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r^ N S f0 »

a e e e w EB A N K o fc le v ^ i *•


Septem ber 16, 1937.

An election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose
successors to the following directors of this bank whose term s expire December 31 of th is y ear: Class
A director, F. Guy H itt (P resident, F irst N ational Bank, Zeigler, 111.), and Class B director,
W. B. Plunkett (P resident, P lunkett-Jarrell Grocer Co., Little Rock, A rk.).
T he Class A director was elected by banks in Group 3 and the Class B director by Group 2 banks.
Consequently, their successors will be chosen, respectively, by these groups. Group 1 consists of banks
having capital and surplus in excess of $599,000; Group 2, banks with capital and surplus of $599,000
to $100,000, inclusive, and Group 3, banks having capital and surplus less than $100,000. Lists of the
banks composing the voting groups are given on the following pages.
Each bank in Group 3 is perm itted to nominate a candidate for Class A director and each bank in
Group 2 a candidate for Class B director.* T he nomination m ust be made by resolution of the board
of directors and certified to me on or before O ctober 23. A form and sell-addressed envelope for this
purpose are enclosed. On O ctober 29, a list of the candidates (indicating by whom nom inated) and
a preferential ballot will be mailed to each bank in the tw o groups mentioned. T he ballot m ust be cast
w ithin fifteen days after receipt. T he polls will open on November 1 and close at 2 p. in. on November
16, 1937. At that time the ballot box will be opened in the board room of this bank, the votes counted
and the results announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented on that occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot m ust be executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote. On
the following pages are shown the officers heretofore designated for this purpose. T he authority
conferred on them continues until revoked. Each bank that has not designated such officers, or any bank
that desires to change its authorization, should do so by resolution of its board of directors and certify
the appointm ents to me before the polls close. A form is herew ith furnished to each bank that has not
made such designations by title.
Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended June 16, 1933, provides: “W henever any two or
more member banks w ithin the same Federal reserve district are affiliated with the same holding com­
pany affiliatef, participation by such m em ber banks in any such nomination or election shall be con­
fined to one of such banks, which may be designated for the purpose by such holding com pany affili­
ate.” A holding company affiliate having one or more subsidiary member banks in each group may
designate one of such banks in each group. Certified copies of such designations should be filed w ith me.
W hile the banks in Group 1 do not elect a director this year, this circular is sent to them w ithout
forms for their information.
Chairman of the Board.

•S ectio n 4 of the Federal R eserve Act provides th at "C lass A shall consist of three m em bers, who shall he chosen by and be representative
of the stockholding batiks. N o officer or director of a m em ber bank shall be eligible to serve as a Class A director unless nom inated and elected
by banks which are m embers of the <.11110 group as the m em ber bank of which he is an officer or director. A ny person who is an officer o r director
of move than one m ember bank shall not be eligible for nom ination as a Class A director except by banks in the same group as the Kink
having th e largest aggregate resources of any of those of which such person is an officer or director. Class B shall consist of th ree m em bers, who
at the tim e of tlieir election shall be actively engaged in their district in com merce, agriculture or some other industrial pursu it. N o director of
Class B shall be an officer, director or employee of any bank. N o S enator or R epresentative in Congress shall be . . . an officer or a director of
a F ederal reserve bank.”
, ,
, ,,
In a resolution adopted D ecem ber 23, 1915. the Hoard of G overnors of the Federal Reserve System expressed the opinion th at persons hold­
ing political or public office in the service of the U nited S tates, o r of any State, territo ry , county, district, political subdivision, or municipality
thereof, o r acting as members of political p arty com m ittees, cannot cons stentlv w ith the spirit and underlying principles of the Federal Reserve
Act. serve as directors or officers of Federal reserve batiks.’' O n D ecem ber 28. 1915, the Board resolved th at "national bank exam iners shall not
h ereafter be elected . . . to directorships in Federal reserve Kinks.” U nder date of Ju ly 2. 1925, the Hoard advised it had "reached _the conclusion
that a person whose sole occupation is th at of officer of an insurance com pany is not eligible for election as a Class B director . . .’’
tT h e Hanking Act of 1933 as am ended A ugust 23, 1935, defines the term "holding company affiliate” as follows; "T h e term ‘holding
com pany affiliate’ shall include any corporation, business trust, association, or o th er sim ilar organisation — (1 ) W hieh owns
controls, directly
or indirectly, either a m ajority of the shares ot capital stock ot a m em ber bank or more than 50 per centum of the num ber of shares voted for
the election of directors of am- one bank at the preceding election, or controls in any m anner the election of a m ajority of the directors of any
one b an k : or (2) F or the benefit of whose shareholders or m em bers all or substantially all the capital stock of a mem ber bank is held by trustees.
“ N otw ithstanding the foregoing, the term ‘holding company affiliate’ shall not include (except for the purposes of section 23A of the
F ederal Reserve A ct, as am ended) any corporation all of the stock of which is owned by the U nited S tates or any organization which is determ ined
by the Board of Governors of the F ederal R eserve System not to be engaged, directly or indirectly, as a business in holding the stock of, or
m anaging or controlling, banks, banking associations, savings banks, or tr u s t com panies."

