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Election of D irectors
N omination P rocedures


September 22, 2004

— Election


D irectors

N om ination P rocedures —

To the M em ber Banks o f the Eighth Federal Reserve District:
An election w ill be held under the provisions o f Section 4 o f the Federal Reserve A ct,
as am ended, to ch oose su ccessors to the follow in g directors o f this Bank.
Class A D irector

Lewis F. Mallory Jr.

C hairm an and C h ief E xecu tive O fficer
N ational Bank o f C om m erce
Starkville, M iss.

Bradley W. Small

M athis, M arifian, R ichter & G randy Ltd.
B elleville, 111.
Class B D irector

Bert Greenwalt
G reenw alt Co.
H azen, Ark.

Mr. M allory was elected by banks in G roup 1 to a three-year term that exp ires
Dec. 31, 2004. He is eligible for re-election for a term that w ill expire D ec. 31 , 2 0 0 7 .
His su ccessor w ill be ch osen by banks in G roup 1, w h ich con sists o f m em b er ban k s
having capital and surplus o f $55 m illion and over.
Mr. Sm all, n ow a principal w ith the law firm o f M athis, M arifian, R ichter & G randy
Ltd., B elleville, 111., and form erly o f the Farm ers and M erchants N ational Bank,
N ashville, 111., w as elected by banks in G roup 3 to a three-year term. H e has
ann ou n ced his resignation effective D ec. 31, 2004. H is su ccessor w ill be elected for
the unexpired portion o f Mr. Small's three-year term , w h ich w ill expire D ec. 3 1 , 2 0 0 6 .
H is su ccessor w ill be ch osen by banks in G roup 3, w h ich con sists o f m em ber banks
having capital and surplus o f $4.3 m illion and less.
Mr. G reenw alt w as elected by banks in G roup 3 to a three-year term that expires D ec.
31, 20 0 4 . He is not eligible for re-election. H is successor w ill be elected for a term
that w ill expire Dec. 31, 2007. His successor w ill be ch osen by banks in G roup 3,
w h ich con sists o f m em ber banks having capital and surplus o f $4.3 m illio n and less.
This letter lists the m em ber banks in each classification. The group in w h ich a m em ­
ber bank is entitled to vote is determ ined by its classification as of the date o f this let­

— Election


D irectors

N om ination P rocedures —

ter, even th ou gh its capital and surplus m ay su b seq u en tly change before the date o f the elec­
Each bank participating in this election* m ay m ake a n om in ation as follow s: Each bank in
G roup 1 m ay nom inate on e candidate for C lass A director, and each bank in G roup 3 m ay
nom inate on e candidate for C lass A director and one candidate for C lass B director.
L im itations on eligibility for n om in ation for C lass A and C lass B directors are set forth on
Page 3. T he n o m in a tio n s m u st b e m ad e b y reso lu tio n o f the Board o f D irectors and certi­
fied to m e on or before O ct. 2 2 , 2 0 0 4 . A form for this purpose is en closed .
On Nov. 5, 2004, a list o f the candidates (in clu d in g an in d ication o f w h o nom inated each
candidate) and a preferential ballot w ill be m ailed to each bank in the voting groups. The
ballot m ust be cast w ith in fifteen days after receipt. The polls w ill op en at 9 a.m . on Nov. 9,
2004, and close at 2 p.m . on Nov. 24, 2004. A t that tim e, the b allot b o x w ill be opened in the
Board R oom o f this Bank, the votes cou n ted and results o f the election annou nced . The can­
didates are invited to be present or represented on that occasion.
In order to be cou n ted , the b allot m u st be ex ecu ted b y an officer au th orized to cast the
vote. If the official signature o f the officer or officers authorized to cast the ballot has n ot
been filed w ith this Federal Reserve Bank, su ch official signature sh o u ld be filed before the
polls close. Inasm uch as the authority conferred on these officers con tin u es un til revoked,
ih c\ need n ot be reappointed. Each m em ber bank that has n ot designated an officer or offi­
cers for the purpose o f sign in g the ballot, or any bank that desires to change its authoriza­
tion. sh ou ld do so by resolu tion o f its Board o f D irectors and certify the appoin tm ent to m e
before the polls close. A form for this purpose w ill be furnished u p on request.
W hile the ban k s in G roup 2 w ill n o t v o te in th is electio n , this circular is sen t to them w ith ­
out form s for their inform ation. G roup 2 con sists o f m em ber banks having capital and sur­
plus over $4.3 m illion , b u t less than $55 m illion .

W alter L. M etcalfe Jr.
C hairm an o f the Board

Sept. 22, 2 0 0 4

*Section 4 o f the Federal Reserve A ct, as am ended, provides that w h en ever m em ber banks in
the sam e Federal Reserve district are subsidiaries o f the sam e bank h o ld in g com pany, partici­
pation in the n om in ation and election is con fin ed to the m em ber bank designated for that
purpose by the h old in g com pany.


