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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK r Circular No. 7 4 5 0 1 September S, 1974 -* Redemption of Federal Agency Securities at All Federal Reserve Banks T o A ll Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict: As indicated in our Circular No. 7068, dated December 26, 1972, the Federal Reserve Banks, in cooperation with the United States Treasury and the several Federal Agencies that are the major issuers of Federal Agency securities in the market, have developed a program to permit the redemption of virtually all types of such securities and matured interest coupons at all Federal Reserve Banks and Branches throughout the country. Circular No. 7068 set forth those Agency securities and coupons that Reserve Banks were authorized to redeem at that time. Set forth on the following pages are revised listings of Agency securities, and coupons of such securities, that Federal Reserve Banks and Branches are authorized to redeem. These revised listings include certain Federal Agency obligations issued subsequent to December 26, 1972. In addition to the securities listed herein, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will continue to make payment at maturity on other types of Agency obligations, including dis count notes issued by the Federal Home Loan Banks and the Federal National Mortgage Association; securities of the Small Business Administration, the Trustees of the Penn Central Transportation Company, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Author ity; insurance contracts issued by the Farmers Home Administration; and obligations of the various international organizations. in furtherance of the joint Federal Reserve-Treasury Department program for the automation of U . S. Government and Agency securities operations, most of the Agency securities listed herein are now eligible for deposit in book-entry custody accounts through member banks in the various Federal Reserve Districts, and also for telegraphic transfer between such Districts; the issues that are so eligible have been identified with the letters “ B E ” . The officers of our Government Bond and Safekeeping Department will be pleased to dis cuss any questions you may have concerning the redemption of Agency securities and coupons under these procedures. A lfred H ayes , President. Federal Agency Securities Redeemable at All Federal Reserve Banks and Branches S E C U R IT IE S OF T Y P E O F S E C U R IT Y Banks fo r Cooperatives B onds ( B E * ) District o f Colum bia Stadium Bonds A rm o ry B oard E xp ort-Im p ort Bank o f the U . S. Debentures Participation Certificates Farm ers H om e Adm inistration Certificates of Beneficial O w nership ( B E ) Federal F arm M ortgage B onds C orporation Federal F inancing Bank Bills ( B E ) Federal H om e L oan Banks B onds ( B E ) N otes ( B E ) Federal H om e L oan M ortgage Backed Bonds M ortgage C orporation Federal H ou sin g A dm inistration Debentures Federal Intermediate Credit Bonds ( B E ) Banks Federal L and Banks B onds ( B E ) Federal N ational M ortgage Capital Debentures ( B E ) M ortgage Backed B onds ( B E ) Secondary M arket Debentures ( B E ) A ssociation G overnm ent National M ortgage A ssociation Participation Certificates H om e O w n ers’ L oan C orporation B onds Student L oan M arketing N otes A ssociation Tennessee V alley A uthority Notes U . S. Postal Service B onds ( B E ) * “ B E ” indicates that the securities are eligible for the book-entry program. Federal Agency Coupons Redeemable at All Federal Reserve Banks and Branches COU PON S ON S E C U R IT IE S O F T Y P E O F S E C U R IT Y Banks fo r C ooperatives Bonds C om m odity Credit C orporation Securities D istrict of Columbia Stadium Bonds A rm ory B oard E xp ort-Im p ort Bank o f the U . S. Debentures Farm ers H om e A dm inistration Certificates o f Beneficial O w nership Federal Farm M ortgage B onds Participation Certificates C orporation Federal H om e L oan Banks B onds N otes Federal H om e Loan M ortgage C orporation M ortgage Backed Bonds Federal Intermediate Credit Banks Bonds Federal Land Banks Bonds Federal National M ortgage Capital Debentures M ortgage Backed Bonds A ssociation Secondary M arket Debentures G overnm ent National Participation Certificates M ortgage A ssociation H om e O w n ers’ L oan Corporation Bonds Philippine Islands Securities P uerto R ico Securities R econstruction Finance C orporation Securities U . S. Postal Service Bonds