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FE D E R A L RESERVE BANK O F N E W YORK r Circular No. 6 5 8 7 " 1 L August 10, 1970 COUNTING OF SILVER COIN AS RESERVES Extension to September 10 of Time To Submit Comments on Proposed Amendment to Regulation D To A ll M em ber Banks, and Others Concerned, in the Second F ederal R eserve D istric t: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has further extended, from A ugust 10 until September 10, 1970, the period within which interested persons may submit views on the proposed amendment to section 204.1 (j) of Regulation D. The proposal, contained in our Circular No. 6554, dated June 3, 1970, would exclude from the scope of the term “ currency and coin” any coin that is being held principally for its bullion value or numismatic value. Comments on the proposed amendment should be sent to our Bank Reports and A nalysis Department. A l fr e d H ayes, President. j