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FED ER AL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States r Circular No. 6 2 3 6 ”1 L October 25, 1968 J Refunding of Treasury Notes and Bonds Maturing November 15 and December 15, 1968 To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The subscription books will be open Monday, October 28, through Wednesday, October 30, for an offering of— 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, dated November 15, 1968, maturing May 15, 1970, at 99.85, and 5% percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974, dated November 15, 1967, with interest from November 15, 1968, maturing November 15, 1974, at par, in exchange for the eligible series of Treasury notes and bonds maturing November 15 and December 15, 1968, as set forth in Treasury Department Circulars Nos. 7-68 and 8-68, Public Debt Series, both dated October 24, 1968; a copy of each is printed on the following pages. Any gain or loss on this exchange will be fully recognized under the Internal Revenue Code. Coupons dated November 15, 1968 on the securities maturing on that date should be and cashed when due. Coupons dated December 15, 1968 on the bonds maturing on that date must be attached. detached Only banking institutions may submit subscriptions for account of customers. On such subscriptions, the customers’ names must be furnished. On subscriptions for account of customers other than individuals, their locations must also be furnished. On subscriptions for account of customers of correspondent banks, the names of such customers and, if not individuals, their locations must be furnished. Subscribers are required to certify that at the time the subscription is, entered the securities surrendered were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or that such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the sub scriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. Subscriptions will be received by this Bank as fiscal agent of the United States. Subscrip tions should be submitted in triplicate on official subscription forms, copies of which are enclosed, and should be mailed immediately. If filed by telegram or letter, the subscriptions should be confirmed immediately by mail on the forms provided. The subscription books will remain open for three d a y s , October 28 through October 30. Any subscription addressed to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Treasury Department and placed in the mail before midnight Wednesday, October 30, will be considered timely. Cash subscriptions will not be received. A lfred H ayes, President. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5% PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIFS B-1970 D a te d a n d b e a r in g in terest f r o m N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 6 8 Due May 15, 1970 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Public Debt Series— No. 7-68 I. O ffice of th e S ecretary , Washington, October 24, 1968. O F F E R IN G O F N O T E S (1) in exchange for 5 ^ percent Treasury Notes of Series D-1968, maturing November 15, 1968; 4. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $100,000,000 and $500,000,000. Provision will be made for the interchange of notes of different denominations and of coupon and regis tered notes, and for the transfer of registered notes, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secre tary of the Treasury. (2) in exchange for 3 % percent Treasury Bonds of 1968, maturing November 15, 1968, in amounts of $1,000 or multiples thereof; or 5. The notes will be subject to the general regula tions of the Treasury Department, now or hereafter prescribed, governing United States notes. 1. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, offers notes of the United States, designated 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, at 99.85 percent of their face value: (3) in exchange for 2y 2 percent Treasury Bonds of 1963-68, maturing December 15, 1968, in amounts of $1,000 or multiples thereof. I II . Interest will be adjusted on the bonds of 1963-68 as of December 15, 1968. Payments on account of ac crued interest and cash adjustments will be made as set forth in Section IV hereof. The amount of this offering will be limited to the amount of eligible se curities tendered in exchange. The books will be open only on October 28 through October 30, 1968, for the receipt of subscriptions. 2. Under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, the Secretary of the Treasury has the au thority to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount of notes applied for when he deems it to be in the public interest; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. Subject to the exercise of that authority, all subscrip tions will be allotted in full. 2. In addition, holders of the maturing securities are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any part of them for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974, which offering is set forth in Department Circular, Public Debt Series— No. 8-68, issued simul taneously with this circular. II. IV . D E S C R IP T IO N O F N O T E S PAYM ENT 1. Payment for the face amount of notes allotted hereunder must be made on or before November 15, 1968, or on later allotment, and may be made only in a like face amount of securities of the issues enu merated in Paragraph 1 of Section I hereof, which should accompany the subscription. Payment will not be deemed to have been completed where regis tered notes are requested if the appropriate identify ing number as required on tax returns and other documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (an individual’s social security number or an em ployer identification number) is not furnished. Cash payments due to subscribers will be made by check or by credit in any account maintained by a banking institution with the Federal Reserve Bank of its Dis trict following acceptance of the securities surrend ered. In the case of registered securities, the payment will be made in accordance with the assignments thereon. 