641 414 1,227 316 302 14 457 326 131 3,514 1,438 2,076 1,100 740 360 13,343 3,985 9,358 64,934 62,107 2,827 53,491 51,032 2,459 1,043 981 62 1,420 1,356 64 4,601 4,359 242 455 169 286 518 207 311 4,592 966 3,626 2,038 434 1,604 311 295 16 458 324 134 3,368 1,251 2,117 1,059 693 366 13,670 4,125 9,545 67,972 65,050 2,922 56,025 53,483 2,542 1,110 1,031 79 1,591 1,514 77 4,753 4,530 223 448 174 274 513 207 306 4,659 985 3,674 1,686 430 1,256 314 299 15 459 322 137 3,429 1,276 2,153 1,284 915 369 13,728 4,163 9,565 69,423 66,463 2,960 57,610 55,034 2,576 1,113 1,023 90 1,576 1,502 74 4,790 4,571 219 445 168 277 499 200 299 4,679 974 3,705 1,490 426 1,064 304 287 17 445 311 134 3,374 1,230 2,144 1,339 936 403 13,440 4,043 9,397 68,588 65,824 2,764 57,169 54,753 2,416 940 865 75 1,524 1,454 70 4,667 4,465 202 435 164 271 527 209 318 4,728 972 3,756 786 304 482 315 287 28 469 332 137 3,392 1,253 2,139 1,303 901 402 13,144 3,754 9,390 68,082 65,491 2,591 56,930 54,668 2,262 906 833 73 1,501 1,434 67 4,646 4,458 188 441 170 271 516 205 311 4,860 1,008 3,852 842 299 543 304 279 25 486 329 157 3,498 1,298 2,200 1,279 871 408 13,282 3,725 9,557 65,155 62,541 2,614 54,308 52,050 2,258 804 707 97 1,495 1,428 67 4,635 4,444 191 - 379 162 217 478 198 280 5,066 1,007 4,059 1,014 324 690 307 280 27 488 334 154 3,231 1,244 1,987 1,225 803 422 13,066 3,624 9,442 62,923 60,456 2,467 52,747 50,597 2,150 722 650 72 1,442 1,385 57 4,400 4,213 187 372 158 214 474 198 276 4,979 995 3,984 1,568 332 1,236 299 273 26 519 350 169 3,193 1,216 1,977 1,237 818 419 12,975 3,624 9,351 62,271 59,800 2,471 52,351 50,172 2,179 732 664 68 1,424 1,380 44 4,319 4,140 179 430 163 267 447 194 253 4,954 992 3,962 1,341 345 996 309 275 34 539 358 181 3,187 1,204 1,983 1,194 748 446 12,962 3,508 9,454 61,169 58,644 2,525 51,795 49,567 2,228 680 616 64 1,275 1,224 51 4,482 4,301 181 418 156 262 439 187 252 4,921 963 3,958 1,282 320 962 303 270 33 554 372 182 3,289 1,231 %058 1,328 811 517 13,324 3,712 9,612 58,439 56,052 2,387 48,754 46,691 2,063 764 681 83 1,276 1,229 47 4,611 4,418 193 410 158 252 450 186 264 4,752 940 3,812 1,018 323 695 292 261 31 567 376 191 3,386 1,294 2,092 1,240 712 528 13,743 3,644 10,099 57,411 55,030 2,381 46,898 44,844 2,054 889 813 76 1,276 1,225 51 4,601 4,402 199 428 161 267 466 190 276 4,718 928 3,790 1,166 334 832 282 255 27 573 378 195 3,375 1,363 2,012 1,074 521 553 14,178 3,872 10,306 55,941 53,553 2,388 45,498 43,424 2,074 926 859 67 1,137 1,089 48 4,742 4,544 198 83 18 72 88 25 66 693 80 617 1,252 135 1,122 34 47 20 128 67 64 327 234 223 280 415 193 1,216 655 955 13,482 12,910 579 12,112 11,610 522 433 415 28 454 425 33 471 431 63 18.2 10.3 25.2 16.7 11.8 20.8 13.7 7.9 15.2 61.4 31.1 70.0 10.8 15.6 0) 22.3 17.7 32.8 9.3 16.3 10.1 20.9 44.3 34.9 8.6 15.7 9.3 19.4 19.4 19.6 21.0 21.1 20.3 38.9 40.3 0) 28.5 28.1 (0 9.8 9.4 26.0 10 3,343 3,343 3,577 3,577 3,457 3,457 3,462 3,462 3,267 3,267 3,073 3,073 2,781 2,781 2,653 2,653 2,111 2,111 2,245 2,245 2,988 2,988 2,950 2,950 1,466 1,466 41.0 41.0 4 962 962 763 762 1 63 63 769 768 1 63 63 780 779 1 60 60 773 772 1 58 58 737 736 1 55 55 772 771 1 54 54 767 736 1 52 52 710 709 1 49 49 638 637 1 50 50 33.7 33.8 74 74 807 806 1 70 70 324 325 2 847 846 1 69 69 15 4 32 34 4 3 14 37 239 360 160 8 5 171 25 25 0) (0 CO T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued h-* 1 9 1 7 : W A G E E A R N E R S — C o n tin u e d Industry and sex N um ber ofesta b lish m ents re porting Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 52,811 45,572 7,239 5,378 5,335 43 11 11 52,658 45,607 7,051 5,466 5,423 43 11 11 52,311 45,366 6,945 5,355 5,314 41 13 13 49,743 43,225 6,468 5,161 5,118 43 18 18 49,912 43,276 6,636 5,225 5,183 42 15 15 50,552 43,792 6,760 5,301 5,258 43 10 10 49,794 43,044 6,750 5,110 5,067 43 13 13 264 233 31 398 295 103 204 195 9 325 325 268 234 34 384 276 108 205 195 10 311 311 269 237 32 384 279 105 200 190 10 343 343 259 228 31 380 266 114 187 173 14 345 345 267 235 32 359 257 102 180 166 14 401 401 267 227 40 358 244 114 181 167 14 414 414 354 304 50 382 209 173 18,006 15,481 2,525 195 150 45 405 289 116 363 313 50 400 219 181 18,619 16,008 2,611 225 174 51 404 293 111 386 336 50 407 221 186 18,652 15,991 2,661 256 194 62 390 284 106 373 322 51 411 222 189 18,707 16,127 2,580 256 203 53 379 281 98 365 314 51 413 220 193 18,726 16,080 2,646 239 180 59 380 282 98 373 321 52 419 223 196 18,052 15,350 2,702 209 159 50 378 281 97 N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 231 201 30 351 246 105 181 169 12 449 449 51, 111 44,218 6,893 4,956 4,920 36 458 440 18 213 183 30 318 225 93 168 155 13 444 444 52,228 44,836 7,392 5,159 5,112 47 694 659 35 249 210 39 336 230 106 159 146 13 441 441 53,187 45,201 7,986 5,283 5,239 44 1,102 1,006 96 260 220 40 322 222 100 148 136 12 467 467 55,125 46,680 8,445 5,352 5,309 43 1,684 1,430 254 273 233 40 354 239 115 162 150 12 491 491 56,330 47,856 8,474 5,731 5,689 42 1,799 1,526 273 295 248 47 382 270 112 175 163 12 522 522 6,587 4,812 2,006 775 769 11 1,789 1,516 273 82 65 17 80 73 22 57 59 5 211 211 11.7 10.1 23.7 13.5 13.5 0) 99.4 99. 3 100.0 27.8 26. 2 0) 20.1 24.7 19.1 27.8 30.3 0) 40.4 40.4 392 339 53 409 209 200 17,283 14,705 2,578 186 142 44 377 280 97 407 354 53 411 213 198 17,513 14,873 2,640 165 130 35 382 282 100 409 359 50 407 208 199 17,691 15,083 2,608 157 121 36 391 288 103 465 415 50 403 207 196 17,760 15,086 2,674 160 123 37 385 288 97 466 416 50 407 211 196 18,523 15,726 2,797 145 113 32 411 298 113 479 429 50 408 214 194 18,667 15,860 2,807 150 118 32 422 305 117 125 125 3 37 16 27 1,443 1,422 282 111 90 30 45 25 20 26.1 29.1 0 8.8 7.2 13.5 7.7 8.8 10.0 43.4 44.3 0) 10.7 8.2 17.1 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Janu ary Manufactures—C ontinued. M iscellaneous industries_________________ ______ 715 M ales.............. .... ............................................... . Fem ales........ ............................ .................... A gricultural im plem ents_________________ 49 M ales____________________________ __________ ..................... ................................ Fem ales. 4 A irplanes and p a r ts .. ___________________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales________________________________ B room s and m ops______________________ _____ 23 M ales__________________________________ __ F em ales.______ __________________ _______ . . B rushes______________________________________ 10 M ales_________ _____________________________ Fem ales_________________________________ 4 B utton s................................................................. M a les.____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 3 C oke_____ _________ __________________________ M ales....... ...................................... .................... D airym en’s, poulterers’ , and apiarists’ sup plies_____________________________________ 3 M ales_____________________________ ___ __ Fem ales__ ________________________________ D entists’ m aterials___________________________ 6 M ales____________ __________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ 114 E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E nam eling and japanning. ................. ............. . .......... 7 M ales____________________________ __________ Fem ales____ _______________ _______________ F an cy articles.................................. ....................... 6 M ales..................... .............. ................................. Fem ales................................................................. V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth F oundry supplies............................................... . M ales'..................... .......................................... Fem ales...... ......................................................... Ice, m anufactured____ ______________________ M ales..................... ........................................ . Fem ales________ __________________________ M attresses and spring b e d s.’. ____ ___________ M ales.............. ."___ ............................................. Fem ales.......... ...................... ............................. M odels and patterns, not including paper patterns..................... ........................ .............. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales..................... .......................................... M u nitions................. .............................................. M ales................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................... . O ptical goods______________ _________________ M a les.................................... ............................... Fem ales.......... ...................................................... Phonographs and graphaphones________ ____ M ales. T...... ............ I __ ____________________ Pianos, organs, and m aterials.............................. M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................ ................................. . H oofing m aterials................................................ M ales................................................................... . Fem ales....................................... ..................... . Shipbuilding, including boat b u ild in g ............ M ales____________________ _________________ Signs and advertising n ovelties.......... ............... M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales.......... ............ ................ ........................ Soda-w ater su p p lies_________________________ M ales................................................................... . Sporting and ath letic goods................................. M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales.......... ..................................................... Stationery goods_____________________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_____ _____________________________ T oy s and gam es_______________________ _____ M a le s ..______ _____________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ U m brellas and canes.......................................... M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales................. .................. ................ ............ W ashing m achines and clothes w ringers.......... M ales............................................... ..................... M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c....... ................. M a le s......... ........................................ ........... . Fem ales______________________________ ____ 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 10 103 43 59 12 23 6 21 3 19 36 3 9 19 25 7 11 77 130 118 12 1,385 1,382 3 1,428 1,110 318 138 128 10 1,397 1,394 3 1,400 1,099 301 140 131 9 1,492 1,489 3 1,433 1,102 331 138 136 2 1,731 1,728 3 1,368 1,057 311 137 132 5 2,043 2,040 3 1,367 1,018 349 146 136 10 2,668 2,664 4 1,394 1,030 364 156 142 14 2,939 2,933 6 1,409 1,049 360 163 146 17 3,213 3,207 6 1,406 1,049 357 200 181 19 2,290 2,284 6 1,402 1,040 362 180 161 19 1,860 1,852 8 1,387 1,020 367 190 166 24 1,502 1,491 11 1,336 985 351 183 159 24 1,273 1,261 12 1,301 984 317 70 63 22 1,940 1,946 9 132 126 66 35.0 34.8 0) 60.4 60.7 0) 9.2 11.4 18.0 733 721 12 8,401 7,191 1,210 240 203 37 171 171 2,478 2,321 157 620 596 24 4,424 4,424 1,535 1,019 516 322 322 762 554 208 941 681 260 1,457 707 750 225 80 145 224 224 1,413 921 492 778 777 1 7,148 6,192 956 241 204 37 172 172 2,454 2,307 147 649 625 24 4,708 4,708 1,533 1,027 506 339 339 766 552 214 930 675 255 1,483 713 770 223 74 149 225 225 1,418 939 479 814 813 1 6,081 5,360 721 253 216 37 171 171 2,564 2,418 146 681 658 23 4,982 4,982 1,579 1,056 523 301 301 765 546 219 927 678 249 1,587 805 782 200 76 124 222 222 1,464 940 524 816 814 2 3,819 3,506 313 253 216 37 111 111 2,497 2,350 147 682 658 24 4,698 4,698 1,599 1,050 549 340 340 760 556 204 927 672 255 1,625 832 793 197 73 124 226 226 1,480 949 531 838 834 4 3,668 3,318 350 254 215 39 74 74 2,486 2,335 151 698 673 25 4,624 4,624 1,595 1,012 583 322 322 781 571 210 932 677 255 1,642 859 783 197 72 125 223 223 1,461 944 517 870 863 7 4,090 3,698 392 256 216 40 92 92 2,382 2,228 154 676 651 25 4,942 4,942 1,545 976 569 295 295 750 539 211 940 673 267 1,676 892 784 196 75 121 215 215 1,457 953 504 862 855 7 4,151 3,650 501 263 222 41 118 118 2,388 2,235 153 694 670 24 4,707 4,707 1,603 977 626 274 274 658 473 185 988 707 281 1,682 902 780 193 71 122 231 231 1,496 1,008 488 838 832 6 4,736 4,093 643 271 227 44 165 165 2,433 2,279 154 694 670 24 4.759 4,759 1,562 953 609 268 268 611 447 164 967 697 270 1,657 897 760 191 70 121 225 225 1,517 1,015 502 842 836 6 6,148 5,095 1,053 272 226 46 179 179 2,437 2,265 172 694 669 25 4,720 4,720 1,569 969 600 246 246 572 410 162 962 695 267 1,620 848 772 201 72 129 223 223 1,558 1,021 537 843 838 5 6,643 5,253 1,390 273 225 48 229 229 2,500 2,319 181 685 658 27 4,713 4,713 1,641 984 657 237 237 631 440 191 939 676 263 1,643 852 791 211 79 132 230 230 1,587 1,026 561 807 803 4 7,075 5,626 1,449 279 231 48 204 204 2,512 2,323 189 709 683 26 5,079 5,079 1,683 1,002 681 215 215 658 463 195 930 671 259 1,548 761 787 227 77 150 239 239 1,664 1,045 619 807 802 5 7,741 6,169 1,572 282 233 49 196 196 2,540 2,350 190 687 662 25 5,359 5,359 1,724 1,008 716 208 208 671 485 186 944 686 258 1,326 655 671 207 73 134 259 259 1,592 963 629 137 142 11 4,733 3,873 1,259 42 30 12 155 155 182 190 44 89 87 4 935 935 191 103 210 132 132 209 161 57 61 36 32 356 247 122 36 10 29 44 44 251 124 150 15.7 16.5 0) 56.3 53.9 80.1 14.9 12.9 (i) 67.7 67.7 7 .i 7.9 23.2 12.6 12.7 0) <£> ^ r? <4 S > o fej 1 7A 17.4 L t?=J 11.1 9.8 29.3 38.8 38.8 26.8 28.2 26.0 6.2 5.1 11.4 21.2 27.4 15.4 15.9 0) 19.3 17.0 17.0 15.1 11.9 ► W 2 fej £ GO * -8 ^ £ Oi T able A*— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued o> 1 9 1 7 : W A G E E A R N E R S —-C ontinued Industry and sex S e rv ice........................................................................... M ales................................................................. . Fem ales................................................................. A m usem ent p a rk s.......................................... ....... M ales.......... ............................ .......................... Fem ales........ ............ ................ .................... . . . Oarages (n ot including taxicabs)................. M ales_______ __________________________ Fem ales______ _______________________ H ospitals........ ............................................... M ales................................ ........... ............ Fem ales................................ ............................ H otels........................ .......................................... M ales................- .............. ....... ................. Fem ales............. .......................................... Laundries and d ry clean ers................................. M ales............................................ .................... Fem ales___________________________ _ _ O ffice buildings and w indow cleaning............... M ales__________________________________ _ Fem ales____ ___________________________ Photographers_______________ __ __ __ M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales________ ______________________ _____ R estaurants_______________ __________________ M ales_____ _______________________________ Fem ales___ ____________________________ . Saloons______________________________________ M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales................................... ............................ Theaters and m otion-picture theaters...... ......... M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___ ____ ___________________________ Service, n . o. c_______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting 2,111 55 420 21 351 295 198 28 280 190 136 137 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 36,359 21,630 14,729 579 536 43 3,587 3,561 26 460 115 345 9,690 6,226 3,464 8,543 2,751 5,792 3,322 2,161 1,161 161 114 47 4,432 2,255 2,177 1,635 1,389 246 2,114 1,619 495 1,836 903 933 36,501 21,687 14,814 615 572 43 3,681 3,655 26 465 116 349 9,608 6,071 3.537 8.537 2,745 5,792 3,359 2,197 1,162 162 116 46 4,461 2,275 2,186 1,606 1,364 242 2,135 1,655 480 1,872 921 951 37,446 22,335 15, 111 704 661 43 3,916 3,887 29 467 118 349 9,748 6,155 3,593 8,671 2,828 5,843 3,473 2,244 1,229 163 118 45 4,468 2,252 2,216 1,596 1,361 235 %282 1,747 535 1,958 964 994 38,024 22,756 15,268 882 833 49 4,230 4,200 30 475 118 357 9,742 6,073 3,669 8,761 2,910 5,851 3,459 2,239 1,220 165 118 47 4,572 2,331 2,241 1,613 1,374 239 2^005 1,515 490 2,125 1,045 1,075 38,607 23,079 15,528 1,173 1,061 112 4,371 4,342 29 481 120 361 9,706 6,022 3,684 8,681 2,870 5,811 3,498 2,210 1,288 160 118 42 4,599 2,346 2,253 1,618 1,381 237 1,884 1,406 478 2,436 1,203 1,233 39,822 23,805 16,017 2,204 1,676 528 4,476 4,446 30 477 119 358 9,966 6,187 3,779 8,696 2.848 5.848 3,438 2,196 1,242 169 120 49 4,683 2,381 2,302 1,694 1,451 243 1,609 1,192 417 2,410 1,189 1,221 39,757 23,686 16,071 2,271 1,724 547 4,576 4,546 30 483 122 361 9,865 6,199 3,666 8,837 2,832 6,005 3,350 2,151 1,199 179 123 56 4,719 2,358 2,361 1,685 1,440 245 1,363 993 370 2,429 1,198 1,231 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 40,134 23,901 16,233 2,238 1,682 556 4,554 4,524 30 489 127 362 10,074 6,270 3,804 8,825 2,843 5,982 3,315 2,130 1,185 183 126 57 4,783 2,415 2^ 368 1,701 1,448 253 1,513 1,123 390 2,459 1,213 1,246 39,584 23,692 15,892 961 819 142 4,514 4,486 28 503 134 369 10,257 6,461 3,796 8,710 2,806 5,904 3,380 2,181 1,199 186 123 63 4,907 2,469 2,438 1,626 1,389 237 2,138 1,639 499 2,402 1,185 1,217 38,821 23,046 15,775 590 547 43 4,307 4,279 28 511 127 384 10,293 6,426 3,867 8,563 2,801 5,762 3,423 2,195 1,228 191 123 68 4,886 2,426 2,460 1,513 1,283 230 2,245 1,705 540 2,299 1,134 1,165 38,234 22,755 15,479 618 568 50 4,091 4,064 27 520 129 391 10,155 6,409 3,746 8,404 2,771 5,633 3,386 2,175 1,211 182 120 62 4,933 2,442 2,491 1,485 1,254 231 2,234 1,726 508 2,226 1,097 1,129 37,750 22,366 15,384 570 519 51 4,032 4,006 26 513 123 390 9,988 6,281 3,707 8,299 2,685 5,614 3,344 2,153 1,191 216 121 95 4,939 2,461 2,478 1,495 1,258 237 2,265 1,730 535 2,089 1,029 1,060 3,775 2,271 1,504 1,701 1,205 513 989 985 4 60 19 46 685 390 403 538 225 391 183 114 127 56 12 50 507 217 314 216 197 16 919 754 170 623 310 313 Per cent 9.4 9.5 9.3 74.9 69.9 92.3 21.6 21.7 (0 11.5 14.2 11.8 6.7 6.0 10.4 6.1 7.7 6.5 5.2 5.1 9.9 25.9 9.5 0) 10.3 8.8 12.6 12.7 13.6 6.5 40.3 43.2 31.5 25.3 25.6 25.1 to i 3 te) W & ►3 Trade, retail and WholesaleFem ales............................................... O ffices...................................................... M ales................................................... Fem ales............................................... R etail d elivery, m ilk , ice, w ater___ M ales................................................... Fem ales............................................... R etail and w holesale stores............... M ales................................................... Fem ales.............................................. Y ards, coal and lum ber, scrap iron .. M ales.......................... ...................... Fem ales.............................................. Transportation and public utilities.............. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . Cartage and storage (including livery stables) M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . E lectric ligh t and pow er..................................... M ales 4,908 488 52 3,695 673 1,149 351 E lectric railroads........... M ales............................ Fem ales........................ N atural gas...................... M ales............................ Fem ales........................ P ip e lines (petroleum ).. Steam railroads....................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ T axicab service........................................... ............ M a le s................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Telegraph and telephone...................................... M ales..................... .............................................. Fem ales................................................................ T ransportation b y w ater, including steve doring............................................................... . M ales................................................................... . ortation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o . c . . . 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 107 71 84 13 7 19 414 43 40 41,279 33,819 7,460 2,104 1,955 149 730 725 5 30,863 23,934 6,929 7,582 7,205 377 41,463 34,085 7,378 2,044 1,887 157 595 590 5 31,225 24,395 6,830 7,599 7,213 386 42,035 34,160 7,875 2,032 1,878 154 619 614 5 31,535 24,236 7,299 8,849 7,432 417 42,449 34,282 8,167 2,038 1,892 146 659 654 5 31,999 24,415 7,584 7,753 7,321 432 42,701 34,832 7,869 2,048 1,893 155 753 748 5 31,774 24,502 7,272 8,126 7,689 437 42,854 35,118 7,736 2,057 1,897 160 867 862 5 31,644 24,505 7,139 8,286 7,854 432 42,677 35,205 7,472 2,012 1,884 128 959 954 5 31,399 24,504 6,895 8,307 7,863 444 42,202 34,967 7,235 2,009 1,874 135 998 992 6 31,002 24,389 6,613 8,193 7,712 481 42,528 34,983 7,545 2,115 1,924 191 889 883 6 31,570 24,757 6,813 7,954 7,419 535 42,629 34,957 7,672 2,130 1,918 212 749 743 6 31,950 25,037 6,913 7,800 7,259 541 42,781 35,148 7,633 2,133 1,930 203 673 667 6 32,105 25,225 6,880 7,870 7,326 544 42,890 35,157 7,733 2,123 1,929 194 647 643 4 32,607 25,588 7,019 7,513 6,997 516 1,611 1,386 932 124 81 84 403 402 2 1,744 1,654 971 794 866 167 3.8 3.9 11.4 5.8 4.1 39.6 40.4 40.5 0 5.3 6.5 12.8 9.6 11.0 30.7 49,600 40,111 9,489 3,961 3,953 8 3,734 3,733 1 17,546 17,473 73 3,737 3,707 30 1,030 1,030 339 338 1 324 321 3 16,812 7,444 9,368 48,941 39,320 9,621 3,947 3,939 8 3,845 3,844 1 17,146 17,072 74 3,318 3,290 28 975 975 335 334 1 316 313 3 16,926 7,425 9,501 50^882 40,941 9,941 4,051 4,039 12 4,039 4,038 1 17,548 17,473 75 3,273 3,251 22 1,060 1,060 372 371 1 297 294 3 17,901 8,080 9,821 52,734 42,553 10,181 4,187 4,179 8 3,465 3,464 1 18,558 18,484 74 3,855 3,823 32 1,096 1,096 366 365 1 297 294 3 18,339 8,282 10,057 55,449 45,016 10,433 4,241 4,231 10 4,016 4,014 2 18,566 18,491 75 4,912 4,880 32 1,092 1,092 371 370 1 305 302 3 18,944 8,630 10,314 55,405 44,774 10,631 4,293 4,282 11 4,077 4,075 2 18,988 18,902 86 4,143 4,113 30 1,085 1,085 361 360 1 354 351 3 19,017 8,524 10,493 55,615 44,704 10,911 4,145 4,137 8 3,963 3,961 2 19,131 19,044 87 4,184 4,153 31 1,103 1,103 341 340 1 353 349 4 19,202 8,428 10,774 55,023 44,167 10,856 4,080 4,070 10 3,898 3,896 2 18,861 18,773 88 4,460 4,426 34 1,143 1,143 371 371 54,208 43,486 10,722 4,201 4,191 10 3,842 3,840 2 18,987 18,904 83 4,071 4,038 33 1,071 1,071 339 339 53,950 43,146 10,804 4,513 4,473 40 3,888 3,886 2 18,485 18,403 82 4,176 4,143 33 1,045 1,045 342 342 53,690 42,812 10,878 4,329 4,307 22 3,960 3,958 2 18,130 18,044 86 4,303 4,271 32 1,141 1,141 333 333 51,511 40,619 10,892 4,048 4,031 17 4,007 4,005 2 17,985 17,902 83 3,440 3,402 38 1,188 1,188 334 334 393 383 10 18,596 7,890 10,706 369 359 10 18,109 7,532 10,577 363 354 9 17,987 7,356 10,631 364 355 9 18,023 7,304 10,719 357 348 9 17,910 7,174 10,736 6,674 5,454 1,422 566 534 32 612 611 1 1,985 1,972 15 1,639 1,629 16 213 213 39 38 1 96 89 7 2,390 1,456 1,406 12.0 12.2 13.0 12.5 11.9 0 15.0 15.0 0 10.4 10.4 0 33.4 33.4 0 17.9 17.9 10.5 10.2 0 '2 4 .4 23.2 0 12.4 16.9 13.0 1,618 1,613 5 499 . 499 1,653 1,648 5 480 480 1,829 1,823 6 512 512 2,028 2,023 5 543 543 2,434 2,428 6 578 578 2,533 2,528 5 554 554 2,624 2,620 4 569 569 2,675 2,669 6 546 546 2,637 2,630 7 582 582 2,625 2,618 7 526 526 2,581 2,573 8 526 526 1,743 1,736 7 499 499 1,057 1,056 4 102 102 39.5 39.6 0 17.5 17.5 T able A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1917: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS Industry and sex ALL INDUSTRIES............................................. N um ber o f establishm ents re porting M ales___________________________ ________ F em ales_____ ____________________________ F lorists, e tc., including h oth ou ses..................... M ales______________________________________ F em ales___________________________________ A gricu ltu re, n . o. c _____________________ _____ M a les.............................. .................................... F em ales.................................................._............ Construction.............. ................. ....................... M ales__________ ____________________- .......... F e m a le s _____ ____________________________ B rick , ston e, and cem ent w ork_______________ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectrical con tracting________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E recting or installin g m achinery_____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______ __________________________ G eneral con tractin g__________________________ M ales........... ....................................................... F em ales______ _____________________________ O il and gas, d rillin g and producing___________ M a les......................... .................................. ......... F em ales......................... ...................... ................ P lum bin g and gas fittin g _____________________ M ales_____________ ____ ____________________ Fem ales................................................................. N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 21,624 87,121 49,668 37,453 87,753 50,151 37,602 88,497 50,589 37,908 89,440 51,089 38,351 90.397 51.397 39,000 91,513 52,062 39,451 92,339 52,602 39,737 93,182 52,764 40,418 93,060 52,290 40,770 93,450 52,015 41,435 94,137 52,130 42,007 94,070 51,949 42,121 7,016 3,096 4,668 7.5 5.9 11.1 450 188 64 124 147 44 103 41 20 21 204 70 134 163 50 113 41 20 21 231 70 161 189 49 140 42 21 21 238 73 165 199 52 147 39 21 18 218 66 152 181 47 134 37 19 18 190 67 123 153 48 105 37 19 18 185 66 119 146 46 100 39 20 19 177 68 109 139 48 91 38 20 18 188 70 118 148 50 98 40 20 20 186 68 118 147 48 99 39 20 19 183 68 115 144 48 96 39 20 19 179 66 113 140 46 94 39 20 19 59 9 56 59 8 56 5 2 3 24.8 0 33.9 29.6 0 38.1 (i) (l) (1) 2,418 1,494 924 135 94 41 251 92 159 79 68 11 935 666 269 133 104 29 365 199 166 2,451 1,519 932 140 97 43 249 93 156 80 68 12 958 686 272 139 110 29 362 197 165 2,496 1,560 936 141 98 43 252 97 155 88 76 12 982 707 275 135 107 28 357 194 163 2,548 1,599 949 139 96 43 249 96 153 91 79 12 1,008 730 278 141 111 30 354 192 162 2,629 1,651 978 145 100 45 252 97 155 94 81 13 1,051 750 301 142 114 28 358 191 167 2,688 1,685 1,003 148 100 48 253 95 158 97 82 15 1,086 773 313 145 116 29 357 191 166 2,744 1,718 1,026 153 104 49 261 98 163 100 85 15 1,115 788 327 145 114 31 358 194 164 2,762 1,735 1,027 150 102 48 255 97 158 100 85 15 1,133 799 334 147 115 32 357 192 165 2,774 1,742 1,032 149 102 47 260 93 167 105 90 15 1,156 826 330 144 114 30 353 186 167 2,740 1,709 1,031 141 95 46 263 93 170 104 89 15 1,141 811 330 152 122 30 346 182 164 2,792 1,755 1,037 145 99 46 270 93 177 104 89 15 1,184 851 333 159 128 31 341 181 160 2,758 1,716 1,042 147 100 47 271 93 178 103 88 15 1,128 801 327 171 139 32 348 182 166 374 261 118 18 10 8 22 6 25 26 22 4 249 185 65 38 35 4 24 18 7 13.4 14.9 11.3 11.8 9.6 M ales____________________________________ Fem ales................... ......................................... Agriculture........................................................... Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 138 312 4,372 468 156 73 1,599 320 364 (?) 8.1 0 14.0 24.8 0 (?) 21.0 21.7 19.5 22.2 25.2 0 1 6.6 9.0 4.2 300 Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing............. M ales.................. ................................. Fem ales............................................... . Street, road, and sewer con tractings. M ales................................................... . Fem ales............................................... . C onstruction, n . o. c............................ . M ales................................................... . Fem ales............................................... . 90 570 522 M a les... Fem ales. Fem ales........................... ................................... . Chem icals and allied products, n . o. c............. M ales................................................. ................ Fem ales................................................................. F ood and kindred produ cts................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. B akery p rod u cts..................................................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk................... M ales............................................................ ........ Fem ales............................................................. 101 150 94 56 179 87 92 42 30 12 8,600 340 4 55 81 50 18 24 108 1,364 385 52,865 32,819 20,026 3,299 1,733 139 81 58 441 323 118 1,102 557 545 343 76 267 169 151 18 713 343 370 392 202 190 2,6 1,237 1,399 363 121 142 242 354 122 322 111 211 108 103 203 138 65 206 99 107 202 98 104 202 138 64 203 95 108 200 96 104 186 124 62 207 97 110 46 31 15 45 30 15 43 28 15 45 29 16 201 100 101 196 133 63 205 95 110 206 105 96 100 42 30 12 44 30 14 45 31 14 48 31 17 50 33 17 53,359 33,188 20,171 3,344 1,759 1,585 140 82 58 432 315 117 1,114 558 556 358 83 275 186 168 18 721 346 375 393 207 186 2,661 1,244 1,417 381 127 254 353 125 228 53,936 33,558 20,378 3,283 1,650 1,633 143 83 60 455 331 124 1,128 560 568 361 75 286 189 165 24 605 227 378 402 209 193 2,672 1,245 1,427 382 123 259 356 127 229 54*519 33,899 20,620 3,434 1,777 1,657 145 86 59 467 339 128 1,150 565 585 347 70 277 190 168 22 733 345 388 402 204 198 2,673 1,238 1,435 378 120 258 361 125 236 55,270 34,123 21,147 3,416 1,773 1,643 144 86 58 471 338 133 1,145 559 586 336 70 266 193 171 55,871 34,616 21,255 3,448 1,785 1,663 143 56 185 199 95 104 151 95 56 191 91 199 99 100 183 124 59 205 95 110 201 97 104 164 106 58 201 92 109 193 90 103 145 22 723 344 379 404 205 199 2,701 1,241 1,4 “ 377 125 252 126 257 101 200 135 65 206 95 206 97 109 179 207 96 20 111 11 120 121 59 204 97 107 181 60 202 18 58 49 9 28 96 106 12 41 24 17 9 9 5 56,479 57,207 57,086 57,273 57,700 57,332 35,010 35,203 34,897 34,749 34,820 34,785 21,469 22,004 22,189 22,524 22,880 22,547 3,443 3,451 3,453 3,440 3,436 3,456 1,723 1,765 1,735 1,709 1,724 1,776 1,720 1,675 1,705 1,732 1,688 1,727 134 132 145 142 131 149 92 88 85 77 76 74 55 57 58 57 57 57 57 504 525 519 535 488 512 527 338 342 341 346 342 340 350 158 185 181 185 146 170 186 1,132 1,150 1,144 1,121 1,107 1,167 1,146 563 553 551 545 536 524 569 585 583 587 595 587 591 598 300 325 303 295 307 310 60 65 60 70 63 61 240 243 255 232 260 245 246 197 205 200 186 200 206 198 164 178 155 166 175 169 171 34 31 31 31 29 27 31 752 705 734 761 713 728 701 337 340 324 344 319 326 317 415 421 394 408 384 381 384 422 421 412 416 411 419 419 209 212 211 213 208 , 205 209 213 211 211 209 206 203 200 2,795 2,771 2,811 2,799 2,744 2,799 2,793 1,249 1,252 1,251 1,247 1,262 1,257 1,247 1,548 1,524 1,541 1,554 1,546 1,537 1,497 365 269 382 364 370 367 379 113 115 122 111 108 110 123 252 254 254 260 259 259 256 383 370 408 415 402 396 412 128 121 132 118 126 133 129 262 282 282 270 268 252 283 4,835 2,384 2,834 157 135 166 18 18 5 103 16 9.5 16.7 9.9 28.6 35.5 *13.5 19 8.4 6.8 12.4 4.5 7.6 9.6 12.1 8 19.3 10.0 37.1 65 45 53 66 23 54 37 27 16 156 119 51 30 11 27 175 25 155 19 17 18 62 15 55 7.9 8.9 18.3 (0 18.9 18.0 15.2 (0 20.5 34.4 12.1 7.1 5.2 12.7 6.2 2.0 10.0 1 9 1 7 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, 34 fisheries...... . M a n u f a c t u r e s . . .................................................... M a le s ............................................................ .. F em ales......... ................................................. C h em icals a n d a llied p r o d u c ts ..................... . M a le s .................................... ........................... F em ales........................................................... B a k in g p o w d e r a n d yea st............................ M a le s .............................................................. . F em ales........................................................... C h em icals, acid s, a n d w o o d distillation. M a le s .............................................................. F em ales.......................................................... P a in t an d v a rn ish ............... ........................... M a le s ............................................................... F em ales.......................................................... P a ten t m e d ic in e s ............................................ M a le s ........................................................ ...... F em ales.......................................................... P etroleu m refin in g......................................... M a le s .............................................................. F em ales.......................................................... S oap an d ca n d les ............................................ M a le s ...................................................... ........ 101 tel H o 5.0 13.6 6.9 14.9 11.3 19.4 i Not computed owing to small number represented. O T able A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued Oi o 1 9 1 7 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS-Continued Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary 34 309 155 154 439 150 289 501 280 221 397 279 118 273 130 143 17,653 12,906 4,747 488 461 27 309 154 155 444 152 292 499 277 222 399 279 120 276 130 146 17,823 13,062 4,761 486 459 27 217 156 61 1,137 763 374 345 183 162 100 56 44 227 164 63 1,082 732 350 346 197 149 98 56 42 131 422 103 147 1,583 33 23 12 52 10 A pril Sep O ctober N ovem - D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber |ber Per cent M ay June July 320 318 158 158 162 160 448 446 154 152 294 294 503 503 277 279 224 226 387 394 273 277 114 117 273 276 131 129 144 145 18,076 18,214 13,229 13,302 4,912 4,847 505 499 474 472 31 27 327 161 166 454 157 297 500 273 227 384 270 114 276 129 147 18,399 13,364 5,035 522 487 35 329 165 164 461 161 300 498 270 228 383 267 116 282 132 150 18,497 13,428 5,069 529 495 34 329 161 168 465 163 302 509 276 233 386 266 120 292 133 159 18,877 13,661 5,216 545 510 35 324 159 165 468 167 301 519 276 243 394 272 122 309 144 165 19,081 13,736 5,345 551 516 35 326 158 168 461 158 303 520 272 248 389 269 120 328 155 173 19,200 13,692 5,508 543 505 38 323 153 170 464 154 310 528 277 251 400 277 123 336 158 178 19,277 13,702 5,575 549 508 41 324 151 173 458 153 305 532 282 250 406 276 130 331 155 176 19,426 13,811 5,615 545 501 44 321 146 175 460 151 309 533 281 252 420 286 134 322 152 170 19,481 13,839 5,642 552 504 48 20 19 21 29 17 21 35 12 31 37 20 20 63 29 35 1,828 933 895 64 55 21 6.1 11.5 12.0 6.2 10.2 6.8 6.6 4.3 12.3 8.8 7.0 14.9 18.8 18.4 19.7 9.4 6.7 15.9 11.6 10.7 0) 230 163 67 971 639 332 353 188 165 111 66 45 240 171 69 837 528 309 362 189 173 126 81 45 241 170 71 813 515 298 370 198 172 133 88 45 249 176 73 755 454 301 371 196 175 131 84 47 245 173 72 770 455 315 373 198 175 129 83 46 243 171 72 844 481 363 367 199 168 122 77 45 247 172 75 931 552 379 352 190 162 112 72 40 249 173 76 974 591 383 366 188 178 113 71 42 259 179 80 926 556 370 379 208 171 113 71 42 42 23 19 382 309 85 34 25 29 35 32 7 16.2 12.8 0) 33.6 40.5 22.2 9.0 12.0 16.3 26.3 0) 0) 227 164 63 1,035 701 334 355 187 168 105 62 43 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. F ood and k in d red products—C ontin ued. C oflee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding............ ..................... .................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.................................... ....................... C onfectionery and ice cream _________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______________ _____________________ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill p rod u cts..____ ______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ _______________________- .......... Slaughtering and m eat packing......... ................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________________ _______________ F ood and kindred p roducts, n. o. c ___________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales......................................... ..................... Iron and steel and their products_______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B last-furnace produ cts_______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.................................... _........................... B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, n ot m ade in steel w orks or rolling m ills________ _______ M ales_______________________________ _______ Fem ales____________________________________ C ash registers and eelen latin g m ach in es M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C u tlery and tools____________________________ M ales __________ - ______________________ Fem ales __________________________________ D oors and shutters, iron and steel____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............................................................. m ents re porting Stoves and furnaces............................................... M ales................................. ................................Fem ales___________________________ ______— T in plate and terneplate...................................... M ales......................... .......................................... F em a les.............................................................. W ire........................................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales____________ ______________________ W irew ork, in clu d in g w ire rope and cable........ M a les. ............... ...................... .......................... Fem ales................................................................ Iron and steel products, n. o. c ........................... M ales.......... ........................................................ Fem ales............ ............ ....................................... Leather and its finished products.......................... M ales...........—..................................................... Fem ales................................ ............................ . B oots and shoes, in clu din g cu t stock and findFem aies—_____ _____________________ ______ Leather and its finished products, n. o. c _____ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales.......... ...................................................... L iquors and beverages.............................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................... ............................................ Liquors, m alt..... ..................................................... M a les. .................................................................. Fem ales................................................................ L iquors and beverages, n. o. c . ................... ....... M ales.................. ............. ................. ............... . Fem ales________ ___________________________ 37 1,151 12 3 48 89 7 7 42 57 160 92 229 163 66 9,374 6,682 2,692 230 126 104 138 76 62 3,685 3,074 611 612 354 258 137 84 120 97 139 75 64 3,782 3,159 623 613 351 262 138 122 122 15 145 133 16 147 135 12 201 138 63 615 419 196 1,072 404 308 580 184 179 95 231 164 67 9,491 6,773 2,718 217 484 139 489 402 87 134 82 12 208 139 69 618 416 202 1,074 409 665 311 577 186 98 625 487 138 492 406 86 133 81 52 232 165 67 9,604 6,829 2,775 223 124 99 139 74 65 3,860 3,233 627 671 390 281 138 122 16 163 151 12 209 140 69 616 415 201 1,075 406 669 890 309 581 185 97 88 627 485 142 492 403 89 135 82 53 237 169 68 9,682 6,892 2,790 228 127 101 140 73 67 3,950 3,285 665 661 389 272 141 124 17 150 137 13 214 141 73 641 435 206 1,073 410 663 887 313 574 186 97 89 631 485. 146 495 404 91 136 81 55 241 170 71 9,818 6,940 2,878 236 131 105 143 77 66 4,038 3,344 694 675 395 280 143 126 17 157 143 14 214 138 76 647 444 203 1,068 402 666 240 169 71 9,847 6,911 2,936 233 129 104 145 80 65 4,117 3,421 696 661 392 269 144 126 18 163 148 15 206 134 72 655 452 203 1,063 404 659 256 181 75 10,094 7,096 2,998 228 128 100 144 77 67 4,252 3,511 741 668 383 285 146 127 19 166 151 15 207 136 71 665 451 214 1,079 417 662 260 184 76 10,187 7,121 3,066 228 126 102 149 74 75 4,337 3,559 778 671 382 289 147 128 19 169 153 16 202 135 67 663 449 214 1,043 397 646 252 178 74 10,228 7,096 3,132 227 120 107 142 67 75 4,375 3,550 825 686 388 298 147 128 19 164 147 17 199 136 63 661 449 212 1,038 401 637 258 181 77 10,182 7,057 3,125 220 119 101 137 67 70 4,395 3,523 872 704 395 309 147 129 18 173 156 17 203 136 67 667 445 222 1,066 405 661 261 181 80 10,237 7,075 3,162 220 121 99 139 68 71 4,398 3,578 820 722 401 321 155 134 21 169 152 17 208 134 74 670 443 227 1,082 416 666 260 181 79 10,288 7,106 3,182 215 117 98 139 68 71 4,426 3,582 844 718 403 315 162 139 23 162 145 17 211 134 77 671 446 225 1,082 426 656 31 21 14 914 439 490 21 14 10 8 13 13 741 508 261 106 49 63 25 17 8 28 23 5 15 • 7 14 56 37 31 39 29 32 11.9 11.4 (l) 8.9 6.2 15.4 8.9 1017 9.3 5.5 <*) (») 16.7 14.2 29.9 14.8 12.2 19.6 15.4 12.2 0) 16.2 14.7 0 7.0 5.0 0) 8.3 8.2 13.7 3.6 6.8 4.8 884 306 578 184 96 88 636 484 152 496 404 92 140 80 60 881 308 573 182 96 86 643 482 161 502 402 100 141 80 61 891 316 575 188 101 87 647 480 167 503 400 103 144 80 64 857 294 563 186 103 83 656 484 172 512 406 106 144 78 66 849 296 553 189 105 84 652 483 169 512 406 106 140 77 63 873 298 575 193 107 86 637 475 162 501 400 101 136 75 61 885 305 580 197 111 86 630 469 161 501 398 103 129 71 58 885 314 571 197 112 85 628 468 160 500 396 104 128 72 56 42 22 28 15 16 4 33 19 34 23 10 20 16 11 14 4.7 7.0 4.8 7.6 14.3 01 5.0 3.9 19.8 4.5 2.5 18.9 11.1 0) 0) 1 9 1 7 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, Forgings................. - ........................... ............. M a le s ............................................................ Fem ales................- ........................................ F oun dry and m achine-shop p rod u cts........ M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... Safes and va u lts............................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.............. .......................................... Steel w orks and rollin g m ills........................ M ales.............................................................. o 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. Of T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued 1 9 1 7 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued Industry and sex M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Lum ber and its rem anufactures........................... M ales................................................................... F em ales..................................................... ......... C offins and undertakers’ goods......................... M ales.................... ............................................ Fem ales................................ ............................... Furniture and refrigerators ................................ M ales............................................. ..................... Fem ales.................................................... .......... Lum ber and planing-m ill p ro d u cts ................ M a le s ............................................... ............... Fem ales___________ _______________________ Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n. o. c ......... M ales........................... ......................... ............. F e m a le s .................. ................ .......................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel. ........................................................... ...... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales. Brass, bronze, and alum inum p rod u cts.. M ales. Fem ales........................................ ............ .......... C opper, tin , and sheet-m etal products........ . M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales............................................. ................ Gas and electric fixtures, lam ps, and reflectors. M ales................................................... ................ F em ales............................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n. o. c ............................................. M ales.................................... ............................... F e m a le s ............................................................ Paper and prin tin g_____ ______________________ M ales.............. ........................ ........................... Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting 899 19 151 524 205 339 63 151 40 85 930 Variation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 65 57 738 430 308 904 575 329 290 146 144 2,056 1,223 833 127 69 58 726 426 300 910 580 330 293 148 145 2,058 1,230 828 127 69 58 727 424 303 907 585 322 297 152 145 2,063 1,232 831 124 67 57 721 417 304 920 596 324 298 152 146 2,049 1,234 815 124 68 56 716 416 300 912 597 315 297 153 144 2,064 1,235 829 126 70 56 722 412 310 926 605 321 290 148 142 2,084 1,234 850 128 71 57 717 400 317 933 611 322 306 152 154 2,089 1,228 861 133 74 59 714 390 324 939 612 327 303 152 151 2,224 1,101 1,123 232 156 76 911 517 394 863 335 528 2,267 1,126 1,141 245 166 79 920 521 399 882 343 539 2,286 1,152 1,134 281 2,301 1,156 1,145 275 193 82 918 520 398 892 346 546 2,306 1,138 1,168 270 184 2,334 1,163 1,171 277 191 86 926 514 412 889 341 548 932 527 405 904 350 554 2,399 1,186 1,213 295 204 91 940 518 422 934 365 2,367 1,165 86 2,382 1,178 1,204 281 191 90 962 528 434 914 364 550 218 93 125 4,421 2,007 2,414 220 220 221 95 125 4,303 2,014 2,289 216 97 119 4,332 2,033 2,299 221 96 124 4,344 2,003 2,341 99 95 126 4,276 2,042 2,234 225 95 130 4,200 2,052 2,148 230 99 131 2,054 1,216 838 122 201 80 905 520 385 880 336 544 122 4,572 2,046 2,526 2,039 2,360 2,015 1,183 832 131 72 59 675 372 303 909 595 314 300 144 156 2,005 1,170 835 132 73 59 674 365 309 903 592 311 296 140 156 1,973 1,151 822 132 73 59 658 355 303 2,404 1,183 289 197 92 947 523 424 910 349 561 2,387 1,173 1,214 300 205 95 926 508 418 935 360 575 2,411 1,186 1,225 306 204 224 96 125 4,379 2,037 2,342 226 1(X) 126 4,439 1,985 2,454 226 1,191 838 131 72 59 674 366 308 927 607 320 297 146 151 1,202 1,221 307 208 99 936 515 421 935 360 575 100 126 4,682 1,981 2,701 888 582 306 295 141 154 102 937 525 412 944 359 585 224 98 126 4,247 1,924 2,323 116 84 46 11 9 3 80 75 24 51 . 37 24 16 13 14 187 85 102 75 52 26 57 20 30 81 30 57 14 7 12 482 128 553 Per cent 5.6 6.8 0) 0) 5.3 8.3 10.8 17.4 7.4 5.4 6.0 7.3 5.2 8.5 9.0 7.8 7.2 8.3 24.4 25.0 25.5 5.9 3.8 7.1 8.6 8.2 9.7 6.1 7.0 9.2 10.3 6.2 20.5 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 61 55 730 84 82 702 209 51 186 256 708 28 155 112 185 12 20 119 44 75 242 105 137 3,842 1,764 2,078 218 94 124 6,166 4,224 1,942 1,247 678 569 143 81 62 375 214 161 522 269 253 207 114 93 2,371 1,050 1,321 102 41 61 632 270 362 668 308 360 103 39 64 148 85 63 209 62 147 117 44 73 242 105 137 3,767 1,760 2,007 218 94 124 6,280 4,291 1,989 1,250 682 568 146 84 62 370 213 157 525 269 256 209 116 93 2,401 1,050 1,351 103 42 61 632 264 368 683 311 372 116 40 76 141 84 57 210 62 148 120 45 75 247 107 140 3,719 1,771 1,948 217 91 126 6,495 4,454 2,041 1,262 691 571 149 88 61 376 214 162 525 268 257 212 121 91 2,445 1,051 1,394 104 41 63 645 265 380 678 309 369 128 42 86 143 84 59 224 61 163 120 45 75 248 109 139 3,746 1,786 1,960 218 93 125 6,651 4,541 2,110 1,259 685 574 141 80 61 378 214 164 527 267 260 213 124 89 2,450 1,053 1,397 108 42 66 657 268 389 665 301 364 124 43 81 148 87 61 225 63 162 119 45 74 247 108 139 3,980 1,795 2,185 226 98 128 6,719 4,564 2,155 1,276 703 573 151 88 63 379 218 161 530 271 259 216 126 90 2,424 1,053 1,371 111 43 68 648 269 379 656 300 356 118 41 77 152 87 65 216 63 153 116 45 71 251 110 141 3,690 1,793 1,897 219 94 125 7,221 4,798 2,423 1,291 700 591 153 87 66 382 216 166 535 274 261 221 123 98 2,410 1,052 1,358 114 45 69 622 265 357 662 301 361 120 38 82 152 90 62 218 62 156 116 46 70 250 109 141 3,617 1,809 1,808 217 88 129 7,303 4,862 2,441 1,312 720 592 159 94 65 400 235 165 536 272 264 217 119 98 2,422 1,057 1,365 114 45 69 613 256 357 689 314 375 117 40 77 152 90 62 216 60 156 116 44 72 247 106 141 3,821 1,804 2,017 215 85 130 7,424 4,947 2,477 1,323 721 602 162 93 69 413 238 175 530 270 260 218 120 98 2,438 1,064 1,374 115 45 70 628 263 365 670 302 368 121 41 80 152 88 64 216 61 155 114 42 72 244 104 140 3,807 1,806 2,002 214 86 128 7,291 4,830 2,461 1,312 713 599 163 94 69 404 322 172 630 269 261 215 118 97 2,466 1,054 1,412 113 44 69 635 267 368 673 292 381 123 42 81 154 85 69 230 61 169 116 43 73 245 104 141 3,856 1,746 2,110 222 92 130 7,282 4,789 2,493 1,304 701 603 157 88 69 408 233 175 528 267 261 211 113 98 2,475 1,050 1,425 113 43 70 646 266 380 662 292 370 128 42 86 156 86 70 230 60 170 117 43 74 243 104 139 4,107 1,745 2,362 215 89 126 7,210 4,701 2,509 1,307 700 607 153 85 68 416 235 181 527 269 258 211 111 100 2,456 1,042 1,414 112 43 69 638 261 377 653 293 360 128 43 85 151 83 68 233 60 173 116 43 73 243 104 139 3,686 1,694 1,992 202 83 119 7,258 4,755 2,503 1,298 693 605 152 84. 