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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B ANK O F N EW YORK ("Circular No. 7160l |_ June b. 1973 J Interpretation of Regulation Z To All State Member Banks, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: Printed below is the text o f an interpretation o f Regulation Z, effective June 1, 1973, which was issued by the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System to clarify provisions relating to certain types o f open end credit plans where daily periodic rates are used to calculate the annual percentage rate. Additional copies o f this circular will be furnished upon request. Alfred Hayes, President. [Reg. Z] PAR T 226— T R U T H IN LENDING Daily periodic rate; computation of the annual percentage rate This interpretation relates to technical provisions of Regulation Z which prescribe the procedures to be used by a creditor in computing the annual percentage rate disclosed to a customer on his billing statement on an open end credit account, such as a revolving charge account at a department store, or a bank credit card or check overdraft plan. The interpretation clarifies the method o f computation o f the annual percentage rate when daily periodic rates (rates that are applied to each day’s outstanding balance) are used in figuring the finance charge on the account. § 226.506 Daily periodic rate; computation o f the an nual percentage rate (a) Under §§ 226.5(a)(l)(ii), (3)(i) and (3)(ii), quotient used in computing the annual percentage rate in open end credit accounts must be multiplied “ by the number of billing cycles in a year” . The question arises as to the method which should be used to compute the annual percentage rate under those sections where a daily periodic rate (or rates) is used. (b) In any open end credit account to which the provisions of §§ 226.5(a)(l)(ii) or 226.5(a)(3)(i) apply, where all or a portion of the finance charge is deter mined by the application of one or more daily periodic rates, the annual percentage rate may be determined (1) by dividing the total finance charge by the average of daily balances and multiplying the quotient by the number of billing cycles in a year, or alternatively (2) by dividing the total finance charge by the sum o f the daily balances and multiplying the quotient by 365. (c) In any open end credit account to which the provisions of § 226.5(a)(3)(ii) apply, where a portion of the finance charge is determined by application of one the or more daily periodic rates, the phrase “ sum o f the balances” in footnote 5a shall also mean the “ average of daily balances” . (Interprets and applies 15 U.S.C. 1606) This interpretation is effective June 1, 1973. By order of the Board o f Governors, May 22, 1973.