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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK f Circular No. 6621 L April 15, 1925 J Daylight Saving Opening and Closing Time for Business To Be Advanced One Hour To all Banks, Trust Companies, Savings Banks and Bankers in the Second Federal Reserve District: During the period beginning Monday, April 27, 1925, and ending Saturday, September 26,1925, this bank will open and close for business in accordance with local time in New York City and in the City of Buffalo, which will be advanced one hour at two o'clock on Sunday morning, April 26, 1925. Clearings at the New York Clearing House will take place dining the same period at 10 o'clock a. m., local time, which will be the equivalent of 9 a. m. present time. Clearings at the Buffalo Clearing House will take place during the same period at 11 o'clock on week-days and 10:15 o'clock on Saturdays, local Buffalo time, which will be the equivalent of 10 a. m. and 9:15 a. m. present time, respectively. Very truly yours, BEN.T. STRONG, Governor.