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FED ERA L RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal A gent o f the United States Circular No. 7370 "1 March 29, 1974 J RESULTS OF TREASURY NOTE AUCTION To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The following statement was made public March 28 by the Treasury Department: The Treasury has accepted $1.5 billion o f the $1.7 billion o f tenders received from the pu blic for the 2-year 8 percent notes auctioned today. T he range o f accepted com petitive bids was as follow s: Price H i g h .............................. 100. l l a L o w ................................ 99.76 Average ....................... 99.85 Approx. yield 7.94% 8.13% 8.08% aExcepting 4 tenders totaling $553,000. The $1.5 billion o f tenders accepted from the public includes 9 percent o f the am ount o f notes bid for at the low price, and $455 million o f noncom petitive tenders accepted at the average price. In addition, G overnm ent A ccounts were awarded $35 million. ALFRED HAYES, President.