(To elect one Class B Director)

Berryville.................F irst N ational B ank..................... - ...... Chm ., I ’res., V . P., o r Cash.
Blytheville.............. F arm ers Hank & T ru s t Co................«»Chtn., P res., V. P., or Cash.
Blytheville............... F irst N ational B ank........... .......................................................................
Cam den....................Citizens N ational Bank.......... .............. Chm ., Pres., V. I’., o r Cash.
D eW itt.....................F irst N ational B ank.............................. Chm . P res., V. P., or Cash.
El D orado...............N ational Bank of C om m erce.............-P resid en t.
hayetteville........l’irst N ational Hank................................... 1’rcs.. V ice-Pres, or C ash.
F ordyce....................1-irst N ational Bank.............................. Vice P resident.
F orrest C ity...........N atio n al Hank of E a ste rn A rkansas..('Inn.. Pres., V. P., or Cash.
F o rt S m ith............. City N ational B ank ............................... President.
H elena......................P hillips N ational B ank......................... Chm ., P res., V. P., o r Cash.
H ope......................... C itizens N ational Bank......................... Chm ., Pres., V, P., or Cash.
H o p e......................... First N ational H ank..............................President.
H ot Springs...........A rkansas N ational Hank...... „ ............ Chm.. Pre*., V. P., o r Cash.
I .it tie Hock.............. C om m ercial N ational Hank............... ...Vice P res, o r Cash.
L ittle Rock— ........Peoples N ational Hank......................... Chm .. Pres.. V. P.. or Cash.
N ew port...................Fir*t N ational Hank..............................W . A. Billingsley, P res.
Paragould— ........... N ational Bank of Com m erce............. -C ashier.
Pine Bluff................ N ational Hank of Com m erce.............. Chm ., P res., or V. P.
Russellville..............Hank of Russellville...............................Ohm., P res., V. P., o r Cash.
Russellville............. Peoples E xchange B ank........................ Chm ., P res., V. P., o r Cash.