1. The notes will be dated November 15, 1968, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of 5 % percent per annum, payable semiannually on May 15 and November 15, 1969, and M ay 15, 1970. They will mature May 15, 1970, and will not be sub ject to call for redemption prior to maturity. 2. The income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The notes are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. The notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. They will not be acceptable in pay ment of taxes. S U B S C R IP T IO N A N D A L L O T M E N T 1. Subscriptions accepting the offer made by this circular will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treas urer of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20220. Banking institutions generally may submit subscrip tions for account of customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are au thorized to act as official agencies. 2 Washington, D. C. 20220. The maturing securities must be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. If the new notes are desired registered in the same name as the securities surrendered, the assign ment should be to “ The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970” ; if the new notes are desired regis tered in another name, the assignment should be to “ The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 in the name o f .................if new notes in cou pon form are desired, the assignment should be to “ The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 in cou pon form to be delivered t o .................. 2. 5i/4 percent notes of Series D-1968 and percent bonds of 1968.— When payment is made with securities in bearer form, coupons dated November 15, 1968, should be detached and cashed when due. When payment is made with registered securities, the final interest due on November 15, 1968, will be paid by issue of interest checks in regular course to holders of record on October 15, 1968, the date the transfer books closed. A cash payment of $1.50 per $1,000 on account of the issue price of the new notes will be made to subscribers. 3. 2 x/2 percent bonds of 1963-68.— When payment is made with bonds in bearer form, coupons dated December 15, 1968, must be attached to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from June 15 to December 15, 1968 ($12.50 per $1,000), plus the pay ment on account of the issue price of the new notes ($1.50 per $1,000) will be credited and accrued in terest from November 15 to December 15, 1968 ($4.66160 per $1,000) on the new notes will be charged and the difference ($9.33840 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers. V. V I. A S SIG N M E N T O F R E G IS T E R E D S E C U R IT IE S 1. Treasury securities in registered form tendered in payment for notes offered hereunder should be as signed by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance with the general regulations of the Treasury Department governing assignments for transfer or exchange, in one of the forms hereafter set forth, and thereafter should be surrendered with the subscription to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, G E N E R A L P R O V IS IO N S 1. As fiscal agents of the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to re ceive subscriptions, to make such allotments as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to issue such notices as may be necessary, to receive pay ment for and make delivery of notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they may issue interim re ceipts pending delivery of the definitive notes. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be communicated promptly to the Federal Reserve Banks. H ENRY H. FO W LE R , Secretary of the Treasury. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5% PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES A-1974 D a ted N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 6 7 , w ith in terest fr o m N ov em b er 1 5 , 1 9 6 8 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR D u e N ov em b er 1 5 , 1 9 7 4 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Public Debt Series— No. 8-68 O f f ic e of t h e Secretary, Washington, October 24, 1968. I. O F F E R IN G O F N O T E S 1. