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S t . L o u i s 2, M i s s o u r i

KL iK C - T I O N


September 18, 1953

To the Member Banks in the
Eighth Federal Reserve D istrict:

An election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose successors
to the following directors of this bank whose term s expire December 31, 1953: Class A director, William
A. McDonnell (President, l'irst N ational Bank in St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo.) and Class B director, Louis
Ruthenburg (Chairman of Board, Servel, Inc., Evansville, Ind.).
The Class A director was elected by banks in Group 1, and the C'lass B director by banks in G roup 3.
Consequently, their successors will be chosen, respectively, by these groups. Group 1 consists of banks
having capital and surplus of $700,000 and over; Group 2, banks having capital and surplus of $200,000
and over but less than $700,000; and Group 3, banks having capital and surplus of less than $200,000. Lists
of the banks composing the voting groups are given on the following pages.
Each bank in Group 3 is perm itted to nominate a candidate for C'lass B director and each bank in
Group 1 a candidate for Class A director. The nomination must be made by resolution of the board of
directors and certified to me on or before October 23. A form and self-addressed envelope for this purpose
are enclosed.
On October 30 a list of the candidates (indicating by whom nominated) and a preferential ballot will
be mailed to each bank in the two groups mentioned. The ballot must be cast within fifteen days after
receipt. The polls will open on November 2 and close at 2 p. m. on November 17, 1953. At that time the
ballot box will be opened in the board room of this bank, the votes counted and results announced. The candi­
dates are invited to be present or represented on th a t occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot m ust be executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote. On
the following pages are shown the officers heretofore designated for this purpose. The authority conferred
on them continues until revoked. Each bank th a t has not designated such officers, or any bank th a t desires
to change its authorization, should do so by resolution of its board of directors and certify the appointm ents
to me before the polls close. A form is herewith furnished to each bank th a t has not made such designa­
tions BY T IT L E .
The Federal Reserve Act provides: “W henever any two or more member banks within the same
Federal reserve district are affiliated with the same holding company affiliate, participation by such member
banks in any such nomination or election shall be confined to one of such banks, which may be designated
for the purpose by such holding company affiliate.” A holding company affiliate having one or more sub­
sidiary member banks in each group may designate one of such banks in each group. Certified copies of the
resolutions making such designations should be filed with me.
While the banks in G roup 2 do not elect a director this year, this circular is sent to them w ithout
forms for their information.

Chairm an of the Board.

P rovision s o f S e c tio n 4 o f th e F ed eral R eserve A ct, and o p in io n s o f th e Federal
Reserve Board* r e g a rd in g q u a lific a tio n s o f C lass A a n d C lass B d irecto rs.

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act provides th at “Class A shall consist of
three members, who shall be chosen by and be representative of the stockholding
banks. No officer or director of a member bank shall be eligible to serve as a Class
A director unless nominated and elected by banks which are members of the same
group as the member bank of which he is an officer or director. Any person who
is an officer or director of more than one member bank shall not be eligible for
nomination as a Class A director exccpt by banks in the same group as the bank
having the largest aggregate resources of any of those of which such person is
an officer or director. Class B shall consist of three members, who a t the time of
their election shall be actively engaged in their district in commerce, agriculture or
some other industrial pursuit. No director of Class B shall be an officer, director or
employe of any bank. No Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a member
of l he Federal Reserve Board* or an officer or a director of a Federal reserve bank.”
In a resolution adopted December 23, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board*
expressed the opinion th a t “ persons holding political or public office in the service
of the United States, or of any State, territory, county, district, political sub­
division, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political party com­
mittees, cannot consistently with the spirit and underlying principles of the
Federal Reserve Act, serve as directors or officers of Federal reserve banks.” On
December 28, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board* resolved th a t "national bank
examiners shall not hereafter be elected - - - to directorships in Federal reserve
banks.” Under date of Ju ly 2, 1925, the Federal Reserve Board* advised it had
"reached the conclusion th a t a person whose sole occupation is th at of officer of an
insurance company is not eligible for election as a Class B director of a Federal
reserve bank.”

*Sec. 203 (a) of the Banking Act of 1935 provides that "H ereafter the Federal
Reserve Board shall be known as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

C on sistin g o f all m em b er b a n k s w ith ca p ita l and su rp lu s o f $700,000 a n d over.