B a rry ........................ F irst N ational B ank.............................. Chm ., P res., V. P.. o r Cash.
Belleville...................Belleville N ational Hank........................Chm., P res., 1st V .-P. o r Cash.
Belleville..................F irst N ational B ank.......................... —Chm ., l ’res.. V .-P., Cash, or
Asst. Cash.
Belleville— .........S t. C lair N ational B ank...... .............. Olim., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
B enld........... ......... First N ational Hank.............................. Ohm., P res., V. P., or Cash.
Hreese......... .........S tate Hank of H reese............................. Ohm .. Pres.. V. P., o r Cash.
C airo ........... .........S ecurity N ational Hank....................... Pres, or Cash.
Carbondale. ........F irst N ational B ank........... — — — Chm ., Pres.. V. P., or Cash.
Carlinville... ........ < irlinville N ational Hank............. — —Ohm., I’res.. V. P., or Cash.
C arm i.......... ........F irst N ational Hank.............................. T . VV. H all, Pres.
..G reene C ounty N ational H ank......................................................................
C arrollton........
C en tralia..................City N ational Hank...............................-O hm ., Pres.. V. P., or Cash.
C en tralia..................O ld N ational B ank...................................Pres., V’ice-Pres. or Cash.
C h ester.................... First S tate Bank.....................................Pres., V. P ., o r Cash.
Collinsville.............. F irst N ational Bank.............................. \ \ m. L . K acm per, Cash.
E ast St. L ouis........F irst National Bank..............................Ohm., P res., V. P., or Cash.
E ast Si. L ouis........U nion T ru st Com pany..........................Ohm. or Pres.
Edw ardsville...........Bank of E dw ardsville............................Ohm., P res., V . P., or Cash.
E dw ardsville........... E dw ardsville N at. Bk. & T r. C o........President.
Effingham ................Effingham S tate Bank— ......... — —..Chm ., Pres., V .-P ., Cash, or
A sst. Cash.
El D orado................0 . P. B urnett & Sons, B ankers........ Pres, or Cash.
Fairfield— ..... — ..Fairfield N ational B ank..................... -O hm .. Pres.. V. P.. or Cash.
F lo ra......................... F irst N ational B ank................................ Chm ., P res., or Cash.
G ranite C ity ...........F irst-G ran ite C ity N ational B ank—.C hm ., P res., or Cash.
G reenville................B radford N ational B ank........................ Chm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
G reenville— —
S tate Bank of H oiles & S ons.........—Chm .. Pres., V. P., or Cash.
H arrisb u rg .............. City N ational B ank................................Pres., V ice-Pres. or Cash.
H arrisb u rg —........ -F irst N ational B ank............................—............ ......................................... ..
H arrisburg.............-H arrisburg N ational Hank.................. ..........................................................
H ig hland..................F irst N ational Hank.............................. Chm., P res., V. P.. or Cash.
H ighland..................S tate and T ru st Hank..........................- ..................................... ...................
H illsboro.... .............H illsboro N ational Bank......................Geo. H . Fisher, Pres.
H illsboro..................M ontgom ery Co. Loan & T ru st Co-O hm ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
Jacksonville............ E lliott S tate H ank.................................Ohm., P res.. V. P , or Cash.
L itchfield.................F irst N ational Hank....................... .......Pres, o r Cash.
Litchfield................. Litchfield Bank & T ru st Co.................Chm ., Pres., V. P , or Cash.
M etropolis............... City N ational Bank.........................— Chm ., P res., V. P , or Cash.
M etropolis............... First N ational Bank.............................. Chm ., P res., V. P., , or Cash.
M etropolis............... N ational S tate Hank........
.Noah .1. K orte, Cash.
M illstadt........—— First N ational B ank..............................Cashier.
M t. V ernon............. First N ational Bank..................... ........Pres, or Cash.
M urphy sboro.......—City N ational B ank..........——
— .Ohm., P res.. V. P., or Cash.
N ashville..................F irst N ational B ank............ —..... — Pres., V. P., or Cash.
O blong.............. ...... First N ational B ank..............................S . F. Odell, Pres.
O 'F allo n .................-F irs t N ational B ank............................. Chm ., l ’res., V. P., or Cash.
Pittsfield..................F irst N ational Bank............. ................Cashier.
Raym ond— ...... — F irst -N ational B ank............................. J . E. M cDavid, Vice P res.
Robinson......... ........ Second National Bank..
.............Ohm., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
S alem ........................ Salem N ational B ank—.
.............Pres.. V. P., Cash., or Asst.


V andalia.................- F irs t N ational B ank..............................Ohm., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
V ien n a......................F irst N ational B ank ..............................Chm., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
W hite H all............ W hite Hall N ational B ank................. Cashier.
W ood R iver........... F irst N ational B ank...............................Geo. G. G ukcr, Cash.

B edford............. ——Bedford N ational Bank..................... -C hm ., P res., V. P ., or Cash.
Bedford..............— C itizens N ational B ank......................... Pres, or Cash.
B edford....................Stone City N ational B ank............................................................ ,............
C annelton.................First-C annelton N ational Bank.......... Jos. M. H irsch, Cashier.
M adison...................First N ational B ank...............................P res., V ice-Pres, or Cash.
M adison...................V ational Branch B ank.......................... John W . T evis. Pres.
N ew A lbany.......... U nion N ational B ank ........................... Chm ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
P etersb u rg .— . ......F irst N ational B ank.............................. foe O ’Brien. Cash.
P rin ceto n --- ------....F arm ers N ational B ank......................... P resident or Cashier.
S eym our..................Seym our N ational Bank........................ Chm .. P res., V. P.. or Cash.
Tell C ity ...................C itizens N ational B ank......................... Sam A nderson, Cash.
T ell C ity..................Tell C ity N ational B ank....... ............. Chm ., P re s., V. P., or C ash.
W ashington.............Peoples N ational Bank & T ru s t Ca..Pres. or Cash.
W ashington.............W ashington N ational B ank.................L . I. R ead, Cash.