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, offers notes of the United States, designated 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974, at par: (1) in exchange for 51/4 percent Treasury Notes of Series D-1968, maturing November 15, 1968; (2) in exchange for 3 % percent Treasury Bonds of 1968, maturing November 15, 1968, in amounts of $1,000 or multiples thereof; or (3) in exchange for 2Vjj percent Treasury Bonds of 1963-68, maturing December 15, 1968, in amounts of $1,000 or multiples thereof. Interest will be adjusted on the bonds of 1963-68 as of December 15, 1968. The amount of this offering will be limited to the amount of eligible securities tendered in exchange. The books will be open only on October 28 through October 30, 1968, for the receipt of subscriptions. 2. In addition, holders of the maturing securities are offered the privilege of exchanging all or any part of them for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, which offering is set forth in Department Circular, Public Debt Series — No. 7-68, issued si multaneously with this circular. I I. D E S C R IP T IO N O F N O T E S 1. The notes now offered will be identical in all respects with the 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 issued pursuant to Department Circular, Public Debt Series — No. 10-67, dated October 26, 1967, except that interest will accrue from November 15, 1968. With this exception the notes are described in the following quotation from Department Circular No. 10-67: (1) The notes will be dated November 15, 1967, and will bear interest from that date at the 3 rate of 5 % percent per annum, payable semi annually on May 15 and November 15 in each year until the principal amount becomes pay able. They will mature November 15, 1974 and will not be subject to call for redemption prior to maturity. 2. 5 % percent notes of Series D-1968 and 5 % per cent bonds of 1968. — When payment is made with securities in bearer form, coupons dated November 15, 1968, should be detached and cashed when due. When payment is made with registered securities, the final interest due on November 15, 1968, will be paid by issue of interest checks in regular course to holders of record on October 15, 1968, the date the transfer books closed. (2) The income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The notes are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxa tion now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. 2 1/z percent bonds of 1963-68. — When payment is made with bonds in bearer form, coupons dated December 15, 1968, must be attached to the bonds when surrendered. Accrued interest from June 15 to December 15, 1968 ($12.50 per $1,000) will be credited and accrued interest from November 15 to December 15, 1968 ($4.76519 per $1,000) on the new notes will be charged and the difference ($7.73481 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers. The payment will be made by check or by credit in any account maintained by a banking institution with the Federal Reserve Bank of its District following acceptance of the securities surrendered. In the case of registered securities, the payment will be made in accordance with the assign ments thereon. (3) The notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys. They will not be acceptable in payment of taxes. (4) Bearer notes with interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and in terest, will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $100,000,000 and $500,000,000. Provision will be made for the interchange of notes of dif ferent denominations and of coupon and registered notes, and for the transfer of regis tered notes, under rules and regulations pre scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. V. 1. Treasury securities in registered form tendered in payment for notes offered hereunder should be as signed by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance with the general regulations of the Treasury Department governing assignments for transfer or exchange, in one of the forms hereafter set forth, and thereafter should be surrendered with the subscription to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20220. The maturing securities must be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. If the new notes are desired registered in the same name as the securities surrendered, the assign ment should be to “The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974”; if the new notes are desired registered in another name, the assignment should be to “The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % per cent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 in the name of .................if new notes in coupon form are desired, the assignment should be to “The Secre tary of the Treasury for exchange for 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 in coupon form to be delivered t o .................... ”. (5) The notes will be subject to the general regula tions of the Treasury Department, now or hereafter prescribed, governing United States notes. III. S U B S C R IP T IO N A N D A L L O T M E N T 1. Subscriptions accepting the offer made by this circular will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20220. Banking institutions generally may submit subscriptions for account of customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. Under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, the Secretary of the Treasury has the authority to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount of notes applied for when he deems it to be in the public interest; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. Subject to the