B an k s in th is group c lect on e C lass A D irector
El D o rad o .......................
Forrest C ity ....................
Fort S m ith ......................
Fort S m ith ......................
H elena.............................
Little R ock.....................

. . First National B an k ........................................................
National Bank of Eastern A rkansas............................
. . First N ational B an k ........................................................
. .M erchants N ational B ank.............................................
. Phillips National B ank...................................................
. . Commercial National B ank..........................................

Little R ock..................... . Peoples N ational B ank...................................................
Little R ock.....................
U nion National B ank.....................................................
Little R ock..................... W orthen Bank & T rust Co.........................................
Pine Bluff........................ . National Bank of C om m erce........................................
Pine Bluff........................ Simmons National B ank................................................
T ex ark an a...................... . . State N ational B an k.......................................................

Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
President, Vicc President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
President, Executive Vice President, Vice
President or Cashier
. . .Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
or Secretary
. . . Chairm an. President or Vice President
. Chairman, President or Vicc President
. President, Vicc President or Cashier


A lton................................ . . First National Bank & Trust Co................................ ........ Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Belleville.......................... . . First National B ank...................................................... ........ Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
or Assistant Cashier
East St. Louis................ . . First National B ank...................................................... ........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
East St. L ouis................. . .Southern Illinois National B ank.......................................... President, Vice President or Cashier
East St. L ouis................ . U nion N ational B ank.................................................... ........ President, Vicc President or Cashier
G ranite C ity ...................
Hillsboro......................... . . Hillsboro N ational B ank............................................. ........ Geo. H. Fisher, President
Jacksonville.................... . . Elliott State B ank.......................................................... ............. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
National Stock Y ards. . . .N ational Stock Yards Natl. B ank.............................. ........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

V incennes.......................


. Citizens N ational B ank.......................................................... Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

.N ational City B ank....................................................... ........ Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
. Old N ational B ank ....................................................... . . . Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

American N ational B ank............................................. .........Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

E lizabethtow n................. .
Louisville........................ , .
Louisville........................ .
Louisville........................ .
Louisville........................ .
Louisville........................ . .
Louisville...................... . .

. First-H ardin National B ank.......................................
. Citizcns-Fidelitv Bank & Trust Co............................
. First N ational B ank......................................................
. Kentucky T rust C om pany ..................................................................
. Liberty N ational Bank & T rust C om pany .....................

.Lincoln Bank & T rust C o...........................................
. Louisville T ru st C o.......................................................

M ayfield....................... . . . First National B ank......................................................
O w ensboro................... . . .Owensboro N ational B ank..........................................
P ad u cah ........................ . . .Peoples First Natl. Bank & Trust C o .....................................

............. Chairm an. President, Vicc President or Cashier

........ President, Vice President or Cashier
........ Chairm an, President, Vice President o r
............. Chairm an. President, Vicc President or
............. Chairman, President, Vice President or
.........President, Vice President or Cashier
........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or
.........Chairman, President, Vicc President or
.........Chairm an, President, Vice President or
............. President or Vice President



C layton.........
Jefferson City
St. L o u is .. ..

St. Louis C ounty N ational Bank
Exchange N ational B ank...........
American N ational B ank...........

Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier




St. L ouis.............................. Boatmen’s National B ank........................................................Chairm an, Vicc C hairm an, President, Vicc
President or Cashier
St. L ouis.............................. Bremen Bank & T rust C o ....................................................... President or Vicc President
St. Louis.............................. Cass Bank & T rust Co............................................................. Chairman, President or Vicc President
St. Louis.............................. First National B ank........................................................ ..
.Chairm an, Vice C hairm an, President, Vicc
President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. Lindcll T rust C o........................................................................ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. M anchester B ank...................................................................... President, Vicc President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. M anufacturers Bank & T rust Co...........................................Chairm an, President or Vicc President
St. Louis.............................. M ercantile-Commercc Natl. B ank........................................ President, Vicc President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. M ercantile T rust C o m pany.................................................... Chairm an of Board, Chairm an of Executive
Committee, President or Executive
Vicc President
St. Louis.............................. M ound City T rust Co...............................................................Chairman, President or Vicc President
St. Louis.............................. M utual Bank & T rust C o........................................................President, Vice President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. North St. Louis T rust C o........................................................ Chairman, President or Treasurer
St. Louis.............................. Security N ational Bank Savings and Trust Co...................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. South Side National Bank ....................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. Southwest B ank......................................................................... President, Vice President or Cashier
St. Louis......................
.T ow er Grove Bank & T rust Co............................................ Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
St. Louis.............................. United Bank & T rust C om pany ............................................President, Vicc President or Secretary
Springfield........................ .Southern Missouri T rust C o....................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or
Springfield.......................... Union National B ank...............................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M em phis............................. First N ational B an k ..................................................................President, Allen M organ; Executive Vicc
President, W. A. Wooten; Vicc President,
Troy Beatty, J r.; Vicc President or Cashier
M em phis............................. National Bank of C om m erce.................................................. President, Vice President or Cashier
M em phis............................. Union Planters N ational B ank...............................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