68 419 236 183 524 266 258 203 107 96 2,423 1,037 1,386 113 44 69 631 262 369 641 288 353 121 41 80 ?52 83 69 228 60 168 6 4 5 9 6 4 490 115 554 24 15 11 1,258 723 567 76 43 39 22 14 8 49 25 26 14 8 11 15 19 11 104 27 104 13 4 9 44 14 32 48 26 28 25 5 22 15 7 13 24 3 26 5.0 (9 (9 3.6 5.5 2.8 11.9 6.4 23.5 10.6 (9 8.5 16.9 14.6 22.6 5.7 6.0 6.4 13.5 (9 (9 11.7 10.5 14.2 2.6 2.9 4.2 6.9 15.1 11.0 4.2 2.5 7.3 11.3 (9 (9 6.7 5.2 8.2 7.0 8.3 7.3 19.5 (9 (9 9.6 (9 (9 10.3 (9 15.0 1917: BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, Bftxfij?, fanny and paper; dunking Clips. M ates________- ______1 ___________t ________ Fem ales_____ _____________________________ Paper and w ood p u lp ... __________ _______ M ales________ _________ __________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Printing and publishing_______________ ____ _ M a les.___ r_________1 _____________________ Fem ales________________ __________________ Paper and printing, n. o. c___________________ M ales__ 1 _____ ____________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ R ubber products______________________________ M ales______________________________________ F em a les............................................................... Stone, clay, and glass produ cts_________________ M a les'.____ ______1 ________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B rick and tile ______________________________ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Glass________________________________________ M ales_____________________ *________________ Fem ales____________________________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products_____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________ __________________ . Stone, cla y, and glass products, n. o. c_______ M ales_________________ ____________ ______ Fem ales_____________________________ ______ T extiles_______________________________________ M ales_______________________________ ______ Fem ales_____________________________ _____ _ A w nings, tents, and sails____________________ M ales_____________ ________________^_______ Fem ales___________________________ I_______ C lothing, m en’s ____________________________ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C lothing, w om en’s ____ . . . . . ___ M ales______________________ ____________ _ Fem ales__________________________________ _ C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s ............. M ales_______________________ ______________ Fem ales............ ................................................. . Flags, banners, regalia. ______________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales ......................... .................................. . Furnishing goods, m en’s_____________________ M ales.................................. ............................... . Fem ales............................................................. . T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued Ox 1 9 1 7 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS—Continued Industry and sex 32 34 130 239 360 160 171 10 4 16 716 Variation from m arininm N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary 131 38 93 100 65 45 278 152 126 185 110 75 4,224 2,973 1,251 3,320 2,331 989 443 269 174 226 243 20 108 89 19 90 41 49 4,670 2,696 1,974 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 135 39 96 104 56 48 284 154 130 182 107 75 4,394 3,076 1,318 3,424 2,409 1,015 482 284 198 265 245 20 109 89 20 104 39 65 4,778 2,768 2,010 139 43 96 106 58 48 278 148 130 178 101 77 4,408 3,083 1,325 3,481 2,429 1,052 459 286 173 254 234 20 106 89 17 108 45 63 4,852 2,803 2,049 139 42 97 104 58 46 280 150 130 179 102 77 4,507 3,101 1,406 3,562 2,449 1,113 483 290 193 251 232 19 106 89 17 105 41 64 5,018 2,918 2,100 136 42 94 101 56 45 285 153 132 181 103 78 4,533 3,148 1,385 3,586 2,507 1,079 485 284 201 250 229 21 105 87 18 107 41 66 5,166 3,029 2,137 135 41 94 99 56 43 287 155 132 186 106 80 4,517 3,156 1,361 3,595 2,513 1,082 469 282 187 250 232 18 105 88 17 98 41 57 5,248 3,064 2,184 135 38 97 103 56 47 278 153 125 182 109 73 4,282 2,989 1,293 3,336 2,331 1,005 468 281 187 264 244 20 110 90 20 104 43 61 4,770 2,754 2,016 Sep N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 137 44 93 103 57 46 296 163 133 183 104 79 4,546 3,170 1,376 3,618 2,514 1,104 471 289 182 255 235 20 104 87 17 98 45 53 5,374 3,100 2,274 138 44 94 104 57 47 296 162 134 190 106 84 4,530 3,133 1,397 3,617 2,496 1,121 474 285 189 252 229 23 96 81 15 91 42 49 5,399 3,105 2,294 140 44 96 104 57 47 296 160 136 192 106 86 4,522 3,110 1,412 3,602 2,464 1,138 480 295 185 254 228 26 96 82 14 90 41 49 5,430 3,104 2,326 146 46 100 104 56 48 291 157 134 188 102 86 4,532 3,133 1,399 3,602 2,479 1,123 493 305 188 255 229 26 93 79 14 89 41 48 5,536 3,138 2,398 144 43 101 102 56 46 291 160 131 195 108 87 4,422 3,011 1,411 3,501 2,366 1,135 486 298 188 251 225 26 94 79 15 90 43 47 5,663 3,214 2,449 15 8 8 7 2 5 18 15 11 17 9 14 322 197 161 298 183 149 43 36 28 39 20 8 17 11 6 19 6 19 993 518 475 Per cent 10.3 0) 7.9 6.6 0) (i) ' 6.1 9.2 8.1 8.7 8.2 0) 7.1 6.2 11.4 8.2 7.3 13.1 8.8 11.8 13.9 14.7 &2 ( 15.5 (t) (i) 17.6 (i) (i) 17.5 16.1 19.4 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. T extiles—C ontin ued. H osiery and k n it goods......................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ M illin ery and lace goods....................................... M ales_____________________ ________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Textiles, n. o. c...................................................... . M ales_____________ _____- .............................. Fem ales______ ___________________________ T obacco m anufactures........................................... __ M ales____________________________________ Fem ales___________ ______________________ V ehicles for land transportation..... ....................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________________ ___ A utom obiles, including bodies and parts........ M a les.. ................................................................. Fem ales___________________________________ Carriages, w agons, and m aterials...................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales____________________________________ Cars, steam railroad............................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______•____________________________ Cars, street railroad............................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ V ehicles for land transportation, n. o. c ............ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. __________________________________ M iscellaneous industries........... .............................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of establishm entsreporting S ervice___________________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Garages (n ot tari com panies)________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ H otels_______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners__________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 49 4 114 103 43 12 23 3 19 36 19 290 2,111 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 420 351 295 447 321 126 1 452 322 130 1 454 324 130 1 1 2,072 1,297 775 211 105 106 102 53 49 237 206 31 95 24 71 117 73 44 1 2,170 1,351 819 209 103 106 103 54 49 224 193 31 94 24 70 117 73 44 1 2,204 1,394 810 209 106 103 101 52 49 207 176 31 93 22 71 117 73 44 156 135 21 209 67 142 116 47 69 907 368 539 160 139 21 209 68 141 118 47 71 913 380 533 151 129 22 212 *69 143 119 47 72 910 376 534 3,063 1,352 1,711 756 322 434 835 527 308 635 93 542 3,119 1,387 1,732 778 331 447 853 549 304 645 97 548 3,107 1,355 1,752 799 342 457 822 505 317 636 96 540 470 338 132 13 11 2 2,375 1,489 886 242 117 125 104 52 52 210 182 28 95 20 75 117 73 44 468 333 135 14 12 2 2,465 1,561 904 273 132 141 104 52 52 230 199 31 96 21 75 120 75 45 471 341 130 37 32 5 2,468 1,554 914 320 144 176 105 52 53 244 210 34 98 21 77 120 75 45 475 340 135 70 57 13 2,521 1,571 950 341 137 204 105 51 54 242 204 38 97 20 77 120 75 45 471 335 136 95 79 16 2,494 1,556 938 334 127 207 107 53 54 273 228 45 98 20 78 120 75 45 472 339 133 120 94 26 2,536 1,555 981 293 115 178 103 51 52 275 226 49 101 20 81 120 76 44 480 343 137 166 111 55 2,563 1,549 1,014 253 107 146 102 50 52 294 238 56 102 20 82 120 76 44 484 344 140 217 130 87 2,641 1,586 1,055 216 107 109 102 50 52 306 247 59 103 22 81 120 76 44 37 23 14 216 126 86 569 289 280 132 41 104 6 4 5 99 71 31 10 4 12 3 3 1 7.6 6.7 10.0 99.5 96.9 98.9 21.5 18.2 26.5 38.7 28.5 50.2 5.6 (0 <0 32.4 28.7 (0 9.7 0) (0 2.5 (0 0) 47 74 915 383 532 157 135 22 232 74 138 119 48 71 904 379 525 158 130 28 210 73 137 121 49 72 907 392 515 163 136 27 208 70 138 123 50 73 891 379 512 170 138 32 203 71 138 123 49 74 901 387 514 173 141 32 208 70 138 121 45 76 905 376 529 171 140 31 213 72 141 120 42 78 906 374 532 189 155 34 216 73 143 122 42 80 929 374 555 202 160 42 219 73 146 119 42 77 934 377 557 51 31 21 11 7 9 7 8 11 43 24 45 25.2 19.4 (0 5.0 0) 6.2 5.7 (0 (0 4.6 6.1 8.1 3,175 1,371 1,804 844 332 512 845 534 311 635 90 545 3,182 1,379 1,803 814 331 483 854 531 323 634 93 541 3,248 1,420 1,828 829 345 484 843 522 321 624 91 533 3,287 1,416 1,871 873 353 520 819 519 300 634 92 542 3,326 1,443 1,883 883 362 521 842 526 316 628 89 539 3,275 1,395 1,880 905 364 541 845 522 323 620 87 533 3,225 1,393 1,832 862 346 516 864 538 326 611 87 524 3,206 1,391 1,815 837 336 501 876 549 327 607 85 522 3,159 1,359 1,800 828 333 495 859 532 327 595 81 514 263 91 172 149 42 107 57 44 27 50 16 34 7.9 6.3 9.1 16.5 11.5 19.8 6.5 8.0 8.3 7.8 0) 6.2 459 329 130 5 4 1 2,229 1,388 841 223 113 110 102 52 50 213 184 29 97 21 76 117 73 44 161 138 23 210 71 139 121 1 917 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS Agricultural im plem ents M ales______________________________________ Fem ales________________ __________________ A irplanes and parts....... ....................................... M ales______*__________________ ____________ Fem ales____________________________ ______ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Ice, m anufactured___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ M attresses and spring beds__________________ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales___________________________________ M u nitions___________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ O ptical good s________________________________ M a le s!_____________________________________ Fem ales “R oofing m aterials M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ S hipbu ilding, including boat bu ildin g, repairs, etc „ . . _ ___ M ales______________________________________ _ . _ _ F em ales............. Signs and advertising novelties--------------- . . . M ales Fem ales Stationery goods_____________________________ M ales _ __ __ Fem ales____________________________________ M iscellaneous industries, n . o. c ______________ M ales __ __ _ _ Fem ales___________________________________ Cn Ol T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 7 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F I C E C L E R K S — C on tin u ed Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re porting V ariation from maYimnm N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Service—C ontinued. O ffice buildin gs, w indow cleaning____________ M ales_____.................................. n ____________ F em ales................................................................ R estaurants__________________ __ __ _______ M ales_______________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Saloons_______________________________________ M ales_________________________________ _____ Fem ales. __________________________________ Theaters, including m otion p ictu res.............. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Service, n. o. c _______________________________ M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trade____ _____________________ _______ ______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ _ Offices . ____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ R etail and w holesale stores___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Yards, builders’ supplies, coal, and scrap____ M a le s _____________________________________ Fem ales. __________________________________ T rade, n . o. c ........................................ - ................ M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Transportation and public utilities............. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 198 280 190 136 241 4,908 488 3,695 673 52 1,149 161 65 96 172 85 87 153 93 60 107 46 61 244 121 123 162 65 97 171 84 87 161 95 66 107 45 62 242 121 121 164 65 99 172 85 87 158 92 66 109 45 64 247 125 122 22,612 10,192 12,420 7,324 4,128 3,196 13,795 5,139 8,656 1,427 901 526 66 24 42 22,622 10,235 12,387 7,450 4,167 3,283 13,670 5,138 8,532 1,434 904 530 68 26 42 22,696 10,275 12,421 7,456 4,182 3,274 13,720 5,157 8,563 1,451 911 540 69 25 44 5,933 3,717 2,216 5,956 3,722 2,234 5,987 3,741 2,246 168 64 104 174 88 86 157 93 64 106 43 63 275 136 139 166 62 104 175 89 86 152 92 60 99 38 61 360 181 179 165 62 103 176 89 87 160 92 68 90 30 60 370 179 191 166 62 104 182 94 88 161 94 67 99 37 62 365 179 186 166 62 104 183 93 90 154 90 64 109 43 66 293 134 159 166 61 105 184 92 92 159 91 68 113 46 67 266 132 134 165 61 104 184 90 94 159 94 65 114 46 68 264 130 134 164 60 104 180 84 96 151 94 57 115 46 69 267 129 138 7 5 9 13 10 10 10 5 11 25 16 9 128 60 70 6.2 0 0 21.7 0 0 34.6 33.1 36.6 22,828 22.836 10,333 10,275 12,495 12,561 7,481 7,433 4,204 4,138 3,277 3,295 13,803 13.837 5,181 5,181 8,622 8,656 1,470 1,492 921 929 549 563 74 74 27 27 47 47 23,081 10,346 12,735 7,587 4,192 3,395 13,901 5,184 8,717 1,513 942 571 80 28 52 23,241 10,412 12,829 7,614 4,220 3,394 14,009 5,222 8,787 1,528 938 590 90 32 58 23,264 10,377 12,887 7,619 4,171 3,448 14,008 5,223 8,785 1,548 952 596 89 31 58 23,322 10,255 13,067 7,587 4,095 3,492 14,138 5,205 8,933 1,514 926 588 83 29 54 23,585 10,269 13,316 7,615 4,076 3,539 14,371 5,248 9,123 1,516 917 599 83 28 55 23,761 10,307 13,454 7,644 4,090 3,554 14,527 5,276 9,251 1,511 914 597 79 27 52 24,061 10,287 13,774 7,634 4,054 3,580 14,847 5,300 9,549 1,499 906 593 79 27 52 1,449 220 1,387 320 166 384 1,177 162 1,017 121 51 73 24 8 16 6.0 2.1 10.1 4.2 3.9 10.7 7.9 3.1 10.7 7.8 5.4 12.2 (i) 0 0) 6,385 3,895 2,490 6,357 3,949 2,408 6,401 3,908 2,493 6,372 3,903 2,469 6,396 3,798 2,598 6,451 3,761 2,690 6,540 3,712 2,828 607 196 612 9.3 5.0 21.6 165 63 102 172 86 86 155 93 62 106 43 63 253 130 123 6,087 3,783 2,304 6,214 3,872 2,342 4.2 0 8.6 7.1 (0 (i) 1Not computed owing to small number represented. 351 766 597 169 126 117 9 2,438 1,028 1,410 411 256 155 821 495 326 1,515 999 516 722 542 180 127 118 9 2,469 1,041 1,428 417 257 160 802 480 322 1,531 1,005 526 731 535 196 125 115 10 2,575 1,034 1,541 62 36 28 95 66 128 189 110 79 121 73 74 22 21 3 216 101 296 14.9 14.0 17.5 11.6 12.1 39.3 12.3 10.9 15.0 15.1 11.7 37.8 16.5 16.9 (0 8.4 8.9 19.2 221 193 28 214 183 31 215 182 33 185 156 29 71 67 16 30.0 31.0 C1) 177 129 48 176 130 46 171 128 43 174 130 44 28 20 11 15.8 15.4 (0 357 225 132 726 525 201 1,351 902 449 694 569 125 111 103 8 2,373 1,128 1,245 355 223 132 757 542 215 1,342 895 447 678 556 122 124 116 8 2,373 1,120 1,253 363 222 141 744 546 198 1,362 912 450 678 551 127 126 118 8 2,395 1,129 1,266 369 232 137 747 529 218 1,399 933 466 700 571 129 124 116 8 2,404 1,117 1,287 370 230 140 756 533 223 1,455 984 471 697 560 137 124 116 8 2,429 1,124 1,305 378 234 144 785 538 247 1,475 982 493 716 571 145 124 117 7 2,500 1,111 1,389 398 252 146 789 539 250 1,496 995 501 744 586 158 126 118 8 2,399 1,121 1,278 401 251 150 795 530 265 1,517 999 518 762 592 170 129 121 8 2,390 1,082 1,308 413 256 157 795 514 281 1,475 992 483 799 624 175 133 124 9 2,359 1,071 1,288 43 172 155 17 172 155 17 166 149 17 190 170 20 227 207 20 237 216 21 237 215 22 230 205 25 66 149 110 39 155 115 40 153 114 39 154 115 39 156 118 38 170 126 44 168 123 45 177 128 49 107 71 84 13 414 413 258 155 788 499 289 1,475 986 m 1 917 : SALESPEOPLE (NOT TR AVELIN G ) 66429°—32-----H Cartage and storage, livery barns____________ M ales_________ ~.l_____ _____________________ F e m a le s ____ _____________________________ E lectric ligh t and pow er_____________________ M a le s ...______ 1__________________________ F em ales___________________________________ E lectric railroads_____________________________ M ales. _ __________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ N atural gas__________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ P ipe lines (petroleum )_______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Telegraph and telephone_____________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_________ _________________________ T ransportation b y w ater, including stevedor ing_____________ __________________________ M ales. ................................................................... Fem ales___________________________________ Transportation and p u blic u tilities, n. o. c., including taxicabs________________________ M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales___________ _______________________ T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued Cn 00 1 9 1 7 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )— C o n tin u ed N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting In du stry and sex M ales______________________________ __ Fem ales................................................................. Chem icals and allied produ cts................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F ood and kindred products..................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales____________________________________ Bread and other bakery products....................... M ales________________________________ ______ F em ales_____ ______________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk—skim m ing stations.................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C onfectionery and ice crea m .............................. M a les. ___________________________________ 8,600 340 1,364 386 142 131 F a t t ia Ia s Slaughtering and m eat packing.......................... M ales _ ___ F a t t ia Ia s _ _ 102 ____ F ood and kindred products, n. o . c .................... M ales______________________________________ 604 F a t t ia I as Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ F oun dry and m achine-shop p rod u cts............... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c .......... M ales________________________________ _____ Fem ales___________________________________ Leather and its finished products.......................... M ales_______________ ______________________ F em ales................................................................ 1,683 1,161 432 160 Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent 5,104 4,129 '975 209 205 4 2,017 1,441 576 1,141 809 332 5,241 4,222 1,019 207 202 5 2,045 1,452 593 1,170 815 355 5,328 4,287 1,041 209 204 5 2,071 1,471 600 1,184 830 354 5,289 4,254 1,035 212 207 5 2,052 1,457 595 1,169 816 353 5,335 4,287 1,048 212 207 5 2,067 1,459 608 1,169 811 358 5,363 4,308 1,055 213 208 5 2,097 1,479 618 1,190 825 365 5,365 4,306 1,059 213 208 5 2,119 1,493 626 1,210 846 364 5,379 4,288 1,091 210 206 4 2,124 1,486 638 1,212 841 371 5,382 4,265 1,117 211 207 4 2,150 1,494 656 1,247 855 392 5,340 4,210 1,130 209 206 3 2,142 1,472 670 1,259 856 403 5,314 4,181 1,133 211 208 3 2,123 1,464 659 1,247 852 395 5,349 4,182 1,167 207 204 3 2,153 1,471 682 1,257 856 401 278 179 192 6 6 2 136 53 106 118 47 71 5.2 4.2 16.5 2.8 2.9 (i) 6.3 3.5 15.5 9.4 5.5 17.6 188 178 10 295 79 216 240 226 14 153 149 4 304 294 10 180 177 3 124 117 7 36 32 4 191 181 10 290 80 210 241 227 14 153 149 4 315 305 10 191 188 3 124 117 7 36 32 4 190 180 10 297 79 218 244 230 14 156 152 4 318 308 10 194 191 3 124 117 7 36 32 4 190 180 10 295 82 213 240 226 14 158 153 5 322 311 11 193 190 3 129 121 8 36 32 4 191 181 10 306 85 221 238 224 14 163 158 5 327 315 12 197 194 3 130 121 9 33 29 4 192 180 12 311 86 225 236 224 12 168 164 4 325 313 12 198 195 3 127 118 9 34 30 4 192 180 12 319 85 234 229 218 11 169 164 5 326 313 13 200 196 4 126 117 9 32 29 194 181 13 324 85 239 228 217 11 166 162 4 326 313 13 198 194 4 128 119 9 32 29 3 188 176 12 326 89 237 225 214 11 164 160 4 323 310 13 197 193 4 126 117 9 32 29 3 186 176 10 309 69 240 223 212 11 165 159 6 320 306 14 195 191 4 125 115 10 31 28 3 184 175 9 304 67 237 224 213 11 164 157 7 324 309 15 196 192 4 128 117 11 32 29 3 179 173 6 328 72 256 224 213 11 165 157 g 328 312 16 195 191 4 133 121 12 34 31 3 15 8 7 38 20 46 21 18 3 16 15 4 24 21 6 20 19 1 9 6 5 5 4 1 7.7 4.4 (l) 11.6 V/ 18.0 8.6 7.8 \t 9.5 9.1 m V/ * 7.3 6.7 (l) * 10.0 9.7 3 (i) (l) (i) 6.8 5.0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE Manufactures...................................................... Variation from maTiTTmm N um ber em ployed on the 16th of each m onth 179 161 165 163 165 163 244 215 29 246 214 32 2 214 31 151 101 71 30 524 120 224 119 1 24 24 930 730 200 702 *708 F em ales........................................ T o b a c c o m an u fa ctu res................... M a le s............................................ V e h icle s fo r la n d tra n sp orta tion . M a le s............................................ F em ales........................................ M iscella n eou s in d u strie s............... M a le s............................................ F em ales....................................... "34 674 239 74 28 118 117 1 24 24 102 71 31 120 119 1 24 24 110 109 109 101 100 100 9 767 714 53 712 659 53 55 55 352 278 74 82 74 9 767 713 54 705 651 54 62 62 408 313 95 84 76 9 784 726 58 727 669 58 57 57 447 344 103 324 283 41 103 76 27 323 284 39 98 75 23 225 209 16 8 296 268 28 87 73 14 209 195 14 20 20 52 50 715 102 2 2 457 283 174 8 221 207 14 20 86 76 10 20 20 20 2 2 54 52 467 300 167 54 52 464 297 167 170 168 2 240 208 32 96 65 31 120 119 1 24 24 174 172 2 245 213 32 95 64 31 126 125 1 24 24 174 172 2 243 210 33 94 62 32 126 125 1 23 23 178 176 2 245 214 31 94 64 30 128 127 1 23 23 176 174 2 246 213 33 93 61 32 131 130 1 22 22 108 99 9 765 712 53 706 653 53 59 59 449 341 108 87 77 10 323 284 39 96 73 23 227 211 16 20 20 51 49 2 458 293 165 107 98 9 759 700 59 702 643 59 57 57 467 357 110 87 78 9 318 289 29 85 73 12 233 216 17 20 20 54 52 2 469 302 167 106 97 9 778 718 60 721 661 60 57 57 446 337 109 88 79 9 311 283 28 82 70 12 229 213 16 20 20 53 51 2 480 316 164 105 96 9 766 707 59 709 650 59 57 57 438 330 108 85 76 9 320 286 34 83 70 13 237 216 21 20 20 56 54 2 467 309 158 107 98 9 769 705 64 712 648 64 57 57 436 324 112 84 75 9 331 289 42 95 72 23 236 217 19 20 20 57 55 2 466 306 160 171 169 2 248 215 33 98 66 32 128 127 1 22 22 107 98 9 754 692 62 694 632 62 60 60 439 322 117 83 74 9 331 287 44 93 71 22 238 216 22 20 20 57 55 2 460 297 163 162 160 2 246 214 32 94 63 31 128 127 1 24 24 160 158 2 248 214 34 100 67 33 124 123 1 24 24 163 161 2 249 215 34 100 67 33 125 124 1 24 24 18 18 10.1 10.2 9 7 5 9 13 5 13 13 3.6 3.3 108 99 9 750 691 59 691 632 59 59 59 425 307 118 81 73 8 330 289 41 90 71 19 240 218 22 20 20 55 53 2 465 296 169 106 97 9 754 685 69 694 625 69 60 60 420 293 127 81 73 8 319 287 32 82 71 11 237 216 21 20 20 54 52 2 466 296 170 105 96 9 758 683 75 701 626 75 57 57 411 286 125 80 72 8 311 283 28 77 68 9 234 215 19 21 21 54 52 2 479 299 180 5 5 4.5 5.0 34 43 22 36 44 22 7 7 115 79 53 8 7 2 35 21 16 26 8 18 31 23 8 1 1 6 6 4.3 5.9 0) 5.0 6.6 0) 0) 0) 24.6 22.1 41.7 0) 0) 0) 10.6 7.3 0) 25.2 0) 0) 12.9 10.6 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 4.8 10.4 12.2 2 2 23 33 22 0) 8.8 0) 0) 9.9 10.0 0) 0) 1 917 : SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) L iquors and beverages.............................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and its rem anufactures............................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Furniture and refrigerators.................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and planing-m ill p ro d u cts.................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Lum ber and its rem anufactures, n . o . c ........... M ales..................................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel...................................................... ............. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Paper and prin tin g.................................................... M ales..................................................................... F em ales................................................................. P rinting and publishing....................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ Paper and p rinting, n . o . c ................................... M ales.................................................................... R u bber p rod u cts........................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Stone, cla y, and glass p ro d u cts ............................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T extiles......................................................................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. M illin ery and lace goods....... ............................... M ales----------------------------------------------------------Fem ales................................................................. T extiles, n . o. c ........................................................ 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. Or CD T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O* © 1917: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING)—Continued Industry and sex N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting V ariation from Tnairiranrn N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent M iscellaneous industries— C ontinued. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and sup plies.................................................................... M ales____________ ________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ M iscellaneous industries, n. o. c ..................... ... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales..........___................................................ Service............................................................. ..... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_________ __________________________ G arages............................ ....................................... M ales. _____________________________________ Fem ales. _ ________________________ _ H otels............................................................. .......... M ales__ ___________________________________ F em ales. _________________________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners---------------------------M ales__ _ _ ___________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ R esta u ra n ts.-....................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ S aloons. ....................................... ................. .......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. __________________________________ Service, n. o. c....................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trade..................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 114 601 2,111 420 361 296 280 190 675 4,908 237 110 127 220 173 47 240 115 125 227 185 42 243 116 127 221 181 40 243 115 128 215 178 37 240 112 128 229 190 39 238 112 126 242 204 38 228 109 119 239 200 39 227 106 121 239 200 39 226 108 118 234 189 45 230 111 119 235 185 50 232 115 117 234 181 53 232 112 120 247 187 60 17 10 11 32 31 23 7.0 8.6 8.6 13.0 15.2 0) 1,482 1,290 192 453 446 7 102 76 26 469 423 46 97 27 70 318 295 23 43 23 20 1,498 1,311 187 461 455 6 100 76 24 469 423 46 99 27 72 327 307 20 42 23 19 1,540 1,348 192 492 485 7 102 76 26 467 422 45 100 27 73 337 315 22 42 23 19 1,562 1,370 192 525 519 6 100 76 24 466 419 47 103 30 73 325 302 23 43 24 19 1,556 1,360 196 540 534 6 100 76 24 438 390 48 108 31 77 322 300 22 48 29 19 1,620 1,417 203 550 544 6 98 74 24 456 408 48 102 30 72 321 301 20 93 60 33 1,618 1,408 210 548 541 7 97 73 24 458 403 55 101 30 71 320 300 20 94 61 33 1,615 1,410 205 551 544 7 97 73 24 455 401 54 95 27 68 321 302 19 96 63 33 1,636 1,429 207 534 527 7 99 75 24 459 404 55 133 58 75 319 306 13 92 59 33 1,602 1,383 219 522 516 6 99 75 24 463 396 67 97 28 69 330 310 20 91 58 33 1,592 1,368 224 510 505 5 99 75 24 461 394 67 105 28 77 325 307 18 92 59 33 1,575 1,356 219 497 492 5 99 75 24 461 397 64 103 28 75 323 305 18 92 59 33 154 139 37 98 98 2 5 3 2 31 33 22 38 31 9 19 20 10 54 40 14 9.4 9.7 16.5 17.8 18.0 6.6 7.8 0 28.6 0 0 5.6 6.3 0) 0) 0 0 31,775 13,835 17,940 30,508 13,825 16,683 32,420 13,992 18,428 32,871 14,020 18,851 32,425 13,999 18,426 32,066 13,952 18,114 31,758 13,949 17,809 30,891 13,832 17,059 32,850 13,944 18,906 33,467 14,025 19,442 34,129 14,233 19,896 37,969 14,819 23,150 7,461 994 6,467 19.7 6.7 27.9 0 4.9 (i) 0 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE Manufactures—C ontinued. O ffice s... M ales. R etail and w holesale stores. M ales.......... ............. .......... Y ards, coal and lum ber.. M ales________________ Fem ales......................... T rade, n. o. c .................... M ales............................. M ales............................................................ Fem ales................................ ....................... E lectric ligh t and pow er.............................. M ales............................................................ Fem ales................. ...................................... T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ 212 1 31,329 13,392 17,937 229 227 206 205 1 30,055 13,375 16,680 231 229 209 208 1 31,958 13,533 18,425 237 235 32,405 13,558 18,847 238 236 52 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1,149 261 221 221 198 41 115 114 1 124 84 40 3,695 673 107 'I,'542 1 N ot computed owing to small number represented. 2 220 41 137 136 1 124 84 40 2 41 140 139 1 122 82 40 2 41 140 139 1 122 82 40 210 2 2 210 210 208 32,386 13,484 18,902 238 236 209 1 33,005 13,566 19,439 236 234 208 208 0 33,668 13,774 19,894 237 235 205 205 0 37,512 14,364 23,148 236 234 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 227 182 45 106 221 205 162 43 87 83 4 118 79 213 211 211 209 211 215 213 31,955 13,534 18,421 241 238 3 16 16 31,596 13,487 18,109 243 240 3 16 16 31,287 13,483 17,804 241 238 3 17 17 30,416 13,362 17,054 243 240 3 17 17 235 194 41 198 41 234 193 41 112 111 111 187 41 106 105 1 181 43 103 99 4 2 1 123 83 40 2 112 1 127 87 40 213 2 110 109 1 124 84 40 2 122 82 40 2 2 121 2 100 6 121 2 176 45 100 94 6 121 82 2 14 13 6,468 14 13 1 1 1 6.5 6.1 0) 19.9 7.0 27.9 5.8 5.4 0) 0) 0) 57 59 4 53 56 5 9 26.7 0) 37.9 40.3 0) 7.1 2 7,457 1,002 8 1 21.8 8 (NOT TR A V ELIN G ) 201 200 1 9 1 7 : SA LESPEO PLE Transportation and public utilities........ . 488 C& T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued G> to 1918: WAGE EARNERS In du stry and sex M ales.................... Fem ales................ Agriculture.. M ales, _ D airy farm ing__________________________ M ales........................................................... F em a les...................................................... Florists, fru it grow ers, and nurserym en.. M ales.................. ......................................... Fem ales..................... .................................. General farm ing............................................. M ales.......... ................................................. Fem ales.......... ............................................ A griculture, n. o. c ......... .............................. M ales............................................................ Construction.. M ales____ Fem ales.. B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork . M ales......................... ................. E lectrical con tracting...................... M ales............................................... Fem ales........................................... E recting or installing m achinery.. M ales............................................... Fem ales........ .................................. General con tracting........................ M ales............................................... Fem ales........................................... V ariation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July maximum Sep Decem N um A ugust tem ber. O ctober N ovem ber ber ber 22,709 841,025 852,360 881,072 885,824 902,619 928,599 934,382 935,737 908,919 909,230 895,965 872,982 717,667 725,489 749,478 752,583 767,596 783,713 787,324 787,349 758,237 757,187 743,452 726,644 123,358 126,871 131,594 133,241 135,023 144,886 147,058 148,388 150,682 152,043 152,513 164,338 520 "si 143 304 "4 2 4,273 423 73 ' i ’ 462 94,712 69,682 29,165 3,518 3,318 200 423 417 6 1,372 1,245 127 1,680 1,613 67 43 43 3,603 3,380 223 410 404 6 1,455 1,305 150 1,656 1,589 67 82 82 4,226 3,943 283 423 416 7 1,729 1,529 200 1,991 1,915 76 83 83 4,725 4,359 366 434 426 8 %097 1,822 275 2,125 2,043 83 69 69 4,985 4,618 367 443 435 8 2,268 1,999 269 2,215 2,125 90 59 59 5,644 5,123 521 463 455 8 2,607 2,262 345 2,533 2,365 168 41 41 5,226 4,874 352 453 441 12 2,002 1,781 221 2,672 2,553 119 99 99 5,080 4,701 379 487 455 12 2,048 1,787 261 2,426 2,320 106 139 139 4,894 4,507 387 470 460 10 1,920 1,633 287 2,406 2,316 90 98 98 4,598 4,199 399 421 413 8 1,835 1,540 295 2,221 2,125 96 121 121 4,035 3,725 310 407 399 8 1,577 1,367 210 1,944 1,852 92 107 107 3,596 3,343 253 395 389 6 1,449 1,280 169 1,676 1,598 78 76 76 2,126 1,805 321 75 71 41,298 41,228 70 1,578 1,575 3 1,983 1,974 9 405 403 2 19,959 19,940 19 41,316 41,247 69 1,799 1,798 1 2,036 2,025 11 380 378 2 19,221 19,206 15 48,757 48,659 98 2,682 2,679 3 2,076 2,065 11 373 371 2 21,767 21,730 37 57,848 57,724 124 3,137 3,133 4 2,080 2,070 10 438 436 2 25,289 25,231 58 59,641 59,528 113 3,126 3,123 3 1,990 1,982 8 382 379 3 24,507 24,462 45 68,249 68,112 137 3,463 3,458 5 1,956 1,947 9 421 418 3 29,350 29,294 56 69,860 69,698 162 4,435 4,430 5 1,976 1,966 10 402 400 2 32,632 32,563 69 69,506 69,320 186 4,664 4,660 4 1,980 1,972 8 445 442 3 32,872 32,791 81 63,288 63,122 166 4,062 4,055 7 1,935 1,925 10 372 369 3 29,362 29,308 54 62,515 62,348 167 4,413 4,406 7 1,910 1,897 13 395 393 2 29,993 29,941 52 55,509 55,370 139 3,774 3,766 8 1,855 1,843 12 367 365 2 26,349 26,319 30 49,524 49,399 125 2,961 2,956 5 2,021 2,012 9 385 383 2 22,226 22,197 29 28,562 28,470 117 6 1,235 1,017 218 1,016 964 101 98 98 3,085 7 225 227 5 78 77 1 13,651 13,585 Per cent 10.1 8.9 19.1 37.7 35.2 61.6 16.0 15.4 0) 47.4 45.0 63.2 38.0 37.8 60.1 70.5 70.5 4a 9 40.8 62.9 66.2 66.2 (0 10.8 11.0 (9 17.5 17.4 <9 41.5 41.4 (9 P A ST 2.— GENERAL. TABLE ALL INDUSTRIES.. N um ber o f estab lish m ents re porting 370 Fisheries...................................................... 38 M a le s.............................. .................................. F e m a le s .......................................................... Manufactures............................................ 274 78 369 86 307 603 40 21 3,330 3,328 2 902 886 16 387 387 2,889 2,884 5 579 579 3,367 3,365 2 1,050 1,032 18 569 569 2,696 2,691 5 688 688 1,941 1,938 3 6,631 6,620 11 513 513 201 201 333 333 2,059 2,056 3 6,§26 6,814 12 446 446 179 179 3,804 3,802 2 1,930 1,915 15 1,410 1,410 2,784 2,777 7 1,187 1,181 6 2,268 2,264 4 13,033 13,017 16 343 343 145 145 3,901 3,899 2 2,095 2,079 16 1,635 1,635 2,712 2,705 7 1,248 1,240 8 2,130 2,126 4 15,417 15,400 17 323 323 175 175 4,016 4,014 2 2,025 2,008 17 1,987 1,987 2,612 2,605 7 1,157 1,149 8 2,201 2,196 5 18,557 18,532 25 325 325 179 179 4,029 4,027 2 1,766 1,754 12 2,352 2,352 2,745 2,737 8 1,148 1,141 7 2,144 2,141 3 15,738 15,694 44 324 324 169 169 4,066 4,064 2 1,683 1,670 13 2,631 2,631 2,687 2,679 8 1,179 1,170 9 2,219 2,213 6 14,554 14,502 52 366 366 160 160 3,807 3,805 2 1,581 1,566 15 2,934 2,934 2,781 2,773 8 1,046 1,038 8 2,145 2,139 6 12,701 12,648 53 405 405 157 157 3,929 3,927 2 1,552 1,534 18 516 516 3,062 3,055 7 1,058 1,049 9 2,177 2,173 4 12, 8*8 12,845 53 460 460 152 152 3,879 3,877 2 1,273 1,254 19 454 454 2,945 2,938 7 998 991 7 2,139 2,134 5 10,825 10,778 47 491 491 160 160 3,887 3,885 2 1,083 1,058 25 391 391 2,945 2,938 7 827 825 2 2,122 2,118 4 9,949 9,909 40 577 577 150 150 1,193 1,193 13 2,547 2,547 450 450 3 669 661 7 327 326 3 11,926 11,912 42 254 254 51 51 294 294 351 351 514 513 1 529 528 1 404 403 1 418 418 385 385 380 380 428 428 490 490 341 341 235 234 8,858 664,397 675,277 693,514 687,682 701,208 716,286 722,232 724,830 706,940 575,035 582,732 597,379 590,097 601,858 608,681 612,156 613,075 593,185 89,362 92,545 96,135 97,585 99,350 107,605 110,076 111,755 113,755 351 18,009 18,284 19,251 19,028 18,550 18,609 19,187 19,377 19,459 16,361 16,335 17,249 16,973 16,405 16,386 16,891 17,063 17,020 2,002 1,648 1,949 2,055 2,439 2,223 2,314 2,296 2,145 669 741 653 659 18 713 716 697 679 713 642 677 640 635 676 712 692 659 690 27 18 29 37 26 21 19 20 20 144 146 4 166 145 143 151 163 159 148 66 68 71 66 62 61 64 63 65 78 78 95 79 99 94 88 81 87 D y e stu ffs a n d e x tra cts .. 303 259 336 3 257 355 297 315 390 354 M a le s................................ 303 259 297 257 355 387 336 315 351 3 F em ales........................... 3 E x p lo siv e s.......................... 9 428 438 417 409 410 391 442 380 43)2 M a le s................................ 438 428 417 380 432 410 391 409 442 F e rtiliz e rs........................... 24 1,406 1,392 1,643 1,089 1,719 1,513 1,120 1,624 1,160 M a le s................................ 1,086 1,402 1,714 1,508 1,598 1,155 1,115 1,357 1,577 F em ales................. ......... 3 4 5 5 5 5 35 45 47 1Not computed owing to small number represented. M a les............................ .................................... F em ales............................................................ C h em icals a n d a llied p ro d u cts ....................... M a les................................................................. F em ales............................................................ C h e m ica ls, a d d s , a n d w o o d d is tilla tio n . M a le s................................................................. F em ales............................................................ B a k in g p o w d e r a n d y e a st............................. M a le s. 736 736 3,602 3,600 2 1,649 1,632 17 948 948 2,796 2,790 6 887 884 3 2,244 2,241 3 9,203 9,189 14 358 358 172 172 710,055 705,173 688,278 60,433 595,038 589,773 579,603 38,040 115,017 115,400 108,675 26,038 1,592 19,194 19,140 19,601 914 16,721 16,550 17,079 942 2,522 2,473 2,590 149 592 665 631 632 142 603 570 22 19 35 28 58 161 201 162 64 13 61 58 59 137 104 100 217 439 429 474 214 436 426 471 3 3 3 62 415 414 445 62 414 415 415 1,077 743 1,175 976 754 1,137 960 1,061 44 16 16 38 18.1 18.1 0) 56.9 57.4 (0 86.8 86.8 14.7 14.7 0) 53.6 53.3 %4.4 14.4 0) 64.3 64.3 (2,o 44.0 25.4 25.4 44.4 44.3 8.3 6.2 22.6 8.1 5.3 36.4 20.1 19.9 1 9 1 8 : W A G E EARNERS O il, gas, a n d w a ter d rillin g .................. M a les........................................................ F em ales.................................................... P a in tin g a n d d e c o r a t in g ..................... M a les........................................................ F em ales.................................................... P la sterin g , in clu d in g la th in g _______ M a les.............. .......................................... P lu m b in g a n d steam fittin g ................ M a les......................................................... F em ales.................................................... S an d a n d g ra v e l ex ca v a tin g ................. M a les........................................................ F em ales.................................................... S h eet-m etal w o rk a n d ro o fin g _______ M a le s........................................................ F em ales............................................ ........ S treet, ro a d , a n d sew er co n tr a c tin g . M a le s......................................................... F e m a le s .................................................. V e n tila tin g a n d h e a tin g _____________ M a les........................................................ C o n stru ctio n , n . o . c _________________ M a les......................................................... (28.9 % .l 45.8 45.4 0) 14.0 14.0 43.2 44.0 0) C5 CO T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 2 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S —-Continued Industry and sex 26 10 16 76 50 27 7 24 57 1,439 407 146 397 390 7 367 365 2 215 215 2,289 2,046 243 973 483 490 2,686 2,677 9 1,049 938 111 3,504 2,875 629 3,969 3,911 58 25,030 19,157 5,873 5,903 4,391 1,512 2,093 1,938 155 V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 436 427 9 420 418 2 218 218 2,418 2,156 262 1,023 516 507 2,634 2,622 12 1,023 916 107 3,698 2,811 887 4,042 3,963 79 25,804 19,475 6,329 5,926 4,398 1,528 2,212 2,053 159 443 435 8 427 422 5 220 220 2,407 2,139 268 1,027 516 511 2,628 2,619 9 1,070 944 126 3,864 2,930 934 3,836 3,755 81 25,865 19,560 6,305 5,890 4,288 1,602 2,327 2,152 175 393 385 8 420 416 4 204 204 2,451 2,162 289 1,059 502 557 2,419 2,408 11 1,090 963 127 3,906 2,947 959 3,894 3,823 71 26,111 19,753 6,358 6,255 4,353 1,902 2,465 2,267 198 382 372 10 368 361 7 184 184 2,381 2,092 289 1,085 514 571 2,540 2,516 24 1,051 916 135 3,948 2,943 1,005 3,985 3,915 70 28,329 21,380 6,949 6,444 4,467 1,977 2,702 2,484 218 402 393 9 384 379 5 177 177 2,369 2,087 282 1,076 486 590 2,631 2,607 24 1,015 893 122 4,085 3,028 1,057 4,031 3,967 64 27,352 20,799 6,553 6,571 4,516 2,055 2,667 2,436 231 428 421 7 366 365 1 206 206 2,362 2,100 262 1,024 476 548 2,653 2,644 9 1,032 920 112 3,319 2,488 831 3,986 3,916 70 25,343 19,295 6,048 5,947 4,422 1,525 2,159 1,976 183 Sep October N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 388 385 3 438 428 10 183 183 2,291 2,017 274 1,000 454 546 2,590 2,545 45 1,014 892 122 4,175 3,065 1,110 4,011 3,963 48 30,565 22,947 7,618 6,521 4,527 1,994 2,603 2,372 231 411 399 12 444 418 26 194 194 2,269 2,012 257 1,062 483 579 2,558 2,512 46 969 858 111 4,262 3,077 1,185 4,022 3,967 55 31,503 22,797 8,706 6,504 4,508 1,996 2,418 2,m 222 406 396 10 433 399 34 188 188 2,287 2,033 254 1,113 512 601 2,580 2,523 57 1,005 892 113 4,261 3,125 1,136 4,076 3,982 94 29,811 21,932 7,879 6,632 4,558 2,074 2,314 2,101 213 419 409 10 408 372 36 201 201 2,267 2,015 252 1,230 521 709 2,611 2,562 49 992 875 117 4,397 3,223 1,174 3,959 3,866 93 29,582 21,721 7,861 6,562 4,496 2,066 2,233 2,048 185 456 444 12 394 362 32 198 198 2,299 2,046 253 1,186 543 643 2,706 2,660 46 1,007 894 113 4,445 3,272 1,173 4,186 4,114 72 29,904 22,027 7,877 6,691 4,469 2,222 2,196 2,006 190 74 72 9 78 67 35 43 43 184 150 46 257 89 219 287 269 48 121 105 28 1,126 784 556 350 359 46 6,473 3,790 2,833 801 270 710 609 546 76 Per cent 16.2 16.2 C> 17.6 15.7 (*) 19.5 19.5 7.5 6.9 15.9 20.9 16.4 30.9 10.6 10.0 0) 11.1 10.9 20.7 25.3 24.0 46.9 8.4 8.7 (0 20.5 16.5 32.5 12.0 5.9 32.0 22.5 22i0 32.9 PART 2 .— GENERAL TAB LE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Chem icals and allied products—C ontinued. Grease and tallow ................. ............................ M ales....... .........- .................................................. Fem ales................ ......................................_......... Ink, prin tin g and w riting__________________ . M ales...................... .................................. ........... F em a les.._________ ___________________ ___ O il, lu bricatin g______________________________ M ales_______ _____________________________ Paint and varn ish_______ _________________ M ales____________ __________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Patent m edicines and drug com pounds______ M ales____________ _______________________ Fem ales_______ _________________________ Petroleum refining___________________________ M ales____________________________ _________ Fem ales____________________________________ S alt......................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Soap and candles_____________________________ M ales_________________ _____________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ Chem icals and allied products, n. o. c .......... M ales__________________________ ____________ Fem ales.............. ................................................... F ood and kindred products____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................... ............................. B akery products_____________________________ M a le s ..______________ ;____________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk__________ M ales______________________________________ F em a les............................................................... N um ber of estab lish m ents re Janu porting ary C ann in g and preserving _ T . M a les!___ ! ________.1 _____________________ Fem ales........ ....................... __............................ C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding. _ _ M ales ~ _ __ F e m a le s .. , . _ ____ C onfectionery and ice cream __________ ______ M ales____J_________________________________ Fem ales_____________________________ _____ C ordials, sirups, and flavoring entrants M ales.'____I - I ....................... ! ............................ F em ales F lour-m ill and grist-m ill produ cts___________ M ales .... . Fem ales F ood preparations___________________ ______ _ M a le s / Fem ales..................... .......................................... Oleom argarine _ _ _ . M ales ~ ____ _ F em a les. ____ Slaughtering and m eat packing_______ ______ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ S u gar........................................................................ M a le s ............................................ .................... Fem ales_______________________________ . . . V inegar and cid er................................................... M ates........................... ....................................... Fem ales............................................................. . F ood and kindred products, n. o. c __________ M ates....... ............ ................................................ Fem ales........................................................... . Iron and steel and their produ cts........................ M ales..... ........................... ................................ Fem ales................................................................. B last-furnace products_______________________ M ales..... ................................................................ Fem ales............................................................. . B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, n ot m ade in steel works or rolling m ills_________ ____ M ales..... ................................................................ Fem ales...... .......................................................... Cash registers and calculating m achines______ M ales ______ Fem ales___________________________________ C u tlery and tools_______ _____________________ M ales_______________________________ _____ Fem ales...................................... ................ ........ 