exercise of that authority, all sub scriptions will be allotted in full. IV . V I. PAYM ENT 1. Payment for the face amount of notes allotted hereunder must be made on or before November 15, 1968, or on later allotment, and may be made only in a like face amount of securities of the issues enumerated in Paragraph 1 of Section I hereof, which should accompany the subscription. Payment will not be deemed to have been completed where registered notes are requested if the appropriate identifying number as required on tax returns and other docu ments submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (an individual’s social security number or an employer identification number) is not furnished. A S S IG N M E N T O F R E G IS T E R E D S E C U R IT IE S 4 G E N E R A L P R O V IS IO N S 1. As fiscal agents of the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to make such allotments as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to issue such notices as may be necessary, to receive payment for and make delivery of notes on full-paid sub scriptions allotted, and they may issue interim receipts pending delivery of the definitive notes. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the offer ing, which will be communicated promptly to the Federal Reserve Banks. H ENRY H. FOW LER, Secretary of the Treasury. Subscription No. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 Dated November 15, 1968, Due May 15, 1970 BEARER NOTES DESIRED IN EXCHANGE ( Use schedule on reverse side for R E G IS T E R E D notes) Dispose of securities issued as follows: Denomi nation Pieces $ Face amount (Leave this space blanlc) 1,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. Hold in safekeeping (for member bank only)* 5,000 □ 3. Hold as collateral for Treas ury Tax and Loan Account* 10,000 100,000 □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 1,000,000 TOTAL *If this item is ch e ck e d , the su b scrib er certi fies that the a llotted securities w ill be ow n ed solely b y the subscriber. (I M P O R T A N T : N o ch a n ges in d eliv ery in stru ction s w ill b e a cce p te d . A separate su b scrip tion fo r m m ust b e subm itted fo r ea ch g ro u p o f securities fo r w h ich d ifferen t d eliv ery in stru c tion s are g iv e n .) Submitted by T he subscription books will open on October 28, and close at the close o f business O ctober 3 0 ,1 9 6 8 . (Please print) By ................. ••••••;........ , B y ...................... Title .. . ....................... . T itle ................. (Authorized signature(s) required) Address (S p a ce s b e lo w are fo r th e use o f the F ederal R eserve Bank o f N ew Y o r k ) S afekeeping R ecord Received Received from F ederal R eserve B a n k of N e w Y ork the above described United States obligations in the amount subscribed for. Subscriber .......................................................... Checked and delivered Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes Name in which notes shall be registered, taxpayer identifying number (Social Security Account Number or Employer Identification Number), and post-office address for interest checks and other mail. (Please print or typewrite) Nam ft (Indicate under appropriate denominations, number of notes Amount $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000 desired.] $1,000,000 ........................................ Ident. No........................... Address............................ Name ............................. Ident. No........................... Address........................... Name.............................. Ident. No........................... .................... Address............................ Name ....................... |F ( I f registered notes are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes to (Please type or print legibly and submit in triplicate) ubscriber’s Reference No. Subscription No. A -l EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 Dated November 15, 1968, Due May 15, 1970 Important Instructions. 1. Secu rities o f differen t issues su rren d ered in e x ch a n g e m a y b e listed to g e th e r on the sam e su b scrip tion fo rm , e x c e p t that a sepa ra te su b scrip tion fo r m sh ou ld b e u sed ( a ) f o r listing b e a re r securities surrend ered, ( b ) fo r listing registered securities su rren d ered, a nd ( c ) fo r ea ch g r o u p o f n ew securities f o r w h ich differen t delivery in stru ction s are given . 2. S eparate su b scrip tion form s sh ou ld b e used fo r b e a re r secu rities a nd registered securities desired in ex ch a n g e . 3. S ocia l S ecu rity a c c o u n t n u m bers o r E m p loy er Iden tifica tion n u m bers o f all su b s crib e rs f o r registered n o te s m ust b e fu rn is h e d on the re v e rs e sid e h e r e o f. 4. S ig n a tu res a re r e q u ire d on orig in a l o n ly ; all o th e r fille d -in m a tter sh ou ld a p p e a r in trip lica te . 