C onH iitting o f a ll m e m b e r h a n k s w i t h c a p i t a l a n d s u r p l u s o f less t h a n ?2IK),IXKI.

H a n k s in th in ^ ro tip c lc c t o n e C la ss B D ir e c to r



A rkadelphia........................Citizens National B ank............................................................ Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Ashdown............................. First N ational B an k .................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Batesville............................. T he Citizens B an k ...........................................................................................................................................................
Berryvillc.............................First N ational B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Brinkley............................... Bank of Brinkley...............................................................................................................................................................
C am den...............................M erchants & Planters B a n k ................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Clarksville........................... Farmers National B ank................................ ...........................Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
De Q ueen ........................... First N ational B ank.........................................................................................................................................................
DeVS'itt.................................First N ational B ank.................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
G u rd o n ................................First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Heber Springs....................Arkansas National B ank.......................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
H ughes.................................Planters National B ank...................................................................................................................................................
Lewisville............................ First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Lewisville............................ Peoples Bank & Loan Co........................................................ Cashier
M arian n a ............................ Farmers & M erchants B an k ................................................... President, Vicc President or Cashier
M a ria n n a ............................ First N ational B ank ..................................................... ............ Vice President
M e n a ................................... Planters N ational B ank...................................................................................................................................................
Nashville............................. F'irst National B ank..................................................................President or Cashier
Paragould............................First N ational B ank.................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

A R K A N S A S — C ontinued



P aris.....................................First National B ank.........................................................................................................................................................
R o g c n ................................. American National B ank......................................................... Chairm an. President, Vicc President or Cashier
Russellville..........................Bank of Russellville................................................................... Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Russellville..........................Peoples Exchange B ank........................................................... Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Sheridan..............................G rant County B ank.................................................................. President, Vice President or Cashier
Smackover.......................... Smackovcr State B ank..............................................................Cashier
Trum ann............................ T rum ann N ational B ank......................................................... Cashier
T uckcrm an.........................First National B ank...................................................................Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
W aldron..............................Bank of W aldron . .................................................................... Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
W alnut R id g e.................... Citizens National B ank...................................................................................................................................................
A lbion..................................Citizens National B ank...................................................................................................................................................
A llendale.............................First National B ank...................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
A ltam ont. ...........................First National Bank. . ............................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
A v a ...................................... First National B ank...................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
B arry....................................First National B ank...................................................................Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Bcnld....................................First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Bethalto............................... Bethalto National B ank............................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Bluffs....................................Bank of Bluffs............................................................................. President, Vicc President or Cashier
Brccsc...................................State Bank of Brccse..................................................................Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Bridgeport...........................First National B ank............... ...................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
B righton...............................First National B ank...................................................................Chairm an, President. Vice President or Cashier
Brookport............................ Brookport N ational B ank........................................................ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Brownstown........................First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Bunker H ill.........................First National B ank.................................................................. Cashier
Campbell H ill....................First State B ank......................................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Cam p Point. ...................... Farmers State B ank...................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
C arbondale.........................Carbondale N ational B ank..................................................... Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Carlinvillc........................... Farmers & M erchants Natl. B a n k ....................................... Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
C arlyle................................. First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
C arrollton........................... Grccnc County N ational B ank.....................................................................................................................................
C hester................................ Buena Vista N ational B ank.................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Clay C ity .............................Clay City Banking Co...............................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
C obden................................ First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Coffeen................................ Coffeen N ational B ank.............................................................President
C olum bia............................ First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Coultervillc.........................First National B ank.................................................................. President
Crossville.............................First National B ank.................................................................. President, Vicc President or Cashier
Dietcrich............................. First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
D ongola...............................First State B ank.........................................................................Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
D upo.................................... Dupo State Savings B ank..............................................................................................................................................
D uQ uoin............................. DuQuoin National B ank......................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Eldorado............................. C. P. Burnett & Sons, Bankers..............................................President or Cashier
Enfield................................. First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
F a rin a .................................. State Bank of F a rin a ................................................................ President, Vice President or Cashier
Freeburg..............................First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Gillespie...............................Peoples State B ank........................................ ...........................Vice President
G olconda.............................First National B ank...................................................................Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
G orham ............................... First National B ank.................................................................. Cashier
Grand T o w er..................... First National B an k .................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
G rayville............................. Peoples National B ank............................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Griggsville...........................Farmers National B ank..................................................................................................................................................
H ighland.............................Highland National B ank......................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Hillsboro............................. Montgomery County N atl. B ank...........................................President, Vice President or Cashier
H oyleton............................. Hoyleton State & Savings B ank.................................... ..
Johnston C ity .....................Johnston City State B an k....................................................... President, Vice President or Cashier
Jonesboro............................ First N ational B ank...................................................................President, Vice President or Cashier
K eyesport............................State Bank of K eyesport.......................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
K inm undy.......................... First National B an k.................................................................. C. R. Alderson, Cashier
Lawrenceville.....................Lawrenceville N atl. Bank & T rust Co..................... ............ President, Vice President or Cashier
L ebanon.............................. First National B ank.................................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
L im a.................................... State Bank of L im a ..........................................................................................................................................................
Litchfield...................... .. First National B an k................................................................. President or Cashier
Litchfield.............................Litchfield Bank & Trust Co.................................................... Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