93 32 148 21 445 25 4 105 9 3 1 1,635 33 26 7 124 1,064 735 329 5,445 3,237 2,208 90.3 88.7 92.9 927 979 914 963 942 962 963 079 900 967 1,016 .908 464 461 465 444 445 441 446 460 461 477 481 467 514 463 469 502 522 498 519 439 441 516 490 535 5,341 4,916 4,572 4,546 4,499 4,696 4,298 4,526 4,837 4,496 4,917 4,661 2,229 2,033 2,183 2,394 2,511 2,246 2,175 2,168 2,068 1,979 2,039 2,547 2,622 2,849 2,662 2,328 2,052 2,105 2,185 2,389 2,513 2,820 3,112 410 470 408 435 717 541 427 513 435 489 473 446 187 176 177 177 204 182 188 183 187 186 186 177 234 258 283 231 513 241 326 355 253 301 290 269 3,046 3,169 3,133 3,089 3,136 2,915 3,167 2,959 3,083 2,959 2,993 3,101 3,037 3,002 2,964 3,036 2,912 2,994 2,837 2,851 3,033 2,908 2,904 2,945 87 9 172 133 3 100 173 122 108 138 89 193 1,909 2,052 1,683 1,986 1,714 1,778 1,693 1,598 1,886 1,855 1,586 1,613 1,468 1,525 1,584 1,367 1,275 1,371 1,419 1,270 1,460 1,484 1,286 1,269 441 468 408 461 343 371 326 328 426 359 300 344 320 312 299 316 316 269 255 262 257 321 277 330 241 231 236 236 275 239 226 235 218 267 245 276 79 80 85 37 29 63 54 32 30 27 39 54 4,948 5,418 6,129 5,110 4,768 5,091 4,895 4,997 5,025 4,938 5,234 4,985 4,840 4,471 5,604 4,848 4,732 4,867 4,714 4,672 4,453 4,660 4,788 5,030 525 283 477 570 224 235 237 315 253 270 266 204 1,542 1,365 232 492 1,566 323 388 373 432 548 305 221 1,341 482 1,529 1,536 226 382 367 317 425 539 299 216 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 9 13 24 30 10 72 191 82 246 266 90 105 270 78 82 116 97 50 64 133 125 100 46 46 55 138 45 65 76 22 52 121 32 35 29 137 91 36 32 128 37 57 56 49 57 45 52 53 56 48 55 57 51 44 52 55 56 50 48 54 55 47 56 51 56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260,471 261,511 267,384 262,262 268,388 267,329 273,151 273,891 267,632 273,485 270,790 265,965 255,005 255,893 261,519 255,893 261,336 259,416 264,385 264,821 258,194 263,494 260,514 256,312 7,052 6,369 9,438 9,653 5,466 5,618 5,865 7,913 9,070 9,991 10,276 8,766 11,823 12,197 12,110 11,671 12,160 12,350 11,997 12,122 12, 111 12,696 11,980 11,949 11,813 12,187 12,100 11,661 12,150 12,340 11,985 12,110 12,099 12,684 11,968 11,937 12 10 12 10 10 12 10 10 12 12 12 10 116 40 96 1,043 532 1,060 309 28 282 254 200 190 466 315 168 75 58 58 1,361 1,151 366 1,345 1,320 25 198 93 115 12 12 11.4 8.3 17.9 19.5 627 435 192 5,900 5,042 858 5,278 4,889 389 11,129 10,366 763 584 414 170 5,959 5,115 844 5,338 4,899 439 11,357 10,574 783 649 453 196 5,956 5,089 867 5,373 4,856 517 11,617 10,804 813 750 528 222 5,847 4,985 862 5,350 4,639 711 11,670 10,778 892 888 636 252 5,992 5,129 863 5,493 4,556 937 11,732 10,806 926 2,650 1,775 875 6,009 5,099 910 5,796 4,542 1,254 11,805 10,839 966 1,652 1,057 595 6,042 5,114 928 6,029 4,556 1,473 12,527 11,307 1.220 4,742 3,045 1,697 5,881 4,963 918 5,919 4,488 1,431 12,618 11,395 1.223 6,029 3,651 2,378 5,812 4,881 931 5,467 4,179 1,288 12,335 11,158 1.177 2,865 1,687 1,178 5,988 5,018 970 5,360 4,087 1,273 12,613 11,347 1.266 1,682 1,131 551 5.967 4.967 1,000 5,297 3,935 1,362 12,550 11,331 1.219 6,027 5,009 1,018 5,336 4,195 1,141 11,929 10,722 1.207 13,420 9,816 4,810 1,025 1,023 2 230 248 174 751 964 1,084 1,489 1,029 503 21.2 34.1 43 1 13.7 55.0 8.0 6.0 98.4 22.7 19.9 35.9 22.7 21.0 <9 22.2 20.5 64.2 85.9 % .* 67.4 83.9 0) 0) <l) 4.9 3.7 46.8 8.1 8.1 C) 3.8 4.8 17.0 12.5 19.7 73.6 11.8 39.7 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. Crc T able A . — Fluctuation in em ploym ent in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929 , by occupation group , industry , and sea;— Continued £-* $ 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S — C on tin u ed N um ber ofesta b lishm ents re porting Industry and sex Males Females Files____ ____ ' _ _ M ales..................................................................... Females Forgings................................. .................................. M a le s........... .......................................... .......... Females............................................................ F ou n dry and m achine-shop produ cts________ M ales... _ Fem ales N ails and spikes, cu t, w rought, and w ire, n ot m ade In steel w orks or rolling m ills. ......... M a le s .................... ............................................ Females ___ ____ . . . ________ P ip e, w rought_______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................. ............ ..... ............................. Pum ps and w indm ills........ ................... ............. M ales.............. ....... ........................... ................. . Fem ales___________________________________ Safes and vaults______________________________ M a les._____________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ Screw s, m achine and w ood___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Springs........ ............................................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Steel w orks »Tid rolling mills . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 614 571 578 554 614 633 622 541 552 586 600 578 594 576 542 563 588 '577 515 566 540 543 578 566 39 38 29 12 12 11 23 26 22 45 26 12 247 250 252 254 4 210 245 247 255 249 257 251 225 222 217 221 218 194 228 225 216 215 228 216 206 23 19 30 30 34 34 34 19 29 30 38 16 36 6,781 6,484 6,700 6,360 6,357 6,680 6,986 6,880 7,157 7,285 7,290 6,785 6,757 6,676 6,338 6,959 6,854 7,134 7,254 6,758 6,656 7,256 6,463 6,336 24 27 27 24 22 21 24 34 21 26 23 31 1,112 113,495 115,842 116,074 113,346 114,180 115,683 118,655 119,644 116,873 120,370 120,351 116,876 111, 279 113,500 113,712 110,896 111,492 112,735 115,490 116,278 113,201 116,335 116,150 113,017 2,948 2,342 2,362 2,450 3,165 3,672 4,201 3,859 2,688 4,035 2,216 3,366 8 309 190 119 915 915 295 179 116 1,122 1,122 23 2.381 2.381 16 2,125 $082 43 498 295 203 511 423 88 72,428 72,234 194 2,422 2,421 1 2,018 1,991 27 484 284 200 540 443 97 73,853 73,652 201 4 7 3 18 54 287 181 106 1,238 1,210 28 1,878 1,874 4 2,009 1,981 28 537 305 232 516 415 101 75,130 74,924 206 292 178 114 1,279 1,232 47 2,325 2,323 2 1,973 1,947 26 545 314 231 504 413 91 73,904 73,694 210 239 155 84 1,302 1,254 48 2,409 2,406 3 1,972 1,958 14 556 315 241 516 425 91 77,574 77,336 238 248 157 91 1,329 1,293 36 2,648 2,644 4 2,010 1,996 14 546 332 214 522 427 95 74,248 73,981 267 280 171 109 1,396 1,345 51 3,060 3,058 2 2,085 2,074 11 570 325 245 523 426 97 75,577 75,308 269 280 178 102 1,356 1,302 54 3,273 3,211 62 2,260 2,246 14 549 317 232 509 407 102 74,933 74,645 288 293 194 99 1,309 1,269 40 3,413 3,233 180 2,161 2,147 14 553 325 228 491 385 106 72,761 72,459 302 278 183 95 1,376 1,311 65 3,528 3,275 253 2,125 2,102 23 523 321 202 444 364 80 74,520 74,163 357 268 180 88 1,357 1,297 60 3,358 3,147 211 2,146 2,105 41 544 336 208 446 370 76 73,462 73,083 379 284 176 108 1,367 1,304 63 3,097 2,933 164 2,264 2,210 54 524 328 196 434 362 72 73,906 73,444 462 92 79 34 47 34 22 933 920 13 7,024 5,439 1,985 70 39 35 481 430 37 1,650 1,401 252 292 299 43 86 52 49 106 81 34 5,146 5,102 268 Per cent 14.5 13.3 0) 18.3 14.9 0) 12.8 12.7 0) 5.8 4.7 47.3 22.7 20.1 29.4 34.5 32.0 0) 46.8 42.8 99.6 12.9 13.3 (0 15.1 .15.5 20.0 19.6 18.3 32.1 6.6 6.6 58.0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C on tin u ed . Iron and steel and th eir p rod u cts—C ontin ued. D oors and shutters, iron and steel..................... V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 90 8 11 38 13 161 64 6 24 29 17 21 182 6 94 9 68 10,830 10,739 91 4,868 4,686 182 6,137 6,084 53 650 545 105 3,632 3,549 83 17,372 11,315 6,057 13,570 8,002 5,568 202 58 144 1,574 1,571 3 1,103 1,051 52 252 227 25 671 406 265 5,722 5,622 100 176 138 38 4,873 4,833 40 91 79 12 433 423 10 10,662 10,547 115 4,115 3,959 156 6,278 6,235 43 631 534 97 3,684 3,589 95 17,296 11,174 6,122 13,498 7,929 5,569 230 62 168 1,501 1,498 3 1,100 1,037 63 252 225 27 715 423 292 5,731 5,636 95 149 114 35 4,907 4,868 39 87 76 11 452 442 10 11,006 10,859 147 4,811 4,675 154 6,946 6,900 46 648 558 90 3,725 3,630 95 17,333 11,124 6,209 13,484 7,859 5,625 223 59 164 1,459 1,455 4 1,148 1,085 63 254 227 27 765 439 326 5,979 5,883 96 133 97 36 5,121 5,083 38 97 84 13 495 486 9 10,882 10,636 246 4,951 4,772 179 6,217 6,160 57 702 604 98 3,645 3,555 90 17,230 11,013 6,217 13,444 7,815 5,629 224 63 161 1,410 1,401 9 1,169 1,116 53 242 212 30 741 406 835 6,069 5,960 109 150 107 43 5,116 5,076 40 116 99 17 555 546 9 10,661 10,317 344 5,044 4,863 181 6,971 6,912 59 724 624 100 3,695 3,531 164 17,229 11,037 6,192 13,429 7,849 5,580 226 67 159 1,427 1,409 18 1,150 1,089 61 243 216 27 854 407 347 6,087 5,980 107 150 112 38 5,112 5,069 43 115 99 16 589 579 10 10,489 10,058 431 4,751 4,566 185 6,785 6,714 71 738 619 119 3,859 3,638 221 17,442 11,009 6,433 13,615 7,830 5,785 251 64 187 1,430 1,403 27 1,148 1,088 60 238 210 28 760 414 346 6,426 6,320 106 144 109 35 5,375 5,333 42 116 99 17 662 650 12 10,750 10,272 478 5,133 4,936 197 6,090 6,004 86 720 605 115 3,862 3,637 225 17,155 10,548 6,607 13,224 7,252 5,972 225 44 181 1,558 1,527 31 1,133 1,070 63 252 222 30 763 433 330 6,601 6,501 100 171 135 36 5,540 5,501 39 115 98 17 666 658 8 10,634 10,117 517 5,098 4,896 202 6,375 6,238 137 709 595 114 4,000 3,782 218 16,313 9,866 6,447 12,439 6,565 5,874 248 56 192 1,576 1,546 30 1,158 1,092 66 249 217 32 643 390 253 6,545 6,442 103 172 140 32 5,435 5,393 42 112 94 18 709 698 11 10,260 9,663 597 4,956 4,768 188 6,422 6,254 168 683 571 112 3,692 3,464 228 16,495 10,090 6,405 12,737 6,921 5,816 248 47 201 1,501 1,454 47 1,134 1,071 63 241 210 31 634 387 247 6,009 5,915 94 170 138 32 4,946 4,908 38 209 197 12 566 554 12 9,523 9,014 509 5,037 4,844 193 6,399 6,216 183 691 574 117 3,858 3,610 248 15,903 9,943 5,960 12,025 6,720 5,305 257 59 198 1,548 1,507 41 1,124 1,067 57 221 187 34 728 403 325 5,134 5,046 88 175 143 32 4,220 4,187 33 123 111 12 488 477 11 9,765 9,190 575 4,364 4,185 179 6,069 5,861 208 711 604 107 3,999 3,755 244 16,187 9,873 6,314 12,462 6,827 5,635 256 54 202 1,492 1,455 37 1,017 969 48 224 196 28 736 372 364 4,938 4,833 105 202 150 52 4,061 4,031 30 106 93 13 436 426 10 9,819 9,310 509 4,146 4,013 133 6,244 6,031 213 744 620 124 3,439 3,212 227 16,304 9,932 6,372 12,898 7,058 5,840 257 57 200 1,547 1,510 37 788 749 39 234 202 32 580 356 224 4,597 4,477 120 23b 166 70 3,778 3,751 27 105 90 15 346 338 8 1,483 1,845 506 1,018 977 69 902 1,051 170 113 90 34 561 570 165 1,539 1,449 647 1,590 1,437 667 55 23 58 166 170 44 381 367 27 33 40 9 274 83 140 2,004 2,024 32 103 69 38 1,762 1,750 16 122 121 7 363 360 4 13.5 17.0 84.8 19.8 19.8 34.2 12.9 15.2 79.8 15.2 14.4 27.4 14.0 15.1 66.5 8.8 12.8 9.8 11.7 18.0 H* £ 21.4 <l> 28.7 10.5 10.8 0) ?? ^ ^ £ fo 0 h 32 6 32.9 13.0 17.6 0) 32.1 18.9 38.5 30.4 31.1 26.7 43.6 41.6 0 31.8 31.8 0 58.4 61.4 0 51.2 51.6 h L P g 3 g W CO 167 Stoves and furnaces........................................... M a le s ............................................................. Females............................................................ T in plate and temeplate.................................... M a le s ............................................................. Females............................................................ W ire..................................................................... M a le s ............................................................. Females............................................................ Wirework, wire rope, and cable....................... Males___________________________ ________ Females.............. ........ .................................... Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c ........ M ales.............................................................. Females............................................................ Leather and leather products............................... M a le s............................................................. Females........................................................... Boots, shoes, cut stock, and findings................ Males....................... ....................................... Females............................................................ Gloves and mittens, leather............................. Males............................................................... Females........................................................... Leather, tanned, curried, and finished............ M ales............................................................ — Females........................................................... Saddlery and harness........................................ Males................................................................ Females............................................................ Trunks and valises...... ...................................... M a le s ............................................................. Females.............................................. ............ Leather and leather products, n. o. c— .......... M a le s ............................................ ................ Females....... .................................................... Liquors and beverages..............*.......................... M a le s ............................................................. Females............................................................ Liquors, distilled................................................ M a le s ............................................................. Females................... ........................................ Liquors, malt...................................................... Males............. .................................................. Females............................................................ Liquors, v in o u s ............................................... Males............................................................... Females........................................................... M ineral and soda w aters.................................. M a les.............................................................. Females........................................................... T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued O 00 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued In dustry and sex 5 913 19 17 38 13 86 147 4 8 4 512 Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 149 149 24,608 22,997 1,611 247 161 86 374 133 241 1,621 1,577 44 1,119 905 214 1,460 1,439 21 8,537 8,022 515 196 185 11 235 213 22 2,457 2,070 387 6,879 6,853 26 136 136 25,161 23,535 1,626 259 167 92 363 130 233 1,583 1,544 39 1,204 984 220 1,551 1,537 14 7,544 8,018 526 218 204 14 287 256 31 2,387 2,005 382 7,264 7,238 26 132 132 25,449 23,785 1,664 352 238 114 322 122 200 1,592 1,548 44 1,145 920 225 1,703 1,673 30 8,111 7,561 550 228 216 12 312 277 35 2,095 1,716 379 8,080 8,049 31 121 121 25,287 23,579 1,708 391 252 139 330 118 212 1,626 1,583 43 1,164 945 219 1,699 1,670 29 8,002 7,436 566 232 218 14 313 276 37 2,065 1,701 364 7,920 7,884 36 129 129 25,989 24,165 1,824 424 284 140 357 122 235 1,781 1,721 60 1,197 957 240 1,729 1,681 48 7,977 7,397 580 236 223 13 320 270 50 1,856 1,518 338 8,561 8,489 72 109 109 26,550 24,470 2,080 401 269 132 366 129 237 1,797 1,719 78 1,180 936 244 1,720 1,677 43 8,712 7,932 780 180 165 15 339 278 61 1,795 1,457 338 8,608 8,513 95 133 133 25,875 24,180 1,695 310 205 105 364 133 231 1,632 1,598 34 1,217 986 231 1,616 1,602 14 8,486 7,920 566 224 211 13 294 263 31 2,382 1,991 391 7,809 7,775 34 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber 117 117 26,062 23,941 2,121 410 267 143 371 129 242 1,671 1,591 80 1,117 886 231 1,671 1,619 52 8,357 7,546 811 173 156 17 336 272 64 1,723 1,381 342 8,831 8,742 89 118 118 24,863 22,703 2,160 378 252 126 353 119 234 1,634 1,565 69 1,082 842 240 1,549 1,481 68 8,037 7,204 833 177 158 19 336 267 69 1,529 1,221 308 8,454 8,298 156 128 128 24,720 22,453 2,267 376 251 125 345 120 225 1,558 1,488 70 1,071 807 264 1,580 1,512 68 7,850 6,959 891 174 154 20 321 259 62 1,641 1,320 321 8,501 8,320 181 133 133 24,370 22,110 2,260 337 216 121 334 118 216 1,585 1,514 71 1,179 878 301 1,568 1,505 63 7,663 6,826 837 186 170 16 316 257 59 1,688 1,346 342 8,203 8,017 186 132 132 24,283 22,065 2,218 325 216 109 321 118 203 1,555 1,500 55 1,329 998 331 1,584 1,513 71 7,645 6,825 820 190 173 17 322 264 58 1,603 1,237 366 8,053 7,918 135 40 40 2,267 2,405 656 177 123 57 53 15 42 242 233 46 258 191 117 269 242 57 1,067 1,197 376 59 69 9 104 65 47 928 849 83 1,952 1,889 160 Per cent 26.8 26.8 8.5 9.8 28.9 41.7 43.3 39.9 14.2 11.3 17.4 13.5 13.5 0) 19.4 19.1 35.3 15.6 14.4 0) 12.2 14.9 42.2 25.0 30.9 0) 30.7 23.4 0) 37.8 41.0 21.2 22.1 21.6 86.0 PART 2 M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. L iquors and beverages—C ontinued. L iquors and beverages, n. o. c________________ M ales___________r . . . _______________________ Lum ber and its prod u cts______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B askets, w ood, rattan, and w illow ___________ M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales_____________ ______________________ B oxes, cigar__________________________________ M ales........................................................ ............ Fem ales................. ............................................... B oxes and packing crates____________________ M ales.............. .......... ........................................... Fem ales__ ________________________________ C offin s and undertakers' goods______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ _________________________________ Cooperage and related w ooden goods_________ M ales................... ........................... ................. Fem ales __ _______________________________ F urniture___________________ _________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Lasts_____ ______________________________ _____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ Looking-glass and picture fram es_____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M atches________________________________ _____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Saw -m ill and planing-m ill products , __ _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales........................ ................... ................... N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting 8 I W & £i W ood, b en t.............................................................. 6 M ales— ............................................................................. 41 W ood , turned and carved.................................... M ales................................................................. .............. Fem ales................................................................... ........ 18 Lum ber and its products, n. o. c ...................... . M a le s .--........................................................................... Fem ales..................................................................... ....... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel............................................................. 395 M ales................................................................. .............. Fem ales............................................................................ 99 B rass, bronze, and alum inum produ cts............ M a le s ............................................................................... Fem ales............................................................................ C locks, w atches, and m aterials........................... 8 M a le s ............................................................................. Fem ales............................................................... ............ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron p roducts, includ ing stam ped and enam eled w are................. 165 M a le s --............................................................. - .......... Fem ales............................................................................ G alvanizing............................................................. 8 M ales............ .................................................................... Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and re flectors............................................................... 43 M ales................................................................... ............ * Fem ales............................................................................ Jew elry...................................................................... 25 M ales—............................................................................. Fem ales............................................................... ............ L ead, bar, pipe, and sh eet................................... 5 M a le s .--.......................................................................... Sm elting and refining, not from the ore............ 9 M ales................................................................... ............ Fem ales............................................................... ............ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n. o . c .............................................. 33 M ales— ................................................................. .. ........ Fem ales............................................................................ 939 Paper and p rin tin g ....... ........................................... M a le s ........................................ ...................... ............ Fem ales................................................................... ......... B ags, paper.............................................................. 6 M ales..................................................................... .. ......... Fem ales............................................................................ B oxes, fancy and paper; drinking cups............. 60 M ales................................................................................. Fem ales............................................................................ * Not computed owing to small number represented. 192 192 976 935 41 315 312 3 199 199 986 940 46 316 313 3 231 231 967 925 42 343 340 3 236 236 937 896 41 336 333 3 257 257 960 915 45 328 324 4 264 264 940 897 43 347 342 5 253 253 843 793 50 356 349 7 232 232 837 794 43 333 326 7 221 221 802 768 34 311 307 4 215 215 771 735 36 317 313 4 197 197 782 739 43 332 327 5 196 196 801 753 48 359 354 5 72 72 215 205 16 48 47 4 27.3 27.3 21.8 21.8 0) 13.4 13.3 0) 29,033 22,895 6,138 5,202 5,010 192 1,013 700 313 30,149 23,792 6,357 5,861 6,612 249 1,051 711 340 31,325 24,570 6,755 6,030 5,772 258 1,060 718 342 31,013 24,563 6,450 6,119 5,815 304 1,031 667 364 31,800 25,218 6,582 6,508 6,117 391 966 634 332 32,791 25,969 6,822 6,434 5,982 452 989 641 348 33,537 26,380 7,157 6,688 6,173 515 989 629 360 33,752 26,657 7,095 7,012 6,514 498 977 617 360 32,801 25,891 6,910 7,155 6,634 521 954 592 362 32,478 25,388 7,090 7,094 6,529 565 934 596 338 32,169 24,989 7,180 7,063 6,517 546 961 600 361 30,749 23,612 7,137 6,220 5,798 422 956 596 360 4,719 3,762 1,042 1,953 1,624 373 126 126 51 14.0 14.1 14.5 27.3 24.5 66.0 11.9 17.5 14.0 14,564 12,731 1,833 154 154 15,051 13,128 1,923 154 154 15,697 13,628 2,069 185 185 15,686 13,673 2,013 191 191 16,293 14,131 2,162 232 232 17,271 14,937 2,334 255 255 17,674 15,134 2,540 239 239 17,728 15,210 2,518 192 192 16,855 14,438 2,417 180 180 16,492 13,969 2,523 155 155 16,148 13,545 2,603 186 186 15,409 12,721 2,688 217 217 3,164 2,489 855 101 101 17.8 16.4 31.8 39.6 39.6 6,674 2,990 3,684 475 382 93 209 209 223 215 8 6,631 2,904 3,727 469 376 93 198 198 216 208 8 6,881 2,932 3,949 478 376 102 255 255 212 200 12 6,504 2,878 3,626 470 368 102 254 254 220 210 10 6,359 2,807 3,552 463 359 104 240 240 235 223 12 6,324 2,807 3,517 492 369 123 251 251 251 237 14 6,413 2,853 3,560 458 338 120 251 251 270 255 15 6,339 2,802 3,537 436 327 109 253 253 268 256 12 6,226 2,803 3,423 422 310 112 236 236 251 242 9 6,370 2,888 3,482 409 303 106 228 228 238 227 11 6,356 2,869 3,487 437 327 110 235 235 230 220 10 6,442 2,947 3,495 452 342 110 256 256 247 237 10 655 188 526 83 79 30 58 58 58 56 7 9.5 6.3 13.3 16.9 20.7 24.4 22.7 22.7 21.5 21.9 0) 519 504 15 28,848 21,888 6,960 430 204 226 2,795 1,263 1,532 518 501 17 29,070 22,060 7,010 434 201 233 2,976 1,342 1,634 527 504 23 29,225 22,141 7,084 461 212 249 3,045 1,380 1,665 538 507 31 29,007 21,931 7,076 496 207 289 3,020 1,403 1,617 499 470 29 29,028 21,885 7,143 526 219 307 3,052 1,415 1,637 524 490 34 29,192 21,877 7,315 603 245 358 3,124 1,481 1,643 555 508 47 29,240 21,783 7,457 639 271 368 3,239 1,459 1,780 547 486 61 29,502 21,952 7,550 673 273 400 3,175 1,439 1,736 522 456 66 28,657 21,344 7,307 663 280 383 2,917 1,361 1,556 558 493 65 28,685 21,272 7,413 627 252 375 3,009 1,400 1,609 551 490 61 28,735 21,409 7,326 586 259 327 3,055 1,432 1,623 548 498 50 29,201 21,714 7,487 576 265 311 3,284 1,463 1,821 59 52 51 851 869 590 243 79 174 489 218 289 10.6 10.2 0) 2.9 3.9 7.8 36.1 28.2 43.5 14.9 14.7 15.9 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued Industry and sex bi C 1 1 § bi a § £ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Stereotyping and electrotyp in g______________ M ales____________________________ __________ Fem ales______________________ _____________ Paper and printing) n. o. c___________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ R u bber p rod u cts________ ___________ __________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Stone, clay, and sand produ cts_________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________________________ ______ B rick and tile, cla y____ ______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ C e m e n t.._____ ______________________________ M ales............................ ....................................... Fem ales................................................................. 6 11 59 23 729 21 24 93 683 190 7 Variation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 1,071 438 633 879 690 189 6,879 6,009 870 360 358 2 15,526 12,144 3,382 472 467 5 446 315 131 48,929 44,067 4,862 35,538 30,622 4,916 3.404 3.404 1,085 444 641 848 658 190 6,994 6,149 845 363 360 3 15,453 12,121 3,332 468 462 6 449 323 126 50,688 45,262 5,426 35,583 30,673 4,910 3.036 3.036 1,059 416 643 880 692 188 7,211 6,292 919 365 360 5 15,274 11,999 3,275 464 459 5 466 331 135 49,742 43,700 6,042 36,936 31,930 5,006 3.615 3.615 964 393 571 871 685 186 7,236 6,357 879 353 350 3 15,145 11,763 3,382 460 455 5 461 317 144 48,634 42,398 6,236 37,271 32,327 4,944 4.291 4.291 948 391 557 855 678 177 7,253 6,362 891 355 351 4 15,156 11,729 3,427 419 414 5 464 326 138 50,126 43,601 6,525 38,212 33,074 5,138 4.519 4.519 978 398 580 910 696 214 7,593 6,600 993 323 319 4 14,660 11,293 3,367 431 425 6 467 322 145 52,391 44,278 8,113 34,473 29,136 5,337 4,202 4,201 247 246 1 277 276 1 349 348 1 443 441 2 473 471 2 920 391 529 884 694 190 7,431 6,444 987 341 338 3 14,984 11,542 3,442 438 432 6 467 310 157 52,885 44,848 8,037 38,091 32,820 5,271 4,467 4,466 1 479 477 2 Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 969 394 575 909 691 218 7,491 6,487 1,004 322 319 3 15,096 11,642 3,454 412 407 5 455 300 155 51,569 43,102 8,467 34,320 29,207 5,113 3,881 3,880 1 594 635 634 592 1 21 951 384 567 903 686 217 7,351 6,307 1,044 304 299 5 14,680 11,317 3,363 420 415 5 462 295 167 47,076 38,282 8,794 34,008 28,588 5,420 3,417 3,408 9 609 608 1 903 397 506 896 690 206 7,222 6,209 1,013 304 298 6 14,825 11,320 3,505 420 415 5 479 291 188 45,922 36,659 9,263 33,507 28,117 5,390 3,195 3,184 11 611 610 1 938 390 548 883 684 199 7,456 6,423 1,033 303 298 5 14,641 11,244 3,397 409 404 5 464 275 189 46,031 37,067 8,964 32,133 26,764 5,369 2,839 2,826 13 468 467 1 1,046 414 632 878 686 192 7,532 6,512 1,020 319 314 5 14,672 11,353 3,319 411 405 6 483 302 181 46,838 39,951 6,887 32,237 26,900 5,337 2,871 2,862 9 541 540 1 182 60 137 62 38 41 714 591 199 62 62 4 885 900 230 63 63 1 37 56 63 6,963 8,603 4,401 6,079 6,310 510 1,680 1,693 12 388 388 1 Per cent 16.8 13.5 21.3 6.8 5.5 18.8 9.4 9.0 19.1 17.0 17.2 0) 5.7 7.4 6.6 13.3 13.5 0) 7.7 16.9 33.3 13.2 19.0 47.5 15.9 19.1 9.4 37.2 37.5 0) 61.1 61.2 <*> PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Paper and printing—C ontinued. E n velop es. ______ ____________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Labels and tags_________________ _____________ M ales_________________ _____________________ Fem ales................................................................. Paper and w ood p u lp ............................... ............ M ales......................... .......................................... Fem ales................... ........................... .................. Photo-engraving........... ................. ....................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales N um ber o f establishm ents re porting C oncrete produ cts............................ .................... M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... C rucibles.................................................................. M ales— ........................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... E m ery w heels and other abrasives, includ ing sand and em ery cloth __................. ........ M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... G lass, including cu ttin g and ornam enting___ M ales.............. ............................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... M arble and stonew ork; stone yards................... M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay p rod u cts___ M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... Stone and cla y, crushing and grinding............. M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... W all plaster............................................................. M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... Stone, cla y, and sand p roducts, n . o . c .............. M ales.......... .................................................................... Fem ales...... ................................................................... T e x tile s........................................................................ M ales..................................................................... ......... Fem ales........................................................................... A w nings, tents, and sails, including auto fabrics................................................................. M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... B ags, other than paper......................................... M ales......................................................... ................... Fem ales........................................................................... B eddin g, m attresses, p illow s, and upholster ing m aterial, including cotton felt............... M ales............................................................................... Fem ales.......................................................................... C lothin g, m en’s, including shirts, coat pads, and buttonholes...... _ ...................................... M ales.............................1——........................................ Fem ales........................................................................... C lothin g, w om en’s, in clu din g corsets.............. M ales............................................................................... Fem ales........................................................................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented, 80 286 286 277 277 369 369 4 380 372 8 316 309 7 351 348 3 4 219 217 2 12,286 10,658 1,628 480 480 211 209 2 12,736 11, 111 1,625 507 507 210 208 2 12,896 11,185 1,711 561 561 17,268 13,995 3,273 220 220 17,334 14,063 3,271 216 216 509 508 1 239 236 3 39,537 13,680 25,857 456 455 1 359 354 5 560 559 1 353 346 7 573 572 1 331 324 7 533 533 580 580 451 451 404 404 341 341 308 308 303 303 52.2 52.2 360 352 8 350 341 9 359 350 9 350 341 9 344 335 9 366 358 8 64 63 6 16.8 16.9 0) 218 216 2 9,711 8,006 1,705 559 558 1 17,277 13,900 3,377 333 332 1 461 459 2 315 301 14 40,855 13,924 26,931 207 205 2 10,352 8,357 1,995 474 474 23 23 10.5 10.6 3,647 3,823 425 118 117 28.3 34.2 20.7 19.9 19.8 16,693 13,346 3,347 319 318 1 448 447 1 278 264 14 41,137 13,979 27,158 16,636 13,306 3,330 301 300 1 427 426 1 261 250 11 40,419 13,757 26,662 16,235 12,953 3,282 285 284 1 460 459 1 238 228 10 38,501 13,012 25,489 16,210 12,900 3,310 256 254 1 409 408 1 244 234 10 37,099 12,521 24,578 1,537 1,539 166 121 120 8.7 10.7 4.9 35.9 35.7 498 496 2 261 255 6 41,561 14,312 27,249 208 206 2 9,249 7,362 1,887 564 563 1 17,593 14,177 3,416 335 334 1 536 534 2 299 282 17 42,171 14,177 27,994 196 194 2 10,248 8,198 2,050 479 479 428 426 2 258 254 4 41,510 14,441 27,069 208 206 2 12,611 10,720 1,891 584 583 1 17,682 14,326 3,356 337 336 1 526 524 2 293 286 7 41,540 14,082 27,458 198 196 2 10,628 8,604 2,024 496 496 453 452 1 220 217 3 41,033 13,981 27,052 211 209 2 12,678 10,871 1,807 573 572 1 17,747 14,439 3,308 296 295 1 547 545 2 255 248 7 40,675 13,871 26,804 214 212 2 10,711 8,675 2,036 509 509 17,673 14,390 3,283 226 226 205 203 2 12,352 10,677 1,675 592 591 1 17,545 14,295 3,250 269 269 138 137 1 95 84 14 5,072 1,920 3,416 25.2 25.1 0) 30.2 27.9 0) 12.0 13.3 12.2 1,821 538 1,283 921 246 675 1,887 548 1,339 864 230 634 1,837 717 1,120 650 257 393 2,030 858 1,172 965 264 701 1,989 861 1,128 943 268 675 2,142 908 1,234 994 252 742 2,077 824 1,253 1,002 257 745 2,108 935 1,173 978 265 713 2,159 860 1,299 924 238 686 2,292 894 1,398 895 226 669 2,177 813 1,364 877 249 628 1,328 520 808 940 245 695 964 415 590 352 42 352 42.1 44.4 42.2 35.1 15.7 47.2 36 933 655 278 923 648 275 982 663 319 1,021 674 347 1,057 683 374 1,075 692 383 1,085 694 391 1,053 675 378 1,016 663 853 974 631 343 971 619 352 909 610 299 176 84 116 16.2 12.1 29.7 161 9,023 2,721 6,302 7,944 2,763 5,181 9,307 2,703 6,604 8,599 2,954 5,645 9,659 2,887 6,772 8,626 2,930 5,696 9,513 2,869 6,644 8,437 2,781 5,656 9,296 2,843 6,453 7,792 2,434 5,358 9,165 2,744 6,421 8,085 2,618 5,467 9,094 2,699 6,395 8,675 2,815 5,860 8,951 2,725 6,226 7,572 2,375 5,197 9,120 2,676 6,444 8,324 2,671 5,653 8,870 2,606 6,264 8,070 2,647 5,423 8,546 2,509 6,037 7,123 2,228 4,895 8,265 2,458 5,807 7,086 2,162 4,924 1,394 429 965 1,589 792 965 14.4 14.9 14.2 18.3 26.8 16.5 64 87 190 27 14 16 757 . 37 9 117 co t-* 00 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry and sex— Continued J-J Jo 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued Industry and sex 6 4 184 12 20 35 19 4 32 33 3 Variation from mftTiTTmm N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Febru M arch ary A p ril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent 1,072 875 197 131 34 97 1,881 798 1,083 900 370 530 501 88 413 2,496 364 2,132 447 176 271 483 201 282 4,542 923 3,619 1,164 932 232 129 34 95 1,892 812 1,080 911 370 541 511 87 424 2,551 355 2,196 446 175 271 476 199 277 4,591 933 3,658 1,217 933 284 134 34 100 2,013 866 1,147 952 367 585 509 85 424 2,597 348 2,249 451 174 277 473 197 276 4,686 932 3,754 1,088 844 244 117 32 85 2,015 877 1,138 942 366 576 509 87 422 2,589 350 2,239 448 175 273 488 194 294 4,828 955 3,873 1,061 795 266 162 30 132 2,006 870 1,136 913 364 549 513 89 424 2,614 349 2,265 440 167 273 492 208 284 5,020 1,001 4,019 1,091 811 280 180 33 147 1,951 842 1,109 937 351 586 525 89 436 2,714 359 2,355 384 163 221 517 213 304 5,339 1,077 4,262 1,120 819 301 187 43 144 1,668 797 871 1,023 409 614 499 83 416 2,862 378 2,484 390 159 231 517 210 307 5,401 1,069 4,332 1,123 848 275 197 45 152 1,549 793 756 935 361 574 530 88 442 2,909 409 2,500 458 170 288 494 206 288 5,183 1,063 4,120 1,125 813 312 203 52 151 1,676 870 806 966 370 596 522 79 443 2,855 424 2,431 449 166 283 462 197 265 4,849 1,022 3,827 1,227 887 340 201 61 140 1,754 837 917 977 359 618 531 78 453 2,883 407 2,476 474 187 287 421 186 235 4,622 993 3,629 1,257 925 332 199 55 144 1,608 782 826 925 346 579 533 83 450 2,904 403 2,501 463 183 280 449 190 259 4,495 897 3,598 1,302 944 358 212 64 148 1,610 769 841 870 339 531 510 81 429 2,906 398 2,508 419 157 262 455 195 260 4,276 834 3,442 241 149 161 95 34 67 466 108 391 153 70 88 34 11 40 413 76 376 90 30 67 96 27 72 1,125 243 890 18.5 15.8 45.0 44.8 0) 44.1 23.1 12.3 34.1 15.0 17.1 14.2 6.4 (i) 8.8 14.2 17.9 15.0 19.0 16.0 23.3 18.6 12.7 23.5 20.8 22.6 20.5 1,480 422 1,058 301 283 18 1,742 439 1,303 304 286 18 1,487 436 1,051 305 283 22 1,388 434 954 318 291 27 1,092 348 744 328 293 35 1,034 331 703 357 322 35 1,195 328 867 390 348 42 1,529 374 1,155 389 346 43 1,281 341 940 389 348 41 1,159 322 837 331 291 40 1,029 296 733 345 305 40 1,082 308 774 309 280 29 713 143 600 89 68 25 40.9 32.6 46.0 22.8 19.5 0) PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. T extiles— C ontin ued. Cordage, tw in e, ju te, and linen goods. _ _ M ales 1_____ 11__ 1__________.1 _____________ F em a les............................................................... C otton goods and sm all w ares____ ___________ M ales______ _______________________________ Fem ales____ __________________________ _____ C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s _______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Flags, banners, and regalia___________________ M ales_________ ____________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Furnishing goods, m en’s_____________________ M ales_______ ______________________________ Fem ales. . _______________________________ G loves, cloth _________________________________ M ales............................................... ............ ......... Fem ales____________________________________ H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , and w ool. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H orse clothing_______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ H osiery and kn it goods.... ............ ....................... M ales.................................. ................... ............. Fem ales_____________________ ___________ M illin ery and lace goods, including artificial flow ers and feathers______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ O ilcloth and linoleum ________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber ofesta b lishm ents re Janu porting ary 66429°— 32 ------ 12 S hoddy...................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.................................................... ............ W oolen, w orsted, and w ool-felt goods, includ ing fur and felt hats........................................ M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s .............................................................. T extiles, n . o . c ...................... ................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................... ........................................... T ob a cco m anufactures............................................. M ales.......... ......................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C hew ing tobacco and sn u ff................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............ ................................................... Cigars and cigarettes............................................. M ales.............. ..................................................... Fem ales................................................................ T ob a cco rehandlers................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ V ehicles.................................................. .................... M ales.............. ..................................................... Fem ales................................................................ A utom obiles and parts......................................... M ales.............. ...................................................... Fem ales.......... ...................... .............................. B icycles, m otor cy cles, and p arts...................... M ales________________________ _____________ Fem ales............................................................... . Carriages and sleds, ch ildren’s.......................... . M ales........................................ ........................... Fem ales....................... ........................................ Carriages, wagons and m aterials, including repairing.......................................................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . C ars, steam railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies__________ ________ _ M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . C ars, street railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies................................... . M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . V ehicles, n. o. c............................................. ......... M ales......................... ......................................... M iscellaneous m anufactures................................... M ales......................... ........................................ Fem ales............................................................... . 552 358 194 572 380 192 582 381 201 558 349 209 553 327 226 539 314 225 559 330 229 573 325 248 555 330 225 541 326 215 536 331 205 505 323 182 77 67 66 13.2 17.6 26.6 18 3,472 1,490 1,982 637 375 262 13,405 3,768 9,637 1,646 742 904 10,565 %427 8,138 1,194 599 595 56,163 53,856 2,307 46,093 44,022 2,071 888 828 60 850 799 « 51 3,502 1,510 1,992 662 386 276 13,565 3,753 9,812 1,614 740 874 10,770 2,424 8,346 1*181 589 592 57,316 54,757 2,559 47,302 44,988 2,314 914 836 78 1,050 1,009 3,661 1,546 2,115 689 405 284 13,959 3,969 9,990 1,705 787 918 10,552 2,376 8,176 1*702 806 896 61,934 58,729 3,205 51,917 48,973 2,944 988 899 89 1,106 1,060 46 3,639 1,521 2,118 668 391 277 13,951 3,916 10,035 1,745 806 939 10,343 2,325 8,018 1,863 785 1,078 61,457 57,856 3,601 61,924 48,666 3,258 975 819 156 1,174 1, 111 63 3,702 1,519 2,183 702 422 280 12,927 3,430 9,497 1,452 758 694 9,607 1,873 7,734 1,868 799 1,069 62,286 58,411 3,875 52,852 49,379 3,473 981 783 198 1,127 1,056 71 3,768 1,516 2,252 743 447 296 13,875 3,436 10,439 1,506 720 786 10,672 2,040 8,632 1,697 676 1,021 62,948 58,215 4,733 53,427 49,134 4,293 1,037 812 225 1,167 1,098 69 3,693 1,498 2,195 734 417 317 12,706 3,305 9,401 1,449 688 761 9,822 2,020 7,802 1,435 597 838 62,483 57,736 4,747 53,097 48,865 4,232 1,047 802 245 1,261 1,144 117 3,593 1,491 2,102 731 430 301 12,685 3,254 9,431 1,492 676 816 9,805 1,973 7,832 1,388 605 783 62,799 57,586 5,213 53,310 48,631 4,679 1,066 805 261 1,231 1,103 128 3,553 1,452 2,101 709 407 302 12,279 3,148 9,131 1,532 695 837 9,476 1,914 7,562 1,271 539 732 59,638 54,778 4,860 50,418 46,035 4,383 943 739 204 1,220 1,090 130 3,479 1,408 2,071 718 411 307 11,913 3,048 8,865 1,529 697 832 9,215 1,862 7,353 1,169 489 680 61,090 55,637 5,453 51,485 46,686 4,799 1,128 826 302 1,211 1,047 164 3,342 1,379 1,963 722 419 303 11,832 3,016 8,816 1,481 662 819 9,248 1,877 7,371 1,103 477 626 61,756 56,335 5,421 51,669 46,964 4,705 1,272 923 349 1,237 1,081 156 3,343 1,377 1,966 772 457 315 12,800 3,136 9,664 1,517 668 849 10,071 1,962 8,109 1,212 506 706 60,710 56,087 4,623 50,554 46,499 4,055 1,167 908 259 1,264 1,112 152 426 169 289 106 82 55 2,127 953 1,623 296 144 245 1,555 565 1,279 765 329 486 6,785 4,873 3,146 7,334 5,357 2,728 384 184 289 414 345 123 11.3 10.9 12.8 14.3 17.9 17.4 15.2 24.0 15.5 17.0 17.9 26.1 14.4 23.3 14.8 41.0 40.8 45.1 10.8 8.3 57.7 13.7 10.8 56.8 30.2 19.9 82.8 32.8 30.2 75.0 153 4*257 4,172 85 4,230 4,142 88 4,339 4,252 87 4,259 4,172 87 4,287 4,192 95 4,366 4,263 103 4,102 3,992 110 4,143 4,035 108 3,888 3,783 105 3,835 3,730 105 3,768 3,638 130 3,774 3,692 82 598 625 48 13.7 14.7 36.9 11 3,425 3,424 1 3,163 3,162 1 2,924 2,923 1 2,485 2,484 1 2,386 2,385 1 2,215 2,214 1 2,213 2,212 1 2,290 2,289 1 2,362 2,261 1 2,623 2,573 50 2,964 2,918 46 3,063 3,024 39 1,212 1,212 49 35.4 35.4 0) 3 614 575 39 36 36 61,732 53,802 7,930 617 580 37 40 40 64,547 56,586 7,961 618 580 38 42 42 67,257 58,469 8,788 598 562 36 42 42 68,885 59,610 9,275 606 569 37 47 47 74,502 64,278 10,224 690 648 42 46 46 80,840 68,758 12,082 713 671 42 50 50 85,235 71,767 13,468 713 677 36 46 46 86,595 72,313 14,282 770 733 37 37 37 85,389 70,456 14,933 769 736 33 39 39 87,794 71,571 16,223 808 773 35 38 38 89,009 71,680 17,429 854 818 36 34 34 79,990 63,790 14,200 266 256 9 16 16 27,277 18,511 9,499 30.0 31.3 C1) 0) (l) 30.6 25.6 54.5 _ _ 24 246 6 167 74 346 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 3 165 8 4 2 718 CO T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued hj *** 1 9 1 8 : WAGE EARNERS —C ontinued V ariation from TTUyrim^m N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting 48 3 4 24 10 5 5 10 113 5 5 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 6,420 6,374 46 364 339 25 204 77 127 292 246 46 432 308 124 1.847 1.847 6,371 6,323 48 477 441 36 250 78 172 305 258 47 486 369 117 2.099 2.099 6,256 6,208 48 672 606 66 260 81 179 309 259 50 534 409 125 2.232 2.232 6,193 6,146 47 897 799 98 255 75 180 310 265 45 494 374 120 2.273 2.273 6,275 6,230 45 882 750 132 182 66 116 307 254 53 464 343 121 2.287 2.287 5,924 5,877 47 1,092 973 119 172 61 111 314 265 49 459 342 117 2.284 2.284 5,825 5*776 49 1,053 968 85 216 62 154 304 255 49 476 336 140 2.151 2.151 5,800 5,756 44 1,142 1,042 100 213 59 154 298 246 52 452 315 137 2.048 2.048 5,770 5,682 88 1,239 1,094 145 143 51 92 285 231 54 443 312 131 2.024 2.024 5,955 5,810 145 1,293 1,148 145 148 52 96 286 231 55 436 302 134 1.946 1.946 6,102 5,945 157 1,287 1,148 139 183 56 127 290 235 55 423 291 132 2,088 2,017 71 6,559 6,427 132 677 608 69 175 54 121 278 226 52 407 272 135 2,044 2,012 32 789 671 112 929 809 120 117 30 88 36 39 10 127 137 23 440 440 39 12.0 10.4 71.3 71.8 70.5 82.8 45.0 0) 48.9 11.5 14.7 0) 23.8 33.5 16.4 19.2 19.2 (*) 423 377 46 564 264 300 18,229 15,833 2,396 379 279 100 434 396 38 407 358 49 569 268 301 18,326 15,761 2,565 372 272 100 422 384 38 374 325 49 584 279 305 18,551 15,807 2,744 340 258 82 397 360 37 287 242 45 580 267 313 18,599 15,567 3,032 325 244 81 394 355 39 284 242 42 580 262 318 18,974 15,664 3,310 314 232 82 387 347 40 254 211 43 591 272 319 18,807 15,445 3,362 311 227 84 384 346 38 243 204 39 600 273 327 19,402 15,549 3,853 303 217 86 391 348 43 228 198 30 592 277 315 19,011 15,293 3,718 301 216 85 404 350 54 270 233 37 584 275 309 18,758 15,003 3,755 309 228 81 444 377 67 280 241 39 593 281 312 18,734 14,964 3,770 392 237 155 476 396 80 305 261 44 596 277 319 18,853 14*910 3,943 543 284 259 535 424 111 338 299 39 599 283 316 18,845 15,124 3,721 548 292 256 518 425 93 195 179 19 36 21 27 1,173 923 1,547 247 76 178 151 79 74 46.1 47.5 (*) 6.0 7.4 8.3 6.0 5.8 39.2 45.1 26.0 68.7 28.2 18.6 66.7 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures—C on tin u ed. A gricultural im plem ents, including farm trac tors _ _ _ _ ___ M ales............................................................ Fem ales..................... ...................................... A irplanes and parts____________ ______________ M ales_____ ________________________________ F e m a le s. _ r , T B elting and hose, w oven and ru b b e r................ M a les _ _ _,r ir ir.,r Fem ales........ ......................... .............................. B room s and m ops__________________________ M ales__ _____________________________ ______ F em ales......... ............. ....................................... B rushes......................... ... ............... ............. M ales______________________________________ F em ales. _____ _____________________________ C oke....................... ............................................... M ales______________________________________ F em ales . D airym en’s, poulterers’ , and apiarists’ sup p lies.'_____________________________________ M ales__ ___________________________________ F em ales.____ __________________ ____________ D entists’ supplies............................................ ....... M ales........................... .............. ....................... Fem ales____________________________________ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and su p p lies. M a les. ______ . ___ ____ Fem ales................................................................. F an cy articles.......................................................... M ales..................... ........................ ..................... F em ales ... _ . . _ F ire extinguishers, chem ical................................. M aleS _____ n , r . r - - Fem ales.................................................................. Janu ary F ou n d ry supplies................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Ice , m anufactured.................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................ _.............................. Instrum ents, professional and scien tific........... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................ — ........................... M odels and patterns, other than p a p er........... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. M u nitions_________________ _____- ..................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales___________________________________ M usical instrum ents and m aterials, other than pianos and organs................................. M a les. *............................................................... Fem ales................................................................. O ptical goods.......................................................... M ales......................... - ......................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Pens, fountain, stylographic, and gold ............. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Pianos, organs, and m aterials............................ . M ales........................................ .......................... . Fem ales.............................................................. . R oofin g m aterials................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... Ship and boat bu ild in g, including repair........ Signs and advertising n ovelties......................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... S porting and ath letic goods................................ M ales.................................................................... F em ales-........ .................................................... S tationery goods.................................................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... T oy s and gam es.................................................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales.......... .................................................... U m brellas and canes............................................ M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... W ashing, m achines and clothes w ringers........ M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 11 96 14 66 37 10 25 3 22 3 25 35 9 19 22 8 11 185 162 23 1,417 1,410 7 221 192 29 825 820 5 13,863 11,726 2,137 301 295 6 249 193 56 169 114 55 2,606 2,405 201 924 900 24 5,689 5,689 1,619 957 662 657 495 162 769 546 223 1,203 587 616 184 63 121 242 242 173 156 17 1,180 1,175 5 235 196 39 882 877 5 15,051 13,070 1,981 311 305 6 267 207 60 167 114 53 2,519 2,328 191 922 896 26 6,944 6,944 1,623 953 670 660 488 172 772* 555 217 1,215 623 592 192 63 129 240 240 180 168 12 1,297 1,293 4 253 212 41 869 863 6 16,566 14,108 2,458 180 170 10 1,563 1,559 4 254 208 46 864 858 6 16,878 14,322 2,556 196 182 14 2,155 2,149 6 234 192 42 871 864 7 20,726 17,641 3,085 191 172 19 3,063 3,057 6 250 206 44 883 877 6 25,762 20,930 4,832 207 186 21 3,010 3,004 6 249 200 49 866 860 6 28,525 22,793 5,732 195 170 25 3,295 3,289 6 238 196 42 899 893 6 29,543 22,980 6,563 195 165 30 2,556 2,550 6 263 214 49 841 835 6 29,368 22,443 6,925 203 173 30 1,704 1,699 5 282 223 59 836 830 6 31,781 23,836 7,945 199 169 30 1,415 1,411 4 274 214 60 810 805 5 33,450 24,871 8,579 198 167 31 1,252 1,249 3 295 225 70 729 722 7 24,370 18,445 5,925 34 30 21 2,115 2,114 4 74 33 41 170 171 2 19,587 13,145 6,598 16.4 16.1 (*) 64.2 64.3 0) 25.1 14.7 58.6 18.9 19.1 0) 58.6 52.9 76.9 337 331 6 256 198 58 169 118 51 2,476 2,281 195 933 908 25 7,363 7,363 1,654 958 696 671 484 187 787 562 225 1,346 692 654 212 64 148 257 256 1 341 334 7 272 202 70 173 118 55 2,333 2,137 196 921 894 27 8,380 8,380 1,718 965 753 646 483 163 810 587 223 1,418 728 690 195 62 133 240 240 330 319 11 270 205 65 178 119 59 2,239 2,027 212 939 917 22 9,185 9,185 1,797 953 844 645 457 188 806 578 228 1,438 750 688 197 65 132 254 250 4 340 327 13 279 205 74 179 117 62 2,195 1,955 240 940 915 25 9,866 9,866 1,737 919 818 691 482 209 826 577 249 1,496 802 694 207 63 144 260 256 4 346 333 13 275 205 70 180 119 61 2,159 1,908 251 942 909 33 11,287 11,287 1,691 926 765 630 460 170 849 597 252 1,508 790 718 195 63 132 274 271 3 346 337 9 294 222 72 189 122 67 2,133 1,851 282 933 899 34 11,827 11,827 1,744 897 847 639 453 186 827 572 255 1,487 788 699 196 64 132 250 247 3 343 332 11 304 214 90 192 121 71 2,083 1,779 304 917 883 34 11,823 11,823 1,881 877 1,004 605 432 173 748 521 227 1,436 739 697 212 68 144 228 224 4 328 317 11 315 220 95 271 153 118 2,030 1,732 298 920 881 39 12,379 12,379 1,801 842 959 605 429 476 762 514 248 1,417 697 720 218 65 153 236 229 7 333 322 11 374 225 149 269 148 121 1,992 1,710 282 931 897 34 11,414 11,414 1,932 875 1,057 651 439 212 772 516 256 1,373 670 703 * 205 63 142 236 225 11 350 339 11 301 225 76 277 157 120 2,043 1,755 288 907 880 27 10,028 10,028 1,828 898 930 741 507 234 783 527 256 1,282 586 696 202 61 141 264 260 4 49 44 7 125 32 93 108 43 70 614 695 113 35 37 17 6,690 6,690 313 123 395 136 78 72 101 73 39 305 216 128 34 7 32 46 47 10 14.0 13.0 0) 33.4 14.2 62.4 39.0 27.4 57.9 23.6 28.9 37.2 3.7 4.0 (l) 54.0 54.0 16.2 12.7 37.4 18.4 15.4 30.8 11.9 12.4 15.2 20.2 26.9 17.8 15.6 (*) 20.9 16.8 17.3 0) CD 00 Cn T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio} 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued oa 1 91 8 : WAGE EARNERS— C ontinued Variation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex S e r v ic e ____ _____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ AHvftrtising M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ . Am usem ents_________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ "Band's ...... M a le s ...___________________________________ F em ales. ___________________________________ B arbers______________________________________ M ales___________________________________ __ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ G a r a g e s ......________________________________ M ales______________________________________ F em ales. ___________________________________ H ospitals______ ______________________________ M ales______________________________________ FAmalAS _ . _ . H otels________________________________________ M a le s ...___________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ Laundries and d ry cleaners____________ ______ M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ O ffice buildin gs, including w indow cle a n in g .. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. Janu ary 70 1,021 666 355 2,556 37,629 22,856 14,773 293 281 12 611 558 53 337 246 91 208 179 29 4,199 4,182 17 581 128 453 9,771 5,922 3,849 8,102 2,797 5,305 3,389 2,068 1,321 36 67 188 25 505 27 356 294 210 Febru M arch ary A pril 1,110 785 325 1,122 786 336 37,562 22,731 14,831 298 284 14 634 577 57 333 243 90 211 181 30 4,202 4,185 17 594 134 460 9,852 5,941 3,911 7,788 2,529 5,259 3,406 2,092 1,314 38,345 23,352 14,993 312 298 14 664 605 59 337 248 89 207 178 29 4,593 4,574 19 597 135 462 9,759 5,865 3,894 8,038 2,660 5,378 3,520 2,148 1,372 M ay June July 1,092 756 336 1,106 748 358 1,083 729 354 1,078 717 361 38,997 23,704 15,293 316 298 18 774 704 70 335 242 93 209 180 29 4,785 4,764 21 599 133 466 9,992 5,972 4,020 8,141 2,748 5,393 3,441 2,055 1,386 39,720 24,158 15,562 308 297 11 1,215 1,013 202 334 241 93 202 173 29 4,882 4,858 24 602 129 473 10,020 5,925 4,095 8,075 2,727 5,348 3,443 2,055 1,384 40,327 24,214 16,113 321 310 11 2,033 1,506 527 335 239 96 201 174 27 4,862 4,840 22 619 131 488 10,262 6,058 4,204 7,981 2,672 5,309 3,396 1,985 1,411 39,546 23,470 16,076 294 283 11 2,103 1,535 568 318 230 88 196 170 26 4,772 4,747 25 621 136 485 10,234 5,939 4,295 7,701 2,574 5,127 3,300 1,911 1,389 N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 1,125 726 399 1,167 744 423 1,174 758 416 1,152 737 415 153 120 98 13.0 15.3 23.2 39,421 38,666 23,299 22,553 16,122 16,113 289 278 275 268 14 10 2,122 1,492 1,543 1,088 579 404 320 326 229 236 91 90 195 191 168 164 27 27 4,525 4,367 4,332 4,498 27 35 608 597 124 126 482 473 10,170 9,855 5,837. 5,594 4,333 4,261 7,581 7,597 2,524 2,518 5,079 5,057 3,294 3,215 1,905 1,811 1,404 1,389 36,505 21,070 15,435 276 267 9 527 443 84 319 227 92 190 165 25 4,102 4,065 37 606 128 478 9,799 5,556 4.243 7,412 2,514 4,898 3.243 1,823 1,420 36,615 21,210 15,405 284 275 9 521 442 79 323 231 92 188 161 27 4,016 3,972 44 601 129 472 9,664 5,430 4,234 7,293 2,464 4,829 3,264 1,823 1,441 37,185 21,643 15,542 288 280 8 554 472 82 322 231 91 185 159 26 4,291 4,254 37 602 134 468 9,694 5,442 4,252 7,472 2,458 5,014 3,299 1,866 1,433 3,822 3,144 1,349 40 43 9 1,601 1,101 526 18 21 8 26 22 5 866 886 27 40 12 35 598 628 484 848 339 564 305 337 127 9.5 13.0 8.4 12.7 13.9 0) 75.4 71.4 90.8 5.3 8.5 0) 12.3 12.2 0) 17.7 18.2 0) 6.4 8.8 7.2 5.8 10.4 11.2 10.4 12.1 10.5 8.7 15.7 8.8 1,071 706 365 PART 2.- M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures—C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures, n . o . c_................. M ales______________________ _ ____________ Fem ales____ _______________ ______________ m ents re porting £ £ IT* Photographers............ M ales....................... Fem ales.......... ......... Professional................ M ales....................... Fem ales................... R estaurants................ M ales....................... Fem ales................... Saloons......................... M ales....................... Fem ales................... Schools and colleges. M ales..................... T heaters.. M ales.............. Fem ales_____ Service, n . o. c „ M ales.............. Fem ales.......... Trade.......... M a les. O ffices.. M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. R etail d elivery, m ilk, ice, and w ater.. M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. Stores, retail and w holesale.................. M ales...................................................... Y ards, lum ber, coal, and scrap.. M a les. sportalktion and public utilities-.. Trans] M a les. D rayage and storage, including liv ery stables. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . E lectric railroads, ligh t, and pow er.................. . M ales................................................................. . Fem ales.......................................................... ...... N atural gas............................................................ . M ales______ ______________________________ Fem ales.......................................... ................... . 28 30 '327 "§51" 152 86 5,330 515 " ‘ 64 4,021 730 1,134 ‘ ‘ "349 183 77 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 188 112 76 107 86 21 5,107 2,478 2,629 1,521 1,304 217 257 147 110 2,353 1,780 573 605 588 17 191 118 73 107 86 21 5,092 2,465 2,627 1,512 I, 220 330 195 135 2,374 1,788 586 638 621 17 42,898 34,700 8,198 1,947 1,850 97 837 824 13 32,764 25,219 7,545 7,350 6,807 543 42,968 34,848 43,900 34,991 1,954 1,854 100 770 757 13 32,557 25,102 7,455 7,687 7,135 552 1, 1,856 50,952 40,197 10,755 3,722 3,713 9 22,990 22,862 128 3,011 2,975 51,340 40,257 II, 3,725 3,712 13 22,900 22,771 129 2,959 2,924 35 195 117 78 109 88 21 5,075 2,461 2,614 1,546 1,322 292 224 346 209 137 2,442 1,856 586 605 588 17 202 112 90 117 96 21 5,197 2,498 1,563 1,330 233 354 206 148 2,324 1,735 589 648 631 17 192 110 82 193 172 21 5,249 2,492 2,757 1,562 1,328 234 422 225 197 2,360 1,765 595 661 644 17 110 93 201 180 21 5,272 2,381 2,891 1,608 1,354 254 401 221 180 1,960 1,398 562 672 655 17 190 102 88 214 193 21 5,217 2,236 2,981 1,586 1,332 254 388 208 180 1,765 1,245 520 647 629 18 43,834 44,227 35,211 35,448 8,623 8,779 1,953 1,940 841 1,838 1,851 102 102 752 884 737 869 15 15 32,899 24,911 24,897 8,002 7,921 8,504 8,297 7,712 7,844 585 43,944 35,117 8,827 1,925 766 753 13 33,236 25,057 8,179 7,940 7,325 615 43,896 35,144 8,752 1,946 I, 105 712 699 13 33,184 25,124 8,060 8,054 7,480 574 51,979 40,803 11,176 083 3,879 3,862 17 22,894 22,763 131 3,245 3,213 32 52,162 41,042 II, 4,039 4,030 9 22,495 22,362 133 3,322 3,287 35 52,702 41,695 120 11,007 4,041 4,033 8 22,460 22,313 147 3,480 3,440 40 53,156 41,591 11,565 3,906 8,120 102 53,462 41,732 11,730 4,076 4,067 9 22,570 22,412 158 3,605 3,564 41 892 877 15 32,643 24,585 8,058 8,484 7,816 11 22,512 22,353 159 3,566 3,520 46 182 100 82 196 176 20 5,163 2,169 2,994 1,479 1,240 143 1,935 1,353 582 775 757 18 184 100 84 216 196 20 5,354 2,216 3,138 1,512 1,275 237 398 219 179 2,444 1,769 675 662 644 18 233 255 1,870 1,330 540 653 634 19 184 100 84 185 165 20 5,085 2,179 2,906 1,500 I, 246 476 254 222 2,357 1,677 680 674 654 20 43,433 34,963 8,470 I, 1,851 87 913 898 15 32,368 24,629 7,739 8,214 7,585 629 42,697 33,767 8,930 938 1,895 1,812 83 860 843 17 32,349 24,179 8,170 7,593 6,933 660 43,085 33,735 9,350 1,883 1,802 81 815 800 15 32,785 24,161 8,624 7,602 6,972 630 42,890 33,355 9,535 1,880 1,801 79 785 771 14 32,934 24,120 8,814 7,291 6,663 628 43,795 33,889 9,906 1,879 1,792 87 778 764 14 34,038 24,769 9,269 7,100 6,564 536 1,530 2,093 1,786 79 64 26 201 199 4 1,689 1,099 1,814 1,404 1,280 132 53,082 41,606 II, 3,875 3,864 11 22,646 22,481 165 3,506 3,454 52 52,054 40,723 476 11,331 3,873 3,859 14 22,449 22,169 280 3,267 3,210 57 52,044 40,369 11,675 3,915 3,867 48 22,242 21,959 283 3,140 3,054 86 51,253 39,529 II, 3,667 3,648 19 22,089 21,802 287 3,013 2,931 82 50,263 38,426 I I , 724 3,610 3,598 12 22,251 21,982 269 2,741 2,661 80 3,199 3,306 1,082 837 196 105 91 221 201 20 5,248 2,256 2,992 1,575 1,319 256 345 202 208 104 104 113 93 20 5,068 2,232 2,836 1,549 I , 254 249 412 238 174 2,496 1,779 717 627 601 26 26 18 31 114 115 1 286 329 524 129 114 300 39 231 107 145 731 611 197 170 169 9 39 901 1,060 159 864 903 54 12.5 15.3 29.8 51.6 57.2 0) 5.3 13.2 16.7 8.0 8.4 15.2 47.3 42.1 56.9 29.3 32.9 27.5 21.9 22.3 0) 3.5 5.9 18.0 4.0 3.4 24.8 22.0 22.2 0) 5.0 4.4 19.6 16.5 16.3 19.8 6.0 7.9 9.1 11.4 11.5 °v . 4.6 55.4 24.0 25.3 (l) T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 1 9 1 8 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C o n tin u e d PAST 2.— GENERAL TABLE ALL INDUSTRIES............................................ 22,709 Agriculture........................................................... 520 M ales Fem ales................................................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 99,427 100,119 101,477 101,797 103,259 105,384 106,687 107,030 106,749 106,260 106,761 106,223 54,128 54,227 54,850 54,512 55,032 55,512 55,392 54,770 53,269 52,068 52,133 52,056 45,299 45,892 46*627 47,285 48,227 49,872 51,295 52,260 53,480 54,192 54,628 54,167 7,603 3,446 9,329 7.1 6.2 17.1 188 65 123 74 16 65 28.2 0) 34.6 210 75 135 226 79 147 255 .80 175 262 74 188 245 71 174 214 69 145 213 67 146 202 68 134 201 67 134 191 64 127 196 66 130 158 48 110 68 31 37 184 49 135 71 31 40 193 45 148 69 29 40 177 43 134 68 28 40 145 40 105 69 29 40 142 39 103 71 28 43 132 40 92 70 28 42 131 39 92 70 28 42 125 37 88 66 27 39 129 37 92 67 29 38 121 37 84 67 28 39 72 12 64 5 4 6 Construction.................................. 3,116 1,972 1,144 375 164 211 106 87 19 1,121 809 312 176 139 37 341 149 192 393 249 144 319 225 94 285 150 135 3,108 1,953 1,155 369 157 212 106 86 20 1,095 793 302 181 140 41 347 152 195 391 240 151 339 243 142 138 3,084 1,907 1,177 372 156 216 100 80 20 1,094 787 307 198 153 45 345 148 197 361 210 151 329 230 99 285 143 142 3,156 1,957 1,199 378 168 210 96 73 23 1,106 781 325 201 158 43 344 149 195 364 212 152 371 269 102 296 147 149 3,306 2,069 1,237 364 154 210 94 64 30 1,212 868 344 197 151 46 345 152 193 355 206 149 438 326 112 301 148 153 3,579 2,255 1,324 371 154 217 94 65 29 1,373 1,006 367 290 223 67 345 147 198 366 198 168 429 309 120 311 153 158 3,720 2,380 1,340 367 145 222 97 63 34 1,496 1,143 353 311 237 74 351 144 207 375 204 171 421 296 125 302 148 154 3,652 2,293 1,359 366 138 228 95 61 34 1,420 1,058 362 324 245 79 345 142 203 384 210 174 416 292 124 302 147 155 3,558 2,184 1,374 366 134 232 95 59 36 1,326 985 341 338 244 94 347 138 209 377 200 177 416 286 130 293 138 155 3,510 2,144 1,366 390 159 231 92 58 34 1,271 932 339 335 235 100 343 137 206 382 207 175 406 280 126 291 136 155 3,428 2,057 1,371 385 159 226 91 57 34 1,192 858 334 344 240 104 350 135 215 388 212 176 391 266 125 287 130 157 3,354 1,986 1,368 391 161 230 92 58 34 1,092 762 330 346 243 103 350 138 212 385 210 175 411 283 128 287 131 156 636 473 230 27 34 22 15 30 17 404 381 65 170 106 67 10 17 23 38 51 33 119 101 36 31 23 23 38 40 26 14 39 26 13 42 27 15 45 28 17 49 27 22 46 25 21 46 26 20 47 25 22 47 26 21 52 27 25 52 28 24 50 27 23 13 3 12 8,858 58,750 34,991 23,759 3,367 1,601 1,765 124 66 58 59,485 35,200 24,285 3,396 1,601 1,795 126 67 60,500 35,847 24,653 3,406 1,615 1,791 128 67 61 60,612 35,478 25,134 3,444 1,601 1,843 131 69 62 61,518 35,801 25,717 3,472 1,590 1,882 126 63 63 62,637 36,154 26,483 3,508 1,611 1,897 127 60 67 63,488 36,161 27,327 3,520 1,612 1,908 128 61 67 63,983 35,964 28,019 3,561 1,592 1,969 134 61 73 63,795 35,054 28,741 3,549 1,545 2,004 138 56 82 63,623 34,227 29,396 3,545 1,496 2,049 143 56 87 64,093 34,469 29,624 3,567 1,501 2,066 146 56 90 63,371 34,438 28,933 3,573 1,501 2,072 140 52 88 5,343 1,934 5,865 206 119 307 22 17 32 143 377 4,273 M ales..................... ...................... Fem ales........ ........ . ................ . . . E lectrical con tracting............... M ales........................................ Fem ales......................................... E recting or installing m achinery. M ales....................... ..................... Fem ales................... ...................... General con tracting........................ M ales..................... ....................... Fem ales............... ......................... O il, gas, and w ater d rillin g........... M ales............................................. Fem ales......................................... Plum bing and steam fittin g ......... M ales..................... ...................... 73 1,462 370 369 Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing............. M a le s................................................... Fem ales................................................ Street, road, and sewer con tracting... M ales.................................................... 307 C onstru ction, n . o. c. M ales....................... 920 603 Fisheries___ M a les. Manufactures.......................... M ales................................ — Fem ales................................. Chem icals and allied products. M ales..................................... Fem ales................................. B aking pow der and y e a s t.... M ales..................................... Fem ales................................. 351 4 1 9 1 8 : B O O K K E E P E R S , STEN O G RA PH ERS 142 44 98 68 31 37 F lorists, fru it grow ers, and nurserym en. M ales........................................................... Fem ales...................................................... . A griculture, n . o . c ...................................... M ales........................................................... Fem ales...................................................... . & 3 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. CD T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued QO O 1 9 1 8 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued V ariation from m annuim N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting 24 16 76 50 27 24 130 1,439 407 146 32 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 110 69 41 121 46 75 999 446 553 317 67 250 197 164 33 723 285 438 774 459 315 2,399 1,059 1,340 351 103 248 381 115 266 109 69 40 120 48 72 1,012 443 569 326 66 260 197 164 33 735 292 443 769 452 317 2,411 1,063 1,348 356 101 255 382 116 266 107 67 40 117 49 68 1,027 452 575 316 65 251 198 163 35 733 294 439 778 458 320 2,433 1,072 1,361 355 97 258 381 113 268 109 66 43 123 50 73 1,031 441 590 333 64 269 201 164 37 736 294 442 778 453 325 2,456 1,072 1,384 354 98 256 391 118 273 111 66 45 124 48 76 1,037 433 604 336 63 273 204 165 39 750 297 453 782 455 327 2,506 1,092 1,414 350 97 253 402 118 284 ill 65 46 126 48 78 1,037 440 597 335 77 258 204 164 40 768 297 471 798 460 338 2,597 1,090 1,507 353 97 256 455 117 338 111 65 46 131 50 81 1,016 439 577 333 69 264 212 168 44 777 298 479 810 462 348 2,646 1,085 1,561 357 93 264 478 117 361 113 67 46 126 50 76 1,052 432 620 330 69 261 211 161 50 782 291 491 811 461 350 2,654 1,080 1,574 359 92 267 477 116 361 112 66 46 123 48 75 1,027 419 608 329 65 264 216 162 54 784 279 505 818 450 368 2,614 1,059 1,555 358 89 269 438 108 330 112 66 46 125 47 78 1,026 413 613 324 63 261 209 150 59 793 272 521 811 429 382 2,688 1,106 1,582 363 93 270 433 105 328 113 66 47 124 48 76 1,025 409 616 330 63 267 219 154 65 798 275 523 810 430 380 2,670 1,100 1,570 363 95 268 425 101 324 181 76 105 182 75 107 183 76 107 188 77 111 185 73 112 188 73 115 190 73 117 190 74 116 184 72 112 187 71 116 186 71 115 113 66 47 123 48 75 1,027 411 616 346 66 280 218 154 64 795 275 520 809 429 380 2,689 1,126 1,563 367 96 271 423 99 324 188 72 116 1 6 4 7 14 4 9 53 43 67 30 14 30 22 18 32 75 26 85 49 33 67 290 67 242 17 14 23 97 19 95 9 6 12 Per cent 5.3 0 0 10.7 0 0) 5.0 9.5 10.8 8.7 0 10.7 10.0 10.7 0 9.4 8.7 16.3 6.0 7.1 17.5 10.8 6.0 15.3 4.6 0) 8.5 20.3 16.1 26.3 4.8 0 10.2 PART 2 / M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. C hem icals and allied products—C ontinued. F ertilizers................................................................. M ales..................................................................... F em ales........ ........................................................ O il, lu bricatin g________________ ___________ M ales................... ........................................... F em ales................................................................. P aint and varnish_________________ _______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. Patent m edicines and drug com pounds______ M ales................... ............................................... Fem ales_________________________________ Petroleum refining_________________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Soap and candles____________________________ M ales____________________________________ . F attiaIas .. C hem icals and allied products, n . o . c_._.......... M ales____________________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ _ F ood and kindred products__________________ M a les______________________________________ F em ales_______________ ____________________ BftkAry products _ _ ___ M ales - ___________________________________ Fem ales___________________________ ________ B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk.................. M a les______________________________________ Fem ales___________ ________________________ C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grind in g . _ ____ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Janu ary O GJ 3 H W P* t4 ► W B C onfectionery and ice cream ............ M ales................................................. Fem ales................... ......................... F lou r-m ill and grist-m ill p rod u cts. M ales................................................. Fem ales............................................. F ood p rep a ra tion s............................. Fem ales_____________. . . __________ Slaughtering and m eat packing........ M a les................................................... Fem ales.................................. ............ F ood and kindred p roducts, n . o . c . M ales.............................. .................... Fem ales__________________________ Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........ B last-furnace products.......................................... M ales................................................................. . Fem ales................................................................. B olts, nuts, washers, and rivets, n ot m ade in steel w orks or rollin g m ills.......................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. . C ash registers and calculating m achines_____ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. C u tlery and tools................................................... M ales................................................................. Fem ales...............................................___.......... . D oors and shutters, iron and steel____ _____ M a les.................................... .............................. Fem ales........................................... .................... F orgings................................................................... M ales...................................................... ........... . Fem ales........................................................... F ou n d ry and m achine-shop p rod u cts-----------M ales.................. ................................ ................. Fem ales............................................................... P um ps and w in dm ills............................ ............. 148 445 25 105 131 120 1,635 33 124 36 1,112 " '“ "23 Fem ales................................ . Safes and vaults..................... . M ales....................................... Fem ales................................... Steel w orks and rollin g m ills.. M ales................................ ...... Fem ales................................ . 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 84 154 529 263 266 103 64 39 409 267 142 207 87 16 54 19,587 13,940 5,647 656 543 113 316 172 144 637 369 268 967 567 400 98 58 40 318 219 99 10,109 7,218 2,891 225 145 80 217 114 103 4,044 3,314 730 237 87 150 537 268 269 103 64 39 412 269 143 202 83 119 19,633 13,907 5,726 658 545 113 244 91 153 543 272 271 105 66 39 413 271 142 209 86 123 20,189 14,383 5,806 678 560 118 246 91 155 541 265 276 106 67 39 417 273 144 213 83 130 19,908 13,898 5,910 678 553 125 256 91 165 548 265 283 107 66 41 442 299 143 216 83 133 20,162 14,049 6,113 691 561 130 273 92 181 556 . 267 289 104 64 40 452 299 153 216 81 135 20,493 14, 111 6,382 712 576 136 278 95 183 571 270 301 103 62 41 451 295 156 218 80 138 20,889 14,217 6,672 732 585 147 284 102 182 569 265 304 100 58 42 450 290 160 225 83 142 21,186 14,151 7,035 765 605 160 314 171 143 620 331 239 979 573 319 175 144 607 374 233 977 563 414 94 56 38 343 233 110 10,247 7,233 3,014 231 144 87 212 114 98 4,457 3,715 742 322 170 152 619 375 244 1,007 573 434 99 59 40 357 239 118 10,164 7,142 3,022 234 146 88 218 119 99 4,081 3,311 770 323 169 154 631 379 252 1,026 571 455 100 60 40 364 241 123 10,237 7,103 3,134 233 144 89 220 117 103 4,289 3,489 800 330 170 160 653 377 276 1,070 590 480 100 60 40 371 244 127 10,557 7,245 3,312 239 144 95 216 117 99 4,165 3,360 805 347 174 173 641 350 291 1,091 585 506 102 60 42 375 245 130 10,844 7,350 3,494 230 130 100 213 114 99 4,212 3,393 819 173 176 636 348 288 1,115 593 522 95 54 41 374 241 133 10,924 7,290 3,634 246 143 103 215 110 105 4,331 3,383 948 59 39 337 234 103 10,086 7,119 2,967 225 142 83 215 117 98 4,114 3,353 761 266 90 176 573 271 302 100 58 42 449 282 167 246 89 157 21,314 13,947 7,367 788 616 172 262 92 170 626 315 311 102 57 45 452 277 175 263 96 167 21,171 13,572 7,599 786 606 180 250 81 169 625 312 313 101 57 44 460 285 175 260 98 162 21,624 13,873 7,751 787 605 182 355 174 181 656 339 317 1,128 579 549 95 55 40 394 253 141 10,992 7,180 3,812 238 137 356 170 186 655 314 341 1,143 584 559 97 55 42 407 253 154 10,819 6,922 3,897 242 133 109 214 108 106 4,281 3,262 1,019 355 170 185 747 396 351 1,171 591 101 218 110 108 4,299 3,316 983 54 44 422 261 161 11,084 7,086 3,998 248 137 111 220 109 111 4,332 3,294 1,038 254 83 171 656 344 312 105 453 280 173 243 93 150 21,564 13,737 7,827 784 605 179 357 171 186 671 306 365 1,173 595 578 97 54 43 403 247 156 10,994 6,986 4,008 248 137 111 225 112 113 4,447 3,371 1,076 47 21 33 127 81 47 7 10 7 51 32 33 61 18 48 2,037 811 2,180 132 73 43 6 43 140 90 132 206 32 180 8 6 6 104 42 62 998 428 1,117 23 16 31 13 11 15 413 453 346 16.5 20.5 18.0 19.4 23.5 15.0 6.5 0) 11.1 10.7 18.9 23.2 0) 28.7 9.4 5.6 27.9 16.8 11.9 38.9 12.0 3.4 23.1 18.7 22.7 36.2 17.6 5.4 31.0 7.8 0) (,4 6 16.0 38.5 9.0 5.8 27.9 9.3 11.0 27.9 5.8 9.2 13.3 9.2 13.0 32.2 00 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry and sex— Continued 00 to 1 9 1 8 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F I C E C L E R K S — C o n tin u e d Industry and sex 90 8 11 38 49 161 64 97 182 94 88 V ariation from TniyrimiiTrt N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary 890 476 414 113 82 31 254 236 18 121 50 71 622 377 245 1,030 336 694 835 238 597 195 98 97 582 449 133 462 380 82 120 69 51 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 899 467 432 115 83 32 252 231 21 121 49 72 637 386 251 1,014 337 677 811 238 573 203 99 104 587 449 138 466 383 83 121 66 55 896 458 438 115 83 32 256 234 22 122 47 75 640 389 251 1,045 340 705 835 235 600 210 105 105 588 449 139 467 381 86 121 68 53 903 456 447 117 84 33 254 227 27 114 44 70 660 404 256 1,056 338 718 850 235 615 206 103 103 586 438 148 462 372 90 124 66 58 926 465 461 115 84 31 251 219 32 111 44 67 677 416 261 1,049 328 721 842 227 615 207 101 106 588 433 155 461 369 92 127 64 63 941 469 472 118 86 32 251 218 33 108 42 66 684 416 268 1,059 335 724 844 227 617 215 108 107 594 432 162 462 367 95 132 65 67 884 465 419 114 83 31 254 233 21 118 49 69 617 383 234 1,046 342 704 847 245 602 199 97 102 579 449 130 461 381 80 118 68 50 N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 953 466 487 119 86 33 248 206 42 105 39 66 711 414 297 1,065 327 738 852 226 626 213 101 112 589 420 169 453 356 97 136 64 72 970 464 506 122 86 36 260 205 55 101 38 63 698 395 303 1,050 303 747 842 207 635 208 96 112 567 400 167 431 337 94 136 63 73 979 468 511 127 88 39 267 202 65 102 38 64 696 369 327 1,066 303 763 859 206 653 207 97 110 552 392 160 423 333 90 129 59 70 963 460 503 128 88 40 272 206 66 101 39 62 696 377 319 1,057 300 757 853 205 648 204 95 109 554 388 166 420 328 92 134 60 74 980 466 514 127 86 41 265 201 64 112 40 72 681 360 321 1,047 297 750 844 204 640 203 93 110 542 379 163 409 318 91 133 61 72 96 20 100 15 6 10 24 35 48 21 12 13 94 56 93 52 45 86 48 41 80 20 15 15 52 70 39 58 65 17 18 10 24 Per cent 9.8 4.3 19.5 11.7 (0 0) 8.8 14.8 (9 17.2 (l) (i) 13.2 13.5 28.4 4.9 13.2 11.3 5.6 16.7 12.3 9.3 13.9 13.4 8.8 15.6 23.0 12.4 17.0 (*) 13.2 0) 0 P A ST 2.- M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. Iron and steel and their products—C ontinued. Stoves and furnaces................................................ M a le s._____ _____________ __________________ Fem ales____________________________________ T in plate and tem eplate..................................... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ W ire..................................................... - .................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ W irew ork, w ire rope, and cable.......................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c ...— . M ales______________________________________ F em ales____________________________________ Leather and leather p rod u cts.................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B oots, shoes, cu t stock , and findings........... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ Leather and leather products, n . o. c................. M a le s ..._____ _____________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ L iquors and beverages............................................... M a le s ..______________ _____________________ F em ales._____________ _____________________ L iqu ors, m alt........................................................... M a le s ....__________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ L iquors and beverages, n . o. c ............................. M a le s ..____________________________________ Fem ales......................................... ....................... N um ber of establishm ents re porting § a w £ 913 1,637 930 707 110 61 49 461 234 227 741 480 261 325 155 170 1,633 919 714 106 59 47 456 232 224 746 475 271 325 153 172 1,641 923 718 112 62 50 464 235 229 741 474 267 324 152 172 1,626 902 724 112 62 50 452 223 229 739 471 268 323 146 177 1,631 896 735 112 59 53 453 223 230 739 467 272 327 147 180 1,637 887 750 113 57 56 451 219 232 740 462 278 333 149 184 1,639 880 759 115 59 56 446 215 231 744 459 285 334 147 187 1,637 870 767 113 59 54 444 212 232 748 455 293 332 144 188 1,624 852 772 114 56 58 435 205 230 751 454 297 324 137 187 1,573 809 764 113 55 58 437 206 231 700 412 288 323 136 187 1,578 813 765 113 53 60 440 204 236 708 424 284 317 132 185 1,571 820 751 109 51 58 430 197 233 717 438 279 315 134 181 70 121 65 9 11 13 34 38 12 51 68 36 19 23 18 4.3 13.0 8.4 7.8 0) 0) 7.3 16.2 5.1 6.8 14.2 12.1 5.7 14.8 9.6 2,851 1,336 1,515 477 255 222 2,865 1,341 1,524 488 260 228 2,862 1,337 1,525 503 271 232 2,880 1,333 1,547 505 273 232 2,888 1,324 1,564 528 283 245 2,955 1,354 1,601 539 287 252 3,000 1,368 1,632 562 290 272 3,000 1,349 1,651 564 289 275 3,029 1,328 1,701 590 299 291 3,003 1,322 1,681 610 311 299 3,025 1,334 1,691 632 319 313 3,047 1,383 1,664 661 337 324 196 61 186 184 82 102 6.4 4.4 10.9 27.8 24.3 31.5 165 1,241 621 620 1,246 626 620 1,237 612 625 1,257 608 649 1,259 602 657 1,292 616 676 1,305 619 686 1,303 619 684 1,300 596 704 1,270 593 677 1,251 591 660 1,225 592 633 80 35 84 6.1 5.6 11.9 43 911 365 546 912 360 552 900 359 541 892 356 536 884 347 537 901 355 546 911 360 551 917 348 569 916 347 569 902 334 568 915 338 577 932 367 565 48 33 41 5.2 9.0 7.2 88 222 95 127 4,711 2,145 2,566 131 53 78 107 38 69 303 144 159 3,957 1,820 2,137 219 95 124 4,674 2,092 2,582 132 53 79 107 39 68 305 145 160 3,916 1,759 2,157 222 95 127 4*768 2,087 2,681 132 53 79 109 36 73 307 146 161 4,006 1,758 2,248 226 96 130 4,715 2,110 2,605 134 52 82 108 36 72 312 146 166 3,947 1,783 2,164 217 92 125 4,717 2,085 2,632 136 53 83 108 39 69 313 145 168 3,944 1,757 2,187 223 96 127 4,632 2,066 2,566 138 54 84 109 39 70 320 145 175 3,852 1,738 2,114 222 99 123 4,608 2,013 2,595 141 55 86 109 35 74 324 144 180 3,828 1,693 2,135 216 93 123 4,589 2,003 2,586 139 52 87 109 35 74 327 145 182 3,809 1,689 2,120 223 86 137 4,725 1,947 2,778 139 51 88 107 35 72 325 145 180 3,959 1,641 2,318 221 84 137 4,729 1,924 2,805 137 52 85 107 35 72 317 139 178 3,972 1,619 2,353 227 86 141 4,707 1,929 2,778 137 52 85 107 35 72 318 140 178 3,947 1,624 2,323 229 87 142 4,639 1,903 2; 736 136 51 85 108 35 73 326 141 185 3,869 1,597 2,272 13 147 512 241 395 99 939 60 11 59 729 13 15 19 179 242 239 10 4 10 2 4 6 24 7. 26 197 223 239 5.7 0) 13.4 3.8 11.3 8.5 7.1 0) 0) 1.8 0) 0) 7.3 4.8 14.0 4.9 12.3 10.2 1 9 1 8 : B O O K K E E P E R , STENOGRAPHERS, ETC L um ber and its p rod u cts......................................... M ales....................- ............................................... F bihbIcs C offins and undertakers’ good s.................... — M ales................................................................. . Fem ales...................................................- ............ F u r n itu re .........................................................— M ales.......................................................... .......... Fem ales.................................. - ..................- ......... Saw -m ill and planing-m ill products................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. L um ber and its p roducts, n . o. c........................ M ales...................................................- ................ Fem ales................................................................. M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel..................................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................Brass, bronze, and alum inum products---------M ales.............. ............ ................. .................... Fem ales................... .......................................... C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products, includ ing stam ped and enam eled w are-........ — M ales.............................................................. — Fem ales...... ............................................. ............ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and re flectors............................................................... M ales.......... ........................................................ Fem ales.......... ...................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o . c ................... - ......................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Paper and p rinting.................................................... M ales..................................... — F e m a le s .................................................. ............ B oxes, fancy and paper; drinking cu ps........... M ales.................................... ............... ................ Fem ales................................................................. Labels and tags— ........................................... . M ales............................................................ ........ Fem ales...... ......................................................... Paper and w ood p u lp ............................................ M ales..................... ..................................... ........ Fem ales................. ........................................... . P rinting and publishing...................................... M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................... ................................ i Not computed owing to small number represented. OO G0> T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 8 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OFFICE CLERKS—Continued Industry and sex N um ber of establishm ents re porting M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Paper and printing— C ontinued. Paper and printing, n . o . c ___________________ 80 M ales_____ _________ _______________________ Fem ales________ _____ _____________________ R ubber produ cts_______________________________ 93 M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ Stone, clay, and sand products......................... . 683 M ales................ ................................ ............ ....... Fem ales__________________ ______________ B rick and tile, cla y.......... ..................................... 190 M ales.......................................................... .......... F em a les..................... ............ ............................. Glass, including cu ttin g and ornam enting____ 64 M ales.................................. ....................... .......... Fem ales____________ _______________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products___ 190 M ales......................... ........................................... Fem ales................................................................. Stone, cla y, and sand products, n . o . c ----------239 M ales.................................... ................... ............ Fem ales............................................... .................. T extiles------------------------------ ---------------------- ------757 M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________ ______________________ A w nings, tents, and sails, including auto fabrics........ ............. ............ ............................ 37 M ales_______ ___________ ___________________ Fem ales___________________ ________________ C lothing, m en’s, including shirts, coat pads, buttonholes...................... .............. .................. 161 M ales________________________________________ ________ Fem ales................................................................. ........... ...... C lothing, w om en’s, including corsets________ 117 Males_______ _____________________________________ Fem ale" .. _________ ____________________ _______ V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June 216 91 125 7,913 5,022 2,891 1,331 655 676 156 213 90 123 8,083 5,072 3,011 1,339 653 213 90 123 7,587 4,910 2,677 1,296 642 654 155 88 67 431 208 223 518 250 268 192 96 96 2,427 1,003 1,424 214 96 118 7,823 5,027 2,796 1,314 651 663 155 88 67 446 213 233 520 254 266 193 96 97 2,441 1,002 1,439 214 94 120 7,931 5,093 2,838 1,321 653 668 156 88 68 448 214 234 521 253 268 196 98 98 2,470 998 1,472 214 93 121 7,884 4,976 2,908 1,324 651 673 156 87 69 448 214 234 525 254 271 195 96 99 2,492 992 1,500 2,484 986 1,498 149 85 64 466 221 245 530 251 279 194 96 98 2,499 990 1,509 166 54 112 164 54 110 156 47 109 166 48 118 188 53 135 672 270 420 655 277 378 681 277 404 658 264 696 282 414 673 259 414 273 420 677 258 419 681 271 410 663 257 406 453 218 235 527 255 272 195 94 101 July 205 82 123 8,058 4,938 3,120 1,341 642 699 146 81 65 463 214 249 528 245 283 204 200 Per cent 1,531 2,536 985 1,551 195 75 120 7,758 4,634 3,124 1,325 622 703 140 77 63 468 210 258 523 238 285 194 97 97 2,513 958 1,555 196 79 117 7,742 4,525 3, 217 1,312 614 698 138 76 62 467 212 255 513 229 284 194 97 97 2,516 920 1,596 258 515 228 287 194 97 97 2,466 906 1,560 261 512 225 287 192 96 96 2,457 907 1,550 21 21 8 825 568 595 50 57 56 19 17 6 38 15 38 18 30 21 12 9 6 109 97 172 185 52 133 189 62 127 195 60 135 180 57 123 195 56 139 181 59 122 190 59 131 39 15 26 20.0 (0 18.7 689 276 413 661 255 406 692 270 422 680 264 416 703 269 434 667 256 411 699 271 428 659 235 424 693 259 434 651 217 434 675 249 426 636 213 423 664 237 427 634 227 407 39 45 32 46 64 56 5.5 16.0 7.4 6.8 24.2 12.9 686 206 86 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 120 8,120 5,009 3,111 1,346 651 151 83 68 465 218 247 527 247 280 203 103 100 2,532 1,001 102 102 198 78 79 120 121 7,826 4,575 3,251 1,315 608 707 137 72 65 469 7,295 4,639 2,656 1,308 211 710 137 71 66 467 9.7 0) 6.4 10.2 11.2 18.3 3.7 8.7 7.9 12.2 8 8.1 6.9 14.6 3.4 11.6 7.3 5.9 8.7 5.9 4.3 9.7 10.8 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 12 1591 88 71 135 38 97 159 90 69 136 38 98 156 89 67 140 38 102 158 89 69 144 38 106 160 85 75 142 38 104 166 88 78 139 37 102 167 89 78 141 36 105 165 86 79 143 35 108 161 82 79 142 36 106 159 77 82 144 36 108 156 76 80 142 35 107 154 74 80 145 37 108 13 16 15 10 3 11 102 44 58 538 232 306 197 108 89 109 56 53 88 52 36 4,793 3,095 1,698 3,959 2,538 1,421 101 45 56 542 334 308 193 104 89 109 55 54 84 49 35 4,866 3,131 1,735 4,040 2,584 1,456 102 46 56 547 237 310 196 107 89 109 55 54 87 52 35 4,952 3,151 1,801 4,104 2,605 1,499 101 45 56 553 241 312 192 102 90 110 56 54 82 46 36 5,025 3,174 1,851 4,170 2,613 1,557 102 45 57 548 237 311 193 101 92 111 56 55 82 45 37 5,285 3,314 1,971 4,425 2,749 1,676 103 45 58 556 237 319 192 101 91 110 55 55 82 46 36 5,378 3,302 2,076 4,502 2,741 1,761 102 44 58 561 236 325 189 98 91 111 56 55 78 42 36 5,501 3,338 2,163 4,626 2,769 1,857 102 44 58 561 235 326 188 97 91 110 55 55 78 42 36 5,579 3,321 2,258 4,709 2,769 1,940 100 44 56 572 233 339 186 97 89 106 55 51 80 42 38 5,505 3,181 2,324 4,635 2,622 2,013 104 44 60 570 231 339 182 96 86 106 55 51 76 41 35 5,484 3,082 7,402 4,607 2,547 2,060 104 43 61 572 231 341 184 94 90 104 54 50 80 40 40 5,494 3,051 2,443 4,608 2,519 2,089 98 41 57 572 232 340 191 100 91 106 55 51 85 45 40 5,505 3,069 2,436 4,621 2,538 2,083 6 5 5 34 10 35 15 14 6 7 2 5 12 12 5 786 287 745 750 250 668 153 371 207 164 379 212 167 386 205 181 376 201 175 381 209 172 400 213 187 380 209 171 383 207 176 364 204 160 371 195 176 374 196 178 363 187 176 37 26 27 11 252 216 36 241 204 37 247 208 39 260 220 40 266 225 41 256 211 45 273 222 51 272 214 58 286 222 64 279 210 69 282 212 70 283 215 68 45 21 34 3 102 86 16 109 48 61 6,286 3,436 2,850 98 83 15 108 48 60 6,611 3,571 3,040 99 84 15 116 49 67 6,730 3,642 3,088 104 90 14 115 50 65 7,133 3,878 3,255 99 83 16 114 48 66 7,294 3,911 3,383 106 90 16 114 47 67 7,687 4,156 3,531 108 92 16 114 46 68 7,845 4,122 3,723 101 84 17 114 47 67 8,000 4,189 3,811 106 87 19 114 46 68 8,036 4,181 3,855 110 83 27 117 47 70 8,060 4,066 3,994 108 76 32 122 48 74 8,026 3,997 4,029 116 81 35 122 48 74 7,943 3,979 3,964 18 16 21 14 4 14 1,774 753 1,179 529 358 171 559 375 184 570 377 193 596 394 202 618 409 209 629 411 218 645 406 239 656 409 247 661 405 256 692 398 294 707 401 306 712 410 302 183 53 135 32 33 365 246 167 79 346 165 14 718 48 12.2 14.9 15.7 9.3 0 15.5 0 0 11.5 0 0 22.0 1 918 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS; Flags, banners, and regalia........................... — M ales......................................... ........................... Fem ales............................ ................................... H oisery and k n it goods..................................— M ales................... ............................................... Fem ales__________ ________________________ M illin ery and lace goods, including artificial flow ers and feathers_____________________ M ales_____________________________________ F em a les......................... ................ ................... T extiles, n . o . c ................. ..................................... M ales.................................. ....................... .......... Fem ales................................ ......................... ...... T obacco m anufactures............. ............................ M ales................ ............. ............................. ...... Fem ales................. ............ .......................... ...... Cigars and cigarettes............................................ M ales_____________________________________ F em a les................................... ................... ...... T obacco rehandlers.............................................. M ales................ .................................. ................. Fem ales......................................................... ...... V ehicles...... ............................................................ . M ales....................... ....................................... . Fem ales........ ................ ............................ .......... A utom obiles and parts.................................. ...... M ales................. ......... ..................................... Fem ales____ ______________________________ Carriages, w agons, and m aterials, including repairing_______________________________ M ales............ ............ .......................................... Fem ales____________________ _____________ Cars, steam railroad, n ot including operations o f railroad com panies.......... .......................... M ales_____________________ ________________ Fem ales............ ......................... .......................... Cars, street railroad, not including operations o f railroad com panies................................ . M a les............. ............... ............... .................... Fem ales........ ................................................... V ehicles, n . o . c................................ .................... M ales. ................................................................... Fem ales............................ ............ ....................... M iscellaneous m anufactures___________________ M ales_____________ ________________________ Fem ales________________ __________________ A gricultural im plem ents, including farm tractors_________________ ________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales............................................................... a 18.0 29.3 25.7 12.9 44.1 00 o* T a b l e A , — Fluctuation o> O PART 2. in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 19H to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued 3 3 W ► ►3 > W 5 67 A m usem ents. M ales........... 188 ’ 605 356 294 "2i6 ” §o ’ §27 '201 Schools and colleges. M ales....................... F em a les................. Service, n. o. c ........... M ales....................... F em a les................. Trade.............................................. M ales............................................ Fem ales........................................ O ffices......................................... . . . M ales............................................ F e m a les.............. ....................... Stores, retail and w holesale........ M ales............................................ Fem ales........................................ Y ards, lum ber, coal, and scrap . M a les. 4,644 3,037 1,607 934 421 513 929 537 24 318 5,330 515 4,"62! T rade, n . o. c_. M ales............ Fem ales........ 730 64 77 509 150 60 90 94 58 36 152 40 112 158 317 112 205 183 70 113 22,016 8,681 13,335 5,768 2,717 3,051 14,597 4,990 9,607 1,574 20 1,653 935 416 519 899 511 388 588 75 513 150 60 90 94 58 36 152 38 114 150 98 52 355 123 232 183 70 113 1,673 953 425 528 946 551 395 611 78 533 149 107 242 184 70 114 4,765 3,001 1,764 980 438 542 933 533 400 623 85 538 149 60 89 97 61 36 153 37 116 152 95 57 495 213 282 182 69 113 21,948 8,642 13,306 5,771 2,698 3,073 14,494 4,946 9,548 1,606 963 643 77 35 42 22,132 8,635 13,497 5,809 2,705 3,104 14,645 4,949 9,696 1,605 953 652 73 28 45 21,976 8,555 13,421 5,834 2,703 3,131 14,468 4,886 9,582 1,600 937 663 74 29 45 3,012 56 37 152 38 114 159 70 40 30 4,812 3,016 1,796 984 431 553 954 539 415 610 84 526 150 61 89 95 59 36 154 37 117 147 92 55 532 257 275 181 64 117 141 90 51 4,951 3,040 1,911 112 60 526 237 289 156 50 106 22; 166 22,340 8,426 13,914 5,928 2,654 3,274 14,672 4,795 9,877 1,653 943 710 87 34 53 22,451 8,253 14,198 6,016 2,626 3,390 14,701 4,670 10,031 1,643 920 723 91 37 54 8,587 13,579 5,858 2,680 3,178 14,612 4,943 9,669 1,613 929 684 83 35 48 1,010 446 564 952 531 421 605 84 521 152 60 92 99 59 40 156 38 118 150 90 60 592 313 279 170 58 118 62 56 5.009 2,980 2,029 1.009 434 575 985 544 441 606 84 522 154 61 93 121 80 41 151 37 114 148 88 146 88 57 5,059 2,126 1,002 407 595 976 527 449 583 74 509 154 60 94 132 157 38 119 148 85 63 543 249 294 165 53 112 22,490 8,200 14,290 5,987 2,606 3,381 14,773 4,649 10,124 1,640 912 728 90 57 51 28 23 5,083 2,884 2,199 965 371 594 965 504 461 593 76 517 158 60 98 126 89 37 144 36 118 144 85 59 568 268 300 177 63 114 22,577 7,971 14,606 5,903 2,485 3,418 14,972 4,568 10,404 1,605 879 726 97 34 18 16 5,174 2,848 2,326 933 350 583 962 514 448 583 70 513 156 60 96 24 12 12 12 11 5,228 2,840 2,388 901 337 564 953 508 445 579 72 507 154 60 94 109 70 39 150 31 119 141 81 60 649 314 335 179 62 117 5,239 2,876 2,363 930 342 588 934 493 441 22,307, 22,421 7,782 7,808 14,499 14,639 5,796 5,790 2,422 2,408 22,818 7,912 14,906 5,810 2,431 3,379 15,340 4,604 10,736 1,577 842 735 91 35 56 120 81 39 148 29 119 141 84 57 640 304 336 168 57 111 14,828 4,509 10,319 1,602 846 756 87 31 56 14,951 4,502 10,449 1,582 837 745 92 35 57 524 156 60 96 106 67 39 148 30 118 149 85 58 635 298 337 182 64 118 123 78 46 595 197 781 109 109 82 86 58 73 44 17 31 9 1 9 39 37 5 13 11 7 18 18 11 332 207 132 28 20 12 870 899 1,600 367 872 488 1,188 79 126 29.5 1 918 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, Fem ales............................................................... H otels....................................................................... M ales................................................................. F em a les.......... ................................................... Laundries and d ry cleaners................................ . M ales....................................................... ........... Fem ales ............................................................... O ffice buildin gs, including w indow clea n in g.. M ales................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... Professional............................................................ M ales................................................................... F em a les............................................................. B estaurants............................................................ M ales................................................................... Fem ales.......................................................... . Saloons...................................................................... M ales. 39 19 12 B an ks. M ales. Os 25 13 H O 120 24 11 17 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 25 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 1° 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 00 00 1 9 1 8 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F I C E C L E R K S — C on tin u ed Industry and sex M ales.......... ............. ...................................... . . Fem ales.......... ....................................................... D rayage and storage, including livery stables. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales........ ....................................................... E lectric railroads, ligh t, and p ow er................. M ales...................................................................... Fem ales............ ..................................................... N atural gas.................................. .......... .............. . M ales................................................. ............. . Fem ales.................................... ............................ P ip elin es (petroleum )—...................................... M ales.............................................................. — F em ales............................................................. . Telegraph and teleph one.................................. M ales.................................. .......................... ....... Fem ales.................................................................. T ransportation b y w ater, including steve d orin g............................................................... M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales................................................................. T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n. o . c ___ M ales...................................................................... Fem ales................................................................- 1,134 349 183 77 15 389 39 82 V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July N ovem Decem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 6,913 3,768 3,145 380 207 173 2,490 1,569 921 751 547 204 128 115 13 2,773 1,032 1,741 6,906 3,750 3,156 385 209 176 2,492 1,564 928 732 537 195 132 119 13 2,777 1,028 1,749 6,966 3,765 3,201 389 209 180 2,512 1,564 948 743 533 210 131 118 13 2,798 1,039 1,759 6,979 3,728 3,251 385 202 183 2,524 1,544 980 741 542 199 133 119 14 2,798 1,014 1,784 7,089 3,715 3,374 397 207 190 2,591 1,575 1,016 753 509 244 132 120 12 2,787 977 1,810 7,391 3,687 3,704 411 210 201 2,593 1,502 1,091 780 496 284 155 137 18 3,013 1,017 1,996 7,590 3,761 3,829 396 208 188 2,733 1,608 1,125 779 495 284 143 124 19 3.090 999 2.091 7,399 3,532 3,867 408 213 195 2,604 1,452 1,152 761 451 310 149 127 22 3,038 973 2,065 7,410 3,427 3,983 412 209 203 2,589 1,399 1,190 795 456 339 141 118 23 3,045 939 2,106 7,331 3,298 4,033 412 215 197 2,570 1,350 1,220 785 414 371 146 115 31 2,996 905 2,091 7,324 3,265 4,059 398 206 192 2,572 1,332 1,240 784 424 360 146 111 35 3,009 898 2,111 7,165 3,149 4,016 403 210 193 2,559 1,320 1,239 774 410 364 158 123 35 2,887 805 2,082 684 619 914 32 13 30 243 288 319 63 137 176 30 26 23 317 234 370 9.0 16.4 22.5 7.8 6.0 14.8 8.9 17.9 25.7 7.9 25.0 47.4 19.0 19.0 (0 10.3 22.5 162 134 28 229 164 65 163 135 28 225 158 67 170 143 27 224 159 65 192 158 34 206 149 57 221 177 44 208 150 58 227 177 50 212 148 64 230 172 58 219 155 64 224 167 57 215 149 66 217 162 55 211 144 67 210 156 54 212 143 69 206 153 53 209 141 68 179 140 39 205 141 64 68 43 31 4 23 12 29.6 24.3 0) 1.7 14.0 0) 14.5 5.0 22.8 17-5 1 9 1 8 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G ) A L L IN D U S T R IE S --.............................................. 22,709 41,027 M ales............ ....................................................................... . 20,399 Fem ales.-......................................................................... . 20,628 A g ricu ltu re .................................................................... 520 M ales..................................................................................... Fem ales__________ ___________________________________ 44 32 12 40,847 20,339 20,508 42,098 20,588 21,510 41,891 20,504 21,387 41,492 20,286 21,206 41,800 20,263 21,537 40,809 19,963 20,846 40,237 19,647 20,590 41,700 19,729 21,971 42,120 19,557 22,563 42,934 19,617 23,317 47,068 20,495 26,573 6,831 1,031 6,065 44 30 14 46 30 16 56 34 22 54 34 20 53 35 18 44 31 13 43 30 13 45 33 12 49 34 15 48 31 17 54 32 22 13 5 10 0) 0) 0) w £ PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE Transportation and public utilities............ . N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting t 8 Ha to *. A g S 3 2 g £ ^ h3 £ tr* ra Construction................. 4,273 4,104 Fisheries. Manufactures.............................................. M ales............................................................ F em ales. ..................................................... C hem icals and allied products....................... M ales.................................. ........................ Fem ales........................................................ F ood and kindred products.... ....................... M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ B akery products............................................ M ales........................................................... F e m a le s.................................................... B utter, cheese, and condensed m ilk......... M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ C onfectionery and ice crea m ..................... M ales............................................................ Fem ales. ...................................................... Slaughtering and m eat packing................. M ales........................................................... Fem ales.............................. ................... F ood and kindred products, n. o. c .......... M ales................................................. .......... Iron and steel and their products.................. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ F oun dry and m achine-shop p rod u cts___ M ales................ ........................................... F em ales. ...................................................... Stoves and furnaces...................................... M ales............................................................ Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ Leather and leather p rod u cts......................... M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ 427 404 23 129 122 7 298 282 16 430 405 25 129 5,077 4,015 1,062 189 185 4 2,055 1,425 630 1,230 838 392 173 162 11 285 85 200 246 219 27 121 121 406 353 53 188 161 27 113 113 105 79 26 28 26 2 5,072 4,007 1,065 183 179 4 2,051 1,420 631 1,227 837 390 178 167 11 280 77 203 247 220 27 119 119 416 363 53 197 171 26 114 114 105 78 27 28 26 2 5,081 4,019 1,062 187 183 4 2,050 1,417 633 1,217 826 391 186 174 122 7 301 283 18 434 408 26 130 123 7 304 285 19 417 391 26 125 118 7 292 273 19 425 399 26 123 116 7 302 283 19 421 396 25 128 121 7 293 275 18 416 389 27 131 122 9 285 267 18 408 382 26 128 119 9 280 263 17 394 361 33 128 113 15 266 248 18 393 359 34 127 113 14 266 246 20 390 357 33 130 117 13 260 240 20 44 51 11 8 12 8 44 45 5 ia i 12.5 0) 6.0 9.6 (0 14.5 15.8 0) 5,131 4,042 1,089 189 185 4 2,064 1,426 638 1,216 826 390 194 182 12 284 75 209 250 223 27 120 120 426 373 53 199 174 25 119 119 108 80 28 27 25 2 4,152 5,062 1,090 192 188 4 2,071 1,434 637 1,211 814 397 192 180 12 275 74 201 272 245 27 121 121 431 380 51 198 174 24 124 124 109 82 27 27 25 2 5,175 4,080 1,095 192 187 5 2,109 1,466 643 1,246 841 405 197 182 15 271 74 197 272 246 26 123 123 420 366 54 197 171 26 111 111 112 84 28 28 26 2 5,160 4,070 1,090 190 185 5 2,098 1,453 645 1,234 832 402 194 181 13 275 72 203 275 248 27 120 120 408 370 38 198 173 25 112 112 98 85 13 27 25 2 5,163 4,056 1,107 188 183 5 2,086 1,446 640 1,236 835 401 198 183 15 262 66 196 274 246 28 116 116 400 363 37 194 171 23 110 110 96 82 14 26 24 2 5,061 3,953 1,108 187 182 5 2,069 1,427 642 1,238 832 406 189 178 5,018 3,912 1,106 184 179 5 2,059 1,422 637 1,243 838 405 189 176 13 253 62 191 264 236 28 110 110 409 369 40 200 172 28 112 112 97 85 12 25 23 2 5,042 3,915 1,127 183 177 6 2,069 1,423 646 1,252 840 412 178 164 14 255 62 193 275 248 27 109 109 410 370 40 200 173 27 112 112 98 85 13 25 21 4 5,103 3,927 1,176 183 177 6 2,087 1,413 674 1,271 846 425 187 170 17 268 63 205 269 242 27 92 92 409 369 40 198 172 26 112 112 99 85 14 28 23 5 157 168 114 9 11 2 59 53 44 60 32 35 25 21 6 32 23 18 29 29 2 31 31 31 27 17 12 13 5 14 14 16 8 16 3 5 3 3.0 4.1 9.7 4.7 5.9 0) 2.8 3.6 6.5 4.7 3.8 8.2 12.6 11.4 0 11.2 0) 8.6 10.5 11.7 0) 25.2 25.2 7.2 7.1 0) 6.0 7.5 0) 11.3 11.3 14.3 (i) v) (l) v) 0 38 8,858 351 407 146 148 105 1,635 1,112 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 426 403 23 133 125 8 293 278 15 90 433* 161 12 278 75 203 248 221 27 122 122 419 367 52 197 172 25 118 118 104 77 27 28 26 2 11 260 63 197 267 239 28 115 115 408 370 38 196 172 24 115 115 97 83 14 25 23 2 1918: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) 66429°— 32- M ales......................... Fem ales—................. E lectrical contracting. M ales......................... Fem ales—................. C onstruction, n. o. c M ales........................ Fem ales..................... T a b l e A ,— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CO O 1 9 1 8 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L IN G )—C ontinued Industry and sex N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent L iquors and beverages.............................................. M ales....................... ......................................... . Fem ales______________ _____________________ L iquors, m alt................................. ................ ......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ L iquors and beverages, n. o. c ..................... ....... M ales______________________________________ Lum ber and its p ro d u cts...................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Saw -m ill and planing-m ill p rod u cts.................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Lum ber and its products, n . o. c........................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M etals and m etal p roducts, other than iron and steel......................................................... — M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products, includ ing stam ped and enam eled w are—.............. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o. c ............................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Paper and prin tin g.................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ ____________________________ P rinting and publishing....................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 182 153 152 1 109 108 1 44 44 150 146 4 104 103 1 46 43 3 153 152 1 110 109 1 43 43 150 146 4 104 103 1 46 43 3 158 157 1 111 110 1 47 47 150 146 4 104 103 1 46 43 3 156 155 1 111 110 1 45 45 152 148 4 107 106 1 45 42 3 157 156 1 110 109 1 47 47 154 150 4 108 107 1 46 43 3 159 158 1 110 109 1 49 49 151 145 6 105 103 2 46 42 4 156 154 2 109 107 2 47 47 145 139 6 102 100 2 43 39 4 155 153 2 109 107 2 46 46 138 132 6 98 95 3 40 37 3 153 151 2 109 107 2 44 44 139 131 8 97 94 3 42 37 5 140 138 2 102 100 2 38 38 135 127 8 95 92 3 40 35 5 137 135 2 100 98 2 37 37 134 127 7 94 91 3 40 36 4 143 141 2 106 104 2 37 37 132 126 6 91 89 2 41 37 4 22 23 1 11 12 1 12 12 22 24 4 17 18 2 6 8 2 395 198 169 29 187 161 26 193 165 28 192 164 28 191 161 30 191 164 27 194 165 29 197 165 32 195 165 30 190 160 30 193 163 30 194 163 31 11 9 6 0 165 136 111 25 125 103 22 131 107 24 129 105 24 128 102 26 127 104 23 128 103 25 128 100 28 126 100 26 121 95 26 125 99 26 126 100 26 15 16 6 11.0 14.4 0) 230 62 58 4 957 853 104 878 781 97 62 58 4 944 841 103 867 771 96 62 58 4 948 843 105 870 772 98 63 59 4 953 839 114 874 767 107 63 59 4 949 835 114 870 763 107 64 60 4 945 830 115 866 758 108 66 62 4 952 842 110 875 772 103 69 65 4 951 838 113 875 769 106 69 65 4 932 819 113 857 751 106 69 65 4 941 816 125 867 749 118 68 64 4 958 822 136 884 755 129 68 63 6 982 833 149 908 766 142 7 7 1 50 37 46 51 32 46 (1) (1) 5.1 4.3 30.9 5.6 4.1 32.4 94 88 913 512 401 939 729 13.8 14.6 (i) 9.9 10.9 0) 0 (i) 14.3 16.0 (i) 15.7 16.8 (i) 0) (i) (l) 5.6 5.3 0) PART 2. Manufactures—C ontinued. s s w $ 6 s Service........ ................. ........... M ales.................................... F em a les.............................. Garages....... ............................ M ales___________________ Fem ales............................... Laundries and d ry cleaners. M ales. ................................. F em a les............................ . R estaurants............................ M ales.................................... Fem ales.............................. . S aloons.................................... M ales................................... Fem ales............................... Service, n. o. c...................... . M ales.................................... Fem ales............................... Trade, retail and wholesale. M ales..................... ........... Fem ales............................. 210 93 683 757 246 346 718 113 605 2,556 505 294 327 201 1,229 5,330 79 72 7 51 47 4 88 81 7 254 223 31 22 22 67 60 7 459 273 186 230 108 122 229 165 64 77 70 7 51 47 4 91 84 7 268 224 44 22 22 68 61 7 460 281 179 240 116 124 220 165 55 78 71 7 41 38 3 88 82 6 270 230 40 22 22 69 62 7 458 281 177 235 110 125 223 171 52 79 72 7 51 48 3 86 80 6 270 233 37 21 21 68 61 7 476 284 192 251 113 138 225 171 54 79 72 7 53 50 3 85 79 6 266 234 32 20 20 73 64 9 483 286 197 258 113 145 225 173 52 79 72 7 55 51 4 85 78 7 262 235 27 20 20 74 65 9 484 289 195 258 115 143 226 174 52 77 70 7 51 47 4 82 75 7 276 238 38 20 20 71 62 9 490 295 195 262 119 143 228 176 52 76 69 7 72 69 3 80 73 7 283 232 51 21 21 72 62 10 494 295 199 261 120 141 233 175 58 75 68 7 54 49 5 80 74 6 275 223 52 21 21 73 63 10 450 255 195 216 82 134 234 173 61 74 67 7 50 47 3 77 71 6 258 222 36 21 21 72 62 10 457 255 202 218 84 134 239 171 68 74 67 7 53 49 4 76 70 6 250 219 31 21 21 72 62 10 461 256 205 223 86 137 238 170 68 74 67 7 52 49 3 74 68 6 255 225 30 21 21 72 62 10 471 257 214 228 83 145 243 174 69 5 5 31 31 2 17 16 1 33 19 22 2 2 7 5 3 44 40 37 46 38 23 23 11 17 1,683 1,377 306 514 512 2 374 322 52 303 120 183 359 335 24 *133 88 45 1,697 1,384 313 534 532 2 371 318 53 299 111 188 359 335 24 134 88 46 1,707 1,389 318 558 556 2 359 303 56 299 109 190 359 335 24 132 86 46 1,700 1,372 328 566 564 2 358 301 57 287 92 195 356 328 28 133 87 46 1,700 1,379 321 581 579 2 346 289 57 282 92 190 360 334 26 131 85 46 1,700 1,374 326 572 568 4 345 283 62 287 94 193 358 334 24 138 95 43 1,689 1,357 332 554 549 5 335 279 56 303 98 205 357 333 24 140 98 42 1,639 1,314 325 516 512 4 336 281 55 287 91 196 355 330 25 145 100 45 1,602 1,286 316 472 468 4 334 278 56 311 123 188 351 325 26 134 92 42 1,483 1,199 284 424 421 3 342 287 55 244 75 169 331 325 6 142 91 51 1,442 1,157 285 416 413 3 323 266 57 216 67 149 343 318 25 144 93 51 1,462 1,164 298 409 406 3 319 263 56 238 76 162 348 323 25 149 96 53 265 232 48 172 173 3 55 59 10 95 56 56 29 17 22 18 15 11 33,587 14,405 19,182 33,401 14,351 19,050 34,628 14,582 20,046 34,367 14,489 19,878 33,968 14,263 19,705 34,240 14,216 20,024 33,288 13,949 19,339 32,766 13,699 19,067 34,377 13,921 20,456 34,974 13,900 21,074 35,806 14,002 21,804 39,858 14,866 24,992 7,092 1,167 5,942 8.9 13.6 17.3 17.6 31.7 15.9 15.5 16.8 14.5 0) 14.7 18.3 (v , 45.5 27.3 8.1 5.1 (0 1918: SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELING) Paper and printing, n . o. c............. ................ . M ales................................................................. Fem ales............................................................ R ubber produ cts................................................... M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................ Stone, cla y, and sand produ cts..... .................... M ales................................................................ Fem ales............................................................ T extiles ................................................................... M ales................................................................ F em a les.......................................................... T obacco and m anufactures................................ M ales................................................................ V ehicles................................................................... M ales................................................................ F e m a le s ........................................................ M iscellaneous m anufactures.......... ................... M ales......................................... ..................... Fem ales................................ ............................ E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales............................................................... F em ales. ......................................................... M iscellaneous m anufactures, n. o. c............. M ales___________________________________ Fem ales............................................................ 12.1 15 0) 17.8 23.8 i Not computed owing to small number represented. CO H-t T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CD to 1 9 1 8 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L I N G ) — C o n tin u e d V ariation from m axinm m N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um A ugu st tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 273 261 12 111 106 5 32,992 13,830 19,162 211 208 3 286 274 12 105 100 5 32,799 13,769 19,030 211 208 3 274 262 12 104 99 5 34,038 14,013 20,025 212 208 4 283 272 11 104 99 5 33,761 13,903 19,858 219 215 4 291 278 13 101 97 4 33,361 13,677 19,684 215 211 4 277 265 12 143 138 5 33,601 13,598 20,003 219 215 4 280 268 12 148 143 5 32,646 13,328 19,318 214 210 4 256 244 12 145 140 5 32,155 13,109 19,046 210 206 4 266 254 12 151 146 5 33,751 13,316 20,435 209 205 4 268 256 12 119 115 4 34.379 13,325 21,054 208 204 4 270 258 12 116 112 4 35,217 13,432 21.785 203 200 3 265 252 13 104 99 5 39,287 14,316 24,971 202 199 3 35 34 2 50 49 1 7,132 1,207 5,941 17 16 1 12.0 12.2 0) ^ 4 .1 33.6 C1) 18.2 8.4 23.8 7.8 7.4 (*) 210 167 43 141 133 8 69 34 35 206 163 43 139 131 8 67 32 35 206 163 43 140 132 8 66 31 35 203 159 44 132 124 8 71 35 36 201 157 44 133 125 8 68 32 36 207 159 48 136 127 9 71 32 39 207 160 47 137 128 9 70 32 38 210 159 51 138 127 11 72 32 40 207 154 53 134 122 12 73 32 41 202 151 51 130 118 12 72 33 39 203 153 50 131 120 11 72 33 39 201 149 52 133 120 13 68 29 39 9 18 10 11 15 5 7 6 6 4.3 10.8 <*) 7.8 11.3 Trade, retail and wholesale—C ontinued. O ffices------------- ----------------------------- ---------------- _____ _ . M ales Fem ales ___ _ . R etail d elivery, m ilk, ice, and w a te r............. M ales_______________________________ ______ Fem ales___________________________________ Stores, retail and w holesale................................ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________ _________________________ Y ards, lum ber, coal, and scra p ........................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__________________________________ Transportation and public utilities_________ 515 64 4,021 730 1,134 M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectric railroads, ligh t and pow er..................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Transportation and p u b lic u tilities, n. o. c___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.................................................... —......... i N ot com puted ow ing to sm all num ber represented. 183 951 8 0) 0) Z JMVd Industry and sex N um ber of establish m ents re porting e w s T able A*— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry , and sex — Continued 1 9 1 9 : WAGE EARNERS Variation from maximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting ALL INDUSTRIES.. M ales................... Fem ales.............. . 662 M ales............................................................ Fem ales...................................................... . D airy farm ing............................................... . M ales................................................. .......... Fem ales........................................................ Florists, fru it grow ers, and nurserym en . M ales.............. ............................................ Fem ales........................................................ General farm ing............................................. M ales............................................................ 32 146 326 n. o. c. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales............................................. ............ B rick, stone, and cem ent w ork.................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales....................... .................................. E lectrical con tracting...................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... E recting or installing m achinery................. M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... General con tracting......................................... M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... O il, gas, and w ater, drillin g or producing . M ales.............................................................. Fem ales.......................................................... 49 4,747 441 186 86 1,808 1Not computed owing to small number represented. Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July August Sep N ovem Decem N um tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 23,662 832,424 815,933 815,660 823,726 827,247 858,781 895,898 926,607 934,658 899,846 930,765 951,694 136,034 696,174 682,056 683,005 692,623 697.203 725,757 759,401 786,335 791,759 754,185 782,965 801,616 119,560 136,250 133,877 132,655 131,103 130,044 133,024 136,497 140,272 142,899 145,661 147,800 150,078 20,034 A griculture.................................................. Construction................................................. Janu ary 436 3,376 3,118 268 237 231 6 1,405 1,211 194 1,666 1,608 68 68 68 3,500 3,246 254 267 261 6 1,441 1,251 190 1,722 1,664 58 70 70 3,830 3,544 286 253 246 7 1,738 1,514 224 1,782 1,727 55 57 57 4,583 4,276 307 261 255 6 2,262 2,025 237 1,994 1,930 64 66 66 4,619 4,316 303 259 253 6 2,204 1,977 227 2,108 2,038 70 48 48 5,505 5,050 455 282 275 7 2,780 2,455 325 2,397 2,274 123 46 46 5,823 5,280 543 282 273 9 2,683 2,260 423 2,735 2,624 111 123 123 35,160 35,031 129 1,772 1,769 3 2,000 1,990 10 282 281 1 16,012 15,958 64 3,613 3,609 4 33,652 33,526 126 1,654 1,652 2 1,925 1,917 8 262 261 1 15,088 15,035 53 3,501 3,497 4 35,617 35,476 141 1,775 1,773 2 1,868 1,861 7 241 240 1 15,917 15,859 58 3,515 3,511 4 43,734 43,610 124 2,372 2,370 2 1,820 1,817 3 234 233 1 20,530 20,479 51 3,620 3,616 4 47,305 47,174 131 2,578 2,576 2 1,768 1,764 4 254 253 1 21,937 21,885 52 3,817 3,813 4 55,406 55,244 162 3,263 3,259 4 2,009 2,004 5 329 328 1 26,616 26,537 79 3,979 3,975 4 59,609 59,441 168 4,164 4,159 5 2,017 2,009 8 317 316 1 28,147 28,069 78 4,201 4,197 4 5,129 4,797 332 277 268 9 2,257 2,035 222 2,401 2,300 101 194 194 4,671 4,353 318 290 282 8 1,863 1,643 220 2,379 2,289 90 139 139 65,411 68,093 65,249 67,917 162 176 4,488 4,350 4,483 4,346 5 4 2,013 2,045 2,007 2,040 6 5 310 326 309 325 1 1 31,715 34,512 31,635 34,418 80 94 4,184 4,208 4,204 4,179 4 1 5 Per cent 14.3 14.9 13.4 4,402 3,877 4,078 . 3,641 324 236 278 260 271 252 7 8 1,905 1,652 1,663 1,493 159 242 1,853 2,128 1,784 2,053 75 69 91 112 91 112 3,520 3,289 231 264 255 9 1,484 1,322 162 1,691 1,631 60 81 81 2,447 2,162 312 53 51 3 1,375 1,244 264 1,069 1,016 68 137 137 42.0 40.9 57.5 18.3 18.1 (0 49.5 50.7 62.4 39.1 38.7 55.3 70.6 70.6 67,541 67,372 169 4,396 4,392 4 2,204 2,199 5 505 504 1 36,325 36,242 83 4,003 4,000 3 61,121 60,943 178 3,522 3,517 5 2,258 2,253 5 614 613 1 34,436 34,344 92 3,974 3,971 3 35,766 35,703 65 2,871 2,869 3 490 489 7 380 380 51.5 51.6 34.4 63.4 63.5 (0 21.7 21.7 21,237 21,207 52 707 707 2 58.5 58.5 50.5 16.8 16.8 (0 69,418 69,229 189 4,525 4,521 4 2,159 2,154 5 387 386 1 36,006 35,903 103 4,098 4,094 4 * ► O tel tel s tel & QQ 61.9 62.0 co 00 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CO 1919: WAGE EARNERS-Continued Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber o f estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting Janu ary 287 932 913 19 398 398 2,855 2,854 1 556 556 1,131 1,113 18 482 482 2,683 2,682 1 585 585 1,466 1,449 17 565 565 2,650 2,646 4 699 699 1,791 1,786 5 4,562 4,530 32 318 318 69 69 1,558 1,553 5 4,445 4,411 34 271 271 67 67 296 293 3 234 231 3 Febru M arch ary Sep O ctober N ovem Decern August tem ber ber ber N um ber A pril M ay June July 1,583 1,578 5 5,062 5,019 43 212 212 64 64 1,797 1,774 23 547 547 2,706 2,699 7 824 821 3 1,825 1,820 5 7,197 7,172 25 206 206 56 56 1,995 1,968 27 540 540 2,612 2,604 8 888 885 3 1,926 1,921 5 8,781 8,756 25 146 146 63 63 2,135 2,110 25 620 620 2,955 2,947 8 934 930 4 2,012 2,007 5 10,309 10,282 27 165 165 80 80 2,102 2,076 26 712 712 3,131 3,122 9 903 899 4 2,012 2,007 5 11,637 11,609 28 205 205 61 61 2,043 2,020 23 729 729 3,269 3,260 9 973 968 5 2,269 2,265 4 13,026 13,001 25 296 296 72 72 2,133 2,109 24 818 818 3,330 3,320 10 974 969 5 2,338 2,334 4 12,661 12,637 24 337 337 85 85 2,041 2,012 29 882 882 3,625 3,615 10 946 940 6 2,507 2,503 4 11, 755 11,732 23 365 365 122 122 1,767 1,732 35 868 868 3,734 3,725 9 875 869 6 2,504 2,498 6 9,844 9,827 17 391 391 125 125 1,497 1,459 38 853 853 3,837 3,828 9 679 676 3 2,423 2,417 6 6,503 6,487 16 372 372 153 153 1,203 1,197 21 484 484 1,225 1,224 9 418 413 3 949 950 2 8,581 8,590 27 245 245 97 97 331 328 3 388 385 3 403 400 3 394 391 3 430 427 3 427 425 2 391 388 3 426 423 3 419 416 3 466 463 3 232 232 1 Per cent Construction—C ontinued. Painting and decorating.................................... . M ales......................... ..................... ........ Fem ales........ ............................................... Plastering, including lathing............................... M ales.................................... ......................... Plum bing and steam fittin g......... ..................... M ales_________________________________ Fem ales_______________________________ Sand and gravel excavating........ ......................... M ales_________________________________ Fem ales________ ___________________________ Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales__ _________________________________ Street, road, and sewer con tracting___________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ V entilatin g and heating_________________ M ales_____________________________________ C onstruction, n. o. c_________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fisheries _____ ____ _____ ________ ________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Manufactures............ ............ ....... ............. ...... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Chem icals and allied products...... .......... ............. M ales__________ ____________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ B aking pow der and yeast____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 131 394 73 306 656 29 15 41 9,011 662,393 647,251 642,943 638,470 635,636 656,151 687,685 712,388 718,463 682,207 715,291 743,424 107,788 563,108 550,423 547,549 545,033 543,187 561,002 588,950 609, 370 613,020 574,350 605,290 631,383 88,196 99,285 96,828 95,394 93,437 92,449 95,149 98,735 103, 018 105, 443 107,857 110,001 112,041 19, 592 4,172 369 19,353 18,773 18,125 17,637 18,140 18,985 19,715 20,871 21,809 20,520 20,003 19,126 3,965 16,928 16,498 15,810 15,380 15,849 16,505 17,164 18, 281 19, 345 17,991 17,478 16, 769 2,425 2,529 2,357 2,275 2,464 2,590 2,525 333 2,315 2,291 2,480 2,551 2,257 187 4 131 91 206 182 171 157 115 158 192 162 168 161 76 75 54 60 22 70 68 64 66 66 70 70 61 111 131 90 91 118 102 71 70 122 101 91 61 101 56.3 56.7 55.3 54.9 54.9 31.9 31.9 0) 42.9 42.6 0) 37.9 38.0 (0 65.9 66 1 0) 62.7 62.7 63.4 63.4 49.8 50.1 Q) 14.5 14.0 17.5 19.1 20.5 12.9 44.2 (0 53.4 * sa i 525 a W t* i C hem icals, acids, and w ood d istillation ........... M ales............................. ....................................... Fem ales........ ....................................................... D yestu ff and extracts............................................ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales..................... ................. ...................... . E xplosives............................................................. . M ales................................................................. . F ertilizers, tankage...............................................M ales......... ........................................................ Fem ales............................................................... . In k , printing and w ritin g .............................. . M ales...................... ..................................... ........ Fem ales................................................................. O il, linseed, lubricatin g, and cottonseed, and oil cake............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. P aint and varnish............................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Patent m edicines and drug com pounds, in cluding drug grinding..................................... M ales........................... ......................................... Fem ales............................................................ . Petroleum refining............................................ . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................... ........... S alt.................................................................... ........ M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales................................................................. Soap, candles, grease, and tallow ........................ M ales................................. ................................... Fem ales................................................................. Chem icals and allied products, n . o. c_............. M ales......... .......................................................... . Fem ales......................... ....................................... F ood and kindred prod u cts..................................... M ales.................................................................... F em ales...................................................... .......... B akery produ cts.......................................... .......... M a le s .................................................................. . F em ales............... ................................................ C anning and preserving....................................... M ales.................................................................... F em ales................................................................. C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding............................................................. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales................................................................. i Not computed owing to small number represented. 41 3 10 33 18 80 5 278 278 1,722 1,716 6 314 277 37 3,172 3,150 22 405 400 5 257 257 1,204 1,199 5 322 284 38 3,277 3,255 22 392 387 5 250 250 1,177 1,172 5 350 309 41 3,485 3,466 19 427 421 6 284 284 1,302 1,297 5 326 289 37 3,577 3,550 27 531 525 6 316 316 1,765 1,760 5 369 333 36 3,788 3,760 28 573 567 6 334 334 2,479 2,474 5 390 355 35 3,834 3,809 25 594 588 6 353 353 1,290 1,285 5 416 381 35 3,767 3,730 37 553 548 5 330 330 1,202 1,198 4 419 387 32 3,712 3,675 37 606 601 5 315 315 264 261 3 2,689 2,410 279 247 241 6 2,743 2,467 276 258 255 3 2,852 2,566 286 307 304 3 3,023 2,730 293 335 3 3,125 2,830 295 339 335 4 3,173 2,858 315 374 369 5 3,167 2,870 297 370 365 5 3,159 2,879 280 356 351 5 3,185 2,878 307 339 334 5 3,167 2,886 281 361 355 587 803 2,282 2,273 9 930 799 131 4,522 3,552 970 508 451 57 28,136 21,080 7,056 6,159 4,454 1,705 755 514 241 1,433 615 818 2,280 2,274 6 893 754 139 3,872 3,111 761 565 505 60 26,843 20,052 6,791 6,164 4,450 1,714 738 480 258 1,523 642 881 2,196 2,190 6 837 695 142 3,727 2,946 781 569 505 64 26,396 19,987 6,409 6,196 4,491 1,705 735 543 192 1,366 589 777 2,203 2,197 6 812 674 138 3,965 3,142 823 541 479 62 26,459 20,239 6,220 6,129 4,456 1,673 815 644 171 1,284 580 704 2,235 2,230 5 852 700 152 4,375 3,487 512 458 54 27,036 20,714 6,322 6,233 4,537 1,696 1,066 748 318 1,315 587 728 2,273 2,269 4 876 740 136 4,922 3,850 1,072 508 457 51 30,183 23,057 7,126 6,416 4,606 1,810 2,748 1,950 798 1,397 613 784 2,380 2,376 4 895 751 144 5,053 3,981 1,072 492 432 60 29,947 22,591 7,356 6,557 4,694 1,863 1,539 1,002 537 1,444 640 804 2,426 2,418 8 940 790 150 5,287 4,188 1,099 504 452 52 32,348 23,939 8,409 6,456 4,686 1,770 3,355 2,164 1,191 1,407 635 772 2,375 2,360 15 915 762 153 5,337 4,327 1,010 514 461 53 35,224 24,946 10,278 6,551 4,747 1,804 5,162 3,088 2,074 1,486 680 806 2,330 2,310 20 1,000 818 182 5,005 4,013 992 514 459 55 33,133 23,538 9,595 6,563 4,781 1,782 2,343 1,312 1,031 1,514 675 839 2,339 2,322 17 1,005 822 183 4,727 3,729 998 526 463 63 33,256 24,040 9,216 6,734 4,857 1,877 1,304 829 475 31,843 23,620 8,223 6,787 4,904 1,883 836 558 278 177 230 228 16 193 148 59 1,610 1,381 338 77 73 15 8,828 4,959 4,058 658 454 210 4,427 2,6~~ 1,903 431 438 854 437 417 821 413 408 836 409 427 852 433 419 907 444 463 910 437 473 1,006 460 546 1,053 479 574 1,000 463 537 963 470 493 940 469 471 232 70 166 3,787 3,755 32 3,338 3,317 21 473 584 5 297 297 1,554 1,547 7 344 310 34 278 275 3 2,650 2,394 256 53 32 6 47 33 1,475 403 845 831 18 230 230 2 106 106 1.368 1.368 4 105 3,111 3,088 23 376 371 5 276 276 1,401 1,395 6 315 278 37 3,956 3,919 37 568 564 4 356 356 1,354 1,346 8 372 336 36 27 888 1,111 1,106 5 412 380 32 3,204 2,924 280 1,501 681 820 2,330 2,314 16 190 3,941 3,112 829 504 438 110 127 128 3 554 530 59 239 101 21.4 21.2 0) 37.9 38.3 0) 29.8 29.8 55.2 55.2 0) 25.1 28.4 0) 34.7 0) 17.3 18.1 18.7 15.7 14.8 20.1 9.5 19.2 18.0 31.1 30.2 31.9 13.5 14.5 19.9 39.5 9.7 9.3 11.2 85.8 84.5 91.8 22.0 14.6 28.9 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 t° 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CO O) 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S — C o n tin u e d Industry and sex 131 23 187 462 27 4 109 8 5 1,687 33 N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July V ariation from m aximum N ovem D ecem N um Sep August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 4,508 5,438 4,208 3,812 4,355 5,793 6,298 4,575 3,967 6,335 4,840 3,897 1,542 1,399 1,412 1,497 1,744 1,540 1,476 1,719 1,857 1,944 1,977 1,527 2,858 2,732 2,568 3.035 4,358 2,966 3,121 3,936 4,354 3,694 2,400 2,370 422 444 621 658 471 516 651 701 733 723 743 653 204 218 220 256 262 213 234 261 257 262 260 273 218 298 224 258 395 397 444 481 387 461 393 460 3,483 3,695 4,024 4,392 3,813 4,697 4,208 4,009 4,289 4,831 4,045 4,837 4,322 3,225 3,440 3,543 3,724 4,484 3,702 3,959 4,031 3,845 3,657 4,487 258 255 270 347 361 352 300 350 375 363 343 330 3,094 2,978 2,972 2,978 2,996 3,080 3,369 3,418 3,030 3,415 3,376 3,383 2,768 2,921 2,828 2,994 2,904 2,922 2,900 3,285 3,316 3,273 3,210 3,217 210 144 109 74 78 86 84 102 190 142 166 166 1,698 1,465 1,713 1,314 1,337 1,377 1,912 1,380 1,787 1,786 1,756 1,587 1,185 1,054 1,105 1,082 1,366 1,325 1,097 1,378 1,372 1,400 1,423 1,255 388 232 332 280 260 298 512 280 409 332 363 384 302 267 325 285 267 281 267 267 271 276 296 307 229 247 240 215 207 213 215 211 212 238 227 210 62 78 52 56 54 52 60 64 60 71 69 69 5,884 5,385 5,191 5,076 5,059 5,158 5,046 5,443 5,331 5,822 5,231 6,056 5,411 4,868 5,017 4,981 4,751 4,719 5,047 4,721 4,804 4,852 5,345 5,557 368 473 327 323 325 338 396 350 477 354 379 499 747 348 548 200 254 316 420 585 1,004 1,634 610 1,645 744 199 253 315 347 419 543 580 1,622 607 994 1,636 1 1 1 1 1 9 3 5 5 3 12 10 129 110 110 146 157 323 136 180 140 281 248 202 81 82 74 93 76 107 130 130 170 125 179 167 64 29 36 36 50 50 10 153 60 102 81 77 262,719 247,464 239,715 232,595 232,842 234,843 246,578 253,443 254,069 209,605 236,211 259, 982 253,878 239,703 232,080 225,243 225,542 227,639 239,062 245,632 246,234 201,848 228,180 251,846 8,841 7,352 7,761 7,204 7,811 7,635 7,300 7,516 7,835 8,031 8,136 7,757 18, 711 16,729 16,102 16,165 15,258 15,321 15,344 14,803 15,034 10,525 13,847 15,001 18,545 16,613 16,036 16,106 15,199 15,265 15,289 14,747 14,980 10,472 13,796 14,948 116 166 66 59 56 59 55 56 54 53 53 51 2,523 578 1,988 321 69 263 1,354 1,262 120 446 548 136 598 369 280 58 40 26 1,010 838 176 1,445 1,437 11 213 105 143 53,114 52,030 1,637 8,186 8,073 115 Per cent 39.8 29.2 45.6 43.2 25.3 54.7 28.0 28.1 32.0 13.0 16.5 64.8 31.3 25.9 54.7 17.8 16.2 33.3 16.7 15.1 35.3 87.8 87.8 65.9 58.7 93.5 20.2 20.5 18.5 43.7 43.5 69.3 PA RT 2 .— G EN E RA L T A B L E M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. F ood and kindred products—C ontinued. C on fection ery........................................................ . M ales_____ ____________________________ F em ales........ ...................................................... C ordials, sirups, and flavoring extracts....... . M ales___________________________ _ Fem ales___________________________ ________ D airy products and ice cream ........................... . M ales...................................................... .............. Fem ales................................................................ F lour-m ill and grist-m ill p rod u cts........ .......... . M ales........................................................ ............ Fem ales............................................................... F ood preparations___________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________ ____________ O leom argarine____________________________ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_______________________ ____________ Slaughtering and m eat p acking...................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____________________________ ______ Sugar________________________________________ M ales___________________________________ __ Fem ales_______________________ ____________ V inegar and cid er____________________________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales__________ _________________________ Iron and steel and their p rod u cts______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B last-furnace products_______________________ M ales _____________ _______________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ents reporting B oilers and tanks _ ___ _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ B olts, nuts, washers, and riv ets....... .............. . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C alculating m achines, including cash registers, tim e clocks, and locks, gas and w ater m eters. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______________________ i ____________ C utlery and tools M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ D oors and shutters, iron and steel___________ M ales__________ ___________________________ Fem ales_______________________________;____ F iles................ ......................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ Forgings M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ F oun dry and m achine-shop p rod u cts________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Gas engines and tractors_____________________ M ales______________________________________ F em a les___ __ _____________________ ____ N ails and spikes, cu t, w rought, and w ire........ M ales Fem ales . .. P ipe, w rought . ... _ . M ales______________________________________ Pum ps and w indm ills _ _ _ M ales ....... _ Fem ales___________________________________ Safes and va u lts_____________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Paqlps and balances . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Screws, m achine and w ood __________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales Sewing m achines, cases, and attachm ents___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales . ... Springs, steel, car and carriage _____________ M ales______ __________________________ Fem ales........ ....................... ................. .............. 23 30 10 87 7 4 34 1,151 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 25 5 5 25 15 3 5 4 6 862 861 1 5,833 4,843 990 951 950 1 5,413 4,545 868 909 908 1 5,265 4,430 835 952 951 1 5,497 4,659 838 923 922 1 5,194 4,398 796 933 932 1 5,146 4,312 834 988 987 1 5,377 4,535 842 1,032 1,031 1 5,735 4,825 910 1,038 1,037 1 5,747 4,854 893 1,084 1,083 1 4,491 3,721 770 273 273 1,135 1,134 1 5,669 4,715 954 1,342 1,133 220 8,717 8,541 8,588 8,514 8,646 8,473 8,699 6,632 7,433 7,899 8,629 6,490 7,823 7,638 7,778 6,513 7,625 7,849 5,648 5,525 7,003 7,661 7,736 7,751 894 812 889 920 868 852 984 878 965 903 896 850 6,272 6,041 6,122 6,632 6,356 7,148 6,015 6,183 6,300 6,483 5,955 6,831 5,411 5,808 5,645 5,424 5,654 5,723 5,339 5,475 5,573 5,956 6,126 6,470 627 630 591 646 633 647 678 676 675 705 616 610 392 481 381 410 382 423 461 503 405 532 387 510 406 379 389 478 404 458 528 380 383 420 500 506 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 229 252 265 262 240 245 237 255 274 250 240 295 218 232 229 213 206 220 215 210 223 217 256 240 27 23 27 32 33 33 30 25 27 39 34 35 7,481 8,549 8,268 8,170 8,638 8,599 8,070 8,070 8,699 8,453 8,163 7,671 7,848 7,682 7,622 8,209 8,096 8,213 7,134 8,274 8,031 7,870 7,757 7,284 322 398 388 448 390 453 422 425 347 406 387 425 113,666 105,889 103,930 100,971 100,077 101,306 105,340 108,239 108,096 113,559 116,367 119,430 110,460 103,105 101,156 98,300 97,413 98,641 102,543 105,327 105,126 110,297 113,148 116,283 2,774 3,262 2,784 2,664 2,665 2,912 2,970 3,219 2,671 2,797 3,147 3,206 2,141 2,027 2,033 1,511 1,625 2,186 2,261 2,079 2,007 1,797 2,061 2,374 1,612 2,052 1,989 1,994 1,482 1,759 2,031 2,347 2,160 2,235 1,983 2,101 38 39 38 13 26 27 24 29 30 27 26 40 617 583 604 649 631 617 610 661 571 563 610 646 492 500 532 536 515 474 503 527 505 506 503 486 117 91 98 134 104 112 125 85 89 107 114 107 1.192 1,222 1.136 1,321 1,298 1,086 1,232 1,291 1,355 1,101 1,075 1,339 1.192 1.136 1,222 1,321 1,298 1,232 1,291 1,339 1,355 1,101 1,075 1,086 2,741 2,438 2,518 2,244 2,785 2,755 2,272 2,460 2,643 2,393 2,234 2,300 2,728 2,428 2,448 2,632 2,743 2,380 2,771 2,233 2,290 2,263 2,503 2,223 11 11 13 12 12 14 11 9 10 15 13 10 2,741 2,382 2,461 2,409 2,443 2,655 2,900 2,845 2,470 2,453 2,466 2,550 2,418 2,412 2,368 2,432 2,521 2,876 2,431 2,338 2,407 2,626 2,713 2,820 29 28 24 39 43 41 36 44 41 34 29 25 492 531 788 822 851 848 587 735 741 812 506 650 491 448 591 688 803 461 531 684 740 774 760 803 48 48 40 59 48 44 45 56 51 52 53 45 717 748 828 798 821 706 771 757 797 636 760 805 439 433 484 491 479 482 492 523 404 499 540 534 269 305 232 267 284 278 257 329 299 287 266 271 2,472 2,532 2,351 2,194 2,209 2,124 2,475 2,549 3,046 2,520 2,201 2,273 2,428 2,209 2,261 2,117 1,971 1,970 2,215 2,290 2,254 1,963 1,883 2,034 618 234 238 239 241 259 278 259 223 239 260 263 422 442 292 290 321 366 448 464 307 437 460 293 298 368 402 239 233 258 360 380 256 240 363 396 68 57 62 62 62 51 64 53 53 63 80 74 2,227 2,324 172 1,193 1,131 114 151 149 3 66 50 16 1,218 1,140 131 19,353 18,870 598 863 865 27 98 62 49 280 280 551 548 6 518 538 20 359 355 19 192 136 97 922 545 395 174 169 29 1,060 1,059 1 5,299 4,427 872 24.1 24.1 0) 23.0 23.3 22.2 25.5 29.6 17.5 16.7 17.5 16.2 28.4 28.2 (») 22.4 19.5 (1) 14.0 13.8 28.9 16.2 16.2 18.3 36.4 36.9 0) 14.8 11.6 36.6 20.7 20.7 19.8 19.8 0) 17.9 18.7 C1) 42.2 44.2 0) 23.2 25.2 29.5 30.3 22.4 63.9 37.5 42.0 « H<0 £ 5? . ^ >1 Ct fej: L W > g KJ g ^ s <r T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued CD 00 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 54 64,361 64,072 289 9,034 8,617 417 4,684 4,544 140 6,273 6,096 177 690 564 126 2,279 2,234 45 16,878 10, 522 6,356 14,078 8,066 6,012 1,408 1,375 33 634 585 49 247 207 40 61,392 61,123 269 9,208 8,788 420 3,972 3,847 125 5,820 5,681 139 675 557 118 2,256 2,206 50 17,210 10,814 6.396 14,371 8,287 6,084 1,462 1,433 29 622 575 47 276 235 41 56,078 55,816 262 8,846 8,422 424 3,954 3,823 131 5,959 5,821 138 617 518 99 2,285 2,234 51 16,772 10,723 6,049 14,008 8,247 5,761 1,452 1,423 29 561 524 37 285 244 41 53,546 53,277 269 8,909 8,514 395 2,932 2,870 62 6,179 6,029 150 643 546 97 1,582 1,533 49 16,508 10,678 5,830 13, 730 8,167 5,563 1,465 1,437 28 526 507 19 316 271 45 54,822 54,556 266 8,981 8,614 367 3,859 3,755 104 6,543 6,392 151 624 538 86 1,317 1,271 46 16,980 10,886 6,094 14,094 8,289 5,805 1,546 1,519 27 536 510 26 327 277 50 56,273 56,020 253 9,263 8,868 395 2,934 2,858 76 6,196 6,061 135 645 552 93 1,227 1,185 42 17,334 11,113 6,221 14,381 8,474 5,907 1,577 1,543 34 522 498 24 346 287 59 60,211 59,930 281 9,296 8,895 401 5,538 5,398 140 6,681 6,562 119 589 494 95 1,178 1,138 40 17,864 11,460 6,404 14,781 8,730 6,051 1,622 1,587 35 542 511 31 356 304 52 87 10 10 36 18 156 64 25 26 19 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 62,880 62,578 302 10,297 9,847 450 5,910 5,714 196 4,871 4,779 92 600 509 91 1,433 1,385 48 18,076 11,547 6,529 14,886 8,763 6,123 1,657 1,624 33 537 503 34 377 300 77 63,134 62,828 306 10,547 10,080 467 5,747 5,579 168 5,983 5,882 101 601 510 91 840 794 46 17,841 11,418 6,423 14,688 8,701 5,987 1,532 1,501 31 542 514 28 361 287 74 26,467 26,297 170 10,939 10,470 469 2,464 2,400 64 1,208 1,172 36 589 484 105 888 847 41 18,923 11,722 7,201 15, 379 8,685 6,694 1,825 1,774 51 565 538 27 373 298 75 43,595 43,317 278 11,416 10,920 496 2,298 2,238 60 2,701 2,657 44 607 505 102 1,315 1,270 45 19,282 11,895 7,387 15,772 8,884 6,888 1,792 1,745 47 551 520 31 383 302 81 57,712 57,402 310 11,263 10,770 493 4,664 4,533 131 3,868 3,782 86 589 479 110 1,640 1,604 36 19,808 12,259 7,549 16,322 9,269 7,053 1,761 1,716 45 540 511 29 375 303 72 37,894 37,775 140 2,570 2,498 129 3,612 3,476 136 5,473 5,390 141 101 85 40 1,445 1,440 15 3,300 1,737 1,719 2,592 1,203 1,490 417 399 24 112 87 30 136 97 41 Per cent 58.9 59.0 45.2 22.5 22.9 26.0 61.1 60.8 69.4 81.9 82.1 79.7 14.6 15.1 31.7 63.2 64.5 0) 16.7 14.2 22.8 15.9 13.0 21.1 22.8 22.5 0) 17.7 14.9 (l) 35.5 31.9 0) PART 2.- M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Iron and steel and their products— C ontin ued. Steel w orks and rolling m ills............................... M ales................... ............................................. . Fem ales............................................................. . Stoves and furnaces__ ______________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____ _______________________________ T in plate and tem eplate_____________________ M ales___________________________________ __ Fem ales____ _______________________________ W ire_________________________________________ M ales____________________________________ _ Fem ales_________ _________________________ W ire w ork, w ire rope, and cable______________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Iron and steel and their products, n . o. c.......... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Leather and leather produ cts__________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ ______________________________ B oots, shoos, ont stoolr, and findings M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ LoathAr, tanned, curried, and finished _ M ales.............. ........... ............... _•..... ............ ..... Fem ales__________ _________________________ Saddlery and harness________________________ M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Trunks and valises__________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. m ents re porting Q tel 3 tel W t-1 £ 22 Leather and leather products, n. o. c. M ales.................... ........ ........ ............ Females— ____ _____ ____ _______ 167 Liquors and beverages_______________ M ales___ _________ ______________ Females________________________ 28 Liquors, m alt___ _________________ M ales........... ..................................... Females________________________ 130 M ineral waters and beverages______ M ales.................. ............................... F em ales.._____ ______ ____ ______ 9 Liquors and beverages, n. o. c ______ M ales_________ _________________ Females________________________ 923 Lumber and its products-------------M ales........................................ ........ Females. ....................... .................... Baskets, wood, rattan, and w illow .__ 16 M ales___ _______ _____ __________ Females............................. ............... 15 Boxes, cigars.......................................... M ales__________________________ Females________________________ Boxes and packing crates__________ 38 M ales___ _____ _________________ F em ales..____ __________________ Coffins and undertakers’ goods_____ 14 M ales------- ----- ------ ----------Females______________ __________ 82 Cooperage and related goods-------M ales___ _______ _________ ______ F em a les............................ ........ ...... 146 Furniture________ ________________ M ales------------ ----------- -----Females................ ........ ........ ............ 4 L a sts.......................... ........................... M ales-------- ---------- ----------Females________________________ Looking-glass and picture frames___ 9 M ales............. ................ .............. F em a les....................................... . M atches................ ........ ........ ............... 3 M ales......................... .................. . Females................ ............................ Saw-mill and planing-mili products. 535 M ales............. ....................... ............ Females.............................................. Show cases........................................... 10 M ales................................................. Females.............................................. 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 511 289 222 4,528 4,398 130 1,333 1,259 74 2,999 2,958 41 196 181 15 22,533 20,818 1.715 283 195 88 307 116 191 1,438 1,365 73 1,444 1,106 338 1,447 1,395 52 6,816 6,371 445 205 196 9 329 279 50 1,554 1,201 353 7,364 7,288 76 149 144 5 466 479 285 284 181 195 4,414 4,405 4,279 4,269 135 136 1,303 1,296 1,231 1,221 75 72 2,904 2,928 2,857 . 2,884 47 44 205 183 191 164 14 19 23,023 22,944 21, 316 21,403 1,707 1,541 279 306 184 193 95 113 324 323 118 121 206 202 1,430 1,391 1,353 1,317 77 74 1 520 1 502 1,159 1,192 361 310 1,527 1,490 1,475 1,440 52 50 6,986 7,128 6,570 6,718 4'16 410 232 250 219 238 13 12 347 365 295 308 52 57 1,388 929 1,046 712 342 217 7,483 7,780 7,727 7,431 52 53 162 178 156 172 6 6 471 296 175 4,452 4,332 120 1,245 1,194 51 3,038 2,989 49 169 149 20 22,678 21,268 1,410 313 209 104 319 122 197 1,332 1,268 64 1,485 1,186 299 1,508 1,458 50 6,309 5,961 348 261 247 14 390 327 63 840 660 180 8,361 8,319 42 188 181 7 477 291 186 4,679 4,552 127 1,299 1,248 51 3,199 3,147 52 181 157 24 24,800 23,327 1,473 314 209 105 316 119 197 1.358 1,293 65 1,466 1,181 285 1, 517 1,465 52 7,854 7,429 425 286 265 21 389 329 60 851 694 157 8,843 8,790 53 188 181 7 508 311 197 5,282 5,146 136 1,215 1,166 49 3,890 3,828 62 177 152 25 25,689 24,205 1,484 361 230 131 316 119 197 1,441 1,368 73 1,347 1,093 254 1,595 1,540 55 8,094 7,664 430 291 273 18 417 357 60 853 702 151 9,525 9,462 63 197 190 7 563 328 235 5,284 5,192 92 1,133 1,128 5 3,982 3,918 64 169 146 23 26,192 24,607 1,585 389 247 142 313 123 190 1,459 1,387 72 1,360 1,106 254 1,658 1,595 63 8,225 7,737 488 292 274 18 434 368 66 960 784 176 9,577 9,517 60 207 199 8 619 357 262 5,051 4,967 84 1,081 1,076 5 3,807 3,747 60 163 144 19 26,414 24,814 1,600 395 252 143 309 125 184 1,327 1,270 57 1,364 1,116 248 1,713 1,658 55 8,258 7,797 461 291 274 17 426 345 81 1,017 807 210 9,784 9,724 60 223 208 15 718 415 303 4,584 4,506 78 965 960 5 3,452 3,396 56 167 150 17 26,293 24,621 1,672 373 235 138 331 128 203 1,366 1,315 51 1,382 1,124 258 1,700 1,632 68 8,181 7,705 476 296 281 15 448 346 102 1,120 898 222 9,573 9,515 58 215 200 15 781 427 364 4,331 4,271 60 899 894 6 3,261 3,218 43 171 169 12 27,212 26,448 1,764 338 227 111 327 124 203 1,354 1,289 65 1,395 1,142 253 1,729 1,659 70 8,606 8,077 529 299 283 16 434 354 80 1,379 1,099 280 9,772 9,707 65 239 220 19 , 784 / 444 340 3,824 3,767 57 791 786 5 2,880 2,838 42 153 143 810 460 350 3,558 3,501 57 720 715 5 2,687 2,645 42 151 141 10 10 27,630 25.822 1,808 321 218 103 347 132 215 1,424 1,359 65 1,404 1,159 245 1.702 1,632 70 8,793 8,248 545 318 296 22 470 391 79 1,542 1,253 289 9,664 9,586 78 234 217 17 27,911 26,071 1,840 317 217 100 350 133 217 1,436 1,368 68 1,384 1,135 249 1,756 1,689 67 9,054 8,491 563 307 286 21 459 394 65 1,607 1,308 299 9,543 9,450 93 238 219 19 344 176 179 1,726 1,691 79 613 544 70 1,295 1,273 23 54 50 15 5,378 5,253 430 116 68 55 43 17 33 132 119 26 173 99 116 309 294 20 2,745 2,530 215 113 100 13 141 115 52 767 648 202 2,420 2,436 51 90 76 14 42.5 38.3 50.6 32.7 32.6 0) 46.0 43.2 0) 32.5 32.5 0) 26.3 26.2 0) 19.3 20.1 23.4 29.4 27.0 38.5 12.3 12.8 15.2 9.0 8 .6 0) n .4 8.3 32.1 17.6 17.4 0) 30.3 29.8 38.2 35.5 33.8 0) 30.0 29.2 0) 47.7 49.5 57.2 24.7 25.1 0) 37.7 34.5 w •£ £ ~ . ^ Q a _ El > g 3 @ SO ^ s A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 19H to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 200 T able 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S -C on tin u ed Industry and sex M ales................................................ .............. Fem ales................................ ................................ 1,101 A pril M ay June July 47 231 231 39 38 1 1,083 1,018 65 186 186 39 38 1 1,109 1 037 72 *192 192 39 38 1 1,175 1,096 79 197 197 28,420 22,186 6,234 5,756 5,451 305 1,128 687 439 29,485 23,133 6 352 6,679 6,322 357 1,127 697 430 31,290 24,915 6,375 7,335 6,928 407 1,133 708 425 30,078 23,684 6,394 6,976 6,593 383 1,112 722 390 30,835 24,340 6,495 7,542 7,123 419 1,118 725 393 12,295 10,225 2,070 139 135 4 135 133 12,903 10,780 2,123 147 145 14,007 11 788 2,219 149 146 3 89 87 13,007 10 805 1,082 1,041 41 253 253 37 36 1 1,104 1,059 45 277 277 37 36 1 983 939 44 231 231 38 37 1 28,635 22,134 6,501 5,584 5,290 294 1,016 620 396 27,546 21,163 6,383 5,457 5,167 290 1,033 620 413 27,395 21,090 6,305 5,693 5,407 286 1,065 638 427 27,293 21,138 6,155 5,643 5,352 291 1,031 636 395 27,453 21,360 6,093 5,797 5,493 304 1,070 676 394 12,166 10,231 1,935 106 102 4 194 194 11,250 9,438 1,812 114 111 3 164 164 10,888 201 11,066 9,208 1,858 136 132 4 139 137 11,315 9,381 1,934 155 151 4 150 148 12 2,407 1,902 505 2,158 1,734 424 2,008 1,674 334 2,066 1,745 321 1,995 1,687 1,975 1,700 275 2,106 1,826 280 46 6,061 2,885 3,176 6,211 2,968 3,243 6,272 3,041 3,231 6,062 2,976 3,086 5,785 2,847 2,938 5,741 2,836 2,905 5,097 2,191 2,906 2 409 103 8 169 21 3 9,061 1,827 119 116 3 203 2 2 2 Sep N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber O ctober ber ber ber 1,079 1,011 68 189 189 39 38 1 1,071 1 035 36 194 194 37 36 1 1,048 1,067 34 208 208 36 35 1 M ales................................................................. Fem ales............................................................... G alvanizing..................... ............................ .......... M ales.............................................................. ....... Fem ales.............................................................. . Furniture (m etal) and office fixtures............... M ales.......................................................... .......... Fem ales ....................................... ....................... Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and re flectors............................................................... Febru M arch ary 935 34 193 193 35 34 1 M ales.................................. ...... ....................... Fem ales.............................................................. E lectrop latin g.................................. .................... Janu ary 45 4 V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth 2 1,001 2 103 101 2 Per cent 20.5 18.1 250 206 45 91 91 4 4 1 1,219 1,141 78 202 202 39 38 1 33,244 26,478 6,766 7,858 7,422 436 1,127 724 403 34,046 27,490 6,556 8,032 7,592 440 1,138 727 411 6,753 6,400 673 2,575 2,425 154 122 107 49 14,353 12,083 2,270 187 183 4 14,813 12,700 2,113 3,925 26.5 28.7 95 47.3 46.3 2,259 1,992 267 2 83 82 1 2,265 2,024 241 13,108 10,923 2,185 166 163 3 83 80 3 2,302 2,029 273 2,414 2,141 273 2,521 2,256 265 546 582 264 21.7 25.8 52.3 4,989 2,195 2,794 5,299 2,356 2,943 5,352 2,371 2,981 5,810 5,837 2,810 3,027 1,283 850 20.5 28.0 13.8 2,202 164 162 2 87 2 3,070 201 88 84 82 120 121 2 19.8 32.1 31.9 35.0 10.7 14.7 11.2 20.2 190 11 32.9 9 2 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Lum ber and its products— C ontinued. W ood bending, turning, carving......................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........................................... ..................... W ood preserving.................................................... M ales.............. ...................................................... Lum ber and its products, n . o. c...................... . M ales........................... ..................................... . Fem ales— ................................................... ....... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel.......... ......................................... ................ M ales..................... .............................................. Fem ales_________ __________________________ Brass, bronze, and alum inum produ cts______ M ales................................................................... Fem ales................. ............................ - ............ — C locks, w atches, and m aterials........................... M ales..................................................................... F em ales................................................................ C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products, including stam ped and enam eled w are_____________ N um ber o f establishm ents re porting Jew elry, including reducing and refining......... M ales............ ..................................................... Fem ales................................................................ Silverw are and plated w are................................. M ales................................................................... . Fem ales...................................................... : ........ Sm elting and refining, not from the ore........... M ales.................................................. ................ Fem ales............................................................... M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n . o. c............................................ . M ales................................................................... F em a les.......... ................................................... Paper and p rin tin g................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. . B ags, paper.............................................................. M ales.................................................................... F em ales.............................................................. . Boxes, fan cy and paper; drinking cups............ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.................................. ............................. C ard cu ttin g and designing................................. M ales.................................................................. . Fem ales............................................................... . E n velop es-.............................................................. M ales................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ Labels and tags....................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................. . Paper, in clu d in g sta tion ery............................. . M ales................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. P hoto-engraving..................................................... M ales.................................................................... F em ales................................................................ P rinting and pu blish in g....................................... M a le s .................................................................. Fem ales................................................................. Stereotyping and electrotyp in g.......................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Paper and printing, n . o . e................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ R ubber p rod u cts....................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 22 4 8 13 924 8 64 3 6 9 60 25 709 19 21 108 474 353 121 202 163 39 236 222 14 532 400 132 220 181 39 226 213 13 544 417 127 224 184 40 215 201 14 541 420 121 226 183 43 218 201 17 550 422 128 245 198 47 213 199 14 587 445 142 260 214 46 216 200 16 599 448 151 287 242 45 220 203 17 594 435 159 273 233 40 224 205 19 440 311 129 278 234 44 221 206 15 454 326 128 293 249 44 178 162 16 698 491 207 298 252 46 193 178 15 707 505 202 300 255 45 216 202 14 267 194 86 89 92 8 58 60 6 37.8 38.4 41.5 32.7 36.1 0 24.6 27.0 0 189 172 17 29,127 21,522 7,605 593 274 319 3,362 1,452 1,910 173 75 98 1,071 413 658 786 633 153 7,221 6,241 980 365 363 2 14,752 11,374 3,378 418 413 5 386 284 102 53,535 47,247 6,288 181 167 14 29,211 21,635 7,576 559 262 297 3,375 1,461 1,914 173 75 98 1,042 403 639 789 634 155 6,916 6,012 904 393 391 2 15,141 11,686 3,455 438 431 7 385 280 105 56,180 49,953 6,227 164 150 14 29,313 21,744 7,569 533 241 292 3,260 1,406 1,854 172 76 96 1,024 165 148 17 29,338 21,788 7,550 518 244 274 3,180 1,386 1,794 155 72 83 969 381 588 809 649 160 6,593 5*709 884 409 407 2 15,843 12,198 3,645 484 475 9 378 267 111 58,682 52,836 5*846 178 158 20 29,844 22,187 7,657 560 267 293 3,096 1,382 1,714 138 69 69 965 393 572 828 652 176 6,856 5,924 932 418 415 3 16,080 12,307 3,773 489 480 9 414 298 116 61,789 56,114 5,675 190 160 30 30,442 22,728 7,714 604 269 335 3,209 1,466 1,743 142 71 71 977 387 590 822 651 171 7,188 6,222 966 422 419 3 16,175 12,458 3,717 507 499 8 396 286 110 63,918 58,318 5*600 217 178 39 31,907 23,850 8,057 618 274 344 3,539 1,601 1,938 149 79 70 986 386 600 827 661 166 7,727 6,747 980 436 433 3 16,638 12,807 3,831 566 556 10 421 306 115 67,814 61,886 5,928 238 198 40 32,449 24,347 8,102 608 271 337 3,603 1,660 1,943 176 83 93 999 389 610 831 663 168 7,990 6,983 1,007 447 443 4 16,810 12,999 3,811 536 528 8 449 328 121 72,148 65,969 6,179 233 189 44 32.143 24,015 8,128 652 282 370 3,544 1,607 1,937 188 88 100 1,026 398 628 831 662 169 7,497 6,550 947 456 452 4 16,958 13, 111 3,847 547 539 8 444 326 118 72,461 66,168 6,293 239 189 50 33.100 24,711 8,389 614 276 338 3,696 1,661 2,035 223 91 132 1,048 406 642 833 659 174 7,981 6,963 1,018 456 451 5 17,226 13,297 3,929 569 562 7 454 345 109 75,206 68,544 6,662 217 177 40 33,739 24,799 8,760 650 295 355 3,878 1,689 2,189 232 85 147 1,038 400 638 844 668 176 7,937 6,893 1,044 457 453 4 17,704 13,618 4,086 547 539 8 452 339 113 77,336 70,421 6,915 197 171 26 34,149 25,366 8,783 692 321 371 3,831 1,731 2,100 196 77 119 1,112 407 705 829 654 175 7,972 6,925 1,047 465 460 5 18,046 13,907 4,139 573 565 8 433 319 114 80,528 71,456 9,072 75 50 36 5,022 3,844 1,233 174 80 97 782. 349 475 94 22 78 147 32 133 58 35 23 1,397 1,274 163 100 97 3 3,294 2,533 761 155 152 5 88 80 20 26,993 24,209 3,472 31.4 25.3 0 14.7 15.2 14.0 25.1 24.9 26.1 20.2 20.2 21.7 40.5 0 53.1 13.2 7.7 18.9 6.9 5.2 13.1 17.5 18.2 15.6 21.5 21.1 0 18.3 18.2 18.4 27.1 26.9 (0 19.4 23.2 16.5 33.5 33.9 38.3 m 621 793 634 159 6,801 5,902 899 399 397 2 15,512 11,975 3,537 453 445 8 366 265 101 56,810 50,928 5,882 able A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio. 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 202 T 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued Industry and sex 179 8 V ariation from m axim um N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 2,240 1,448 792 51,295 45,799 5,496 31,173 26,142 5,031 2,662 2,661 1 485 484 1 2,284 1,439 845 53,896 48,514 5,382 32,337 27,205 5,132 2,751 2,750 1 450 449 1 327 327 2,258 1,479 779 54,552 49,449 5,103 33,816 28,566 5,250 3,056 3,055 1 514 513 1 400 400 2,248 1,429 819 56,434 51,407 5,027 35,535 30, 279 5.256 3,763 3,762 1 581 580 1 539 539 2,207 1,405 802 59,582 54,709 4,873 35,828 30,530 5,298 4,417 4,415 2,180 1,390 790 61,738 56,928 4,810 37,137 31,828 5,309 4,828 4,827 2,401 1,550 851 69,747 64,419 5,328 38,854 33, 566 5,288 6,344 6,343 1 377 373 4 354 350 4 340 336 4 349 345 4 573 572 1 620 619 1 334 330 4 611 610 1 729 728 1 325 321 4 2,252 1,415 837 65,562 60,471 5,091 37,792 32,767 5,025 4,620 4,619 1 694 693 1 796 795 1 301 298 3 207 206 1 8,775 7,189 1,586 177 146 31 500 500 182 181 1 9,930 8,270 1,660 196 157 39 177 176 1 10,352 8,595 1,757 194 155 39 491 491 175 174 1 10,449 8,705 1,744 168 167 1 9,432 7,740 1,692 172 171 1 9,932 8,228 1,704 232 176 56 639 175 174 1 8,488 7,154 1,334 177 176 1 9,658 8,127 1,531 259 204 55 ""85 202 156 46 573 573 2 202 150 52 212 167 45 1 814 813 1 262 665 4 2,424 1,587 837 70,037 64,581 5,456 40,251 34,813 5,438 6,058 6,057 1 675 674 1 731 730 1 275 272 3 2,596 1,703 893 72,610 66,841 5,769 41,055 35,389 5,666 6,093 6,092 1 189 188 1 10,830 9,196 1,634 260 198 62 658 653 5 191 190 1 11,319 9,527 1,792 248 191 57 661 658 3 1 716 715 1 269 267 2 2,602 1,707 895 74,734 68,714 6,020 40,689 34,864 5,825 5,575 5,574 1 635 634 1 643 643 948 77,579 69,455 8,124 38, 525 32,786 5,739 5,039 5,038 1 601 600 1 506 506 275 273 287 285 115 114 2 2 2 214 213 1 11,845 9,915 1,930 254 185 69 649 647 234 233 1 10,951 9,078 1,873 270 190 80 622 621 1 2 2,949 2,001 769 611 169 26,284 23,656 3,314 9,882 9,247 794 3.682 3.682 1 248 248 525 524 Per cent 26.1 30.5 17.8 33.9 34.1 40.8 24.1 26.1 13.6 58.0 58.0 0) 35.5 35.6 0) 64.5 64.5 % .s 30.6 0) 28.2 28.3 3,357 2,761 596 93 58 49 203 199 4 27.8 30.9 34.4 28.4 0) 30.3 29.9 (9 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu r e s —C ontinued. R ubber products— C ontin ued. D ruggists’ sundries and toys, ru bb er_________ M ales.............. .......................................... .......... Fem ales...................................................... .......... T ires and tubes....................................................... M a le s ................................................................ F em ales..................................................... .......... S ton e, cla y, and glass prod u cts________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............................................ ................. B rick and tile, c la y ...________ ______________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales....................................................... ........ C em en t................ ..................................... .............. M ales.......... ................. ....................................... Fem ales---------- ------------------- -----------------------C oncrete products.......... ...................................... M ales........................... .......................... ........... Fem ales...... ......................................................... C ru cib les...... .......................................................... M ales.......... ............... ....... ................ ................. Fem ales______________ ___________________ E m ery w heels and other abrasives, including sand and em ery cloth ................................... . M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales........ ....................................................... •Glass.................................................................... . M ales................................................................ Fem ales_______ ___________________________ Glass cu tting and ornam enting........ ................. M ales........ ........................................................... Fem ales................................................................ M a rb le and stone w ork; stone yards................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales_____ ...................................................... N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting M irrors_________ __________________________ M ales______ _ _ ________________________ Fem ales______ __________________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products— M ales_____________________________ ________ Fem ales____________________________________ fttnriA and nlay, finishing and grinding _ _ 10 190 36 M ales____ I_________: ______________________ Fem ales__________________________•_________ Wall plaster, including hydrated lime _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ Stone, cla y, and glass produ cts, n . o. c ............. M ales............................ ........................................ T extiles....................................................................... . M ales............ ....................................................... Fem ales........ .............. .......................................... A w nings, tents, and sails, including auto fab rics_________ ___________________________ M ales________ ________________________ Fem ales_________ ____________________ _____ Bags, other than paper______________________ M ales_________ ________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ C lothin g, m en’s, including shirts and coat pads______________ _______________________ M ales_____________________________________ F em ales............ .................................... C lothin g, w om en’s, including corsets________ __ _____________________ M ales__________ F em ales________ __ _____________________ C ordage, tw ine, ju te, and ima™ goods_____ M ales____________________________________ Fem ales___ ______________________ _________ C otton goods and small w ares_____________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales..................... .............. ............................. C ustom tailoring, m en’s and w om en’s ............. M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales______ _ __________________ Flags, banners, and regalia________________ M ales____________________________________ _ Fem ales ___________________________ ________ Furnishing goods, m en’s__________ __________ M ales......................... ......................... ................ Fem ales_________________________ _________ G loves, cloth _____ ___________________________ M ales................................ ................................... Fem ales........................... ................................... i Not computed owing to small number represented. 15 7 767 35 10 168 128 8 4 165 12 19 33 191 191 42,978 14,566 28,412 142 129 10 2,598 2,225 399 131 132 1 371 366 5 51 51 6,673 2,251 4,422 58.4 58.1 0) 13.4 14.3 10.5 32.6 33.0 0) 49.5 49.2 (0 26.0 26.0 15.5 15.5 15.6 1,930 764 1,166 255 67 188 1,903 741 1,162 254 67 187 605 220 469 141 26 115 29.4 26.4 36.4 55.3 10,837 3,196 7,641 7,790 2,425 5,365 894 701 193 219 83 136 1,752 827 925 1,034 414 620 610 88 522 2,166 330 1,836 11,001 3,245 7,756 7,979 2,447 5,532 970 770 200 207 83 124 1,747 814 933 1,043 412 631 616 97 519 2,285 346 1,939 2,452 746 1,715 1,625 659 1,013 604 449 166 90 10 87 299 135 224 157 65 109 146 24 131 765 86 709 101 94 7 16,774 13,377 3,397 302 300 2 379 378 1 145 145 37,220 12,601 24,619 104 93 11 16,740 13,328 3,412 271 269 2 416 415 1 150 150 37,010 12,507 24,503 106 95 11 17,279 13,845 3,434 294 293 1 456 455 1 157 157 36,990 12,671 24,319 117 103 14 17,727 14,284 3,443 321 320 1 650 649 1 189 189 36,305 12,315 23,990 126 112 14 18,264 14,736 3,528 355 354 1 566 564 2 175 175 36,360 12,316 24,044 147 132 15 18,408 14,885 3,523 350 348 2 579 578 1 185 185 37,615 12,864 24,751 144 133 11 18,684 15,060 3,624 394 392 2 635 633 2 189 189 39,956 13,507 26,449 166 153 13 18,561 14,887 3,674 402 400 2 663 661 2 181 181 41,650 14,166 27,484 234 217 17 19,047 15,341 3,706 390 388 2 711 706 5 193 193 41,876 14,284 27,592 219 204 15 19,338 15,553 3,785 376 374 2 750 744 6 189 189 42,257 14,381 27,876 229 212 17 19,087 15,291 3,796 351 349 2 736 732 4 196 196 42,151 14,336 27,815 1,450 629 821 125 46 79 1,663 614 1,049 122 42 80 1,676 622 1,054 114 41 73 1,757 702 1,055 140 45 95 1,889 796 1,093 146 49 97 1,964 834 1,130 150 49 101 2,055 787 1,268 184 59 125 2,012 722 1,290 216 65 151 1,887 704 1,183 234 66 168 1,899 735 1,164 242 65 177 8,668 2,499 6,169 7,739 2,382 5,357 1,362 1,021 341 249 82 167 1,515 692 823 890 368 522 485 73 412 2,616 328 2,288 8,730 2,540 6,190 8,104 2,505 5,599 1,065 853 212 192 77 115 1,526 717 809 906 375 531 486 74 412 2,469 308 2,161 8,680 2,585 6,095 8,122 2,562 5,560 1,060 845 215 194 81 113 1,572 763 809 960 390 570 484 75 409 2,281 284 1,997 8,549 2,508 6,041 7,999 2,470 5,529 839 640 199 194 76 118 1,543 740 803 980 387 593 500 76 424 2,146 279 1,867 8,762 2,560 6,202 7,382 2,147 5,235 880 665 215 159 79 80 1,544 737 807 1,006 400 606 504 78 426 1,866 260 1,606 9,089 2,725 6,364 7,935 2,368 5,567 758 572 186 195 81 114 1,573 748 825 1,047 419 628 517 76 441 1,851 272 1,579 9,419 2,827 6,592 8,547 2,613 5,934 790 597 193 207 77 130 1,538 723 815 1,047 433 614 539 83 456 2,029 322 1,707 9,769 2,952 6,817 9,007 2,759 6,248 881 706 175 206 74 132 1,454 745 709 1,030 426 604 578 91 487 2,113 312 1,801 10,002 3,035 6,967 8,971 2,806 6,165 919 740 179 209 73 136 1,619 800 819 974 404 570 580 90 490 2,125 316 1,809 10,460 3,133 7,327 8,318 2,656 5,662 884 689 195 216 75 141 1,753 826 927 1,011 414 597 630 90 540 2,186 323 1,863 243 222 21 18,607 14,849 3,758 323 322 1 651 651 (9 61.2 22.3 23.0 22.1 18.0 23.5 16.2 44.3 44.0 48.7 36.1 <9 52.1 17.1 16.3 24.0 15.0 15.0 17.3 23.2 (9 24.3 29.2 24.9 31.0 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 t° 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S—C ontinued V ariation from mftrim nm N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. T extiles— C ontin ued. H ats and caps, other than felt, straw , or w o o l.. M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H orse ninth in g .. _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H osiery and k n it goods______________________ M ales____ __________________________ _______ Fem ales_____________ ______________________ M attresses, p illow s, and cotton felts_________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M illin ery and lace goods, including artificial flow ers and feathers______________________ M ales F em ales ...... Oilnlot.h and linoleu m M ales___ '__________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ S h oddy______________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ W oolen, w orsted, and w ool-felt goods, includ ing fur and felt hats_______________ _______ M ales ___________________________________ Fem ales ___________________________________ T extiles, n o. c ___________ __________ M a les. ___________________________________ Fem ales ___________________________________ T ob a cco m anufactures_________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ C hew ing and sm oking tobacco and sn u ff.____ M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. 21 3 32 32 35 3 3 19 37 249 7 Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep D ecem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober N ovem ber ber ber Per cent 387 154 233 420 195 225 3,928 840 3,088 872 591 281 381 151 230 396 181 215 3,629 827 2,802 885 601 284 384 155 229 363 168 195 3,756 814 2,942 895 611 284 279 140 139 357 165 192 3,790 854 2,936 932 633 299 375 169 206 349 164 185 4,027 873 3,154 957 653 304 409 166 243 386 175 211 4,228 881 3,347 1,027 691 336 396 168 228 400 170 230 4,548 931 3,617 1,070 693 377 430 174 256 412 175 237 4,856 1,018 3,838 1,114 731 383 447 178 269 422 185 237 4,879 997 3,882 1,105 735 370 454 171 283 434 196 238 5,059 1,028 4,031 1,108 744 364 476 177 299 484 219 265 5,136 1,031 4,105 1,100 737 363 483 184 299 520 241 279 5,165 1,037 4,128 1,113 762 351 204 44 160 171 77 94 1,536 223 1,326 242 171 102 42.2 23.9 53.5 32.9 32.0 33.7 29.7 21.5 32.1 21.7 22.4 26.6 1,362 330 1,032 296 266 30 542 368 174 1,586 356 1,230 283 254 29 509 344 165 1,497 366 1,131 262 233 29 503 354 149 1,376 359 1,017 257 226 31 550 356 194 1,298 358 940 285 255 30 594 393 201 1,134 353 781 323 292 31 557 365 192 1,466 390 1,076 338 306 32 529 343 186 1,669 412 1,257 356 326 30 532 350 182 1,525 375 1,150 352 315 37 538 347 191 1,443 388 1,055 344 307 37 550 351 199 1,250 340 910 334 299 35 548 353 195 1,431 358 1,073 353 314 39 554 364 190 535 82 476 99 100 10 91 50 52 32.1 19.9 37.9 27.8 30.7 (0 15.3 12.7 25.9 3,362 1,242 2,120 952 495 457 12,840 3,132 9,708 1,335 568 767 3,136 1,212 1,924 942 476 466 13,216 3,180 10,036 1,541 632 909 3.210 1.211 1,999 977 511 466 13,131 3,205 9,926 1,609 674 935 3,198 1,200 1,998 919 459 460 12,865 3,112 9,753 1,549 677 872 3,419 1,229 2,190 918 451 467 12,657 3,110 9,547 1,494 657 837 3,464 1,266 2,198 1,008 531 477 12,728 3,285 9,443 1,513 703 810 3,591 1,283 2,308 1,263 702 561 12,815 3,328 9,487 1,592 720 872 3,614 1,300 2,314 1,401 828 573 12,933 3,415 9,518 1,603 717 886 3,644 1,288 2,356 1,444 830 614 12,797 3,375 9,422 1,615 723 892 3,672 1,316 2,356 1,594 874 720 13,543 3,628 9,915 1,654 748 906 3,698 1,346 2,352 1,638 939 699 14,177 3,800 10,377 1,745 776 969 3,712 1,328 2,384 1,642 956 686 14,828 4,008 10,820 1,662 722 940 576 146 460 724 505 260 2,171 898 1,398 410 208 202 15.5 10.8 19.3 44.1 52.8 36.1 14.6 22.4 12.9 23.5 26.8 20.8 66429°— 32 ------ 14 Cigars and cigarettes. .......................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T obacco rehandlers................................................ M ales..................................................................... F em ales................................................................. V ehicles........................................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................. _.............. . A irplanes and parts............................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. A utom obiles and parts......................................... M ales..................................................................Fem ales................................................................. B icycles, m otor cycles, and parts...................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Carriages and sleds, ch ild ren 's............................ M ales................ - .......... . . .................................. Fem ales................................................................. Carriages, w agons, and m aterials, including repairing............................................................ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales....................... ........................................ C ars, steam and street railroad, not including operations of railroad com panies................. Fem ales.............................. . Ship and boat bu ild in g____ M ales.................................. Fem ales.............................. V ehicles, n. o. c..................... M ales................................. M iscellaneous m anufactures. M ales.................................. Fem ales.............................. A gricultural im p lem en ts... M ales.................................. Fem ales.............................. B room s and m ops................ M ales___________________ Fem ales.............................. B rushes.................................. M ales.................................. Fem ales.............................. C ok e........................................ M ales.................................. Fem ales.............................. 165 "7 7 3 ...... 135 1,990 8*031 1,654 558 1.096 68,115 65,018 3.097 318 306 12 46*413 43,730 2,683 932 828 104 1,442 1,269 173 9,920 2.014 7,906 1,602 517 1,085 70,340 67,181 3.159 374 364 10 47,945 45,186 2,759 950 844 106 1,468 1,296 172 9,766 1,952 7,814 1,550 483 1,067 71,621 68,510 3,111 510 497 13 49,132 46,415 2,717 979 870 109 1,352 1,188 164 9,602 1,955 7,647 1,561 498 1.063 62,418 59,836 2,582 517 502 15 39,925 37,773 2,152 889 113 1,447 1,273 174 7.583 1,632 582 1,050 66,401 63,628 2,773 467 450 • 17 43,728 41,397 2,331 977 869 108 1,501 1,330 171 3,785 3,714 71 3,854 78 4.014 3,940 74 4,187 4,113 74 4,220 4,129 91 4,362 4,254 108 4,352 4,240 2,779 3,025 3,008 2,761 17 18 12,398 12,479 12,381 12,460 17 19 38 49 OQ 49 46,502 44,810 37,915 36,864 8,587 7,946 5,479 5.063 5,429 5,020 50 43 259 265 217 212 48 47 391 386 284 277 107 109 1,275 1,209 1,271 1,205 4 4 2,805 2,787 18 12,513 12,493 20 48 48 47,174 38,500 8,674 5,054 5,009 45 258 2,971 2,950 21 12,052 12,036 16 48 48 50,181 41,087 9,094 4,867 4,826 41 272 219 53 423 306 117 1,219 1,216 13 3,624 36 11,064 11,045 19 2 42 42 "694' 47,790 37,906 9,884 5*537 5,462 75 263 213 50 403 281 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 10,021 9,850 1,979 7,871 1,655 585 1,070 67,926 64,800 3,126 372 361 11 46,735 44,007 2,728 873 770 103 1,395 1,237 158 24 122 1,807 1,787 20 3,213 3,184 29 11,823 11,805 18 42 42 45,918 37,110 8,808 5,488 5,422 66 258 207 51 434 303 131 1,341 1,337 4 3.160 3,142 18 12,383 12,363 20 46 46 46,782 37,882 8,900 5,625 5,566 59 257 210 47 417 296 121 1,291 1,287 4 1,002 9.583 2,000 210 48 421 301 120 1,132 1,130 2 9,473 2,006 7,467 1,750 602 1,148 72,155 69,316 2,839 413 399 14 49,882 47,471 2,411 943 847 96 1,494 1,325 112 414 401 13 52,679 49,783 2,896 983 875 108 1,490 1,324 166 9,485 2,030 7,455 1,697 622 1,075 76,501 72,928 3,573 336 323 13 55,508 52,390 3,118 1,064 934 130 1,482 1,310 172 9,994 2,162 7,832 1,895 718 1,177 79,132 75,404 3,728 361 347 14 58,959 55,690 3,269 1,173 1,023 150 1,467 1,297 170 10,289 2,219 8,070 2,143 805 1,338 79,033 75,015 4,018 406 389 17 60,414 56,862 3,552 1,210 1,056 154 1,493 1,325 168 10,756 2,309 8,447 2,410 977 1,433 80,007 76,022 3,985 526 511 15 62,819 59,289 3,530 1,258 1,106 152 1,475 1,313 162 1,283 357 992 860 494 383 17,589 16,186 1,436 208 205 6 22,894 21,516 1,400 385 336 51 149 142 16 4,205 4,096 109 4,250 4,143 107 4,239 4,139 100 4,378 4,277 101 4,525 4,421 104 740 707 41 3,074 3,056 18 11,526 11,508 18 55 55 52,435 42,714 9,721 5,170 5,125 45 268 217 51 442 316 126 1,003 3,208 3,194 14 10,602 10,583 19 51 51 52,536 42,683 9,853 5,242 5,192 50 262 3,458 3,449 9 9,420 9,404 16 55 55 53,355 43,135 10,220 5,223 5,165 58 279 225 54 431 306 125 761 758 3 3,515 3,506 9 7,563 7,546 17 54 54 54,716 44,215 10,501 5,241 5,175 66 279 227 52 436 298 138 881 878 3 3,724 3,716 8 5,620 5,606 14 60 60 56,135 45,623 10,512 5,480 5,417 63 286 240 46 450 308 142 983 981 2 945 955 28 6,893 6,887 6 22 22 11,325 8,759 2,566 758 740 34 29 33 8 65 39 35 1,046 1,029 18 9,559 2,063 7,496 1,771 635 1,136 74,426 71,098 1,001 2 210 52 451 315 136 1, 111 1,108 3 s s tel 3 W 02 to 0 01 A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 206 T able 1 9 1 9 : W A G E E A R N E R S —C ontinued N um ber of estab lish m ents re porting Industry and sex Variation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth] N ovem D ecem N um Sep A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 326 277 49 674 342 332 20,467 16,383 4,084 116 93 23 489 266 223 524 420 104 1,243 1,239 4 257 202 55 733 725 8 4,313 2,566 1,747 341 291 50 677 338 339 20,023 16,025 3,998 140 107 33 403 239 164 395 359 36 1,243 1,239 4 264 198 66 771 763 8 3,011 2,169 842 346 305 41 705 344 361 20,264 16,267 3,997 159 125 34 392 234 158 472 389 83 1,434 1,429 5 276 204 72 777 769 8 2,994 2,176 818 319 278 41 690 347 343 20,054 16,088 3,966 163 129 34 400 241 159 332 306 26 1,855 1,850 5 272 196 76 818 810 8 2,430 1,875 555 306 263 43 734 366 368 18,202 14,945 3,257 176 146 30 413 260 153 334 293 41 2,167 2,161 6 312 215 97 914 906 8 2,229 1,753 476 325 282 43 740 377 363 18,942 15,167 3,775 183 147 36 459 283 176 314 274 40 3,261 3,255 6 326 231 95 961 953 8 2,136 1,605 531 362 314 48 859 499 360 20,886 16,768 4,118 200 161 39 481 294 187 372 319 53 3,447 3,441 6 344 245 99 1,079 1,070 9 2,017 1,560 457 390 342 48 805 469 336 22,385 17,856 4,529 205 159 46 514 326 188 420 361 59 3,398 3,392 6 343 237 106 1,174 1,167 7 2,104 1,621 483 399 346 53 791 469 322 22,858 18,104 4,754 207 162 45 529 331 198 408 347 61 2,905 2,899 6 355 248 107 1,167 1,160 7 1,916 1,509 407 400 350 50 793 473 320 24,064 19,110 4,954 222 168 54 569 341 228 362 321 • 41 2,381 2,377 4 322 222 100 1,180 1,172 8 1,889 1,540 349 401 348 53 800 474 326 25,222 20,094 5,128 251 192 59 609 361 248 356 321 35 1,897 1,893 4 324 227 97 1,243 1,233 10 1,971 1,615 356 432 377 55 810 477 333 26,360 21,166 5,194 239 175 64 630 371 259 371 334 37 1,537 1,533 4 322 222 100 1,300 1,291 9 2,048 1,635 413 126 114 14 185 161 48 8,158 6,221 1,937 135 99 41 238 137 106 210 146 78 2,204 2,202 2 98 52 52 567 566 2 2,424 1,057 1,398 1,023 907 116 1,118 998 120 1,219 1,084 135 1,333 1,189 144 1,398 1,242 156 1,550 1,385 165 1,716 1,520 196 1,734 1,526 208 1,730 1,524 206 1,850 1,623 227 1,986 1,725 261 2,048 1,781 267 1,025 874 151 Per cent M a n u f a c t u r e s —C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures—-C ontinued. D airym en’s, poulterers’ , and apiarists’ sup plies............................ ............. ........................ M ales________________________________ ______ Fem ales.......... _..................................................... D entists’ su p p lies. ................................................ M ales____ _________________________ ________ Fem ales...... ...................... ................ .................. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ E nam eling and ja p a n n in g ... ___________ M alfts _____ Fem ales _ .. ... .. _______ _ _ F a n cy arfcinlas _ M ales __________________________________ F em a le s__________________________________ F ire extinguishers, chem ical__________________ M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Ice, mannfantnrp.d r ....... M a les. ____________________________________ Fem ales__________________ _________________ Instrum ents, professional and scien tific______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M odels and patterns, other than paper______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M u n ition s______________________________ ____ M a le s._____ _________________________ ______ Fem ales____________________________________ M usical instrum ents and m aterials, other than pianos and organs________ __________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............................................................. . 4 11 121 6 3 5 100 13 75 8 17 29.2 30.2 C) 21.5 32.3 13.0 30.9 29.4 37.3 53.8 51.6 0) 37.8 36.9 40.9 40.1 34.8 75.0 63.9 64.0 0) 27.6 21.0 48.6 43.6 43.8 0) 56.2 41.2 80.0 50.0 49.1 56.6 PA R T 2 .— G EN ERA L T A B L E Janu ary O p tica l goods_________________________ ______ ’M ales” ................................................................... F em ales................................................................ P e n s, fountain, stylngraphie, and gold .... M a le s......... ..................................................... Fem ales_______________ ____________________ P ian os, organs, and m aterials___________ ____ M a les. __ 1______________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ H oofing m aterials___________ ________________ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales_____ ______—.............. .............. .......... Signs and advertising n ovelties__________ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales________________ __________________ S porting and ath letic g o o d s ................. ............. ‘ M a le s.____________....................... ..................... Fem ales________________ __________________ S tation ery________________ __________________ M a les.’. ...... .......................................................... Fem ales___________________________________ 'T oys and gam es__________________________ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales______ _____________________________ U m b rellas and canes M ales __________________________________ Fem ales_____ - ___________________________ W ashing m achines and clothes w ringers_____ M ales_____________________________________ F em ales_______ ____________________________ M iscellan eou s m anufactures, n. o. c M ales____________________________ • ______ Fem ales___________________________________ S erv ice _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales...... .................. .................................. . A d vertisin g_______________ __________________ M ales________________________ ______ ______ Fem ales___________________________________ B an ks_______________________________________ M a les. ____________________________________ Fem ales_________ _______________________ B arbers__________________ ___________________ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales . __ __ ___________________ B ow ling alleys and parks____________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................ .............................. 29 3 21 4 39 9 14 26 8 15 80 2,563 38 192 1 Not computed owing to small number) represented. 24 59 379 293 86 268 158 110 2,067 1,773 294 839 815 24 1,453 832 621 794 536 258 597 425 172 1,410 693 717 193 61 132 295 290 5 1,320 867 453 37,555 22,180 15,375 354 340 14 398 265 133 199 165 34 466 410 56 397 313 84 266 159 107 2,194 1,897 297 848 825 23 1,501 940 561 833 552 281 603 427 176 1,511 757 754 207 67 140 324 319 6 1,327 859 468 37,862 22,412 15,450 356 343 13 400 268 132 201 169 32 469 411 58 408 323 85 258 149 109 2,170 1,874 296 865 840 25 1,565 961 604 829 553 276 616 441 175 1,589 807 782 193 60 133 336 330 6 1,325 859 466 38,475 22,892 15,583 400 382 18 405 270 135 206 172 34 523 472 51 414 327 87 256 146 110 2,236 1,944 292 840 818 22 1,615 979 636 841 559 282 617 447 170 1,676 876 800 208 66 142 354 348 6 1,369 895 474 39,629 23,891 15,738 420 407 13 406 271 135 212 176 36 808 722 86 401 314 87 249 149 100 2,299 2,011 288 857 831 26 1,667 1,019 648 879 592 287 638 464 174 1,740 899 841 231 65 166 370 366 4 1,377 890 487 40,772 24,764 16,008 442 432 10 408 274 134 212 177 35 1,250 1,046 204 427 328 99 265 161 104 2,422 2,108 314 860 837 23 1,771 1,056 715 809 555 254 666 483 183 1,815 943 872 228 72 156 388 385 3 1,461 963 498 41,498 25,160 16,338 456 446 10 413 •279 134 215 178 37 1,475 1,196 279 448 344 104 273 165 108 2,578 2,261 317 876 851 25 1,906 1,139 767 815 562 253 674 488 186 1,901 1,026 875 250 83 167 431 427 4 1,485 983 502 41,247 24,918 16,329 457 449 8 404 272 132 221 181 40 1,518 1,212 306 455 351 104 318 175 143 2,645 2,316 329 872 848 24 2,062 1,204 858 884 609 275 682 490 192 1,879 1,034 845 241 77 164 468 464 4 1,574 1,031 543 41,579 25,232 16,347 442 432 10 419 282 137 220 180 40 1,569 1,272 297 461 361 110 306 171 136 2,698 2,374 324 886 868 27 2,093 1,254 839 889 620 269 696 606 190 1,863 1,005 868 219 74 145 517 514 3 1,578 1,032 546 40,814 24,794 16,020 428 416 12 422 283 139 221 182 39 838 707 131 466 350 116 318 172 146 2,810 2,454 356 889 867 22 2,151 1,229 922 918 644 274 709 527 182 1,933 1,059 874 239 80 159 536 533 3 1,660 1,069 591 469 346 123 310 182 128 2,874 2,515 359 896 873 23 2,166 1,240 926 908 653 255 738 537 201 1,999 1,114 885 250 84 166 528 525 3 1,681 1,085 596 456 341 115 314 175 139 3,037 2,669 368 891 866 25 2,137 1,251 886 960 697 263 724 525 199 1,830 1,048 782 236 83 153 555 552 3 1,699 1,108 591 90 58 39 69 36 46 970 896 80 57 58 5 713 422 365 166 161 34 141 112 31 589 421 168 57 24 35 260 262 3 379 249 143 19.2 16.5 31.7 21.7 19.8 31.5 31.9 33.6 21.7 6.4 6.6 0 32.9 33.7 39.4 17.3 23.1 11.8 19.1 20.9 15.4 29.5 37.8 19.0 22.8 0 21.0 46.8 47.5 0 41,187 24,937 16,250 443 430 13 431 293 138 225 181 44 498 443 55 40,764 24,799 15,965 427 415 12 422 288 134 220 179 41 492 432 60 40,715 25,856 15,859 430 422 8 418 283 135 219 177 42 496 438 58 4,024 3,052 972 103 109 10 33 28 7 26 17 12 1,103 862 255 9.7 12.1 5.9 22.5 24.3 (0 7.7 9.6 5.0 11.6 9.3 0 70.3 67.8 83.3 22.5 24.0 £ £ zo . ^ Q H H > g § XJ1 A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 208 T able 1 91 9 : WAGE EARNERS—Continued N um ber of estab- V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Industry and sex m ents re porting Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 576 4,624 4,600 24 739 165 574 10,258 5,885 4,373 7,570 2,584 4,986 2,002 1,941 61 234 127 107 5,414 2,711 2,703 422 365 57 488 275 213 2,380 1,694 686 698 653 45 42,099 33,007 9,092 1,897 1,830 67 4,812 4,790 22 739 155 584 10,249 5,901 4,348 7,579 2,593 4,986 2,023 1,962 61 238 133 105 5,439 2,701 2,738 424 366 58 485 270 215 2,395 1,708 687 688 642 46 41,812 32,711 9,101 1,923 1,837 86 5,317 5,284 33 758 186 572 10,529 6,104 4,425 7,947 2,809 5,138 1,989 1,928 61 256 151 105 5,471 2,701 2,770 386 336 50 487 279 208 2,449 1,739 710 846 798 48 5,538 5,506 32 767 176 591 10,806 6,326 4,480 7,864 2,774 5,090 1,982 1,921 61 255 152 103 5,821 2,865 2,956 378 326 52 477 274 203 2,311 1,641 670 925 874 51 44,117 34,327 9,790 2,038 1,878 160 44,705 35,128 9,577 1,904 1,833 71 5,790 5,758 32 777 177 600 11,330 6,538 4,792 7,883 2,841 5,042 1,944 1,882 62 276 156 120 6,021 2,961 3,060 221 187 34 437 254 183 2,003 1,395 608 963 912 51 45,874 36,512 9,362 1,865 1,808 57 5,693 5,661 32 789 179 610 11,187 6,427 4,760 7,992 2,840 5,152 2,010 1,949 61 263 157 106 5,990 2,988 3,002 193 161 32 339 223 116 1,896 1,319 577 950 900 50 46,553 37,214 9,339 1,859 1,804 55 Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Service—C ontinued. 37 330 281 217 32 406 78 26 154 113 5,657 594 4,927 4,909 18 748 178 570 10,290 5,932 4,358 7,758 2,677 5,081 2,023 1,962 61 251 146 105 5,476 2,718 2,758 421 367 54 496 280 216 2,457 1,759 698 715 668 47 42,688 33,337 9,351 1,966 1,839 127 5,752 5,722 30 769 171 598 11,287 6,448 4,839 7,854 2,843 5,011 1,993 1,932 61 260 154 106 6,056 3,026 3,030 185 155 30 325 226 99 2,133 1,477 656 961 912 49 47,103 37,833 9,270 1,875 1,815 60 5,755 5,723 32 772 172 600 10,744 6,212 4,532 7.851 2.851 5,000 1,984 1,924 60 272 158 114 6,192 3,111 3,081 160 136 24 397 242 155 2,467 1,765 702 962 912 50 47,707 37,924 9,783 1,882 1,820 62 6,004 5,968 36 790 171 619 10, 736 6,190 4,546 8,026 2,892 5,134 2,041 1,980 61 260 158 102 6,200 3,090 3,110 156 132 24 445 243 202 2,593 1,869 724 951 897 54 48,225 38,263 9,962 1,888 1,819 69 6,057 6,022 35 777 172 605 10,484 6.058 4,426 7,934 2,879 5,055 2.059 1,998 61 251 153 98 6,145 3,099 3,046 143 119 24 451 245 206 2,628 1,879 749 917 861 56 48,809 38,572 10,237 1,891 1,829 62 6,242 6,205 37 766 165 601 10, 497 6,030 4,467 7,782 2,828 4,954 2,053 1,991 62 274 167 107 6,093 3,074 3,019 141 117 24 451 250 201 2,644 1,898 746 867 811 56 49,354 38,829 10,525 1,941 1,875 66 1,618 1,605 19 51 31 49 1,081 653 491 456 308 166 115 116 2 42 40 22 786 410 407 283 250 34 171 57 117 748 579 172 275 270 11 7,542 6,118 1,433 179 74 105 25.9 25.9 (0 6.5 16.7 7.9 9.5 9.9 10.1 5.7 10.7 3.2 5.6 5.8 (0 15.2 23.9 18.3 12.7 13.2 13.1 66.7 68.1 0) 34.5 20.4 54.2 28.3 30.5 23.0 28.6 29.6 0) 15.3 15.8 13.6 8.8 3.9 65.6 PART 2.-----GENERAL TABLE Garages................................................................... M ales................................................................. . Fem ales................. ........................... ............... H o s p ita ls ...................................... ................... M ales..................... .......................................... Fem ales_________________ _________________ H otels_______________ _____ ________________ M ales ___ ___ Fem ales Laundries and d ry cleaners................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales___________________ _______________ Office buildin gs, including w indow cleaning. _ M ales................ ....................... ......................... . Fem ales........ ................ ............ ....................... . Photographers...... ..................... ..................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........ .................................................... R estaurants________________________________ M ales__________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. S aloons. ................. .................................................. M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___________________ ______________ S chools and colleges________________________ M ales............ .............. ...................................... F em ales ... _ T heaters___________ _________________________ M ales......................................................... ........... Fem ales_________ ________________________ Service, n. o. c________ ____ __ _ M ales____________________________________ F em ales._________________________________ T rade ______ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Offices.................................................................... . M ales___ __________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. E etail delivery, m ilk, ice, and w ater................. M a les._................................................................. Fem ales................................................................ Stores, retail and w holesale.................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Y ards, lum ber, coal, and scrap........................... M ales................................................................... . F em a les............................................................... 745 739 6 33,182 24,642 8,540 5,962 5,493 469 771 764 7 33,850 25,119 8,731 6,101 5,615 486 802 796 6 34,853 25,718 9,135 6,424 5,935 489 842 836 6 35,268 26,256 9,012 6,691 6,203 488 986 979 7 35,798 26,974 8,824 7,225 6,751 474 1,024 1,017 7 36,070 27,325 8,745 7,600 7,068 532 1,030 1,023 7 36,377 27,690 8,687 7,821 7,305 516 979 973 6 37,063 27,883 9,180 7,783 7,248 535 920 913 7 37,456 28,107 9,349 7,961 7,424 537 849 842 7 38,336 28,691 9,645 7,733 7,210 523 830 824 6 39,323 29,347 9,976 7,260 6,783 477 305 304 1 6,141 4,705 1,472 1,999 1,931 68 29.6 29.7 (l) 15.6 16.0 14.8 25.1 26.0 12.7 1,081 51,545 39,437 12,108 51,622 39,507 12,115 51,776 39,879 11,897 52,805 41,101 11,704 53,807 42,234 11,573 53,953 42,398 11,555 54,551 43,171 11,380 54,570 43,429 11,141 54,519 43,363 11,156 53,981 42,905 11,076 54,064 42,875 11,189 53,094 41,853 11,241 3,025 3,992 1,039 5.5 9.2 8.6 334 3,357 3,342 15 3,174 3,172 2 19,565 19,333 232 2,907 2,800 107 1,322 1,322 376 375 1 225 225 359 333 26 3,222 3,205 17 3,148 3,146 2 19,843 19,631 212 2,862 2,768 94 1,192 1,192 396 395 1 226 226 336 314 22 3,314 3,298 16 3,039 3,037 2 20,126 19,927 199 2,819 2,713 106 1,149 1,149 368 367 1 214 214 363 340 23 3,498 3,485 13 3,156 3,154 2 20,923 20,730 193 2,979 2,865 114 1,211 1,211 339 338 1 210 10 358 332 ' 26 3,594 3,581 13 3,038 3,036 2 21,162 20,976 186 3,065 2,948 117 1,318 1,318 320 319 1 197 197 375 349 26 3,669 3,658 11 3,010 3,008 2 21,449 21,251 198 3,066 2,975 91 1,345 1,345 359 358 1 215 215 366 340 26 3,624 3,617 7 3,158 3,156 2 21,526 21,333 193 3,086 3,003 83 1,407 1,407 385 284 1 227 227 377 351 26 3,637 3,628 9 3,287 3,285 2 21,549 21,359 190 3,324 3,237 87 1,409 1,409 420 419 1 244 244 363 333 30 3,709 3,700 9 3,291 3,289 2 21,509 21,325 184 3,215 3,137 78 1,438 1,438 416 415 1 236 236 351 325 26 3,863 3,844 19 3,343 3,341 2 21,143 20,968 175 3,093 3,016 77 1,384 1,384 176 175 1 245 245 359 333 26 4,066 4,054 12 3,438 3,436 2 20,958 20,789 169 2,946 2,881 65 1,325 1,325 353 352 1 234 234 362 335 27 3,855 3,841 14 3,513 3,511 2 20,404 20,235 169 2,986 2,902 84 1,287 1,287 415 414 1 246 246 352 324 28 844 849 12 503 503 49 49 41 37 6 20.8 20.9 0) 14.3 14.3 (l) 9.2 9. 24.6 15.2 16.2 44.4 20.1 20.1 58.1 58.2 (l) 19.9 19.9 10.9 10.5 0) 360 17,987 6,267 11,720 18,029 6,267 11,762 17,919 6,374 11,545 17,735 6,385 11,350 17,778 6,554 11,224 17,673 6,452 11,221 17,679 6,616 11,063 17,351 6,534 10,817 17,401 6,550 10,851 17,533 6,762 10,771 17,726 6,817 10,909 17,949 7,009 10,940 678 742 991 3.8 10.6 8.4 37 1,597 1,594 3 623 621 2 53 53 1,688 1,685 3 626 624 2 54 54 1,754 1,751 3 657 655 2 54 54 1,687 1,684 3 656 654 2 53 53 2,270 2,268 2 640 638 2 50 50 2,375 2,372 3 375 373 2 51 51 2,354 2,351 3 676 674 2 52 52 2,279 2,276 3 657 655 2 50 50 2,235 2,232 3 668 666 2 50 50 2,111 2,108 3 682 680 2 49 49 2,050 2,047 3 560 559 1 46 46 1,414 1,412 2 627 626 1 46 46 961 960 1 307 307 1 8 8 40.5 40.5 0) 45.0 45.0 0) 0) 0) 4,271 728 83 73 22 6 16 18 24 10 1,984 2,026 57 505 524 52 289 289 244 244 209 ‘ Not computed owing to small number represented. 98 EARNERS 725 719 6 33,348 24,844 8,504 6,129 5,614 515 1919: W AGE T ra n s p o rta tio n a n d p u b lic u tilitie s ................... M ales......................... .............. ............................. F e m a le s ...................... ........................... ........... D rayage and storage, including liv ery stables and team ing..................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................... ............................................ E lectric ligh t and pow er....................................... M ales—..................... .......................................... Fem ales.............................. ................................. E lectric railroads_______ ____________________ M ales........ .................... ....................................... Fem ales................................................................. N atural gas.............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. P ip elin es (petroleum )........................................ M ales..................................................................... Steam railroads....................................................... M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales...... .......................................................... S tockyards__________ ________________________ M ales..................................................................... Taxicab service_____ _____- ................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............ ................................................... Telegraph and telephone, in clu din g messen ger service—..................................................... M ales.........—....................................................... Fem ales................................................................. T ransportation b y w ater, in clu din g steve doring................................................................. M ales.......... .......................................................... Fem ales................................................................. W aterw orks—........................................................ M ales.............. .................................................... . Fem ales........................................... ... ................. T ransportation and p u b lic u tilities, n . o . c ___ M ales_____________________________________ 64 A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued 210 T able 1 9 1 9 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S Industry and sex A L L I N D U S T R I E S ......................................................... A g r i c u l t u r e . . ...................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ F lorists, fru it growers, and nurserym en............ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ A gricu ltu re, n . o. c................................................ M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales___________________________ ______ C o n s t r u c t i o n ...................................................................... M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectrical contracting............................................ M ales ___________________________________ Fem ales_______________________ ____________ G eneral con tracting................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ O il, gas, and w ater, drillin g or producing------M ales _____________________________________ FAmales ____ P lum bing and steam fittin g ................................. M ales ___________________________________ F em a le s___________________________________ Sheet-m etal w ork and roofing.......................... . M ales____ _________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Street, road, and sewer con tracting.................... M ales ___________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ C onstruction, n. o. c.............................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. V ariation from N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July maximum Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 23,652 108,982 109,652 110,757 112,013 112,862 114,476 117,523 119,914 120,076 120,856 122,749 124,364 53,778 54,419 55,255 56,001 56,746 57,935 59,689 61,670 61,486 61,933 63,094 64,169 55; 204 55; 233 55,502 56,012 56,116 56,541 57,834 58,244 58,590 58,923 59,655 60,195 552 146 406 4,747 186 1,808 436 394 306 556 1,061 157 47 199 52 147 162 36 126 37 16 211 31 89 37 16 177 52 125 137 34 103 40 18 55 156 175 39 136 36 16 206 56 150 170 40 130 36 16 21 22 21 20 20 2,867 1,625 1,242 293 118 175 1,079 704 375 183 136 47 338 135 203 391 224 167 268 152 116 315 156 159 2,842 1,600 1,242 297 118 179 1,059 689 370 182 135 47 345 144 2,876 1,616 1,260 309 128 181 1,067 684 383 182 135 47 342 144 198 392 2,944 1,656 1,288 320 134 186 1,086 689 397 185 137 48 348 148 3,024 1,710 1,314 317 132 185 1,147 733 414 194 143 51 344 143 200 201 391 383 221 222 221 171 266 147 119 318 157 161 169 282 157 125 332 169 163 162 304 170 134 335 168 167 3,117 1,794 1,323 319 130 189 1,191 775 416 195 145 50 345 147 198 408 240 168 315 180 135 344 177 167 110 120 201 387 216 171 261 145 116 311 153 158 178 57 173 62 121 111 143 42 35 15 134 45 89 39 17 20 22 22 3,236 1,874 1,362 323 130 193 1,250 818 432 3,322 1,930 1,392 329 131 198 1,301 841 460 198 146 52 360 158 101 200 150 50 358 154 204 414 239 175 328 194 134 363 189 174 165 57 108 126 40 86 39 17 202 415 244 171 349 216 133 370 194 176 165 59 106 129 42 87 36 17 19 3,410 2,010 1,400 337 138 199 1,391 926 465 198 147 51 365 156 209 402 239 163 342 207 135 375 197 178 15,382 10,391 4,991 12.4 16.2 8.3 54 18 50 55 14 50 5 25.6 0) 32.1 31.4 0) 36.8 C1) 0) ( 1) 171 60 177 65 175 63 111 112 112 132 42 90 39 18 137 45 92 40 135 43 92 40 20 20 20 20 5 3,513 2,068 1,445 339 130 209 1,478 980 498 3,552 2,116 1,436 345 134 710 516 203 52 211 1,523 1,029 494 36 464 345 128 201 202 20 151 50 374 161 213 403 239 164 335 205 130 383 151 51 374 161 213 406 247 159 322 196 126 380 198 182 21 3,419 2,009 1,410 330 132 198 1,401 920 481 198 148 50 367 157 210 404 243 161 336 206 130 383 203 180 202 181 Per cent 3 20 16 5 36 26 15 32 31 16 88 71 19 72 50 24 20.0 24.4 14.0 15.1 14.5 17.1 30.5 33.5 25.7 9.9 10.6 (l) 9.6 16.2 7.0 7.7 12.6 9.1 25.2 32.9 14.1 18.8 24.6 13.2 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f estab lish m ents re porting fis h e r ie s ......................................................................... M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ 41 50 27 23 51 28 23 52 28 24 54 29 25 56 29 27 55 29 26 54 28 26 57 29 28 58 30 28 56 28 28 55 27 28 53 27 26 8 3 5 M a n u fa c tu re s .......................................................... . M ales..................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... C hem icals and allied products............................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. B aking pow der and yeast__................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ C hem icals, acids, and w ood distillation ........... M a le s.................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. F ertilizers, tankage................................................ M ales..................................................................... F em ales......... ..................................................... O il, linseed, lubricatin g, and cottonseed, and oil cake............................................................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................ P aint and varn ish ................................................. M a les.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Patent m edicines and drug com pounds, in clu din g drug grinding.................................... M ales................................................................... . Fem ales............................................................... . P etroleum refining................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................................................................. Soap, candles, grease, and tallow ....................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales.................................... - ............ Chem icals and allied products, n . o. c. M ales______________________________ Fem ales................................................... F ood and kindred products....................... M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. B akery products....................................... M ales....................................................... Fem ales.................................................. C anning and preserving......................... M ales....................................................... F em ales.................................................. 9,011 64,064 35,395 28,669 3,915 1,745 2,170 124 42 82 441 257 184 124 73 51 64,355 35,759 28,596 3,954 1,779 2,175 128 48 80 443 258 185 125 74 51 65,003 36,257 28,746 3,979 1,793 2,186 126 44 82 434 254 180 124 74 50 65,647 36,707 28,940 4,050 1,818 2,232 133 47 86 435 257 178 124 74 50 65,949 37,003 28,946 3,995 1,797 2,198 32 7 25 436 261 175 125 76 49 66,872 37,588 29,284 4,013 1,822 2,191 32 6 26 444 265 179 128 78 50 68,740 38,747 29,993 4,096 1,879 2,217 31 5 26 458 275 183 128 78 50 70,616 40,303 30,313 4,155 1,936 2,219 31 4 27 456 275 181 128 78 50 70,453 40,034 30,419 4,168 1,963 2,205 33 5 28 456 273 183 128 78 50 71,254 40,464 30,790 4,171 1,961 2,210 34 5 29 449 272 177 127 77 50 72,592 41,414 31,178 4,216 1,983 2,233 34 4 30 444 268 176 126 77 49 73,444 42,194 31,250 4,202 1,979 2,223 32 4 28 446 267 179 126 77 49 9,380 6,799 2,654 301 44 61 24 21 10 4 5 2 8 130 50 80 1,140 480 660 128 50 78 1,153 491 662 129 51 78 1,182 503 679 127 51 76 1,207 514 693 125 52 73 1,239 519 720 129 53 76 1,275 543 732 132 51 81 1,303 560 743 129 52 77 1,327 585 742 132 53 79 1,339 591 748 129 51 78 1,337 592 745 129 50 79 1,341 606 735 128 52 76 1,342 601 741 7 3 7 8 348 68 280 344 216 128 954 404 550 310 155 155 2,91 1,292 1,697 378 110 268 78 35 43 370 69 301 354 224 130 946 411 535 307 154 153 3,007 1,291 1,716 382 108 274 79 35 44 367 68 299 358 229 129 944 411 533 315 159 156 3,014 1,284 1,730 389 109 280 80 36 44 393 74 319 362 230 132 948 418 530 321 153 168 3,051 1,304 1,747 396 112 284 83 36 47 418 77 341 357 228 129 950 421 529 313 156 157 3,083 1,320 1,763 383 103 280 84 39 45 418 78 340 360 228 132 955 428 527 272 143 129 3,173 1,362 1,811 393 108 285 92 45 47 406 80 326 376 240 136 989 448 541 273 142 131 3,264 1,398 1,866 404 115 289 84 36 48 397 78 319 389 251 138 989 462 527 309 151 158 3,325 1,429 1,896 415 120 295 101 44 57 394 79 315 385 245 140 981 472 509 320 167 153 3,330 1,453 1,877 406 117 289 112 49 63 431 87 344 389 247 142 998 492 506 277 138 139 3,311 1,449 1,862 412 119 293 99 44 55 438 88 350 391 246 145 988 480 508 325 164 161 3,310 1,445 1,865 412 124 288 90 39 51 438 89 349 396 249 147 973 475 498 321 165 156 3,326 1,447 1,879 419 127 292 85 39 46 41 33 18 80 63 32 47 61 1,475 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 403 89 12.8 16.1 8.5 7.1 63 12.0 2.8 102 76.7 202 8 5.2 7.6 5.4 3.1 5.3 15.1 126 20.8 90 21 70 52 35 19 54 20.6 0 20.0 13.1 13.9 12.9 5.4 17.9 9.5* 16.3 17.4 23.2 10.2 11.6 10.5 9.8 18.9 9.2 30.4 52 53 29 39 341 169 199 41 24 27 34 14 14 11.8 1919: BOOKKEEPERS; 4 0 0 0 Itel 2 o o w > a i SO GQ tel P 8 to T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex—Continued 1 9 1 9 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued N um ber of estab- V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed o n the 15th of each m onth Industry and sex m ents re porting Janu ary Febru M arch ary M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. F ood and kindred p rod u cts—C ontin ued. C offee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding.............................................................. 27 190 187 M ales______________________________________ 72 72 F em ales................................................................ 118 115 C on fection ery ......................................................... 131 293 286 M ales______________________________________ 87 89 Fem ales................................................................ 199 204 D a iry products and ice cream ......... ................... 187 749 761 304 M ales______________________________________ 307 Fem ales____________________________________ 445 454 F lour-m ill and grist-m ill p ro d u cts.................... 462 555 553 258 M ales. ____________________________________ 257 297 Fem ales................................................................ 296 27 109 111 F ood preparations.................................................. M ales______________________________________ 59 62 50 49 Fem ales____________________________________ Slaughtering and m eat packing.......................... 109 475 476 304 M ales____ _________________________________ 302 171 174 F e m a le ___ _________________________ _______ F ood and kindred products, n . o. c ............ ....... 40 169 165 M ales______________________________________ 63 59 Fem ales____________________________________ 106 106 1,687 22,110 22,034 Iron and steel and their p rod u cts........................... 14,044 14,080 M ales ____________________________________ 7,954 Fem ales____________________________________ 8,066 33 781 771 B last-furnace produ cts........................................... M ales______________________________________ 655 661 120 116 Fem ales____________________________________ B olts, nu ts, washers, and rivets.......................... 30 389 385 M ales________ ____________________________ 204 206 181 183 Fem ales................................................. ................ C alcu lating m achines, in clu din g cash registers, tim e clocks, and locks, gas and w ater 10 840 m eters...... .......................................................... 840 388 M ales______________________________________ .......... ....... 390 452 Fem ales.............................. .................................. _________ 450 Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent A pril M ay June July 183 72 111 306 97 209 771 307 464 551 256 295 109 61 48 462 289 173 163 57 106 22,095 14,148 7,947 764 651 113 385 205 180 180 70 110 309 100 209 783 309 474 554 253 301 106 59 47 475 306 169 165 59 106 22,036 14,164 7,872 755 644 111 382 203 179 180 71 109 317 102 215 817 324 493 557 255 302 105 58 47 477 309 168 163 59 104 21,884 14,136 7,748 753 644 109 382 205 177 185 75 110 323 103 220 865 341 524 563 260 303 107 61 46 479 310 169 166 59 107 21,844 14,164 7,680 740 640 100 381 207 174 190 77 113 329 100 229 905 361 544 591 272 319 109 64 45 484 313 171 168 60 108 22,173 14,397 7,776 745 647 98 389 210 179 190 79 111 356 114 242 889 352 537 600 277 323 111 64 47 487 318 169 176 61 115 22,586 14,713 7,873 743 645 98 404 225 179 188 79 109 356 115 241 879 358 521 612 288 324 109 63 46 494 322 172 174 62 112 22,731 14,860 7,871 744 646 98 398 224 174 186 77 109 362 116 246 849 355 494 607 283 324 103 63 40 496 325 171 197 67 130 22,529 14,651 7,878 699 605 94 407 228 179 186 75 111 372 116 256 827 342 485 604 285 319 111 65 46 504 328 176 204 71 133 22,970 14,998 7,972 710 614 96 406 226 180 192 77 115 381 117 264 815 338 477 603 286 317 111 62 49 513 331 182 207 70 137 23,339 15,332 8,007 711 615 96 407 230 177 12 9 9 95 30 65 156 57 99 61 35 29 8 7 10 51 42 14 44 14 33 1,495 1,288 386 82 56 26 26 27 9 7.6 24.9 25.6 24.6 17.2 15.8 18.2 10.0 12.2 9.0 7.2 0 0 9.9 12.7 7.7 21.3 0 24.1 6.4 8.4 4.8 10.5 8.5 21.7 6.4 11.7 4.9 863 405 458 882 417 465 912 455 457 919 472 447 921 487 434 981 515 466 996 524 472 992 518 474 1,001 525 476 1,024 538 486 184 150 52 18.0 27.9 10.7 6.3 0 M a le s .............. ......... ..................... 87 7 34 1,151 Fem ales___________________________ Gas engines and tra cto rs................. M a le s ...................... ...................... Fem ales.............. ............................ . P um ps and w in dm ills.............. ............ 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 25 15 3 4 54 87 10 10 36 156 64 120 113 195 86 109 4,423 3,399 1,024 1,020 512 508 166 120 46 275 213 62 118 40 78 428 262 166 1,030 302 728 831 208 623 668 308 360 94 54 40 524 301 11,064 6,934 4,130 317 184 133 278 156 122 228 114 114 235 126 109 188 85 103 4,404 3,406 998 1,035 518 517 168 121 47 278 218 133 42 91 420 262 158 308 728 825 205 620 320 349 91 50 41 526 299 227 11,056 6,957 4,099 333 202 131 292 165 127 255 130 125 235 124 111 197 84 113 4,389 3,391 998 1,042 523 519 169 124 45 278 219 133 40 93 418 259 159 1,034 302 732 823 197 662 322 340 92 50 42 518 298 220 11,008 6,944 4,064 339 215 124 291 168 123 263 136 127 231 121 110 658 324 334 86 48 38 517 301 216 10,992 6,965 4,027 327 206 121 291 171 120 263 138 125 241 131 110 195 199 89 109 4,398 3,402 110 1,042 529 513 164 121 43 278 220 58 131 42 405 246 159 1,051 308 743 839 204 635 4,273 3,316 957 1,046 533 513 155 114 41 273 217 56 128 43 85 236 152 1,057 317 740 839 210 629 654 657 663 663 643 325 328 335 333 323 329 329 328 330 320 88 91 95 96 101 50 53 58 63 56 38 38 39 38 38 517 524 506 530 515 308 300 311 309 301 209 206 219 215 214 10,978 11,209 11,373 11,417 11,506 6,981 7,138 7,297 7,363 7,417 3,997 4,071 4,076 4,054 4,089 321 338 382 407 427 204 201 240 263 280 134 120 142 144 147 272 288 290 283 287 152 163 165 158 163 120 125 125 124 125 271 283 304 301 312 141 150 155 164 160 130 133 144 146 148 242 240 246 251 258 134 135 138 138 146 105 108 108 112 113 204 204 213 219 216 94 92 96 95 94 112 110 117 124 122 4,269 4,296 4,342 4,085 4,366 3,317 3,350 3,388 3,414 3,134 952 954 946 952 951 1,047 1,068 1,086 1,112 1,132 534 544 576 546 567 524 513 540 556 545 159 160 162 168 166 121 122 119 125 127 39 41 40 40 41 267 218 209 217 235 164 215 160 167 201 52 54 49 50 34 134 130 136 132 140 45 50 49 49 48 85 86 85 91 84 398 432 411 414 428 254 236 270 267 263 162 157 162 151 161 1,068 1,070 1,074 1,091 1,125 326 326 337 342 338 744 742 737 783 753 839 892 848 844 860 219 214 224 220 229 629 625 624 636 663 664 333 331 101 63 38 519 302 217 11,748 7,596 4,152 413 267 146 296 174 122 328 177 151 264 152 112 228 100 128 4,127 3,180 947 1,152 588 564 169 128 41 290 251 39 130 49 81 424 273 151 1,132 344 788 898 230 668 682 347 335 101 63 38 535 316 219 11,899 7,706 4,193 402 262 140 277 164 113 331 180 151 268 157 111 225 95 130 4,338 3,404 934 1,085 521 564 169 128 41 311 268 43 133 49 84 441 289 152 1,131 348 783 903 235 668 39 39 31 15 15 4 29 20 21 921 774 222 111 105 27 25 22 14 103 66 38 37 37 8 40 16 27 338 280 90 132 76 56 14 14 8 102 108 28 22 10 15 53 53 15 102 46 60 80 38 48 5.7 11.2 8.6 14.9 0) 0) 5.4 6.3 9.3 7.7 10.0 5.3 26.0 37.5 18.4 8.4 12.6 11.0 31.1 36.7 25.2 13.8 23.6 7.1 •17.5 16.0 20.8 7.6 8.2 8.8 11.5 12.9 9.9 8.3 10.9 0) 32.8 40.3 0) 15.7 (9 (4 12.0 18.3 9.0 9.0 13.2 7.6 8.9 16.2 7.2 213 Fem ales................................................................ Safes and vau lts................................ .................... M a le s.____________________________________ Fem ales........................................ ........................ Scales and balances............................................... M a les. ................................................................... Fem ales......................... ...................................... Sew ing m achines, cases, and attachm ents........ M ales......... ......................................................... . Fem ales............................. ................................... Steel w orks and rollin g m ills. .............................. M ales ......................... ......................................... Fem ales....................... ............... ........................ Stoves and furnaces......................... .................... M a les. .................................................................. Fem ales..................... .................................. ....... T in plate and terneplate____ ________________ M a les. ........................................... ............ ........ . Fem ales.......................................... .................... W ir e ........................................................................ M ales................ ............................................. ...... Fem ales........................................................ ........ W irew ork, w ire rope, and cable................... ....... M a les. ............................................................. Fem ales............................................................... Iron and steel and their products, n. o. c ---------M a le s......................................................... .......... Fem ales................................................................. Leather and leather produ cts.................................. M a les. .................................................................. Fem ales......................................... ...................... B oots, shoes, cu t stock, and findings_________ M a le s......................................... ......................... Fem ales................................ ............................. . 25 670 315 355 94 53 41 518 296 222 11,151 6,932 4,219 316 175 141 269 153 116 228 115 113 233 1 919 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. C u tlery and tools..................................... M a le s .................................................. . Fem ales.................................................. D oors and shutters, iron and steel___ M a le s .-..............- ........................... ...... Fem ales................................................. F orgings.................................................... M ales..... ............................................... Fem ales..................... ............. ............ F ou n dry and m achine-shop products. A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 214 T able 1 9 1 9 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued Industry and sex 92 i67 28 130 9 923 14 146 536 228 409 V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber O ctober ber ber ber Per cent 199 94 105 539 368 171 143 97 46 362 260 102 34 11 23 1,568 846 722 131 59 72 355 174 181 775 464 311 307 149 158 211 103 108 531 362 169 139 96 43 358 255 103 34 11 23 1,574 854 720 133 62 71 349 169 180 779 471 308 313 152 161 211 105 106 533 364 169 133 94 39 367 260 107 33 10 23 1,609 885 724 136 63 73 359 176 183 799 492 307 315 154 161 212 104 108 532 364 168 130 93 37 369 261 108 33 10 23 1,628 894 734 136 62 74 360 174 186 822 506 316 310 152 158 218 107 111 529 360 169 127 88 39 369 263 106 33 9 24 1,669 919 750 135 63 72 367 178 189 854 524 330 313 154 159 220 107 113 552 377 175 128 90 38 390 278 112 34 9 25 1,699 940 759 135 63 72 371 184 187 872 532 340 321 161 160 231 112 119 549 375 174 114 83 31 404 283 121 31 9 22 1,763 981 782 133 62 71 387 189 198 918 563 355 325 167 158 230 117 113 543 365 178 109 78 31 402 277 125 32 10 22 1,763 973 790 134 63 71 391 190 201 912 554 358 326 166 160 231 114 117 526 352 174 106 74 32 388 269 119 32 9 23 1,787 989 798 137 65 72 403 193 210 920 565 355 327 166 161 233 113 120 515 344 171 103 73 30 379 262 117 33 9 24 1,808 1,007 801 136 65 71 424 200 224 915 569 346 333 173 160 234 114 120 502 338 164 97 67 30 373 262 111 32 9 23 1,811 1,006 805 136 64 72 429 201 228 915 566 349 331 175 156 228 113 115 495 331 164 95 65 30 366 257 109 34 9 25 1,805 999 806 139 66 73 427 199 228 912 563 349 327 171 156 35 23 15 57 46 14 48 32 16 46 28 23 3 2 3 243 161 86 8 7 3 80 32 48 145 105 51 26 26 5 15.0 19.7 12.5 10.3 12.2 7.9 33.6 0) (i) 11.4 9.9 18.4 CO 3,205 1,423 1,782 3,290 1,473 1,817 3,323 1,515 1,808 3,354 1,543 1,811 3,388 1,572 1,816 3,482 1,640 1,842 3,591 1,708 1,883 3,637 1,727 1,910 3,614 1,712 1,902 3,634 1,713 1,921 3,683 1,748 1,935 3,727 1,768 1,959 522 345 177 14.0 19.5 9.0 13.4 16.0 10.7 5.8 (0 0) 18.7 15.9 21.1 15.8 18.5 14.2 7.8 14.9 3.1 PART 2.— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s — C ontinued. Leather and leather products—C ontinued. Leather and leather products, n. o. c............. . M ales..... .............. .............. .................................. F e m a le s ........ ...................................... ............ L iquors and beverages................. ............................ M ales__________________ ___________________ Fem ales____________________________________ L iquors, m alt....................................................... . M ales________________ ______________________ Fem ales.................. ............................... .............. M ineral waters and beverages......................... . M a les. _ _____________________________ F em ales. _ __ ____________________________ Liquors and beverages, n. o. c . . ......................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Lum ber and its prod u cts......................................... M ales....... ...................................... ...................... Fem ales____________________________________ C offins and undertakers’ good s. ...................... M ales_____________________________ _________ Fem ales....................... ......................... ................ F u rn itu re-................................................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Saw -m ill and planing-m ill products............... . M ales______________________________________ F em ales.. ______________________________ Lum ber and its products, n. o. c........ ............ . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel...................................................................M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber o f establish m ents re Janu porting ary 569 266 303 577 271 306 582 281 301 600 289 311 600 286 314 624 295 329 662 318 344 661 307 354 667 313 354 676 313 363 677 317 360 679 314 365 110 52 64 16.2 16.4 17.5 169 956 457 499 346 177 169 999 485 514 347 181 166 1,015 498 517 338 178 160 1,008 492 516 336 182 154 1,021 499 522 328 179 149 1,073 533 540 323 176 147 1,102 545 557 330 180 150 1,118 550 568 335 184 151 1, 111 550 561 327 181 146 1,116 553 563 332 181 151 1,132 566 566 333 183 150 1,143 577 566 335 186 149 187 120 69 24 10 23 16.4 20.8 12.1 6.9 5.4 13.6 1,121 440 681 89 35 54 1,155 456 699 89 34 55 1,173 476 697 93 38 55 1,194 497 697 96 41 55 1,219 522 697 95 41 54 1,244 551 693 93 40 53 1,275 577 698 93 41 52 1,295 598 697 97 41 56 1,276 580 696 98 40 58 1,276 577 699 96 37 59 1,307 591 716 97 39 58 1,330 599 731 100 39 61 209 159 50 11 7 9 15.7 26.5 6.8 11.0 (0 0 124 48 76 4,776 1,988 2,788 139 52 87 361 167 194 3,935 1,642 2,293 341 127 214 7,539 4,763 2,776 181 80 101 7,358 4,683 2,675 1,248 602 646 123 61 62 123 46 77 4,801 2,020 2,781 139 51 88 364 169 195 3,959 1,674 2,285 339 126 213 7,735 4,919 2,816 184 81 103 7,551 4,838 2,713 1,251 610 641 126 65 61 122 44 78 4,871 2,052 2,819 138 51 87 374 170 204 4,013 1,701 2,312 346 130 216 8,005 5,107 2,898 193 85 108 7,812 5,022 2,790 1,263 617 646 128 68 60 120 42 78 4,942 2,103 2,839 141 52 89 379 175 204 4,081 1,752 2,329 341 124 217 8.331 5.331 3,000 198 88 110 8,133 5,243 2,890 1,286 628 658 131 69 62 125 45 80 4,908 2,138 2,770 142 52 90 392 180 212 4,035 1,774 2,261 339 132 207 8,569 5,438 3,131 202 89 113 8,367 5,349 3,018 1,290 633 657 133 67 66 125 45 80 4,939 2,161 2,778 148 52 96 397 180 217 4,050 1,795 2,255 344 134 210 8,929 5,635 3,294 203 90 113 8,726 5,545 3,181 1,321 646 675 146 75 71 129 47 82 5,046 2,201 2,845 162 61 101 403 186 217 4,137 1,819 2,318 344 135 209 9,354 5,961 3,393 207 94 113 9,147 5,867 3,280 1,400 699 701 206 113 93 131 47 84 5,079 2,207 2,872 160 63 97 405 185 220 4,166 1,825 2,341 348 134 214 10,298 6,860 3,438 213 92 121 10,085 6,768 3,317 1,438 721 717 216 119 97 135 48 87 5,137 2,173 2,964 160 62 98 403 186 217 4,226 1,792 2,434 348 133 215 9,842 6,407 3,435 203 93 110 9,639 6,314 3,325 1,434 721 713 220 121 99 138 52 86 5,400 2,193 3,207 162 64 98 403 187 216 4,475 1,806 2,669 360 136 224 10,247 6,783 3,464 213 101 112 10,034 6,682 3,352 1,454 736 718 225 126 99 137 52 85 5,462 2,193 3,269 163 65 98 407 188 219 4,525 1,805 2,720 367 135 232 10,730 7,178 3,552 222 105 117 10,508 7,073 3,435 1,468 747 721 236 135 101 140 53 87 5,502 2,225 3,277 163 65 98 410 190 220 4,557 1,835 2,722 372 135 237 10,974 7,489 3,485 231 104 127 10,743 7,385 3,358 1,476 758 718 239 136 103 20 11 11 726 237 507 25 14 14 49 23 26 622 193 467 33 12 30 3,435 2,726 776 50 25 26 3,385 2,702 760 228 156 80 116 75 43 14.3 0 (0 13.2 10.7 15.5 15.3 0 0) 12.0 12.1 11.8 13.6 10.5 17.2 8.9 8.8 12.7 31.3 36.4 21.8 21.6 23.8 20.5 31.5 36.6 22.1 15.4 20.6 11.1 48.5 55.2 41.8 12 46 22 57 924 64 60 709 91 108 22 86 693 179 215 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 103 1 919 : BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. Brass, bronze, and alum inum p rod u cts............ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales.......... ................ ...................................... C opper, tin , and sheet-iron products, includ ing stam ped and enam eled w are............... . M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Furniture (m etal) and office fixtures____ ____ M ales _ _ ______ ______________________________ Fem ales____ ______________________________ Gas and electric fixtures and lam ps and re flectors___________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales............ ..... .............................................. Jew elry, including reducing and refin in g......... M ales................................................................. Fem ales................. .......................... ............. . M etals and m etal products, other than iron and steel, n. o. c _________________________ M ales____1_________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Paper and p rin tin g ~M a les.*_____ I ____________________________ Fem ales_______ ___________________________ B oxes, fancy and paper; drinking c u p s ............ M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s ...________ ________________________ Paper, in clu d in g station ery _ M ales.................................................................... Fem ales_____ _____________________________ P rin tin g and p u b lish in g .. M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales.............................. ....................... .......... P ap er and printing, n. o. e M ales_____________________________________ F em a les.._____ ____________________________ R u b b er products _ _ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................ D ru ggists’ sun d ries and toys, rubber M ales______________________________________ Fem ales_____ _________________________ ____ T ires and tu b a s__ ..... . ___ ___ M ales_____________________________________ Fem ales_____________ ____ _________________ Stone, clay, and glass products M ales____ _________________: ______________ F em ales B rick and tile, cla y ....... . M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales............................................................. . T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to H-* O* 1 9 1 9 s B O O K K E E P E R S ) S T E N O G B A P H E B S ) A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued Industry and sex V ariation from maYimnm N um ber em ployed on the 15th o f each m onth Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem Decem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber Per cent 353 177 176 566 258 308 206 106 100 2,567 1,001 1,566 358 182 176 559 255 304 208 108 100 2,608 1,016 1,592 359 185 174 564 256 308 212 108 104 2, .606 1,014 1,592 363 186 177 568 260 308 224 113 111 2,671 1,051 1,620 365 187 178 567 261 306 225 118 107 2,718 1,068 1,650 363 183 180 573 263 310 239 125 114 2,769 1,100 1,669 364 183 181 583 274 309 247 129 118 2,848 1,124 1,724 368 187 181 598 281 317 256 134 122 2,880 1,157 1,723 369 184 185 592 280 312 253 136 117 2,906 1,144 1,762 368 186 182 603 284 319 258 140 118 2,967 1,178 1,789 367 184 183 605 290 315 260 138 122 2,978 1,185 1,793 373 186 187 599 290 309 265 146 119 2,914 1,168 1,746 20 10 13 46 35 15 59 40 22 411 184 227 5.4 5.4 7.0 7.6 12.1 4.7 22.3 27.4 18.0 13.8 15.5 12.7 35 221 94 127 233 96 137 232 99 133 251 105 146 271 110 161 285 117 168 303 114 189 289 116 173 279 108 171 294 120 174 302 124 178 298 122 176 82 30 62 27.1 24.2 32.8 168 743 300 443 651 216 435 162 82 80 147 42 105 753 303 450 664 222 442 157 79 78 149 42 107 751 288 463 664 228 436 158 81 77 147 43 104 782 319 463 677 225 452 162 85 77 146 42 104 788 324 464 681 227 454 163 86 77 150 41 109 808 333 475 693 239 454 164 88 76 148 40 108 821 339 482 737 258 479 163 85 78 143 41 102 834 349 485 756 265 491 166 87 79 149 44 105 834 334 500 769 264 505 166 88 78 151 44 107 869 350 519 776 264 512 162 88 74 155 47 108 878 354 524 761 259 502 164 89 75 161 46 115 862 359 503 711 238 473 164 88 76 161 47 114 135 71 81 125 49 77 9 10 6 18 7 13 15.4 19.8 15.5 16.1 18.5 15.0 5.4 0) (i) 11.2 (i) 11.3 106 68 38 106 68 38 106 68 38 106 68 38 108 68 40 108 68 40 108 69 39 109 70 39 108 70 38 109 70 39 110 70 40 112 71 41 6 3 3 55 190 269 767 128 12 32 19 5.4 0) 0 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. Stone, cla y, and glass products—C ontin ued. G lass------------- ------- - ............................................... M ales_____ ________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ P ottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay p rod u cts____ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _________________________________ Stone, clay, and glass products, n. o. c ............. M ales _____________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ T extiles ........................................................................ M ales __ _________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ A w nings, tents, and sails, including auto fabrics................................................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales _________________________________ C lothin g, m en’s, including shirts and coat pads.................................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales __________________________________ C lothin g, w om en’s, including corsets.......... . M ales______________________________________ Fem ales___________________________________ Flags, banners, and re g a lia --.......................... . M ales .......... - ................................ — Fem ales _ __ ______________________ H osiery and knit goods......................................... M ales _ _________________________________ F em ales. _________________________________ W oolen, w orsted, and w ool-felt goods, in clu d ing fur and felt hats........................................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. N um ber of estab lish m ents reporting T extiles, n . o . c ............................................... M ales...................................... ...................... Fem ales........................................................ T obacco m anufactures............... ..... ................ M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ Chew ing and sm oking tobacco and snuff. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ Cigars and cigarettes. .................................. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ T obacco rehandlers....................................... M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ V eh icles,.............................................................. M ales............................................................ Fem ales........................................................ A irplanes and p arts...................................... M ales............................................................ Fem ales....................... A utom obiles and parts. M ales........................... Fem ales....................... Carriages, w agons, and m aterials, including 373 537 199 338 207 110 97 50 20 30 112 58 54 1,102 1,070 32 6,598 4,093 2,505 152 122 30 5,049 3,046 2,003 546 206 340 205 109 96 49 19 30 111 58 53 1,128 1,096 32 6,498 4,082 2,416 125 98 27 4,992 3,055 1,937 548 207 341 208 112 96 51 20 31 113 61 52 1,116 1,085 31 6,622 4,195 2,427 114 90 24 5,102 3,161 1,941 547 207 340 199 102 97 52 20 32 113 61 52 1,088 1,067 21 6,647 4,205 2,442 128 104 24 5,115 3,154 1,961 557 212 345 208 103 105 61 21 40 113 61 52 1,084 1,063 21 6,721 4,268 2,453 130 106 24 5,182 3,210 1,972 563 215 348 217 103 114 71 21 50 113 61 52 1,071 1,050 21 6,805 4,328 2,477 120 100 20 5,271 3,274 1,997 573 218 355 235 104 131 83 22 61 118 61 57 1,169 1,148 21 6,988 4,447 2,541 111 91 20 5,453 3,394 2,059 577 226 351 227 104 123 76 22 54 117 61 56 1,157 1,136 21 7,160 4,574 2,586 103 80 23 5,621 3,514 2,107 599 236 363 220 101 119 71 21 50 116 60 56 1,095 1,075 20 7,222 4,609 2,613 81 61 20 5,700 3,572 2,128 602 239 363 222 102 120 67 21 46 120 60 60 1,198 1,177 21 7,340 4,724 2,616 78 54 24 5,836. 3,702 2,134 602 243 359 225 103 122 70 21 49 119 61 58 1,359 1,338 21 7,489 4,827 2,662 87 61 26 5,973 3,782 2,191 .606 243 363 227 105 122 69 21 48 120 61 59 1,456 1,433 23 7,696 4,910 2,786 100 74 26 6,171 3,857 2,314 69 44 25 36 11 35 34 3 31 9 3 8 385 383 12 1,198 828 370 74 68 10 1,179 811 377 135 408 227 181 405 233 172 438 258 180 445 264 181 456 276 180 467 289 178 453 279 174 455 288 167 459 286 173 460 289 171 466 299 167 462 288 174 62 72 14 13 398 313 85 468 338 130 123 47 76 5,773 2,818 2,955 523 307 216 111 83 28 87 25 62 396 316 80 456 332 124 124 48 76 5,831 2,856 2,975 530 312 218 106 83 23 86 26 60 384 307 77 457 330. 127 127 49 78 5,841 2,869 2,972 540 322 218 105 83 22 95 28 67 378 309 69 450 324 126 131 50 81 5,869 2,892 2,977 550 329 221 107 86 21 81 29 52 375 305 70 445 319 126 133 52 81 5,930 2,934 2,996 560 338 222 108 88 20 92 28 64 375 300 75 435 311 124 137 54 83 6,061 2,984 3,077 559 337 222 103 85 18 92 31 61 395 319 76 433 306 127 143 58 85 6,363 3,147 3,216 580 352 228 102 84 18 109 40 69 409 329 80 430 305 125 142 58 84 6,451 3,200 3,251 575 350 225 107 89 18 108 38 70 413 333 80 423 299 124 146 58 88 6,445 3,212 3,233 ' 575 354 221 105 88 17 108 43 65 419 329 90 403 290 113 144 60 84 6,531 3,281 3,250 572 353 219 104 87 17 108 42 66 433 344 89 384 278 106 146 63 83 6,616 3,319 3,297 571 351 220 104 88 16 113 43 70 446 355 91 364 268 96 153 68 85 6,630 3,335 3,295 565 349 216 103 87 16 107 42 65 71 55 22 104 70 34 30 21 12 857 517 342 57 47 12 9 6 12 32 18 18 249 7 165 77 390 3 201 Fem ales................................................................. Cars, steam and street railroad, not including operations o f railroad com panies............... . Fem ales.............................. Ship and boat b u ild in g___ M ales.................................. Fem ales............................. V ehicles, n . o . c __________ M ales................................ . Fem ales............................ . M iscellaneous m anufactures. M ales................................ . Fem ales............................ . A gricultural im plem ents... M ales.................................. 24 14 694 C oke....................... M ales.................. Fem ales.............. D entists’ supplies. M ales.................. Fem ales.............. Not computed owing to small number represented. 45 5 11 18.1 6.9 15.3 9.8 $ 26.4 26.7 0) 15.5 16.8 13.3 48.7 55.7 19.1 21.0 16.3 13. 3 24. 1 7. 7 15. 5 0) .7 22 2 2 6 0) 0) 12. 9 15. 5 4 8 3 5. 3 1 0) 0) 28. 3 8 to i—i <1 T able A .— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to i—11 00 1 9 1 9 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —C ontinued V ariation from m avimnm N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex m entsreporting 121 3 100 8 17 29 21 4 39 26 265 Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um A ugust tem ber ber ber ber 2,732 1,436 1,296 75 24 51 223 80 143 494 329 165 2,798 1,485 1,313 73 22 51 223 84 139 461 302 159 2,816 1,508 1,308 74 20 54 225 87 138 409 270 139 2,848 1,543 1,305 77 20 57 239 86 153 362 237 125 2,897 1,583 1,314 84 21 63 262 91 171 319 214 105 2,945 1,605 1,340 87 22 65 315 109 206 309 207 102 3,113 1,726 1,387 89 23 66 373 115 258 283 194 89 3,218 1,789 1,429 96 26 70 375 113 262 265 175 90 3,261 1,805 1,456 109 30 79 309 104 205 255 166 89 3,351 1,866 1,485 120 32 88 270 95 175 248 162 86 3,393 1,891 1,502 134 31 103 257 92 165 255 168 87 3,406 1,513 135 31 104 243 90 153 266 172 94 674 457 217 62 12 53 152 35 124 246 167 79 169 57 112 123 36 87 96 48 48 132 56 76 171 57 114 128 36 92 98 50 48 133 56 77 209 51 158 79 31 48 736 261 475 175 56 119 132 38 94 101 52 49 133 56 77 209 53 156 79 31 48 748 265 483 173 57 116 137 40 97 99 51 48 133 56 77 213 57 156 84 33 51 766 268 498 171 52 119 133 42 91 182 59 123 134 38 96 103 55 48 132 56 76 227 62 165 90 37 53 783 281 502 187 59 128 134 36 98 109 59 50 131 57 74 242 69 173 90 38 52 821 295 526 180 58 122 133 35 98 107 55 52 129 56 73 178 57 121 134 34 100 107 55 52 130 56 74 239 74 165 92 36 56 843 310 533 187 59 128 136 38 98 108 57 51 130 56 74 240 76 164 97 39 58 860 319 541 195 58 137 139 42 97 110 57 53 130 56 74 252 80 172 101 42 59 862 320 542 199 60 139 136 43 93 111 57 54 131 58 73 254 84 170 102 44 58 872 325 547 30 8 27 16 9 13 15 11 6 4 2 4 46 35 19 24 14 11 150 67 83 208 49 159 78 30 48 722 258 464 102 51 51 133 56 77 214 60 154 88 37 51 767 273 494 229 71 158 94 39 55 835 306 529 1,893 Per cent 19.8 24.1 14.4 45.9 0 50.9 40.5 30.4 47.3 49.8 50.7 47.9 15.1 0 0 19.4 11.5 13.0 13.6 (i) (i) 3.0 0) 0 18.1 (1) . 11.0 23.5 (9 (i) 17.2 20.6 15.2 PART 2 .— GENERAL TABLE M a n u fa c tu re s —C ontinued. M iscellaneous m anufactures— C ontinued. E lectrical m achinery, apparatus, and supplies. M ales__ ____________________ ______ __ Fem ales................... ............................. .......... F an cy articles...................................................... . M ales____ _____________________________ Fem ales_______ ________________________ Ice, m anufactured___________ ________________ M ales........ ..................... ..... ........ .................... Fem ales.......................... .............. ............ ..... M u n ition s____ ___________________________ M ales___________ _______________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ M usical instrum ents and m aterials, other than pianos and organs________________________ M ales..................................................................... Fem ales_________________ ________________ O ptical goods___________________ ____________ M ales____ _________________________________ F em ales............................... .............................__ P ianos, organs, and m aterials M ales_______________________________ _______ Fem ales____________________________________ R oofin g m aterials_____ _______________________ M ales................ ................................................... Fem ales__________________ ___________i ......... Signs and advertising n ovelties______________ M ales............ - .......................................- .......... Fem ales................... ................... ........... ............ T oys and gam es______________________________ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales. _________________________________ M iscellaneous m anufactures, n. o. c ................ M ales______________________________________ Fem ales................................................................. Janu ary Service....................................... .......................... Trade........ ............................................... M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. O ffices......................................................... M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. R etail delivery, m ilk , ice, and w ater.. M ales...................................................... Fem ales.................................................. 2,563 192 10 576 330 281 "217 925 338 587 1,128 568 560 609 72 537 164 61 103 9,623 4,653 4,970 200 103 97 5,5 3,175 2,391 26 16 10 953 352 601 1,1 575 551 600 71 529 164 61 103 "'2 6 406 31 159 58 101 ""2 6 "154 "258 5,657 594 64 470 84 386 114 50 64 192 61 131 24,967 8,801 16,166 7,630 3,214 4,146 87 41 46 160 57 103 434 82 352 115 50 65 197 59 138 25,180 8 ,9 ~ 16,250 7,822 3,297 4,525 88 41 47 9,686 4,699 4,987 214 108 106 5,577 3,193 2,384 29 16 13 996 364 632 1,123 577 546 607 75 532 162 61 101 79 49 30 160 57 103 424 87 337 115 50 65 200 62 138 9,884 4,795 5,089 208 103 105 5,687 3,246 2,441 36 22 14 1,037 392 645 1,117 571 546 619 75 544 162 61 101 97 66 31 161 58 103 450 90 360 111 50 61 199 61 138 10,076 4,946 5,130 218 106 112 5,764 3,311 2,453 68 40 28 1,080 416 664 1,143 577 566 612 75 537 164 61 103 109 77 32 168 63 105 433 106 327 120 53 67 197 61 136 10,314 5,124 5,190 216 105 111 5,943 3,442 2,501 114 72 42 1,132 449 683 1,162 584 578 607 74 533 163 62 101 115 82 33 168 62 106 421 94 327 110 48 62 163 50 113 10,474 5,231 5,243 216 112 104 6,060 3,540 2,520 107 66 41 1,167 456 711 1,163 584 579 613 75 538 165 61 104 121 88 33 169 62 107 426 97 329 109 44 65 158 46 112 10,627 5,357 5,270 229 121 108 6,164 3,605 2,559 97 65 32 1,210 486 724 1,171 595 576 617 76 541 169 61 108 126 91 35 167 59 108 405 107 298 112 47 65 160 44 116 10,614 5,345 5,269 213 115 98 6,214 3,629 2,585 43 24 19 1,232 499 733 1,163 591 572 598 76 522 164 60 104 120 86 34 165 58 107 419 109 310 120 54 66 163 44 119 10,638 5,348 5,290 197 108 89 6,237 3,640 2,597 28 19 9 1,258 512 746 1,155 582 573 607 76 531 164 61 103 123 88 35 163 58 105 425 107 318 119 52 67 162 45 117 10,746 5,383 5,363 198 108 90 6,310 3,681 2,629 26 17 9 1,277 514 763 1,153 584 569 616 77 539 164 61 103 121 86 35 163 57 106 435 102 333 121 52 69 162 44 118 10,857 5,476 5,381 203 110 93 6,422 3,761 2,661 30 17 13 1,296 533 763 1,160 587 573 614 79 535 165 62 103 112 77 35 162 58 104 407 96 311 125 52 73 161 44 1,337 933 411 95 25,484 9,145 16,339 7,995 3,410 4,585 89 41 48 25,765 9,215 16,550 8,061 3,380 4,681 92 41 51 25,998 9,409 16,589 8,179 3,479 4,700 95 42 53 26,302 9,624 16,678 8,379 3,578 4,801 108 47 61 27,111 10,005 17,106 8,754 3,825 4,929 112 50 62 27,345 10,193 17,152 8,820 3,912 4,908 114 51 63 27,580 10,197 17,383 8,868 3,884 4,984 112 52 60 27,587 10,257 17,330 8,850 3,898 4,952 103 49 54 27,943 10,373 17,570 8,875 3,913 4,962 100 50 50 28,391 10,440 17,951 8,925 3,928 4,997 98 48 50 3,424 117 68 31 911 636 275 89 57 33 371 195 176 54 27 33 21 8 15 7 2 7 44 42 5 10 6 7 65 27 88 16 8 12 42 17 26 1,785 1,295 714 581 27 12.3 17.0 7.6 41.5 56.2 27.7 14.2 16.9 10.3 78.1 0) 0) 28.6 36.6 23.1 4.6 4.5 5.7 3.4 0) 2.8 4.1 <*> 6.5 34.9 G) 0) 5.9 0) 6.5 13.8 24.7 22.7 12.8 11 17 219 i Not computed owing to small number represented. 9,520 4,543 4,977 134 53 81 5,511 3,125 2,386 25 15 1 9 1 9 : B O O KKEEPER S, STENOGRAPHERS, ETC. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales................. .............................................. A dvertising....... .................................................... M ales..................................................................... F em ales................................................................ B anks........................................................................ M ales.......... - ................- ...................................... F e m a le s ..-................... ........................... .......... B ow ling alleys and parks.................................... M ales.................................................................... F em a les.._____ ___________________________ G arages. ......................................... ........................ M ales............................................... .................... Fem ales................................................................. H otels.................................................. .................. M ales.................................................................. Fem ales................................................................. Laundries and d ry clean ers................................ M ales______________________________ _______ Fem ales_________ __________________________ O ffice buildin gs, including w indow clea n in g .. M ales.......................................................... .......... F em a les............................................................... P rofession a l........................................................... . M ales............ ........................................................ Fem ales................................................................ R estaurants.............................................................. M ales..................................................................... Fem ales........ ........................................................ Schools and co lle g e s............................................. M ales.................................................................... Fem ales............................................................... . Theaters.............................................. .................... M ales..................................................................... Fem ales......................... ....................................... Service, n. o. c...... ............................................... M ales..................................................................... F em a les............................................................... T able A . —Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued to to o 1 9 1 9 : B O O K K E E P E R S , S T E N O G R A P H E R S , A N D O F F IC E C L E R K S —Continued V ariation from m aximum N um ber em ployed on the 15th of each m onth N um ber of estabIndustry and sex m ents re porting Sep O ctober N ovem D ecem N um August tem ber ber ber ber Per cent Janu ary Febru M arch ary A pril M ay June July 15,793 4,778 11,015 1,457 768 689 15,818 4,826 10,992 1,452 766 686 15,937 4,920 11,017 1,463 774 689 16,137 5,005 11,132 1,475 789 686 16,233 5,091 11,142 1,491 797 694 16,302 5,192 11,110 1,513 807 706 16,702 5,303 11,399 1,543 827 716 16,844 5,397 11,447 1,567 833 734 17,017 5,415 11,602 1,583 846 737 17,039 5,461 11,578 1,595 849 746 17,340 5,546 11,794 1,628 864 764 17,753 5,609 12,144 1,615 855 760 1,960 831 1,152 176 98 78 11.0 14.8 9.5 10.8 11.3 10.2 Trade—C ontinued. 4,271 Transportation and public utilities_________ 1,081 7,357 3,340 4,017 7,424 3,397 4,027 7,457 3,458 3,999 7,508 3,544 3,964 7,553 3,593 3,960 7,638 3, 719 3,919 7,735 3,742 3,993 7,782 3,801 3,981 7,796 3,811 3,985 7,731 3,767 3,964 7,723 3,764 3,959 7,892 3,853 4,039 535 513 120 6.8 13.3 2.9 334 387 197 190 630 287 343 1,905 1,003 902 825 450 375 153 120 33 383 196 187 634 288 346 2,008 1,061 947 822 465 357 154 122 32 379 195 184 628 292 336 2,048 1,088 960 811 463 348 152 121 31 387 196 191 631 294 337 2,066 1,122 944 787 464 323 153 122 31 391 196 195 628 305 323 2,041 1,108 933 798 476 322 152 121 31 399 204 195 622 300 322 2,064 1,147 917 784 468 316 158 126 32 399 201 198 638 314 324 2,092 1,134 958 792 467 325 161 130 31 405 204 201 642 313 329 2,143 1,191 952 796 482 314 162 131 31 407 211 196 648 314 334 2,149 1,207 942 791 484 307 162 131 31 403 209 194 654 320 334 2,104 1,167 937 792 482 310 156 127 29 401 208 193 663 326 337 2,111 1,168 943 779 485 294 156 125 31 409 208 201 670 330 340 2,162 1,200 962 786 487 299 159 129 30 30 16 17 48 43 24 257 204 60 46 37 81 10 11 4 7.3 7.6 8.5 7.2 13.3 6.9 11.9 16.9 6.2 5.6 7.6 21.6 6.1 8.4 (0 360 2,963 907 2,056 2,938 896 2,042 2,939 913 2,026 2,964 944 2,020 2,992 954 2,038 3,062 1,037 2,025 3,087 1,048 2,039 3,074 1,034 2,040 3,089 1,027 2,062 3,088 1,037 2,051 3,082 1,028 2,054 3,202 1,094 2,108 264 198 88 8.2 18.0 4.1 37 179 144 35 176 141 35 189 149 40 202 158 44 230 184 46 232 187 45 240 191 49 235 187 48 229 182 47 218 173 45 203 160 43 170 137 33 70 54 16 29.2 28.2 (0 M ales_________________ _____________________ Fem ales______ _____________________________ D rayage and storage, including livery stables and team ing........ ............ .............................. M ales__ ___________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ E lectric ligh t and pow er.................................. . M ales___________________ _____ _____________ Fem ales. __________________________________ E lectric railroads............................................. M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ N atural gas............................................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ P ip elin es (petroleu m )........................................... M ales______________________________________ Fem ales____________________________________ Telegraph and telephone, including m essenger service................................................................. M a les. _ __________________________________ Fem ales _ __________________________________ T ransportation b y w ater, including stevedor in g ! ..................................................................... M ales ..... _____ _ Fem ales................................................................. 728 98 83 73 22 GENERAL TABLE Stores, retail and w holesale.............................. . M ales____________________ __________________ Fem ales_________ __________________________ Y ards, lum ber, coal, and scrap........................... M ales______________________________ ________ Fem ales____________________________________ 24 50 151 113 38 164 119 45 155 116 39 154 162 125 37 149 112 112 42 37 167 129 38 151 115 36 172 136 36 149 113 36 172 137 35 145 113 32 183 150 33 145 114 31 187 152 35 147 116 31 36 39 31 179 144 35 137 108 29 177 142 35 149 115 34 176 140 36 149 119 30 178 143 35 143 112 6 27 19.3 25.6 (0 16.4 9.3 11 16 0 1 9 1 9 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L I N G ) A L L IN D U S T R IE S . M ales___________ Females................ 23,652 43,506 20,573 22,933 43,732 20,873 22,859 44,458 21,168 23,290 45,543 21,627 23,916 45,704 22,044 23,660 46,285 22,324 23,961 46,225 22,777 23,448 46,335 22,954 23,381 47,661 23, 230 24,431 48,407 23,509 24,898 50,512 23,932 26,580 53,967 24,564 29,403 10,461 3,991 6,544 552 48 30 18 48 29 19 50 31 19 69 38 31 60 37 23 62 39 23 49 34 15 47 31 16 46 31 15 47 31 16 48 31 17 57 33 24 23 421 386 35 438 401 37 106 96 447 406 41 106 96 484 439 45 521 474 47 125 526 482 44 124 544 501 43 132 112 12 91 90 106 106 12 120 1 1 570 523 47 153 138 15 132 131 8 84 84 13 115 114 112 12 121 10 564 519 45 147 133 14 130 129 555 509 46 152 140 10 559 513 46 140 126 14 130 129 149 137 112 102 10 505 459 46 119 107 o* A g r ic u ltu r e -_ M ales___ Females. C o n s t r u c t i o n ....... ................ M ales........................... Females____________ Electrical contracting.. M ales______________ F em ales..____ _____ General con tracting.... M ales........................... Females............ .......... Construction, n. o. c ~ . M ales.......................... Females...................... 4,747 186 1,808 113 112 1 128 128 1 119 1 1 250 220 27 30 266 231 35 273 240 33 281 248 33 274 242 32 276 244 32 289 258 31 287 257 30 285 254 31 283 250 33 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9,011 4,886 3,860 1,026 190 186 4 2,168 1,462 706 1,286 872 414 327 89 238 4,979 3,920 1,059 191 187 4 2,198 1,466 732 1,291 875 416 353 5,067 4,002 1,065 192 188 4 2,228 1,486 742 1,321 891 430 348 87 261 5,135 4,030 1,105 197 193 4 2,230 1,453 777 1,350 915 435 378 91 287 5,251 4,132 1,119 199 195 4 2,275 1,483 792 1,382 940 442 388 93 295 5,322 4,208 1,114 208 204 4 2,300 1,504 796 1,396 952 444 383 93 290 5,456 4,330 1,126 217 213 4 2,334 1,530 804 1,409 969 440 395 99 296 5,520 4,351 1,169 214 209 5 2,344 1,525 819 1,415 963 452 397 5,556 4,391 1,165 216 5,584 4,405 1,179 5,669 4,469 1,200 5,731 4,471 1,260 221 226 220 211 216 5 2,393 1,574 819 1,468 1,013 455 400 103 297 221 369 1,475 403 131 88 265 100 297 5 2,362 1,544 818 1,449 990 459 386 96 290 5 2,444 1,606 838 1,481 1,017 464 423 116 307 215 5 2,474 1,606 868 1,503 1,027 476 443 110 333 12 53 47 56 57 1 48 44 8 0) 0 0 26.1 26.2 0 34.6 33.6 0 41.2 41.9 0) 16.6 17.0 0 845 611 234 36 35 1 306 153 162 217 155 62 116 29 95 14.7 13.7 18.6 15.9 15.8 0 12.4 9.5 18.7 14.4 15.0 13.0 26.2 25.0 28.5 221 248 221 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 1 H 136 136 241 214 27 2,753 Males . M a le s....................................... Females.................................... Chemicals and allied products. M ales..................... ................. Females................. ................. F ood and kindred products___ M ales. ................. .................... Fem ales................................... Bakery products........................ M ales........................................ F em ales.................................. Confectionery............................. M ales...................................... Females.................................... 93 7 80 79 1 F is h e r ie s ___ M a n u f a c t u r e s .................................... 100 10 16 19.4 16.2 22.3 1 9 1 9 : SALESPEOPLE (NOT TRAVELIN G ) 66429°— 32- W aterw orks........ ............ ................................... M ales______________________ _____________ Females_________________________________ Transportation and public utilities, n. o. c ___ M ales.............................................................. Females........................................................... A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 222 T able 1 9 1 9 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L I N G ) —C o n tin u e d N um ber of estab- Variation from maYimnm N um ber employed on the 15th o f each m onth Industry and sex ments re porting Janu ary 187 212 Febru March ary April M ay June July Sep October N ovem Decem N um August tember ber ber ber Per cent Manufactures—Continued. Food and kindred products— Continued. D airy products and ice cream___ _____ _______ M ales______________________________________ Females..................... ..... ...................................... Slaughtering and meat packing______ ________ M ales_______________I ______I ______________ Females____________________________________ Food and kindred products, n. o. c ................... M ales________ _____________________________ Females____________________________________ Iron and steel and their products........ ............ . M ales___ _ _ _ Females____________________________________ Foundry and machine-shop products________ M ales______________________________________ Females____________________________________ Steel works and rolling mills_____ ___________ M ales______________________________________ Females__ ________________________________ Stoves and urnaces__________________________ M ales______________________________________ Females____________________________________ Iron and steel and th eir products, n, o t c M ales___ ____ _________________________ Leather and leather products__________________ M ales______________________________________ F e m a le s ..________________________________ Liquors and beverages_________________________ Males _____________________________________ Lum ber and its products_______________________ M ales______________________________________ Females___________________________________ Metals and m etal products, other than iron and steel_____________________________________ M ales______________________________________ Females___________________________________ Paper and printing........ ....... ................ ................. M ales______________________________________ Females............................................................... 109 182 30 217 196 21 645 1,687 1,151 54 87 395 156 126 123 3 485 450 35 202 183 19 93 80 13 106 103 3 84 84 26 26 167 122 122 923 141 134 7 409 924 115 106 9 812 686 126 217 185 32 211 195 16 126 123 3 505 472 33 205 188 17 99 217 185 32 216 200 16 126 123 3 519 486 33 215 198 17 99 86 86 13 13 114 110 107 3 91 91 28 28 125 125 143 134 9 114 105 9 837 709 128 111 3 91 91 38 33 5 125 125 143 134 9 157 126 31 217 196 21 128 125 3 526 491 35 227 208 19 102 89 13 106 103 3 91 91 43 36 7 132 132 144 136 157 125 32 220 200 20 128 125 3 564 522 42 232 209 23 132 116 16 103 100 3 97 97 42 37 5 135 135 144 136 8 119 164 125 39 228 208 173 130 43 228 206 20 22 20 108 92 16 105 109 93 16 108 104 4 104 104 41 38 3 169 169 146 139 7 107 92 15 221 22 111 94 17 108 104 4 101 4 46 40 6 153 153 146 138 166 166 144 136 8 8 8 122 124 115 9 913 805 108 9 884 772 120 121 112 22 111 22 6 9 879 758 37 234 209 25 132 127 5 591 547 44 264 242 129 126 3 569 529 40 255 235 43 37 110 122 39 233 206 27 133 130 3 593 554 39 268 248 20 101 101 121 112 159 122 129 126 3 562 519 43 243 100 100 117 108 9 855 735 161 168 125 43 232 208 24 132 129 3 588 546 42 267 245* 113 9 901 788 113 123 113 10 925 815 110 110 106 4 108 108 39 35 4 159 159 148 140 8 122 113 9 947 828 119 93 18 113 109 4 103 103 39 35 4 154 154 152 143 9 124 115 9 943 820 123 167 129 38 240 215 25 133 129 4 593 550 43 270 247 23 108 92 16 109 105 4 106 106 38 34 4 148 148 153 142 160 124 36 234 215 19 134 130 4 596 553 43 270 247 23 107 91 16 11 10 126 117 9 956 834 130 117 13 985 838 147 122 112 108 4 107 107 48 41 7 141 141 150 140 60 63 13 29 27.6 34.0 (9 20 11 8 (9 7 2 111 104 11 68 65 6 39 36 5 11 11 1 24 24 22 15 7 47 47 12 9 4 16 11 4 173 152 39 * 9.3 I 6 .0 to 12.0 5.4 (9 18.6 18.8 <9 25.2 26.2 (9 29.5 31.0 0) 9.6 9.9 (9 22.2 22.2 f1) 0) (1) 27.8 27.8 7.8 6.3 (9 12.3 9.4 <9 17.6 18.1 26.5 i tel So ► t4 6 Service............ M ales___ Fem ales. Gi Females............................ . Laundries and dry cleaners. M ales................................... Females............................... Restaurants-.......................... M ales.................................. Females............................... Saloons..................................... M ales................................... Females............................... Service, n. o. c ........................ M ales.................................... Females................................ 215 108 693 767 35 732 249 390 694 722 614 108 90 72 18 52 50 576 281 406 78 850 750 6 6 6 318 265 53 329 267 62 351 270 81 341 272 69 110 110 85 25 208 180 28 30 30 76 79 31 219 188 31 30 30 90 78 118 79 39 233 191 42 31 31 90 78 12 12 12 299 236 63 302 241 61 308 244 64 314 243 71 114 81 33 227 191 36 32 32 97 83 14 318 246 72 2,069 1,565 504 817 812 5 344 283 61 609 231 378 2,091 1,595 496 855 850 5 330 272 58 608 235 373 2,044 1,527 517 889 883 2,026 1,518 508 122 121 121 119 3 176 118 3 178 118 3 177 122 121 120 54 57 57 2,036 1,524 512 878 873 5 336 277 59 609 223 386 45 42 3 168 109 59 71 806 712 94 95 76 19 75 72 3 74 66 68 68 5 318 257 61 5 324 262 62 5 331 266 65 68 6 119 84 35 199 173 26 33 33 76 65 118 81 37 206 181 25 31 31 76 65 119 81 38 32 32 83 71 118 83 35 194 171 23 32 32 75 63 12 12 11 11 11 293 226 67 296 232 64 297 235 62 1,953 1 ,4 " 490 709 706 3 343 284 2,027 1,539 488 777 774 3 352 293 59 600 231 369 2 71 65 300 248 52 109 79 191 22 222 1,405 490 661 657 4 344 287 57 595 223 372 124 121 1,222 831 740 91 94 75 19 81 78 3 103 97 790 697 93 94 75 19 70 67 3 73 67 2,563 818 729 89 95 76 19 82 79 3 104 98 788 685 103 91 73 18 64 60 4 73 3 171 117 54 748 638 767 665 110 102 88 89 71 18 56 54 2 70 65 5 312 254 603 231 372 123 120 3 175 122 53 70 18 56 54 2 212 185 27 31 31 83 72 88 886 880 6 6 339 280 59 609 219 390 35 32 3 172 113 59 332 274 58 598 216 382 35 32 3 175 116 59 100 97 78 19 79 77 2 103 97 2,079 1,571 508 890 887 3 341 280 61 624 244 380 36 33 3 188 127 61 845 741 104 98 79 19 80 78 2 101 95 6 333 266 67 110 78 32 223 188 35 32 32 860 757 103 96 77 19 92 90 893 765 128 92 73 19 90 171 151 39 10 9 40 40 88 2 104 97 7 327 265 62 104 97 7 327 268 59 34 33 107 77 30 103 77 26 224 191 33 33 33 99 82 17 334 252 82 16 188 32 32 32 100 100 82 18 321 248 73 81 19 330 252 78 2,025 1,525 500 885 884 2,017 1,521 496 889 1 888 1 336 275 61 594 215 379 32 29 3 178 330 271 59 589 213 376 32 29 3 177 122 120 56 57 2,027 1,535 492 903 902 1 330 273 57 583 207 376 32 29 3 179 124 55 0 0 1 2 220 19.1 19.7 30.5 2 2 51 24 29 8 14 42 22 20 3 3 25 20 8 45 30 21 196 190 29 242 245 5 0 0 0 0 (i) 14.5 8 .8 0 13.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.0 11.5 25.0 13.5 11.9 25.6 9.4 11.9 5.6 26.8 27.2 0 22 22 6.3 7.5 4 41 37 6 .6 6 .6 15.2 5.4 74.2 76.0 21 92 92 20 0 6 10.6 14.2 18 0 223 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 709 1 9 1 9 : SALESPEOPLE ( NOT TRAVELING) Printing and publishing...................................... M ales.................................................................... Females................................................................ Paper and printing, n. o. c.................................. M ales.................................................................... Females................................................................ R u b ber products.................................................... M a le s................................................................... Females................................................................ Stone, clay, and glass products.............................. M a le s................................................................... Females................................................................ Textiles........................................................................ M ales.................................................................... Females..................... ................................. ........ M illinery and lace goods, including artificial flowers and feathers........................................ M ales.................................................................... Females................................................................ Textiles, n. o. c ....................................................... M ales.................................................... ............... Females................................................................ T ob a cco manufactures............................................. M ales.................................................................... V ehicles............ ........................................................... M a le s.................................................................... Females................................................................. M iscellaneous manufactures................................ M ales.................................................... ............... Females................................................................ T able A ,— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 1 9 : S A L E S P E O P L E (N O T T R A V E L I N G )— Continued Industry and sex Trade_____________ ________ _______________ M ales __________________________________ Fem ales______________________ __________ Offices___________________ _ ____________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales_________________________________ Stores, retail and wholesale_________________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales_________ ______ ________________ Yards, lumber, coal, and scrap______________ M ales___________________________________ Fem ales_________________________________ Trade, n. o. c__________________________ ___ M a le s __ _ __________________________ Fem ales. . __ __________________________ Transportation and public utilities.......... ...... M ales __________________________________ Fem ales_________________________________ Number of estab lish ments re Janu Febru March porting ary ary 5,657 594 4,271 728 64 1,081 N ot com puted owing to small number represented. Variation from maximum Number employed on the 15th of each month April M ay June July Sep October N ovem Decem N um August tember ber ber ber 36,089 14,743 21,346 332 251 81 35,504 14,271 21,233 186 161 25 67 60 7 36,144 14,906 21,238 330 256 74 35,554 14,422 21,132 195 170 25 65 58 7 36,698 15,034 21,664 348 264 84 36,082 14,535 21,547 204 178 26 64 57 7 37,615 15,396 22,219 340 258 82 36,989 14,888 22,101 219 191 28 67 59 8 37,622 15,659 21,963 339 261 78 36,993 15,143 21,850 223 196 27 67 59 8 38,159 15,907 22,252 351 268 83 37, 508 15,374 22,134 230 202 28 70 63 7 37,962 16,229 21,733 365 278 87 37,297 15,685 21,612 228 201 27 72 65 7 38,009 16,378 21,631 363 282 81 37,345 15,828 21,517 229 202 27 72 66 6 39,228 16,545 22,683 369 291 78 38,554 15,980 22,574 235 208 27 70 66 4 39,990 16,846 23,144 377 296 81 39,311 16,279 23,032 230 203 27 72 68 4 42,014 17,208 24,806 403 299 104 41,307 16,637 24,670 231 203 28 73 69 4 45,406 17,841 27,565 426 303 123 44,674 17,263 27,411 229 201 28 77 74 3 9,317 3,098 6,327 96 52 45 9,170 2,992 6,279 49 47 3 13 17 5 166 148 18 169 153 16 168 155 13 170 158 12 174 161 13 184 171 13 187 174 13 188 174 14 192 178 14 196 182 14 193 179 14 190 174 16 30 34 6 Per cent 20.5 17.4 23.0 22.5 17.2 36.6 20.5 17.3 22.9 20.9 22.6 C1) (0 (0 (i) 15.3 18.7 0 T able A . — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, hy occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 1 9 2 0 : W AG E EARNERS ALL INDUSTRIES. M ales.--............. Females............... A g r ic u ltu r e ............................................................... M ales................................................................. Females................... ....................................... . D airy farming................. ................................... M ales................................................................ . Females.................................. ........................ . Florists, fruit growers, and nurserymen____ M ales................................................................. Females........................................................... General farming................................................. M ales___________________________________ Females_________________________________ Operating farm machinery, not b y farmers. M ales............................................................ Construction................................................... M ales................................................................. Females.................................. ........................ . Brick, stone, and cement w o r k - - ................. . M ales................................................................. Females........ ................................................... Electrical contracting.... ................................... M ales................................................................ . Females............................................................. Erecting or installing m achinery.................. . M ales................................................................ . Females............................................................. General contracting.......................................... . M ales................................................................ . Females........ .................................................. . Oil, gas, and water; drilling or producing. _ M ales___________________________________ F em a les.._______ _______________________ April M ay June Novem Decem N um August Septem ber October ber ber ber July 27,241 965,466 954,090 986,870 988,016 973,970 1,002,058 997,747 964,163 954,033 914,088 844,326 770,271 231,787 850,312 846,306 815,845 806,817 771,473 709,178 645,355 204,957 816,694 807,803 836,997 837,755 824,679 151,746 151,441 148,318 147,216 142,615 135,148 124,916 26,830 146,772 146,287 149,873 150,261 149,291 586 ’" ‘ 35 ” i79 "327 “ ’ 45 5,382 513 224 104 1,970 493 *N ot com puted owing to small number represented. Variation from maximum Number employed on the 15th of each month 3,522 3,319 203 438 428 10 1,528 1,383 145 1,503 1,455 48 53 53 3,552 3,314 238 444 434 10 10 1,587 1,409 178 1,457 1,407 50 64 64 10 8 1,753 1,546 207 1,555 1,503 52 2,313 2,042 271 1,717 1,662 55 53 53 2,542 2,271 271 1,854 1,786 51,516 51,374 142 2,918 2,914 4 2,411 2,404 7 535 534 50,566 50,427 139 2,994 2,990 4 2,400 2,388 58,029 57,874 155 3,691 3,687 4 2,444 2,434 541 540 552 551 67,186 67,020 166 4,576 4.569 7 2,586 2.570 16 601 599 1 1 1 28,329 28,302 27 3,945 3,941 4 27,491 27,466 25 3,883 3,879 4 32,329 32,287 42 4,045 4,041 4 10 12 3,821 3,552 269 445 435 68 68 10 4,540 4,204 336 457 447 2 36,420 36,382 38 4,298 4,295 3 5,428 5,068 360 507 499 5,841 5,273 568 507 499 5,124 4,809 315 503 493 52 52 2,915 2,635 280 1,953 1,881 72 53 53 2,978 2,502 476 2,265 2,181 84 91 91 2,388 2,156 232 2,080 2,007 73 153 153 72,277 72,115 162 4,648 4,640 76,351 76,180 171 5,025 5,017 2,480 2,470 2,590 2,578 12 705 703 79,415 79,245 170 5,353 5,345 8 2,614 2,603 78,687 78,525 162 5,372 5,365 7 2,507 2,497 4,923 4,574 349 475 465 68 8 10 643 641 2 38,033 37,997 36 4,477 4,474 3 8 2 39,168 39,133 35 4,701 4,698 3 8 11 653 652 10 5,099 4,766 333 508 496 12 4,903 4,593 310 501 491 10 2,278 2,032 246 2,148 2,073 75 165 165 2,199 1,972 227 2,115 2,042 73 82,340 82,169 171 5,234 5,227 7 2,403 2,386 10 17 554 550 553 549 75,469 75,279 190 5,101 5,094 7 2,405 2,394 11 530 529 1 1 1 1 40,397 40,363 34 4,717 4,714 3 39,232 39,202 30 4,716 4,713 3 43,072 43,035 37 4,762 4,759 3 36,334 36,285 49 4,672 4,668 4 4,383 4,120 263 485 475 3,964 3,698 266 481 471 Per cent 23.1 24.1 17.7 2,319 1,959 365 70 71 4 1.450 1,252 331 808 774 36 113 113 39.7 37.2 54.3 13.8 14.2 0) 48.7 47.5 69.5 35.7 35.5 (0 68.5 68.5 66,894 55,726 66,711 55,557 183 169 4,407 3,668 4,401 3,663 5 6 2,259 2,260 2,242 2,241 18 18 439 444 438 443 31,774 31, 742 51 2,454 2.451 4 355 337 38.6 38.6 26.8 45.7 45.7 0) 13.6 13.1 1 1 31,735 26,991 31,694 26,959 41 32 4,800 4,660 4,797 4,656 3 4 16,081 16,076 14 917 918 10 10 2,046 1,851 195 1,738 1,680 58 114 114 1,746 1,541 205 1,624 1,573 51 113 113 1 11 266 265 1 Q 56I Industry and sex Number of estab lishments reporting Janu Febru March ary ary * § « I w m 0 37.7 37.7 0 37.3 37.4 0 19.1 19.1 0 to to Oi A.— Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 226 T able 1 9 3 0 : W A G E E A R N E R S —Continued Industry and sex F ish eries............................................................ . M ales........ ................................................ Females........ ............................................. M a n u fa c tu r e s ...... ........................................... M ales............ ........................................... Females.................................................... . Chemicals......... ............................................ M ales........................................................ Females_________ _______ ___________ Chemicals, acids, and w ood distillation. M ales..................... ................................... Females................................................. . Explosives................................................... . M a le s.............................. ................. ...... Females..................................................... lishments reporting Janu Febru March ary ary 365 158 440 86 338 625 58 39 April M ay June July Novem Decem N um August Septem ber October ber ber ber Per cent 1,419 1,374 45 892 892 3,763 3,759 4 598 597 1 2,169 2,164 5 3,956 3,912 44 513 513 1,603 1,566 37 864 864 3,654 3,649 5 596 595 1 2,247 2,241 6 3,821 3, 777 44 434 434 1,959 1,922 37 982 982 3,663 3, 658 5 712 711 1 2,347 2,343 4 4,816 4,769 47 405 405 1,956 1,918 38 998 998 3,722 3,717 5 908 903 5 2,516 2,512 4 8,122 8,074 48 413 413 2,422 2,385 37 899 899 3,360 3,355 5 976 971 5 2,788 2,783 5 11,030 10,979 51 456 456 2,598 2,560 38 1,060 1,060 3,179 3,174 5 1,030 1,025 5 2,714 2, 710 4 13,047 12,988 59 468 468 2,480 2,442 38 1,239 1,239 3,308 3,303 5 963 958 5 2,879 2,875 4 14, 219 14,158 61 528 528 2,353 2,318 35 1,281 1,281 3,316 3,311 5 915 910 5 2,763 2,759 4 15,196 15,134 62 406 406 2,278 2,239 39 1,282 1,282 3,879 3,874 5 1,020 1,015 5 2,781 2,778 3 14,438 14,384 54 552 552 2,151 2,108 43 1,323 1,323 4,061 4,056 5 1,039 1,033 6 2,824 2,821 3 14,297 14,236 61 652 652 1,845 1,798 47 1,256 1,256 3,926 3,921 5 937 932 5 2,787 2,784 3 11,753 11,699 54 668 668 1,527 1,483 44 1,185 1,185 3.619 3, 614 * 5 695 692 3 2,499 2,496 3 7, 530 7,476 54 583 583 1,179 1,186 12 459 459 882 882 1 443 438 5 710 711 3 11,375 11,357 18 263 263 202 200 2 213 212 1 237 236 1 375 373 2 370 369 1 378 376 2 428 426 2 440 438 2 359 357 2 345 343 2 363 361 2 280 278 2 238 238 1 34.7 34.7 21.7 21.7 0) 42.6 42.4 0 24.7 24.7 0 74.9 75.0 0) 39.4 39.4 N 54.1 54.3 0 762,219 753,182 720,940 707,237 674,469 615, 308 555,339 209,206 652, 244 644,135 614,462 602,350 574,468 522,615 472, 369 194,175 109, 975 109,047 106,478 104,887 100,001 92,693 82, 970 27,005 20,922 21,366 21,418 21,298 20,404 19,010 16,472 5,033 18,540 18,868 18,994 19,016 18,127 17,067 14,831 4,259 2,382 2,424 2,498 2,282 2,277 1,641 1,943 857 4,639 4,717 4,776 4,969 4,784 4, 568 3, 710 1,259 4,592 4,739 4,929 4,744 4,685 4,532 3,681 1,248 32 47 37 40 40 36 29 24 391 422 401 62 395 387 405 374 389 420 386 401 374 393 405 60 2 2 2 1 4 27.4 29.1 24.6 23.4 22.3 34.3 25.3 25.3 0 14.7 14.3 0 9,652 763,282 754,615 776,484 764,545 742,673 655,552 647,251 666,544 654,822 634,072 107,730 107,364 109,940 109,723 108,601 411 20,347 20,443 21,505 20,820 20,074 17,956 18,064 19,01K) 18,477 17,754 2,379 2,343 2,391 2,415 2,320 4,599 61 4,233 4,231 4,560 4,429 4,194 4,199 4,541 4,385 4,513 34 37 47 58 44 12 360 370 381 382 393 360 368 378 389 380 2 4 3 2 0 45.4 46.3 P A R T 2. C o n s t r u c t io n —C ontinued. Painting and decorating............................ M ales............ ............................................ Fem ales................................................... . P la sterin g ................................................ M ales....................... ........... ................... Plum bing and steam fitting. ................. M ales............ ........................................... Females______________ ______ _______ Sand and gravel excavating____________ M ales_______ _______________________ Females........ ........................................... Sheet-metal work and ro o fin g ............... M ales_______________________________ Females_____ _______________________ Street, road, and sewer contracting.___ M ales_______ _______________________ Females.................................................... . Ventilating and hea tin g.......................... . M ales.............. ........................................... Variation from maximum Number employed on the 15th of each month Number O 3 W tr1 - "Fertilizers.................................. .......................... M ales............ ................................................... Females................. .......................................... Ink, printing and writing................................. M ales.............. .............. ............ ..................... Females............ .......................................... — Oil, linseed, lubricating, and cottonseed, and oil cake....................... ..................... ............. M ales____________ _______________________ Females_______________________ __________ Paint and varnish..................... ............. .......... M ales.............. ............. ................................. Females________________________________.. Patent medicines and drug com pounds____ M a les........... .................. ........................... ...... Females............ .............. ........................... ...... Petroleum refining........................ .................... M ales.............. .................................................. Females______ __________________________ S a l t ................................................................. M ales.............................................................. . Females......................................... .................. Soap, candles, grease, and tallow.____ _____ M ales.......... .................................................. . Females........ ................................. ................. F ood and kindred products____ _____________ M ales..................................................... .......... Females........ ................................................ . Bakery products....................... ........................ M ales____ ______________________________ Females______ __________________________ Canning and preserving___________________ M ales.................................... ............ ............... F em a les.._______________________________ Coffee, spices, and peanuts, roasting and grinding................................... ..................... M a le s .................................. ........................... Females...................................................... ...... Confectionery...................................................... M ales........................................................ ........ Females.................................... ........................ Cordials, sirups, and flavoring extracts........ M ales................................ ............................ . Females................... ................ ......................... D a iry products and ice cream.......................... M a le s.................................................... .......... Females........................................................... Flour-mill and grist-mill products. ............... M ales.......... ................................................ . Females............................................................. 36 11 23 90 30 7 60 1,601 451 85 31 138 25 220 485 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 1,161 1.152 9 469 439 30 1,329 1,319 468 437 31 365 361 4 3,429 3,116 313 1,368 644 724 2,160 2.152 8 342 338 4 3,501 3,182 319 1,321 610 714 2,171 2,159 1,020 947 806 141 4,884 3,930 954 27,947 21, 095 6,852 6,926 5,101 1,825 561 409 152 4,855 3,881 974 29,582 22,211 7,371 6,927 5,092 1,835 617 429 188 948 489 459 4,795 1,700 3,095 645 261 384 3,429 3,120 309 3,134 2,974 160 10 12 921 477 AA A 4,568 1,650 2,918 605 260 345 3,469 3,165 304 2,975 2,894 81 1,773 1,763 1,584 1,572 1,205 1,194 1,188 1,176 10 12 11 12 474 447 27 479 454 25 477 447 30 494 462 32 377 371 382 376 335 333 6 2 3,649 3,284 365 1,369 646 723 2,158 2,143 15 916 794 405 400 5 3,820 3,432 388 1,442 674 768 2,182 19 1,026 897 129 4,436 3,612 824 30,529 23,109 7,420 7,369 5,361 2,0.08 1,791 1,204 587 1,015 526 489 4,282 1,586 2,696 632 277 355 4,609 4,162 447 2,848 2,790 58 6 3,779 3,404 375 1,413 648 765 2,190 2,177 13 923 789 134 4,795 3,922 873 27,581 20,627 6.954 6.955 5,061 1,894 617 443 174 4,364 3,527 837 27,423 20,810 6,613 6,975 5,135 1,840 714 518 196 3,671 3,299 372 1,395 630 765 2,186 2,168 18 918 794 124 4,202 3,398 804 27,973 21,362 6,611 7,090 5,227 1,863 841 632 209 956 484 472 4,564 1,634 2,930 631 259 372 3,570 3,244 326 2,935 2,863 72 938 478 460 4,282 1,583 2,699 605 256 349 3,789 3,448 341 2,808 2,744 64 962 498 464 4,151 1,560 2,591 602 257 345 4,100 3,712 388 2,779 2,725 54 122 2,201 1,267 1,258 9 439 408 31 1.126 1,115 450 421 29 1,834 1,821 13 449 417 32 398 392 408 402 6 6 3,748 3,392 356 1,392 706 2,315 2,295 370 363 7 3,012 2,726 286 1,262 647 615 2,389 2,369 20 20 20 1,045 910 135 4,410 3,514 896 31,125 23,490 7,635 7,331 5,350 1,981 1,988 1,218 770 3,930 3,533 397 1,452 678 774 2,302 2,279 23 1,062 930 132 4,005 3,126 879 32,123 23,932 8,191 7,118 5,229 1,889 2,523 1,598 925 387 383 4 3,453 3,102 351 1,380 665 715 2,399 •2,379 1,058 932 126 3,981 3,126 855 36,378 26,432 9,946 6,976 5,194 1,782 3,741 2,361 937 834 103 4,242 3,365 877 33,600 24,620 8,980 7,175 5,283 1,892 2,371 1,283 1,088 817 733 84 4,072 3,311 761 31,321 23,526 7,795 7,206 5,356 1,850 1,374 761 613 1,131 561 570 4,134 1,583 2,551 592 264 328 4,600 4,123 477 2,928 2,870 58 1,079 562 517 4,879 1,700 3,179 586 249 337 4,478 4,020 458 2,971 2,921 50 975 510 465 5,351 1,835 3,516 610 251 359 4,316 3,840 476 2,958 2,907 51 923 506 447 5,779 1,864 3,915 627 248 379 4,025 3,592 433 2,923 2,833 90 839 479 360 4,968 1,677 3,291 575 237 338 3,749 3,353 396 2,967 2,785 182 1,451 1,437 14 470 441 29 1,829 1,817 399 392 7 3,923 3,515 408 1,516 703 813 2,237 2,216 21 12 686 6,102 11 402 376 26 1,155 1,150 5 387 360 27 343 337 6 2,766 2,516 250 1,110 594 516 2,274 2,257 17 713 642 71 3,156 2,542 614 28,438 22,262 6 ,176 6,889 5,235 1,654 581 446 135 816 476 340 4,008 1,460 2,548 501 222 279 3,576 3,201 375 2,888 2,752 136 708 706 9 107 102 7 38.6 38.8 0) 21.7 22.1 0) 73 69 5 1,164 1,017 158 406 109 297 241 236 15 349 290 73 1,728 1,388 360 8,955 5,805 3,770 480 300 354 5,521 3,332 2,226 17.9 17.2 0) 29.6 28.8 38.7 26.8 15.5 36.5 315 27.9 15.3 40.4 30.6 21.7 34.9 22.3 19.9 14.6 25.6 25.0 3j6.3 11.3 8.4 72.5 86 230 1,771 404 1,367 144 55 56 1,180 1,042 173 355 249 132 10.0 9.9 0) 32.9 31.1 50.7 35.4 35.3 37.0 24.6 CD to w 22.0 tel 37.9 6.5 5.6 17.6 90.5 89.1 94.3 * p> O tel £ 51 3 tei 51 00 fcO A. — Fluctuation in employment in industries other than mining and quarrying in Ohio, 1914 to 1929, by occupation group, industry, and sex— Continued 228 T able 1 9 2 0 : W A G E E A R N E R S — Continued Industry and sex Number employed on the 15th of each month Febru March ary April M ay 1,273 1,195 1,683 1,153 1,460 1,332 1,046 991 946 1,178 204 227 351 207 282 281 303 4 297 275 287 222 222 240 229 235 59 62 58 63 53 5,230 5,594 5,123 5,209 120 6,610 4,745 5,198 4,842 4,815 5,680 378 394 388 396 480 370 525 604 711 363 8 707 368 523 602 359 2 2 4 4 2 7 127 135 135 140 148 101 98 100 107 103 37 26 41 37 35 1,797 278,796 273,372 284,009 274,824 260,073 270,608 265,219 275,416 266,425 251, 759 8,399 8,593 8,314 8,188 8,153 8,474 32 8,505 8,838 8,172 8,388 8,368 8,152 8,487 8,819 8,456 18 20 19 18 20 2.504 34 2.326 2.468 2.386 2.540 2.504 2.326 2.468 2.540 2.386 30 5,568 5,615 5,328 5,436 5,629 4,731 4,678 4,561 4,496 4,715 832 914 890 884 875 9,875 9,747 13 9,619 9,879 10,023 8,825 8,570 8,805 8,958 8,685 1,062 1,050 1,074 1,049 1,065 5,210 5,176 5,325 5,364 5,350 86 4,744 4,759 4,597 4,649 4,769 561 579 581 595 591 7 478 463 487 474 491 484 475 461 470 488 2 3 3 4 3 26 June July 1,363 1,112 251 273 210 63 5,506 5,089 417 612 610 2 168 122 46 275,016 266,492 8,524 8,841 8,825 16 2.689 2.689 5,461 4,591 870 9,899 8,782 1,117 5,224 4,644 580 523 521 2 August 1,676 1,257 419 267 216 51 5,459 5,059 400 801 796 1,708 1,311 397 271 217 54 5,227 4,863 364 1,046 1,044 6 2 174 149 125 156 24 18 277,535 273,682 268,989 265,656 8,026 8,546 8,647 8,618 8,631 8 ,599 19 16 2,751 2,888 2,888 2,751 5,663 5,618 4,731 4,755. 887 908 9,810 9,909 8,702 8,787. 1,122 1,108 5,247 5,233 4,672 4,631 602 575 544 563 542 560 2 3 Variation from maximum Septem N ovem Decem N um October ber ber ber ber 997 1,262 1,628 1,379 1,102 879 1,018 1,256 372 244 277 118 284 293 283 288 224 224 235 227 58 59 60 61 5,512 5,301 5,357 5,806 4,992 5,110 5,339 4,935 402 467 366 365 2,501 2,333 1,906 1,492 2,320 1,896 1,478 2,479 22 13 10 14 184 150 322 192 97 140 198 149 124 53 43 44 279,608 269,161 250,121 222,049 271,811 261,682 243,260 215,974 6,075 7,797 6,861 7,479 6,556 8,832 8,750 7,416 6,541 8,724 8,806 7,400 15 26 26 16 2.139 2.542 2.936 2.703 2.542 2.139 2.936 2.703 5,264 5,678 5,771 5,364 4,439 4,795 4,900 4,505 883 871 825 859 9,021 8,899 7,749 8,583 8,012 7,918 7,654 6,915 981 834 1,009 929 4,908 4,834 4,353 3,738 4,330 4,256 3,795 3,289 578 578 558 449 591 576 542 518 515 587 572 539 4 4 3 3 711 453 301 36 30 12 1,037 935 116 2,138 2,120 20 195 101 106 61,960 59,442 2,518 2,285 2,284 10 797 797 507 461 89 2,274 2,043 288 1,626 1,480 153 128 126 2 Per cent 41.6 34.0 71.8 11.9 12.5 (0 PART 2.- M a n u fa c tu r e s — Continued. F ood and kindred products—Continued. Food preparations............................................... M ales........................ ....................................... Females.................................................. .......... Oleomargarine................................................. . M ales....................................... ............. .......... Fem ales................................... ........................ Slaughtering and meat packing- _________ M ales.............. ............... ................... ............. Females____________ _____________________ Sugar................... ......................... ......................... M ales____________________________________ Females........ ................ ............. ___............ __ Vinegar and cider____________________ M ales................ .................. .............................. Females............ ................ ................ ................ Iron and steel and their products....................... M ales................................................................. Females.............. ......................................... Blast-furnace products__________ _______ __ M ales_________________________________ __ F em ales.......................... ................................ Boilers and tanks_______________ __________ M ales____________________________________ Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets____ M ales_____________________ _______________ Females_______ _______________________ __ Calculating machines.__________________ __ M ales. ______________________________ ____ Females____ _____ _______________________ C utlery and tools................. ....... ....................... M ales_____________________________ _______ Fem ales............ ............ ............ ....................... Doors and shutters, iron and steel__________ M ales....................................................... .......... Fem ales.............................................................. N um ber of establishments reporting Janu ary 1 16.8 16.5 24.2 85.5 85.5 0) 60.6 51.0 85.5 21.8 21.6 29.3 25.8 25.9 0) 27.1 27.1 8 .8 9.4 9.7 22.7 22.8 25.7 30.3 31.0 25.4 21.7 21.5 (i) i Q Files................................................................... Males......................................................... Females......................................................... Forgings............................................................. M ales.............................................................. . Females.......................................................... Foundry and machine-shop products........ M ales.............................................................. Females.......................................................... Gas engines and tractors................................ M ales..................... ....................................... Females.......................................................... Nails and spikes, cut, wrought, and w ire. M ales.............................................................. Females.......................................................... Pipe, wrought................................................... M ales.............................................................. Pum ps and w indm ills.................................... Females.................................................... Safes and vau lts......................................... Males....................................................... . Females..................................................... Scales and balances.................................... . M ales....................................................... Females................................................... Screws, machine and wood........................ M ales....................................................... . Fem ales.................................................... . Sewing machines, cases, and attachments— M ales....................................................... . Females................................................... Springs, coil................................................ Males....................................................... Females................................................... Springs, steel, car and carriage.................. Females................................. Steel works and rolling m ills.. M ales..................................... Females................................. Stoves and furnaces............ . M ales..................................... Females................................. T in plate and temeplate......... M ales..................................... Females................................. W ir e .......... .............. ............ M ales. _____ ______________ Females____ ____ ____ ____ 302 290 267 282 258 265 252 232 246 38 37 35 38 36 37 8.380 7,684 8,307 8,237 7,853 7,993 7,904 7,789 7,431 7,269 387 403 448 422 415 1,222 123,645 121,891 125,719 124,351 118,649 120,553 118,819 122,548 121,155 115,457 3,092 3,072 3,171 3,196* 3,192 31 2,526 3,014 2,739 3,090 3,330 2.504 2,984 3,301 2,715 3,062 22 24 30 28 29 295 284 289 299 285 181 183 192 186 181 114 101 104 103 107 1.380 1,391 1,355 1,412 1,327 1.380 1,391 1,355 1,412 1,327 2,610 2,681 2,495 2,302 2,470 2,597 2,450 2,471 2,267 2,669 13 12 20 24 35 2,872 17 2,903 2,824 2,816 2,863 2,849 2,840 2,799 2,879 2,791 23 24 23 25 25 819 830 735 826 683 773 783 692 775 637 46 51 47 43 46 810 802 821 878 905 525 544 518 518 568 284 285 334 337 303 2,524 2,404 2,400 2,347 2,325 2,120 2,273 2,167 2,114 2,159 251 227 211 237 241 275 265 250 247 222 221 246 225 229 195 29 36 25 27 26 342 347 351 330 346 277 291 283 293 292 65 53 47 56 59 63 74,282 70,734 75,593 69,971 63,117 73,902 70,366 75,103 69,475 62,649 490 380 368 496 468 87 11,531 11,330 11,561 11,123 11,017 11,017 10,839 11,027 10,680 10,507 514 491 534 443 510 4,021 6,094 5,381 5,175 5,666 5.504 4,964 3,890 5,217 5,890 162 164 204 211 131 6,359 6,680 6,641 6,488 6,753 6,254 6, 536 6,370 6,646 6,571 105 105 109 118 107 1 Not computed owing to small number represented. 264 243 224 266 247 160 232 212 232 195 215 132 34 32