5. A m o u n t o f se cu ritie s su rr e n d e re d a n d a p p lie d f o r m ust b e in m u ltip les o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 . F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k of New Y Dated at ....................... . ork, Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 1968 Attention: Government Bond Division G entlem en : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 7-68, Public Debt Series, dated October 24, 1968, the undersigned hereby subscribes, at 99.85, for United States of America 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, in the amount of $ * and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount of the securities— Delivered to you herewith $ To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u $ To be delivered by • $ ♦(Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List o f Accounts Included in this Subscription.” ) SECURITIES SURRENDERED T o ta l A m o u n t 5*4% N otes, D -1 9 6 8 (d e ta c h c o u p o n s ) ........................................ 3% % B on d s, 1 9 6 8 (d e t a c h c o u p o n s ) 2% % B on d s, 1 9 6 3 -6 8 (w ith 1 2 / 1 5 / 6 8 c o u p o n s a tt a c h e d ) T ota l ( D o n o t fill in this co lu m n ) T o S u b s c rib e r .......................................... .................................................................. Pay net amount due subscriber on price and interest adjustments:* □ By check □ By credit to reserve account * S ee Section I V of T . D. C ircu lar N o . 7 -6 8 , P ublic D eb t S eries, fo r m ethod o f com p uting net a d ju stm e n t. W e H ereby C ertify that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. (Signature(s) required also on Delivery Instructions below) ( D o n o t fill in b o x e s b e lo w ) G o v ee n m e n t B ond D ivision Received Checked Submitted by ......................... (Please print) Canceled By .................. B y ........................... (Authorized signature(s) required) Title ...................................................... . Title Address ............................................................ ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (In d ica te am ou nt o f each issu e surrendered by each custom er and by y o u r s e lf) (Leave this space blankt Name and location (City and State) of ultimate purchaser (Location of individuals not required) 5*4% Notes D-1968 $ 3 % % Bonds 1968 $ 2 Y^% Bonds 1963-68 $ Total $.............. * Our own account................ Totals ................... $................. $................. $................. $.............. Subscription No. SECURITY RECORDS “OUT TICKET” DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 Dated November 15, 1968, Due May 15, 1970 BEARER NOTES DESIRED IN EXCHANGE (U se schedule on reverse side for REGISTERED notes) Pieces Denomi nation $ Face amount (Leave this space Manic) Dispose of securities issued as follows: □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. Hold 1,000 in safekeeping (for member bank only)* 5,000 □ 3. Hold as collateral for Treas' ury Tax and Loan Account* 10,000 □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 100,000 1,000,000 TOTAL Submitted by Address Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes N a m e in w hich notes shall be registered, taxp a yer id e n tify in g num b er (S o c ia l S ecu rity A cc o u n t N u m b er or E m p lo y e r Id entification N u m b e r ), and post-office address for in terest checks and other m ail. (Please print or typewrite) (In d ica te u nder appropriate d enom inations, num ber o f notes d esired .) Am ount $ 1 ,0 0 0 $ 5 ,0 0 0 $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ...................................... Ident. No ..................... Ident No ..................... ( I f registered notes are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes t o ................................................................................................................ $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $1,000,000 Subscriber’8 Reference No. DUPLICATE— SECURITY RECORDS “IN TICKET” Subscription No. A -2 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 Dated November 15, 1968, Due May 15, 1970 F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k of New Y Dated at ....................... ork, Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 ..............................1968 Attention: Government Bond Division Gentlem en : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 7-68, Public Debt Series, dated October 24, 1968, the undersigned hereby subscribes, at 99.85, for United States of America 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, in the amount of $...................... * and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount of the securities— Delivered to you herewith...................................... $.............. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ....................... $.............. To be delivered by ........................................... $.............. •(Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List o f Accounts Included in this Subscription.” ) SECURITIES S U R R E N D E R E D T o ta l A m o u n t 5% % N otes, D -1 9 6 8 (d e ta c h c o u p o n s ) ..................................................... .............$.. 3% % B on d s, 1 9 6 8 (d e t a c h c o u p o n s ) ( D o n o t fill in this c o lu m n ) T o S u b sc rib e r .....................................................................$ 2 »/a % B on d s, 1 9 6 3 -6 8 (w ith 1 2 / 1 5 / 6 8 co u p o n s a t t a c h e d ) ........... .............$ T o t a l ............................................................................... .............