Bow!ing G reen......A m erican N ational Bank................... .P re sid e n t.
Bowling G reen......C itizens N ational B ank......................... Ohm., P res . V. P.. or 0 a»h.
C arrollton................F irst N at-onal B a n k ............................- ..............................
Central C ity..........F irst N ational B an k ...............................Cashier.
D anville...................Iloyle B ank & T ru«t C om pany— .C hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
Danville.................. C itizens N ational B ank..........................C hm ., P res . V. P., o r Cash.
Danville............... ....F arm ers N ational B ank ......................... V ice-President
E lizabethtow n........F irst-H a rd in N ational B ank................. C hm ., Pres., V. P.. or Cash.
F ran k fo rt................ N ational Branch Bank of K e n tu c k y ..II. F. L indsey, Cash.
F ran k fo rt................ S tate N ational B an k.......................... .P re sid e n t.
F ulton...................—C ity N ational B ank................................ N. G. Cooke. Cash.
G lasgow................... Citizens N ational B ank..........................J. H. M ann. Ji , Cashier.
G iasgow...................New I'arm ers N ational B ank ............. ('In n ., Pre*.. V. P., or Cash.
Greenville............... F irst N ational B a n k ...............................C hm ., Pre#., V. P., o r Cash.
H arrodsburg ..........M ercer County N ational H ank........................................
H enderson.............First N ational B a n k ............................ ..C bm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
H enderson ............. ..Ohio Valley N ational B ank.......... —.C hm ., Pres.. V. P., or Cash.
H odgenville............I incoln National B a n k ........................... C hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
H opkinsville........... P lanters Bank & T ru s t C om pany—.O hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
L aw re n ceb u rg .... ..A nderson N ational Bank.....................J W . Gaines, Pres.
L aw renceburg........I -aw renceburg N ational B ank.............Ohm ., Pr< «.. V. I'.. or ( "ash.
L ebanon.................. Citizens National Hank........................ P res, o r Cash.
L ebanon...................F arm ers National Hank............. ............ Pres, o r Cash.
Lebanon...................M arion N ational H ank......................... P res., V.
M adisonville...........F arm ers National Bank.........................Pres, or Cash.
O w ensboro............ .N atio n al Deposit
Paducah.— ............ Peoples N ational H ank....................... -P re s , or V. P.
Princeton................ F irst N ational B a n k ...............................l rt > , V.-P

A berdeen................ F irst N ational B a n k ........................ ....Chm ., l ’res., V. P., o r Cash.
Columbus................First-C olum bus N ational B an k — ...C hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
Colum bus................ N ational Bank of Com m erce.................Cashier.
G reenville................ Commi rcial N ational Bank..... ........ ... ....Ohm ., l’rcs., V. P.. o r Cash.
G reenville................F irst N ational B an k ........................ ... ....Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
Pontotoc..................F irst N ational B a n k ......................... .....C hm ., Pres., V. P ., o r Cash.
Ohm., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
W est Point............ F irst N ational B a n k ...............