ILLIN O IS— C on tin u ed




Litchficld.............................Litchfield National B ank........................................................ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
M adison...............................First National B ank..................................................................President, Vicc President or Cashier
M a rin e ................................. First National B ank................................................................. President, Vicc President or Cashier
M arissa................................ First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President, Cashier
or Assistant Cashier
M asco u tah.......................... First National B ank................................................................. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M cLeansboro..................... Peoples N ational B ank.............................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M etropolis...........................City N ational B ank.................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M etropolis...........................First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an. President, Vicc President or Cashier
M etropolis...........................National State B an k .................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
M illstadt.............................. First National Bank............................................... .................. Cashier
M ounds............................... First State B ank........................................................................ Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M ount O liv e...................... N ational Bank of M ount O live............................................. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
M ulberry G rove.................First National B ank................................................................. President or Cashier
M urphysboro......................First National B ank................................................................. President or Cashier
Nashville..............................Farmers & M erchants Natl. Bank........................................ Chairman, President. Vicc President or Cashier
N ew ton................................ First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Nokom is...............................First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
F'irst National B ank.............................................................................................. .........................................................
O b lo n g ........................ ..
O kaw ville............................First National B ank................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
O kaw ville............................ Old Exchange National B ank................................................Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
O lm sted............................... First State B ank........................................................................ Chairm an, President. Vicc President or Cashier
Pinckncyvillc...................... First National B ank................................................................. President, Vice President or Cashier
Q u in cy.................................Broadway National Bank........................................................Cashier
R am sey................................ Ramsey National B ank........................................................... President, Vice President or Cashier
Red B u d ..............................First National B ank................................................................. Cashier
R ed B ud..............................First State B ank........................................................................ President, Vice President or Cashier
Richview ............................. Richview State B ank................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
R idgw ay..............................Gallatin County State B ank...................................................President, Vice President or Cashier
R oodhouse.......................... Roodhouse National Bank......................................................Chairman, President, Vicc President (Exec.),
or Cashier
St. E lm o.............................. Fayette County B ank...............................................................Cashier
St. P e te r.............................. First State B ank........................................................................ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Sandoval............................. First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Shaw neetow n..................... First N ational B ank.........................................................................................................................................................
S m ithton............................. First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
S p a rta .................................. First National B ank................................................................. President, Vice President or Cashier
S taunton..............................First National B ank..................................................................Cashier
Steeleville............................ First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
S um n er................................ First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
T eutopolis...........................Teutopolis State B ank............................................................. President or Cashier
U rsa ..................................... First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
V an d alia............................. F'armers & M erchants B ank..........................................................................................................................................
V ien n a.................................First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
W aterloo............................. First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
W ayne C ity ........................ First N ational B ank..................................................................Cashier
W inchester..........................Neat, Condit & G rout Nad. B ank........................................Cashier
W itt......................................Security N ational B ank........................................................... President, Vicc President or Cashier
W oodlaw n...........................First National B ank................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
X e n ia ................................... First N ational B ank................................................................. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Z iegler................................. First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

