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- FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NE W YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States C ir cu la r N o. 7096 F eb ru a ry 8, 1973 T o A ll Banking Institu tion s, and Others C oncerned, in the Second F ed era l R e s e r v e D istr ic t: The following statement was made public yesterday by the Treasury Department: RESULTS OF TREASURY NOTE AUCTION The Treasury announced that it has accepted $1.0 billion of the $1.7 billion of tenders received for its new 6 3/4-year 6 5/8 percent notes auctioned today. The range of accepted competitive bids was as follows: P rice High .......... Low .......... Average ........ 99.88199-21 9 9 .1+0 Approx. y ie ld 6 .65 $ 6 .11% 6.lh% ^Excepting three tenders totaling $372,000. The $1.0 billion of accepted tenders includes 58 percent of the amount of notes bid for at the low price, and $0.1 billion of noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price. In addition $0.6 billion of the notes were allotted to Federal Reserve Banks and Government Accounts at the average price, in exchange for notes maturing February 15. Alfred Hayes, President.