— Election


D irectors ^ N om ination P rocedures —

limitations on eligibility for nomination
Section 4 o f the Federal Reserve A ct, as am ended, contains the follow in g provisions:
Class A shall consist o f three m em bers, w ith ou t discrim ination on the basis o f race, creed,
color, sex or national origin, w h o shall be ch osen by and be representative o f the sto ck h o ld in g
banks. . . N o officer or director o f a m em ber bank shall be eligible to serve as a C lass A director
u nless nom inated and elected by banks w h ich are m em bers o f the sam e group as the m em ber
bank o f w h ich he is an officer or director. . . A ny person w h o is an officer or director o f m ore
than on e m em ber bank shall n ot be eligible for n om in ation as a C lass A director excep t by
banks in the sam e group as the bank having the largest aggregate resources o f any o f th ose o f
w h ich su ch person is an officer or director.
Class B shall con sist o f three m em bers, w h o shall represent the pu b lic and shall be elected w ith ­
ou t discrim ination on the basis o f race, creed, color, sex or national origin, and w ith due b u t n o t
exclu sive consideration to the interests o f agriculture, com m erce, industry, services, labor and
consum ers. . . N o director o f C lass B shall be an officer, director or em p loyee o f any bank.
N o Senator or R epresentative in C ongress shall be a m em ber o f the Board o f G overnors o f the
Federal Reserve System or an officer or a director o f a Federal Reserve Bank.
The Board o f G overnors of the Federal Reserve System has issued the follow in g gu idelines con cern in g
qualifications o f Class A and B directors:
Class A directors should be representatives o f the m em ber banks by w h ich they are elected
[and) sh ou ld be residents o f the district in w h ich the Federal Reserve Bank is located.
The Federal Reserve Banks w ill be served b est by directors w h ose b u sin ess and financial
interests are prim arily w ith in and representative o f the bank or branch territory for w h ich
they are selected, rather than o f interests controlled or ow n ed ou tside o f su ch territory.
A person w h ose sole occu p ation is that o f the officer o f a savings and loan association is n o t
eligible for election as a C lass B director o f a Federal Reserve Bank.
O n June 2, 1978, the Board o f G overnors restated its lon g-standin g policy that activity that m igh t
be interpreted as associating the Federal Reserve w ith any political party or political activity is
in con sisten t w ith service as a Bank director. In addition, h old in g a public office in the service o f
the U nited States, or of any state, territory, county, district, m unicipality or political sub d ivision
sim ilarly is in con sisten t w ith service as a Bank director.
Q u estion s about eligibility to serve sh ou ld be directed to the Secretary o f the Bank.


— Election

G roup 1


D irectors ^ N om ination P rocedures —

Consisting of member banks having capital and surplus of $55 million and over


Authorized Signature

Name of Bank

Fayetteville............ .Arvest Bank.................................................................... ................ Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

Evansville ............... .Integra Bank, N.A............................................................................ Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Evansville ............... .Old National Bank ......................................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

C itv
1 O lll'A

Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

llli .................National City Bank of Kentucky................................. ................Chairman, President, Executive Vice President or


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

M.irk\illt .................National Bank of Commerce of Mississippi.............. ................Chairman, Chairman of Executive Committee,
President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

St. Louis ..........

.First Bank......................................................................... ................Chairman or President

St. Louis ..................Southwest Bank of St. Louis ......................................................... Chairman, Co-Presidents or Cashier


A uthorized Signature

Nam e of Bank

M em phis................. First Tennessee Bank N.A. Memphis

.Chairman, President, Executive Vice President or

Memphis .................National Bank of Com merce.............

.Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Memphis .................Union Planters Bank, N.A..................

.Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier




G roup 3


D irectors ^ N om ination P rocedures —

Consisting of member banks having capital and surplus of $4.3 million and less


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

Altheimer ............... First National Bank of Altheimer......................................
Ashdown ................ First National Bank ...........................................................
Berryville ................ The First National Bank of Berryville................................
Blytheville ..............The Farmers Bank & Trust Co...........................................
Calico Rock ............First National Bank of Izard County .................................
Crossett .................. First National Bank of Crossett .........................................
De Queen ...............First State Bank of De Queen ............................................
De Queen ............... The First National Bank of De Queen...............................
De W itt...................The First National Bank of De Witt ..................................
Dierks ..................... National Bank of Howard County .....................................
El Dorado ............... Simmons First Bank of El Dorado, N.A..............................
Forrest City ............First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas ..........................
Forrest City ............Forrest City Bank, N.A ......................................................
Green Forest...........The First National Bank in Green Forest ..........................
Heber Springs.........Heber Springs State Bank ..................................................
Helena .................... Helena National Bank........................................................
Lewisville ............... The First National Bank of Lewisville ...............................
Little Rock..............Bank of Little Rock.............................................................
Little Rock..............Eagle Bank and Trust Company ........................................
Malvern .................. The Malvern National Bank ..............................................
Marianna ................First National Bank at Marianna .......................................
McGehee ................The First National Bank of McGehee................................
Mena ...................... First National Bank in Mena .............................................
Mount Ida ..............First National Bank ...........................................................
Mountain Home.....First National Bank 6? Trust Co. of Mountain Home .......
Mulberry ................ Allied Bank ........................................................................
Nashville ................ Citizens National Bank of Nashville .................................
Paragould ............... Southern Bank of Commerce ............................................
Paris ....................... The First National Bank at Paris .......................................
Pine Bluff................ Simmons First Trust Company, N.A...................................
Rogers .................... Arvest Trust Company, N.A...............................................
Stuttgart ................. First National Bank of Stuttgart ........................................
Stuttgart ................. The Farmers and Merchants Bank ....................................
Van Buren............... Citizens Bank & Trust Co...................................................
Walnut Ridge..........First National Bank of Lawrence County at Walnut Ridge
Warren ................... Warren Bank and Trust Co.................................................
West Memphis .......Fidelity National Bank ......................................................


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
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President, Vice President or Cashier
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Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
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Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Vice President
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
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Chairman, President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman or President
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

— E lectio n of D irectors ^ N o m in a t io n P ro ced u res —

G roup 3

Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

Albion....................Citizens National Bank of Albion ...................................
Allendale ...............The First National Bank of Allendale .............................
Anna ......................The Anna National Bank ................................................
Ava.........................The First National Bank of Ava.......................................
Barry......................The First National Bank of Barry....................................
Brownstown ..........The First National Bank of Brownstown ........................
Carlinville .............The Carlinville National Bank ........................................
Carlyle...................The First National Bank of Carlyle .................................
Chester ..................Buena Vista National Bank of Chester............................
Columbia...............Columbia National Bank ................................................
Dieterich................The First National Bank of Dieterich..............................
Dongola.................The First State Bank of Dongola .....................................
DuQuoin ...............DuQuoin State Bank ........................................................
East St. Louis.........First Illinois Bank............................................................
Flora ......................Flora Bank & Trust .........................................................
Greenville..............The Bradford National Bank of Greenville .....................
Griggsville .............Farmers National Bank of Griggsville.............................
Jacksonville ...........Premier Bank of Jacksonville ..........................................
Jonesboro ..............The First National Bank of Jonesboro ............................
Kinmundy .............The First National Bank of Kinmundy ...........................
Lawrenceville ........Heritage State Bank.........................................................
Lima ......................The State Bank of Lima ...................................................
Litchfield ...............The First National Bank of Litchfield .............................
Litchfield ...............The Litchfield National Bank..........................................
Metropolis .............The City National Bank of Metropolis............................
Millstadt ................First National Bank of Millstadt .....................................
Mount Vernon.......First National Bank of Mt. Vernon .................................
Nashville ...............The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Nashville
Okawville ..............The First National Bank of Okawville ............................
Okawville ..............The Old Exchange National Bank of Okawville .............
Pinckneyville.........First National Bank in Pinckneyville..............................
Red Bud.................First State Bank of Red Bud ............................................
Sandoval ................The First National Bank of Sandoval ..............................
Sparta ....................The First National Bank of Sparta ..................................
St. Elmo.................Fayette County Bank .......................................................
St. Peter .................First State Bank of St. Peter ............................................
Staunton................The First National Bank in Staunton..............................
Steeleville ..............First National Bank of Steeleville....................................
Sumner ..................The First National Bank of Sumner...............................
Vandalia................ The First National Bank of Vandalia...............................
Waterloo............... The First National Bank of Waterloo..............................


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
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Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President or Executive Vice President
President, Vice President or Cashier
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Chairman, President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



D irectors

N om ination P rocedures

G roup 3
Witt .........................Security National Bank ...................................................................President, Vice President or Cashier
Xenia .......................First Community Bank, Xenia-Flora ........................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature
Chairman, President or Cashier

Elberfeld..................The Elberfeld State Bank..............
Jeffersonville...........New Covenant Trust Co., N.A......
Lynnville ................ The Lynnville National Bank ......
Odon .......................The First National Bank of Odon

President or Vice President
President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

Bowling Green.......The Farmers National Bank of Scottsville ...................
Buffalo ...................Bank of Buffalo..............................................................
Campbellsville.......Campbellsville National Bank .....................................
Carrollton..............The First National Bank of Carrollton.........................
Central City...........First National Bank of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky
Frankfort ...............The Bankers' Bank of Kentucky, Inc..............................
Flardinsburg ..........The Farmers Bank........................................................
Harrodsburg ..........The Lawrenceburg National Bank ...............................
Hartford.................Citizens Bank................................................................
Henderson.............Ohio Valley National Bank of Henderson....................
Hodgenville ...........The Lincoln National Bank of Hodgenville .................
Lebanon ................The Citizens National Bank of Lebanon ......................
Lebanon ................The Farmers National Bank of Lebanon......................
Radcliff..................Fort Knox National Bank.............................................
Russell Springs ......The First National Bank of Russell Springs..................