Bicknell................................First National B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Bloomfield...........................Bloomfield State B ank............................................................. Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Brownstown........................ First N ational B ank..................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
C harlestow n....................... First Bank of Charlestow n...................................................... Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
C hrisney.............................. Chrisney State B ank................................................................ President, Vice President or Cashier
C yn th ian a........................... Cynthiana State B ank.................................. ...........................Chairman, President or Cashier
Elberfeld..............................Elbcrfeld State B ank................................................................ Chairman, President or Cashier
E nglish......... .......................English State B ank................................................................... Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Fort B ranch........................ Farmers & M erchants Natl. B ank........................................ Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
French L ick........................French Lick State B ank..................................................................................................................................................
H ardinsburg....................... State Bank of H ardinsburg............................................................................................................................................



H o llan d ......................... . . .H olland National B a n k ..................................................
Loogootcc..................... . . .U nion B ank......................................................................
Lynnville...................... . . . Lynnville National B an k ................................................
Mill to w n ....................... . . . First National Bank.........................................................
M itchcll........................ .. . First National B ank.........................................................
N ew burgh..................... . . . Newburgh State B ank....................................................
New H arm ony............. .. .New Harmony National Bank......................................
Oakland C ity............... .. . First N ational Bank.........................................................
O d o n ............................. .. . First National Bank.........................................................
O rlean s......................... .. . Bank of O rlean s...............................................................
Owensvillc.................... . . .First National Bank.........................................................
P atok a........................... . . Patoka National B ank....................................................
Plainville....................... . . F'armers State Bank.........................................................
R ichland....................... .. . Lake State Bank...............................................................
Sandborn...................... . . . Sandborn Banking C o .....................................................
Scllcrsburg.................... .. . Scllcrsburg State B an k...................................................
Shoals............................ . . . M artin County B ank................................................
Spurgeon...................... . . . First N ational Bank.........................................................
Switz C ity .................... . . Switz City B ank...............................................................
T ennyson...................... .. .Tennyson National B a n k ...............................................
V evay............................ .. . First National Bank.........................................................
West Baden Springs. . . . . West Baden National B ank...........................................
W inslow........................ . . . First N ational Bank.........................................................

. .. . President or Cashier
. . . . C hairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. .. . President or Vice President
. .. . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. . . . Cashier
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
. .. . Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
. .. . President, Vicc President or Cashier
. . . . President or Cashier
. . . . President
. .. . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. . .. Cashier
. . . . President, Vicc President or Cashier
. . . . Vicc President or Cashier
. .. . Albert Jordan, President
. . . . C hairm an, President, Vicc
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc
. .. .C hairm an, President, Vicc
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc




A dairvillc......................
C la y ...............................
C lin to n ..........................
C olum bia......................
F ulto n ............................
G reensburg...................
H artfo rd .......................
L eb an o n .......................
M iddletow n..................
O w en to n .......................
O w enton.......................
Russell Springs............
Springfield......... i . . . .

. .. First N ational Bank.........................................................
.. . First National Bank.........................................................
. . . First National Bank.........................................................
.. .Citizens Bank & T rust Co.............................................
. . . Farm ers B ank...................................................................
. .. First National Bank.........................................................
.. . First National Bank.........................................................
. . . City National Bank.........................................................
. . . Peoples B ank.....................................................................
. . . Citizens B ank....................................................................
.. . Citizens N ational B ank..................................................
. . . Bank of M iddletow n........................................................
. . . Farmers National B ank..................................................
. . . First National Bank.........................................................
. . . Farm ers National B ank..................................................
. . . Union National Bank......................................................
. .. First National Bank.........................................................
. . . Citizens National B ank...................................................
.. . First N ational Bank.........................................................

. . . . C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
. . . . C hairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. . . .W 'altcr L. Fcrrill, President
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

. . . Bruce Montgomery, President
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc President
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President
. . . . C hairm an, President, Vice President
. . . . President or Cashier
. . . .C hairm an, President, Vicc President
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President
. . . . Cashier
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President
. . . .Cashier
. . . .C hairm an, President, Vice President
. . . .C hairm an, President, Vicc President
Chairm an, President, Vice President

or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier
or Cashier

L exington..................... . . . First N ational Bank.........................................................


A rnold...........................
B ethany.........................
B raym er........................
C airo ..............................
C alifornia.....................
C am denton...................
C am denton..................
C en tralia.......................