$ Pay net amount due subscriber on price and interest adjustments:* Q By check Q By credit to reserve account *. See Section IV of T. D. Circular No. 7-68, Public Debt Series, for method of computing net adjustment. W e H e r e b y C e r t if y that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. Submitted by Address ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (In d ica te am ou nt o f each issu e su rrendered by each custom er and by y o u r se lf) (Leave this space blank) Name and location (City and State) of ultimate purchaser (Location of individuals not required) 5y4% Notes D-1968 $................. 3 % % Bonds 1968 $................ 2V2% Bonds 1963-68 $ Total $......... - Our own account................ Totals ................... $................. $.................................... $.................................... $................. Subscription No. N O N N EG O TIA BLE RECEIPT To Subscriber: Fiscal Agent of the United States, hereby acknowledges receipt of securities tendered with subscription numbered as above in exchange for 5 % P E R C E N T T R E A S U R Y N O T E S O F SERIES B-1970 Securities allotted on this subscription will be delivered on ........ ........ ™e"""................ November 15, 1968, in accordance with your instructions. F e d e r a l R ese rv e B a n k o f N e w Y o r k , Government Bond Division — Issues & Redemption Section B E A R E R N O T E S D E S I R E D IN E X C H A N G E (U se schedule on reverse side for REGISTERED notes) 1,000 5,000 Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ I- □ 2. Hold in safekeeping member bank only)* □ $ (Leave this space blanlc) Face amount CO Denomi nation Pieces Dispose of securities issued as follows: Hold as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan Account* (for □ 4. Ship to the undersigned 10,000 □ 5. Special instructions: 100,000 1,000,000 TOTAL To F ederal R eserve B ank or N ew Y ork F iscal Agent of the United States (Date) You are hereby authorized to deliver to (Name of representative) whose signature appears below, $ ................par amount of securities issued pursuant to this subscription. (Please print) To Subscriber: I f (Official signature required) (Signature of authorized representative) securities are to be delivered over the counter at this Bank to your representative, the authority in the box to the left should be executed on the date of delivery. Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes N a m e in w hich n otes shall be registered, taxp a yer id e n tify in g num b er (S o c ia l S ec u rity A cc o u n t N u m b er or E m p lo y e r Id entification N u m b e r ), and post-office ad dress fo r in terest checks an d other m ail. (Please print or typewrite) Ident. No. Ident. No (In d ic a te u nder appropriate d enom inations, n um ber o f notes d esired ., Am ount $ 1 ,0 0 0 $ 5 ,0 0 0 $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ....................... ...................... (If registered notes are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes to $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 TRIPLICATE— TREASURY REPORTS COPY Subscriber’s Reference No. Subscription No. A -3 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970 Dated November 15, 1968, Due May 15, 1970 F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k of New Y Dated at ....................... ork, Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 ..............................1968 Attention: Government Bond Division Gentlem en : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 7-68, Public Debt Series, dated October 24, 1968, the undersigned hereby subscribes, at 99.85, for United States of America 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1970, in the amount of $ ...................... * and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount of the securities— Delivered to you herewith...................................... $.............. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ....................... $.............. To be delivered by ........................................... $.............. * (Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List of Accounts Included in this Subscription. ’ ’ ) SECURITIES S U R R E N D E R E D T ota l A m o u n t ( D o n o t fill in this c o lu m n ) T o S u b sc rib e r N otes, D -1 9 6 8 (d e ta c h c o u p o n s ) ..................................................... $ ................. .................... .............................. ....... 3% % B o n d s, 1 9 6 8 (d e t a c h c o u p o n s ) ........................................................ $ ..................................... ................................. ..... 2 V2 % B on d s, 1 9 6 3 -6 8 (w ith 1 2 / 1 5 / 6 8 c o u p o n s a t t a c h e d ) ........... $ ...................................... ....................................... $ ....... ........... _................ ................................. — S% % T ota l ............................................................................... Pay net amount due subscriber on price and interest adjustments:* □ By check □ By credit to reserve account * See Section IV of T. D. Circular No. 7-68, Public Debt Series, for method of computing net adjustment. W e H e r e b y C e r t i f y that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. Submitted by Address ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (In d ic a te am ou nt o f each issu e su rrend ered by each custom er and by y o u r se lf) (Leave this space blankj Name and location (City and State) of ultimate purchaser (Location o f individuals not required) 5 *4 % Notes D-1968 $................. 