California................ M oniteau N ational Bank................... -O h m ., P res., \ . P., o r Cash.
Cape G irardeau— F irst N ational B ank.............. ..........C hm ., I’res., V. P ., o r Cash.
C arrollton................ Carroll C ounty T ru s t Co..............................................................................
C arrollton................ F irst N ational B an k ............................. ........... - ........................................ .
Ohillicothe.............. C itizens N ational B an k .......................... Chm ., I’res., V. P ., >r Cash.
Clayton.....................C layton N ational B ank..........................P resid en t or Cashier.
Clayton............. ....... F irst N ational B a n k ..... ...................... -O hm ., P re s., V . P ., o r Cash.
Clayton.....................St. L ouis County B ank................................................................................
Colum bia............... . Boone C ounty N ational B ank............ Pres, or Cash.
Colum bia................. E xchange N ational B ank..................... Chm ., P res., V .-P . o r Cash.
F arm ington.....- ......U nited B ank— ........................................ Pres., V. P ., o r Cash.
Fulton.....................-('aliaw ay Bank....................... ..........................................................................
Glasgow..................-G lasgow Savings B ank............................. ................................................
H annibal— ............. Farm er* ,V M erchants 111;. & T r. C o-O hm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
H annibal..................H annibal N ational Hank......................W . L. W eaver, Cash.
Jefferson C ity........Exchange National Hank...................... C hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
Kirksville................ C itizens N ational H ank..........................C hm ., I’res., V. P., or Cash,
L uxem burg.............Lem ay F erry H ank............................ — Ohm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
M aplewood............. Citizens N ational H ank........................—..................
M aplewood.............Peoples S ta te H ank.......................................................................................
M arshall...................Wood & H uston B an k ..........................Pres., V .-P ., o r Cash.
Mexico— .............. F irst N ationr! B an k ...............................Ohm., P res., V. P., o r Cash.
M oberly....................City Bank
Tru<t Co................................................................................
Molierly....................M echanic- Hank X T ru st Co...............Ohm., i ’res.. V. P., o r Cash.
P aris............. ........... Paris N ational B an k .............................. C hm .. P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
St. Charles............. F irst N ational B ank.............................. P resident.
St. I.ouis................ Am erican E xchange N ational Bank-CHm ., P rea., V . P ., o r Cash.
St. L ouis............ — Baden B ank .................. — ..................... .P re s ., V. P ., or Cash.
St L ouis................ Chippew a T ru st C o ................................C hm ., P res., V. I’., o r Cash,
St. L ou.s.............. -E asto n -T av lo r T ru st Co.....................-P re s id e n t >r Secretary.
St. Lou s............ —Jefferson Hank »V T r u s t Com pany— P res., V .-P ., or Cash.
St. L ouis................ I.indell T ru s t C o.....................................O hm ., Pres., V . P ., o f Cash.
St. I.oui.'—............. M e rc a n tile Com m erce N ational B k— P r« s .,V . P., o r Cash.
St. L o u is ............. -M ound C ity T ru st C o............................Ohm., P res., o r V. P.
St. L ouis............... N o rth Si. L ouis T ru s t Co.........................—..............................................
St. Louis................ P laza B ank................................................. P res, or Cash.
St. L ouis................ S outhern Com m ercial Savings Bk—. P resident.
St. L ouis................ South Side N a to n a l Bank................... Ohm ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
St. Louis................ Southw est Bank...,...................................P res., V. P., or C a sh .
St. Louis C ounty.G ravois B a n k .................. ..........................Chm ., Pres., V. 1’., or Cash.
Sedalia......................Sedalia Hank ,1- T ru st Com pany........ Ohm., P res., V. P ., o r Cash,
Sedalia......................T h ir l N ational B an k ....................... --..O h m . or Pres.
T ren to n ....................T ren to n N ational R an k ......................... W . H. Shanklin. Cash
'V arren sb u rg ..........Peonies N ational B a n k .........................Ohm., Pres., V. P ., or Cash
W ashington............F r anklin C ounty H ink .......................... Ohm ., P res., V. IV, or Cash.
W ebster Groves...AVel ster Groves T ru s t Co................ -C h in ., P res., V. P ., o r Secy.
W ellston................. F irst N ational B a n k ——...................... Ohm ., Pres,, V. P , o r Cash.
W est P lains........... F irst N ational B ank ................................. Chm ., P res., V. P ., or Cash.

D yersburg ....
Tackson......... .
Jackson......... .
Union C ity -

..First-O itizens N ational B ank...........
. F irst N ational H ank..........................
.N ational Bank of C om m erce...........
.Second N ational B ank......................
-T h ird N ational B ank ................... - ....

..Chm , P res., V. I ’., or Cash.
,.Clint., P res., V. P ., or Cash.
.C h m ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
.C ashier.
.P re sid en t.

(T o elect one Class A Director)
A rkadelphia............Citizens N ational Bank.™.............
.H ow ard A braham . Cash.
Ashdown................. F-.rst N ational B ank......................
Batesville................ Citizens Hank A T ru s t Co..................H. M. K ennedy, Cash.
C larksville.............. Farm ers N ational B ank...................... ..Chm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
Conway.....................F irst N ational B ank.............................. II. C. Couch. J r ., Vice I’res.
lleO u een ................. H ist N ational Bank...............................R. J’. M itchell, Cash.
Fordyce....................Fordyce Bank \ T ru st Com pany....Chm ., I're s., V. P ., or Cash.
U ravette...................H rst National Bank............................-C h m ., Pres., V. P ., or Cash.
(ireen F o rest..........First National Hank....................................................................................
(■union.....................F irst National Bank............................-C h m ., Pres., V. 1’ i or Cash.
l le V r S prings.......A rkansas N ational Bank....................-C hm ., Pres., V. 1* , or Cash.
H ughes.....................P lanters N ational Bank...,
H untsville............-.F 'irst N ational H ank..............................C’hm ., P res.,
or Cash.
Lake \ illage........... F u st N ational Bank...............................Chin., P resn , V. 1* , or Cash,
Lewisville................ First N ational Bank........................... -.C hm ., Pre*., V . P ,. o r Cash,
M alvern................... M alvern N ational R ank..........................Chm ., Pres., V. P.. o r Cash.
Mansfield................ N ational Bank of M ansfield........ .C- C. G raves, Cash.
M arianna................ F irst N ational B ank..............................................................- ......................
M ena.........................Planters N ational Bank..................................................................................
Nashville................. I-irst National B ank...............................P res, or Cash.
N ew ark....................First N ational Bank............................... C. M. E dw ards, Pre*.
Paragould................ New F'irst N ational B ank................... Chm ., Pre*., V . P ., o r Cash.
Pari*......................... F irst N ational Hank.................................... ..................................................
Rogers......................Am erican N ational B ank...................... S. G. P arsley, Cash.
S pringdale...............F irst N ational B ank........................... —Chm .. P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
S tu ttg a rt..................Peoples N ational B ank...........................W . B. Pfeiffer, Cash.
T uckerinan.............. First N ational Bank.............................-C has. F'. S m ith, Caah.
W aldron...................Hank of W aldron ................................... Chm ., P res., V. 1’., or Cash.
W alnut Ri !ge.........First Nat. Bk. oi L aw rence County..( hm .. I’res., V. P ., o r Cash.
W ynne......................F'irst N ational Bank...............................President.