. . . Arnold Savings Bank.......................................................
. . . First N ational Bank.........................................................
.. . First National Bank.........................................................
.. .O ’Bannon Banking C o....................................................
. . . First National Bank.........................................................
. . . Bank of C a iro ...................................................................
. . . M oniteau National B a n k ...............................................
. . . Camden County B ank....................................................
. . . First National Bank of Linn C reek ..............................
. . . N ational Bank of C aruthersville...................................

. . . .Executive Vice President, C. W. Coolbaugh, Sr.
. .. .Fred W ightman, Executive Vice President
. . . . C hairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. . . .Cashier
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
. . . . President or Cashier
. . . . Cashier
. . . . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier

M ISSO URI—Continued



C lin to n ..........................
. . . .C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
C linton..........................
Cole C am p................... .. . Citizcns-Farmers B ank................................................... . . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
C ra n e.............................
C u b a .............................. .. . Peoples B ank.................................................................... . . . .Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
D oniphan...................... .. .First National B ank........................................................ . . . . Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Elsbcrry......................... . . . Bank of Lincoln C o u n ty ................................................ . . .C hairm an. President, Vicc President or Cashier
G allatin....................... . . . . First National B ank........................................................ . . .. President, Vicc President or Cashier
H am ilton.................... . . . . Ham ilton B ank................................................................ . . . . President
H erm ann..................... .. . .H erm ann B ank................................................................ . .. .Chairm an. President, Vicc President or Cashier
I loldcn
Keytesville.................. . . . . Bank of Keytesville......................................................... . . . .C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
L ancaster....................
L ebanon...................... . . . . First National B ank........................................................ . . . C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
L ebanon...................... . . . .State Savings B ank......................................................... . .. Chairman, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Lincoln........................ . .. . Farmers B ank...................................................................
L udlow ........................ . . . Ludlow National B ank...................................................
M em phis..................... . . . . Bank of M em phis............................................................ . . President, Vice President or Cashier
M cxico......................... . . . .First N ational B ank........................................................ . . . .C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
M o n ctt......................... . . . .First National B ank........................................................ . . . . President, Vicc President or Cashier
. . . Monroe City B ank.......................................................... . .. Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Montgomery C ity. . . . . . .First National B ank........................................................ . . Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
M ontrose..................... . . . . Montrose Savings B ank.................................................
M t. V ern on ................ . . . .First National Bank........................................................ . . , Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
New H a v e n ................ . . . .Citizens B ank...................................................................
Owensville.................. . . . . Citizens B ank................................................................... . . . . Cashier
Pacific.......................... . . . . Citizens B ank................................................................... . . . . President
Paris............................. . . . . Paris N ational B ank....................................................... ........ C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
P aris............................. . . . Paris Savings B ank......................................................... ........Chairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Perryvillc.................... . . . . First National B ank........................................................ ........President
Pierce C ity .................. . . . . First National B ank................................................................Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
Polo.............................. . . . Farmers B ank..................................................................
Ridgew ay.................... . . . . Farmers National B ank............................................... ........President, Vice President or Cashier
Stc. G enevieve........... . . . .Bank of Stc. G enevieve................................................ ........ C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
Salem ........................... . . . . First National B ank................................................................ President or Cashier
S later........................... . . . . State Bank of S later.....................................................
Stcclvillc..................... . . . . Community B ank.................................................................... C hairm an, President, Vicc President or Cashier
S to u tlan d .................... . . . . First National B ank......................................................
........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
T ip to n ......................... . . . . Tipton-Farm ers B ank...................................................
T uscum bia................. . .. .Bank of T uscum bia................................. .....................
U ric h ........................... . . . . Bank of U ric h ................................................................ ........ President, Vice President o r Cashier
V a n d a lia..................... . . . . Vandalia State B an k....................................................
Versailles.................... . . . . Bank of Versailles.......................................................... ........ Cashier
V ien n a ........................ ........ Maries County B ank.....................................................
........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
W arsaw ..................... ........ Com m unity B ank...........................................................
W arsaw ..................... ........ Osage Valley B ank........................................................

R ipley........................
S av annah..................
S av an n ah ..................
T renton.....................

.........Bank of R ipley................................................................
........ Citizens B ank..................................................................
.........First National B ank....................................................... ........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier
........ Citizens N ational B ank................................................. ........ Chairm an, President, Vice President or Cashier