3 % % Bonds 1968 $ . 2 V2 % Bonds 1963-68 $ Total $................. 1 Our own account................ Totals-................... $................. $.................................... $................. $................................... Subscription No. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 Dated November 15, 1967, With Interest From November 15, 1968, Due November 15, 1974 ADDITIONAL ISSUE B E A R E R N O T E S D E S I R E D IN E X C H A N G E (U se schedule on reverse side for REGISTERED notes) Dispose of securities issued as follows: Denomi nation Pieces Face amount (Leave this space blank) I $ 1,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. Hold in safekeeping (for member bank only)* 5,000 □ 3. Hold as collateral for Treas ury Tax and Loan Account* 10,000 □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 100,000 1,000,000 TOTAL *If this item is ch e ck e d , the su b scrib er certi fies that th e a llotted securities w ill b e ow n ed so le ly b y th e subscriber. The subscription books will open on October 28, and close at the close of business October 30,1968. , ____________. . . . w <.uaugc> in u eu very in stru ction s w ill b e a cce p te d . A separate su b scrip tion fo rm m ust b e subm itted f o r ea ch g ro u p o f secu rities f o r w h ich differen t d elivery in stru c tion s a re g iv e n .) Submitted by By ................. (Please print) • • • • • .;.........., B y ......................... (Authorized signature (s) required) Title . . . ....................... . T itle ................. Address (S p a ce s b e lo w are fo r the use o f the Federal R eserve Bank o f N ew Y o r k ) S afekeeping R ecord Received from F ederal R eserve B a n k of N e w Y ork the above-described United Received Checked Digitizedand for FRASER rlolirflred States obligations m the amount subscribed for. Subscriber Date.......... By. united Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes N a m e in w hich notes shall be registered, tax p a y er id e n tify in g num b er (S o cia l S ec u rity A cc o u n t N u m b er or E m p lo y e r Identification N u m b e r ), and post-office a ddress fo r in terest checks an d other m ail. (Please print or typewrite) (In d ica te u nder appropriate d enom inations, num b er o f notes A m ount $ 1 ,0 0 0 $ 5 ,0 0 0 $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ............................. N am p Name ............................................. Address ............................................. < (If registered notes are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes to desired.) Subscriber’s Reference No. (Please type or print legibly and submit in triplicate) Subscription No. B -l EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 Dated November 15, 1967, With Interest From November 15, 1968, Due November 15, 1974 ADDITIONAL ISSUE Important Instructions. 1. Secu rities o f differen t issues su rren d ered in e x ch a n g e m a y b e listed to g e th e r o n the sam e su b scrip tion fo rm , e x ce p t that a sepa ra te su b scrip tion fo r m sh ou ld b e u sed ( a ) f o r listing b ea rer securities surrend ered, ( b ) fo r listing registered securities su rren d ered, and ( c ) fo r ea ch g r o u p o f n ew securities fo r w h ich differen t delivery in stru ction s a re given . 2. Separate su b scrip tion form s sh ou ld b e u sed fo r b ea rer secu rities a n d registered securities desired in e x ch a n g e. 3. S ocia l S ecu rity a c c o u n t n um bers o r E m p loy er Iden tification n u m bers o f all s u b s crib e rs f o r registered n otes m ust b e fu rn is h e d on the re v e rs e sid e h e r e o f. 4. S ig n a tu res a re r e q u ire d o n orig in a l o n ly ; a ll o th e r fille d -in m a tter sh ou ld a p p e a r in tr ip lica te . 5. A m o u n t o f s ecu rities s u rr e n d e re d a n d a p p lie d f o r m ust b e in m u ltip les o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 . Dated a t ............................................... F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k o f N ew Y o rk , Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 ..............................1968 Attention: Government Bond Division Gentlem en : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 8-68, Public Debt Series, dated October 24, 1968, the undersigned hereby subscribes, at par, for United States of America 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974, in the amount of $...................... * and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount of the securities— Delivered to you herewith......... ............................ $.............. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ....................... $.............. To be delivered by ........................................... $.............. * (Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List of Accounts Included in this Subscription.’ ’ ) SECURITIES S U R R E N D E R E D T o ta l A m o u n t 5% % N otes, D -1 9 6 8 (d e ta c h c o u p o n s ) ........................................ 