President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

C orinth................... Commerce National Bank
Rosedale ..................First National Bank..........

.Chairman, President or Chief Financial Officer
.Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Name of Bank

Authorized Signature

Altenburg .
Ashland ....

Peoples Bank of Altenburg
Mainstreet Bank ................
First National Bank...........

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier




D irectors

N om ination P rocedures —


G roup 3
Crane..................... Stone County National Bank.......................
Cuba...................... First Community National Bank .................
Hannibal................ Farmers & Merchants Bank and Trust Co. ..
Hannibal................ HNB National Bank .....................................
Hermann ............... Bay-Hermann Berger Bank ...........................
Hillsboro ............... Bank of Hillsboro .........................................
Iberia ..................... Bank of Iberia...............................................
Kahoka .................. Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri ........
Kennett.................. Kennett National Bank ................................
Louisiana............... Bank of Louisiana ........................................
Maplewood............ Citizens National Bank of Greater St. Louis

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, Vice Chairman, President, Vice President
or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Cashier or Assistant Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Mexico................... The First National Bank of Audrain County
Moberly.................Bank of Cairo and Moberly..........................
Moberly................. City Bank and Trust Co. of Moberly............
Mount Vernon.......The First National Bank of Mount Vernon ..
Paris ...................... The Paris National Bank .............................
Perryville............... Chester National Bank of Missouri..............
Plato ...................... Legacy Bank & Trust Co...............................
Springfield.............. Citizens National Bank of Springfield .........
St. Louis ................ Southern Commercial Bank.........................
St. Robert................ First State Bank of St. Robert.......................
Summersville.........Community Bank, N.A..................................
Tipton.................... The Tipton Latham Bank, N.A......................
Troy ....................... Peoples Bank & Trust Co..............................

Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier or
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Warrenton ............. The Missouri Bank.......................................


Authorized Signature

Name o f Bank

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Bells.........................Bank of Crockett....................
Dyer.........................Bank of Dyer............................
Gates ....................... Gates Banking and Trust Co.
Halls .........................Bank of H alls..........................
Newbem..................Security Bank .........................
Parsons ....................Farmers Bank .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



Chairman of the Board
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Post Office Box 442
St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0442

Certificate of Nomination for Class A Director
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Chairman, Board of Directors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
At a meeting of the board of directors of the

Group No. 1




duly called and held on the_________________day o f_____________________ _____
on motion duly made and seconded, it was
“RESOLVED, That _____________________________________________________
whose occupation i s _________________________________________________________
be, and is hereby nominated as a candidate for director of Class A of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis, and the officer whose name appears below is hereby authorized, empowered, and
directed to certify this nomination to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal
Reserve Act.”
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
a resolution of the Board of Directors of this bank duly
adopted on the date specified.


51-3 Rev. 7-01


Chairman of the Board
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Post Office Box 442
St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0442

Certificate of Nomination for Class B Director
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Chairman, Board of Directors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
At a meeting of the board of directors of the

(C IT Y )

Group No. 3

(N A M E O F B A N K )


duly called and held on the_________________day of
on motion duly made and seconded, it was
“RESOLVED, That __________________________
whose occupation i s _________________________________________________________
be, and is hereby nominated as a candidate for director of Class B of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis, and the officer whose name appears below is hereby authorized, empowered, and
directed to certify this nomination to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal
Reserve Act.”
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
a resolution of the Board of Directors of this bank duly
adopted on the date specified.

(S IG N A T U R E )

51-3 Rev. 7-01

Certificate of Nomination for Class A Director
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Chairman, Board of Directors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
At a meeting of the board of directors of the

(C IT Y )

Group No. 3

(N A M E O F B A N K )


duly called and held on the_________________day o f _____________________ _____
on motion duly made and seconded, it was
“RESOLVED, That _____________________________________________________
whose occupation i s _________________________________________________________
be, and is hereby nominated as a candidate for director of Class A of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis, and the officer whose name appears below is hereby authorized, empowered, and
directed to certify this nomination to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal
Reserve Act.”
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
a resolution of the Board of Directors of this bank duly
adopted on the date specified.


51-3 Rev. 7-02