Allendale.... ............ First N ational B ank............ . ..........-C h m ., P res., V. 1’., or Cash.
A ltam ont— ............... F i r s t N ational B ank............ ..........- ('b in .. P res.. V. P., o r Cash.
A nna........... ............Anna N ational Hank............ ............ Jno. B. Jackson, I’res.
Annapolis... ............ F.rst National B ank............
A va.............. .............F irst N ational Bank............. ........... C hm ., P res., V. i ’., or Cash.
Bridgeport., .............F irst N ational B ank............. ........... Chm ., I ’res., V . P., or Cash.
B righton.... .........— F irst N ational Bank...
..........-C hm ., P res., V. P., or Cash.
. Hniokport N ational Bank..... ........... .C hm ., Pres., Y. P., or Cash.
B row nstow n........... F'irst N ational Bank
............ Chm ., P res., V . P., or Cash.
Bunker H ill...........First National B ank........ ............ — Cashier.
C arbondale..............Carbondale N ational B ank................. Chm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
Carlinville............... F an n ers & M erchants N ational B k-C hm ., P res., V*. P ., or Cash,
Cnrlyle......................First N ational B ank...............................Chm ., Pre*., V. P., or Cash.
Carm i........................N ational Bank of C arm i......................Chm., I’res., V. P ., o r Cash.
Cohden.....................F irst N ational Bank............................ -.C h m ., I’res., V. P., or Cash.
Coffeen.....................Coffeen N ational B ank....................— President.
( 'otum hia................. First National B ank..............................Chin., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
Coultcrville............. First N ational B ank..............................President.
Crot* ville................. F'irst N ational B ank ..............................R. I>. Kinnejr, Cash.
D ieterich................. First N ational B ank............................—.....................................................
Effingham ................ First N ational B ank..............................Chm., I’res., V. P., or Cash.
Enfield......................First National B ank..............................Chm., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
I reeburg..................F’irst National B ank..............................Chm., Pres., V. 1’., or Cash.
( iolconda................. F'irst N ational B ank..............................Chm ., Pre*., V. P., or Cash.
G orham ................... First National B ank........................... -C ashier.
Grand T o w er.........F’irst N ational B ank........................... -C hm ., P res., V. P ., or Cash.
Grayville................. Peoples N ational Bank..
H oyleton..................Hoyleton S tate & Savings Bank.......Cashier.
Jonesboro ................ F irst N ational B ank...............................Pres.. V. P ., o r Cash.
K inm undy............... F irst N ational B ank...............................C. R. A lderson, Cash.
I.ebat o n .................. F irst N ational B ank...............................C hm ., Pre*., V. P ., o r Cash.
Litchfield................. Litchfield N ational Hank......................Chm., P res., V . P ., o r Cash.
Madison....................F irst National Hank...............................Pres., V. P., or Cash.
■••First National Bank............................- P re s ., V. P ., or Cash.
M arine—
*irst N ational B ank............................-C hm .. I’res.. V. P ., Cash.,
or Asst. Cash.
M ascoutah.
•First N ational Bank............................. Chin., Pres., V. P.. or Cash,
M cLeansboro......... I copies N ational B ank................ ......... Chm ., I’res., V. 1’., or Cash.
Mt. O live................ M ount Olive N ational Bank................. Chm ., l ’re*., V . P ., o r Cash.
M ulberry Grove.... F irst N ational B ank..............................Pres, o r Cash.
M urphvsboro..........First N ational B ank...............................Pres, or Cash.
Nashville..................Farm er* St M erchants N at. B k...... - E . .1. lloeschcn. Cash.
N ew ton.....................F irst N ational B ank........ ......................C hm ., Pre*., V. P ., o r Cash.
O ’Fallon................. F irst S tate Batik..................................— ('Inn., I’res., V. P. , or Cash.
O kaw ville............... F'irst N ational B ank................................Chm ., P res., V. P. , or Cash.
Okawville.............. Old Exchange N ational B ank.......... Chin., P res., V. P. , or <'ash.
O lney........................F irst National Hank...............................Chm ., Pres., V. P. , or Cash.
Pinckneyville..........First National Hank....................... .......P res., V. P ., or Cash.
Ram sey.....................Ramsey National Hank..........................J. li. E asterday, Cash.
Richview.................. Richview S tate B ank.............................. Chm ., Pre*., V'. P.. or Cash.
Roodhousc.............. Roodhou.v National B ank............................................................................
St. Elm o................. F'irst N ational Bank............................... Chm ., P res., V. P., , o r Cash.
St. Francisville.......People* National Hank..........................Chm ., I’res., V. P n , or Cash.
Sandoval................. First N ational B ank............................... Chm ., P res., V. P., , or Cash.
Shaw neetow n..........F irst N ational B ank .............................- .....................................................
Bank............................. Chm ., P res.. V . P., or Cash.
Sm ithton.................. First "
S p arta.......................First National B ank........................... -P re s ., V ice-Pres., or Cash.
S taunton...................F irst National B ank....................................................................................
Steeleville................ S tate Bank of Steeleville..................... I’res., V. P., o r Cash.
Sum ner.....................First National B ank..............................Chin., I’res., V. P., or Cash.
W aterloo................. F'irst National B an k ............................. Chm ., P res., V. 1’., or Cash.
W ayne C ity ...........F irst National B ank..............................Cashier.
W inchester.............. N eat, Condit Sc G rout N ational Bk Cashier.
W itt.......................... S ecurity N ational Bank...... ............ l’res., V'. P ., or Cash.
............ E arl A. H ill. Cash.
W oodlaw n............... F'irst N ational B ank ..........
X enia............. ........F irst National B an k ..............................Chm ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
• F irst National B an k ........................... -C h m ., P res., V. P ., or Cash.