3% % B on ds, 1 9 6 8 (d e ta c h c o u p o n s ) 2Vi% B on ds, 1 9 6 3 -6 8 (w ith 1 2 / 1 5 / 6 8 co u p o n s a tt a c h e d ) .......................................... ( D o n o t fill in this c o lu m n ) T o S u b sc rib e r xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx T o ta l .................................................................. Pay net amount due subscriber on interest adjustments: □ By check O By credit to reserve account * See Section IV of T. D. Circular No. 8-68, Public Debt Series, for method of computing net adjustment. W e H ereby Certify that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. ( D o n o t fill in b o x e s b e lo w ) G o vern m ent B ond D ivision Received Checked (Signature(s) required also on Delivery Instructions below) Submitted by ........ (P le a se p rin t) Canceled By ............................. ............ •••> B y ........................... (A u th o r iz e d sig n a tu r e (s) requ ired) Title ...................................................... , Title Address ........................ ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (In d ica te am ou nt o f each issu e su rrend ered by each custom er and by y o u r s e lf) (Leave this space blank) Name and location (City and State) of ultimate purchaser 5*4% Notes D-1968 (Location o f individuals not required) $ ................. 3 % % Bonds 1968 2 % % Bonds 1963-68 $ $ Total $.................. Our own account................ Totals .................. .. $ ........................ $ .................................... $................. $................ SECURITY RECORDS “OUT TICKET” Subscription No. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 Dated November 15, 1967, With Interest From November 15, 1968, Due November 15, 1974 ADDITIONAL ISSUE B E A R E R N O T E S D E S I R E D IN E X C H A N G E (Use schedule on reverse side for REGISTERED notes) Denomi nation Pieces Dispose of securities issued as follows: Face amount (Leave this space blanlc) i $ 1,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. Hold in safekeeping member bank only)* (for 5,000 □ 3. Hold as collateral for Treas* ury Tax and Loan Account* 10,000 □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 100,000 1,000,000 TOTAL Submitted by Address Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes Mail registered notes to Subscriber’s [Reference No. DUPLICATE— SECURITY RECORDS “IN TICKET” Subscription No. B-2 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 5% Percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974 Dated November 15, 1967, With Interest From November 15, 1968, Due November 15, 1974 ADDITIONAL ISSUE F ederal R eserve B ank of N ew Y ork, Dated at ...................................................... Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 .................................................................... 1968 Attention: Government Bond Division Gentlemen : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 8-68, Public Debt Series, dated October 24, 1968, the undersigned hereby subscribes, at par, for United States of America 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1974, in the amount of $ .................................................. * and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount of the securities— Delivered to you h erew ith ....................................................................................... $................................ To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .................................................... $................................ To be delivered by ................................................................................................... $................................ * (Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List of Accounts Included in this Subscription.” ) SECURITIES SURRENDERED Total Amount (Do not fill in this column) To Subscriber $................................... XXXXXXXXXXX 3 7/a % Bonds, 1968 (detach coupons) ................................................... $ ...................... ............ XXXXXXXXXXX 2 V2 % Bonds, 1963-68 (with 1 2 /1 5 /6 8 coupons a tta c h e d ).......... $ ................................... ................................... Total ......................................................................... $ ................................... ................................... 5 Vi % Notes, D-1968 (detach co u p o n s)................................................. Pay net amount due subscriber on interest adjustments:* □ By check □ By credit to reserve account * See Section IV of T. D. Circular No. 8-68, Public Debt Series, for method of computing net adjustment. W e H ereby Certify that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities surrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. Submitted by Address ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (In d ica te am ount o f each issu e surrendered by each custom er and by y o u r se lf) (Leave this space blank) Name and location (City and State) of ultimate purchaser (Location of individuals not required) Our own account............... Totals ... ......... ..... 5^4% Notes D-1968 3 % % Bonds 1968 2 V2 % Bonds 1963-68 Total