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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States r Circular No. 6 8 9 91 L February 15, 1972 Results of Bidding for 91-Day and 182-Day Treasury Bills (To Be Issued F eb ru ary 17, 1972) To A ll Incorporated B anks and T rust Companies, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: At the time of printing our Circular N o . 6898, dated February 14, 1972, announcing an offering of 91-day and 182-day Treasury bills, to be issued February 24, 1972, the results of bidding for the previous offering of 91-day and 182-day Treasury bills, to be issued February 17, 1972, were not available. The results, now available, are: Range of Accepted Competitive Bids 9 1 -Day Treasury Bills Maturing May 18 , 1972 High .......................................... L o w ............................................ Average .................................... 182 -Day Treasury Bills Maturing August 17 , 1972 Price A pprox. equiv. annual rate Price A pprox. equiv. annual rate 99.246 99.214 99.225 2.983% 3.109% 3.066%1 98.231 98.192 98.212 3.499% 3.576% 3.537%1 JThese rates are on a bank discount basis. The equivalent coupon issue yields are 3.14 percent for the 91-day bills, and 3.66 percent for the 182-day bills. (85 percent of the amount of 91-day bills bid for at the low price was accepted.) (56 percent of the amount of 182-day bills bid for at the low price was accepted.) Total Tenders Applied for and Accepted (By Federal Reserve Districts) 9 1 -Day Treasury Bills Maturing May 18 , 1972 D istrict Boston ..................... ........... New York ................... ........... Philadelphia ............ ........... Cleveland .................. ........... Richmond ........... ........... Atlanta .................. ........... Chicago ....................... St. Louis ................. ........... Minneapolis ........... ........... Kansas City ............ - ........ Dallas ....................... San Francisco ............ ........... T o t a l ........................ ........... $ 182 -Day Treasury Bills Maturing August 17 , 1972 Accepted Applied for Applied for Accepted 22,995,000 3,171,710,000 29,670,000 21,995,000 10,115,000 41,265,000 $ 12,995,000 2,078,860,000 14,670,000 21,995,000 10,115,000 32,265,000 72,525,000 29,310,000 25,355,000 21,045,000 19,365,000 61,880,000 $ $ $2,400,380,000a $3,103,510,000 $1,800,350,000b 35,310,000 33.355,000 21,475,000 164,880,000 $3,810,710,000 25,555,000 2,604,735,000 12,270,000 20,210,000 2,660,000 30,30S,000 198,055,000 21,410,000 37,830,000 19,050,000 28,840,000 102,590,000 16,555,000 1,600,455,000 10,270,000 12,210,000 2,660,000 14,805,000 58,055,000 13,910,000 27,340,000 14,050,000 13,640,000 16,400,000 alncludes $188,130,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price of 99.225. ^Includes $87,310,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price of 98.212. A lfred H a yes, President.