Bicknell................... F irst N ational B ank............................ -C h m ., Pre*,, V. P .. o r Cash.
Boonville..................Boonville N ational Bank.................... ...Chm ., Pres.. V. P ., o r Cash.
B row nstow n...........F'irst N ational B ank........... - ................ Chm ., I’res., V. P., o r Cash.
F'ort B ranch...........F'arm ers & M erchants N at. Bank—Chm . P res.. V. P ., o r Cash.
H olland....................Holland N ational B ank.......................... Pres, o r Cash.
H u n tingburg .......... F irst N ational Bank..............................Chm. or Pres.
L inton.......................Citizens National Bank.........................Chm ., Pre*., V. P ., o r Cash.
L ynnville................. L ynn ville N ational B ank..................... J. F. Rickrich, V ice-Pres.
M illtown...................F irst N ational B ank............................. Chm ., I’res., V. P ., or Cash.
M itchell....................F irst N ational B ank........................... -C ashier.
New H arm ony.......New Harm ony N ational B ank..........Chm ., P res., V’. P ., o r Cash.
O akland C ity ..........F irst N ational Bank.............. — .—.C hm ., Pres., V. P . or Cash.
O don.........................F irst N ational Bank..........
...........A. A. L ane, P res.
Owensville.............. F irst N ational B ank..........
P ato k a......
Patoka National Bank.,
—Chm. , Pres.. V. P .. o r Cash.
.F irst N ational B a n k -—-,
— ....Albert Jordan. Pres.
T ennyson................ T ennyson N ational Bank...
- ........Chm ., Pres., V. P., or Cash.
V evay.......................F 'irst N ational Bank......—,
E. T . Coleman._ Cash.
W ades ville.............. F arm ers N ational Bank........................ -C lm i., Pres., V. P., o r Cash
W est Baden
S prings................ W est Baden National B ank.................Chm.. I’res , V . P ., or Cash
W inslow.................. F irst N ational Bank..............................Chas. W . Bee, Cash.

C lay........................
C linton..................
Colum bia..............
H artfo rd ...............
M organfield..........
M unfordville........
O w enton...............
O w enton ...............
Russell Springs..,
S cottsville............

