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■■ FED ER AL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States P Circular No. 7 1 1 1 1 L August 1, 1975 J RESULTS OF TREASURY’S NOTE AND BOND AUCTIONS To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The following statements have been issued by the Treasury Department. The statements announcing the results of the auction of the 2 ^ -y e a r Treasury N otes of Series F-1978, the 7-year Treasury Notes of Series B-1982, and the 25-year Treasury Bonds of 1995-2000 were made public on July 29, July 30. and July 31, respectively. RESULTS OF AUCTION OF 23^-YEAR TREASURY NOTES (Notes of Series F-1978) The Treasury has accepted $3.0 billion of the $5.6 billion of tenders received from the public for the 2^4-year notes auctioned today [July 29]. The range of accepted competitive bids was as follows: Lowest yield................................ 7.75% a Highest yield.............................. 7.97% Average yield.............................. 7.94% The interest rate 011 the notes will be 7%%. At the 7%% rate, the above yields result in the following prices: Low-yield price ........................ 100.233 High-yield price ...................... 99.695 Average-yield price.................. 99.768 The $3.0 billion of accepted tenders includes 23% of the amount of notes bid for at the highest yield and $0.9 billion of noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average yield. In addition, $1.4 billion of tenders were accepted at the average-yield price from Government accounts and from Federal Reserve Banks for themselves and as agents of foreign and international monetary authorities. a E x c ep tin g s ix tenders to ta lin g $235,000. (ovn) RESULTS OF AUCTION OF 7-YEAR TREASURY NOTES (Notes of Series B-1982) The Treasury has accepted $2.0 billion of the $3.7 billion of tenders received from the public for the 7-year notes auctioned today {July % ?o]. The range of accepted competitive bids was as follows: Lowest yield................................ 8.06% a Highest yield .............................. 8.18% Average yield.............................. 8.14% The interest rate on the notes will be 8 *4 %. At the 8 ^ % rate, the above yields result in the following prices: Low-yield price ........................ 100.343 High-yield price ...................... 99.711 Average-yield price.................. 99.921 The $2.0 billion of accepted tenders includes 20% of the amount of notes bid for at the highest yield and $0.3 billion of noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average yield. In addition. $0.9 billion of tenders were accepted at the average-vield price from Government accounts and from Federal Reserve Banks for themselves and as agents of foreign and international monetary authorities. a Excepting seven tenders totaling $428,000. RESULTS OF AUCTION OF 25-YEAR TREASURY BONDS (Bonds of 1995-2000) The Treasury has accepted $0.8 billion of the $2.0 billion of tenders received from the public for the 25-year bonds auctioned today [July j/J . The range of accepted competitive bids wras as follows: Lowest yield................................ 8.38% a Highest yield .............................. 8.48% Average yield ............................ 8.44% The interest rate on the bonds will be 8 ^ % . At the 8 ^ % rate, the above yields result in the following prices: Low-yield price .......................... 99.948 High-yield price ........................ 98.917 Average-yield price.................... 99.327 The $0.8 billion of accepted tenders includes 26% of the amount of bonds bid for at the highest yield and $41 million of noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average yield. In addition, $0.3 billion of tenders were accepted at the average-yield price from Government accounts and from Federal Reserve Banks for themselves and as agents of foreign and international monetary authorities. a Excepting six tenders totaling $5,050,000. Paul A . V o lc ker, P residen t.