..F irst N ational Bank.............. — ......-C h m .. I’res.. V. I’., o r Cash.
..F'irst N ational Bank............... - ........... W alter L. F'crrill, Cash.
..Farm er* N ational Bank...................... —C. E . Ile a rin , Cash.
..F irst N ational Bank........................... .............................................- .........
.F irst N ational Bank & T ru st Co....... Bruce M ontgom ery, Cash.
..Citizens Bank........................................... d i m ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
. Morganfield N ational Hank........................................................................
..N ational Bank of M unfardville..... .........................................................
..F arm ers N ational Bank.........................B. F. Holbrook. Cash.
..First N ational Bank............................. Asst. Cash.
.F'arm ers National Bank..........................................................................
••Union N ational Bank...................... •—Cashier.
..First N ational B ank........................ - G . W . H ill. Cash.
..Citizens N ational Bank................. —Chm ., P res., V . P., o r Cash.
...Farm ers N ational B ank................... —C. A. Gilliam, Cash.
• F irst N ational Bank..
...........Chm ., I’res., V. P., o r Cash.

L exington—
O xford.........

...Peoples Bank........................................... President.
—F irst N ational Bank............................. W. O . B arrett, P res.
—F'irst N ational Bank............................ —.......................................

B ethany....................F irst N ational Bank..............................W. M Planck, Cash.
Bosw orth................ F irst N ational B ank............................ -C hin., I’res., V. P .. o r Cash.
B raym er.................. F irst N ational B ank............................. Fred W ightm an, Cash.
Cainesville.............. First N ational Bank...............................K. L. W eary, Cash.
C am denton............. C amden County B ank............................Pres, o r Cash.
C aruthcrsville.........N ational Bank of C aruthersville........Chm . Pres., V. P ., o r Cash.
Cassville.............. — F irst N ational Bank.......... ...................C. C. Chandler, Cash.
C entralia................. F irst N ational Bank.............................. Julius R. E d w ard s, Caah.
Clinton.....................Union S tate Bank.................................. Chm .. Pres.. V. P ., o r Cash.
Cowgill.....................F'irst N ational B ank..............................Chm .. Pres., V. P ., or Cash.
G allatin....................F irst N ational Bank.............................. Chas. H em ry, P res.
K irksville................ N ational Bank of Kirksville...............Chm ., Pre*., V . P ., o r Cash.
L ancaster................ Schuyler County S tate B ank....... .......Chm ., I’res., V. P ., o r C ash:
Lebanon...................First N ational Bank......................... . Chin., Pres., V. P ., o r Cash.
L ebanon...................S tate Savings Bank................................1. T . Curry, Cash.
L inn Creek............ F irst N ational Bank............................ -C ashier.
L udlow .....................Ludlow National Bank........................ - ..................................................... .
L uxem burg............ L afayette N ational Bank X- T r. Co..Chm., P res., V . P ., o r Cash.
M em phis................. Hank of Memphis.................................. —....................................................
M em phis..................Scotland County N ational B ank........R. M. Barnes, Cash.
M ilan........................ F irst N ational B ank.............................. Chm .. Pres.. V. P .. o r Cash
M onett.....................F irst N ational B ank.............................. Carl W . L eh n h ard , Pre*.
Monroe C ity........... M onroe City B ank..................................Chm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
M ontgom ery C ity .F irst N ational Bank........................... -C h m ., P res., V.
or Cash,
Mt. V ernon............. F irst N ational B ank..............................Chm .. Pres., V.
or Cash,
N orm andy............... N orm andy S tate Bank.........................Chin., P res., V.
o r Cash.
P errvville................ F'irst N ational B ank..............................President.
Pierce C ity.......- .....F irst N ational B ank..............................A. J . F o rsy th e, Cash.
Pine L aw n............. Pine L aw n B ank...........................................................................................
P u rd y .......................F irst N ational B ank.............................. Amos M. G urley, Pres.
Ridgew ay................ F arm ers N ational Bank..................... - P re s ., V. P., or Cash.
Salem ........................F irst N ational B ank..............................I’res. or Cash.
S toutland................ F irst N ational B ank .............................. R T . S m ith ._ Cash.
Unionville................M arshall N ational Bank....................... Chin , Pres., V. P .. o r Cash.
V andatia............... ...Yandalia S tate Bank....................................... .............................................
Versailles................ Bank of V ersailles.................................. Cashier.

L ex in g to n ......... .F irst N ational B ank....................
S avannah............ .F irs t N ational B ank....................
Selm er................ .F'irst N ational B ank.....................
T re n to n .............. . .Citizens N ational Bank..............
Union C ity........ ..Old N ational B ank......................

.....-T. A M cCall. C ash.
...... H M. William*, Ca*h.
...... Cashier.
...... Chm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.
...... Chm ., P res., V. P ., o r Cash.